`Capital Reporting Company
`Madisetti, Ph.D., Vijay 06-25-2015
` :
` Petitioner, :
` : Case No. IPR2015-00180
` v. :
` : Patent 8,601,154
` :
` Patent Owner. :
` Atlanta, Georgia
` Thursday, June 25, 2015
`Videotaped Deposition of:
`held at the offices of The Entertainment Law Group,
`3355 Lenox Road, Suite 750, Atlanta, Georgia,
`pursuant to Notice, before JoRita B. Meyer, a
`Registered Professional Reporter, Registered Merit
`Reporter, Certified Realtime Reporter, and Certified
`Court Reporter for the State of Georgia beginning at
`8:57 a.m., when were present on behalf of the
`respective parties:
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Madisetti, Ph.D., Vijay 06-25-2015
` 1 A P P E A R A N C E S
` 2 On behalf of the Petitioner:
` 1100 New York Avenue, NW
` 4 Washington, DC 20005
` 202.371.2600
` 8
`on behalf of the Patent Owner:
` 9
`10 201 Santa Monica Blvd.
` Suite 600
`11 Santa Monica, CA 90401
` 310.656.7066
`16 George Bush, Videographer
`(866) 448 - DEPO
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Madisetti, Ph.D., Vijay 06-25-2015
` 1 (June 25, 2015, 8:57 a.m.) 08:32
` 2 (Deposition Exhibit Number 1002 was marked 08:55
` 3 for identification) 08:55
` 4 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: This marks the 08:57
` 5 beginning of video one in the videotaped 08:57
` 6 deposition of Dr. Vijay Madisetti. 08:57
` 7 Today's date is June 25, 2015, and the 08:57
` 8 time on the record is 8:57 a.m. 08:57
` 9 Would counsel present please identify 08:57
`10 themselves and state who they represent. 08:57
`11 (Whereupon, appearances were entered on 08:57
`12 the video record) 08:57
`13 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: And would the court 08:58
`14 reporter please swear in the witness. 08:58
`15 /// 08:58
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Madisetti, Ph.D., Vijay 06-25-2015
` 1 VIJAY MADISETTI, Ph.D., called as a 08:58
` 2 witness, having been duly sworn by a Certified 08:58
` 3 Court Reporter, was examined and testified as 08:58
` 4 follows: 08:58
` 5 E X A M I N A T I O N 08:58
` 6 BY MR. DOVEL: 08:58
` 7 Q Dr. Madisetti, I've placed in front of you 08:58
` 8 Exhibit 1002, which is the declaration containing 08:58
` 9 the testimony you submitted in this case. 08:58
`10 Are you familiar with it? 08:58
`11 A Yes, I am. 08:58
`12 Q Did you sign it on page 73? 08:58
`13 A Yes. 08:59
`14 Q In your testimony -- I'd like you first to 08:59
`15 turn to page -- excuse me, paragraph 79. In your 08:59
`16 declaration in paragraph 79 you state, "In my 08:59
`17 opinion, the phrase 'communicatively coupled' means 08:59
`18 coupled for communication, including, for example, 08:59
`19 coupled to allow communication between functions or 08:59
`20 processes on the same or different servers." 08:59
`21 Is that right? 08:59
`22 A Yes, I describe that in paragraph 79 on 08:59
`23 page 36. 08:59
`24 Q Is it your opinion that one of ordinary 08:59
`25 skill in the art would understand the phrase 08:59
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Madisetti, Ph.D., Vijay 06-25-2015
` 1 "communicatively coupled" as it's used in the 08:59
` 2 SimpleAir patent to mean coupled for communication, 09:00
` 3 including, for example, coupled to allow 09:00
` 4 communication between functions or processes on the 09:00
` 5 same or different servers? 09:00
` 6 MR. MESSINGER: Objection, form. 09:00
` 7 THE WITNESS: "Communicatively coupled" is 09:00
` 8 used in the -- in the claim. I would like to 09:00
` 9 look at the claim and -- 09:00
`10 BY MR. DOVEL: 09:00
`11 Q Why would you like to look at the claim? 09:00
`12 A If you give me the patent, I can look at 09:00
`13 it, the '154. 09:00
`14 Q I understand that, but my question is: 09:00
`15 Can you answer that question? 09:00
`16 A Yes. "Communicatively coupled" is used in 09:00
`17 the claim many times. In the context of the claim, 09:00
`18 in light of the specification, "communicatively 09:00
`19 coupled" means coupled for communication, including, 09:00
`20 as an example, coupled to allow communications 09:00
`21 between functions or processes on the same or 09:00
`22 different servers. 09:01
`23 Q Is that how one of ordinary skill in the 09:01
`24 art would understand the phrase "communicatively 09:01
`25 coupled"? 09:01
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Madisetti, Ph.D., Vijay 06-25-2015
` 1 MR. MESSINGER: Objection, form. 09:01
` 2 THE WITNESS: One of ordinary skill in the 09:01
` 3 art would understand "communication coupled" as 09:01
` 4 stated here in the light of the specification 09:01
` 5 and the language of the claim. 09:01
` 6 BY MR. DOVEL: 09:01
` 7 Q I think you may have misspoken. You said 09:01
` 8 "communication coupled." Did you mean 09:01
` 9 communicatively coupled? 09:01
`10 A Yes, communicatively coupled. 09:01
`11 Q Is it the case that if -- does 09:01
`12 communicatively coupled -- withdrawn. 09:01
`13 I'm going to place in front of you -- 09:01
`14 let's just take a look here. I'm going to place in 09:01
`15 front of you a copy of the '154 patent. This will 09:01
`16 be Exhibit Number 1001. We'll mark it at the next 09:01
`17 break here. 09:02
`18 I'd like you to turn to the next-to-last 09:02
`19 page. You'll see Claim 1. 09:02
`20 (Deposition Exhibit Number 1001 was marked 09:02
`21 for identification) 09:02
`22 THE WITNESS: Yes. 09:02
`23 BY MR. DOVEL: 09:02
`24 Q You'll see that one of the things that 09:02
`25 Claim 1 requires is a central broadcast server that 09:02
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Madisetti, Ph.D., Vijay 06-25-2015
` 1 is communicatively coupled to at least one 09:02
` 2 information gateway, correct? 09:02
` 3 MR. MESSINGER: Objection, form. 09:02
` 4 THE WITNESS: Are you referring to a 09:02
` 5 particular line? 09:02
` 6 BY MR. DOVEL: 09:02
` 7 Q Yes. I'm referring to column 32, line 09:02
` 8 30 -- or line 51, where it says, "wherein the 09:02
` 9 central broadcast server," and then skipping down to 09:02
`10 line 55, "is communicatively coupled to at least one 09:03
`11 information gateway." 09:03
`12 A Yes, I can see in column 32, line 55, it 09:03
`13 says "is communicatively coupled to at least one 09:03
`14 information gateway." 09:03
`15 Q Does the claim require that the central 09:03
`16 broadcaster be something that is different from the 09:03
`17 information gateway? 09:03
`18 MR. MESSINGER: Objection, form. 09:03
`19 THE WITNESS: The -- there is a 09:03
`20 construction for the central broadcast server 09:04
`21 on page 33 that says -- in my declaration, that 09:04
`22 says "one or more servers that are configured 09:04
`23 to receive data from a plurality of information 09:04
`24 sources and" the processes -- "and process the 09:04
`25 data prior to its transmission to one" of -- 09:04
`(866) 448 - DEPO
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Madisetti, Ph.D., Vijay 06-25-2015
` 1 "one or more selected remote computing 09:04
` 2 devices." 09:04
` 3 This is from the District Court's that has 09:04
` 4 been applied, as modified by the claim. 09:05
` 5 And to answer your question, the central 09:05
` 6 broadcast server would include the information 09:05
` 7 gateway. 09:05
` 8 BY MR. DOVEL: 09:05
` 9 Q In other words, it's your testimony that 09:05
`10 one of ordinary skill in the art would read the 09:05
`11 claim such that the information gateway may be a 09:05
`12 component of the central broadcast server? 09:05
`13 MR. MESSINGER: Objection, form. 09:05
`14 THE WITNESS: The language is -- is -- the 09:05
`15 language in the claim says the central 09:06
`16 broadcast server is communicatively coupled to 09:06
`17 at least one information gateway. But in the 09:06
`18 context of the claim and the specification, to 09:06
`19 one of ordinary skill in the art, the 09:06
`20 information gateway would be part of the 09:06
`21 central broadcast server, though I am not 09:06
`22 offering a particular claim construction at 09:06
`23 this point. 09:06
`24 BY MR. DOVEL: 09:06
`25 Q Is it the case that a component may be 09:06
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Madisetti, Ph.D., Vijay 06-25-2015
` 1 communicatively coupled -- withdrawn. 09:06
` 2 Is it the case that a central broadcast 09:06
` 3 server may be communicatively coupled with a part of 09:06
` 4 itself? 09:06
` 5 MR. MESSINGER: Objection, form. 09:06
` 6 THE WITNESS: There could be portions of 09:07
` 7 the central broadcast server -- for instance, 09:07
` 8 an information gateway; another component could 09:07
` 9 be a transmission gateway -- and these 09:07
`10 components could be communicatively coupled to 09:07
`11 each other. 09:07
`12 BY MR. DOVEL: 09:07
`13 Q My question was -- withdrawn. 09:07
`14 Let's assume we've got a central broadcast 09:07
`15 server that includes as components an information 09:07
`16 gateway and a transmission gateway. Could the 09:07
`17 transmission gateway in that configuration be 09:07
`18 communicatively coupled to the central broadcast 09:07
`19 server? 09:07
`20 MR. MESSINGER: Objection, form. 09:07
`21 THE WITNESS: Again, that's a -- it's not 09:07
`22 quite clear as to what the central broadcast 09:07
`23 server is. But in the light of the claim and 09:07
`24 the language of the claim and the 09:08
`25 specification, I understand that the 09:08
`(866) 448 - DEPO
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Madisetti, Ph.D., Vijay 06-25-2015
` 1 communicatively coupled here refers to the 09:08
` 2 coupling between the information gateways and 09:08
` 3 the transmission gateways. 09:08
` 4 BY MR. DOVEL: 09:08
` 5 Q You haven't answered my question. Let me 09:08
` 6 rephrase it for you. 09:08
` 7 A Sure. 09:08
` 8 Q I want you to assume we've got a central 09:08
` 9 broadcast -- withdrawn. 09:08
`10 Does the claim permit the information 09:08
`11 gateway to be a component of the central broadcast 09:08
`12 server? 09:08
`13 MR. MESSINGER: Objection, form. 09:08
`14 THE WITNESS: In the light of the 09:08
`15 specification, yes, the language of the claim 09:08
`16 permits the information gateway to be a 09:08
`17 component of the central broadcast server. 09:08
`18 BY MR. DOVEL: 09:08
`19 Q Can the information -- if the information 09:08
`20 gateway -- withdrawn. 09:08
`21 If the information gateway is a component 09:08
`22 of the central broadcast server, can the information 09:08
`23 gateway be communicatively coupled to the central 09:08
`24 broadcast server? 09:08
`25 MR. MESSINGER: Objection, form. 09:08
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Madisetti, Ph.D., Vijay 06-25-2015
` 1 THE WITNESS: If -- in that sense, the 09:09
` 2 information gateway would be communicatively 09:09
` 3 coupled to other components in the central 09:09
` 4 broadcast server. If one of ordinary skill 09:09
` 5 would understand that interpretation, it can be 09:09
` 6 communicatively coupled in that scenario. 09:09
` 7 BY MR. DOVEL: 09:09
` 8 Q Would one of ordinary skill in the art 09:09
` 9 read the claim such that the information gateway 09:09
`10 could be a component of the central broadcast server 09:09
`11 and still communicatively coupled with the central 09:09
`12 broadcast server? 09:09
`13 MR. MESSINGER: Objection, form. 09:09
`14 THE WITNESS: As I mentioned earlier, in 09:10
`15 that scenario, if one of ordinary skill in the 09:10
`16 art understands that phraseology to mean that 09:10
`17 the information gateway is communicatively 09:10
`18 coupled to other components in the central 09:10
`19 broadcast server, that's how it would be read. 09:10
`20 BY MR. DOVEL: 09:10
`21 Q In your analysis of Claim 1, you present 09:10
`22 the opinion that Claim 1 would be obvious based upon 09:10
`23 a combination of Yan and Kane; is that correct? 09:11
`24 MR. MESSINGER: Objection, form. 09:11
`25 THE WITNESS: My interpretation, for 09:11
`(866) 448 - DEPO
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Madisetti, Ph.D., Vijay 06-25-2015
` 1 instance, in paragraph -- starting from 09:11
` 2 paragraph 89 on page 41, I express support for 09:11
` 3 my opinion that Yan, in view of Kane, renders 09:11
` 4 Claims 1, 2, 3, 4 -- 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 24, and 09:11
` 5 29 obvious. 09:11
` 6 BY MR. DOVEL: 09:11
` 7 Q My question was about Claim 1, though. 09:11
` 8 It's your opinion that Yan and Kane, when combined, 09:11
` 9 would render Claim 1 obvious, right? 09:12
`10 A Yes, sir. 09:12
`11 Q In doing your analysis for Claim 1, did 09:12
`12 you identify in your declaration any prior art that 09:12
`13 disclosed any elements of Claim 1 other than Yan or 09:12
`14 Kane? 09:12
`15 A Maybe you could repeat the question, if 09:12
`16 possible. 09:12
`17 Q Let me rephrase it. 09:12
`18 Was it your conclusion that you could 09:12
`19 identify each of the elements of Claim 1 in either 09:12
`20 Yan or Kane, or both? 09:12
`21 MR. MESSINGER: Objection, form. 09:12
`22 THE WITNESS: Yes, one of ordinary skill 09:12
`23 in the art would combine Yan and Kane to render 09:12
`24 each limitation of the Claim 1 obvious. 09:13
`25 BY MR. DOVEL: 09:13
`(866) 448 - DEPO
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Madisetti, Ph.D., Vijay 06-25-2015
` 1 Q My question was a little different. Did 09:13
` 2 you in your declaration conclude that each of the 09:13
` 3 limitations of Claim 1 was disclosed in Yan or Kane? 09:13
` 4 MR. MESSINGER: Objection, form. 09:13
` 5 THE WITNESS: The question is not entirely 09:13
` 6 clear. But if I understand it, Yan and Kane 09:13
` 7 disclose more than one limitation. There are 09:13
` 8 limitations where both Yan and Kane disclose 09:13
` 9 the same limitation. So there is -- for each 09:13
`10 limitation, it is Yan or Kane, or both Yan and 09:13
`11 Kane, as outlined in my declaration and the 09:13
`12 claim chart that's attached to it. 09:14
`13 BY MR. DOVEL: 09:14
`14 Q Did you identify any limitation of Claim 1 09:14
`15 that was not disclosed in Yan and was also not 09:14
`16 disclosed in Kane? 09:14
`17 MR. MESSINGER: Objection, form. 09:14
`18 THE WITNESS: No, sir. 09:14
`19 BY MR. DOVEL: 09:14
`20 Q Did you include any alternative opinions 09:14
`21 that, if a certain limitation is not disclosed in 09:14
`22 Yan, not disclosed in Kane, it would be disclosed in 09:14
`23 some third prior art? 09:14
`24 MR. MESSINGER: Objection, form. 09:14
`25 THE WITNESS: With respect to which claim, 09:14
`(866) 448 - DEPO
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Madisetti, Ph.D., Vijay 06-25-2015
` 1 sir? 09:14
` 2 BY MR. DOVEL: 09:14
` 3 Q Claim 1. 09:14
` 4 A As outlined in my declaration for Claim 1, 09:14
` 5 I analyzed Claim 1 in view of the combination of Yan 09:15
` 6 and Kane. And I do rely on my experience and the 09:15
` 7 background information that I cite in my declaration 09:15
` 8 as to what one of ordinary skill in the art would 09:15
` 9 know at the time, and offer the basis for my opinion 09:15
`10 that the combination of Yan and Kane renders Claim 1 09:15
`11 obvious. 09:15
`12 Q You haven't answered my question. 09:15
`13 In your declaration, did you include as an 09:15
`14 alternative opinion that, if a certain limitation of 09:15
`15 Claim 1 is not disclosed in Yan and is not disclosed 09:15
`16 in Kane, it's still disclosed in some third prior 09:15
`17 art you've identified? 09:15
`18 MR. MESSINGER: Objection, form. 09:15
`19 THE WITNESS: With respect to Claim 1, I 09:15
`20 have not identified a third reference because 09:15
`21 it's my opinion that both Yan and Kane, 09:16
`22 individually or together, disclose and render 09:16
`23 obvious each limitation of Claim 1. 09:16
`24 BY MR. DOVEL: 09:16
`25 Q Did you include in your declaration for 09:16
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Madisetti, Ph.D., Vijay 06-25-2015
` 1 any limitation the alternative opinion that if Yan 09:16
` 2 or Kane were found not to disclose that limitation, 09:16
` 3 it would have been obvious to modify Yan or Kane to 09:16
` 4 include the limitation? 09:16
` 5 MR. MESSINGER: Objection, scope. 09:16
` 6 THE WITNESS: I think there are portions 09:16
` 7 in my declaration where I do cite that there 09:17
` 8 are ways by which -- known ways and predictable 09:17
` 9 ways by which Yan and Kane may be modified 09:17
`10 under certain scenarios or certain alternative 09:17
`11 claim constructions. 09:17
`12 BY MR. DOVEL: 09:17
`13 Q Well, for Claim 1, I didn't see any such 09:17
`14 opinions. I'm asking about Claim 1. 09:17
`15 A I'd have to look at my analysis -- 09:17
`16 Q Sure. 09:17
`17 A -- for Claim 1. 09:17
`18 For instance, in paragraph 109, if I 09:20
`19 understood the question right, I offer two 09:20
`20 different -- two -- two analyses with respect to how 09:20
`21 the user could access the information consistent 09:20
`22 with the claim construction for the terms "data 09:20
`23 channel" and -- and "online and offline models." 09:21
`24 Both of them are present in Yan. And so 09:21
`25 there are some alternative hypotheses, but I don't 09:21
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Madisetti, Ph.D., Vijay 06-25-2015
` 1 see locations where there's an additional 09:21
` 2 modification that is needed for Yan or Kane in my 09:21
` 3 analysis of Claim 1. 09:21
` 4 Q Was it the case that because you concluded 09:21
` 5 that all of the limitations of Claim 1 were 09:21
` 6 expressly disclosed in Yan or Kane -- 09:21
` 7 A Or both. 09:21
` 8 Q -- or both, that you did not need to offer 09:21
` 9 an opinion about modifying Yan or Kane? 09:21
`10 MR. MESSINGER: Objection, form. 09:22
`11 THE WITNESS: With respect to Claim 1, 09:22
`12 that is generally the case, absent a detailed 09:22
`13 review of my declaration. 09:22
`14 BY MR. DOVEL: 09:22
`15 Q Well, you went up to paragraph 109. Why 09:22
`16 don't you finish Claim 1, which goes through 09:22
`17 paragraph 112, so we can have a clear record? 09:22
`18 A Yes, I've examined up to paragraph 112, 09:23
`19 and it's my opinion that Yan or Kane, or both, 09:23
`20 disclose each and every limitation, and the 09:23
`21 combination thus renders obvious each and every 09:23
`22 limitation of Claim 1. 09:23
`23 Q My question, sir, is: In your declaration 09:23
`24 did you express the alternative opinion that if Yan 09:23
`25 or Kane were found not to include a particular 09:23
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Madisetti, Ph.D., Vijay 06-25-2015
` 1 limitation, that it would have been obvious to 09:23
` 2 modify Yan or Kane to include that limitation? 09:24
` 3 MR. MESSINGER: Objection, form. 09:24
` 4 THE WITNESS: I don't recall with respect 09:24
` 5 to Claim 1. 09:24
` 6 BY MR. DOVEL: 09:24
` 7 Q You don't recall what? 09:24
` 8 A I don't recall offering an opinion that a 09:24
` 9 particular limitation is -- may require modification 09:24
`10 of either Yan or Kane. 09:24
`11 Q You've just looked through your 09:24
`12 declaration for the portion of your analysis that 09:24
`13 where you've analyzed Claim 1; is that right? 09:25
`14 A Yes. 09:25
`15 Q When you just reviewed your declaration, 09:25
`16 did you identify anyplace where you offered the 09:25
`17 opinion that a limitation may be met by modifying 09:25
`18 Yan or Kane, if the limitation is deemed to be not 09:25
`19 disclosed in Yan or Kane? 09:25
`20 A I reviewed my declaration, and I don't see 09:25
`21 a specific disclosure to that. And I -- 09:25
`22 Q Would you agree, sir, that if -- 09:25
`23 withdrawn. 09:25
`24 How confident are you that each limitation 09:25
`25 of Claim 1 is disclosed in Yan or Kane? 09:25
`(866) 448 - DEPO
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Madisetti, Ph.D., Vijay 06-25-2015
` 1 MR. MESSINGER: Objection, form. 09:25
` 2 THE WITNESS: Very confident. It's my 09:25
` 3 opinion that each and every limitation of Claim 09:25
` 4 1 is present in Yan or -- and/or Kane. And the 09:25
` 5 combination renders that limitation obvious. 09:26
` 6 BY MR. DOVEL: 09:26
` 7 Q Did you conclude that each limitation of 09:26
` 8 Claim 1 was expressly disclosed in Yan or Kane, or 09:26
` 9 both? 09:26
`10 A Yes. 09:26
`11 Q I didn't see anyplace where you asserted 09:26
`12 that a limitation is not expressly disclosed, 09:26
`13 however, it is inherent. 09:26
`14 Is that the case? 09:26
`15 MR. MESSINGER: Objection, form. 09:26
`16 BY MR. DOVEL: 09:26
`17 Q Let me give you a clearer question. 09:26
`18 Did you in your declaration express the 09:26
`19 opinion that there were any limitations in Claim 1 09:26
`20 that would be inherent in Yan or Kane? 09:26
`21 A It is my opinion that Yan or Kane, or 09:27
`22 both, expressly or inherently disclose each and 09:27
`23 every limitation of Claim 1 and thus render it 09:27
`24 obvious. I mean, for instance -- for instance, in 09:27
`25 paragraphs 102, 103, and 104, it is my opinion that 09:27
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Madisetti, Ph.D., Vijay 06-25-2015
` 1 the logic in the controller inherently uses 09:27
` 2 software. That's one of the opinions that I've 09:28
` 3 offered. 09:28
` 4 Q You say 102, 103, 104. I don't see the 09:28
` 5 word "inherent" in 102, 103, or 104. Can you find 09:28
` 6 it and point me to that? 09:28
` 7 A It's my opinion that, for example, in 09:28
` 8 paragraph 103, the use of the word "logic" in the 09:28
` 9 claimed information gateway that builds data blocks 09:28
`10 and assigns addresses and accesses a message 09:28
`11 database is a software and discloses software to one 09:28
`12 of ordinary skill in the art. 09:28
`13 Q My question, sir, is about -- we're 09:28
`14 talking about paragraph 103, right? 09:28
`15 A Yes, sir. 09:28
`16 Q And what you've said is that one of 09:28
`17 ordinary skill in the art would read the disclosure 09:28
`18 of Kane and understand that the controller was 09:28
`19 software; is that right? 09:28
`20 A One of ordinary skill in the art would 09:29
`21 understand that the controller would contain 09:29
`22 software and hardware. 09:29
`23 Q Okay. My question is a little different. 09:29
`24 It's not whether one of ordinary skill in the art 09:29
`25 would read and understand these limitations. 09:29
`(866) 448 -

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