
`U.S. Patent No. 5,463,750
`Petition for Inter Partes Review, Declaration of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph. D
`Curriculum Vitae of Vernon Thomas Rhyne III
`ARM Ex. 1010
`IPR Petition - USP 5,463,750


`U.S. Patent No. 5,463,750
`Petition for Inter Partes Review, Declaration of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph. D
`8407 Horse Mountain Cove
`Austin, TX 78759-6828
`Phone and FAX: (512) 219-0849
`E-Mail: or
`Birthdate: February 18, 1942
`Citizenship: USA
`Married: Glenda Pevey Rhyne
`Children: Amber Rhyne Compton and Vernon Thomas Rhyne, IV
`Grandchildren: Truett Rhyne Compton and Tate James Compton
`Security Clearance: Department of Defense Secret (Inactive)
`• Microprocessor/Microcomputer Design and Application
`• Computer-Aided Design
`• Computer Architecture
`• Digital Systems Design and Synthesis
`• Digital Communications
`• Electronic Circuit Design
`• Semiconductor Manufacture
`• Technology Maturation and Commercialization
`• Intellectual Property Litigation
`• Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering) — Georgia Institute of Technology, 1967.
`Ph.D. Dissertation entitled “Real-Time Signal Enhancement of the Fetal


`U.S. Patent No. 5,463,750
`Petition for Inter Partes Review, Declaration of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph. D
`• M.E.E. — University of Virginia, 1964. Master’s Thesis entitled
`“Ferroelectric Devices for Nondestructive Memory.”
`• B.S.E.E. (Special Honors) — Mississippi State University, 1962.
`• Japanese Language Instruction, 1988-89, 1996, 1997.
`• Modern Semiconductor Manufacturing, Motorola University, 1996.
`Industrial and Research:
`1997-Present: Retired from Texas A&M University; part-time engineering
`1995-1997: Manager of Strategic Programs, Strategic Asset Group,
`Semiconductor Products Sector, Motorola, Inc., Austin, TX. Responsible
`for technology transfer negotiations and management of joint ventures with
`strategic partners.
`1994-1995: Vice President, Research and Development, Information Systems
`Division, Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC).
`Responsible for MCC R&D in neural network applications, data mining,
`software interface standardization, and other advanced software
`development projects.
`1991-1994: Director, MCC ATLAS Standards Laboratories. Responsible for
`definition and testing of CAD framework and interfaces in support of the
`CAD Framework Initiative, Inc.
`1989-1991: Manager, CAD Framework Laboratory, MCC CAD Program.
`Responsible for definition and testing of CAD framework and interfaces.
`1988-1989: Manager, Systems Engineering Group, MCC CAD Program, 1988.
`Responsible for alpha testing of MCC CAD System.
`1986-1989: Deputy Director, MCC CAD Program. Responsible for general
`program administration.
`1983-1986: Director, Systems Technology Laboratory, MCC CAD Program,
`Austin, TX. Responsible for development of supporting technologies for
`MCC CAD System including distributed databases, natural-language
`interface, and rule-based design management.
`1962-1965: Aerospace Technologist, Analysis and Computer Technology


`U.S. Patent No. 5,463,750
`Petition for Inter Partes Review, Declaration of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph. D
`Division, NASA Langley Research Center, VA
`1965-1967: System Engineer (Part-Time), Lockheed-Georgia Research Center,
`Marietta, GA.
`1961: Summer Intern, Union Carbide Corporation, Texas City, TX.
`• Senior Lecturer in Electrical/Computer Engineering, University of Texas at
`Austin, 1984-1994.
`• Adjunct Faculty Member, Department of Electrical and Computer
`Engineering, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1986-1992.
`• University/SRC Coordinator, MCC CAD Program, 1988-1990; SRC Design
`Sciences Advisory Committee, 1989-1990.
`• Professor, Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University 1974-1986 (on
`leave to MCC during 1983-86).
`• Coordinator of Computing, Texas AM University, 1982-1983.
`• Director, Digital Systems Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering,
`Texas A&M University, 1978-1983.
`• Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1969-
`• Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1967-
`• Instructor, Electrical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1965-
`• Lecturer, Computer Systems, George Washington University Extension,


`U.S. Patent No. 5,463,750
`Petition for Inter Partes Review, Declaration of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph. D
`• Consultant to a number of companies and law firms re intellectual property
`litigation, 1978-present (part-time).
`• Consultant to the Electric Power Research Institute, including serving as
`technical project manager on the EPRI/DOE Distribution Automation
`Project, 1979-1983.
`• Consulting engineer to a variety of national and international industries
`dealing with microelectronics and computer design. Clients have included
`Texas Instruments, Control Data Corporation, AMD, ETA, and Signetics.
`• Consulting engineer to a variety of clients dealing with computer systems for
`satellite navigation. Clients have included Texas Instruments, Gould,
`Matsushita, ITE-Europe, and the Federal Republic of Germany.
`• Invited member of NASA Shuttle-GPS Advisory Panel and EPRI/DOE
`Distribution Automation Research Review Panel, 1979-1981.
`• Consultant to U.S. Coast Guard, developing on-line data acquisition system
`for shipboard navigation data and off-line data processing/analysis systems,
`• Principal investigator on research projects dealing with automated Boolean
`minimization, high-speed computer arithmetic, bit-serial processing, special-
`purpose VLSI architectures, marine navigation systems, and computer-aided
`design of digital systems, 1967-83.
`• Member, Panel on Assessment, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
`Laboratory, U.S. National Institute for Standards and Technology, 1993 to
`1999; Panel Chair, 1996-99. (Appointed by National Research Council)


`U.S. Patent No. 5,463,750
`Petition for Inter Partes Review, Declaration of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph. D
`• Planning Committee, 1997 Workshop for National Technology Roadmap for
`Semiconductors, SIA.
`• Member, Technical Working Group
`Manufacture, SIA, 1995-97.
`(TWIG) on Semiconductor
`• Secretary, Board of Directors of White Oak Semiconductor, Inc., Richmond,
`VA, 1996-97.
`• Executive Secretary, Board of Directors of the Tohoku Semiconductor
`Corporation, Sendai, Japan, 1996-97.
`• Board of Directors Alternate, Semiconductor Research Corporation,
`representing Motorola, 1995-96.
`• Roadmap Coordinating Committee, Semiconductor Industries Association,
`• Book reviewer, American Scientist, 1993.
`• Reviewer for State-funded research proposals in microelectronics, computer
`science, and computer engineering, Texas Higher Education Coordinating
`Board, 1993.
`• Visitor for Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, accrediting
`undergraduate programs in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and
`Electrical Engineering, 1981-1983, 1991-92, 1997-present.
`• Chair for nine U.S. engineering program accreditation teams, 1984-90,
`including accreditation teams for the University of California at Berkeley
`(1988) and the University of Illinois (1989).
`• Advisor, Texas State Board of Education (1985), Texas State Coordinating
`Board for Higher Education (1987).


`U.S. Patent No. 5,463,750
`Petition for Inter Partes Review, Declaration of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph. D
`• Consultant on international engineering accreditation, Kuwait University
`College of Engineering and Petroleum (1990 and 1992), Korean Institute for
`Advanced Science and Technology (1993), Bilkent University, Ankara,
`Turkey (1995), University of the United Arab Emirates (1998), ITESM,
`Querétaro, Mexico (1999), Kyoto University, Japan (2000), Ritsumeikan
`University, Japan (2000), Mapua Institute of Technology, Manila (2004).
`• Consultant on engineering accreditation to the Japan Accreditation Board for
`Engineering Accreditation, 2000-2004.
`the Washington Accord on
`• Advisor
`Accreditation, 2003-04.
`International Engineering
`• Consultant on engineering education and long-range planning, George
`Washington School of Engineering and Applied Science, 1990 and 1993-94.
`• Registered Professional Engineer, Texas, No. 28,728.
`• Registered Patent Agent, No. 45,041.
`• Pilot (Single-Engine Land).
`Professional Societies:
`• Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1963-present.
`• IEEE Treasurer, 1994 and 1995.
`• IEEE Board of Directors, 1991-1995.
`• IEEE Executive Committee, 1993-1995.
`• IEEE Board of Directors, Division VIII Director, 1993, Division VI
`Director, 1991-1992.


`U.S. Patent No. 5,463,750
`Petition for Inter Partes Review, Declaration of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph. D
`• IEEE Technical Activities Board, 1991-93.
`• IEEE Employee Benefits Committee, Member, 1991 to 1999, Chair, 1997,
`• IEEE Computer Society, 1964 to present.
`• IEEE Computer Society Board of Governors, 1985.
`• IEEE Computer Society Executive Committee, 1993.
`• Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, 1994 to 1999,
`representing IEEE.
`Honorary Societies:
`• Upsilon Pi Epsilon (Computer Science).
`• Eta Kappa Nu (Electrical Engineering).
`• Tau Beta Pi (Engineering).
`• Phi Kappa Phi (Scholarship).
`• Sigma Xi (Research).
`• The Contemporary Who’s Who, 2003.
`• Strathmore’s Who’s Who, 2000-present.
`• IEEE Millennium Award, 2000.
`• Golden Core Award, IEEE Computer Society, 1996.
`• Fellow of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, 1992.
`• Outstanding Engineering Graduate, Mississippi State University, 1992.
`• IEEE Educational Activities Board Award for Meritorious Achievement in
`Accreditation Activities, 1991.


`U.S. Patent No. 5,463,750
`Petition for Inter Partes Review, Declaration of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph. D
`• Who’s Who in America, 1991-present.
`• Who’s Who in Engineering, 1991-present.
`• Elected as an IEEE Fellow for “contributions to computer engineering and
`the computer engineering profession,” 1990.
`• F. E. Terman Award (Outstanding Young Electrical Engineering Educator
`in U.S.), American Society for Engineering Education, 1980.
`• Outstanding Young Engineer (Honorable Mention), National Society of
`Professional Engineers, 1974.
`• Young Engineer of the Year, State of Texas, Texas Society of Professional
`Engineers, 1973.
`• Outstanding Faculty Member, Texas A&M University Student Engineers
`Council Award, 1973.
`• General Dynamics Award for Excellence in Engineering Teaching, 1972.
`• American Men and Women of Science.
`• Technical Program Chair for 1992 IFIPS Workshop on Electronic CAD
`Design Environments, March 23-25, 1992, Paderborn, Germany.
`• Chair, ISO TC184/SC4-IEC TC3 Joint Working Group (JWG9) for
`Electrical/Electronic Product Data Exchange, 1991-1993.
`• DARPA Principal Investigators Advisory Panel, Information Systems
`Technology, 1990-1994


`U.S. Patent No. 5,463,750
`Petition for Inter Partes Review, Declaration of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph. D
`research programs
`for academic and
`team member
`• Review
`microelectronics at the Microelectronics Research Center, Iowa State
`University, 1989.
`• CAD Framework Initiative: Interim Steering Committee, 1988-1989; Board
`of Directors, 1989-1992; Treasurer, 1989-1992; Chair, Technical
`Coordinating Committee, 1989-1990.
`• Member, IEC TC3, WG11, 1990-1991.
`• Member, Working Group 2, IEC Technical Committee TC3, and IEEE SCC
`11.9, developing IEEE Standard 91-1984, “Explanation of Logic Symbols,”
`• Elected to Eanes Independent School District Board of Trustees, 1986-1997;
`President, 1987-1990, 1996-97.
`• Texas Association of School Boards Finance Committee, 1989-1994; Tax
`Restructuring Committee, 1990.
`• Citizens Advisory Committee, Westlake Picayune, 1988-90.
`• Advisory Committee for Electric Power Distribution, City of West Lake
`Hills, 1987-1990.
`• Capital Area Easter Seal Rehabilitation Center Advisory Board, 1985-1986,
`Telethon Committee, 1986.
`Books, Contributions to Books, Published Notes, and Standards:
`• Electronic Design Automation Frameworks—When Will the Promise Be
`Realized?, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1992 (editor and contributor).


`U.S. Patent No. 5,463,750
`Petition for Inter Partes Review, Declaration of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph. D
`• ISO 10303 Standard for Product Data Exchange, Parts 103 (Electrical
`Interconnectivity), 212 (Electrotechnical Plants), 210 (Printed Circuit
`Assembly Design and Manufacture), and 211 (PCA Test and Logistics);
`editor and technical contributor, 1991-1993.
`• “An Introduction to CAD Framework Technology,” Published notes for
`DAC Tutorial, 1991 Design Automation Conference, June 21, 1991.
`• “NAVSTAR Global Position System, A User’s Approach
`Understanding,” published notes for IEEE Continuing Education Course
`No. 1125 (1982), with p. S. Noe and J. H. Painter.
`• Traffic Control Systems Handbook, Chapter 8, “Communications
`Concepts,” Federal Highway Administration, 1976.
`• Fundamentals of Digital Systems Design, Prentice-Hall, 1973.
`for Computer Engineering Program
`• “Supplementary
`Evaluators,” IEEE Manual for Program Evaluators on EAC Accreditation
`Teams, IEEE Educational Activities Board, May 1987.
`• “ABET/EAC Program Criteria for Computer Engineering and Similarly
`Named Engineering Programs,” contributor, 1985-87.
`• “Graphic Symbols for Logic Devices,” ANSI/IEEE Standard 91-1982,
`(co-author), IEEE Standards Office, New York, March 1982.
`• “The NAVSTAR Global Positioning System, A User’s Approach to
`Understanding.” Produced by ALTAIR Corp., College Station, Texas.
`With P.S. Noe and John H. Painter. 1979 to 1985.
`Refereed Papers and Published Research Reports:


`U.S. Patent No. 5,463,750
`Petition for Inter Partes Review, Declaration of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph. D
`• “Report of Board on Assessment of NIST Programs, (editor and
`contributor), National Research Council, Washington, DC, 1994, 1995,
`1997, 1998, 1999.
`• “An Algorithm for Identifying and Selecting the Prime Implicants of a
`Multiple-Output Boolean Function,” with Sharon Perkins,
`Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems,
`Vol. 7, No. 11, pp. 1215-1218, November, 1988.
`• “A Signed Bit-Sequential Multiplier,” with Noel Strader, IEEE Transactions
`on Computers, Vol. C-35, No. 10, pp. 896-901, October 1986.
`• “VLSI CAD Research at MCC,” invited paper published in the “D&T
`Research” section of the inaugural issue of IEEE Design & Test of
`Computers, pp. 104-107, November 1984.
`• “Limitations on Carry Lookahead Networks,” IEEE Transactions on
`Computers, Vol. C-33, No. 4, pp. 373-374, April 1984.
`• “A VLSI-based VO Formatting Device,” with S. White and N. Strader,
`IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. C-33, No. 2, pp. 140-149, February
`• “A Canonical Bit-Serial Multiplier,” with Noel Strader, IEEE Transactions
`on Computers, August 1982, pp. 791-795.
`for Distribution Automation and Load
`• “Communication Systems
`Management: Results of EPRI/DOE Research,” with W. E. Blair, IEEE
`Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, July 1982, pp. 1888-1893.
`• “Field Demonstrations of Communication Systems for Distribution
`Automation,” Department of Energy Report NBB-0012, June 1982.


`U.S. Patent No. 5,463,750
`Petition for Inter Partes Review, Declaration of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph. D
`• “Field Demonstrations of Communication Systems for Distribution
`Automation,” Electric Power Research Institute Report EL-1860, March
`• “Optimum State Assignment for the D Flip-flop,” with Phil Noe, IEEE
`Transactions on Computers, August 1977, pp. 757-764.
`• “A New Technique for the Fast Minimization of Switching Functions,” with
`Noe, McKinney, and Pooch, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. C-26,
`No. 8, pp. 757-764, August 1977.
`• “On the Number of Distinct State Assignments for a Sequential Machine,”
`with Phil Noe, IEEE Transactions on Computers, January 1977, pp. 73-75.
`• “MNR – A Fast New Boolean Function Minimization Algorithm,” with
`Noe, McKinney, and Pooch, TEES Technical Bulletin, pp. 21-28, January
`• “Programmed Logic Arrays,” New Logic Notebook, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 1-33,
`October 1974.
`• “Comments on ‘Weighting Method for the Determination of the Irredundant
`Set of Prime Implicants’,” with Noe and Suraratrungsi, IEEE Transactions
`on Computers, Vol. C-23, No. 6, pg. 646, June 1974.
`• “A Modification to the SHR-Optimal State Assignment Procedure,” with
`Noe, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. C-23, No. 3, pp. 327-329,
`March 1974.
`• “Use of the Voice to Control Machines,” with Newell, Sherwood, and
`Edwards, TEES Technical Bulletin, pp. 4-11, January 1972.
`• “Terminal-Oriented Systems,” (Contributor), Computer, May-June, 1971.


`U.S. Patent No. 5,463,750
`Petition for Inter Partes Review, Declaration of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph. D
`• “A Simple Postcorrection for Nonrestoring Division,” IEEE Transactions on
`Computers, Vol. C-20, No. 2, pp. 213-214.
`• “Computer-Oriented Electrical Engineering Experiments: 1969-1970,”
`(Contributor), Cosine Committee Publication, December 1970.
`• “Coherent Time Averaging Revisited: Comments and Cautions,” Medical
`Research Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 8-10, September 1970.
`• “Serial Binary-to-Decimal and Decimal-to Binary Conversion,” IEEE
`Transactions on Computers, Vol. C-l9, No. 9, pp. 808-812, September
`• “Serialization of Class Design Projects,” Engineering Education, November
`1970, pp. 88-89.
`• “Quantitative Method to Measure the Relationship between Prosthetic Gait
`and the Forces Produced at the Stump-Socket Interface,” with Leavitt, et.
`al., American Journal of Physical Medicine, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 192-203,
`June 1970.
`• “Computer Analysis of Data Obtained from an Instrumented Prosthetic
`Leg,” with Leavitt, Peterson, and Canzoneri (Baylor College of Medicine),
`Computer Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 36-46, January
`• “Comparison of Coherent Averaging Techniques for Repetitive Biological
`Signals,” Medical Research Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 22-26,
`September 1969.
`• “The Design of Optimal Convolutional Filters via Linear Programming,”
`IEEE Transactions on Geoscience Electronics, Vol. GE-7, No. 3, pp. 142-
`145, July 1969.


`U.S. Patent No. 5,463,750
`Petition for Inter Partes Review, Declaration of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph. D
`• “A Digital System for Enhancing the Fetal ECG,” IEEE Transactions on
`Biomedical Electronics, Vol. BME-016, No. 1, pp. 80-86, 1969.
`• “Digital Signal Enhancement of the Fetal ECG,” American Journal of
`Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol. 102, No. 4, pp. 549-555, October 1968.
`Conference Papers and Other Presentations:
`• “The Role of the NIST Electrical and Electronics Engineering Laboratory,”
`Invited Testimony before the Subcommittee on Science and Technology,
`U.S. House of Representatives, 1996.
`• “Introduction to the National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors,”
`National Institute for Standards and Technology, Washington, DC, May 8,
`• “Application Specific Electronic Modules (ASEM) CAD/CAE/CAM
`Interface Specification Alliance, 1994 IEEE Multi-Chip Module Conference,
`March 15-17, 1994, Santa Cruz, CA. With Drake, et al.
`• “Standardization – The Key to Enterprise Integration,” MCC Enterprise
`Integration Workshop, Austin, TX, July 18, 1992.
`• “High-Speed Computer Arithmetic,” Pettit Chair Seminar, Georgia Institute
`of Technology School of Electrical Engineering, April 6, 1992.
`• “ECAD Frameworks – When Will the Promise be Realized?” Opening
`Address, 1992 IFIPS EDAF Workshop, Paderborn, Germany, March 23,
`• “If Concurrent Engineering is the Answer, What’s the Question?” Invited
`presentation at the Frontiers in Education Conference, Purdue University,
`September 21, 1991.


`U.S. Patent No. 5,463,750
`Petition for Inter Partes Review, Declaration of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph. D
`• “Concurrent Engineering for Electronics,” invited presentation at the First
`Forum on Concurrent Engineering,” Paris, September 19, 1991.
`• “Formal versus Informal Standards in Software Development,” Invited
`Presentation to the Workshop on the Portable Common Interface Standard,
`London, April 30, 1991.
`• “Overview of U.S. Product Standards Activities,” DARPA Principal
`Investigators Workshop, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 10-11, 1991.
`• “CAD Framework Technology and the CAD Framework Initiative,” Invited
`Keynote Presentation to INTERNEPCON, Tokyo, January 23, 1991.
`• “Conformance Testing of CAD Interfaces,” with R. Reed and N. Kenagy,
`IFIPS Workshop on Design Environments, Charlottesville, VA, November
`25-27, 1990.
`• “Standards for Analog CAD,” Workshop on Analog Circuit Engineering,
`Research Triangle, NC, October 2, 1990.
`• “The MCC CAD Framework Laboratory,” DARPA Principal Investigators
`Workshop, Chapel Hill, NC, October 3-5, 1990.
`• “The Role of the School Attorney,” Texas Association of School Boards
`Convention, Houston, TX, September 22, 1990.
`• “The CFI and Technology CAD,” Invited Presentation at TCAD Workshop,
`Semiconductor Research Corporation, Research Triangle, NC, January 10,
`• “The MCC CAD Framework Laboratory,” IEEE Computer Society Chapter
`Meeting, Austin, TX, December 13, 1989; also presented at the 1990 NCR


`U.S. Patent No. 5,463,750
`Petition for Inter Partes Review, Declaration of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph. D
`Conference on Tools and Methods for Design of Complex Electronic
`Systems, MCC, Austin, TX, January 23, 1990.
`• “CAD Framework Standardization and the CAD Framework Initiative,”
`Invited Presentation to the Information Processing Society of Japan, Special
`Interest Group on Design Automation, Tokyo, December 1989.
`• “Introduction to the CAD Framework Initiative,” Invited Presentation to the
`Third European EDIF Forum, Bonn, West Germany, October 12, 1989.
`• “VLSI CAD Research at MCC,” Invited Seminar presented at Iowa State
`University (January 1988) and the University of Texas at Austin (February
`• “Career Goals in Electrical and Computer Engineering,” Invited Presentation
`to Eta Kappa Nu Chapter at Texas A&M University, December 1987.
`• “Object-Oriented Databases for CAD,” Invited Presentation at the IEEE
`Committee on Computer-Aided Network Design (CANDE) Workshop,
`Lakeway, TX, November, 1986.
`• “DOSS: A Storage System for Design Data,” with Weiss, Rotzell, and
`Goldfein, 23rd ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, Las Vegas, June
`• “Automating the Generation of Interactive Interfaces,” with Hammer, et. al.,
`23rd ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, Las Vegas, June 1986.
`• “Managing Research in the MCC Environment,” University of Texas at San
`Antonio Graduate Seminar Series, May 1986.
`• “VLSI CAD Research at MCC,” 1984 South Central Regional ACM
`Conference, Austin, TX, November 17, 1984; also presented at the Berkeley


`U.S. Patent No. 5,463,750
`Petition for Inter Partes Review, Declaration of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph. D
`Electrical Engineering Graduate Seminar Series, Berkeley, CA, October 1,
`1984; and to the Central Texas Section of the IEEE, Austin, TX, October 11,
`• “Electronic CAD: Today and Tomorrow,” Southwest CAD/CAM
`Conference, Austin, TX, September 20, 1984.
`for Distribution Automation,”
`• “Communications Options
`Presentation at Transmission & Distribution EXPO, Atlanta, December
`13,1982; portions reprinted in “T&D Expo Blends Theory And Practice,”
`Transmission & Distribution, February 1983, pp. 20-24.
`• “Comparative Results for GPS, Omega, and LORAN Marine Navigation,”
`Proceedings of
`the 1982 National Telecommunications Conference
`Galveston, TX, November 7-10, 1982. With P.S. Noe.
`• “Statistical Analysis of GPS Marine Navigation Data,” with Noe, Painter,
`and Lotz, PLANS’82 Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, December 1982.
`• “New Comparisons Between C/A GPS and Other Marine Navaids,” with
`Noe and Painter, National Telecommunications Conference, New Orleans,
`LA, December 1981.
`for Distribution Automation and Load
`• “Communication Systems
`Management: Results of EPRI/ DOE Research,” with W.E. Blair, EEE/PES
`Conference and Exposition on Overhead and Underground Transmission
`and Distribution, Minneapolis, September 23, 1981.
`• “A Critique of Distribution Automation Research,” Invited Closing Address
`at EPRI/DOE Seminars on Communication Systems for Distribution
`Automation and Load Management, Atlanta (June 4, 1981) and Denver
`(June 18, 1981).


`U.S. Patent No. 5,463,750
`Petition for Inter Partes Review, Declaration of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph. D
`• “NAVSTAR-A New Star on the Horizon,” with Noe and Painter, IEEE
`Region V Conference, San Antonio, Texas, April 22, 1980.
`• “The GPS Navigator,” with Noe and Painter, Joint Applications in
`Instrumentation, Control, and Computing Conference, Clear Lake, Texas,
`March 13-14, 1980.
`• “The C/A Code GPS Receiver at Sea,” with Phil Noe and John Painter,
`IEEE Position Location and Navigation Symposium, Atlantic City, NJ,
`December 8-11, 1980.
`• “Evaluating GPS Performance in the Marine Environment,” with Noe and
`Painter, National Telecommunications Conference, Houston, Texas,
`December 3, 1980.
`• “A Navigation Algorithm for the Single Channel Low-Cost GPS Receiver.”
`Proceedings of the Third Digital Avionics Conference, Fort Worth, Texas,
`November, 1979. With H. Parsiani and P.S. Noe.
`• “An AM9511/8080 Processor System for Use in Digital Avionics.”
`Proceedings of the Third Digital Avionics Conference, Fort Worth, Texas,
`November, 1979. With A. J. Brown and P.S. Noe.
`• “Low Cost Navstar/GPS Receiver/Microprocessor Floating Point Design,”
`IEEE 1979 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, May 16-18,
`Dayton, OH. With Phil Noe.
`• “Improving Volumetric Intrusion Security System Reliability Through The
`Use of a Digital Processing Technique,” 1974 Carnahan and International
`Crime Countermeasures Conference, April 16-19, 1974. Lexington, KY.
`With Joel N. Holyoak and Philip S. Noe.


`U.S. Patent No. 5,463,750
`Petition for Inter Partes Review, Declaration of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph. D
`• “A Color CRT Image Display System,” 1973 SID International Symposium
`Digest of Technical Papers, May 15-17, 173. With Frank Bruns and John
`• “The Design of Digital Filters for Seismic Data Analysis vie Linear
`Programming,” 21st Southwestern IEEE Conference and Exhibition Record,
`1969. With Ralph Cavin and Clifford Ray.
` Testimony at Deposition or Trial During the Past Four Years
`SynQor v.
`LML Patent Corp. v.
`Eastern TX
`Eastern TX
`Fitness Gaming v.
`Icon Health
`Eastern VA
`Clear With
`Computers v.
`Mondis v. ChiMei
`PalTalk Holdings v.
`Eastern TX
`Eastern TX
`Eastern TX
`Southern FL


`U.S. Patent No. 5,463,750
`Petition for Inter Partes Review, Declaration of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph. D
`Continental, et al.
`Eastern TX
`Two-Way Media v.
`MicroUnity Systems
`Engineering v.
`Apple, Inc. et al.
`TQP v. Merrill
`Lynch, et al.
`Secure Axcess v.
`Bank of America
`Corp. et al.
`Summit 6 v.
`Research in Motion,
`et al.
`Technologies, LLC
`v. AOL Inc. and
`Google Inc.
`Walker Digital v.
`Activision Blizzard,
`et al.
`Amit Jaipuria,
`Pradeep Jaipuria v.
`LinkedIn Corporation
`and Hoovers, Inc.
`Western TX
`Eastern TX
`Eastern TX
`Eastern TX
`Northern TX
`Eastern VA
`Eastern TX
`TQP v. 1-800-
`Flowers, et al.
`Eastern TX
`Deposition and


`U.S. Patent No. 5,463,750
`Petition for Inter Partes Review, Declaration of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph. D
`SFA Systems LLC v.
`Eastern TX
`Princeton Digital
`Image Corporation v.
`Canon, Inc., et al.
`TQP v. Wells Fargo
`Bank N. A., et al.
`iControl Networks,
`Inc. v.
`Incorporated and
`FrontPoint Security
`Eastern TX
`Eastern TX
`Eastern VA
`Blue Calypso, Inc. v.
`Groupon, Inc., et al.
`Eastern TX
`Technology LLC v.
`Huwei Technologies
`Co., Ltd.
`Eastern TX
`No. 13-
`Case No.

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