`Good as the Assumptions about Their Operating Characteristics
`Todd Malinick, Nate Wi/airat, Jennifer Holmes and Lisa Perry,
`Energy Market Innovations, Inc.
`William Ware, Cons11mers Energy
`Programmable thermostats commonly account for a large percentage of energy savings
`for many residential and small business energy efficiency programs. For some portfolios,
`because of the limited number of devices that can affect gas savings for these sectors,
`programmable thermostats are the primary equipment aimed at attaining gas savings goals.
`However, evaluations reveal that actual energy savings for these devices often fall short of
`expected savings. Such discouraging results led ENERGY STAR® to suspend labeling
`programmable thermostats in 2009, citing that the device itself does not save energy, but instead,
`actual energy savings depend on user behaviors. This paper discusses the impact of assumptions
`about customer behaviors on actual savings, using the results of a recent evaluation for
`illustrative purposes.
`Typically, it is assumed that old thermostats were operated with constant settings while
`new thermostats are operated programmatically. While the results of this evaluation reveal the
`latter is generally true - most customers did operate their new units programmatically - there is
`little support for the former. In fact, the evaluation results showed that two-thirds of customers
`participating in the program already practiced energy conserving behaviors by manually setting(cid:173)
`back their old thermostats for non-operating hours. Thus, the vast majority of the expected
`energy savings never materialized. Overall, the results show that for programmable thermostats
`to manifest expected realization rates, attention needs to be allocated to defining accurate
`assumptions about user behaviors. Implications for energy efficiency program design will be
`discussed, highlighting the need for more focus on understanding customer behaviors.
`Starting in 1995, ENERGY STAR began promoting programmable thermostats as a
`means of lowering residential consumers' heating and cooling energy bills by 10-30% (EPA
`2003a). Early simulations showed that thermostats could reduce natural gas consumption by
`roughly one percent for each degree Fahrenheit offset during an eight-hour nighttime setback
`(Nelson & MacArthur 1978).1 Primarily as a means of bolstering energy efficiency program gas
`savings, some utilities began offering programs aimed at replacing customers' older manual
`thermostats with newer programmable models at low to no cost to the customer.
`1 In the context of thennostats, the setback is the difference between the typical operating temperature and the
`energy saving setting. Thennostats setbacks have two components: (I) temperature, and (2) time. For example, if a
`thermostat controlling a heating system is set at 68°F during the day (from 9AM to I OPM) and is turned down to
`64°F at night (from IOPM to 9AM), the temperature setback is 4°F, or the difference between the higher and lower
`temperature settings and the time setback is II hours, or the total amount of time the thennostat is in the energy
`saving mode.
`@2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency In Buildings
`However, by 2006, evidence was amassing suggesting the expected savings for
`programmable thermostats were not materializing (EPA 2006). Ultimately, on December 31,
`2009, ENERGY STAR suspended the certification of programmable thermostats, instead
`transitioning to an educational program for customers. ENERGY STAR explained that this
`policy shift centered on the fact that installing a programmable thermostat, in itself, does not de
`facto result in energy savings. Rather, the manner in which the customer uses the programmable
`thermostat - or their behavior - actually drives the potential for savings (Shiller 2006).
`Nevertheless, several state energy efficiency programs continue to include programmable
`thermostats as viable and acceptable energy saving equipment, and some utilities have even
`designed and implemented programs aimed solely at replacing older, non-programmable
`thermostats with programmable units. This is especially prevalent in the small business sector
`where building shell upgrades for energy efficiency purposes (i.e., added insulation, window
`replacement) or other larger-scale energy-saving equipment installations are less common than in
`the residential sector.
`Program theory aimed at programmable thermostats, in addition to the calculations used
`to compute their expected per-unit energy savings values, is typically premised on two basic
`assumptions (BuildingMetrics, Inc. 2011, Haiad et al. 2004, Nextant 2007, Pigg and Nevius
`2000, RL W 2007). The first is that all customers maintained old thermostats at a single constant
`the second is
`that all customers operate their new programmable units
`programmatically. The second assumption has come into question both within the energy
`efficiency community (Boait & Rylatt 2010, EPA 2003a, Haiad et al. 2004, Meier et al. 2010,
`Meier 2011, Pigg and Nevius 2000, Rathouse & Young 2004) and in the press (McCracken
`2011 ), and a new wave of programmable thermostats led by the Nest Thermostat claim to
`provide better usability and greater energy savings than older models (Manjoo 2011 ). However,
`this paper shows that the first assumption may be equally if not more problematic. A general
`finding is that while the operating characteristics of the new thermostats surely have the potential
`to impact actual energy savings from programmable thermostats, the way in which customers
`used their old thermostats likely has a much greater influence.
`This paper is unique for two reasons. First, while a number of evaluations have covered
`programmable thermostats, almost all have been conducted in the residential sector (e.g. see
`Haiad et al. 2004, Pigg and Nevius 2000, RLW 2007). This paper focuses on the evaluation of a
`programmable thermostat program for small businesses. Thermostats in a commercial facility
`serve large groups of people - guests/customers, employees, and administrators - who may have
`varying privileges or abilities to set the thermostat. Second, this paper is differentiated by its
`emphasis on assessing the basic assumptions as they relate to actual thermostat operating
`behavior. An overview ofENRGY STAR's experience with programmable thermostats follows,
`before moving on to a more detailed discussion of these assumptions.
`ENERGY STAR and Programmable Thermostats
`Labeling for programmable thermostats that met ENERGY STAR specifications began in
`1995 and continued until 2009. Plans to .. sunset" the label for thermostats began to take shape in
`2007, based on the general finding that programmable thermostats were simply not delivering the
`expected energy savings. This finding centered on two main issues: (1) many customers found
`that using the new technology was a challenge preventing them from using the units
`programmatically, essentially causing them to operate the thermostats with constant settings, and
`@2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency In Buildings
`(2) the operating characteristics of both the old and new thermostats mattered. Prior to de(cid:173)
`certifying programmable thermostats, particular attention was placed on the former issue. The
`last official programmable thermostat specification (v. 1.2, approved in 2008) contained a
`requirement that the customer "be able to change the settings on the programmable thermostat
`with little difficulty" (EPA 2008). Usability continued to be the focus of drafts of the v. 2.0
`specification, which ultimately was abandoned in favor of phasing out the certification.
`However, the decision to indefinitely suspend ENERGY STAR certification for
`programmable thermostats rested on more than usability concerns. EPA also reviewed five
`studies that showed no statistically significant savings for households with programmable
`thermostats over those with non-programmable models. ENERGY STAR summarized this
`finding as primarily the result of two groups of users that produced no savings: (1) households
`that did not set back their manual thermostat and continued to not set back their programmable
`thermostat, undergoing no behavior change, and (2) households that previously set back manual
`thermostats and continued to set back their programmable thermostat (Shiller 2006). They
`concluded that the introduction of the technology was insufficient to induce a behavior change
`for this former group of users, concluding "only the behavior saves, not the box."
`Even though ENERGY STAR's analysis suggested that customers' behavior with their
`new programmable thermostat is not the only factor that determines energy savings, little
`attention has been allocated to better understanding the role that the operational characteristics of
`the old thermostats plays in the difference between expected and actual energy savings. This is
`potentially problematic given that the installation of even the most intuitive, user-friendly
`programmable thermostat will likely result in negligible savings if the thermostat it replaced was
`diligently adjusted manually.
`In the following we explore this issue in the context of examining the assumptions
`underlying the logic of how programmable thermostats accrue energy savings.
`Programmable Thermostat Assumptions
`In general, there are two primary assumptions that are foundational to programs aimed at
`affecting gas an/or electricity energy savings with programmable thermostats:
`Assumption 1: All older, replaced thermostats were operated with constant settings.2
`Assumption 2: All new thermostats are operated programmatically, using appropriate degree and
`hour setbacks.
`These assumptions arise in two distinct aspects of typical energy efficiency program
`design. First, assumptions of how customers use their old and new thermostats are part of the
`basic program theory. Here, the predominant view is that replacing older, manual thermostats
`with newer, programmable models allows the customers to use time and temperature setbacks to
`reduce the amount of time their heating and/or cooling system needs to run, thus resulting in
`energy savings. Second, the assumptions play a part in the calculations used to compute expected
`per-unit energy savings estimates for programmable thermostats.
`2 Embedded within the statement "constant settings,'' are the assumptions that: ( l) the settings of old units - both
`temperature and time - were consistent across all days of the week, and (2) the customers reliably set bnck their
`units each day, never missing nny days.
`®2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency In Buildings
`Typically, energy efficiency programs claim expected per-unit energy savings for
`programmable thermostats based on engineering calculations that rely on these assumptions in
`addition to information on estimated operating hours, building shell and HV AC system
`characteristics, and estimated temperature settings for typical operating hours and the energy(cid:173)
`saving mode (BuildingMetrics, Inc 2011, Nextant 2007, RLW 2007). Inherent in the second
`assumption is that for thermostats controlling heating systems, the energy-saving mode
`temperature is set lower than the standard operating temperature, and for thermostats controlling
`cooling systems, the energy-saving mode temperature is set higher than the standard operating
`temperature. For example, one engineering study assumes that for residential applications, for
`heating systems, the temperature settings are 70°F and 60°F, respectively, while for a cooling
`system they are 75°F and 80°F, respectively (BuildingMetrics, Inc. 2011). In both cases the
`setback time is from llPM to 6AM. For commercial applications, the assumed temperature
`settings and operating hours typically vary by building or business type to account for the
`significant variability across types (e.g., offices, small industry, retail, restaurants, etc.), and then
`results are weighted and aggregated to derive a single per-unit savings value that is claimed for
`each unit installed under the program.
`A better understanding of the role the basic assumptions play in both of these aspects is
`critical for effective program design, and the attribution of device energy savings, gas or electric.
`Figure 1 demonstrates the implications of these assumptions for energy savings, by classifying
`potential savings according to the two assumptions.
`Notable from Figure 1 is that only one of the four outcomes results in energy savings.
`Namely, if participants operated their old thermostats with constant settings and operate their
`new units with programmed setbacks - affirming both assumptions - savings from the program
`will likely materialize.3 The other three potential outcomes represent less desirable impacts. For
`participants that habitually set back their manual thermostat, even if they did not do so 100% of
`the time, the net result is a movement from certain positive savings towards uncertain or zero
`savings regardless of how they use the programmable thermostat.
`If participants operated their old thermostats with constant settings and continue to
`operate the new units with constant settings, no energy use changes occur and program savings
`will not accrue. In contrast, if participants operated their old thermostats with manual setbacks
`and new units are operated with constant settings, greater energy consumption would occur and
`negative savings will result. Lastly, if participants operated old thermostats with manual setbacks
`3 It is worth emphasizing that even though energy savings would theoretically accrue for these customers, the
`amount of energy savings would not necessarily result in the expected savings due to differences between the actual
`setbacks and the specific assumed setbacks. The net effect of this could increase or decrease energy consumption
`depending on the actual temperature settings.
`©2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency In Buildings
`and new thermostats are also operated with setbacks, either no change in energy consumption
`occurs, or energy consumption could even increase or decrease based on the actual time and
`temperature setbacks. With this last case, it is important to note that customers that adjusted their
`old thermostats manually would have done so when physically present in a facility (i.e. when
`they arrive in the morning and when they depart at night). With new programmable thermostats,
`customers could program their unit to go on before staff arrive and off after staff depart. In this
`situation, the result could be a decrease in the total setback hours, producing negative energy
`savings attributable to the devices.
`For the remainder of this paper we use data from a recent programmable thermostat
`evaluation of a program aimed at small businesses to assess actual energy savings in terms of
`engineering adjustments and to classify program participants based on the schema discussed
`above. However, before moving on to the analysis, the following section briefly describes the
`data and methods.
`Data and Methods
`The data discussed in this paper come from 194 telephone surveys conducted over a one(cid:173)
`month period (late April to late May, 2011) by Energy Market Innovations, Inc. with small
`business customers that participated in a 2010 program where their utility replaced older manual
`thermostats controlling heating or cooling systems with programmable models.4 This program
`was designed primarily to attain gas savings goals, though electricity savings were also reported
`when applicable. The sample plan for this particular program was designed with the goal of
`attaining 90 percent level of confidence at the 10 level of precision at the program level. The
`program consisted of direct installation of thermostats by the program implementer. Installers
`went door-to-door, offering to install the programmable thermostats on the spot, at no cost to the
`customer. After installing the thermostats, the installers would program the thermostats setbacks
`based on customers preferences.
`The population was stratified by total project expected savings to ensure adequate
`representation oflarger and smaller projects.
`Table 1 shows the distribution of completed surveys by stratum.
`a e • va uataon s
`ample estgn an dS urvey c ompJetes
`I D i
`T bl 1 E
`Gas Savings
`>I 00 and <200
`>3.1 and <6.2
`~1.5 and <3.1
`In Sample Completed
`4 For the purposes of this evaluation, a "customer" tmnslates to a unique facility address.
`5 In the end, 180 valid survey respondents ore discussed in this paper. Severo) cases were eliminated because they
`did not have adequate data with which to conduct the analyses.
`©2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency In Buildings
`The telephone survey instrument was designed to collect the data needed to support an
`impact evaluation of this programmable thermostat program. In the state in which this program
`operates, expected savings from programmable thermostats were deemed, and thus the state
`regulatory structure only required installation rates be used to adjust expected savings when
`certifying program savings. However, in order to conduct a more comprehensive analysis we
`information (i.e.,
`temperature and usage
`collected a significant amount of additional
`characteristics of the old thermostats as well as temperature and usage characteristics of the new
`thermostat, business operating hours, days of week variability, etc.).
`Engineering Adjustment Factors
`Even though the primary objective of the impact evaluation was to verify installation, the
`evaluation team collected specific information on customers' usage characteristics allowing us to
`compute engineering adjustment factors and assess the assumptions underlying the program. In
`short, the engineering adjustment factor represents the percent of the assumption-based expected
`degree hours
`that were actually verified
`the evaluation
`(ActualoeoreeHours)· Our approach to computing the engineering adjustment factors involved
`plugging the actual data from our evaluation into the following:
`SBHours = (Time2 - Time1 ) • 7
`SBoegrees = ABS(Templ - Temp2)
`New.SBoegreeHours = New.SBoegrees • New.SBHou.rs
`Old.SBoegreeHours = Old. SBoegrees * Old.SBHou.rs
`ActualoegreeHou.rs = New. SBoegreeHours- Old.SBoegreeHours
`Ennmeermn Adjustment Factor = -=E---d-:-=---(cid:173)
`xpecte DegreeHou.rs
`• Time1 = Time the setback ended (in 24 hour-time, e.g. SAM= 8)
`• Temp1 =The temperature setting for operational hours (in °f)
`• Time2 = Time the setback started (in 24 hour-time, e.g. 9PM = 21)
`• Temp2 =The temperature setting for non-operational hours (in °f)
`• New =New programmable thermostats settings
`• Old= Old manual thermostat settings
`Table 2 shows the final engineering adjustment factors by energy type.
`Table 2. E t'
`n2meer ng
`t d E
`s •rna e
`MCF (heat)
`kWh (A/C)
`us men t F
`b E
`rgy Type ac ors tY ne
`Engineering Adjustment
`Factor •
`©2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency In Buildings
`11. Values shown nre unweighted means of the phone survey
`Since these adjustment factors represent the percent of expected degree hours verified
`through the evaluation, if the assumptions about operation of new and old thermostats are
`correct, they should be very close to 1.000. However, the estimated values presented in Table 2
`suggest that only about one-third (37.4 %) of expected gas savings and just over one-quarter
`(26.6%) of expected electricity savings are actually being realized. Though rather low, these
`values are similar to other studies (Cross & Judd 1996, Haiad et al. 2004, KEMA 2006,
`Shipworth et al. 20 I 0), even though most have been conducted in the residential sector. Overall,
`these results suggest the expected per-unit savings values for programmable thermostats are
`potentially too high.
`To clarify the significance of the assumptions and provide a better understanding of how
`deviances from them might affect actual program savings, in the next section participants in the
`program are classified according to the schema presented in Figure 1.
`Thermostat Operating Characteristics
`Error! Reference source not found. shows the results of the participating customer
`surveys revealing the operating characteristics of the old, replaced thermostats and the new
`programmable models. First, and maybe most important, note that only about one-quarter of all
`respondents (27%) indicated that they operated their old and new thermostats in accordance with
`the assumptions. More specifically, while about one-third of the respondents (36%) indicated
`that they operated their old thermostats with constant settings, 75% of these (27% of total)
`indicated they are using the new thermostat programmatically. These are the only respondents
`that we can confidently say amassed any energy savings for the program.
`Of the customers that indicated they ran their old thermostats with constant settings, 25%
`(9% of total) indicated they are doing the same with the new unit. These thermostats account for
`no program savings. Only two of the 180 surveyed customers {1% of total) indicated that they
`operated their old thermostat with setbacks, but ran their new unit with constant settings. These
`are the only customers we can confidently say account for negative savings. It is also worth
`emphasizing from Figure 2, that only 18 out of 180 participants (10%) indicated they were not
`using any setback - manual or automatic - with their new thermostats. This figure is
`substantially lower than the percentage found in some residential studies such as EIA's (2005)
`Residential Energy Consumption Survey, which found that about 35% of U.S. households did
`not set back their programmable thermostats at night in the heating season.
`Maybe most important, of the 180 total customers included in this analysis, almost two(cid:173)
`thirds {64%) stated that they were already practicing energy efficient behavior by setting back
`their old thermostats for non-operating hours. About 98% of these {64% of total) indicated they
`continued this energy saving behavior with the new thermostat by allowing it run automatically
`with programmed settings (58% of total) or manually setting back the unit (6% of total). For this
`64% of the surveyed customers, the only possibilities for accruing energy savings are if the
`temperature setback increased, the time setback increased, or they were inconsistent in how often
`they manually adjusted their old unit. Otherwise, if the setbacks remained the same, there is no
`savings; if the setbacks actually decreased, there is potential for negative savings. Additional
`analyses were conducted to see if time and temperature setbacks differed between old and new
`thennostats, and no statistically significant differences were found. However, statistically
`significant differences were detected when assessing setback hours. In fact, for heat, the mean
`@2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency In Buildings
`weekly setback hours dropped from 100.54 for old units to 99.05 for new units (decrease of 1.49
`hours/week; p=O.OlO); for A/C, the mean weekly setback hours also went down from 99.44 to
`95.59 (decrease of3.85 hours/week;p=O.Ol3). Thus, even though no significant differences were
`detected in temperature setbacks, it is very possible for these customers, actual energy
`consumption with the new thermostats is greater than it was with the old units.
`Figure 2. Operating Characteristics of Old and New Thermostats
`Haw did you operate your
`old thermostat~
`(IJ• 190)
`How did you opc:ratc your
`new thc:nnos1ats7
`(ll- 1115)
`How did you operate your
`new thc:nnos1ats7
`(ll• 64)
`IU!gadve or Zero SIIVi1lp
`Zero SIIVinp
`In this paper we present some results from a recent evaluation of a programmable
`thermostat program tailored to small businesses. In this program, participants received free
`programmable thermostats as replacement for older manual models. Similar to some residential
`studies (Cross & Judd 1996, Haiad et al. 2004, KEMA 2006, Shipworth et al. 2010), this study
`found that actual energy savings for the program likely do not meet the expectations. More
`specifically, the engineering adjustments factors were found to be quite low - 0.374 for gas and
`0.266 for electricity. To better understand this, the evaluation team conducted an assessment of
`®2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency In Buildings
`the assumptions underlying programmable thermostat program theory and expected energy
`savings value calculations for these devices. This small business evaluation, similar to residential
`studies (Haiad et al. 2004, Nevius & Pigg 2000, Meier et al. 2010), points to customers'
`operating behavior as the single most important factor affecting the energy savings potential of
`programmable thermostats.
`Overall, the most salient finding from this paper is that approximately two-thirds of the
`responding small business customers were already practicing energy saving behaviors by
`manually adjusting their old thermostats. These numbers are in line with residential studies;
`Tachibana (2010) found 60% of Seattle residential customers to practice nightly setbacks with
`manual thermostats and Nevius & Pigg (2000) found 67% of Wisconsin households with manual
`thermostats to practice nightly setbacks.
`Setbacks with manual thermostats are of primary importance because regardless of how
`customers use their new thermostats, if they were already adjusting their old ones, actual energy
`there is even potential for some negative
`savings from the program will be quite limited -
`savings. Indeed, our results showed that even though no significant differences were detected
`between old and new thermostat temperature setbacks for those that were adjusting the old units
`manually, significant differences were detected for both heat (decrease of 1.49 hours/week;
`p =O.OlO) and A/C (decrease of3.85 hours/week;p=0.013). Reasons for this are not entirely clear
`from our data, but may be because typical customers had to manually turn off their old
`thermostats at the end of the day and tum it back on when arriving in the morning, but now can
`program the thermostat to turn on a little before they get in in the morning and go off a little after
`leaving. Thus, their setbacks are shorter and they are actually using more energy. The relatively
`small but significant differences detected add support to this interpretation.
`One potential limitation to this study is the fact that the data relied upon are participant
`survey self-report data. Although the results are not presented here, in conducting the evaluation,
`a small subsample of survey respondents were randomly selected and asked if they would be
`willing to participate in an onsite inspection, which allowed the evaluation team to inspect the
`settings of the customers' thermostats and compare the actual settings to the settings they
`reported for the new thermostats in the telephone survey. Overall, the results were quite
`consistent and very little variability was found between the phone and onsite data. Other studies
`such as Nevius & Pigg (2000) have also suggested that self-reported thermostat settings are a
`good indicator of actual behavior.
`In a similar vein, some studies have also questioned whether customers can effectively
`set back their thermostats manually. For example, in 2007, RLW Analytics conducted a billing
`analysis of the GasNetworks ENERGY STAR Qualified Thermostat Rebate Program for
`residential customers in the Northeast. As part of their analysis, RL W compared non-participants
`who said they controlled their manual thermostats to the rest of the control (non-participants who
`indicated no manual setbacks), and found that the customers who indicated manual control
`actually increased their gas usage by 25 ccf relative to the rest of the control.
`In the commercial and industrial sector, due to shear size, a greater number of people
`typically occupy areas served by a thermostat than in residences. Plourde (2003) speculates that
`this could lead to "coordination problems" for manual thermostat adjustments. While that may be
`true for some businesses, in others, a designated employee might manage thermostats. The fact
`that most businesses are completely unoccupied at night could also increase the likelihood that
`businesses manually setback thermostats. While it is certain that thermostat behavior differs in
`©2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency In Buildings
`some ways between the residential and commercial sectors, few studies have attempted to
`elucidate what those differences may be.
`The results of this study suggest that thermostat operating behaviors in the small business
`sector may be similar to those in the residential sector. The similar scale of small businesses and
`households might explain the similar results; many small businesses have a relatively small staff.
`Motivations - namely economic - may overlap for the two sectors as well. Utility bills can
`represent substantial costs for "mom-and-pop" stores just like they can for the average
`household. However, another reason for this similarity may simply be that the small business
`population is a subset of the residential population and the behaviors they practice at home are
`similar to those they practice at work. Nevertheless, these explanations remain speculation and
`more research is needed to answer this question definitively.
`Nevertheless, the reality is that the energy efficiency industry has existed for over two
`decades, and many people have been practicing energy saving behaviors for even longer. During
`the 1970s, perhaps as an artifact of the energy crisis, one author remembers his parents and
`grandparents turning the air conditioning down at night or when not home during the hot, muggy
`Midwest summers, and turning the heat down at night or when not home during the cold winters.
`So maybe it should not be surprising that today, after years of exposure to the notion of energy
`efficiency and the current national energy supply concerns, about two-thirds of the program
`participants surveyed for this evaluation indicated that they were already practicing energy
`saving behavior prior to receiving the programmable thermostat.
`Regardless, the potential for programmable thermostats to provide energy savings is not a
`closed subject. New energy efficiency programs continue to arise where programmable
`thermostats are considered viable energy saving devices. Nevertheless, to date, relatively little
`attention has been allocated to the bigger issue of how the long-accepted assumptions that play
`such a dominant role in programmable thermostats programs actually manifest during program
`implementation. In reality, it is likely that most expected per-unit savings values that rely on
`these assumptions greatly overstate actual savings. This is not necessarily fatal to these programs
`- some savings almost certainly do accrue as a result of these devices. However, if implementers
`continue to recruit customers that are manually adjusting their older units, at the program level,
`some of the installed units will likely result in no actual energy savings. If customers already
`performing energy conserving behaviors cannot be effectively precluded from participating in
`these programs, one possible solution could be to allocate effort to accurately estimating the
`prevalence of these particular participants. These estimates could then be used to adjust expected
`energy saving values derived through current procedures to more realistically represent actual
`energy savings.
`In conclusion, the results and findings outlined in this paper suggest the need for
`reconsideration of the assumptions underlying expected per-unit energy savings calculations for
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