`Page 1
`) )
`Petitioner, )
`) )
`Patent Owner. )
`CASE NO. IPR 2015-00170
`Conference Call held before Administrative
`CRUMBLEY, JON B. TORNQUIST, held via telephone
`conference and transcribed by Jennifer M. Daly, CSR,
`a Licensed Shorthand Reporter, on Wednesday,
`September 30, 2015, at 1:00 p.m.
`LICENSE NO.: 084-004688
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Exhibit 1040
`8 9

`Page 2
`A P P E A R A N C E S :
` F O L E Y & L A R D N E R , L L P
` B Y : M R . M I C H A E L H O U S T O N , E S Q .
` m h o u s t o n @ f o l e y . c o m
` M R . G E O R G E B E C K , E S Q .
` g b e c k @ f o l e y . c o m
` 3 2 1 N o r t h C l a r k S t r e e t , S u i t e 2 8 0 0
` C h i c a g o , I l l i n o i s 6 0 6 5 4
` ( 3 1 2 ) 8 3 2 - 4 3 7 8
` O n b e h a l f o f t h e P e t i t i o n e r ;
` K I L P A T R I C K , T O W S E N D & S T O C K T O N , L L P
` B Y : M R . J U S T I N K R I E G E R , E S Q .
` j k r i e g e r @ k i l p a t r i c k t o w s e n d . c o m
` M R . J O S H U A P O N D , E S Q .
` M S . N I C O L E T T A M . K E N N E D Y , E S Q .
` 6 0 7 1 4 t h S t r e e t N W , S u i t e 9 0 0
` W a s h i n g t o n , D C 2 0 0 0 5
` ( 2 0 2 ) 4 8 1 - 9 9 2 2
` O n b e h a l f o f t h e P a t e n t O w n e r .
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
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`Page 3
` MR. HOUSTON: This is Michael Houston
` of Foley & Lardner on behalf of Daicel.
` MR. BECK: This is George Beck of
` Foley & Lardner for Daicel.
` MR. HOUSTON: We expect one or more
` callers from the other side, who is Celanese,
` then we will have probably multiple judges from
` the PTO on as well.
` MR. KRIEGER: Good afternoon,
` Justin Krieger is on the line for patent owner,
` Celanese.
` MR. HOUSTON: Hi, Justin, Mike and
` George are on, as well as the court reporter
` currently.
` MR. KRIEGER: Hi, Mike. Hi, George.
` Nicki Kennedy and Josh Pond are here as well
` with me.
` THE COURT: Just to recap for the
` record, petitioner requested this call on
` September 25 pursuant to our September 9 order
` in which we gave petitioner until September 29
` to request a conference call with the board for
` the purpose of providing us with the identity
` of its proposed new expert and the scope of the
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`Page 4
` expert's testimony.
` THE COURT: As requested by the board
` in an e-mail communication on Monday of this
` week, petitioner sent an e-mail yesterday to
` the board with attached copies of the
` declarations of the new expert witness --
` MS. REPORTER: I'm sorry, Judge,
` Judge, Judge, you were cutting out on my end.
` I got "declarations of the expert
` witness."
` THE COURT: If you continue to have
` this problem, I will call in on a new line,
` just let me know.
` Petitioner sent an e-mail with the
` attached copies of the declarations of its new
` expert, Mr. Jones, showing added and subtracted
` changes of Mr. Cooper's prior testimony. They
` also provided a table with citations for each
` tract change along with a brief explanation of
` the change and a copy of Mr. Jones' CV.
` After petitioner sent its e-mail on
` September 25, patent owner also sent an e-mail
` to the board renewing its request to -- for
` authorization to file -- to terminate three
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`Page 5
` IPRs based on the original ground outlined in
` the September 4 e-mail, and discussed during
` the September 8 conference call with the board,
` and patent owner states that its motion to
` terminate are also based on additional grounds
` arising from substantive changes the proposed
` replaced expert would make to Mr. Cooper's
` testimony and the different backgrounds of the
` two experts as described by petitioner and
` patent owner this past week.
` Petitioner, I'll start with you. In
` the event that we authorize the filing of
` Mr. Jones' declarations, what is his
` availability to appear for a deposition?
` MR. HOUSTON: He's generally
` available, Your Honor. I think he is on trial,
` perhaps, this week, but after this week, I
` believe he said October 4th, he has indicated
` he is available and will make himself available
` for deposition.
` THE COURT: Okay. And would it be
` accurate for me to say that if we authorize the
` filing of Mr. Jones' declarations, you no
` longer rely on Mr. Cooper's testimony and would
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`Page 6
` not object to the board explicitly stating that
` Mr. Cooper's testimony will not be considered?
` MR. HOUSTON: I think that's right,
` Your Honor. I would defer to the board's
` preferred procedure for that, but that is what
` we have attempted to do is to find a new expert
` that can provide identical testimony and be
` able to sit for a deposition to defend that
` testimony in such a way that Mr. Cooper -- his
` testimony would no longer be needed.
` I just simply leave it to the board
` in, sort of, procedural aspects in terms of the
` fact that the original IPRs were instituted
` based on Mr. Cooper's testimony.
` THE COURT: Right. One of my concerns
` is that Mr. Jones, in his declaration,
` indicates that he's relying on new exhibits,
` one of them being a supplemental declaration of
` Jeremy Cooper.
` What is that supplemental declaration?
` MR. HOUSTON: That was a declaration
` that Mr. Cooper prepared and we served on
` patent owner in response to their evidentiary
` objections to Mr. Cooper's testimony. Their
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`Page 7
` objections, I believe, are in the record,
` Your Honor. I don't have the
` exhibit number right in front of me, but those
` have been filed, and so in response to those,
` he prepared a supplemental declaration which
` that -- in fairness to Mr. Jones, we thought we
` should share with him, so we have seen that.
` I guess I need to go back and
` review his -- take a look at his declaration
` now. I don't necessarily think that it's
` something that he needs to rely on for his
` testimony in the original declaration, the one
` that we had sent you, but we did want to
` disclose that it's something he had seen and is
` aware of.
` THE COURT: Okay. So -- but that
` was -- that supplemental declaration was
` previously served on the patent owner?
` MR. HOUSTON: Yes, Your Honor.
` THE COURT: Okay.
` MR. KRIEGER: Your Honor, I'm sorry,
` Justin Krieger, real briefly. I just wanted to
` let you know that patent owner did object to
` that as improper supplemental information, but
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 8
` that is still pending.
` THE COURT: Okay. Well, patent owner,
` if Mr. Cooper's declaration were not considered
` by the board in rendering its decisions in the
` IPRs, will the patent owner still be --
` MS. REPORTER: I'm sorry, Judge,
` you're cutting out. Will the patent owner
` still be?
` THE COURT: -- deprived of a full and
` fair opportunity to respond to the petition or
` otherwise be prejudiced?
` MR. KRIEGER: Your Honor, patent owner
` would respectfully still be prejudiced by a
` replacement declaration of Mr. Jones.
` That is patent owner's position, and
` that is based on three reasons that were
` largely discussed in the September 8th
` teleconference. I can real briefly go over
` them again.
` The first is that cross-examination of
` a testifying expert is central to affording
` patent owner with due process under the law,
` and that would be, in fact, denied by providing
` a replacement expert for Mr. Cooper since that
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` replacement expert, it is our belief, could not
` fully testify to many circumstances surrounding
` the preparation and basis for the original
`Page 9
` Cooper declaration.
` Second --
` THE COURT: But if we have a rule that
` says that its expert testimony disclosed the
` underlying facts or data in which the opinion
` is based, it's entitled to little or no weight,
` so can't we just give little weight to any
` testimony on the part of Mr. Jones that is not
` supported by something other than the Cooper
` declaration?
` MR. KREIGER: The problem here,
` Your Honor, is multiple.
` One of them is that we will never be
` provided with an opportunity to probe
` Mr. Cooper personally on the underlying
` testimony that he authored himself. And so we,
` patent owner, will be substantially prejudiced
` by the inability to cross-examine Mr. Cooper
` personally on that issue, and we will be
` deprived of the ability to ascertain those
` circumstances surrounding the preparation of
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`Page 10
` and the basis of the original Cooper
` declaration.
` In addition --
` THE COURT: At this point, it's no
` longer the Cooper declaration. It would be the
` Jones declaration, and, therefore, Mr. Jones
` would have to testify as to everything stated
` in that declaration because it's his testimony.
` MR. KRIEGER: I understand that
` position. I think the issue here lies largely
` on a new basis of objection to Mr. Jones
` specifically, and this goes ultimately to
` several facts that are at issue in the IPRs.
` The patents that are in issue relate
` to a so-called low-water acetic acid synthesis
` processes, and Mr. Cooper, his background was
` in that area. He worked for BP, who was a
` Monsanto licensee of that technology. He has
` patents in that area, and so his background was
` much more in the area of low-water
` carbonylation chemistry.
` Mr. Jones, based on his CV that has
` been provided by petitioner, appears to have a
` very different background, and he worked for
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`Page 11
` Eastman Chemical Company, which often makes
` acetic acid and acetic anhydride but by a very
` different process. It's a so-called anhydrous
` process, for co-producing acetic anhydride and
` acetic acid. It's a very different process.
` It has an incredibly different contamination of
` by-product profile, a very radically different
` separation system, and the patents at issue
` relate to acetaldehyde removal.
` Acetaldehyde is a particular
` by-product that is formed in low-water
` carbonylation processes, not formed in the
` processes that Mr. Jones appears to have
` background in.
` So because the patents are focused on
` a very specific separation scheme for removing
` acetaldehyde, we would submit, Your Honor, that
` patent owner would be deprived of the ability
` to fully probe an expert who is knowledgeable
` in the area and who could have, in fact,
` prepared the declaration at issue here and that
` that would, in fact, amount to depravation of
` due process for patent owner.
` THE COURT: Wouldn't that simply go to
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`Page 12
` the weight of Mr. Jones' testimony? I mean, if
` he doesn't have the requisite background to
` support these statements, then why could we not
` just give that less weight?
` MR. KRIEGER: The issue is that, yes,
` Your Honor, that the board could certainly give
` that testimony less weight, however, there
` still would be a depravation of testimony in
` which -- that may have been elicited in terms
` of cross-examining Mr. Cooper or somebody else
` who is fully versed in the technology at issue
` here.
` So that testimony will forever be lost
` if that -- this testimony at issue is replaced
` by Mr. Jones' testimony, who appears to have a
` very different background. So our ability to
` probe Mr. Jones on the questions that we may
` have otherwise probed to Mr. Cooper would
` elicit incredibly different responses, and
` patent owner would have lost substantial
` testimony that may have been used in terms of
` preparing a substantive response.
` THE COURT: Okay. You said you had
` several reasons.
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`Page 13
` Do you have any additional reasons why
` this is prejudicial to you?
` MR. KRIEGER: The other primary reason
` would be that the original declaration appeared
` to be based, in many respects, on specific
` personal knowledge, and that personal
` knowledge, by definition, cannot be further
` probed by a deposition of a substitute or
` replacement expert. And we went into several
` of those bases in the prior call. If Your --
` if Your Honor would like, I'd be happy to go
` into those again.
` THE COURT: No, I -- it's in the
` record. I think it's all -- was discussed
` during the prior conference call that's in the
` record.
` In your e-mail, I believe you had
` indicated that there was some substantive
` differences. What -- in the two declarations,
` what are those differences?
` MR. KRIEGER: Your Honor, I already
` alluded to one of the major ones, but, in
` essence, it is patent owner's position that the
` use of a replacement declaration should not be
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 14
` used as a tool to submit additional evidence or
` additional -- certainly additional testimony,
` and that any modification, whether they're
` simple or substantive or typographical errors,
` that that's simply not the forum to be
` addressed, in a replacement declaration, and
` it's inappropriate, patent owner would submit,
` to correct such errors in this way.
` In addition, the citation to the new
` pieces of evidence that Your Honor alluded to,
` including more than 30 pages of additional
` testimony of Mr. Cooper in his supplemental
` declaration, amounts to, in essence, a
` supplementation of the case in chief of
` petitioner of 30 pages of additional testimony
` that patent owner would then be obligated to
` probe in cross-examination resulting again in
` substantial undue prejudice to patent owner.
` These are arguments that patent owner
` was never provided an opportunity to respond to
` by preliminary response. They were all served
` in response to objections made by patent owner
` as alluded to earlier.
` So patent owner would certainly object
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`Page 15
` to any changes, no matter how minor, other
` than, perhaps, changes in background of the
` individual himself that would otherwise change
` even one word of the testimony that's currently
` of record in petitioner's case in chief.
` THE COURT: Okay. Petitioner, the new
` evidence that was cited in Mr. Jones'
` declaration, is that absolutely necessary or
` can that be eliminated.
` MR. HOUSTON: Well, again, Your Honor,
` first, for purposes of this declaration, it can
` be eliminated. It's -- he is simply adopting
` the same testimony as Mr. Cooper gave as to all
` of the primary issues. They're straight out of
` his background. He's gone through these
` declarations in great detail, is comfortable
` with them, feels like he can adopt that
` testimony as his own and defend it. Those --
` that supplemental evidence, again, was mainly
` listed there for completeness.
` If he is -- if he is disclosing what
` he has reviewed -- and for purposes of making
` the declaration, we wanted to be complete
` there, but none of that evidence is cited in
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 16
` this declaration, nor does it need to be cited
` in this declaration.
` So I think, in that way, Your Honor,
` for this declaration, it could be eliminated.
` One issue, though, I think this does
` raise is that we presume, and I think we've had
` an indication from patent owner to this effect,
` that if Mr. Cooper submits these declarations,
` patent owner assumes to raise the same or
` substantially the same evidentiary objections.
` And I suppose in that situation, under
` the rules, then we would be given the
` opportunity to submit supplemental evidence in
` response to those objections, and so it may
` very well be similar to what Mr. Cooper did.
` We would have to, you know, address that with
` Mr. Jones if and when the occasion arises.
` But I'm trying to get to a clear
` answer to Your Honor's question. I don't think
` any of these exhibits are relied on in these
` primary declarations, and in that respect, they
` could be eliminated. They are simply listed to
` be, you know, complete in terms of the
` materials that Mr. Jones was asked to review
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`Page 17
` and did review when he was deciding whether or
` not he could, you know, adopt this testimony as
` his own and be prepared to defend it in a
` deposition.
` THE COURT: Patent owner, in looking
` through the declaration of -- Mr. Jones'
` declarations, I -- you know, I noticed that
` there were some changes, but I didn't see where
` the particular paragraphs that were changed
` were actually relied upon in the petition.
` So, it's not completely clear to me
` how those petitions or just corrections, which
` appear to be corrections, obvious errors, would
` be problematic.
` Can you explain more specifically what
` you view as problematic other than, obviously,
` the new exhibits that are listed?
` MR. KRIEGER: So, I suppose,
` Your Honor, the first issue there is the fact
` that they were referenced at all in the
` replacement declaration would open the door for
` us -- for patent owner to have to address all
` of those issues, all of those exhibits, all of
` that additional testimony in the initial
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 18
` deposition of Mr. Jones in the event that the
` board agrees to the replacement declaration.
` So that's first of all. In addition,
` we would object to any changes, however small,
` but there are substantive changes here that are
` made.
` For example, some modifications to
` claimed construction arguments are made in
` these declarations.
` THE COURT: At what paragraphs are
` those where there are substantive changes?
` MR. KRIEGER: So, for example,
` Your Honor, in Paragraph 33 and 34, there are
` changes to certain definitions of the term
` raffinate, for example.
` But I suppose patent owner's position
` here is that there really shouldn't be any
` changes, even seemingly incidental ones
` relating to typographical errors. That's not
` the purpose of a replacement declaration. If
` they are simply typographical errors, we are
` going to understand that, the board would
` understand that, and there shouldn't really be
` any need for clarifying that.
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`Page 19
` To the extent they become relevant,
` patent -- petitioner, excuse me, would be
` entitled to address those clarifications in the
` reply brief if they became relevant.
` So I think this entire issue could be
` disposed of in the event that the board
` determined that a replacement declaration is
` appropriate by simply saying there may not be
` any, no matter how small, modifications to the
` original testimony in the replacement
` declaration, Your Honor.
` In fact, it's non-precedential, but
` the decision that petitioner recently relied
` upon in their first request for conference
` call, the Corning Gilbert, IPR 2013-00347,
` specifically alluded to that issue, that there
` shouldn't be any changes, and paper 20 of that
` decision cited by petitioner, the board
` indicated, quote, Literally having the same
` wording, unquote, in their order in paper
` No. 20, and we're, in essence, to the extent
` the board determines that a replacement
` declaration is appropriate, are requesting
` similar treatment here.
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`Page 20
` THE COURT: Okay. Petitioner, do you
` have anything to say in response?
` MR. HOUSTON: Yes, Your Honor, I do.
` I think that the circumstance we find
` ourselves in here is slightly different than
` that prior case there.
` It did seem like the panel was maybe
` leaning towards a different procedure, one
` where they were literally going to replace or
` swap out the declaration one for the other, and
` we think that's, perhaps, why they were
` insisting on identical wording among them. It
` also didn't appear to us from the record,
` Your Honor, that those involved, you know,
` lengthy expert declarations going to,
` basically, all of the issues in the case, and
` I'll finally point out, as far as we can tell,
` that procedure was never enacted because I
` guess, ultimately, their -- the original expert
` or the original witness, I should say,
` sufficiently recovered or was made available
` for deposition by some means, so they never
` followed through with that.
` Procedurally, we thought the better
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`Page 21
` way to proceed that's provided for under the
` rules is the submission of supplemental
` information, you know, given the rather unusual
` and unfortunate circumstances here, and in that
` situation, it didn't seem to us to be
` appropriate to require Mr. Jones to adopt the
` testimony word for word where he's being asked
` to sign this declaration as his own sworn
` testimony.
` And by and large, he's willing to do
` that, but in reviewing the declarations, he
` picked up on a few things. We think they're
` minor. Your Honor alluded to the fact that
` these aren't paragraphs that are relied upon in
` the decisions. The word raffinate doesn't
` appear anywhere in the board's decisions.
` These aren't heavily contested issues,
` at least they haven't been up until now, and we
` didn't think it was fair to ask Mr. Jones to
` sign on to sworn testimony that, you know, he
` has these minor issues with, and since it
` doesn't substantively change any issues that
` we're aware of in the case, this seems like the
` most, you know -- the fairest way to proceed as
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`Page 22
` to all parties, including Mr. Jones having to
` sign these things.
` THE COURT: I'm going to -- patent
` owner, do you have anything further to say at
` this point?
` MR. KRIEGER: The central issue,
` Your Honor, for patent owner really lies in the
` fact that petitioner, in argue, should not be
` permitted to insulate its position by
` substituting an expert who has a very different
` background and cannot be sufficiently probed to
` the issues, the substantive technical issues
` that could be elucidated from a deposition of
` the original Mr. Cooper, and so we just don't
` feel that it's appropriate for them to pick an
` expert with that sort of expectation or outcome
` for patent owner that they just are completely
` in a different situation and unable to properly
` probe the individual to the underlying facts
` that are central to these IPRs, and that that,
` in fact, does amount to a violation of patent
` owner's due process.
` THE COURT: Okay. I'm just going to
` get off the line for a moment and discuss with
`Veritext Legal Solutions

` the panel on this, and I will get back on the
` line and let you know what we have decided, if
`Page 23
` we have any further questions, okay?
` MR. KRIEGER: Yes. Thank you,
` Your Honor.
` MR. HOUSTON: Thank you.
` (Short break was taken.)
` THE COURT: Hello, this is
` Judge Gaudette. The panel is back on the line.
` Petitioner and patent owner, are you both
` present?
` MR. HOUSTON: Yes, Your Honor,
` petitioner is.
` MR. KRIEGER: And patent owner.
` THE COURT: Patent owner?
` MR. KRIEGER: Yes, Your Honor.
` THE COURT: The panel has determined
` that we will allow petitioner to file the
` proposed Jones declarations and the CV with the
` exception that we would like the declarations
` to be changed to eliminate the proposed
` Exhibits 1 -- 1031 through 1035, and we would
` like Mr. Jones to state that he considered
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`Page 24
` these documents and just list them. In other
` words, they won't be exhibit numbers, they will
` just be listed as documents he considered.
` MR. HOUSTON: So just so I can
` clarify, Your Honor, this is Michael Houston
` for petitioner. The way it's currently listed
` in that is Paragraph 60 says, I have considered
` the following documents in forming my opinions,
` and those were added to the end.
` You would prefer -- the panel would
` prefer to see, perhaps, those exhibits removed
` from the table but then a second sentence or
` something added to that paragraph that says, I
` have also reviewed blank, and list those five
` documents and not give them exhibit numbers?
` THE COURT: Correct. We don't want
` them filed.
` MR. HOUSTON: Okay. Sure, we can do
` that, Your Honor.
` Just for clarity, I don't think we had
` intended to file these, at least not absent
` some kind of a motion to exclude a file from
` patent owner, but that's fine, we can do it
` that way, Your Honor.
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`Page 25
` THE COURT: Okay. I did notice that
` in one of the declarations, I think it's 170,
` that I believe one of the paragraphs lists an
` Exhibit 1031, and I know that it was in the
` original Cooper declarations, so you may want
` to remove that.
` MR. HOUSTON: We will search for it,
` Your Honor. There's a cite to a
` Page Number 1031. I'm doing a word search
` right now, Your Honor, and I -- I only --
` THE COURT: Oh, I'm sorry, you are
` correct. I thought there was an exhibit
` number. Okay. No problem.
` Then, with regard to the scheduling
` order, you indicated that Mr. Jones would be
` available on October 4th.
` Patent owner, what would be your plan
` for deposing Mr. Jones.
` MR. KRIEGER: Well, in view of the
` substantial delay here that our -- our current
` state, I would suggest that if the board would
` be -- we would appreciate it, and I presume
` that petitioner would be in agreement with
` this, but Mike, you can speak to that, but the
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`Page 26
` ultimate deadlines, six and seven, we would
` request that those be moved, potentially as
` much as seven weeks, Your Honor, to allow time
` for us to move all of the other deadlines
` accordingly, and if -- it seems like this is
` one of those situations where if the board
` needed it, it certainly seems like it would
` rise to the level of good cause under
` Section 316(a), such that if needed, the board
` could provide additional time at the end of the
` day to render their decisions, but I suppose
` that would be our initial request.
` We have not spoken with petitioner on
` that specifically, other than we would have to
` address that preliminary issue before we
` discussed scheduling of the other deadlines.
` THE COURT: Yeah, my question is
` actually when would you be prepared to depose
` Mr. Jones, because in looking at the current
` schedule, and you originally scheduled to
` depose Mr. Cooper on September 3rd, so now we
` are a month beyond that.
` So, I was thinking of extending your
` due date to -- by one month. Possibly, I could
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`Page 27
` give you five weeks, you know, if you can be
` ready to depose Mr. Jones in a week, and then
` I -- I'm sorry, that would be due date one I
` would be extending.
` Due date two, however, I would only
` extend by three weeks, so we're, essentially,
` taking a week off of the time that petitioner
` was given to reply. We're shortening, you
` know, time to reply.
` And all other dates would be extended
` by t

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