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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`Merriam—\Vebster’s collegiate dictionary. w 10th ed.
`Includes index.
`ISBN 0—87779-708-0 (unindexed : alk. paper). — ISBN 0—87779-709-9
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`1. English languagewDictionaries.
`I. Merriam-Webster, Inc.
`Merriam~Webstefs Collegiate® Dictionary, Tenth Edition principal copyright 1993
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`1' Proface
`Explanatory Chért
`Explanatory Notes 7
`The English Language in the DictiOnary
`Guide to Pronunciation
`Abbreviations in This Work
`Pronunciation Symbols
`A Diofionary of the English Language
`Abbreviations and‘Symbol‘s for Chemical Elements
`FOreign’Wo’rds and Phrases
`Biographical Names
`1375 .
`Geographical Namos
`:_ Signs and Symbols
`A Handbook of Styie


`prename e presancfified
`provision of protection 2 a : resistance to a disease due to the exis-
`tence of its causative agent in astate of physiological equifibn‘um in the
`: immunity to a particular infection due to previous presence
`of the causative agent
`premame \‘pr§-.n5m\ :1 (1894) : FORENAMZE
`preonamtal \(Dpre—hé-tan mi (1826)
`l : occurring,- existing, or per,-
`formed before birth (N care) {the N period) 2 2 providing or receiv-
`ing prenatal inertial care <2. N clinic) (N patients) ~— pre-na-tal-ly
`\-tt1-é\ adv

`’pre-nom-iyunte \(.)prév'néi.-mo—nct\ and [LLpruen/zminafus, pp. ofprae—
`nominare to name before, fr. Lprae- -+ nominare to name 7 more at
`NOMINATE] (1513) obr : previously mentioned
`2lire-1165111donate \—.n§.t\ vt (1547) obs : to mention previously -— pre-
`nom-i‘naetion \(.)p1‘é-.néi-me-'n5—shcn\ n, obs
`pre-no-tion “Joni-'06.
`on, 'pre—,\ 71 [L praerzorz‘an-, pr‘aenotr’o precon-
`copfion, fr. prawn + notio idea, conception ~ more at NonoN] (1588)
`‘prcn-tice \'pren—tcs\ n INIEpl‘uztiv, short for apprenzis} (140) : APPREN—
`rrcn l, LEARNER —— rentlce adj
`2premieem‘ proud-i
`; pron-timing (1598) :APPRENTICE -
`pm-nup-fifl] \(Jpré— nap-51191, whet, e-cho-wcltadi (1869) : made or can
`curring before marriage (3 ~ agreement)
`pro-omcuopan-cy \(.)pré-'fi-kyo—pan(t)wsé\ :1 (ca. 1755)
`1'5 an act or the
`right of taking possession before another 2 : the condition of being
`completely busied or preoccupied
`cupylng : the state of being preoccupied
`a : extreme or excessive
`pre-ocmn-pa-tion \(.)pr€»,ii<kys~'pi»sh9n\
`71 $1603)
`1 : an3aot ‘of Drool:-
`concern with something I: : something that preoccuples one
`pre-oocu-picci \(.)plé"i»kyo—,pid\ an? (1342)
`1 : previously applied to
`anoLher group and unavailable for use in a new sense — used of a bio-
`logical generic or specific name 2 a : lost in thought; also : absorbed
`in some preoccupation l) : already nccupied
`pro-ococu-py \-,pi\ Vt ILpraeoccupare, lit, to seize in advance, fr. prag—
`+ occupare to seize, occupy] (1567)
`1 : to engage or engi oss the inter-
`est or attention of beforehand or preferentially 2 : to take possession
`of or ffllbcforehaod orbefore another,
`. n _
`pro-op'er-a-five \(Jpre. —p(a-)ra-tiv, -pe-.r5—\ adj (1904) : occurring be—
`fore a surgical operation ~ pre‘op-er-a-five-ly adv,
`pro-ordain \xpré»or—'din\ W (1533) : to decree or ordain in advance
`: FOREORDAIN — pre-nr-dm‘n-ment \-mont\ n g pre-or-divna-fion
`premvu-la-fmry \(.)pré~'fiv—yavlaqtooe, -.tor-, -'6v-\ a4] (1935) : occur-
`ring or existing in or typical of the period immediately preceding ovu—
`lation (my oncytES) <11 ~ surge 0f luteinizing hormone)
`pro—owned \(.)pré~'ond 'pré .\ adj (1964) : SECONDHAND
`11nep.\'prep\ n (1862)
`: aprolimiuauy trial for a racehorse
`1pimp lib prepped; prep-ping vi (1915)
`1 r to attend. preparatory school
`2 [short for prepare] : to get ready N V! : PREPARE; esp : to preparefor
`operation or examination
`pro-package \(Jpré-'P3-kij\ vi (1945) 1 to package (as food or a manu—
`factured article) before offering for sale to tho-consumer
`prep-a-ra-fion \upre-na-‘ré-shan‘. n Mpreparacian, Fr. M147 prepara—
`tion, fr. Lpraeparatian-, pmwpmafio, fr.praeparare to prepme] (Mo)
`; the action or process of making something ready for use or service or
`of getting ready for some occasionr test, or duty 2 z a state of being
`prepared : READINESS
`3 : a preparatory act or measure 4 : some—
`thing that is prepared; spray“ : a medicinal substance made ready for
`use <a ~ for colds)
`‘pre-par-a-tivB \pri-‘par—e—tiv\ n {140) isomethjng that plepares the
`way for or serves as a. preliminary to something else : PREPARATION
`2preparative adj (ca. 1530) : PREPARATORY w « pre-par-a-tivecly adv
`pre-par-a-tor \pri-‘par-a-tar\ r: (1762) : one that prepares; specif : a per-
`son who prepares scientific specimens or museum displays
`pre-pa-ra-to-ry \pri-‘paruaqtor—é, —.tor- also 'pI‘B’p(e¥)re-\ adi (15c)
`: preparing or serving to prepare for something : INTRODUC’IDR —
`pre-pa-ra-to-rin ri—.par-'a-'t6r—e—lé. ~‘tor- also ,pre—p(o.)ro-\ adv
`preparatory schoo n (1822)
`1 : a usu. private school preparing stu-
`dents primarily for college 2311‘: : apt-Nate elementary school prepar-
`Ing students primarily for British public schools
`preparatory taprcp (1649) : in preparation for
`. A_
`pro—pare \pri-‘par, -‘per\ vb pro—p
`; pro-paring [MEL fr. MF pre-
`parer, fr. L praelvamre, fr. prae- pre— + parare to procure, prepare -
`rnore at FARE] vt (15:) 1 a z to make ready beforehand for some pur-
`pose, use; or activity (~’food fordinner). b : to put in a proper state
`of mind. (isprepayed to listen) 2 : to work out the details of : plan in
`advance (prepcmfng strategy for the coming campaign) 3 a : to 1311?. to-
`gether : COMPO'Ufle (~ a prescription> b : to put into written form
`(~ a report) :- v; : to get ready (preparingfor a career) — [arc-paper
`prepared Ltd (1663) : subjected to a special pi’ocoss or treatment ’—«
`prepared-1y \J'pard-lé. -’perd~; Jpar—gd», -'per-\ adv
`prepared-nets, \p 'par-sd—nos, -‘per— also J ardwuas or -'pord~n'es\ n
`(1590) : the quality-or state of being prepare ‘ esp : a state of adequate
`preparation in case of war
`pro-pay \(.)'pré-'pi\ vt amid ‘\-'pzld\; mashing (1839) :10 pay or pay the
`feharge on
`advance. —— pic-payment \-’p5~ment\ n
`‘- pen(t)s\ adj [by shortening & alter. fr. earlierpurpensed,
`frv ME, p
`, fpwpensen to deliberate, premeditate, fr. MFpurpenscr,
`fr. OF, fr, pur- for + power to' think — more at PURCHASE, PENSIVE]
`(I702); planned beforehand : PREMEDrMTBb — usu. used poslpOSl—
`tivel'y (malice ~) ~— pre-pense-ly adv
`pro-plant \.pré-'p1ant, 'pré-.\ (1111' pro-planting \—'plan»tin\ adj (1961)
`: occurring or used before planting a crop («,2 soil fertilization)
`preponderance \pri—‘pén»d(e~)ran(t)s\ :1 (26811 1 1 a superiority in
`weight,.poyver, importance, or strength 2 a : a superiority. or excess in
`number or quantity 1: : rmonrm
`pre-pbn-der-‘an-cy \-d(9-)ren(t)-sé\ n (.1646) : PREPONDBRANCE
`pre-pon-der-smt \pri-‘péiu-(fie—Jranfl adi (150)
`I : having superior
`Weight, force, or influence
`2 :.having gearerprevaience , syn see
`DOliflNANT — pre-poli-der-antJy adv.
`‘pre-pon-deroate \pri-‘péin-de—,r§t\ vb —; vat-mg ILpraeyandertIl‘lJS,
`pp. of praepondemre, fri prac~ + pander, pandas weight ~— more at
`PENDANT] vi (1623)
`I : to exceed in weight 2 : to exceed in influence,
`power, or importance 3 :to exceed in numbers ~ vi 1 £176th
`WEIGH 2 archaic : to weigh down
`, pre'pon-dor-afibn \q
`zproper» er-a e - pén- o—ra a f
`ré~\tn \ I
`d‘ (180$)
`pun-dor-ate-Iy adv
`RAM “
`prep.a.sirtion \,pre-ps-'zi-sben\ n lMEprepasiciorm, fr, Lprawn.
`praeposin’a, fr, praeponez‘e to out In front, fr. prae- pre- + Dimer 3: hr
`— more at POSITION} {14c) : a function word that typically 00: ”_
`with a noun phrase to form aphrase which usu, Expresses a mush
`'on-aI-ly adv
`tion or medication —~ prcpvo-sl-tion-al Push-112:1, -'zi~sho~na \‘ 1
`=9 \pri—‘piiuzsativ, -'piz~tiv\ adj [LL prawbsitz‘vur, fifi- L
`pasirus, pp. ofpraepon e] (1583) : put before : PREFIXBD ._ “'2‘
`. M
`tive‘ly adv
`pie-possess -\,pré~po~'7£s also M'ses\ vi (1614)
`1 obs : to lake re
`possession of 2 to cause to be preoccupied 3 -. to influence be;
`hand esp, favorably
`pre-pos-sess-ing my (1642)
`1 archaic : creating prejudice 2 : (a d
`to create a favorable impression z AURACTH’E
`pre-pos-seSAsion \.pre—,pa-'z’e-shcn also -'sc—\ :1 {1648)
`1 ”mimic. ,
`possession 2 ; an attitude, belief, or impression formed befor‘e
`: FREJUDICE ,3 : an exclusive concern with one idea or Object pkg“
`common .3321: see PREDILECI‘ION _
`pre-pos-ter-ous \pn— pds—t(a-)ras\ ad} [meeportgrur, lit, fit-the Wm
`order, fr. prac— + posfems lt‘urder, following ——. more at POSTEm it
`(1542) : contrary to nature, reason, or common sense : .43st
`yes-ter-ous-Iy adv — prepos-tenons-ncss n
`prevpo-tenacy \(.)prE- pflt°n(t)-sé\ n (1646)
`l . the quality
`being pIch‘Kent 1 PREDOMINANCE 2 : unusual ability of an indlv
`or strain to transmit its characters to ofispring’becausc of 11.0me
`ity for numerous dominant genes
`pre-po-tent \—t°nt\ .156 [ME. f1. Lpraepofent; praepaterm, fr,
`tens powerful —— rnore at POTENT] (15c) l a : having exceptional p0
`er, authority, or influence b : exceeding others in power 2 3 e
`ing genetic prepotenoy —- pre-po-tent-ly adv
`‘prep-py or prep‘pie \'pre—pé\ n, pl prep-pies [‘prep] (1967)
`dent at or a graduate of apreparatory school 2 : a person deem
`dress or behave like a preppy
`zpreppy or preppic (ME (1967) l : relating to, characteristic of,,
`a preppy 2 : relating to or being a. style of dress characterized es
`classic cloth, g and neat appearance — prep:p1vly\'pre~pa.ié\'
`prep-pi-ness \'prenpérnas\ n
`pre-pranodi-al \frlpré~‘pran~dé—all adj (1822) : of, relating to, or sum
`for the time just before dinner (3 ~ drink>
`pro-11mg l,pre—'preg, ' ré-A )1 [prev + inwregnoted] (1954) ‘. a rein:
`or molding material as paper. or glass cloth) already impregnated '
`a synthetic resin
`pro-press \'pré-.pres\ an? (1965) r of or relating to tho process-1
`copy preparatory to printing (of costs) (~ equipment)
`lpro-prim \‘pré-.print. .pré—‘print\ n (1889)
`an issue of a‘ techm’
`paper often in preliminary form before its publication in a joum
`: something (as an advartisement) printed before the rest of the put)
`cation in which it is to appear.
`”pro-print \(Jpré print\ v! (1926) : to print in advance forlatcr 1i
`§s \(gpre-‘pr'
`res, -'pro-, —ses\ vt (1942) ‘ to do prelhm
`processing of (as data)
`pre-pm-ces-sor \—sar,
` \,pr5upro-'fesh-nal, fife—show?“ ad] (1926); of by
`s on
`hitting to the period preceding specific study to: orpractioe of 2: pr
`prep school n (1895) PREPARATORY scnoos.
`pre-puvbepai \(,)pré pyfi-b(a-)ral\ anti (ca. 1935) : PREPUBERT
`”re-pmber-tal \-b=r-t°1\ adj (1859) : of or relating to propuborty ‘
`pre-pu-bebty \-bcr‘té\ n (1922) : the period immediately preceding p
`pre-pu-hes-cence \.prE-pyfi- be-s’n(t)s\ n (1916) : PREPUBERTY
`pro-pace \‘pré~,pyiis\ n [1.
`, 1r.
`«, in L prueyu am} (150] .- F0
`pre-pu-besment \-sent\ adfiilQM) : PREE‘UBBRTAL — prepubesheut
`SKIN; also : a similar fold investing the clitoris ~ pre-pu-fia] \pr
`prequel \'pre~kwal\ n [prc- t we! (as in sequeb] (1972) : aliterary
`dramatic work whose story precedes that of an earlier work
`Pre—Ra-pha-el-ite \(.)pr5—'ra-fo-c-.lit, -' 21-, ~‘ri-\ n [1850)
`1 a : a. me
`her of abrotherhood of artists formed in England in 1848 to rest
`artisticErinciples and practices regarded m oharacteristic‘of Ital:
`aphael b : anartist or writer influenced by this brotherhoa
`2 2 a modern artist dedicated to restoring early'Renaissanco ideal
`methods — Pro—Raphaelitc adj - Pre—Ra-pha-ehit-ism \-.1
`29m\ 71
`prereg-is-trmtion \irx
`'rf“'_l§"5tf§.-Sh9fl\ n (1967) : a. spewfl'regi
`tion (as for returning
`do ts) prior to an official registration pe
`— pre‘regds—ter \(.)pre re~1§~stor\ vi
`pre-req-ui'site \(Jnré— e—kwa-zed n (1633) .- somethingtbat is pro“
`sary to an end or to the carrying out of a function ‘‘‘‘‘~ prereqmslte
`pie-rog-a-tlve \priJri-go‘tifl 11 [M5, fr. MF & L; MP, fr Lpraer
`iiva, Roman century voting first in the comitia, privlle
`, fr. fen
`praeacgativu: voting first, Ir. pmeragams, pp, of praemgare to ask
`an opinion before another, fr.prac- + roger-e -to ask — more at R;
`1 a : an exclusive or special right, power, or privile
`: one belonging to an office or an official body (2) : one belonging
`person, your», or class of individuals
`(3) : one possessed by a 1}”
`as an attribute of sovereignty b i the di
`otionary power what!!!
`the British Crown
`2 : a distinctive excellence — prbmg'll
`\-tivd\ adj
`lprosmlgo \‘prensij, disqprlefifl 21 [ME fr. L praesagr'wn. f1" Mm”
`having a foreboding, fr. prae— + sagas proghetio _ moreat SEEK] t
`1 : something that forcshadows or portends a future extent : 0M5.
`: en intuition or feeling of what is going to happen in the fume":
`chair : Pnocmos'ncnnort 4 : warning or indication of the tutu
`pre-sage-ful \priJsaj-fon an?
`2pro-sage \'pre—sij, pri-‘sij\ vb pre-saged; lire-Wing yr (1562)
`give an omen or warning of ' FORESHADOW 2 : FORE'I‘EEL; PREDI
`~ vi : to make or utter a prediction — pre-sag-er n, abs
`pre-sanc-fi-fied \(.)pr€:~'san(l()
`' fid\ adj (1758) : consecrated at 811
`vtous service -— used of eucharistic elements


`presbyope a present tense
`1pres-em:\'pre-z°nt\ 11 [M5, fr. OF, fr. presenter] (13c} : something pre-
`sented : GIFT
`z[gal-assent \[Iri-‘chil\ vb IME, fr. 0F mascot-2r, fr, L praeserztaré, fr.
`prasscnt—, praescns, adj] Vt (141:)
`1 21(1) : to bring or introduce into the
`presence of someone esp. of superior rank or status
`(2) : to introduce
`socially b : to bring (as a play) before the public 2 z to make a gift to
`3 : to give or bestow formally 4 a 1 to lay (in: a charge) before a court
`as an object of inquiry b : to bring a formal pubiid’charge, indictment,
`or presentment against 5 : to nominate to a benefice 6 a : to offer to
`view 1 snow [I : to bring to one’s attention (this ~s a-problern) 7
`z to act the part of : PERFORM 8 : to aim, point. or direct (as a Weap-
`on) so as to face something or in. a particular direction A? vi
`‘ l :' to
`present a weapon 2 : to become manifest 3 z to come forward as a
`4 : to make a presentation syn see GIVE __ present-er n
`’ 3pres.ent \lpreu'zmfi adj {M5, fr. OF, fr. Lprogram worsens, fr. pm. of
`pmeetse to be before one, fr. prac- pre—‘ + arse to be -- more at rs] (14c)
`1: now existing or in progress 2 a ' being in View or at hand in : exist-
`ing in something mentioned or on er consideration 3 : constituting
`the one actualiy involved, at hand, or being considered 4 : of, relating
`to, or Donsiiluling a verb tense that is expressive of present time or the
`time of speaking 5 abs : ATTENTKVE 6 archaic : INSTANT,IWEDIATE
`—— pres-ent‘ness n
`‘pres-ent \‘pre—z°nt\ n (140)
`l a obs“ : present occasion or affair
`I: p!
`a the present words or statements; 'specr'f: the legal instrument or other
`writing in which these words are used 2 a: the present tense of a lan-
`guage I) : a verb form in the present tense
`3 : the preson iiine — at
`present : at or during this time : NOW .
`mre-se‘ntéablc \pri—‘zen—ta-bol\ adj (ca. 1626) 1 : capable 1’ being pre~
`sented 2 : being in condition to be seen or inspected esp. by the criti-
`cal —~ pre-scntmllilni-ty \-,zcn-’ta—'bi—1c~t€\
`r1 - pre-sentzabl mess
`\-'zen»to-bal-nes\ n —- pre-sentoably \-blé\ adv
`present arms \pri-‘zcnt—\ n [fn the commandpreseizr 11er (ca. 1834)
`1 z a position in the manual of arms in which the rifle is held vertically
`in from of the body 2 : a command to assume the poSition of present
`arms or to give a hand sal
`Dreasen-ta-fion \.pre-,zen-'|a-shen, ,pre—z"n—. [91‘5'2911-\ n (15¢) '1 a : the
`act of presenting b 1 the act, power, or privilege esp. of a patron of ap-
`plying to the bishop or ordinary for instituting so'meone into a heneficc
`2 : something presented: as
`a '. a symbol or image that represents
`something I:
`: something offEred or given : GIFT c’ : something set
`forth for the attention of the mind.
`c1 : a descriptive or persuasive ac-
`count (as by a salesman of a product). 3 : the position in which the fe—
`tus lies in theorems in labor with respect to themouth of the uterus 4
`' an immediate object of perception, cognition, o'i" memory Sofia: cap
`. a church feaston November 21 celebrating the presentation of the
`Virgin Mary in the temple 6 2 the method by which radio, navigation,
`or radar information is given to the operator (as the pilot of an air-
`plane) -— presentation-21 \-shn:l, -sha-n°l\ adj
`presengta-iive \pri—‘zen—ta-tiV,
`'prc-z”n—'.ta—\ adj‘ (ca. 1842) : known,
`knowing, or capable of being known directly mihor than through cog»
`itau'on .
`pres-ent~day \‘pre—z’nt—‘da\ adj (1887) : now misting or occurring
`pre-senvtee \.pre—z°n—’té, pri-.zen—\=n (15c) : one who is presented or to
`Whom something is presented
`p:-aesentient~,praesenfiens, prp. ofpraesentire] (1814) : having a presen-
`pre~sentti>ment \prlu‘zen-ta-menfi n {F prersazfiment, fr. MIF, fr. pres-
`serm'r to hava a presentiment, fr, L praesentz‘re to feel beforehand, fr.
`prne- + .vrmtire to feel — more at SENSE] (1714) 2 a feeling that some-
`thing will or is about to happen : PREMONITION f pre-sen-fi-men-tat
`\-.zen—te~'men-t“’l\ an?
`present-ism \‘p:e~z"n-.ti—zam\ n garment] (1923) i an outlook dominat~
`a j
`ed; by present-day actiiudes and experiences — pres‘ent-ist \~z‘n~tist\
`pres-entoly \‘pre-zfitéla adv (140)
`1 a archaic : stance in ‘1 before
`long 2 without undue delay 2 : at the present time :_NOW-
`usage Both senses lb and 2 are flourishing in current English, but
`many commentators have objected‘to sense 2. Since this sense has
`been in continuous use since the 15th century, it is not clear Why it is
`objectionable. Perhaps 'a note in’the Oat/21rd English Dictionary (1909}
`that the sense has been obsolete since the 17th oenturyin literary En—
`glish is to blame, but the note goes on to observe that the sense is in
`regular use in most English dialects; The last citation in that dictio-
`nary is from a 1901 Leeds newspaper, Written in Standard English.
`Sense 2 is most common in contexts relating to business and politics
`(the fastestnrlsing welfare cost is Medicaid,presently paid by the states
`and cities —Wiiliam Satire}
`presentment \pri-‘zcnt—ment\ 2: (14C)
`1 :gthe act of presenting to an
`authority a formal statement of a matter to be dealt with; specif' : the
`notice taken or statement made. by a grand jury of an offense from
`their own knowledge without a. bill of indictment laid before them ‘2
`: the act of offering at the proper time and place a document (as a hill
`of exchange) that calls for accepiance or payment byanother 3 a t the
`act of presenting to View or consciousness
`Er : something set forth,
`presented, or exhibited c : the aspect in which something is presented
`present participle n (1864)
`x a participle that typically expresses
`present action in relation to the time expressed hy the finite verb in its
`clause and that in English is formed with the suffix ~ing and is used in
`the formation of the prngi'cssiye tenses
`present perfect any (188?) z of, relating to‘, or constituting'a verb tense
`that is formed in English with have and that expresses action 'ur state
`completed at the Lime. of speaking — present perfect 32'
`present tense): (140) : the tense of a verb that expresses action or state
`in the present time and is used of What occurs or is true at the time of
`speaking and of what is habitual or characteristic oris always or neces-
`by 093 \'prczvbé-.6p; “pres-hen pr-\ n [prolL fr. F, fr. GI: presbys
`an + 5p: eye — more at EYE] (ca. 1857) : one affected with p1 es~
`.mpia \,prez—bé-’o—pé-o, ,pres-\ a DTL] (1793) :‘a visual condi»
`ich bosomes apparent esp. in middle age and in which loss of
`city of the inns of the eye canses defective ascommodation and in-
`ous sharply for near vision —— pres-by-o-pic \-‘6—pik. —'é—\
`{gm \‘prEZ-ba—tsr, 'pres-\ 11 [LL, elder, priest, fr. Gk presbgatgros,
`. 91' of‘presbl's old man, elder, akin to Gk pro before and Gk
`a"! to go — more at EUR, COME] (159’?)
`i : a member of the gov»
`g body of an early Christian church 2 : a member of the order of
`in churches luring cplscflpal hierarchies that include bishops,
`1 and deacons 3 : ELDER 4h — pres-byt-er-ate mreszi-ierat,
`§t\ o
`Y'te‘fi'“! \.pr62wbsv‘tir-6—el. .prés~\ adj (ca. -1600) : of or relating
`bytcrs or a presbyiery -—- prés-by-te-ri~al-ly \eaia adv
`byterial 'n. ofim cap (1918) 2 an organization of Presbyterian wom—
`cisted with a presbyiery .
`y.te-ri~all' \éj—nm n (1640) c a member of a Presbyterian church
`hyterinn adj (1641)
`1 often not cop : characterized by a graded
`'Df representative ecclesiastical bodies (as presbyicfies) exercis-
`gisiative and judicial pamrs 2 : of, relating to, or constituting a
`testaflf Christian church that is presbyteiian in government and tra-
`y Calvinistic m1 doctrine — Pres-by-te-ri-an-rsm \
`' a
`gel-y \‘prez—bo—lterré, 'pres-, -b'o-tré\ n; pl -{er-ie's,rME 8; LL;
`gb-ytory part of church reset-(reel for ‘clergy, fr. LLprarbyten‘um
`lot presbyterrs, part of church reserved for clergy, tr. karerbyre—
`group of presbyters, fr. presbyteras elder. priest] (150)
`l r the part
`hutch reserved for the officiating clergy Z : a ruling body in
`shyterlarlphumhcrs consisting of the ministers and representative el—
`rom congregations \Vlthlrl’ a district 3 : the jurisdiction of a pres-
`'ry 4 :the house of a Roman Catholic parish priest
`f '
`ghoul \‘pré-.skfil, (,)pré—'\ adj (1914) »: of, relating to, or constitut-
`0 period in a child’s life from infancy to the age of five or six that
`arfly precedes attendance at elementary school
`hon] \'pre—.skiil\ 2-; (ca. 1925) : NURSERY swoon, downswin-
`sflmol-er \<ii-1or\ II (1946) 1 1 a‘ child not yet'old enough for
`- 01 1: a child attendingapreschool
`deuce \‘pre—sh(é-)en(t)s, 'pré-, -s(é--)9n(t)s\ 11 [ME, fr..-L_L ragsciv
`fr. L praescienh, praescicns, prp. of praescrr'e to know before—
`,' 5L prae— + mile to know — more at SCIENCE] (14c) : foreknowl~
`of events: a : divine cmniscicnce b : human anticipation of the
`ad events : FORESIGHT —— prescient \~sh(é-)ent, -s(é-)ont\ z‘zzij
`e-scient-Iy adv
`en-tii-ic \—an-'ti-fik\ adj (1858) : of, relating to, or having
`hamcteristics of a period before the rise of modem science or a
`prior to the application of the scientific method
`and \pri-‘sind\ vb [L prawcindere to cut off in front; fr, phi - v1—
`, m to cm -—- more at SHED] vi (1650) : to withdraw one’s attention
`to detach for purposes of thought
`re \(.)pré-'Sk6r. —'sl:f)r\ Vt (1937) 1 to record (as sound) in ad-
`pce for use when the corresponding scenes are photographed in
`' movies

`rihe \pri—‘skrib\ vb pre-scribéd; tire-scribing [M5, ELL me—
`new to write at the beginning, dictate, order, fr. pme- + scn'bere to
`c — more at scmn] vi (15(1)
`1 : to lay dovm a rule : DICTATE . 2
`1'. Wymorcflber , fr, L, to write at the beginning] -. to claim a ti-
`omothing by right of prescription 3 z to write or give medical
`scnptions 4 : to bcuumn by prescription invalid or unenforceable
`f l a: to lay down as a guide. direction, or mile of action : 031mm
`0 specify with authority 2 : to designate or order the use of as a
`edy ~— preuscriher n .
`rript \‘pre—Iskripl', prl-‘\ (Idi [ii/1E, fr. L pracs‘cniytus, pp.1 (ca. 1540)
`scribed as a rule —— pre-script \‘pré-lsktip’fl n
`crip-tion \pri-‘skfip—sh9n\ it [partly fr. ME prescnpez‘on establish-
`of a claim, fr. MFprescriprz’on, fr. LL praesmptiang pmescriimo,
`act of Writing at the beginning, order, limitation of subject male
`121'. pmemribere; partly fr. L prqescri tion-, praescn'ptia order] (145)
`e estabiishment of a claim of lit a to something under common
`usu. by use and enjoyment for a period fixed by statute b : the
`t or title acquired under common law by such possession 2.
`: the
`was of making Claim‘ to something by long use and enjoyment 3
`3 action of laying down authoritative mics or directions 4 a : a
`ten direction for a. therapeutic Dr corrective agent; specff : one for
`preparation and use of a medicine
`I) : aprescrlbed medicine c
`teething like a doctor’s prescription (~s for economic recovery)
`ancient or long continued custom b : a claim founded upon an—
`t custom or long continued use 6 : something prescribed as a rule
`scription drug 1: (1951) ; a druig, that can be obtained only by means
`physician’s prescription .
`Clip-five \pri-‘sicrip—tiv\ adj (1748)
`1 : serving to prescribe (~
`s of usage)
`2 2- acquired by, founded on, or determined by pro-
`ph’on or by long—standing custom ‘— prescriptive-1y adv
`Ate-loci \.pré-sa-'lekt\ vt (ca. 1859) : to choose in adtvauce usu. on the
`am of a particular criterion -— pro-se-lec-fion \-'lek~shen\ 71
`Sell \(.)pré—‘se1\ vt -sold \—‘sold\; usell‘ing (1947)
`1 : to precondi-
`ghborhood of one of superior esp. royal rank 3 archaic : COMPANY
`_ 4 i one that is present: as
`a : the actual person or thing that is
`S§nt b : something present of a visible or concrete nature 5 a : the
`firing, carriage, or air of a person: esp : stately or-distinguiShed bear—
`_ b = a quality of poise and effectiveness that enablesn performer to
`. have a close relationship w‘th an audience 6 : something (as a spin
`i-) 5511; or believed to be present
`stance Di mind (1665) : self—control so maintained in ad ‘emergency
`in an embarrassing situation that one can say or do the right thing
`\o\ abut \a\ kitten, F table \cr\ further \a\ ash \5\ ac: \éi\ mop, mar
`\au\ out
`\ch'\ chin \c\ be:
`\6\ easy \g\ go \i\ hit.
`\i\ ice \i\ lob
`\y\ slug \6\ gu \6\ law \oi\ boy \th\ thin @\ the \n’\ loot "\t:\ foot
`\y\ yet \zh\ vision \é, lg, “, cc, E, 118, @, Y‘. See Guide to Pronunciation


`starting blank
`star system H (1902 : the practice of casting famous petrol-m.
`rs : iii.
`er to
`principal roles (as in motion pictures or the theater) esp_ in o 5
`capitalize on their popular appeal
`‘start \'st5.rt\ vb [NEE 5132114271; akin to MHG Star-zen to stand up 5 .
`movc quicklvl vi (Mo)
`1 a : to move suddenly and violently . Srhfflv,
`(Ned angrily to his feet) b : to react with a sudden brief 11160me
`movemeot (~ed when a shot rang out) 2 a : to issue with mists”
`force (blood ~ing from the Wound)
`l- : to come into being anti den
`or operation (when does the movie ~> (the rain wed up a’gahw‘li
`: to protrude or seem to protrude (eyes Ning from their socket;
`: to become loosened or forced out of place (one of the planks h
`~ed) 5 a l to begin a course or journey (rs-ed toward the clam»)
`wing out) b 2 to range from a specified initial point (the rates 2"“ -
`6 : to begin an activity or undertaking; esp : to bEgin War]: at
`: to be aparficipant in a game or contest; esp : to be in the Starling ll" 3 ,
`up no vi 1 : to cause to leave a place of concealment : FLUSH ,3“
`2 archaic : smunr, AI .ARM 3 z to bring up for communities" l
`or discussion 4 : to bn’ng into being («1 a rumor) 5 : to 03113:: to b R
`come loosened or displaced 6 t to begin the use of (-v a fresh loaf c2
`bread) 7 a : to cause to move, act, or operate (~ the motor)
`in . E" '
`cause to enter a game or contest; em : to put in the starting linen ' °
`: in care for or train during the early stages of growth and devalnpmé
`(med plants) (a well-Waited coonhound) 8 : to do or experience :11
`first stages or actions of (Ned studying music at the age of five) 3y:
`see BEGIN —— start something also start anything : to make lmubl
`(always trying to start something) (don‘t start anyflting) —« to star:
`with 1: atthe beginning : INITIALLY 2 : in any event
`3start :1 (Me)
`1 a : a sudden involuntary bodily movement or rub on.
`(woke with a w) h : a brief and sudden action or movement 9 . a.
`sudden capricious impulse or outburst 2 : a bcg’nning of mOVemei-lt
`activity, or development (a false N) (housing NS) 3 2 HEAD 311,;qu
`4 : a place of beginning 5 : the eat or an instance of being a Competi-
`tor in a race or a member of a starting lineup in a. game (undefeatec in'
`six N5 —Current.Biag..)
`start-er \‘stfir—tofl n (1622)
`1 : a person who initiates or sets going; 53
`a : an official who gives the signal to begin a race
`11 : one Whom;r
`patches vehicles ‘2 a : one that engages in a cornpetilitm‘V 6S? 2 a mem.
`ber of a starting linen}:- b : one that begins to engage in an activity of"
`process 3 : one that causes something to begin operating: as o : a de,,
`vice for starting an engine; 23;; z an electric motor used to start an inter:
`nal combustion engine
`11 : material containing microorganisms used
`to induce a. desired fermentation 4 : something that is the beginning
`of a process, activity, or sefies', esp : APPETIZBRr for starters :tohe.
`gin with
`., =
`star thistle n (1578) l t a widely naturalized spiny European knapWeed
`(Centaurea calcimtpa) with purple flowers 7 called also calimps 2
`: any of various knapwceds related to the slat thistle
`starting block 71 (1937) t a CIFerCE that
`usu: consists of two blocks mounted
`on either side of an adjustable frame
`and that provides a runner with a rig-
`id surface against which to brace the
`feet at the start of a race
`starting gate 72 (1898) 1 : a mechani-
`cally operated barrier used as a start-
`ing device for a. race
`2 : a barrier
`that when knocked aside by a com»
`petitor (as a skier) starts an electronic
`timin. device
`lstunt e \‘suilr—t’n vb star-fled; star-
`tling \'st§rt-lin, 'stir~t‘l»in\ [ME sierr—
`[1511, Iraq. of starter: to start] vi (1530)
`: to move or jump suddenly (as in sur—
`prise or alarm) (the baby ~s easily)
`~11 : to frighten or surprise suddenly
`and usu. not seriously —— star-tie-
`ment \-tnont\ n
`Istartle n (1714) : a. sudden mild shock (as of surprise or alarm) .»
`star-fling adj (1714) : causing momentary fright, surprise, or astonis -
`ment — star-flingvly \‘stfirt-lin-lé, 'stéirltaldnd adv
`; -
`startsyp! afs’rmrs
`start‘up \‘stért—lom n, aflen atoll: (1845)
`1 : the act or an instance of
`setting in operation or motion 2 : a fledgling business enterprise -
`star tu111 n (1898) chiefly Brit : the featured skit or number in a theatri»:
`cal production; broadly : the most Wider publicized person or item in a
`star-va-tion nevus-sham n (1778) 1 : the actor an instance of star!-
`ing 2 z the state of being starved

`starvation wages n (1893) : wages insufficient to provide the ordinary
`necessities of life
`starve \'stiirv\ vb starved; starving [ME stench to die, starve. fir. OB
`stem-jun to die: akin to OHG sterban to die, Lith starfnti to stiffen 7*
`more at STARE] vi (15c)
`I a : to perish from lack of loud I) : to suffer
`extreme hunger 2 a archaic :’ to die of cold b Brit : to suffer greatly
`from cold 3 : to suffer or perish from deprivation (starved for fifth?5
`lion) ~ yr
`1 a : to kill with hunger
`I: : to deprive of nourishment c
`: lo cause to Capil’lllfile by or as it by depriving of nourishment
`2 :10
`destroy by or cause to suffer from deprivation 3 archaic : to kill with-

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