`1.1 Purpose
`The purpose of Allure Energy's Proximity Application Prototype (hereafter "Prototype") is
`• To serve as a demonstration of a proximity-based home energy management approach.
`• To collect historical data that will be used to assess the potential energy cost savings
`of a proximity-based energy management approach.
`• To collect historical data that can be used to identify and evaluate more sophisticated
`energy management approaches.
`1.2 Functionality
`The Prototype provides the following functionality to its users:
`• Decreases the user's energy cost by detecting when the user is away from home and
`adjusting the user's thermostat setpoint to reduce energy use.
`• Maintains the user's comfort by detecting that they are returning home and returning
`the user's thennostat to its original setpoint.
`• Allows the user to do the following from their mobile phone:
`o Monitor the thcnnostat's setpoint and the indoor temperature
`o Change the thennostat sctpoint
`o Enable or disable automatic setpoint control
`• Notities the user by mobile phone text message when:
`o The thermostat setpoinl has been changed manual1y
`o The indoor temperate exceeds user-defined limits
`o Potential energy savings nre being lost because the prototype is in manual
`The Prototype also provides functionality to Allure Energy's admmistrators and analysts,
`• Monitor the real -time status oflhc overall system and of each customer site
`• Extmct and analyle historical data collected during system operation including a
`history of user location, thermostat settings, automatic control actions, und the inside
`and outside temperature.
`1.3 Structure
`The Prototype consists of the foJiowing lhrcc sotiwnrc components:
`• Blackberry Client software - Uses GPS to track the location of the user so that home
`energy usc can be decreased when the user is away from home. This software also
`provides the user with a way to set the thermostat's setpoint and to monitor the current
`setpoint and temperJturc. This software runs on the user's GPS-cnablcd Blackberry
`mobile phone.
`• Server software- Receives user location updates from the Blackberry Client and
`calculates the user's distance and/or time from home. Using that calculation, the Server
`determines when the user's thermostat setpoint should be changed and makes those
`changes. The Server sotlwure also periodically receives a data report from each site
`containing thermostat control and status information and stores that historical data for
`later retrieval by the Blackberry Client and lbr offline historical analysis. In addition,
`the Server software notifies the user, through the Blackberry Client, if the setpoint is
`changed manually by someone in the home, or if the inside temperature exceeds user(cid:173)
`defined limits.
`• Home Controller software- The Home Controller software periodically retrieves the
`latest thermostat control and status information and sends it to the Server. It is also
`responsible for making thermostat setpoint changes on behalf of the Server. The Home
`Controller accesses the home thermostat via Zigbce wireless network.
`These three software components, and their relationships to each other, are illustrated in the
`Component Model diagrlllll attached ns Exhibit A.
`As mentioned above, the Blackberry Client software will run on the user's Blackberry mobile
`phone. The Server software will run on a Linux server platform, along with the MySQL
`database server that manages the Server software's persistent database. The Home Controller
`will run on u Linux-based Marvell SheevaPiug plug computer. This deployment of the
`prototype's software components onto hardware platforms is illustrated in the Deployment
`Model diagram attached as Exhibit B.
`1.4 Overview of Pilot
`The Prototype is an early "pilot,. implementation of Allure Energy's future Energy
`Management System.
`• Sophistication - The energy savings approaches thut will be implemented in the future
`Energy Management System will be more sophisticated and will include a self
`learning and self adapting system. The system will be upgradeable to include the
`• Adaptive I Self Learning Thermostat and software that adapts to a users
`thermostat setting preferences when at home or away
`• Automatically updating user location zones using variables such as
`time-to-home, distance-to-home, current traffic and weather conditions,
`or various other inputs that can allow for dynamic creation of location
`• Purchasing energy based on real time market pricing, relative to current
`and future customer needs (using customer profile information)
`• Expanding control over other smart appliances as they arc introduced to
`a home
`• Establishing a residential smart grid for reporting energy consumption,
`creating real-time monitoring systems, and sending consumption data
`and profiles between third parties such as utilities or other service
`• Multiple user I multiple thermostat operating environment
`• Energy efficiency characterization of residence to determine open1ting
`condition of heater, air condi1ioner, upplianccs, etc.
`• Create promotional channel to allow for promoting energy savings
`items that can be used by a residence in response to an energy
`efficiency characterization and/or a users consumption habits
`• Distribution of Functionality- The prototype system's energy management
`functionality will be hosted in the Server, and the Home Controller will be used to
`provide access to the wireless home automation network. In the future, the energy
`management functionality will distributed across both the Server and the Home
`• Scale - The Prototype is designed to operate on a small scale. The future Energy
`Management System may operate on the scale of millions of customers.
`• Mobile Devices -The Prototype wil1 support certain models of GPS-enabled
`Blackberry mobile phone. The future Energy Management System will support a
`wider variety of mobile devices.
`• Security- The Energy Management System will fully protect the user's privacy and
`If possible, Allure Energy would like to reuse elements of the Prototype design and
`implementation when creating its future Energy Management System. The limitations listed
`above should be considered temporary by the designers and implcmcnters of the Prototype.
`They should design and implement the Prototype in ways that maximize design and
`implementation reuse and that will eventually allow the preceding limitations to be removed.
`2 Functional Requirements
`2. 1 Energy Savings Approach
`The Server component of the Prototype is responsible for controlling the temperature at the
`site in order to save energy. This document section describes the energy savings approach
`implemented by the Server.
`2.1.1 Automatic I Manual mode
`At each site (residence) the system will be running in either Automatic mode or Manual
`mode, as determined by the user. In Automatic mode, the Server will monitor the user's
`proximity to the site and, ifthc user is away, automatically modify the site' s thermostat to
`save energy cost. In Manual mode, the Server will not nutomntically modify the
`thermostat setpoint, but instead will maintain the thermostat at the user-specified "base"
`sctpoint. In either mode, the user will be able to remotely change the thermostat setpoint
`and monitor the currcn~ thermostat setpoint and temperature. And in either mode the
`Server will collect historical data.
`Using the Blackberry Client, the user will be: able to switch their site between Automatic
`Wld Munuul mode. If the user leaves the system in Manual mode, they will be reminded,
`by notification text message, that the system is still in Manual mode and that they could be
`saving energy, if the system were in Automatic mode. This notification will occur no
`more than once per day when the user leaves home and the potential energy savings are
`being lost.
`2.1.2 Heating I Cooling mode
`When running in Automatic mode, a site can also be in Heating or Cooling mode. In
`Heating mode, the Server lowers the thermostat setpoint, when appropriate, to save
`energy. In Cooling mode, the Server raises the thermostat setpoint, when appropriate, to
`save energy. Heating I Cooling mode is not relevant when the site is in Manual mode
`because the Server will not automatically change (raise or lower) the thermostat sctpoint
`when in Manual mode.
`2.1.3 Temperature Control Variables
`The following variables arc used by the Prototype's energy management control logic:
`• ThennostatSetpoint- The sctpoint that is being maintained at the site's thermostat.
`• BaseSetpoint- The nominal setpoint specified by the user. When in Manual mode
`this is the setpoint value that the Server will apply to the thermostat. When in
`Automatic mode the Server will, when appropriate, calculate a deviation from the
`BaseSetpoint value, the SetpointDelta, which will be added to the BaseSctpoint
`and applied to the thermostat to realize energy savings.
`• SetpointDeltn - Calculated by the Server and added to, or subtracted rrom, the
`BascSctpoint value to detenninc an energy-saving ThcrmostatSctpoint. In
`Automatic/Cooling mode, the SctpointDcJta will be added to the BascSetpoint to
`dctcnninc the ThcrmostatSctpoint. In Automatic/Heating mode, the SctpointOclta
`wiJI be subtructcd from the BaseSctpoint to determine the ThcrmostatSetpoint.
`When in Manual mode, SctpointDclta will always be zero.
`• HeatingMinAutoSctpoint - The minimum setpoint that the Server may apply to
`the thermostat when in Heating mode. Specified by the user. This limit only
`applies when the site is in Automatic mode. When in Manual mode, the user may
`change the setpoint to any value that the thennostat can accommodate.
`• CoolingMaxAutoSetpoint- The ma:v;imum setpoint that the Server may apply to
`the thennostat when in Cooling mode. Specified by the user. This limit only
`applies when the site is in Automatic mode. When in Manual mode, the user may
`change the setpoint to any value that the thermostat can accommodate.
`2.1.4 Changing the BaseSetpoint
`The BaseSetpoint value may be under control of the user. The user sets or changes the
`BaseSetpoint in one of two ways:
`• Through the BlackberryClient user interface on the user's mobile phone
`• By manually changing the thennostat's setpoint
`2.1.5 Changing the Heating I Cooling mode
`Whether the site is in Heating mode or Cooling mode is also under control of the user.
`The user indicates the desired mode by changing the heating/cooling mode at the
`2.1.6 Proximity Zones
`When in Automatic mode, the Server will calculate the SetpointDclta based on the user's
`proximity to the home. Periodically, the Blackberry Client reports the current user
`location (latitude, longitude) to the Server. The Server will then calculate the distance
`(grcat~circlc distance) from the user's site (residence) to the current user location. This
`distance will be used to detennine which proximity zone the user is in. Initially, the
`Prototype will support four proximity zones, as shown in Fibrure 1, below.
`I Zone 3 1----
`Zone 0: 0- 1 mile from home
`Zone 1: 1 - 5 miles from home
`Zone 2:5- 10 miles from home
`Zone 3: More than 1 0 miles from home
`Figure 1: Proximity Zones
`Note: The radii of the proximity :ones will be conjigurablc in the Protolype. The radii
`shown in Figure 1 are rypical values.
`2.1.7 Calculating SetpolntDelta and ThermostatSetpoint
`A new SctpointDelta and ThennostatSclpoint will be calculated under each of the
`following conditions:
`• User switches site from Automatic mode to Manual mode or from Manual mode
`to Automatic mode
`• Site is in Automatic mode and the Server receives a user location update from a
`Blackberry Client
`• Server detcl:ts that a manual BaseSetpoint change has been made at the thermostat
`• Sen'er detects that the Heating I Cooling mode has been changed at the thermostat
`Whenever a new ThermostatSetpoint is calculated it is compared to the most recent
`sctpoint data collected from the site's thermostat, and if the newly calculated
`TilcnnostatSetpoint is different, it is sent to the Home ControJier and applied to the site's
`The equations for calculating SctpointDclta and ThennostatDclta nrc different for Manual
`mode and Automatic mode, as described below.
`Manual mode
`In Manual mode, the SctpointDelta and ThcnnostatSctpoint are detennined by the
`following equations:
`• SctpointDclta = 0
`• ThcnnostatSctpoint = BaseSctpoint
`Automatic mode
`A PcrcentMaxDclta value is associated with each of the proximity zones described
`above in Section 2.1.6. Table l, below, shows typical PercentMaxDelta values for
`each zone.
`Perc en tM nxDcltu Description
`There is no delta from the
`BascSetpoint when the user is in this
`zone (close to the residence)
`50% of the maximum setpoint delta
`range (MaxSctpointDclta) is applied
`when the user is in this zone.
`75% of the maximum setpoint delta
`range (MaxSetpointDelta) is applied
`when the user is in this zone.
`All of the maximum setpoint delta
`range (MnxSetpointDelta) is applied
`when the user is in this zone.
`Tublc l: PerccntMax.Dclta values by Zone
`Note: 17le PerccntMaxDelta values for the proximity zones will be configurable in the
`Prototype. The values shown in Table 1 are typical values.
`When in Automatic mode, the PcrccntMaxDclta value is used in the calculation of the
`SetpointDelta and ThermostatSctpoint, as shown in Table 2 below.
`Automatic MaxSctpointDelta = CoolingMaxAutoSctpoint - BascSctpoint
`SctpointDelta = MaxSetpointDclta * PcrccntMnxDelta
`I Cooling
`ThcnnostatSetpoinL = BascSctpoint + SctoointDelta
`Automatic MaxSctpointDclta = BnscSctpoint - HeatingMinAutoSctpoint
`SetpointDclta = MaxSetpointDelta * PercentMnxDclta
`I Ht!nting
`ThennostatSctpoint = BaseSetpoint- SctpointOclta
`Tnble 2: SctpointDcltn & TltermostntSetpolnt equations
`ffthere nrc multiple users at a site, then the proximity zone of the user closest to the
`site is the "effective., proximity zone used for the automatic-mode calculations
`described above. This is shown in Table 3, below.
`Effective Zone
`User 1 Zone User 2 Zone
`Table 3: Determining Effective Proximity Zone
`2.1.8 Blackberry periodically updates its current location
`At a time interval determined by the Server, the Blackberry Client periodically acquires its
`current locution from its GPS. This location is sent to the Server which will calculate the
`user's distance from home. If in automatic mode, the Server will thtn calculate whether a
`thermostat setpoint change is needed, and if so, will change the thermostat's setpoint, via
`the Home Controller. The sequence diagram attached as Exhibit C illustrates the
`component interactions that support this use case.
`2.1.9 Home Controller periodically reports online status to Server
`At a time interval configured by an Administrator (site report interval), the Home
`Controller will send a report to the Server indicating that it is online. If the Server has a
`pending control action (thermostat setpoint change) tbr the site, then that control action is
`passed to the Home Controller as part of the report response. The Home ControJler will
`execute the control action (change the thermostat sctpoint) and send a message to the
`Server confirming that the control action has been executed as shown in Exhibit D.
`2.1.1 0 Home Controller periodically sends thermostat data to Server
`At a time interval configured by an Administrator (data report interval), the Home
`Controller will query the thermostat for its latest control and temperature data. This data
`will include whether the thermostat is in heating or cooling mode, whether the HV AC
`device is currently on or off, the current thermostat setpoint, and the current indoor
`temperature. The Home Control reports this data to the Server. The Server combines this
`information with the current control parameters and the outdoor temperature at the site and
`creates a new historical data record containing this thermostat data.
`Note: Tile Server determines the ow door temperature by retrieving it from an online
`weather sen,ice. For example, the current weather conditions (in XA1Lformat) for zipcode
`78704 can be retrievedfi·om
`http://api. l\'lmdergrormd.comlau!ol wuil geo/ Jt:XCrtrrentObXML/illdex.xml?querv= 7R704.
`If the Server has a pending control action for the site (thermostat setpoint change), then
`that control action is passed to the Home Controller as part of the report response. The
`Home Controller will execute the control action (change the thermostat sctpoint) and send
`a message to the Server confirming that the control action has been executed.
`Note: Tr1ren the Home Controller sends a thermostat data report to the Sen:er it is also
`indicati11g thai it is online, as described in Secrion1.1.9. The same message is used for
`both pwposes. For example. if the site report interval is I minrtte and tile data reporl
`inten,al is 3 minutes, then CVI!IJ' 1 minutt> the Home Controller \1 ill send a site rcponto the
`Server and eve1y third site report contains thcrmo!>'tat data.
`2.1.11 User views latest site data using Blackberry
`At the user's request, the Blackberry Client will query the Server for the latest temperature
`and temperature control data for the user's site. This includes whether the thermostat is in
`heating or cooling mode, whether the HVAC device is on or off, the user-specified base
`setpoint, whether the thermostat is being automatically controlled or not, the current
`sctpoint delta, the current thermostat sctpoint, the temperature inside the site, the
`temperature outside the site, the current energy savings rate, and the age ofthis data. The
`Blackberry Client displays this information to the user. The sequence diagram, attached as
`Exhibit E illustrates the component interactions that support this use case.
`2.1.12 User changes base setpolnt using Blackberry
`At the user's request, the Blackberry Client will send a message to the Server to change the
`thermostat's base setpoint. The Server will update the base setpoint value in the
`thermostat's database record. The Server will calculate a new thermostat setpoint and
`communicate the new thermostat setpoint to the site's thermostat. The sequence diagram
`attached as Exhibit F illustrates the component interactions that support this use case.
`2.1.13 User enables or disables automatic control using Blackberry
`At the user's request, the Blackberry Client will send a message to the Server enabling or
`disabling automatic setpoint control for the thermostat. The Server will update the
`manual/automatic mode value in the thermostat's database record. The Server will
`calculate a new thermostat sctpoint und communicate the new thermostat setpoint to the
`site's thermostat. The sequence diagram attached as Exhibit G i11ustrates the component
`interactions that support this use case.
`2.1.14 User changes base setpoint at site
`A user manually changes the thermostat setpoint at the site. This is interpreted by the
`Prototype us a request to change the base sctpoint. This setpoint change will be detected by
`the Server after its next periodic thermostat data query. The Server will update the base
`setpoint value in the database. If in automatic mode, the Server will also send a SMS text
`message to the user's Blackberry indicating that the sctpoint on the thcrrnostot has been
`manually. changed by someone at the thermostat site. The text message will include the
`thermostat setpoint value before the manual change, nnd the thermostat sctpoint value after
`the manual change. The sequence diagram attached as Exhibit H illustrates the component
`interactions that support this use case.
`2.1.15 Server notifies user by Blackberry that a temperature limit has
`been exceeded
`lf in automatic mode, the Server will send a SMS text message to the user's Blackberry
`when the Server detects that the indoor temperature ut the silc is:
`• Below the HcatingAutoMinSctpoint by 3 degrees or more while in heating mode
`• Above the CoolingAutoMaxSetpoint by 3 degrees or more while in cooling mode
`The text message will include the current indoor temperature and identify the limit that was
`exceeded. The s~quence diagram attachl!d as Exhibit l illustrates the component
`interactions thut support this usc case.
`2.1.16 Server notifies user by Blackberry that system is still in manual
`If in manual mode, the Server will send a SMS text message to the user's Blackberry
`when the Server detects that the user is traveling outbound and has left ZoneO. The text
`message will remind the user that the system is currently in manual mode and that
`potential energy savings are being lost. This text message reminder will only be sent once
`a day. The sequence diagram attached ns Exhibit J il1ustrntes the component interactions
`that support this use case.
`2.1.17 Administrator monitors system status
`The Administrator uses a web browser to monitor the current operation of the system. The
`Administrator will be able to view overall system status through a web page with content
`similar to that shown below;
`Svstcm Status
`Number of Customers 3
`Energy Savings Rate
`7290 kW I h
`Jim Hollister
`Kevin lmes
`Alan Weber
`Heating I Base
`Auto /
`Manual Cooliug
`(dcg F)
`Setpoint Thermostat Energy
`{kW I h)
`{deg F)
`(dcg F)
`By selecting a customer, the Administrator will be able to "drill-down" to status details for
`that customer. The Customer Status information will be shown through a web page with
`content similar to that shown below:
`Customer Status
`Start Date
`Total Mobile Devices
`Jim Hollister
`2006 Chaparral Drive, Round Rock, TX 78681
`1011 512009
`Manual/ Automatic
`Cooling I Heating
`Base Setpoint
`Sctpoint Delta
`Thermostat Sctpoint
`Setpoint Limit
`Inside Temperature
`Outside Temperature
`Savings Rate
`81 F
`85 F
`80 F
`98 F
`241 0 kw 1 hour
`Thermostat Data Updated Now · I min 08 sec
`Last Auto Control Action Now - 5 min 41 s~c
`Zone Distance
`from Site
`(dcg North)
`(dcg East)
`30.481017 l -97.678513 Now - 2 min
`25 sec
`30.481~~ -97.678899 Now - 6 min
`58 sec
`The Administrator will be able to refresh the information on each status screen (or that
`information will refresh itself).
`Note: The Administrator provides the JP address of the Sen•er where the status
`il!{ormalion is stored, as lve/1 as a valid username and passwol'd. This may he done
`through another web page or through a pop-up dialog.
`2.1.18 Administrator retrieves and views historical data
`The Administrator retrieves historical data trom the Server Database historical tables for
`offline analysis. This is done with off-the-shelf database (ROB) access tools and data
`visualization tools. No special Server software is required to support this capability.
`2.1.19 User installs and configures software on Blackberry
`The user installs the Blackberry Client software on the Blackberry and configures it for
`operation. The user will supply:
`• User's account ro
`• User's site ID
`• User's mobile device ID
`• Server IP address
`The Blackberry Client will query the Server for any other confi&,rurntion data it requires.
`The sequence diagram attached as Exhibit K illustrates the component interactions thut
`support this use case.
`After installation and initial configuration, the Blackberry Client user interface should
`provide a way for the Server-based configuration data to be rc-rctricved when requested
`by an Administrator, or by a User on behalf of an Administrator.
`2.1.20 Administrator installs and configures software on Server
`The Administrator installs the Server software on the Server and configures it for
`2.1.21 Administrator creates or modifies configuration data on Server
`The Administrator creates new user configuration data (account, site, thcnnostat, mobile
`device) or modifies existing user configuration data. This data is stored in the
`configuration tables in the Server's database. for this Prototype, this is done manually by
`editing and executing database scripts.
`2.1.22 Administrator installs and configures software on Home
`The Administrator installs the Home Controller software and configures it for operation.
`The Administrator will supply:
`• User's account 10
`• User's site 10
`• Server lP address
`The Home Controller \\'ill query the Server for any other configuration datn it requires.
`The sequence diagram attached as Exhibit L illustrates the component interactions that
`support this usc case.
`After installation and initial configuration, the Home Controller should provide a way for
`the Server-based configuration data to be rc-retnevcd when requested by an
`2.1.23 Administrator views Server software log
`The Administrator views a log of the internal operation of the Server software. This log
`will contain error, warning, information, and trace messages. The user will be able to
`determine which "level" of message is stored in the Server software log. The user will
`also be able to view the Server log from a computer at a remote location.
`2.1.24 Administrator displays Blackberry Client stored variables
`An Administrator, or a User at the behest of un Administrator, uses the Blackberry Client
`user interface to view key internal state variables of the Blackberry Client software. This
`is done to diagnose a system problem.
`2.1.25 Blackberry notifies Server of warning or error condition
`When the Blackberry Client software encounters a warning or error situation, it sends a
`warning/error notification to the Server to be logged. The sequence diagram attached as
`Exhibit M illustrates the component interactions that support this use case.
`2.1.26 Home Controller notifies Server of warning or error condition
`When the Home Controller software encounters a warning or error situation, it sends a
`warning/error notification to the Server to be logged. The sequence diagram attached as
`Exhibit N illustrates the component interactions that support this use case.
`2.1.27 Administrator views Server diagnostic log
`An Administrator views 11 software diagnostic log including past Server activity in order
`to diagnose a system problem. This log will also include warning/error messages sent by
`the Blackberry Client and Home Controller.
`2.1.28 User views latest site data using Blackberry
`At the user's request, the Blackberry Client will query the Server for the latest temperature
`and temperature control data for the user's site. This includes whether lhc thermostat is in
`heating or cooling mode, whether the HV AC device is on or oft: the user-specified base
`setpoint, whether the thermostat is being automatically controlled or not, the current
`sctpoint delta, the current thermostat setpoint, the temperature inside the site, the
`tcmperat\Jrc outside the site, the current energy suvings rate, and the age of this data. The
`Blackberry Client displays this infonnntion to the user. The sequence diagram attached as
`Exhibit 0 illustrates the component interactions that support this use case.
`2.1.29 User changes base setpoint using Blackberry
`At the user's request, the Blackberry Client will send o message to the Server to change the
`thermostat's base setpoint. The Server will update thl! base setpoint value in the
`thennostat's database record. The Server will culculate a new thennostnt sctpoint and
`communicate the new thermostat setpoint to the site's thermostat. The sequence diagram
`attached as Exhibit P illustrates the component interactions that support this use case.
`2.1.30 User enables or disables automatic control using Blackberry
`At the user's request, the Blackberry Client will send a message to the Server enabling or
`disabling automatic setpoint control for the thermostat. The Server will update the
`manual/automatic mode value in the thermostat's database record. The Server will
`calculate a new thennostut setpoint and communicate the new thermostat sctpoint to the
`site's thermostat. The sequence diagram attached as Exhibit Q illustrates the component
`interactions that support this usc case.
`2.1.31 User changes base setpoint at site
`A user manually changes the thermostat setpoint nt the site. This is interpreted by the
`Prototype as a request to change the base setpoint. This sctpoint change will be detected by
`the Server after its next periodic them10stut data query. The Server will update the base
`sctpoint value in the database. If in automatic mode, the Server will also send a SMS text
`message to the user's Blackberry indicating that the setpoint on the thennostat has been
`manually changed by someone at the thcnnostat site. The text message will include the
`thermostat setpoint value before the manual change1 and the thermostat sctpoint value after
`the manuo.l change. The sequence diagram attached as Exhibit R illustrates the component
`interactions thut support this use case.
`2.1.32 Server notifies user by Blackberry that a temperature limit has
`been exceeded
`If in automatic mode, the Server will send a SMS text message to the user1S Blackberry
`when the Server detects that the indoor temperature at the site is:
`• Below the HcatingA.utoMinSctpoint by 3 degrees or more \.vhile in heating mode
`• Ahove the CoolingAutoMaxSetpoint by 3 degrees or more while in cooling mode
`The text message will include the current indoor temperature and identify the limit that was
`exceeded. The seq\1ence diagrrun anachcd as ExhibitS illustrates the component
`interactions that support this use cuse.
`2.1.33 Server notifies user by Blackberry that system is still in manual
`If in manual mode1 the Server wiJI send a SMS text message to the user's B1ackberry
`when the Server detects that the user is traveling outbound and has left ZoneO. The text
`message will remind the user that the system is currently in manual mode and that
`potential energy savings are being lost. This text message reminder will only be sent once
`a day. The sequence diagram attached as Exhibit T illustrates the component interactions
`that support this use case.
`2.1.34 Administrator monitors system status
`The Administrator uses a web browser to monitor the current operation of the system. The
`Administrator will be able to view overall system status through a web page with content
`similar to that shown below:
`Svstem Status
`Number of Customers 3
`Energy Savings Rate
`7290 kW I h
`Jim Hollister
`Kevin lmcs
`Alan Weber
`Auto/ Heating I Base
`Mnnunl Cooling
`Setpoint Delta
`(deg F)
`(deg F)
`Sctpoint Thcrmostnt I Energy
`(deg F)
`' (kW I h)
`By selecting a customer, the Administrator will be able to "drill-down" to status details for
`that customer. The Customer Status information will be shown through a web page with
`content similar to that shown below:
`Customer Status
`Start Date
`Total Mobile Devices
`Jim Hollister
`1006 Chaparral Drive, Round Rock, TX 78681
`10/ 15/2009
`Manual/ Automatic
`Cooling I Heating
`Base Setpoint
`Sctpoint Delta
`Thcrmostut Sctpoint
`Sctpoint Limit
`Inside Temperature
`Outside Temperature
`Savings Rate
`81 F
`85 F
`80 F
`98 F
`2410 kw I hour
`Thermostat Data Updated Now- I min 08 sec
`Lnst Auto Control Action Now- 5 min 41 sec
`Zone Distance
`from Site
`(dcg North)
`1 Longitude
`(dcg East)
`-97.678513 Now - 2 min
`25 sec
`-97.678899 Now - 6 min
`58 sec
`The Administrator will be able to refresh the infonnation on each status screen (or that
`information will refresh itselt).
`Note: The Adminisrrator provides tlze IP address of t