`Richard E. Brown
`Dartmouth College, Kiewit Computer Center, Hanover, NH 03755
`Abstract: Dartmouth College's Kiewit Net-
`work connects nearly all of the computing re-
`sources on the campus: mainframes, mini-
`computers, personal computers, terminals,
`printers, and file servers. It is a large internet-
`work, based on the AppleTalk protocols. There
`are currently over 2900 AppleTalk outlets in 44
`zones on campus. Over 90 minicomputers act
`as bridges between 177 AppleTalk twisted pair
`busses. This paper describes the extent and fa-
`cilities of the current network; the extensions
`made to the AppleTalk protocols, including a
`stream protocol and an asynchronous link pro-
`tocol; and current development projects, includ-
`ing an AppleTalk stream to TCP converter.
`The Kiewit Network is a general purpose local
`data network. It serves as glue between all the
`host computers and nearly all the personal com-
`puters and terminals on campus. The network
`extends to the academic and administrative
`buildings, and the student residence halls, with
`network ports placed in almost all the offices
`and rooms. From these ports, users may access
`any of the host computers connected to the net-
`work. In addition, the hosts use network con-
`nections to communicate between themselves
`for electronic mail, file transfer, printer sharing,
`etc. The network also supports Apple Com-
`puter's AppleTalk® protocols. Departments and
`individuals can purchase standard devices
`which use AppleTalk (such as LaserWriters®
`and file servers), and connect them directly to
`the network.
`Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted
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`copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and /or specfic
`© 1988 ACM 0- 89791- 245- 4/88/0001/0015 $1.50
`The Kiewit Network is not part of the tele-
`phone, energy control, or security systems of
`the College. While there can be benefits from
`combining them, separating these systems has
`simplified our design in many ways. A network
`failure doesn't interrupt these other services.
`We can also schedule experimental time for test-
`ing new software at our convenience.
`Dartmouth College started its campus network
`with General Electric Datanet 30 computers act-
`ing as front ends for the Dartmouth College
`Time Sharing (DCTS) system. In 1978, as the
`requirement for ports grew, Honeywell 716
`minicomputers replaced the Datanet machines.
`In the same time period, two factors forced a
`change in perspective away from a front -end
`function toward a networked approach. New
`hosts began to arrive on campus. These new
`machines required enhancements to the net-
`work. Second, off -campus sites demanded
`more ports than the existing phone lines could
`supply. We served these remote users by using
`Prime P200 minicomputers as statistical multi-
`plexors. In 1980, we implemented the DCTS
`terminal handling protocols on a less expensive
`minicomputer, and began to place these network
`nodes in the basements of buildings across the
`When the College recommended that the fresh-
`men entering in the fall of 1984 purchase a
`MacintosW" computer, funds were appropriated
`for three major network enhancements: installa-
`tion of a network port for each undergraduate in
`the residence halls; conversion of the network to
`the AppleTalk protocols; and creation of a termi-
`nal emulation program to exploit the enhanced
`network capabilities.
`Exhibit No. 3 for I.D.
`Reporter: K.A. Smith
`Date: 613115
`Computers at Dartmouth
`Dartmouth supports a variety of computing en-
`vironments which include the Dartmouth Col-
`lege Time Sharing system (DCTS), Unix® (4.2
`and 4.3 bsd), VAX/VMS, IBM VM/CMS, and
`Primos operating systems. The host computers
`which support these include two Honeywell
`DPS- 8/49's, one VAX 8500, eight VAX 11/
`785 and 11/750's, six microVAX'es, one IBM
`43814, a Convex Cl. XP, and a Prime 650.
`The network also serves Sun and Xerox work-
`stations, many IBM RT PC's, and the Telenet
`public data network
`Several services are accessible from the network
`without logging in:
`the library's on -line card
`catalog, a computer help system, the campus
`events calendar, and several student jobs
`Owners of Macintosh computers use DarTermi-
`nal, a locally- developed terminal emulation pro-
`gram, to connect to any of the host computers
`on campus. DarTerminal supports multiple si-
`multaneous sessions, each in its own window;
`cut -and -paste transfer between sessions; VT100
`emulation; TEK 4012 graphics; the ability to
`transfer arbitrary Macintosh documents to and
`from hosts; and a distributed screen editor called
`MacAvatar ® This screen editor works with a
`back -end editor on a host computer to give a
`Macintosh -style editing interface for each of the
`hosts. This gives us essentially the same screen
`editor on four of the popular operating systems
`on campus: Macintosh, DCTS, Unix, and
`There are about 4000 Macintosh computers on
`campus. Over half are owned by students who
`live in residence halls. About 800 IBM PCs of
`various models use asynchronous ports to con-
`nect to the network. There are over 1200 known
`RS -232 terminals, including CRT's, dot -matrix
`printers, and letter -quality printers.
`Why choose AppleTalk?
`A number of factors led to our choice of Apple -
`Talk as the base protocol within the Kiewit Net-
`work: the difficulty of maintaining the existing
`network; the desire to use higher bandwidth
`links; the existence of a coaxial cable around the
`campus; the low cost of an AppleTalk connec-
`tion; and the College's decision to recommend
`Macintosh computers to the students.
`In early 1984, the Kiewit Network comprised
`about 40 minicomputers which acted as packet
`switches and terminal concentrators. The net-
`work served about 1500 terminal ports (at 2400
`bps) with a normal load of 200 -250 simultane-
`ous terminal sessions. Internally, the network
`was based on X.25 level 2 data links, with the
`DCTS terminal handling protocols as a transport
`layer. The links between buildings were 19.2
`kbps local area data circuits.
`The network met our user's demands, but was
`quite hard to maintain. The major problem was
`that all routing information had to be hard -
`configured: a network engineer had to enter an
`explicit path from each of the network hub
`nodes to each host computer. Furthermore, we
`had to balance traffic flows through the network
`manually, by reconfiguring these paths. As the
`number of hosts increased, it was becoming dif-
`ficult to manage and configure the network.
`In 1978, as part of a major project to install
`cable TV wire around the campus, Kiewit had
`several runs of coaxial cable laid to the major
`buildings on campus. We believed that the best
`way to exploit the coax was to have a datagram-
`oriented network. We had considered stripping
`down TCP and IP to make a protocol with ade-
`quate performance across the medium speed
`links on and off campus.
`The decision, in 1984, to recommend that fresh-
`men purchase personal computers gave us ac-
`cess to real networking, with enough computing
`power to support reasonable protocols. After
`studying Apple's network plans, we saw that
`AppleTalk gave adequate internetwork facilities,
`yet was simple enough to be reliable and imple-
`mentable. In addition, AppleTalk was consider-
`ably more efficient than the other contender, the
`Internet protocols.
`AppleTalk requires only a $50 connector to ac-
`cess the network. By using relatively inexpen-
`sive bridges, AppleTalk is very cost competitive
`with other networking schemes, even RS -232
`async terminal ports.
`All these reasons convinced us that AppleTalk
`would be a reasonable alternative. AppleTalk
`offered low -cost connections, with the dynamic
`configuration that we desired. We had great
`hope that it would succeed in the market, so that
`third party products could enhance the value of
`the campus network. Even if it failed, though,
`we were sure that AppleTalk would work here
`at Dartmouth. We began a major redesign of the
`network in May 1984. When the freshmen ar-
`rived in September, the network was providing
`AppleTalk services in the residence halls.
`Inside the Network
`The Kiewit Network is a large AppleTalk inter-
`net. The network nodes act as AppleTalk
`bridges, providing routing, naming and zone
`services. In addition, the bridges act as terminal
`servers and as controllers for networked line
`printers using an AppleTalk stream protocol.
`Any device which uses the Apple protocols can
`be connected to one of the 230.4 kbps ports and
`communicate with other AppleTalk devices any-
`where on campus. As commercial products
`(networked printers, file servers, electronic
`mail, etc) have come to market, our users have
`a much wider choice of products than we could
`have developed internally.
`We currently have 95 bridges active in the net-
`work. These support 82 AppleTalk busses (at
`230.4 kbps). We give fictitious network num-
`bers to the terminal servers, and thus have a to-
`tal of 177 networks, divided over 44 zones.
`Typically, one zone serves a single building.
`The network supports the full set of AppleTalk
`protocols including AppleTalk Link Access Pro-
`tocol (ALAP), Datagram Delivery Protocol
`(DDP), Routing Table Maintenance Protocol
`(RTMP), Name Binding Protocol (NBP), and
`Zone Information Protocol (ZIP). ALAP sends
`packets between devices on a single bus. DDP
`is responsible for routing packets between de-
`vices on separate AppleTalk busses. RTMP de-
`fines how the network nodes keep track of the
`best route to all other nodes. NBP and ZIP de-
`fine how a name of a service is converted to a
`(numeric) network address.
`The Kiewit Network also supports the X.25
`protocol, connecting us to host computers and
`public data networks. This X.25 package has
`been certified by Telenet, Tymnet, and Uninet.
`The X.25 also provides terminal connections
`and file transfers to our VMS, Unix, and VM/
`CMS hosts.
`In addition to the standard Apple- defined proto-
`cols, we designed and implemented two en-
`hancements. An Async AppleTalk Link Access
`Protocol can replace the standard (230.4 kbps)
`ALAP. Async AppleTalk allows a Mac to con-
`nect into an AppleTalk network over an async
`(RS -232) link, even on a 1200 baud dial -up
`line. Async AppleTalk has been implemented as
`a Macintosh driver. We use Async AppleTalk
`for printing to LaserWriters, file serving, elec-
`tronic mail, terminal access, and several of the
`public domain AppleTalk packages. Currently,
`Async AppleTalk only works with the terminal
`ports of the Kiewit Network; commercial prod-
`ucts which convert between the async and
`230.4 kbps links are beginning to come to
`We also designed a data stream protocol (DSP)
`which we use for terminal access to host com-
`puters (see The Data Stream Protocol, below).
`Network Hardware
`The packet switching computers of the network
`are 16 bit minicomputers, manufactured by
`New England Digital (NED) of White River
`Junction, VT. These nodes act as terminal con-
`centrators, and perform packet switching and
`resource naming. Nodes contain up to 128 Kb
`of RAM and a variety of interface boards.
`All nodes contain a small ROM bootstrap. The
`program in the ROM establishes a connection to
`a central reload server and requests a reload.
`This ROM bootstrap loads in a larger RAM
`bootstrap program, which continues the reload
`Each processor contains a 10 second watch dog
`timer which is reset by the software's main
`loop. If the software or hardware reaches an er-
`ror condition and fails to reset the watch dog
`timer, the processor transfers into the ROM
`Each node computer can support a combination
`of up to 56 asynchronous (RS -232) ports, or up
`to 12 HDLC interfaces which use X.25 (to 56
`kbps) or the 230.4 kbps AppleTalk ALAP. We
`connect to our Honeywell hosts through disk
`channels on the I/O multiplexor. The NED
`nodes also support Centronics and Data Prod-
`ucts printer interfaces.
`Network Topology
`The nodes of the network are connected to form
`a tree, rooted in the reloading machine located in
`the computing services building. There are mul-
`tiple interconnections between the nodes within
`the computer center. Notable among these links
`is a cross -tree AppleTalk bus which joins a
`dozen nodes in the building.
`These central nodes fan -out to other nodes
`which in turn connect to leaf nodes in the base-
`ments of buildings around campus. These leaf
`nodes contain asynchronous ports, AppleTalk
`interface boards, and printer interfaces.
`Links between nodes are either medium speed
`synchronous (HDLC) lines or standard 230.4
`kbps AppleTalk busses. The links between
`buildings are generally 19.2 kbps LADS (local
`area data set) circuits.
`Within buildings, we place a four -prong tele-
`phone outlet (the old style square jack, not a
`modular jack) in each room or office and run
`four- conductor shielded station wire from the
`room to a central point on each floor. Addition-
`ally, we run a vertical backbone of 50 -pair cable
`from the network node (generally in the base-
`ment) to each floor.
`This wiring scheme has the advantage that it
`handles either asynchronous terminals with RS-
`232 signaling or AppleTalk devices with an RS-
`422 driver. We select asynchronous or Apple-
`Talk connections simply by cross -wiring the
`station wire to the appropriate pair(s) in the
`backbone cable.
`In the residence halls, we have one outlet per
`bed, for a total of 2600 outlets. In the academic
`and administrative buildings, there are more
`than 1650 active asynchronous terminal ports.
`Currently, a project to convert these RS -232
`outlets to AppleTalk has installed about 300
`The Master Node
`A single network node (the "master node ")
`watches over the network. It runs standard net-
`work software with additional functions, and
`never carries production traffic; it only monitors
`the network and reloads nodes which have
`The master node is at the top of the network
`tree. It is the only machine which has mass stor-
`age. Its disks hold reload images and configura-
`tion information for all the nodes in the
`network. When a failure occurs, the master
`node receives a copy of the failed memory im-
`age (a "dump "), sends a fresh copy of the pro-
`gram and configuration information to the failed
`node, and forwards a copy of the dump to the
`DCTS mainframe for examination. To track
`down the cause of the failure, a program on
`DCTS displays a stack trace, identifies and for-
`mats packets in a human -readable form, and
`makes several automatic checks on the binary
`Configuration and Startup
`Configuration information for the network is
`stored in a (text) file on the master node. The
`configuration can be changed by editing the file
`and reloading the affected node (we cannot cur-
`rently perform on- the -fly configuration). To re-
`load a node, a technician either presses a front
`panel switch or forces a crash from a privileged
`terminal. Forcing a crash is simple: the node
`turns off interrupts, and enters a tight loop. The
`watch dog timer and ROM bootstrap do the rest.
`A front panel switch on the remote node, or on
`the master node, can force the master node to
`skip the dump procedure, saving time and
`New revisions of the software are installed the
`same way. We update the binary image of the
`program on the master node's disk, and then
`force a reload in the particular node. We can re-
`load the entire network by asking the master
`node to pass a "death packet" to its children.
`Each recipient passes the packet to its children
`and then begins its reload procedure. Thus the
`reload request spreads outward through the net-
`work, and it reloads from the center. One node
`takes about two minutes to load (with a dump);
`the entire network reloads (without dumps) in
`15 minutes.
`Master Node Monitoring
`The master node polls each of the other nodes,
`and prepares a display (called the "status dis-
`play") which shows software response times,
`the round trip time from the master to the other
`node, number of connections in a node, errors
`on a link, and other performance statistics. Any
`terminal on the network may connect to the
`master and receive this display.
`The status display has several views on the net-
`work's state. The default screen shows errors -
`nodes or links which are in an unusual state.
`The terminal bell sounds whenever an entity
`changes to a worse state. A technician can si-
`lence the bell by acknowledging the problem
`from a network privileged terminal; typically,
`the technician enters information about the trou-
`ble, with their actions and initials.
`The status display can also show information
`about the entire network, a specific node or
`link, or a certain class of link.
`Troubleshooting Capabilities
`We have invested heavily in the control and
`monitoring functions for the network. In the
`standard network software, between 10 and 15
`per cent of the total lines of code are devoted to
`testing and diagnostics.
`Each network node has a "control process"
`which accepts connections (with password pro-
`tection) from terminals. This process provides a
`user interface to the monitoring functions in the
`machine. Support personnel can connect to the
`control process and request information about
`the relevant aspects of a node's performance.
`This includes link information (bytes and pack-
`ets per second, errors per minute), node infor-
`mation (free storage, per cent busy, per cent
`interrupt processing), routing tables, the current
`configuration, terminal port activity, the state of
`active connections, etc.
`Each code module within the node has calls to
`routines which can produce error messages with
`detailed information about interesting events.
`Examples are CRC errors on a link, checksum
`errors, routing table changes, protocol viola-
`tions, etc. The various protocol layers can pro-
`duce lines containing relevant protocol
`information. A support person can cause these
`lines to be formatted and displayed by setting
`the appropriate monitoring flag. We are careful
`to keep monitoring flags turned off most of the
`time, since formatting the data is computation-
`ally expensive and often increases the node's re-
`sponse time.
`Each node maintains a connection to one of our
`DCTS host computers for archival purposes.
`There, a log file for each node continually re-
`ceives information about unusual events from
`the control process. We perform daily mainte-
`nance on these files, watching for files which
`have grown too much or which show unusual
`The Data Stream Protocol
`In the summer of 1984, we designed and imple-
`mented a data stream protocol (DSP) as part of
`our DarTerminal terminal emulation program.
`We chose to design a new protocol, rather than
`use the industry- standard TCP family, for these
`At the time, none of our host computers
`used TCP (terminal connections were pri-
`marily over X.25 links); we would have
`had to integrate TCP/IP as well as the Ap-
`pleTalk protocols into the existing network.
`There was no IP support within a
`Macintosh at the time.
`The links of the network were slow. Most
`of the links between buildings were me-
`dium speed (19.2 kbps) local area data cir-
`cuits, we had several links to off -campus
`sites running at 2400 baud. With the over-
`head of TCP and IP headers, these links
`would have given poor service for many
`applications (most notably host character
`The original design used a two -byte header.
`This has served well for the last three years. In
`the summer of 1987, we converted to a four-
`byte header because: a) The two -byte header
`had an eight -bit packet sequence number. This
`was too small to prevent wraparound over fast
`links. The new protocol has 16 bits in the se-
`In addition to a reliable, sequenced stream of
`messages, DSP provides a means for its clients
`to exchange out -of -band information in the form
`of attention messages. Attention messages may
`be sent any time a connection is opened, even if
`the other end's receive window is closed. Deliv-
`ery of these messages is best -effort; they are not
`sequenced, acknowledged or automatically re-
`transmitted. Only one unread attention message
`will be held in a connection; subsequent atten-
`dons will be discarded.
`The DSP Header
`The DSP packets are sent as AppleTalk DDP
`datagrams. The DDP header carries several in-
`formation fields, including the internet source
`and destination socket addresses. A DSP header
`follows the DDP header, using DDP protocol
`type $26 and contains information specific to
`the DSP protocol.
`Sequence /Acknowledge Number
`(2 bytes)
`(4 bits)
`AC l
`Connection ID
`(1 byte)
`Data f eid (optional)
`The DSP Header
`Byte ordering is assumed to have the most sig-
`nificant (high- order) byte first, conforming to
`the AppleTalk conventions.
`Sequence /Acknowledge Number (16 bits)
`Generally, this field contains the sequence
`number of the packet. If ACK is set among
`the control bits, this field contains the se-
`quence number of the packet the sender next
`expects to receive. If ATN is set, this field
`must be zero.
`Connection ID (8 bits)
`The sender's identification of the connection.
`Coupled with the sender's internez address,
`this allows unique identification of the
`sender's client by the receiving DSP.
`The DSP uses a unique, incrementing con-
`nection ID number (ConnID) for each con-
`nection half, which must never be zero. The
`quence number, b) A cooperative effort with a
`third -party AppleTalk vendor required addi-
`tional features that the two -byte protocol could
`not support. This commercial implementation
`will allow our users to use any Macintosh termi-
`nal emulator across an AppleTalk network. The
`rest of this document describes the four -byte
`The DSP is a client of the AppleTalk Datagram
`Delivery Protocol (DDP) and Name Binding
`Protocol (NBP). A client may use DSP as its
`only interface to the AppleTalk network. The
`DSP establishes a connection between two enti-
`ties on an AppleTalk network. The client may
`specify a name or the AppleTalk address of the
`peer for the connection.
`A DSP connection provides full duplex, relia-
`ble, flow- controlled delivery of a stream of
`bytes. In addition to a raw stream of bytes, the
`DSP provides a record service whereby clients
`use an end of message (EOM) flag to indicate
`that one or more datagrams should be treated as
`a single transaction. A client may also create its
`own layered protocols, by using a protocol type
`field in the DSP header which is not interpreted
`by the DSP.
`The sending side of the DSP accepts buffers of
`data from its client and sends that information
`across the connection. The DSP may fragment a
`buffer into several datagrams; each will contain
`a sequence number. Each of the datagrams is
`held in a retransmit queue, pending receipt of an
`acknowledge packet. The receiving side of the
`DSP checks the sequence number of the arriv-
`ing datagrams, and sends back an acknowledge
`packet for any which are in- sequence. Ac-
`knowledge packets contain the sequence num-
`ber of the next expected datagram and a receive
`window which indicates the number of addi-
`tional maximum- length datagrams which may
`be sent. Datagrams which arrive ahead of se-
`quence are stored in a short queue, pending arri-
`val of the expected datagram(s).
`If a block of data must be fragmented, each
`fragment retains the protocol type field, and all
`but the last have the EOM bit cleared. The last
`datagram has its EOM bit set to the value re-
`quested by the client. The receiver must observe
`the EOM bit and the protocol type field, and
`only reassemble packets into receive buffers
`which have the same type.
`connlD is derived from a seed value main-
`tained within each DSP implementation (ini-
`tialized from a random source, such as the low
`order bits of a system clock); it is incremented
`at each connection attempt, and must be
`unique within the set of active connections.
`Control bits (4 bits, mutually exclusive)
`CTL: This packet transfers information be-
`tween DSP peers; the CTL bit is not set
`by the client. The modifier field defines
`the control function. The data field may
`carry supplementary control infor-
`ACK: This is an acknowledge packet; the ACK
`bit is not set by the client. The modifier
`field contains the receive window. The
`sequence field specifies the next re-
`quested message. There is no data field.
`EOM: This is the last data packet in a "record"
`message; the EOM bit is set by the
`client. The modifier field is user defina-
`ble for implementing layered protocols.
`ATN: This is a client supervisory control
`packet; the ATN bit is set by the client.
`The modifier and data fields carry user
`defined supplementary information. The
`value of the sequence field must be zero.
`Modifier Bits (4 bits)
`This field expands the meaning of the four con-
`trol bits defined above (the default case, with no
`control bits, indicates a data packet).
`If CTL is set, this field contains a control code
`which identifies the type of DSP control packet:
`note that the values marked as "processed im-
`mediately" will be processed even if ahead -of-
`Connection Request (non - privileged)
`Connection Request (privileged)
`Reserved for future expansion
`Connection Deny
`Disconnect Request
`Abort Advise *
`Acknowledge Request
`Forward Reset Request *
`$8 -$F Reserved for future expansion
`*- processed immediately
`If ACK is set, this field contains the sender's
`receive window, i.e. the number of maximum -
`length packets, beginning with the one indicated
`in the sequence field, which the sender of this
`packet is willing to accept.
`In all other cases (ATN, EOM, no control bits),
`this field is available for client- defined, higher -
`level layered protocols. Reserved protocol
`values are:
`A data packet, requiring no special
`Kiewit Network terminal handling pro-
`tocol (TCFACE).
`Infosphere ComServe protocol.
`Extended modifier value - escape to
`next byte.
`If the modifier field contains a value of $F, then
`the following byte (i.e. the first byte of the data
`field) contains the actual modifier value and the
`data field begins one byte later. This allows ex-
`pansion to 256 modifier values. Extended modi-
`fier values of $00 to $0E have the same
`meanings as the basic value range.
`Implementation recommendations
`There is always a tradeoff between timely trans-
`mission of data and the desire to increase net-
`work efficiency by sending large packets.
`Optimal transmission strategies are an area of
`active research. The DSP specification offers
`recommendations which are simple (so they are
`likely to be implemented correctly) and safe (so
`they will work, with minimal impact, under all
`network conditions). Implementors may deviate
`from these recommendations, but must be sure
`that the differences will actually perform better
`than these recommendations.
`Transmission Strategy
`Whenever data is to be transmitted on an idle
`connection, the sender will foward a window-
`full of data. This is the number of packets speci-
`fied in the receiver's receive window. Once a
`window -full has been sent, the sender will re-
`frain from sending more packets until all out-
`standing packets have been acknowledged. This
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`:ou antg goigm spa3joud spivasuraiaa aapuas ag1
`3jaom:au aqp Juql aansua o1 papajmou3jot uaaq
`dSQ alp `suoissiuisurrlaa glint papoo1l :ou si
`*alai uóTssilusuta:ar s1T lsnfpu XTTroiuxeuAp lsnuz
`-au oput a3rEp put `psngoa ag:snua unjluoTr au
`-ao aaagp
`ñatn uro goiim spaads }TutT lunoo
`(sdgYlTOi op pnrg OOZj) apnitugEUZ Jo slap
`Jo altuailsa ut :santEn Onn1 sum-urea" dSQ 0111
`aq: ssoaor (.T_T,g) amp dut punoa luaaano alp
`agi put `uopoauuoo
`-anstauz ,Cq 11.21 agi sapEUaT:sa dSQ ag.L (0121)
`Jo uóissicusur.n atp uaannlag auzp pasdEja agp 2ui
`-sa situ a2tssauz 3iou sal Jo ldtaoaa pug 1a3jotd
`sett :a3ptd aq1 3i pasn ag /quo pinoqs a:tutt:
`wogs alrtuilsa ,T°T,g agy aouo pallnzzsurA wag
`rTim `sajduaus pctaoaa 10 a2r1ant papqOtam E aq
`poraa oi) .1J,21 J'utsraaoui aol:urlsuoo auapaaisrl
`(uousaguoo o1 i(j3jotnb
`:uaaano ag1 aoimi 02 OL2T aquas (r Tenn dSQ ag1
`r Jo uoissivasutai TtuiuT am aoj a:tuaT:sa ,T_T,21
`am qlim pa3Totd aqi iitttsuralaa /quo (q :1a3jotd
`am up 2uillivasuraia2T °aaquanuaouailbas Isamu'
`STjtaaua2 ananb :ivasuna:aa ag1 ut sañussaut
`QUO Xjuo aouts `aouruuo3a0d anoaduit 1,uom
`luanbasqns lsoj uaag ánrg
`s,aantaoaa aqp uo 2upttm ag pjnom sod
`pue `sa2essatu aouanbas jo pump 10 ananb
`aignop (o ;palliLUSUtalaa ag o1 paau pou mom
`(a:guzi:sa auap dup punoa am iou :ng) O1,2T ag1
`2upjorq dg papliiusurapaa si ia3jotd r auail Xur
`-pau agi poop pou Tlim dSQ aq1 `JiTanlssaat jjo
`sastaaouT ICivappns pro' uaqm 3Ta0m
`lualua2uurw atopum
`a4aTmou3jou spuas ssaooad dSQ 2utniaoax au
`alp jo uoilou s,rapuas alp a:gpdn o1 saussatu
`702 au mopuim aniaoáa ao aaquanu aouanbas
`-au Jo saquzniz agi aziunuiva ol si dsQ ag13o
`4Crauail an12 Tips pur `puas sattssaut aipaimou}T
`dSQ ag1, °apgis s,aaniaoar agp:nogt uoi1E111.1O3ui
`:uagm apajmou3Tor ut puas Him
`:paniaoaa st arssaLU aouanbas-ui uy
``.ananb antaoaa am sapduaa luaiTa au,
`imp gons ananb aniaoaa aup suiEap puaijo au,
`111as anrgn am aoiml si mopuim aniaoaa am
`:a2rssatu apajmou3ror snoinaad atjl ui
`-Tim) sandxa aatuu aT3Tou puooas 0£ atl.I.
`(a2tssaua Jamo Aur 2uipuasino
`enaie0 [000lo.td asa ol ¿Di au,
`-0jd4° am Jo luauzdojanap agi glitt jajTtaud ui
`slau rare jeooT `anogr paquosap 3Taom:au3jjÈ1
`-óT ia3j jtaanas UT p02aauza anEg 1011aa1pg 2utsn
`-12u0 ag: apnTouT asags, sndureo pun= suopEo
`am pug sftipTinq aouatos ralnduaoo put 2uuaau
`-tdX1 alp sraaaqm aaluaD uótlulnduzo0 :imaYx
`saotnap am `gsolutom u sT aotnap 311r1,ajddle Ito
`put) jnlaamod arouz ag op pual lauaaglg ag1 uo
`puu sNjA au1 apnToui /Sag', (anisuadxa aim"
`pur uns `anogt pauopuatuslsogXdA 'tun
`aaquanu Suistaaoui ut pur `suoprls3jaom xoaaX
`firms Jamo puE `Od ix ATEI `XäAoaoiva 10
`Mai, agp asn tiro saoin,ap asag111d saalnduaoo
`'Tauaaq:g 0q1 aano alEOtunuzuxoa o: sj000load
`pur 3jiElajddy `spjaomomi owl uotstntp stgl
`02 preTT si :t :3jotgmrap aofruz t stg `pauaaq:g
`tam °s3Taomlau ow agi uaamlaq alEOiunuzuaoo
``snduzEo a111 uo aaatinnAaana
`:sog ano ire (ATrtau) o1 paloauuoa iauaaglg pur
`auaagos jEaaua2 u pup 01 papaau am `saalnduaoo
`-moo t upim aotnap
`uE 2unoauuoo ao3
`lauaatjlg ag: uo ralnd
`-uoo qoiqm suoilnjos ma1 t QM aaaqp `Apuaran0
``Sturat;rP dI Pur dQQ 3ijulajddd uaam:aq uan
`s,paojur:s uo pastq 0.1E praadsapim isouz au
`-tui jnjaaau.nuoa spi pur `,/gojougoap g,T,dO`dgS
`sitp amiss, 'au' `soi;auix map uoiluauauzajd
`-pos Rolls-alp-go ou we aaatp `s3jaom aremparg
`ware packages which will support the terminal
`sessions we require. Rather than implement
`TCP/IP, we decided to design a converter be-
`tween the stream and terminal protocols of the
`AppleTalk DSP and TCP/Telnet. There were
`several reasons:
`The links between buildings are still slow
`(19.2 kbps). Full TCP/IP headers would
`give poor performance. Async AppleTalk at
`1200 baud would be unusable.
`The network nodes which perform terminal
`service have very little code space left. A
`new protocol family probably would not fit
`in the machine.
`We have three separate implementations of
`the DSP: the network terminal handlers, the
`DCTS host, and the Macintosh. All three
`implementations would have to be changed
`to a new protocol.
`A third -party AppleTalk vendor is develop-
`ing an "AppleTalk serial driver" which will
`replace the current async RS -232 driver in
`the Macintosh. Any terminal emulator will
`then work across the AppleTalk network,
`simply by installing the new driver.
`The Internet protocols still cannot provide
`several of the services we get from Apple-
`Talk: dynamic network address assignment;
`simple routing algorithms for a local net-
`work; naming algorithms which don't re-
`quire a system administrator to update name
`The Gateway Implementation
`We plan to use a Macintosh II computer running
`A/UX (Unix System V, Release