IPR2015-00170, -00171, -00173
`Patent Owner
`Patent No. 8,076,507
`Petitioner’s Demonstrative Exhibit
`Exhibit 1074

`Grounds Instituted for Trial
`Singh (Ex. 1011)
`‘095 Patent (Ex. 1010)
`Akinori (Ex. 1012)
`Challenged Claims
`1-4, 6-11, and 13
`Challenged Claims
`‘095 Patent (Ex. 1010)
`42-44, 47-51, 53, 55, and 56
`‘095 Patent (Ex. 1010)
`JP ‘712 (Ex. 1020)
`Challenged Claims
`‘095 Patent (Ex. 1010)
`58-60, 67, 69, 71, and 72
`‘095 Patent (Ex. 1010)
`JP ‘712 (Ex. 1020)

`‘507 Patent
`‘507 Patent
`(L2: United States Patent
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`‘507 Patent, Figure 2

`‘507 Patent, Figure 1

`‘507 Patent, Claim 1

`‘507 Patent, Claims 42, 47

`‘095 Patent Example – Flow Diagram

`Akinori (Translation) – Ex. 1013
`Main Carbonylation Reaction:
`Reactor conditions:
`Temp: 180° - 220° С
`Pressure: 15-40 atm
`Solvent: acetic acid

`Akinori (Translation) – Ex. 1013
`Equilibrium Side Reactions:

`Roth– Ex. 1061
`Authors (Roth, Paulik, etc.)
`are the “founders” of the
`Monsanto process, and
`“who you go to when you
`have questions about
`acetic acid.”
`Porcelli Depo. at 437:18-
`438:3 (Ex. 1065)

`Eby & Singleton– Ex. 1066
`“Under reaction conditions all components of Eqs. (1)-(5)
`are present in equilibrium concentrations. At normal
`reaction temperatures (> 150°C) these equilibria are
`established instantaneously….
`Dimethyl ether is normally present in the catalyst solution
`Eby at 8 (Ex. 1066)

`Torrence – Ex. 2032
`Torrence — Ex. 2032
`130 t[n'Lin]

`‘095 Patent Example – Flow Diagram

`Torrence – Ex. 2032
`Torrence — Ex. 2032
`cf [CH3OH]
`d t
`= l: [HI1] [C-Hgl]
`["”{°°:"""”_ warren ans SHIFT
`cg :\\\
`[Hh[C D]gl3H]"
`J -
`:0 ;mo-
`X X
`[C H3-FIh[GO}gI3]’

`Fogler – Ex. 1063
`Fogler — Ex. 1063
`Lung tail
`dead zcrne
`Dead lanes

`Smith & Van Ness – Ex. 1067

`Rönnback – Ex. 1058
`“Since the fit of the model with the concentration-
`based description is very good, it appears that the
`use of activity coefficients for this
`[methanol/acetic acid/methyl acetate/water
`system] reaction is unnecessary.”
`Ex. 1058 at 11.
`(See also Jones Rep. Decl. ¶89 (Ex. 1060)).

`‘507 Patent, Claim 58

`‘507 Patent, Claims 3 & 4

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