`HTC AMERICA, INC., et al.,
` Petitioners,
` V.
` Patent Owner.
` Redwood City, California
` Monday, November 23, 2015
`Reported by:
`Kelli Combs, CSR No. 7705
`Job No. 2188187
`PAGES 1 - 155
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
`Page 1

` Videotaped Deposition of VOJIN G. OKLOBDZIJA,
`PH.D., Volume I, taken on behalf of Petitioners, at
`FISH & RICHARDSON, 500 Arguello Road, Suite 500, Redwood
`City, California, commencing at 10:17 a.m., Monday,
`November 23, 2015, before Kelli Combs, CSR No. 7705.
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
`Page 2
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

`For Petitoners Apple, Inc., HTC Corporation, HTC
` America, Inc., Samsung Electronics Company, Ltd.,
` Samsung Electronics America, Inc., Samsung
` Telecommunications America, LLC and, Inc.:
` 1221 McKinney Street, Suite 2800
` Houston, Texas 77010
` 713-654-5300
`For the Petitioner Sony Corporation, Sony Electronics,
` Inc., Sony Mobile Communications AB and Sony Mobile
` Communications USA, Inc.:
` One Broadway
` New York, New York 10004-1007
` 212.425.7200
`2 3
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
`Page 3

`For The Patent Owner, Memory Integrity, LLC:
` 411 Borel Avenue, Suite 350
` San Mateo, California 94402
` (650) 833-2442
` Ramon Peraza, Videographer
` Robert Horst, Ph.D., Expert for Petitioners
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
`Page 4

` I N D E X
`4 5
`6 7 8 9
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`Page 5

`Exhibit 1 Dr. Oklobdzija's reply 12
` declaration
`Exhibit 2 Dr. Oklobdzija's 12
` declaration submitted in
` connection with Memory
` Integrity's Motion to Amend
`Exhibit 3 Document titled "Memory 14
` Integrity LLC's Patent
` Owner Preliminary Response
` Pursuant to 37 CFR Section
` 42.107(a)"
`Exhibit 4 Document titled "Memory 16
` Integrity LLC's Patent
` Owner Preliminary Response
` Pursuant to 37 CFR Section
` 42.107(a)"
`Exhibit 5 US Patent No. 7,296,121 19
`Exhibit 6 Document titled "Decision, 44
` Institution of Inter Partes
` Review, 37 CFR 42.108"
` dated May 11, 2015
`Exhibit 7 Memory Integrity's Appendix 60
` of Claims in Support of its
` Motion to Amend
`Exhibit 8 United States Patent 70
` Application Publication,
` Pong, publication No.: US
` 2002/0053004 A1
`Exhibit 9 Document titled "Design and 71
` Performance of SMPs With
` Asynchronous Caches"
` authored by Fong Pong dated
` November 1999
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
`Page 6

`Exhibit 10 Document titled "Parallel 105
` Computer Architecture,
` Hardware/Software Approach"
` authored by David Culler
`Exhibit 11 US Patent No. 7,698,509 146
`6 7 8 9
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`Page 7

` Monday, November 23, 2015; Redwood City, California
` 10:17 a.m.
` ---o0o---
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. We are
`on the record at 10:17 a.m. on November 23rd, 2015. 10:17:41AM
`This is the videotaped deposition of Dr. Vojin
`Oklobdzija. My name is Ramon Peraza, here with our
`court reporter, Kelli Combs.
` We are here from Veritext Legal Solutions
`at the request of counsel for the Petitioner. This 10:17:58AM
`deposition is being held at Fish & Richardson in
`Redwood City. The caption of this case is Apple,
`Inc., et al. versus Memory Integrity, LLC., Case
`Number IPR2015-00159.
` Please note that audio and video recording 10:18:17AM
`will take place unless all parties have agreed to go
`off the record. Microphones are sensitive and may
`pick up whispers or private conversations.
` At this time, Counsel, please identify
`yourselves for the record and state whom you 10:18:30AM
` MR. RUECKHEIM: Michael Rueckheim of
`Fish & Richardson representing Apple, Inc., HTC
`Corporation, HTC America, Inc., Samsung Electronics
`Company, Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc., 10:18:42AM
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
`Page 8

`Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC and 10:18:46AM
`, Inc.
` With me today are Dr. Horst and David
` MR. BILLAH: Zaed Billah from 10:18:55AM
`Kenyon & Kenyon representing Sony Corporation, Sony
`Electronics, Inc., Sony Mobile Communications AB and
`Sony Mobile Communications USA, Inc.
` MR. SAUNDERS: Michael Saunders of Farney
`Daniels PC. I'm here representing the Patent Owner, 10:19:09AM
`Memory Integrity, LLC, and also the witness.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: The court reporter may
`now swear in the witness.
` after having been duly sworn, testified as follows: 10:19:18AM
` ---o0o---
` MR. RUECKHEIM: Before we start, just a
`clarification for the record, this deposition is
`being taken jointly in IPR2015-00158, IPR2015-00159
`and IPR2015-00163. 10:19:42AM
` MR. SAUNDERS: Yes, that confirms our
`earlier correspondence.
` 10:19:52AM
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`Page 9

` Q Good morning, Dr. Oklobdzija.
` A Oklobdzija (pronounced differently.)
` Good morning. 10:20:00AM
` Q Thank you. Feel free to correct me any
`time during the deposition.
` Can you please spell your name for the
` A Vojin, V-O-J-I-N. Oklobdzija, 10:20:10AM
`O-K-L-O-B-D-Z-I-J-A. Phonetically it's
` Q Do you understand that you're under oath
` A Yes. 10:20:26AM
` Q Is there any reason why you can't give
`full and accurate testimony today?
` A No.
` Q Have you been deposed previously?
` A Yes. 10:20:35AM
` Q How many times?
` A Probably between half a dozen and a dozen
`times. I don't recall the accurate number.
` Q Were all of these prior depositions in the
`context of providing expert opinion? 10:20:51AM
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`Page 10

` A Yes. 10:20:55AM
` Q Did any of these prior depositions involve
`the subject matter of cache coherency?
` A Not directly that I can recall.
` Q So just some general ground rules I'm sure 10:21:20AM
`you've heard before. To the extent that you need to
`take a break at any time during today's deposition,
`just let me know; shouldn't be a problem. We
`typically ask for you to finish, you know, if
`there's a question pending to answer the question 10:21:32AM
`that's pending before you take a break, but
`otherwise, shouldn't be a problem.
` Does that makes sense?
` A Thank you.
` Q Also if there's a question that you don't 10:21:39AM
`understand, please let me know; otherwise, I'll
`assume that you have understood the question that
`was asked.
` A I understand. Thank you.
` Q Okay. 10:21:49AM
` So also just for terminology, did you
`submit two declarations in this -- in these IPR
` A Yes, I did, to the best of my knowledge.
` Q Would it make sense if I refer to one as 10:22:04AM
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`your reply declaration and the other as your Motion 10:22:06AM
`to Amend declaration?
` A Okay. So the reply would be the thick
`one, yes. That would be easier.
` Q I'm going to hand you what has been marked 10:22:41AM
`as IPR2015-00159, -00163, Exhibit 2016.
` (Deposition Exhibit 1 marked for
` identification.)
` Q For clarity, let's go ahead and mark this 10:23:13AM
`too with a deposition exhibit as well.
` So actually, can I have that one back from
`you, sir? Let's mark that as Exhibit 1.
` Do you have Exhibit 1 in front of you?
` A Excuse me? 10:23:45AM
` Q Do you have Exhibit 1 in front of you?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay.
` What is Exhibit 1?
` A This is my declaration; we said we were 10:23:49AM
`going to refer to it as reply.
` Q Reply declaration?
` A Reply declaration.
` (Deposition Exhibit 2 marked for
` identification.) 10:24:14AM
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` Q Dr. Oklobdzija, the court reporter has
`handed you Exhibit 2. Do you have Exhibit 2 in
`front of you?
` A Yes, I do. 10:24:57AM
` Q What is Exhibit 2?
` A This is a Motion to Amend.
` Q Is Exhibit 2 the declaration you submitted
`in connection with Memory Integrity's Motion to
`Amend? 10:25:14AM
` A Yes, I did.
` Q Would it be understandable if I referred
`to Exhibit 2 as the Motion to Amend declaration?
` A That would make it easier.
` Q When were you first engaged by Memory 10:25:41AM
`Integrity in connection with this case?
` A I think I can give you exact date.
`July 2nd, 2015.
` Q You said July 2nd, 2015?
` A 2015. Because I just looked at the date 10:26:01AM
`of my engagement letter.
` Q So were you engaged by Memory Integrity
`after Memory Integrity had already submitted the
`preliminary responses in these IPR matters?
` A I don't know when they did submit 10:26:26AM
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`Page 13

`preliminary responses. If you can -- and what 10:26:30AM
`you're referring to, are those the five ones that
`they submitted?
` Q Well, so are you familiar with the term
`"preliminary response" in connection with IPR 10:26:42AM
` A Can you clarify it?
` (Deposition Exhibit 3 marked for
` identification.)
` Q Dr. Oklobdzija, the court reporter has
`handed you deposition Exhibit 3. Do you have that
`in front of you?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q Exhibit 3 bears the title "Memory 10:27:50AM
`Integrity LLC's Patent Owner Preliminary Response
`Pursuant to 37 CFR Section 42.107(a)."
` Do you see that?
` A Yes, I see that.
` Q If you can turn to the last page of this 10:28:05AM
`document, page 60. Do you see the date there is
` A Yes, February 13.
` Q So would this document have been submitted
`prior to your involvement in the Memory Integrity 10:28:16AM
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`Page 14

`matter -- 10:28:19AM
` A Apparently, yes.
` Q And have you ever reviewed this document
`before today?
` A I believe I did. I did. I review a lot 10:28:36AM
`of documents so I cannot be -- but I -- I -- it
`does -- it does look like something that I have
` Q Okay.
` If you can turn to -- let's see, page 13 10:28:51AM
`in Exhibit 3 -- I'm sorry, page 14.
` Do you see here that Patent Owner is
`providing a construction for the term "states"?
` A Yes, I did -- I do.
` Q Okay. 10:29:19AM
` So you did not assist Patent Owner in
`developing the construction for the term "states" in
`this document, correct?
` A No.
` Q Is it fair to say you did not assist 10:29:32AM
`Patent Owner in developing the proposed construction
`for any of the terms in this paper?
` A In this particular document?
` Q Correct.
` A Unless they were changed later, but not on 10:29:42AM
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`February 13th. 10:29:46AM
` (Deposition Exhibit 4 marked for
` identification.)
` Q Dr. Oklobdzija, the court reporter has 10:30:26AM
`handed you deposition Exhibit 4. Do you have that
`in front of you?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q Do you see that deposition Exhibit 4 bears
`the title "Memory Integrity LLC's Patent Owner 10:30:35AM
`Preliminary Response Pursuant to 37 CFR Section
` A Yes, it does.
` Q Okay.
` Do you see the top of Exhibit 4 on the 10:30:45AM
`first page it says "IPR2015-00163"?
` A -00163, yes.
` Q And then if you can turn to the last page,
`again, and do you see that the date of this document
`is listed as February 13th, 2015? 10:31:00AM
` A Yes.
` Q Okay.
` So is it fair to say that you did not
`participate in developing any proposed constructions
`that are offered in Exhibit 4? 10:31:13AM
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`Page 16

` A It's fair to say. 10:31:15AM
` Q And just for clarity, can you please turn
`back to Exhibit 3.
` A Yes.
` Q Do you see at the top of Exhibit 3 it says 10:31:24AM
` A I do.
` Q Okay.
` Is it fair to say that you did not assist
`in developing any of the arguments presented in 10:31:41AM
`Exhibits 3 and 4?
` A Yes. They were prepared prior to the time
`I was engaged.
` Q You're being compensated for your role
`with respect to these IPR proceedings, correct? 10:31:59AM
` A Yes.
` Q What is your rate?
` A My rate is 450 per hour.
` Q How much have you invoiced so far?
` A I believe I have -- if you give me a 10:32:15AM
`second, I'll try to calculate. Okay? Probably in
`the order of excess of 60 hours. I'd say 50 to 60,
`but I still have hours which I haven't invoiced,
` Q Well, I guess the question is: How much 10:32:47AM
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`Page 17

`time have you spent on the Memory Integrity IPR 10:32:50AM
`proceedings in total?
` A I would say in excess of 60 hours.
` Q So somewhere between 60 to 70?
` A Let's make it 50 to 70. 10:33:06AM
` Q 50 to 70?
` A I can't give you precise numbers or
`precise answers so -- on top of my head.
` Q What percentage of that time was spent in
`actually drafting the declarations you submitted in 10:33:21AM
`this case?
` A The two declarations?
` Q Correct.
` A A very rough estimate, we had several
`meetings in the office and -- which lasted the whole 10:33:51AM
`day, so ballpark number, 30 plus/minus.
` Q 30? Did you -- did you do anything to
`prepare for today's deposition?
` A Excuse me?
` Q Did you do anything to prepare for today's 10:34:17AM
` A Yes. Yes. I spent the day yesterday
`preparing for the deposition.
` Q Just one day?
` A Just one day. 10:34:27AM
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`Page 18

` Q Would you say that's, like, seven hours? 10:34:29AM
` A Eight.
` Q How much time would you say that you spent
`reviewing the '121 patent?
` A I reviewed that patent, you know, various 10:34:55AM
`occasions. I would say I spent minimum of 10 hours.
` Q And for clarity of the record, do you
`understand that when I say "the '121 patent," I'm
`referring to U.S. Patent Number 7,296,121?
` A Yes, I do understand that. 10:35:12AM
` (Deposition Exhibit 5 marked for
` identification.)
` Q Dr. Oklobdzija, the court reporter has 10:35:34AM
`handed you -- strike that.
` The videographer has handed you Exhibit 5,
`which is a document that appears to bear the Patent
`Number 7,296,121.
` Do you see this document? 10:35:48AM
` A I do. I have it in front of me.
` Q Okay.
` So just for terminology's sake, when I
`refer to the '121 patent today, I'm referring to the
`document that's in Exhibit 5. 10:35:59AM
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` Does that make sense? 10:36:01AM
` A Or '121?
` Q Sorry?
` A '121 would be easier. Exhibit 5, okay.
` Q Again, for clarity, when I say "the 10:36:09AM
`'121 patent" today I'm referring to the document in
`Exhibit 5, if that makes sense.
` A Yes. Thank you.
` Q Can you please turn to Exhibit 2.
` A Yes. 10:36:46AM
` Q This is your amend declaration?
` A Yes.
` Q If you can turn to paragraph 7 in
`Exhibit 2.
` A Yes. 10:37:07AM
` Q Do you see the sentence in paragraph 7
`that says:
` "I have also reviewed each of
` the items of prior art cited on the
` face of the '121 Patent"? 10:37:16AM
` A Yes.
` Q How much time did that review take?
` A Would that include all the ones submitted
`or just -- because I spent more -- okay. Would
`that -- would that include all the references? 10:37:37AM
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` Q So I'm going to direct you to the line 10:37:45AM
`again; it says:
` "I have reviewed each of the
` items of prior art cited on the
` face of the '121 Patent." 10:37:53AM
` A Okay. Okay. Yeah, that makes it --
` Q So what did you mean when you said the
`reference "cited on the face of the '121 Patent"?
` A The references which are submitted as the
`patent documents and the other publications. I have 10:38:07AM
`not spent a huge amount of time on this. I have
`glanced through them. Some of them I perhaps spend
`more time than the others or substantially more, as
`I can see them here. It's a huge amount, so I
`didn't dedicate too much time. 10:38:45AM
` Q You said you didn't dedicate that much
` A I didn't -- I didn't -- I mean, obviously
`if I spend an hour on each one of them, there will
`be many hours here, so I have reviewed that, 10:38:59AM
`probably I spent five hours on that. Some of them
`were relevant, some of them were not that relevant,
`so I didn't spend time on them.
` MR. RUECKHEIM: Can we take a quick break.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We are off the record 10:39:27AM
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`Page 21

`at 10:39 a.m. 10:39:28AM
` (Brief pause in proceedings.)
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We are back on the
`record at 10:40 a.m.
` Q If I can turn your attention back to
`Exhibit 2, paragraph 7.
` A Okay.
` Q I'm going to direct your attention to --
`looks like the third sentence says: 10:41:05AM
` "I have also reviewed the
` prior art disclosed by the Samsung
` defendants in their answer filed in
` Memory Integrity, LLC v. Samsung
` Electronics Company Ltd., 10:41:16AM
` document -- Docket Number 12,
` District of Delaware,
` February 24th, 2014."
` Do you see that sentence?
` A I see. 10:41:26AM
` Q How much time do you estimate that you
`spent reviewing the prior art disclosed by the
`Samsung Defendants?
` A Again, there is a large body of -- of
`material that was submitted, I think, so I have 10:41:42AM
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`Page 22

`focused on what I found relevant, and I skipped 10:41:49AM
`quickly over those that I didn't, so I would say
`also a couple of hours.
` Q So --
` A Five. 10:42:00AM
` Q -- five hours?
` A Four, let's say. Four, five.
` Q And then in the next sentence you said:
` "I have also reviewed the
` invalidity contentions served by 10:42:11AM
` Intel Corporation for the '121
` Patent in the Memory Integrity v.
` Intel litigation."
` A Right.
` Q How much time did you spend reviewing that 10:42:19AM
`prior art?
` A That's included in those hours that I have
` Q Is there any additional prior art that you
`reviewed in order to prepare your Motion to Amend 10:42:46AM
` A It's listed in -- it should be listed in
`the declaration, so if you look at paragraph 11,
`there is a list of patents which were issued to
`Mr. David Glasco. And, again, I have -- I would put 10:43:09AM
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`Page 23

`all of that together in those, you know, estimated 10:43:19AM
`10 hours that I spent on the prior art, the part of
`all of this block of references.
` Q Is there any additional art that you
`reviewed in order to prepare the declaration that is 10:43:31AM
`marked as Exhibit 2?
` A Okay. If it is, it's listed, and if you
`allow me to go through, but I just spotted
`Hellwagner reference, which I remember that I went
`through the book and the particular chapter of 10:43:54AM
`Hellwagner, paid attention to that. Everything I
`review is listed in this declaration.
` Q If you can turn back to page 4 in
`Exhibit 2.
` The first full sentence on the top of the 10:44:39AM
`page says:
` "I understand and am informed
` that, together, this compromises
` all prior art of record of the '121
` Patent as well as all prior art to 10:44:49AM
` the '121 Patent known to the Patent
` Owner."
` Do you see that sentence?
` A I see that sentence.
` Q What is the basis for the statement that 10:45:12AM
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`Page 24

`this represents all prior art known to the Patent 10:45:14AM
` A Okay. If you allow me to read -- to study
`from 7, because this is, like, the last sentence, so
`I don't know what is referring to. 10:45:30AM
` Okay. So the 7 says that I have --
`okay -- reviewed '121 patent, prior art submitted,
`which you have asked me about, in connection with
`the IPRs, the five of them, the materials submitted
`by Samsung, by Intel Corporation except that I had 10:46:24AM
`no access to confidential materials so only
`publicly-available material. And I was informed by
`the -- by the attorneys representing Memory
`Integrity that this -- this is the all prior art on
`the record of '121 patent. 10:46:54AM
` Q For clarity, did you say that
`Memory Integrity's attorneys informed you that the
`prior art identified in paragraph 7 is all the prior
`art that is known to the Patent Owner?
` A Can you repeat the question? 10:47:29AM
` Q Sure.
` For clarity, did you say that
`Memory Integrity's attorneys informed you that the
`prior art identified in paragraph 7 is all the prior
`art that is known to the Patent Owner? 10:47:39AM
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` A That is what I've been informed. 10:47:42AM
` Q Okay.
` A In other words, there's no need to go
`further and search further for any other material.
` Q And did you go further and search for any 10:47:56AM
`other material beyond what's listed in --
` A No. I had plenty to read.
` Q Okay.
` Did you speak with any of the inventors on
`the '121 patent in preparing these materials? 10:48:10AM
` A No.
` Q So I think you were just reading from,
`looks like, a Footnote 1 on page 4 of the Exhibit 2?
` A Right.
` Q And it mentions in the last sentence: 10:48:29AM
` "I believe I have been able to
` adequately review and understand
` the materiality of the Intel 870
` Chipset based on other public
` documentation available regarding 10:48:43AM
` that chipset."
` A That's correct.
` Q What is the other public documentation
`that you're referring to?
` A I believe they were in the body of the 10:48:57AM
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`Page 26

`reference that I had. There were -- there is a 10:48:58AM
`publicly-available, let's call it, manual or a
`publication describing Intel 870, which I have
`reviewed. I believe there were two of them, to the
`best of my memory. I may be wrong. But I think 10:49:15AM
`that the essence of this paragraph 1 says that I
`have not seen any confidential information that
`Intel would not publicly disclose otherwise.
` Q Just -- just so I'm clear, so paragraph 7
`says that you have reviewed the invalidity 10:49:36AM
`contentions served by Intel Corporation.
` In Footnote 1, is the public documentation
`that was included in the invalidity contentions from
`the Intel matter, or did that come from somewhere
`else? 10:49:52AM
` A I can't testify to that. It's the
`references that were submitted to me, the material
`that was provided to me, so I think the attorneys
`can explain it to you.
` Q Okay. 10:50:10AM
` So if you can turn to paragraph 8 in your
`amend declaration. You state that:
` "I have reviewed the art of
` record and the prior art known to
` the Patent Owner and it is my 10:50:36AM
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`Page 27

` opinion that substitute claims 26 10:50:38AM
` through 34 are patentable over such
` prior art..."
` Correct?
` A Correct. 10:50:45AM
` Q What is the legal standard you're applying
`for this opinion?
` A Because, as I stated here, that I haven't
`found in any of the reference that I review any
`limitations of proposed in substitute claims, and no 10:51:08AM
`combination of those references would render those
`substitute claims obvious.
` Q Is there anything else that you used in
`forming this opinion?
` MR. SAUNDERS: Objection; form. 10:51:31AM
` Q Let me rephrase.
` Is there any legal standard that you used
`in forming these opinions?
` A Yeah, I was going to say that. Yes, there 10:51:41AM
`are legal standards defining the obviousness and
`defining -- how you define the combinations, et
` Q So what is the legal standard that you
`used for defining obviousness to support your 10:51:58AM
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`Page 28

`opinion? 10:52:02AM
` MR. SAUNDERS: Objection; form,
` THE WITNESS: Okay. I believe they are
`in -- in one of my declarations, and I see some 10:52:11AM
`not -- I mean, I don't want to quote them out of my
`memory and say something which is incorrect. If I
`can look for them and I'll --
` Q Please do. 10:52:29AM
` A -- cite it for you.
` Q And if it will help, I'm going to
`represent to you that I did not see a legal standard
`disclosed in either of your declarations. But
`please, take a look because I'm -- 10:52:43AM
` A Okay. Okay. If it is not in my -- in my
`declaration, so I cannot, you know, re

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