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`The Linux Documentation Project
`Page 1 of 7
`Usenet News HOWTO
`Shuvam Misra (usenet at starcomsoftware dot com)
`Revision History
`Revised by: sm
`Revision 2.1
`New sections on Security and Software History, lots of other small additions and cleanup
`Revision 2.0
`Revised by: sm
`Rewritten by new authors at Starcom Software
`Revision 1.4
`Original document; authored by Vince Skahan.
`Revised by: vs
`Table of Contents
`1. What is the Usenet?
`1.1. Discussion groups
`1.2. How it works, loosely speaking
`1.3. About sizes, volumes, and so on
`2. Principles of Operation
`2.1. Newsgroups and articles
`2.2. Of readers and servers
`2.3. Newsfeeds
`2.4. Control messages
`3. Usenet news software
`3.1. A brief history of Usenet systems
`3.2. CNews and NNTPd
`3.3. INN
`3.4. Leafnode
`3.5. Suck
`3.6. Carrier class software
`4. Setting up CNews + NNTPd
`4.1. Getting the sources and stuff
`4.2. Compiling and installing
`4.3. Configuring the system: What and how to configure files?
`4.4. Testing the system
`4.5. pgpverify and controlperms
`4.6. Feeding off an upstream neighbour
`4.7. Configuring outgoing feeds
`5. Setting up INN
`Usenet News HOWTO
`Page 2 of 7
`5.1. Getting the source
`5.2. Compiling and installing
`5.3. Configuring the system
`5.4. Setting up pgpverify
`5.5. Feeding off an upstream neighbour
`5.6. Setting up outgoing feeds
`5.7. Efficiency issues and advantages
`6. Connecting email with Usenet news
`6.1. Feeding Usenet news to email
`6.2. Feeding email to news: the mail2news gateway
`6.3. Using GNU Mailman as an emailNNTP gateway
`7. Security issues
`7.1. Intrusion threats
`7.2. Vulnerabilities unique to the Usenet service
`8. Access control in NNTPd
`8.1. Hostbased access control
`8.2. User authentication and authorisation
`9. Components of a running system
`9.1. /var/lib/news: the CNews control area
`9.2. /var/spool/news: the article repository
`9.3. /usr/lib/newsbin: the executables
`9.4. crontab and cron jobs
`9.5. newsrun and relaynews: digesting received articles
`9.6. doexpire and expire: removing old articles
`9.7. nntpd and msgidd: managing the NNTP interface
`9.8. nov, the News Overview system
`9.9. Batching feeds with UUCP and NNTP
`10. Monitoring and administration
`10.1. The newsdaily report
`10.2. Crisis reports from newswatch
`10.3. Disk space
`10.4. CPU load and RAM usage
`10.5. The in.coming/bad directory
`10.6. Long pending queues in out.going
`10.7. Problems with nntpxmit and nntpsend
`10.8. The junk and control groups
`11. Usenet news clients
`11.1. Usenet User Agents
`11.2. Clients that transfer articles
`11.3. Special clients
`Usenet News HOWTO
`Page 3 of 7
`12. Our perspective
`12.1. Efficiency issues of NNTP
`12.2. CNews+NNTPd or INN?
`13. Usenet software: a historical perspective
`13.1. The quoted excerpts
`14. Documentation, information and further reading
`14.1. The manpages
`14.2. Papers, documents, articles
`14.3. O'Reilly's books on Usenet news
`14.4. Usenetrelated RFCs
`14.5. The source code
`14.6. Usenet newsgroups
`14.7. We
`15. Wrapping up
`15.1. Acknowledgements
`15.2. Comments invited
`15.3. Copyright
`15.4. About Starcom Software Private Limited
`What is the Usenet?
`Usenet News HOWTO
`Page 4 of 7
`Usenet News HOWTO
`1. What is the Usenet?
`1.1. Discussion groups
`The Usenet is a huge worldwide collection of discussion groups. Each discussion group has a name, e.g.
`comp.os.linux.announce, and a collection of messages. These messages, usually called articles, are
`posted by readers like you and me who have access to Usenet servers, and are then stored on the Usenet
`This ability to both read and write into a Usenet newsgroup makes the Usenet very different from the
`bulk of what people today call ``the Internet.'' The Internet has become a colloquial term to refer to the
`World Wide Web, and the Web is (largely) readonly. There are online discussion groups with Web
`interfaces, and there are mailing lists, but Usenet is probably more convenient than either of these for
`most large discussion communities. This is because the articles get replicated to your local Usenet server,
`thus allowing you to read and post articles without accessing the global Internet, something which is of
`great value for those with slow Internet links. Usenet articles also conserve bandwidth because they do
`not come and sit in each member's mailbox, unlike email based mailing lists. This way, twenty members
`of a mailing list in one office will have twenty copies of each message copied to their mailboxes.
`However, with a Usenet discussion group and a local Usenet server, there's just one copy of each article,
`and it does not fill up anyone's mailbox.
`Another nice feature of having your own local Usenet server is that articles stay on the server even after
`you've read them. You can't accidentally delete a Usenet articles the way you can delete a message from
`your mailbox. This way, a Usenet server is an excellent way to archive articles of a group discussion on a
`local server without placing the onus of archiving on any group member. This makes local Usenet servers
`very valuable as archives of internal discussion messages within corporate Intranets, provided the article
`expiry configuration of the Usenet server software has been set up for sufficiently long expiry periods.
`1.2. How it works, loosely speaking
`Usenet news works by the reader first firing up a Usenet news program, which in today's GUI world will
`highly likely be something like Netscape Messenger or Microsoft's Outlook Express. There are a lot of
`proven, welldesigned characterbased Usenet news readers, but a proper review of the user agent
`software is outside the scope of this HOWTO, so we will just assume that you are using whatever
`software you like. The reader then selects a Usenet newsgroup from the hundreds or thousands of
`newsgroups which are hosted by her local server, and accesses all unread articles. These articles are
`displayed to her. She can then decide to respond to some of them.
`When the reader writes an article, either in response to an existing one or as a start of a brandnew thread
`of discussion, her software posts this article to the Usenet server. The article contains a list of
`newsgroups into which it is to be posted. Once it is accepted by the server, it becomes available for other
`users to read and respond to. The article is automatically expired or deleted by the server from its internal
`archives based on expiry policies set in its software; the author of the article usually can do little or
`nothing to control the expiry of her articles.
`What is the Usenet?
`Page 5 of 7
`A Usenet server rarely works on its own. It forms a part of a collection of servers, which automatically
`exchange articles with each other. The flow of articles from one server to another is called a newsfeed. In
`a simplistic case, one can imagine a worldwide network of servers, all configured to replicate articles
`with each other, busily passing along copies across the network as soon as one of them receives a new
`articles posted by a human reader. This replication is done by powerful and faulttolerant processes, and
`gives the Usenet network its power. Your local Usenet server literally has a copy of all current articles in
`all relevant newsgroups.
`1.3. About sizes, volumes, and so on
`Any wouldbe Usenet server administrator or creator must read the "Periodic Posting about the basic
`steps involved in configuring a machine to store Usenet news," also known as the Site Setup FAQ,
`available from ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/usenet/site‐setup or
`ftp://ftp.uu.net/usenet/news.answers/news/site‐setup.Z. It was last updated in 1997, but trends
`haven't changed much since then, though absolute volume figures have.
`If you want your Usenet server to be a repository for all articles in all newsgroups, you will probably not
`be reading this HOWTO, or even if you do, you will rapidly realise that anyone who needs to read this
`HOWTO may not be ready to set up such a server. This is because the volumes of articles on the Usenet
`have reached a point where very specialised networks, very high end servers, and large disk arrays are
`required for handling such Usenet volumes. Those setups are called ``carrierclass'' Usenet servers, and
`will be discussed a bit later on in this HOWTO. Administering such an array of hardware may not be the
`job of the new Usenet administrator, for which this HOWTO (and most Linux HOWTO's) are written.
`Nevertheless, it may be interesting to understand what volumes we are talking about. Usenet news article
`volumes have been doubling every fourteen months or so, going by what we hear in comments from
`carrier class Usenet administrators. In the beginning of 1997, this volume was 1.2 GBytes of articles a
`day. Thus, the volumes should have roughly done five doublings, or grown 32 times, by the time we
`reach mid2002, at the time of this writing. This gives us a volume of 38.4 GBytes per day. Assume that
`this transfer happens using uncompressed NNTP (the norm), and add 50% extra for the overheads of
`NNTP, TCP, and IP. This gives you a raw data transfer volume of 57.6 GBytes/day or about 460
`Gbits/day. If you have to transfer such volumes of data in 24 hours (86400 seconds), you'll need raw
`bandwidth of about 5.3 Mbits per second just to receive all these articles. You'll need more bandwidth to
`send out feeds to other neighbouring Usenet servers, and then you'll need bandwidth to allow your
`readers to access your servers and read and post articles in retail quantities. Clearly, these volume figures
`are outside the network bandwidths of most corporate organisations or educational institutions, and
`therefore only those who are in the business of offering Usenet news can afford it.
`At the other end of the scale, it is perfectly feasible for a small office to subscribe to a welltrimmed
`subset of Usenet newsgroups, and exclude most of the highvolume newsgroups. Starcom Software,
`where the authors of this HOWTO work, has worked with a fairly large subset of 600 newsgroups, which
`is still a tiny fraction of the 15,000+ newsgroups that the carrier class services offer. Your office or
`college may not even need 600 groups. And our company had excluded specific highvolume but low
`usefulness newsgroups like the talk, comp.binaries, and alt hierarchies. With the pruned subset, the
`total volume of articles per day may amount to barely a hundred MBytes a day or so, and can be easily
`handled by most small offices and educational institutions. And in such situations, a single Intel Linux
`server can deliver excellent performance as a Usenet server.
`Then there's the internal Usenet service. By internal here, we mean a private set of Usenet newsgroups,
`not a private computer network. Every company or university which runs a Usenet news service creates
`What is the Usenet?
`Page 6 of 7
`its own hierarchy of internal newsgroups, whose articles never leave the campus or office, and which
`therefore do not consume Internet bandwidth. These newsgroups are often the ones most hotly accessed,
`and will carry more internally generated traffic than all the ``public'' newsgroups you may subscribe to,
`within your organisation. After all, how often does a guy have something to say which is relevant to the
`world at large, unless he's discussing a globally relevant topic like ``Unix rules!''? If such internal
`newsgroups are the focus of your Usenet servers, then you may find that fairly modest hardware and
`Internet bandwidth will suffice, depending on the size of your organisation.
`The new Usenet server administrator has to undertake a sizing exercise to ensure that he does not bite off
`more than he, or his network resources, can chew. We hope we have provided sufficient information for
`him to get started with the right questions.
`Usenet News HOWTO
`Principles of Operation
`What is the Usenet?
`Page 7 of 7