Product Details
`Hardcover: 1080 pages
`Publisher: Prentice Hall; 4 edition (September 2, 2005)
`Language: English
`ISBN-10: 0130473944
`ISBN-13: 978-0130473943
`Product Dimensions: 7.2 x 1.7 x 9.4 inches
`Shipping Weight: 4.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
`Average Customer Review: 4.2 out of 5 stars See all reviews (60 customer reviews)
`Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #10,248 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
`Exhibit 1063

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`Neal. E. resttixnstix. Seams EDITOR. University ui Houston
`A.|::i.'I.-stJ|e'r EI1ITflIt.'i
`.t'i..\:[]l-{|;'.l5 .-5.:."lill'|t'I[J!-‘i. HlPt.I'I.‘il'llIl.i University
`Jilllhi |_‘.utII1I-I-t. L'ttit'er.=.iI;t' efltlinnesctia
`H. I-i.('trt1 Fttt'.1.F_I-t. L't1i't entity uf Michigan
`'lIItn1.t..-t .l. llJt.'t.I-t.-.I r't'. L'nlt't'rtt.il_t' ttf Illinuis
`.lttii.‘~. li'1.l’ltrtL'1~'th'11:{. L'ni't'ersll_'- '“['ic'liiif|.lI'Iliit|
`I.. la. E-['lvl|‘t'l-I.‘~i. l'nn-t-tsity cl‘ Mirlltertnlet
`(‘ht-nsicul Ettgirter.-ring 'I‘ht-rmnd:.-nanties
`HJtt.;ttttst-:tt. 5iA.'u1.'l~.l.s. amt:‘\'l'iF.N
`Prttcess Ettntrul: ]'l‘|t:tdcIin§t.1Jeslgn. and Simttlatiun
`H1-fUUIi'I"l I:
`Prucc.-is Dynamics
`HIF.ut_t-:1t. {itttea-‘this-..N‘. Hth-‘lit ‘WI-':fl'EIt|tI-ztttt
`Techniqtics of Mtidel-hasetl Cuntrui
`llRtJ!itl.nn' ANIJ Jttst-.PIl
`(TttHS1a.H1'iNIIhrs Milt ll-'1ll.'i t't1t't-I Hum ericel Metlttttls fnr Chemical Engineers
`§'ijt'iiIl'I1'lfl.tiIl.‘ Metlttids of Chemical l-‘recess
`with MP.‘l'|Jt|'1 .I'l.p|'|iit.‘illiUIl§
`l.TtttnIt'L A.."~.'l} Lttt wilt Cltetttical |'rttcesu 5al't:t_t': Futttiuntcntals l-'i'I'lI‘l fipplicalitztts.
`Incl edilittn
`Cl'TI.IP J|.:"'1I'}5‘‘ll-\.\l
`DEM: Prncess Fluid Mechanics
`Prnhlcm Suiting in {.‘l1emical Ertgittcerlng with Httmerical
`lntrutiucturgr Chemical Engineering Thermudynamics
`F.t.t.I.uT AH!) l.1Ra
`FDGLER Elentents til Chemical Reaetie-n Engineering. -'-llh edititrrt
`HIsltttt;'LltL.-st.‘ AND Rlfitis Basic Principles and Caleululitms in Chemical
`Engineering, ?"Lh edilitm
`H1:~.'Es AND Maniwx Mass Transfer: Fundamentals and .-ltpplicetlnns
`l’ItM.':i:~.'1Tz. LICHTE.\"rlIr.t_ER. .4tI"\'[} DE A2F.'L't‘-.rttti
`it-lnleeular Tl1etn1ed_t.-namlcs
`trf Fluid-Phase Equiiihriu, Jrti edilittll
`PR1‘-_.NTIt‘F Electrnehemic al Engineering Principles
`EHELFER .-thin K_a.Ftt3I Hicrprn-cess Engineering. Entl eclltinn
`S'I'|=_I"l-I.-'l."'a'f]II'|{ll.'[.(lI3 Chemical Fmcc.-ts Cnntrnl
`T|'perrnt;t:fjt'n..=i.rI1ic!-; and [ts Applicatluns. 31-d eclitinti
`T|=_5 [EH ,1.:c|;:
`T1.'FlTtl.'\.. H.a.t1-te. ‘I-'r'tttTt.*-:t".. AND St-t.a.E1v.'ITz
`r-ltnaljrsis. E-}'ntl1esis.aI1d Design
`ui'Chern:ical Prtrccsses. Ind t:t.li1ittI't
`‘t't'It l-i.l-,5
`Fluid Mechanics fnr Chemical Engineers. lnti etlitinn

`of Chemical
`H*:.ti:'rh Edifirm
`A111-3 uni‘! Calh:°:I'iI1:: Veiiricilia I’ru1i:::+.wnr
`nf C]:1::mica1 Engineering
`Thfl Uniwirsily nf Michigan. Ann Arbor
`X I'r¢:I1ti:.'L* Hal] Prufessinnal 'I'eI:hnircal Referunn:
`.‘\'.'Iu.|n.J|-:' RI'n.'r_ 3-'.f
`* H-Mu-I1 ' lI1iiI:iIL.'|]'n.1|i2- - ."'w':I:1
`i"§1‘Un ‘funk *
`]'HH'IIIIlL=- * M-:2-:1|1».".Ii|
`f"n11IILiv.'I1-*l‘:II‘I'- ' 7"-Til-JI'lil
`'[_'u|'I¢.‘lml. I]
`" Til-Mu 1'
`."'.1L"I..|u.'Ir I'i1}

`Hwy 01' nth: -dnignatiu-I15 used by nunu|'.|.,1u|-gn. uni selltfl to distinguish Ilmr prculucls are claimed as lmdnnI:u'i.'1..
`‘I1-Tier: Ihme dcsignuiiuns nppi.-.1: in {his [-im.|;_ and the publisher wan. nu.-an: crl n Irndi.-mnrl. claim. the i.khi:ll'I|lIii.'Il'h
`h-WI: been prinutd with Initial I:npiII1-‘lcmrrs car In all uapilah.
`The Iuhm and pI.|nl:IIisl'|crI'|:m: tin cu: in nip: pI'¢pqr:uiu;i¢1ufIhis bunk. but nah: nueiprcsscd or impiinl -u.u11.n|3
`uf any Iunsl Ind us-uni: no rnpanslbilily Fur er-inn or uinissinni. Nu linhitily is Iisurrl-ad for incidnuul ur cunn-
`I|I-Itn1'IaJ d-Imlirs in cunn-cctiau with or uininl am of Iht use ill’ the inlmmliun or plngmms cnnllincd therein.
`The pI.|b| oflen :J:t.1:|I:nI dncounu in [his buuii. -ilrhcn unlernd in qumtiny for bulk pun::'|uu:-3 at special salts,
`which my inu:|ud: -cl:-clnrnur: Incision: uidtur i.-usmm mm and cunlm pmicular In yuur bu!-in-:15. training in-ulzi.
`ml-l'i.I:'-t'u1| focus. and brlndilu inucmu_ For mar: infmnuinn. plum: ccintlct:
`U5. Captain and Gm'u1I.m:n1 5..h:1.
`I.5113} 331-3419
`mxrulcii pclnmmtpwprmn
`F4: ilk-.5 cnatlide the L'.5.. pica: contain-|:
`1-"isit III on 11: Web: I'u'|pu.¢uI'n
`Inf fungus Camfaging-in-Puflirnriau .D|'lld
`Fugler. H. 5<.'ulL
`El:-menls of chcmicll fl.‘-ictiflfl onginm-i.n; E H. Soul: Fnjler-—-ilh and.
`Imlud-H bibrmgnphicu rziflumts ms in-dun.
`ISBN 0- I3.-041394-I run. p.|pfi'_I
`I.C|IaI'|.ica] mi-nan. I. 1'IlJu.
`ID JIJJG Punon Educltim. Inc.
`in my-furrn urlirynny :I':'|euII..i'.Iai.-I:1I:1I'I'1:. I'n¢chH1i:I1.plII!DCup3"iI'|1. l'I:'fl'l"lfifll.I.'|‘l'IiI'.¢1»|-'I'5l. Fnrinfurmuion regarding
`Ilighu and Cnruncts De-pilninnl:
`flu: uh: Streel
`Uppfi Snail: River. NI 01-153
`ISBN 0-! 3-lIH‘.'u“]-'9-I-1
`Ttll ]II"IrII-lid ill III: United Sun on raqnclod pqaar II IE.‘-nI.I1'¢r in Weltfnld. Musachnietis.
`Fifi! priining. Augltu 2115

`D¢=J1'c'.rue'd ru :51: .Im='.In.r1.rjI.' u_,I"
`Giuseppe P*.:rru~.".Lnn
`Joseph J. Marlin
`Dunnlni L. Kati:
`of Ihc ljniuersity of M'u.'h:'g:I.n
`whuv!-E slundurds and iifdnng athiuvemenls
`nerve In inspire us

`The Rate of Reaction. —J"4.,.
`The General Mule Balance Equation
`Batch Reaernn:
`Cunlintmus-Flaw Reactors
`Cnnrinun-u:—SIirred Tunic .'-'.‘.ran.-;r_
`14. I
`Tubuiur Reacmr
`Packed-Red Rea-:1-:1r
`Industrial Reactor:
`CIJ—RC|M Material
`Queslinns and Prnhlemr.
`Supplementary Reading
`Definitien nf Conversion
`Batch Reactor Design Equations
`Design Equations for Flow Henulurfi
`CETR tube: know: H5 :1 Em'km:'J: Remmr
`m’ 'r‘i:i'J
`Tub-uhlr .F.i-tm' Re.rrr.1'c.rr f.F'."'R,i
`f’.*.-rrke:.r'-Ltrd Rrm'm.r
`Appiicntitinn at the Design Equations for
`['uIItinuULIs-Flow Reaeiun

`Rcuctarx in Sffifla
`C'."_i'TR.-.' in .'5'r:'r.e'.-.'
`.F'F.H'.~' in .'>'4:*r'r'+r.-.'
`t"I'n:rIbr'::ur:'rrr:.t r:ftf‘$]I‘"R.-. mu! PFH» in .5':=m-.-.-
`'C'tI.HI;Itlt'I'I:_;I,I the CSTR um! FFH F.'¢*m'r::-i‘ '»Hru-m,-.I.' u.I::I
`R‘-m:tt.'u'rJr 3eq:Irnr:'.Ia_I;
`Sunni»: Further Derinitinng
`.S'.::nc'r Tr":-n.r
`Smut‘? Him-:':'J'_1.'
`{.T}-HUI"-rl 2'--|:It::ri:I1.~'«
`Qucstiuns and Pmhlclns
`3|-l|'||'JI1EI1.'?lt:l?l|:-Llt'}' Reading
`3 RATE LAWS .-tf‘u"1'J ST{JIC'HftJMETR}’
`I Hate Laws
`Basic Deflniliuns
`R¢*J'm‘:'L'r .'tnre*.¢ of Rrmflrm
`.1‘. I’. 1'
`The Rn::I».:t:'nn Order and the Rate Law
`H-an-rr Lmr .'lv."m.'rI.-.* um.’ Et'.:'mw:mr_1* Rmrr fmn
`3.2. I
`.-"I-'unut:'r:mr::::7r Rurr !.m«.'.-.
`3. 3.2
`Ht-'tW'.'tHlh" Rrm'::'r:m:
`:1 1.?
`Th: Rcanutiun Rule Cunslaltt
`Prc.-'.¢I1t Status of Uur Appnmuh tn Rcuctur Sizing
`and Design
`P.utT I Stuichiumctry
`Butch Systcnis
`.E:_n:::tI'mt.s'firJr fiuh:'.h C':m:,'r.r:tn:n'm:.t'
`C.«m.m.-:nr- Frlturlnr B‘.:m'!: mrrtrtixrrr .'5'_1t'.-mu-JII.-.
`Flt:-w Syttlclnx
`Et!IrrJtir::r.tfrJr tf.'rrr1::wrt:'m'm.rur m F.|’mr
`I,|'gu-aid-Flirts: If,":J:n,'.t-rlrnttrh-Jrr.-r
`tflrmxgr in the ]|'"rJn:.t.'Iu'1.-r:r.‘:r*.I':g,|";'Ir.i'm'¢*.t 1.:-rm R¢=m:r:'r::r in
`.|'.f::- U.rI.i Flinn‘
`CD-RUM Mtlttzriul
`Questions and Pmhlc.-ms
`Supplentcnlnry Reading

`F I1rI4fiI1F7.
`.‘.‘>':T.T-'}"T1'!:ZF-h1r.".=1t:‘_ .Fl.';""_._.*'I[:,‘-.f"'I'31F|.’ D£:'§'.’Gf't-'
`Mule B'.I.Iur1L‘l!h in Tt:I'l‘L‘I$ t_1t' I.'.','t:|nw:r.~'.Iit1n
`Design Structure fur I$[}[J'I¢.!|Tl1I1I Reactors
`5:.‘-::]r—L'p 0|‘ Liqu1d—Ph.-me Butch REFIKJIEII Data It} the Design
`ul' -.1 CSTR
`-L 1 ll!
`Bi.-It'll 0p£m.rt'rm
`Din-1'1-1l1. at‘ Cuntinttuuet Slined Tunic Rutllllunt ICSTRHJ
`4'. J'..I'
`.-‘I. Sfrtghv -‘.'_‘5".I".R
`IC5TR.1' in .5:-'ri£'.r
`f.5'TR.1' In Ptrnrflt-F
`4. 3.4
`.-4. 5rt'rmt.f-Gm't'r Rm-t'n‘m': in fl (‘STE
`Tuhuittr Reatulurs
`P|'E:'i:5'|.I1'E Drop in Reacturs
`:"re*.Lturr Limp emu‘ rim Huh‘ Lmlr
`FFm-' T-'H'TJH_t'..'h :1 I’::t-leer! Hm’
`Fm.-t.t1m* flmp in PJ'p¢*_s-
`:1:Iaf_t'tI't'ttF .'IrJ.futI'mt fiar Rwt*n'rm --my
`PI't.-.t.«turr flmp
`.‘:u'pF:rrl't'a! Htt'.l't=.rI-Bed |'i."¢':J't'.|'.'H'.|I'
`5i1.'ntJtv::'-izin,g the D1.-ugn nI'u [Themicul Plant
`Mule Balunccs Written in Tenn: of Ctancentrntiun atml 3'-Itrlur
`E-"Imv Rut:
`2".-Iulg Bt1Inn::csnnC‘5TRx. PFR5-. PBR5. and Hutch
`£.fr;tn'd P:H'tJ'.h“
`-I. .7. u’
`[.r'-tn F'J'irI.'t¢'
`-J. T. 2'
`I"-"I1:lI1br“-dill: Ru:-.1n.:t0rx
`UnxIc:Ldy—SIttIr: Operation HI‘ Stirred Rcauturx
`-1. H1!‘
`."Ir:trmp nj"rt C'.‘.~".f'.F?
`4. I L'..E'
`.‘:'rmt'!:rtrt'!I Ht-:t:'r:rr.t
`4. -I-I’-U
`WJ"I'H'H_!.' HI-I*."i'-r-‘III:-“-|rt.'t'-‘I .'t't'rtt'm.r' EqH'tH'H"'Fl.':' in '."':*rrri.1
`raj" I'."::-Ht'¢':trrr:m=rr.-:
`ll-"n'm|_q |‘J'H." .'nTr*:II:.‘m'.fcJ| Rr'm'.rm''.rm,1 in '.".'g-rm,-t
`'|'hu: |’rm.'tir:uI Side
`4. H].-I
`UDE Sol-trcr Algnrithnt
`CD-ROM ."rLttI:rit=.|
`Qtlcstinns tutti Prtablcnts
`Saint Thoughts on Critiquing ‘WE1.-1t‘r't:nu rcuti
`Juurnnl Criliquc Fmhlcms
`Supplumcttlnry Reading

`tL'U."_.U:. t_‘i".~'U!'i' AND ANAL }’S!.5' C-‘F Rt-I TE DA TA
`The .Ft.igoriIiim for Data Analysis
`Batch Reactor Data
`.Di',fH‘rrtt'i'eii' Mei‘-‘rod r.I_i".4.i1.a,i'_'.'.iiii.1i
`inirgroi Method
`M:-niineo r Reg rrssion
`Method of Initial Rates
`Method of Half-Livett
`Differential Re.-tenors
`Experirnentul Planning
`F.-otluation nfLal1tmitor1t' Reactors-
`5. .'r'.i'
`5. J’..‘.'
`5. }'.,~t
`.T_t'_iIr'5 of Rrufiflfi
`r._~.|' Rrurreir Hailing;
`C D-RUM Muleriitl
`Questions and Problems
`Itiumul Critique Fflitlems
`Supplementary Heading
`Ii Mi.-*1‘. T3'.”1',E REA E‘T1'fl."i£'iT
`i'_ J‘
`I_'t'_:Ie: ii.’ .Ft'ear.rim|.-r
`Parallel Reaeltnrn-.
`.-H‘:i.t'i'ini':i'ii;:: iiie Desi'ned' Pnadurrfrir tim-
`3] I
`Reu-:'mr .'i'er't't'tion oil.-J Upemtirig furadirimi.-.
`Maximizing the Desired Product in Series Reaction.-i
`Algorithm for Solution of Complex Reactions
`Huh’ HnIoiiee.1
`I5. -Li‘
`4*-'t'i Rtiiet r:_fReot-rim:
`3t'rIi't'.ilm-iit'e'J'i'_t'.' frri1t'e'iiIniti'mIi.t
`Mutt-'.p!e Rtaetium. in :.'i FFRIFER
`Multiple Reactions in :1 CSTR
`Membrane Reactors tn imp-mre 5i:'i£'t:l§'L'iI}'
`in Ftiuliipie R,l'.':!CIiDI'Ifi.
`Compieit Reactions of Ammonia Oxidation
`Sorting it fit]! Out
`The Fun Fun
`CD-Rfliti Piiaterini
`Queatinns and Problem-t
`Jotirnai Critique Pl't‘.Ii'|iI?l1't.'~.
`Siuppletnenlttrjt Heading

`Active 1nl¢n11m:|ia1cs and Hon¢I¢m¢nlar:r Rm Laws-
`Fscucfo-.5'lrnn’_x'-Siam H}1mIf:r.$i.¥ 1‘PS5'HJ'
`F’. L2
`Srmnr'hI'.-1g far a Mechanism
`.'r'. .'‘..-T
`Chain Rrarrfnru
`Rrm'n':m' P:Hh1»ra_'r:
`Enzymatic Rtuclion Fundnmcntuls
`.13. I
`E:I:_'u'rrIr-—.5'Ith.s:ru:e Cm-n_m’:.r
`.?. 3.3
`3’. 2.3
`Mir-‘uracil:-frfrnrrn Equaricul
`Hm:-h Rm.-:.'rJr fufrufnnknnsfi-Jr E:I:;1.':nr
`lnhibilinn uf Enzym: Reactions
`If 'nrrI_m'rt'H'w IHIIIJ:-imrn
`I'..-':Ic'rJr:|_a'JrI:'.*h-¢' .’n!II'.':u'rinr:
`a'|u"n.-I:'rIr:I_:It'r:'4'iI-'1-* .'n}Ir'b:'rimr E!-fr'.rrrl' Inllihirirrrli
`.'i"ul:srr:.-It .‘:IIIHJm'rm
`Muhipfr ErI:_'r:n': urla‘ 3i.r.‘m‘r:.rJ'c'
`("VII Grmu-III
`I-.'rm* :'...:':'H'J.'
`1-1‘. 3"
`1lr:fa.t.-I H.m'.::.rm:'r.-I
`Dr.'II‘_:u-I Equmimu
`0.I.j'grrI-!.a':r:a'rrd -‘3.rnH1'.FI
`?. -«ER
`F. 4'. 9
`Phjrsinlngicallgr Based Flmnnacukinctic IPEPH} Mn:d{.'Is.
`CD-ROM Malcriul
`Ql.H.'~'.Iiun-i and Prnhlcmzu
`Jnumnl Critiquc Pmh]r:m2~
`5up[1]+:mcnI:Ir},' Rmuling
`3]"I:}1.I}}'-5 Tr’: TE N{J.h'I5f)THERMAL REACTUR DESFG.-"»'
`1-1. I
`The Encrgg. Eahlncc
`Firn Em-.' mgr’ TJr:*rm:vcf_wrm:u'r.u-
`5-’. 3.3
`.E1.':.ih.4u.r::r,|; rfir H-'r'JrJ: Tenn
`3. 3.3
`0|‘-:*l1'i¢'II1.' r{fE.I'rt'r_Ia_'.' .H'uFd.IIr.'r.-I
`F15. 3.4
`fl:'.I;.w4;'I'I'r:_q Iu'rq.' ,'§ir.:wd_~.'-.'in|:r .M'' Fhnir fi'uh=_4.
`in Un‘:::n'r: rim Hm: -r-_r.I"'R’-rm'i‘t'4-In
`DJ".-rm‘: n'n;.- rhr Errrhafprh
`u‘?-t'l'a:rn'r:_£c ..‘u.HmlT ]. J.H"‘ (TF1. win! if,
`H. .'.’..'i

`Adiaham: Dperulitrn
`.*'Ira'1"fE-‘Etc!-fJ‘t' E!!eJ'3g_1.' II'rr!.ttrir.‘e
`3.3. 3
`a‘1nt’-Hr‘-':':'tJ'u't'r.‘ Trtbrrfrrr R.e.m"r-or‘
`Stead;.'—5t-ate Tubular Reactor with Heat Eaoltonge
`rt‘!-". -LT
`Dr.-'r't'1.'I'rr_t: III: Ett¢'r'g_1.' Ht-r!.nrtu_'r_for ct FFR
`fl'tn'ttm.'t' no the Ctttdrtrtr Hem‘ ':'"rmr.t;r"rr Fn'rm.."
`Equilihriuln Conversion
`Ar£'t‘rt.F:rttt':' Tistriperrtttrrr amt I-.'.:,,rtt:'t't'.‘::-ftttrt
`Uprirtttrrrr Feral" '."i='rrI_rJ.errtrr.-re
`3.5. 3
`CSTR. willt Heut E.tTeetx
`Hertrfitfufm‘ to tit.-3 Rmrrm:
`Mttltiple Stead 5' States
`3. 14'
`Hettt-Retr:rn'er." Term. Rt?)
`Heat trg,I"'{]ft*rte*t‘:ttt'mt. Gt‘ Ft
`H. E’. 3
`.',t.-rrt'tt'rm—Ermrrtimt Can-e
`H. 3.’?
`Rlt'H‘tHI.'£l_'I.' Rem'tt'r:tt.-t in ct C3'T'.‘E
`-5‘. 1-4
`Nonistttltermal Multiple Chetttieal Reaetiotts
`EIlt“.|'jf_‘s' Brr.’rrrrr'eJI"rIr F-i'r.:.t'tt',r1't"t.-' .Ft'-t'.trt.'rI'mt.s'
`Pn'rIg- FT-rtt1.' fi't='r.!e'J'r.Ir_s'
`.E.'tterjg_1.' Hm't;rm'e for M'Itt'rt'pt'e .’t'ear.'.rr':trr.-t
`r'rt {TSTR
`Radial and min] "v"un'utio|ts in a Tubular Reactor
`H. H} The Practical Side
`-''-'.-H. 2’
`CD-ROM Material
`Questions and Problems
`Journal Critique Problems
`Supplementary Reading
`The Unsteady-State Energy Ba'|anee
`Energy Balance on Batch Reactors
`9.2. I
`Adfabatie t3‘perm‘t'or1 efa Bard: Rem-rrrr
`Batch Reactor H't'tJt fnrerrrtpm! Imrftenrraf
`Reactor Safety.‘ The L-'5: ufthe.—1.R.'ESTm FFrru’;1HR‘, E
`and to Size F"re*j‘.'Fut1" Re£t'ef1r'aft'e.t
`Semihateh Reactors with a Heat Exchanger
`Unsteady Operation of a CSTF.
`Fofftag Gjfrite Stearfgr .‘t'm-te
`Nonisotherrnal Multiple Reactions
`Unsteady Operation of P1ug~Flow Reactors

`,.. .. .:.::‘.!_i
`C'D—RCI."-vi EN-1a:n:ri'.1l
`Qu::.~IinrI~' and Pruhlenls
`5l.I|':||1i-IfI'[!I!rltilr}-' Reading
`H}. I
`NJ. J. I
`C'£::rrI_1.'.sr Fn.I;.rErr1'¢-I
`H1 [3
`E_‘.fr:.-.'.-::',.I'r':'c':rr'rI:r 1-{,|"' C'am.f_1'_II:.'.-:
`W. L3
`Stern; in :1'_».rt1'-: REiJ.1'.‘lII.}T!
`.'5're1'1| I I'J|.'w‘L'r'£"-L'.' D.{Ifi'u.n'rJn _f'mm HI:-' Hulk 1:: r.Frr
`£m'rm1'F Trm:.tpm':
`.‘I'r¢'p 2 0I'rn'r'¢'1r.' J'I:mr:Im' I}:fl':a.~'a'r:::
`Ari.-mrprinrl J'.mr.‘I.e rm:
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`J'fl, 1!
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`ODE S-::IIw:r Algorithm
`CD-RUM Material
`Queslinns and Pmhlcms
`Ioumal Critique Problems
`Eupp1:':menIa.r}' Reading
`I I.I Diffusion Fundurnrcntals
`.|' 3.1.!
`I I. J‘. 3
`Mmfur Fnu
`FI'r:'k'.1- Firm‘ Law
`I |.2
`‘I L]
`BiI1:tr3.- Diffusion
`.-‘L2. I
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`J'f.2. 2
`Bumm'::r_'r Cmmrirrrls
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`I 11.5
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`Thr M'a.1:.t' Trrm.:fi*r fmJ']"Jc-I':'m
`Mm-.:*r ('ra¢f.I[IfJ‘r:'r-tr:
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`.n'I-fn.1'.': Trtrr:-.1_f¢'r--Lin-mrd R.-'m'rirm.I.' in
`.-”m'kr'r1' .Hrn’.'r
`Rrrbrw rhr H*$Jrra'rr
`F .’..*T.4‘5
`'.’1Purur'ntIr:r Srn:4it'n.‘1'l}'J
`1 1.4 What If. .
`1 L5
`The Shrm|iiI1g Curd: Nludcl
`1' .’.fi.!
`Cumiwsr Rrgr:wImI'rrr:
`I I .5. 3
`Nmrximt'rlkhr£rFr'.£—-:')f.1'.m.f:rJ'frHr ryj"MrrrrrJu"f.~.'p:'.r'.'u'a!
`Cl'J'-RUM Maternal
`fJI.u:.~al1'u|1s and PmhIcm.~.'
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`1'.‘-*.1'."~'.-""!'_-'H.’vt'.‘i}'*a' :1.-"«.'fl Rf'.'A £T."t' M."
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`I'1if1'u.~.im1 and Rc'm.'tim1 in Spherical l'.'.'1t:I1}.-1 |"’r.'IIq:I~.
`Ff. .|'.f
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`I 1’. L1‘
`H] U

`I2. {.4
`S::a’urin:: in Hue‘ Dq'fl'e*rewrr'rt! Equan'mrfi::- :1
`Ffr1'!-Urxfer Rmciicrrr
`Internal? Effectiveness Factor
`F:1|5ifi::d Kinetics
`flwrrall Effectivencss Factor
`Estitnuliun of Di.I'fu51'un- and Reacliun-Lilnilcd
`1r’u’n'.'i:-I-'ru::'r C':'r'rrrF:rI:_f.'r1r J'rmrrmH' J'_‘}|'r_'fl'1.-.1.-;'r1-gr
`I .15. I
`."H':‘r.'I'.'£ ' {"I1'I:'J1'un_,fnr E.I.'.r.w-nu! fJpfi‘n_::'.un
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`|}+:l::rI11irmli-an u!" LimiIiI1g Sitmlliun-. {mm
`R£'m.‘IiElIl III.-It.'1
`J2.H !~.’|IJ|I:'[:hm~'I:.‘ Huincturx
`I 3.8.!
`4' 3.H.3
`T.I'i'L'K'.I't' H:-r! Ht.*4::L'.r::I'.'.
`F|LIi+.|1'£I:-Ll Hm] R1.".Ii.'ll1I|'!s
`I1!!! ('|u:I11iL‘ul*u':Ipur |IH.'pn:s'i1i-nn I["|r'[TJI
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`[Ju¢-.~tinI1~. and |’ruh|::me.
`Juurmnl .-’xr1i::Iu:
`.Tnurn:|| friliquc Prnhlrrmx
`Da’3TH.!'BUT!{I'."w'.‘i OF RESIIJENCE TIMES FUR C'HEM.’I'T.-U. f=.'!:'.4 li"'fl’J!r.’.$'
`I3. I
`UtI'u::r;LI C"I1.a:‘:|L'I:-|:rie~;l1':.:_*~.
`PART I Chilfllfiflfihlicfi and Iliugnlmljcv.
`Li‘. L!
`Rr.1.'J':f:':ic'r-fiirrr J'J:'.1.rrJ-"firm":-I.I: H-ETIJJ .F-'mr.m'.n,u
`E'I.f|n::|.*'.|.1rU1m:I1lI‘.3:I'|!|'II:,* ETD
`PI:!.w- hrpnr E.1'p¢=I'r'J1rc::.I'
`S.r:';:~ Trmn:-:' E.1'_;:m-:'urm:
`|':l1:lF;H.‘1fl'Fin[iL'h ml" the ETD
`1' .‘?.."|’.3
`H. .1".
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`!ur:*!11r:.f—.—1.g:c .fJr'.m'rh:m'mr. hm
`RTD in Ideal Hcrmnrs
`HTD.-. in u'J'rm'h curd .’-‘h:_r¢- Ffrnr R;-mwn--.'
`."iH1_EH'r-(‘STE RTE?
`hu-m'm.rr' Firm Rn-:: rm'r.L!-"H1
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`}"."'h':’{".':«".1".‘:‘ .'1'rn':-_m I-."HJ'
`!".'H'uL_- rhr

`Predicting Cflll".'t2l'?~'iE|I1 and E.'u't Crattcentr.-ttitntt
` Rutmtnr|':'ng L".-«"tttg |:|'It: RTIJ
`Zero-Parameter Pvltuicls
`H. 7.!
`U. 12
`.'§t7t:rt-'_t:tI:t'rIr1 t'|r.FtJuti't'f
`Mrt_tt'mttm .‘th'.t't*t.I'tr-r*.1t.t' t'|rfrr:-‘H
`t‘_"r,r.-n,t:.rtrr'tI,I: .!:'twt1t'_tt.-:a'tt'rr:I tum!’ .‘rfu.t't'mtmr 4"-!t'.t't*tt'm*.t.n
`I13 Using Software Fuckugcs
`Hm: .F:_'J!'.?'t’t‘t'.'t
`I3.“ ETD tmtl ht-Iultjplt: RI.‘;l1..‘lIi.HI.'-r
`I 3.9. I
`.5't'_q rttgttftttlt Mr:-tft'."
`H-J''ttr-‘tilt .-'I."t'.Itt't:’rt¢'.-‘t
`CD—HUM i'l-I'sIlt.‘r'iq'Il
`Q'|.lEt'-1'LUl‘|H atnti Prnh|.t:1n.~'-
`Supplcntrntury F-Eiltliflg
`14 MODELS t"‘U!? t'v'£J.t'|-"HJ£Z-1!. RE.4E"J"t'J!-.’.’>'
`Stunt: fiuidcliltcs
`H. .F.!
`(Jm--Pm:-ttttc-rt-r M'm.h-F.t'
`H. t'.."‘
`Tt1n|t.~‘.¥tn-Series tT-|-."'>}‘.'~«1rxh:|
`DiHpErHUI1 ."v1uds.-I
`Fluw. Rettcttun. ttrtcl Difipefilull
`B-:I!t.Ittt'u Et,ut:ttt'ntt.t'
`BtJtttt:!u:'_t.' ("mt;.fI'rr'.-tar.-.'
`Ft'nti':'t':g D" utt-if .-‘Itr P:=t't'¢=t ;"t.I't-at-tI|.L1.r.I'
`£Jt'_t_t'J¢*r.t't}.t:t in H l'"tth.rt.‘ttr Remmr t:t't'rI|
`!‘t-mr Ft'mt'
`Ct.I-.r‘J"t.':‘t:.ttt'-:Jt-ti JI'4'.'Ir D4
`!_‘7.'.r,tla.=*rt'r1-I-Ht-tJ'tt.I' D-awn-1tr':at’.|It't_r:i qr".-C1‘,
`3h:p;J_t- Trm-sr 1'.-tpttr.-t
`I45 Tanks-in-Series Model Versus Dispersion 1"-*It:.tJt=:1
`I-LIE: Numerical Solutions In Ftnws with Disperslun
`and Reaction
`I4} Two-Parameter Mnd::ls——Mode!1'ng Real Reactors I.-."tlh
`Combintttiuns of Ideal Reactors
`H. ?.J'
`Real CSTR Modeled t.'.-'.-mtg H_t'p¢'n,t;- tutti
`E-‘Had Spat‘?
`Real‘ CSTR Madam! a.-: Tut: CST!-It trirlt
`U54: of Software Pttcltages to Dctennine Ihu:
`Model Parnnteters
`£4.51 Dthcr Mudels of Nonideal Rcacturs Using CSTR3
`and PFRS
`I-$.|[!I Applicutiutts tt1P|mrmLta:ukim:t1'-: Mtrdeling

`:-\Ji'|'-HI -Ia.
`FD-RU."~1 ."~1.-Ierl-.1!
`i}ue~.tu-I1~ .J.I1:i P:-IhJ»:u1~
`5u|.'i|.‘.Ii¢II1tn1;Ir}' Reaulung
`Appendix A
`Appendix B
`HJE.-ii. GAS CU.‘-“3'."‘A.'~'Ir'" AND C'CJNi-'ER.‘:'a*fl;'-.' F.-i C”:-"'{”Ja's'.':-'
`Appendix C
`THERMflD}'.-‘INA.-'H‘IC REL-1. I3"-fl‘s"SHfPS 1'.‘fl=‘(}L1'fA'G THE
`EIQUILIBRILW I'."t.'J.’%'.S‘?i-i.‘-"T
`Appendix I}
`Appendix E
`5'OF?"Hfl-IRE FACfi.'AGE.$
`Appendix F
`Appendix G
`RA TE L»! W DA T}!
`Appendix H
`Appendix I
`Appendix J


` Page 867 Wednesday, September 17, 2008 5:01 PM
`of Residence Times
`for Chemical Reactors
`Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
`Marie Curie
`Overview In this chapter we learn about nonideal reactors, that is, reactors
`that do not follow the models we have developed for ideal CSTRs, PFRs,
`and PBRs. In Part 1 we describe how to characterize these nonideal reactors
`using the residence time distribution function E(t), the mean residence time
`tm, the cumulative distribution function F(t), and the variance σ2. Next we
`evaluate E(t), F(t), tm, and σ2 for ideal reactors, so that we have a reference
`point as to how far our real (i.e., nonideal) reactor is off the norm from an
`ideal reactor. The functions E(t) and F(t) will be developed for ideal PPRs,
`CSTRs and laminar flow reactors. Examples are given for diagnosing prob-
`lems with real reactors by comparing tm and E(t) with ideal reactors. We
`will then use these ideal curves to help diagnose and troubleshoot bypassing
`and dead volume in real reactors.
`In Part 2 we will learn how to use the residence time data and functions
`to make predictions of conversion and exit concentrations. Because the resi-
`dence time distribution is not unique for a given reaction system, we must
`use new models if we want to predict the conversion in our nonideal reactor.
`We present the five most common models to predict conversion and then
`close the chapter by applying two of these models, the segregation model
`and the maximum mixedness model, to single and to multiple reactions.
`After studying this chapter the reader will be able to describe the
`cumulative F(t) and external age E(t) and residence-time distribution functions,
`and to recognize these functions for PFR, CSTR, and laminar flow reactors.
`The reader will also be able to apply these functions to calculate the conver-
`sion and concentrations exiting a reactor using the segregation model and
`the maximum mixedness model for both single and multiple reactions.

` Page 868 Wednesday, September 17, 2008 5:01 PM
`We want to analyze
`and characterize
`nonideal reactor
`Distributions of Residence Times for Chemical Reactors
`Chap. 13
`13.1 General Characteristics
`The reactors treated in the book thus far—the perfectly mixed batch, the
`plug-flow tubular, the packed bed, and the perfectly mixed continuous tank
`reactors—have been modeled as ideal reactors. Unfortunately, in the real world
`we often observe behavior very different from that expected from the exem-
`plar; this behavior is true of students, engineers, college professors, and chem-
`ical reactors. Just as we must learn to work with people who are not perfect,
`so the reactor analyst must learn to diagnose and handle chemical reactors
`whose performance deviates from the ideal. Nonideal reactors and the princi-
`ples behind their analysis form the subject of this chapter and the next.
`Part 1 Characterization and Diagnostics
`The basic ideas that are used in the distribution of residence times to charac-
`terize and model nonideal reactions are really few in number. The two major
`uses of the residence time distribution to characterize nonideal reactors are
`1. To diagnose problems of reactors in operation
`2. To predict conversion or effluent concentrations in existing/available
`reactors when a new reaction is used in the reactor
`System 1
`In a gas–liquid continuous-stirred tank reactor (Figure 13-1), the
`gaseous reactant was bubbled into the reactor while the liquid reactant was fed
`through an inlet tube in the reactor’s side. The reaction took place at the
`gas–liquid interface of the bubbles, and the product was a liquid. The continu-
`ous liquid phase could be regarded as perfectly mixed, and the reaction rate
`was proportional to the total bubble surface area. The surface area of a partic-
`ular bubble depended on the time it had spent in the reactor. Because of their
`different sizes, some gas bubbles escaped from the reactor almost immediately,
`while others spent so much time in the reactor that they were almost com-
`Figure 13-1 Gas–liquid reactor.

` Page 869 Wednesday, September 17, 2008 5:01 PM
`Not all molecules
`are spending the
`same time in the
`Sec. 13.1
`General Characteristics
`pletely consumed. The time the bubble spends in the reactor is termed the
`. What was important in the analysis of this reactor was not
`ble residence time
`the average residence time of the bubbles but rather the residence time of each
`bubble (i.e., the residence time distribution). The total reaction rate was found
`by summing over all the bubbles in the reactor. For this sum, the distribution
`of residence times of the bubbles leaving the reactor was required. An under-
`standing of residence-time distributions (RTDs) and their effects on chemical
`reactor performance is thus one of the necessities of the technically competent
`reactor analyst.
`System 2
`A packed-bed reactor is shown in Figure 13-2. When a reactor is
`packed with catalyst, the reacting fluid usually does not flow through the reac-
`tor uniformly. Rather, there may be sections in the packed bed that offer little
`resistance to flow, and as a result a major portion of the fluid may channel
`through this pathway. Consequently, the molecules following this pathway do
`not spend as much time in the reactor as those flowing through the regions of
`high resistance to flow. We see that there is a distribution of times that mole-
`cules spend in the reactor in contact with the catalyst.
`Figure 13-2 Packed-bed reactor.
`System 3
`In many continuous-stirred tank reactors, the inlet and outlet pipes
`are close together (Figure 13-3). In one operation it was desired to scale up
`pilot plant results to a much larger system. It was realized that some short cir-
`cuiting occurred, so the tanks were modeled as perfectly mixed CSTRs with a
`bypass stream. In addition to short circuiting, stagnant regions (dead zones) are
`often encountered. In these regions there is little or no exchange of material
`with the well-mixed regions, and, conse

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