`g E
`‘ (:1
`dispatch boat
`types and position, as in an advertisement. headlina
`editions per-
`news story.
`1:. printed matter thus displayed.
`to spread abroad;
`to disperse a crowd.
`9. e
`speedy transaction. as of business.
`disseminate: to disperse knowledge. 3. to dispel; cause
`arrangement. as of merchandise. art objects, 11.3..
`Iormanca; prom times or speed: Proceed with all possible
`to -vanish: _The wind dispersed lhe fog.
`4. Chem.

`etc.. designed to please the eye. advertise,
`dispctrh. 10.
`om. :1. a method of effecting a speedy
`buyers. etc. 10. the visual representation of the
`cause (particles) to separate uniformly throughout‘ a
`delivery of -goods. money. etc.
`b. a conveyance or
`solid. liquid, or gas.
`5. Optics.
`to subject (light) to
`put of an electronic device. as the screen of a catw*_
`organization for the expeditious transmission of goods.
`dispersion. —1:.1.. 6.
`to separate and move apart in
`ray tube.
`{ME desgloyfen) < AF desple1'(er)
`money. etc. 11. a written message sent in haste.- 12.
`different directions without order or regularity; be-
`to u.ufol
`. See ms-1, TLICATE] WILL.
`an official communication‘ sent by special messenger.
`play-fer, 71.._
`come scattered: The crowd cltsgersed after the ,s'j1eech.
`13. Journalism. a. news account hastily transmitted by a.
`7-. to be dispelled; be scattere
`out of sight; vanish:
`. 1. DISPLAY, av-men. 1:.-xnmprr. MANIFEE-pm -
`reporter to his newspaper; Wire service. or the like, or
`I',hs smoke dispersed into the sky. —atlj. S. Phys_ic_ul
`-to.s ow or bring to the attention-of another or nth?!
`by a wire service to a newspaper or other news agency.
`Chem. noting that phase of a dispersion consisting of
`1-1. mentioned in dispatches, Brit. honored by being
`To -D_IBPI'..AY 1,3
`literally to spread something anti
`the dispersed particles.
`[< L dispErs(us)
`. of
`named in official military reports for special braveryor
`that 1t may be most completely and _fa.vorab1y “'3'.
`dfspergere). equiv.
`to die or-:2 73-
`.:;nEr- scatter
`s. of
`to d1.s;qlay.goods_fcr sale. To nxnxsvr is to put 50?
`acts of service. Also. desrpatch.
`[< It clispoccifcre) (to)
`-sguergere. comb. form of spargere to cranes) + -sus
`thing in plain view and ‘usually in a favorable 1395“
`hasten, speed. or < Sp des;ouch(r1r)]
`pt-p.. suffix; r. ME dzsparxe <: MF < L]
`'for_particular observation:
`to exlnbzt
`the test 115;‘
`dispatch! boat/, Naut. a. small. fast boat used for
`ed-ly, ado.’ —dis-pars-‘er, 11: —dis-per-sfi-bil-'i-ty, n.
`-'—-dis-persfi-ble, adj.
`delivering dispatches.
`11- special show. They ma both be used. of 511,,“
`mg (off) one's qualities or
`eelmgs: He dispmm "
`dispatch! 08.88/. See attaché case.
`-—Sy'n.1.Eceecatter. 2. now, broadcast.
`'7. disappear.
`.mt. his
`11 noronce. He exhibited
`real Stfrprige 1:
`evauesco. _—Ant. 1. combine, collect.
`nvmca an to MANIFBST have only is
`s latter retort. ‘
`dis-patch-er (di spachfor). 11. 1. a person who clis«
`MANIFEET being the stron er word: to evince or mm”
`2. a person who oversees the departure of dispersed, evément_
`Gaol. any widely distributed
`element in rocks, mmera 3. etc.. occurring as a minor,
`.mrprtse.. interest. sympa: y.
`4. f1ourish..parac.. M
`trains. Pianos. buses. etc.. as for a trausfiortation com-
`nonconcentratod constituent with another element or
`6. See show. —Ant. 1: conceal.
`pany. rail:'oad,_ etc.
`3. dis atchers. 3 11g.
`2:. fraudu-
`lently made 133.11‘ of dice; loa ed dice. Also, despatcher. -
`rintcd. advertisement. in 3, gm:
`[DlE‘PA.’i‘C'E{ + -E1113
`disperse! dye/,
`Chem. any‘ of the class of slightly ,'-‘J-SP1§Y’ ad’:
`paper or other pub canon, using any and t,yD1m.);_
`Dis! Palter, Class. Myth. Dis (def. 1).
`several of the available‘ attention-getting devices‘.
`Wa.t_or—soluble dyes dispersed in aqueous solution for
`dyemg synthetic textile fibers.
`hiagnitude. display type. illustrations. white space
`dis-pan-per {dis pofpar), v.t. Low. to divest of the
`status of a person having the privileges of Lpauper. as '11S1-)er‘sion
`color. and usually not classified w1th other adveflg,
`(di spfir»’z_l;1en,
`1. Aiso,_
`ments in the issue (distinguished from classified “L
`dispel-al. the act. state. or an instance of dispersing; .
`of public support or the right to proceed at_law in
`display ads taken {.1
`forma pauperis.
`13313-1 + PAUPER]
`state ofbeing dispersed. 2. 0111153. a. the variation of display, ad,vertising_
`the index of refraction of a transparent substance, as
`dis-pel(c1ispe1f). :;.t.. -polled, -pol-ling.
`to drive off in
`glass, with the wavelength of light. the index of refrac-
`various directions: scatter; disperse; dissipate: to dispel
`(of 4; bk;
`dis-played {_di spliclf). adj. Heraldry’.
`tion increasing as the wavelength decreases.
`represented with W'l'LlgS and 1e s spread: on eagf”h"-
`uapors. fem‘, etc.
`[< L dispell era)
`(to) drive asunder-..
`se a1-ation_or white or compound light into its respective V.
`equiv. to d1'r- ms-1 + pell(ere)
`to) drive + -e thematic
`l_'ME; see nrsrulv. -ma?
`co ors. as in the formation of a spectrum by aprism;
`vowel + —m inf. suffix] —-dis-pel/la-ble. adj. —dis-
`display! type/,
`Prin_L. type larger than body gm
`3. Statistics. the scattering of values or a variable around
`pelfler, fl.
`used in headings, advermsements. etc. Of. body gm '
`the mean or median of a distribution. 4. Mil. a scat-
`—Syn. See scatter. —Ant. gather.
`dis-please (dis plézr‘).
`tered pattern of hits of bombs dropped under identical
`-—-_u.:. 1. to incur the dissatisfaction, dislike. or did;
`dis-pend dis end’). 1}.L' Obs.
`to pay out; expend;
`conditions. or of shots fired from the samegun with the
`[M ispendfen)
`<2 OF despcndfre) < 1. dis-
`Pl.‘DV:8«l of ; offend; annoy: H15 reply displeased flit J;i..L-
`same firing data; 5. Chefs. a system of dispersed parti-
`pendere to weigh out; see or-orange]
`—-v.1. 2.
`to be unpleasant; cause displeasure:
`cles suspended in a solid.
`liquid; or gas.
`wgofher _tl1sp1ec.res.
`[ME -desp1ase(n)
`-: Av, m_
`dis-pen-sa-lale (di spnufsa bal). adj.
`1. capable of
`Diaspora fdefrl).
`_[< L li1:Sp§TSi5fl- (s..of dfspérsio),
`»des_fais(:r) _<-VL *dzsplccEre.
`Sec_ ms-1.
`being dispensed with or done without- not necessary or
`equiv. to dzspfirsfus) gsee ms:-nnsa) + -:'En- -ION]
`is~pleaa!, adv. —-dial-plans‘-’'-nose, :1.
`essential. 2. capable of being dispensed or administered:
`dis-per-sive (oi spur/siv). adj.
`serving or tending to
`dis-pleas-ure {dis plez_l3/er), 11., 1)..
`..u.;,,‘ -.
`The money is not dispensable at present.
`- 3. Ram. Goth.
`.—n.. 1. dissatisfaction. disapproval. or
`[oIsransr:. + -ivnj —dis-per/sive-ly, adv.
`Ch. capable of being remitted, as an offense or_s111_.
`—dis-per/sive-ness, n_ .
`ML dispensflbilfis). equiv. to L ulispensfdre) (to) distnbute
`2. Archaic. discomfort. uneasiness. or pain.
`3. Arcf.;;;_.'
`a cause of offense. annoyance. or
`-mu" -
`disperfsive pow-‘er, Optics. 3. measure-of the abil-
`by weight (seemsrnnen) + -arms -«.ua1.n] —dis-pen/am
`Archaic. to displease.
`[me-1 + rnrzaeuea; r.
`late 1.11.
`bilfi-ty, dis-p_en/ea-blo-ness, Tl.
`ity of a. substance _to disperse lightgequal to the uoticnt
`of the difference in refractive iudices of the su stance
`despluixir < MF (11. use of
`see. nrarmn
`disvpen-sa-ry (cu spenfsa re),
`11.. pl. I-rice.
`two representative wavelengths divided by the
`—-dis-pleas/ure-a-ble,t1t1:l. —dis-pleas/ure-a-hly.aa
`place where something is dispensed, esp. medicines.
`difference of the refractive index for an intermediate
`'——-Syn. 1. distaste. dislike; indignation. vexatlcn. s.
`2. a charitable or public institution _wl1ere medicines
`wavelength and 1. Of. Abbe number.
`dissatisfaction. .-—Ant. 1. pleasure.
`are furnished and medical. advice is given gratuitously
`or for a small fee.
`[<'ML d:'spensdr1o storeroom. equiv.
`dis-per-said (di spi1r’soid).‘ 11.
`Physical Chem:
`dis’-jglodc (dis pfodf).
`::.t.. 1g.l.._-pied-ed,
`Arc me. to explode. <'L dmsplvdfere). equiv. ta»:
`suspended particles in a dispersion. ._ [nrs1=nnan.+ -om]
`to L dispsmsfire) Ito) DIBPENEE + -aria —ARY]
`ms--‘ + plcudere to ma to a sudden loud noise]
`Iii-sphe-noid (cli sfefnoid). n. blsphenoid.
`1. the
`dis-pen-s_a-tion (dis/pen ca-‘gen. —pen—). 1:.
`dis-plume (dis plcTO”)1l-’).
`act or an instance of dlspensing; distribution._ 2. that
`dis-pi):-it (di apir-tit). u.£.
`to dep1‘iVe_ of spirit. hope,
`1. to strip of plumes:- deplume. 2. to strip of harm
`discourage; dishearten.
`which is distributed or g1ven out. 3. a certain order.
`[1313 + s1>1n1'r]
`[me—1 + r:.trMu; cf. o1:.1=LUMn]
`system, or arrangement: administration or manage-
`ment: Things were managed dif erantfy under me_ ills-
`dis-plu-vi-ate (dis plo—ofve': as/). adj.
`(of the al.r1u:-
`dis-pir-it-ed (oi pirfi tid).
`discouraged; de-
`of an ancient Roman house). having roofs sloping dlN'.’<_
`pensciion. of the lust ministry.
`. Theol. 5.. the divine
`jected; dishearteuod;
`[ores-um: + -3133]
`ordering of the affairs of the world._ I). an appointment,
`dis-pix--‘it-ad-ly. adv. —die-pir.-»'it-ed-nose, n.
`ward and- outward from a‘ central opening.
`[< 1."
`arrangemant.’or favor. as by God.
`3. a divinely
`displuuzfita. equiv. to fit.:— ms‘-1 + plumfc) rain +-
`dis-pit-e-Dus (clis'pit/E es), adj. Archaic. malicious;
`fem. of —fi1u.: -ATE1]
`appointed order or age:
`the old Mosaic. or Jewish.
`cruel; pitiless.
`[var. of desptteous. with di.-3-
`(<‘ L)
`dispensation," the new gospel. or Gffrtstian. dispensation.
`dis-port (:1; sport}, -aportf). 22.11. 1. to divert or arm.
`for des- (< F)] —-dimpitfe-ous-iy,_.udv. ~—diE-pit/e-
`one-nass, 71.
`5. a Clispe-' with. dolng away with, _or doing with-
`out something: Total dispensation of mgarctles can be
`(gpeself). 2. to dis lay (oneself) in a sport1vemnunrr-
`earing a bikini. '3 e danced and dtsported hersaljnnell
`dis-place (dis pllis/), 1J.t.. -placed, -plac‘-ing.
`difficult for
`Hi habitual smnlcer.
`6. Ram. Calla. Ch.
`beach. —u.i. 3. to divert oneself; spfiort. —n. 4. dim:
`compel (a. person or persons) to leave home. country.
`a. a relaxation of law in a particular case granted by
`sion; amusement; play; sport.
`[M dfsporte. dtim
`a competent’ superior or 1:13 dele ate 1n laws which
`< AF desportfer). equiv. to des— ms-1 + porter to run __
`etc. 2. to move or put out‘ of the usual or properFplace.
`3. to take the place of; replace; supplant:
`he has the power to make and on orce: a dis 3113011071
`dis-pus-a-bie (cli spa-'13 bal).' adj.
`1_. designed in? -
`regarding the Lenten fast.
`h. an official
`displaces fact. 4. to remove from a. position. office. or
`or capable of being disposed of: o clfsposctle nu ._
`authorizing such a relaxation of law.
`5. Obs. to make oneself rid of; banish from
`'+"; PLACE. perh. modeled 011 ME‘
`2. .freo for use; available: Every dfspflllk
`< ML a‘.1'spensctl¢m-
`(s. of digzignqfiito)
`=3. pardon,
`vehicle was
`[maroon + —A:BLE]
`-4113-11°! 1’
`desplacerj —-dlssplucefa-I119, culj.
`relaxation. LL: order. system. L:
`tribution. equiv. to
`dispensfilfus) H(ptp. of dispensfire to marnmen;
`—Syn. 2. relocate. D15:-r..1cn, MIPLAGE mean to put 1,11/i.ty, diggpogfa-bla.neg3,_fl_
`disposfable mrcome,
`1.. the part o_f a tam
`something in a. different place from where it‘ should be.
`-:'on— -1oN_'_| —disfpen-a_a-ftion-al,
`income remaining after deducting personal mcurneim
`\dia:pen-en-to-ri-ly (d1 spen-‘so tor/o J.€'.. -tor’-), adv.
`-I To ms:-:..a.or. now often means to shift something solid
`and comparatwely immovable, more or less permanently 2‘ (in national income accounting) ma tot.“ cusp
`income of all consumers.‘
`{dis/poo sfi./'.5l_1o ualiz/am.
`from its place: The jlaocl displaced houses from their
`-pen—). n.‘
`the interpreting of history as a series of
`1. the act or
`divine dispensations.
`foundations. To Mrs:-1.Acn 1.5 to put an. object. usuall an
`easily portable one. in a wrong place, so that it is dis’ 0543-11 (di 5D0’Z’31). 11-
`'dposing; arrangement:
`the‘ dwposol of the W ,
`dis-pen-sa-tor (dis/pan sfi./tar, .- en-),
`11.. Archaic.
`difficult. to find: Papers belonging in the so 2 were mis-
`is osmg of or getting rid. of something: H1:
`2. a.
`one who dispenses; distributor; a ministrator.
`. placed and :emporan'fy,las_t. 4..-deposc, our . dismiss.
`posal o waste material.
`3. a disposing of. 35 "1.
`dispensalour < -ML dis snsfitar, L: manager. steward.
`or sale; bestowal or assignment: {She
`left no I“
`disp1ac‘eciI" perlson, '-a' person driven or expelled‘
`equiv. ‘to dispensdtfus)
`see DIEPENEATION) + -or -01:13]
`indicate the disposal nf_ her possessto-ns.
`from his homeland by war or tyranny. Abbn: DP. DJ“.
`dis-pen-sa~to~ry {di span/so tor/E.
`-tbr/E). n., _pl.
`__ 1.
`the act of
`right to dispose of a. thing; control: left at has 4115003
`displaced or the
`the state. of-- being‘.
`Enrsrosn: + -.u.'-‘]
`_ Q’
`.xies. 1. a book in which the comDosftiou.$é‘:£=;.g:‘ti1:on;;' dis_Place_mBnt
`and uses of medicinal substances are
`[42 ML
`amount or
` which something is displaced
`' dis-pos-a1? (di sp_<‘3»'za1).‘rg. an electrical aeucnmg
`nonofficial pharmacopocia.
`a_ dispensary.
`l 3; Physics. :1. the displacing in space of one mass by
`drain of a sink, for grinding up garba e to be “I '.
`d1'.:pensfit5r1(um). LL df.:pensolor1(u.-r) of management.
`[s ort fortfl
`down the drain. Also called disposer.
`another. b. the weight or the volume of fiuiddisplaced
`equiv. to L dispcm'Et(us) (see DISPENEATION) + —firfum
`disposal; sec DEB!-’€|EAL'-]
`by a floating to}:
`iubmergecl bo¢]iy.d'iC‘f. Archimeiies’
`e fnear or an
`stance in’
`dis-pense (di spans’).
`D1-gui,.;,j_.-1;, and 3 rgefiauga dis-pose (di spoz-F‘). 12.. -posed, -pus-mg, nor “Mat,
`lo dispense ttisdom.
`—:J.t. 1.
`to deal out;
`to put‘ in a particular or the proper order 0 M Le
`direction between a body
`.4. Much. the volume of. the space through
`ment; adjust by arranging the
`2. to administer: to dispense the law without (nos.
`(1 distribute (medicine). esp. on
`Phorm. to put up an
`which a. piston travels.
`.5. the distance of an oscillating
`particular or suitable place: The amp way tllj
`body from its central position or -point of equilibrium
`6. Gaol. the offset of rocks
`table nearby. 3. to give a tendency or 1.119-1
`prescription. 4. Ram. Oath. Oh. to grant d1spensa.tiou
`" at any given moment.
`--M‘. 5. to grant dispensation.
`6. dispense.w1'f‘.h,_u
`T. Psychoam;;_ inclme: Hg.-1 temperament disposed mm 10
`caused by movement .-along a fault.
`to do without: forgo: -lo dispense with preltmincrzes
`4_. to make fit or read.y;_ prepare:
`c. to grant exemption
`the transfer of an emotion from theobject about which
`b. to do away with; rid of.
`3] cheer do-pose me or the task. —v.z. 5. 1305
`it was originally experienced to another object or a.
`E.m-5 E
`ecido matters: to
`u or God-tfisposes.
`|G- 0 5-1“;
`from a law or promise.
`1‘. Obs. expenditure
`person. EBIEPLACE +-MENT]
`'7. dispose of,
`to deal with C01“?
`l§l\i1‘E Eiéispensfenl < ML dfspensfare] (to) pa:-don.exe1npt
`settle. b. to get rid. of; discard.
`c. to tranh
`distribute (by weight).
`Iraq“ of dislienderfi fligplacefnlent 111111/, Nauha ]1u]ltl1at'displacefs
`away. as ‘by gift or sale. d. to do away Wit» _,L_
`to weigh out.‘equiv. to ti1's— ms-1 + pend- weigh]
`a significant volume or water when under way.
`We will have to dispose of the mace in our
`planing hull.
`—Syn. 1. apportion. allot, dole. See distribute.
`Archaic. disposition; habit.
`dis-pens-er (di spenfserl.
`1' 0“ Wm Or that displace/menI:'t'onf,« 'Ncjut.‘a. unitlfor nieasuring
`[Ml-1‘. <:M§‘ d1sp0S(9l’lv 33]
`rvhich dispenses. :2. a container. package. _dBViC8. 01‘
`the displacement of a_vcsse1. equal to a long ton of
`di.:- _me-‘- + dpos— perf. s. of ponerc to P1?“
`2240 pounds or 35 cubic feet of sea water.
`vending machine for-.holding and dispensing some-
`tissue. paper cups.
`MWfr: 04'
`poer’Lng-ly, o.
`thin in'sm8.ll amounts, as facial
`displace-'men1: ton‘/naxge‘ '_ Nuul._tb,e_'i1umber of
`having a cefifm
`can y. etc. EME; sec DIEPENBE; -E111]
`long tons of water displaced 'by'_::. vessel. light or load disposed ((1.; spazdf), a,1j_
`tion _or disposition; _mol1nod (usually fol. Lg]
`displacement being specified.-
`dis-pen-si-ble (di spanfsa bol). adj. Obs. dispensable.
`infinitive): a man l1‘tS,'DO.'lEd to like others.
`dis-pea-pie (dis pfifpol). z:.t.. - led. -pling.
`to depriv
`‘_’ dis-plac-er (dis plfi/ser). n.- 1'. one who or that which
`—r:o2] ———dis-poo/ed-ly, adv.
`eople; depopulate.
`[DIS-3‘ + rnor-z.nj]
`‘disp aces.‘ 2. plum (dcf.‘10).
`[o1sr_LAcn + -nu’-]
`to dis- dis-pos-or (di spfifzer). 11. 1. one who '31‘
`‘Obs. 1.
`D dis-plant (dis plant-',._—p1£int'»'),
`But. having tw
`pen ple-ment, n. ~dis-pea/pier. 11.
`disposes. 2. disposal’.
`[orsroen + -3513]
`to transplant.
`[o1e—1:+ PLANT, modeled
`di-spar-mous' (df spurfmos). adj.
`on MF desplamer]
`dis-po-si-tion (dis/pa zis_hfan), n._ 1. the DIE I 0..
`[914 +_ sranmousj
`or prevailing tendency of one‘s spirits; _
`f rtii
`'e ray:
`di-spot-my (til-’sp‘£1r/1:515), n.
`or mood: a girl with a.
`reason: d:spqS1!§°;"dm..
`the E
`Dr‘ afl dis-play (di splat). at.‘ .1.‘to show;
`e:<l1i}gif1:]; malce
`to clf-splay a sign. 52.
`to reveal:
`of mind regardin somet ng; inclination.
`Em-1 + —sperm:a < G
`ovum by two spermatozoa.
`display fear.
`.3- to unfold; open out; spread, ou_t:.1o
`—spermic. Bee -counts. -Y3] —fli-sper-‘mic, adj.
`to gamble.
`3. p ysical
`inc_lina.tion or 139”
`dispersion (clef.
`alts;-J lay a soil.
`(cli spilr»'sal).
`to -show. ostentatiouslyg flaunt:
`disposition of ice to melt .wh¢m hauled.
`4- _*w1_.,1 14$;
`to f1‘.1.S1)ta‘_‘.' at new a.tttom0b":'I::..
`5.- Print. to give_special
`Enlernusn -|- -AL2]
`or placing. as of troops or buildm s.
`5% or
`1. that which dis-
`ment of a matter.
`6. bestowal. as Y El’
`prominence to (wordkcaptions. etc.) by choice and
`dis-per-cant (cli spur/sent).
`power to dispose of a thing; control:
`Brslon .arrangement of type.‘ —11. 6. the act or an instance of
`parses. 2.>Ph-ysical Chem. any admixture to a disp
`displaying; exhibition: u:d:is;ulc-y of courage."
`'1. an’
`disposition. B. Archazc. regulation: 3. P0’.‘;‘pa5m
`ca.pable.of' maintaining the dispersed particles in sus-
`ostentatious show: a vulgar-.dispfay of wealth.
`pensationzflte d1‘spos1'l1'on_ of God.
`3} an
`pension. Epzsrnssu + -ANT]
`Prmt. a. the giving of prominence to particular words.
`‘of dispusiltfi). equiv. to d'ts1Jos'tl(us) (DtP- 0
`sentences. etc..
`by_ the choice and arrangement‘ of
`nd 0 f in various directions;
`dis-parse (di spfirsf), u._ -poi-sad.
`—2:.t. 1.‘
`to ‘drive or so
`e with-; clet'iv.. do:-ivative; equiv.. equivalent: 1'-UJ1""m,.;
`aps; *, hypothetical. See the full key inside '51“
`coz~ro1en'n'n'Mo1.oov Kori <, descended or derived from; >. whence; b.. blend of. blended; c.. cognat
`m.. modification of : obl.. oblique: r.-. replacing; s.. stern; sp.. spelling; trans... translation: ‘l, origin unlrnown. perh

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