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`© Market House Books Ltd, 1983, 1986, 1990, 2004, 2008
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`First edition 1983
`Second edition 1986
`Third edition 1990
`Fourth edition 1996
`Fifth edition 2004
`Sixth edition 2008
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`ISBN 978—0——l9-923400—4
`Internet address
`monly translated into native machine code
`at runtime by a "‘lIT compiler.
`intermediate storage Any part or type
`of storage that is used for holding informa-
`tion between steps in its processing.
`internal fragmentation A form of *frag—
`mentation that arises when allocations of
`memory are made only in multiples of a sub-
`unit. A request of arbitrary size must be met
`by rounding up to the next highest multiple
`of the subunit, leaving a small amount of
`memory that is allocated but not in use. In-
`ternal fragmentation is reduced by reducing
`the size of the subunit; such a reduction in-
`creases *external fragmentation.
`internal schema of a database. Another
`namefor storage schema.
`internal sorting Seesonrmc.
`Internet (Net) The global informal net-
`work that now links a very substantial frac-
`tion of the world’s computer networks. The
`Internet is an extraordinary development
`that stems from the original *ARPANET,
`which was initiated in North America in
`1969. In broad terms the Internet does not
`offer services to end-users, but serves pri-
`marily to interconnect other networks on
`which end-user services are located. It pro-
`vides basic services for *file transfer, *elec-
`tronic mail, and remote login, and high-level
`services including the ’-‘World Wide Web and
`the *MBONE.
`The Internet is global, with connections to
`nearly every country in the world. It is delib-
`erately nonpolitical and tends to deal with
`nongovernmental levels within a country.
`The structure is informal, with a minimal
`level of governing bodies and with an em-
`phasis in these bodies on technical rather
`than on administration or revenue genera-
`tion. Up to the mid-1990s the major users
`of the Internet were the academic and re-
`search communities, but thereafter, with a
`growth in home computing, there has been a
`massive increase in the number of individu-
`als and companies using the World Wide
`Web and electronic mail. There has also
`been a large increase in interest in the com-
`mercial exploitation of the Internet. See 13-
`Internet access provider SeeISP.
`Internet address See feature p. 260-61.
`defined in two parts, the interface and the
`body. The interface specifies exactly what
`identifiers are visible outside the package,
`and is sufficient to permit separate compila-
`tion of program units that use the package.
`Similar facilities are found in most modern
`programming languages and they are essen-
`tial features of object—oriented languages
`such as C++ and Java. 4. To provide an in-
`terface. 5. To interact.
`interior node Anothermmzefornonter-
`minal node.
`interior path length of a tree. The sum
`of the lengths of all paths from the root of
`the tree to an interior (i.e. a nonterminal)
`interlacing A method of displaying a
`video image by tracing out alternate "‘scan—
`lines in successive fields. (A field is a single
`complete scanning of the screen.) When al-
`ternate lines have been traced out, the scan-
`ning spot flies back to the top of the screen
`to trace out the remaining lines in the spaces
`between those of the first descent. This al-
`lows a lower refresh rate (and lower band-
`width requirements for lower frame rate) to
`produce an image that appears flicker-free.
`While this is true of most pictorial content
`and interlacing is still an essential feature of
`television, it is seldom now used in com-
`puter displays since a single horizontal line
`can appear to flicker at half the frame fre-
`quency. Higher speed graphics cards and
`_ monitors have generally replaced interlacing
`to produce high-quality displays.
`‘ interlock A hardware or software method
`of coordinating and/or synchronizing multi-
`-ple processes in a computer. Such a method ,
`can be used, for example, in the situation in
`.which a certain process should not begin
`‘ ntil another process is completed. A com-
`mon interlock method uses ‘flags to do this.
`, other typical situation is one in which re-
`uests for some service, e.g. memory access,
`rrive simultaneously. A hardware interlock
`‘ ermediate code The "machine code”
`ritual machine (def. 2). It is executed