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`reputation of a company that has been publishing since 1831 and is your
`assurance of quality and authority.
`Copyright © 1999 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
`Philippines Copyright 1999 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary. — 10th ed.
`Includes index.
`ISBN 0-87779-708-O (unindexed : alk. paper). — ISBN 0-87779-709-9 (indexed :
`alk. paper). — ISBN 0-87779-710-2 (deluxe indexed : alk. paper). — ISBN
`0-87779-707-2 (laminated cover, unindexed).
`1. English language—Dictionaries.
`I. Merriam-Webster, Inc.
`Merriam-Webster’s Co1legiate® Dictionary, Tenth Edition principal copyright 1993
`COLLEGIATE is a registered trademark of Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
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`Made in the United States of America

`female steroid sex hormone C211-I390; that is secreted by the corpus
`luteum to prepare the endometrium for implantation and later by the
`ryo or e us
`glacentaf during pregnancy to prevent rejection of the developing em-
`ormone‘ esp: PROGESTERONE
`ptrjo-gee]-tin \-'jes-t:;n\ 21 [pro- + gestation + ‘-in] (1930) : a progesta-
`pro-ges-to-gen )\-'jes-to-jon\ ri [pro.gestational‘+’ -ogen (as in estro%en)]
`(1942) : any of_several progestational steroids (as progesterone —
`pro- es-t_o-gen-rc_\.-.je_s-to-'je-nik\ adj
`pro-g ot-tid \(.)pro— gla-t9d\ 11 [NL proglottis] (1878).: a segment of a
`tapeworm containing both male and female reproductive organs
`pro-g_lot-tis \(.)pr6-'gl'a-tos\ n. \pI_-g_lot-ti-des \-'g1'ai-ta-.dEz\ [NL pro-
`glottzd-, proglottts, fr. Gk raglattzs tip of the tongue, fr. pro- + glotta
`tongue — more at GLOSS] 1855) : PROGLOTTID
`ous con 1 ion
`: progna-
`21 (ca. 1864)
`ptrilog-na-tlgern \'pr'ag-no-.thi-zom, prag—'na-\
`t eupper parto t e ace
`piilog-na-thous \f-thlasf\ adj (1836) : having the jaws projecting beyond
`prog-no-sis \prag-‘no-sas\ ii, pl -no-ses \-.sez\ [LL, fr. Gk prognosis,
`lit., foreknowledge, fr. progignoskein to know before, fr. pro- + gign6s-
`keiri to know —— more at KNOW] (1655)
`1 :
`the prospect of recovery as
`anticipated from the usual course of disease or peculiaiities of the case
`lprog-nos-tic \pr2'ig-'n'as-tik\ n [ME pronostique, fr. MF, fr. L prognos-
`ticum, fr. Gk prognfistikon, fr. neut. of prognostikos foretelling, fr. pro-
`gigndskein] (14c)
`1 : something that foretells : PORTENT 2 : PROG-
`Zprognostic adj (1603) 1‘ of, relating to, or serving as ground for prog-
`nostication or a prog_nosis__(~ weather charts) (favorable ~ signs)
`prog-nos-ti-cate \prag-'nas-ta-.kat\ vz -cat-ed; -cat-ing (150)
`1 : to
`foretell from signs or symptoms : PREDICT 2 : PRESAGE syn see FORE-
`tTEL\I. — prog-nos-ti-ca-tive \-.ka-tiv\ adj — prog-nos-ti-ca-tor \-.ka-
`prog-nos-ti-ca-tion \(.)prag-.nas-to-'ka-shan\ n (15c)
`1 : an indica-
`prognosticating: FORECAST
`tion in advance : FORETOKEN) 2
`a : an act, the fact, or the power of
`pro-grade \'§d\ adj [L pro- forward + E -grade (as in retro-
`grade)] (1967) : having or being a direction of rotation or revolution
`p anet
`tlliat is counterclockwise as viewed from the north pole of the sky or a
`‘pro-gram \'pr6-,gram, -gr9m\ n
`programme agenda, public notice,
`fr. Gk ‘programma, fr. prographem to write before, fr. pro- before +
`graphemeto write — more at CARVE] (1633)
`1 [LL programma, fr. Gk]
`: a public notice 2 a : a brief usu. printed outline of the order to be
`followed, of _the features to be presented, and the persons participating
`(as in a public performance)
`I)‘: the perfo_rr_nance of a program; esp : a
`performance broadcast on radio or television
`3 : a plan or system
`under which action may be taken toward a goal
`: ’PROSPECTUS, SYLLABUS 6 a z a plan for the programming of a mecha-
`nism (as ‘a computer)
`: a sequence of coded instructions that can be
`is part 0 an organism’s genotype or
`e aviora repertoire
`insertedfinto a mechanism (as a C0mt1)J1i]tEf)§ alfo : such a sequence that
`Zprogram _also programme vt -grammed or -gramed; -gram-ming
`or -gram-ing (1896)
`a : to arrange or furnish a program of or for
`: BILL b : to enter in a program 2 : to work out a sequence of opera-
`tions to be performed by (a mechanism) : provide with a program 3
`a :
`to insert a program for (a particular action) into or as if intola
`mechanism b :
`to control by or as If by a program c
`(1) : to code In
`an organism’s program (2) : to provide with a biological program
`<cel1s'programm_ed to synthesize hemoglobin) 4 : to predetermine the
`thinking, behavior, or operations of as if by Computer programming
`(children are programmed into violence TLISZ. A. Richette) — pro-
`pro- gra-mo- 9
`a jorn
`glrarri-ma-bil-ej-t1}< \a(,)pro—.gra-ms- bi-ls-te\ n V pro-gram-ma-ble
`program director n (1953) : one in charge of planning and scheduling
`program material for a radio or television station or network
`pro-gram-mat-ic \.Pr6-gro-‘ma-tik\ adj (1896)
`1 :_ relating to pro-
`pro-gram-mat-i~ca - y \-ti-
`9- e\ a v
`gram music
`2 : ofi lI‘Elatln%<(t()51I'6Se:1Ilbllng, or having a program —
`programme chiefl Brit var ofPROGRAM
`programmed cellydeath n (1982) : AI>oi>Tosis
`programmed instruction n (1962) : instruction through information
`given in small steps with each requiring a correct response by the
`learner before going on to the next step
`\a\ abut
`\°\ kitten, F table \ar\ further \a\ ash \a\ ace \a\ mop, mar
`\au\ out
`\ch\ chin
`\e\ bet
`\E\ easy
`\g\ go
`\i\ hit
`\R ice
`\j\ job
`\IJ\ sing \6\ go \o\ law \oi\ boy \th\ thin \m\ the \ii\ loot
`\a\ foot
`\y\ yet
`\zh\ vision \a, l_<, “, oe, (E, 1:, 1?, y\ see Guide to Pronunciation
`mien of something in outline; esp : a human head or face
`‘O, seen in a side view 2 : an outline seen or represented in
`coN'1'oUR 3: a side or sectional elevation:_as a: _a draw-
`a vertical section of the ground Ah 2 a vertical section of a
`the ground surface to_ the underlyingunweathered material
`f data often in graphic fomi portraying the significant fea-
`ething (a cqrporati_on’s earnings §_); esp .2 a graph repre-
`extent to which an individual exhibits tI‘3.1tS.0I‘ abilities as
`by tests or ratings
`5 : a concise biographical sketch_ 6
`level of public exposure (trying to keep a low ~) (a _lOb
`‘~) syn see oIJ_TLINE
`' I-o.filed; pro-fil-mg 1715) _ 1 : to represent in profile or
`(as by drawing. writin , or graphing) a profile of
`the outline of by passing a cutter around — pro-fil-er n
`.f;¢\ n, often attrib [ME, fr. MF, fr. L profectus advance,
`rqflcere] (14c)
`1_: a valuable return : G_AIN 2 :
`the excess
`,- over expenditure in a ‘transaction or series of transactions;
`cess of the selling price of goods over their cost
`3 : net
`IL for a given period of time
`4 :
`the ratio of profit for a
`the amount of capital invested or to the value of sales
`eiisation accruing to entrepreneurs for the assumption of
`ess distinguished from wages or rent — prof-
`, §\ adj— prof-it-wise \-.wiz\ adv
`1 : to be of service or advantage : AVAIL 2 :
`to derive
`3 . to make a profit ~ vt :
`to be of service to_ : BENEFIT
`'pr':if-to-bal\ adj (14c) : affording profits
`vantageous returns or results — prof-it-abil-i-ty \
`— prof-it-able-ness \'pra-fa-to-bal-n2s\ n — pro ort-
`a v
`loss It (1588) : a summary account used at the end of an
`mini; period to collect the balances of the nominal accounts so
`,.r'-‘I, profit or loss may be shown
`fa—'tir\ n (1912) : one who makes what is considered
`le profit esp. on the sale of essential goods during times
`—profiteer vi
`\pra-'fi-to-.r6l\ n [F, perh. fr. profit profit] (1884) : a
`puff with a sweet or savory filling
`n (1881) : a system or process under which employees
`t of the profits of an industrial or commercial enterprise
`em n ( 1945) : FREE ENTERPRISE
`I" \'pr‘ai-fli-go-sé\ n (1738) : the quality or state of being
`\'pr'a-fli-got, -.gat\ adj [L profligatus, fr. pp. of profligare
`wn, fr. pro- forward, down + -fligare (akin to fligere to
`‘ Hi. to Gk phlibein to squeeze] (1647)
`1 : completely given up
`nandlicentiousness 2: wildly extravagant: PRoDIGAL—
`(1709) : a person given to wildly extravagant and usu.
`ndulgent expenditure
`\'prI'i-.flii-ant, ‘pro-; pro-‘flu-\ adj [ME,Jr. L profluent-,
`of prafluere to flow forth, fr. pro- forth + fluere to flow
`0-, FLUID] (15c) : flowing copiousl or smoothly
`(.)pr6-‘for-ni9\ adj [L, for form] ca. 1580)
`1 : made or
`11 a perfunctory manner or as a formality 2 : provided in
`l'eSClI'lb§3 form or describe items (pro forma invoice)
`“““{' \Dl'a- faund, pro-\ adj [ME, fr. MF profond deep, fr. L pro-
`ro-. before + fundus bottom -— more at PRO-, EOi'roM] (14c)
`g intellectual depth and insight b : difficult to fathom or
`a: extending far below the surface b : coming from,
`_, or situated at a depth : DEEP-SEATED <a ~ sigh)
`‘ "' by intensity of feeling or quality b : all encompassing
`(" $516613) — pro-found-ly \-'fai'1n(d)-le\ adv — pro-
`\-'faun(d)-nas\ n
`e‘(s1eg21) archaic : something that is very deep; speczfi the
`-\Dra-‘fen-do-te\ n, pl -ties [ME profundite, fr. MF pro-
`pmfundifflt-. Profunditas depth, fr. profundus] (15c)
`depth b: something profound or abstruse 2: the qual-
`‘g profound or deep
`_ \ adj [ME, fr. L profusus, pp. of prafundere to
`-Prq- forth + furidere to pour — more at FOUND] (150)
`orth liberally : EXTRAVAGANT (~ in their thanks)
`2 : ex-
`abuiidance : BOU
`~ rv
`msemess n
`NTII-‘UL (a
`ha est)
`pro fuse 1y
`tr“. Out in great abundance. PROFUSE implies pouring forth
`31111 (uttered profuse apologies). LAVISH suggests an un-
`refléiaisured profusion (a lavish wedding reception). PRoDI-
`of I ess or wasteful lavishness threatening to lead to early
`endjesources (prodigal spending). LUXURIANT suggests a
`d abundance (luxuriant side-whiskers). LUSH suggests
`‘I Hi

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