`[11] Patent Number:
`Unlted States Patent
`Chan et a].
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Aug. 27, 1996
`Inventors: Toan Chan, Broomfield; Ronald E.
`Hem‘er’ Bmflder’ bmh °f C01“
`[73] Ass1gnee. Lucent technologies Inc., Murray H111,
`[21] Appl. No.: 286,839
`Aug. 5, 1994
`Int. Cl.5 ............................. H04M 3/54; HO4Q 11/04
`[52] US. CL.
`.. 379/207 379,201- 379/225
`379/229; 370/11O.;1 370/60; 370/60.1;
`370/58. 1
`[58] Field of Search ..................................... 379/201, 207,
`379/225, 229; 370/60, 60.1, 58.2, 94.2,
`62, 58.1, 110.1, 76, 62, 71, 73, 74, 583
`........................... 370/58
`8/1988 Lehman et a1.
`3/1989 Van Baardwijk et a1
`.. 370/63
`4,878,240 10/1989 Lin et al. ................. 379/67
`aran C
`233321 £333 gilCKay 5:129 1
`9/1991 Brown et al.
`3/1992 Franklin et al.
`----- 370/110.1
`5,159,594 10/1992 Bales et a,
`1/1993 Bales et a1.
`. 370/11011
`4/1994 Fornek et a1.
`6/1994 Yamasaki et a1.
`9/1995 Smith ........................................ 348/17
`H. Newton, A Microsoft Fantasy, Computer Telephony,
`1994 Jan/Feb” pp. 9, 10, 12: 15, and 16.
`IEEE Spectrum, (Jun. 1994), vol. 31, No. 6, FIG. 4, p. 53.
`Primary Examiner—Jcficry Hofsass
`Assistant Examiner—Parag Dharia
`Attorney, Agent, or Firvaavid Volejnicek
`References Cited
`2/1974 Abramson et a1.
`................. 179/15 AL
`1/1982 Jabara et a1.
`.. 179/18 AD
`4,488,004 12/1984 Bogart et a1.
`.. 179/18 AD
`8/1985 Baxter 6t 31.
`----- 370/85
`4,706,242 11/1987 Harland ............
`. 370/60
`12/1987 Tompkins ct a1.
`1/1988 Oberlander et a1.
`...................... 379190
`A PBX (14) is employed as a feature server for another
`telecommunications subsystem (11), such as a broadband or
`a multi—media subsystem or another PBX. The PBX’s fea-
`ture set is thus made available to the other subsystem. Also,
`inter-PBX feature transparency is implemented thereby.
`19 Claims, 18 Drawing Sheets
`Unified Patents Inc., Ex. 1006, pg. 1
`Unified Patents Inc., Ex. 1006, pg. 1
`US. Patent
`Aug. 27, 1996
`Sheet 1 of 18
` -memmmoomm#m802
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`Aug. 27, 1996
`Sheet 2 of 18
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` 7,$.55m.<58558M2m:55:553:
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`Unified Patents |nc., Ex. 1006, pg. 4
`m 0
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`US. Patent
`Aug. 27, 1996
`Sheet 7 of 18
` Ezeafizé595E2mm:5:2ng
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`Unified Patents |nc., Ex. 1006, pg. 8
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`US. Patent
`Aug. 27, 1996
`Sheet 8 of 18
` :28:
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`US. Patent
`Aug. 27, 1996
`Sheet 9 of 18
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`Unified Patents |nc., Ex. 1006, pg. 10
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` ,wEva;82a»m,om5;538m282 w/:238mm:5“EN;22%c532.
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`Unified Patents |nc., Ex. 1006, pg. 11
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`US. Patent
`Aug. 27, 1996
`Sheet 14 of 18
` IIma:E225522£me<mmmanag3:93:E52:5En”.
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`Aug. 27, 1996
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`Aug. 27, 1996
`Sheet 18 of 18
`mN 6
`Unified Patents |nc., Ex. 1006, pg. 19
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`This invention relates to telecommunications systems
`Traditionally, voice communications and data communi-
`cations had been considered to be difi‘erent kinds of com-
`munications, and hence have evolved along diflerent paths.
`Voice communications systems, and particularly telephone
`systems, have evolved into very feature-rich systems that
`offer users a myriad of features such as call forwarding, hunt
`groups, coverage paths, pickup groups, bridging, etc. But
`voice communications systems have also evolved into con-
`nection-poor systems that generally assume all communica—
`tions connections to be of a single type or, at best, of one of
`a very small set of very similar types. Conversely, data
`communications systems have evolved into feature-poor but
`connection-rich systems that offer users various transport
`mechanisms (e.g., circuit-switched, packet—switched, Asyn-
`chronous Transfer Mode, SONET, narrow—band, broad
`band, local-area network, wide-area network, etc.), media
`(e.g., facsimile transfers, electronic mail, file transfers, com-
`pressed and full-bandwidth video, etc.), and protocols (e.g.,
`StarLAN, Ethernet, Internet, ARPANET, etc.), to name just
`a few.
`In the recent past voice communications and data com-
`munications have been converging, so that now both kinds
`of communications are often provided by the same system.
`For example, ISDN telephony systems can carry either voice
`or data in their B channels, and some packet-switching
`systems handle both packetized voice and data. However,
`depending on whether the system is fundamentally a voice
`communications system or a data communications system,
`the services provided by the system to both the voice
`communications and the data communications have been
`either feature—poor and connection-rich, or feature-rich and
`connection—poor, respectively.
`With the advent of multi-media communications and the
`integration of voice, data, and video communications that
`multi—media involves, the lack of either a full feature set or
`a full connection set has become unacceptable. Conse-
`quently, the industry is expending tremendous resources in
`designing new multi~media communications systems that
`are capable of providing both a variety of features and
`connections to multi-media communications. But the time
`and expense involved in the design of these new systems is
`great, and often prohibitive. Moreover, these systems are not
`usually compatible with the installed base of voice commu-
`nications systems and data communications systems, and
`therefore require the replacement of'the existing communi—
`cations systems as opposed to providing a growth path for
`expanding the existing systems’ capabilities to multi-media.
`Hence, what the art requires is a relatively inexpensive
`and backward-compatible arrangement for providing multi-
`media services that ofi'ers both the feature richness of voice
`communications systems and the connection richness of data
`communications systems to all communications types of the
`multi-media environment.
`The invention is directed to solving these and other
`problems and needs of the prior art. Illustratively, according
`to the invention, a feature—rich but connection-poor telecom-
`munications controller, such as a telephone switching sys-
`tem, is employed as a telecommunications (e.g., telephony)
`feature server for a connection-rich but feature—poor tele—
`communications controller, such as a broadband or a multi-
`media node controller. Each of the telecommunications
`controllers provides connections for its corresponding end—
`points, but the feature-rich telecommunications controller
`provides features for both controllers’ endpoints. The two
`controllers cooperate to establish connections of a basic type
`(e.g., voice connections) between their corresponding end-
`Since the feature-rich (e.g., telephone) controller already
`provides the telecommunications features, there is no need
`to design the feature-poor (e.g., broadband) controller to also
`provide these features. Rather, the feature-rich (e.g., tele-
`phone) controller can provide the features to the feature-
`poor (e.g., broadband) controller in a client-server type of
`arrangement. Hence, the development time for the connec-
`tion-rich but feature-poor (e.g., broadband) controller is
`shortened and its development cost is lessened without a
`sacrifice in the feature set that is made available to endpoints
`served by the connection—rich (e.g., telephone) controller.
`Furthermore, the provisioning of the rich set of features may
`be easily retrofitted into existing feature-poor (e.g., broad-
`systems. Correspondingly, connection-rich (e.g.,
`workstation) endpoints may be included in, and retrofitted
`into, connection-poor (e.g., telephone) systems. Hence, the
`benefits of both types of systems may be obtained simulta-
`neously in a relatively short time and at a relatively low cost.
`Thus, for example, a broadband or a multi—media system
`having the versatility of a telephone system can be easily and
`inexpensively implemented. Furthermore, the endpoints of
`the broadband or multi—media system (e.g., workstations)
`and the endpoints of a telephone system (e.g., telephone
`sets) can communicate with each other, and can do so with
`the versatility of the telephone system.
`According to a first aspect of the invention as claimed, a
`telecommunications system comprises a first telecommuni-
`cations controller providing both basic and other telecom-
`munications connections between a plurality of first tele-
`telecommunications controller connected to the first tele-
`communications controller, providing the basic but not the
`other telecommunications connections between a plurality
`of second telecommunications endpoints independently of
`the first telecommunications controller, and further provid-
`ing telecommunications features to both (a) the plurality of
`first telecommunications endpoints through the first tele-
`communications controller and with respect to both the basic
`and the other telecommunications connections, and (b) the
`plurality of second telecommunications endpoints indepen-
`dently of the second telecommunications controller and with
`respect to the basic telecommunications connections. The
`first and the second telecommunications controllers cooper-
`ate to provide the basic telecommunications connections
`between the first
`telecommunications endpoints and the
`second telecommunications endpoints. Advantageously, the
`marriage of feature-rich but connection-poor systems and
`feature-poor but
`connection-rich systems
`is obtained
`thereby, resulting in a combined system that is both feature—
`rich and connection rich.
`According to a second aspect of the invention as claimed,
`a telecommunications system comprises a telecommunica-
`tions controller providing both voice and other telecommu—
`nications connections between a plurality of telecommuni—
`cations endpoints, and a telephone switching system
`connected to the telecommunications controller, providing
`Unified Patents |nc., Ex. 1006, pg. 20
`Unified Patents Inc., Ex. 1006, pg. 20
`telephone connections but not the other telecommunications
`connections between a plurality of telephone sets indepen-
`dently of the telecommunications controller, and further
`providing telephony features to both (a) the telephone sets
`for the telephone connections independently of the telecom-
`munications controller, and (b) the telecommunications end-
`points for both the voice and the other telecommunications
`through the telecommunications controller.
`Advantageously, since a presumablyalreadyexisting tele—
`phone switching system that is already equipped with the
`telephony features is used as a feature server for the con-
`nection—rich system, the time and cost of re-developing the
`same features for the connection-rich system is avoided.
`the telephone switching system is used as a
`foundation on top of which the connection—rich system, such
`as a multi-media system, is built, without the necessity of
`replacing the telephone system.
`According to a third aspect of the invention as claimed, a
`telecommunications system comprises a first and a second
`stored-program-controlled telephone switching system con-
`nected to each other and each including, and operating under
`control of, its own stored-program controller, wherein the
`first telephone switching system provides telecommunica-
`tions connections independently of the second telephone
`switching system between a plurality of first telephone sets
`that are connected to the first telephone switching system,
`and further provides telecommunications features to the
`plurality of first telephone sets, wherein the second tele-
`phone switching system provides telecommunications con—
`nections independently of the first telephone switching sys—
`tem between a plurality of second telephone sets that are
`connected to the second telephone switching system, and
`further provides telecommunications features to the plurality
`of second telephone sets, and wherein the first and the
`second telephone switching systems cooperate to provide
`telecommunications connections between a first telephone
`set of the plurality of first telephone sets and a second
`telephone set of the plurality of second telephone sets, with
`the stored—program controller of one of the first and the
`second telephone switching systems acting as a telecommua
`nications feature server for the stored-program controller of
`the other of the first and the second telephone switching
`systems to provide the telecommunications features for both
`the first telephone set and the second telephone set. In this
`manner, feature transparency is easily achieved between the
`two telephone switching systems. Feature transparency is
`the provisioning of service features in such a manner that a
`user can perceive no differences occasioned by the need to
`physically distribute telecommunication circuits or control.
`In other words, inter-switching-system calls appear to the
`user as if they were served by a single large switching
`These and other advantages and features of the invention
`will become more apparent from the following description
`of an illustrative embodiment of the invention taken together
`with the drawing.
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram of an illustrative telecommu-
`nications system that embodies an example of the invention;
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram of relevant control processes
`and data structures of the system of FIG. 1;
`FIGS. 3—5 are a flow diagram of functions performed by
`the control processes of FIG. 2 to establish a call between
`workstations in the system of FIG. 1;
`FIG. 6 is a flow diagram of functions performed by the
`control processes of FIG. 2 to terminate the call of FIGS.
`FIGS. 3 and 7—8 are a flow diagram of functions per-
`formed by the control processes of FIG. 2 to establish a call
`originated by a workstation between the workstation and a
`telephone set in the system of FIG. 1;
`FIG. 9 is a flow diagram of functions performed by the
`control processes of FIG. 2 to terminate the call of FIGS. 3
`and 7—8;
`FIGS. 1042 are a flow diagram of functions performed
`by the control processes of FIG. 2 to establish a call
`originated by a telephone set between the telephone set and
`a workstation in the system of FIG. 1;
`FIG. 13 is a flow diagram of functions performed by the
`control processes of FIG. 2 to terminate the call of FIGS.
`FIGS. 14 and 5 are a flow diagram of functions performed
`by the control processes of FIG. 2 to add a workstation as a
`conferee to a call between workstations in the system of
`FIG. 1;
`FIG. 15 is a flow diagram of functions performed by the
`control processes of FIG. 2 to remove a workstation from the
`conference call of FIGS. 14 and 5;
`FIGS. 16 and 8 are a flow diagram of functions performed
`by the control processes of FIG. 2 to add a telephone set as
`a conferee either to a call between workstations or to a call
`between a workstation and a telephone set at the worksta—
`tion’s request in the system of FIG. 1;
`FIG. 17 is a flow diagram of functions performed by the
`control processes of FIG. 2 to remove a telephone set from
`the conference call of FIGS. 16 and 8; and
`FIG. 18 is a flow diagram of functions performed by the
`control processes of FIG. 2 to add a telephone set as a
`conferee to a call between a workstation and a telephone set
`at the telephone set‘s request.
`FIG. 1 shows an illustrative telecommunications system
`that embodies an example of the invention. The system of
`FIG. 1 is made up of two communications subsystems 11
`and 12 that are interconnected by a communications link 10.
`Only two subsystems are shown for simplicity; a plurality of
`subsystems 11 may be connected to (and served by, as
`discussed below) subsystem 12. Both subsystems 11 and 12
`are substantially conventional. Subsystem 12 is a feature—
`rich subsystem, such as a telephony subsystem. Subsystem
`12 illustratively comprises a telephony switching system,
`such as a private branch exchange (PBX) 13 that provides
`basic (e.g., telephony voice) communications services to a
`plurality of telephone sets 18A19. PBX 13 is a stored—
`program-controlled machine, such as an AT&T Definity®
`PBX. It includes a central processor 14 that executes control
`programs out of its memory 15 and controls a switching
`fabric 16 that provides basic communications connections
`between telephone sets 18—19 as well as other endpoints in
`a conventional manner.
`Subsystem 11 may be substantially any desired commu-
`nications arrangement. For example,
`it may be another
`telephony subsystem, like subsystem 12. Preferably, how—
`ever, subsystem 11 is a connections-rich subsystem, such as
`a data or a multi-media communications subsystem. Sub-
`system 11 illustratively comprises a switching node 33, for
`example a local area network (LAN) server, a broadband
`Unified Patents |nc., Ex. 1006, pg. 21
`Unified Patents Inc., Ex. 1006, pg. 21
`multi—media switching hub, or an asynchronous transfer
`mode (ATM) packet switch, that provides data or multi-
`media communications services to a plurality of endpoints
`such as user workstations 37—39. Switching node 33
`includes a node processor 34 that executes switching-node
`control programs out of node memory 35 and controls one
`or more switching fabrics 36 (e.g., LAN, crosspoint switch,
`that provide communications connections between
`workstations 37—39 as well as other endpoints. For purposes
`of this discussion, the principal function performed by node
`processor 34 is that of a name-server or router: it converts
`connection requests (received from workstations 37—39) that
`are expressed in terms of originating and terminating end-
`point names and/or addresses into corresponding connec-
`tions (with the aid of PBX 13, as will be made clear below).
`Communications link 10 that interconnects subsystems 11
`and 12 is illustratively an ISDN primary-rate interface (PR1)
`link that terminates at PBX 13 in a conventional ISDN port
`circuit 20. Though only one PR1 link 10 is shown, a plurality
`may be used for greater inter-subsystem communications
`capacity. If switching node 33 uses the ISDN transmission
`protocol. PRI link 10 also terminates in just an ISDN port
`circuit 40 at switching node 33. If switching node 33 uses a
`different transmission protocol, PR1 link 10 terminates at
`node 33 in an ISDN port circuit and protocol converter 40.
`ISDN port circuit and protocol converter 40 not only ter-
`minates the ISDN transmission protocol of PR1 link 10 but
`converts between the ISDN transmission protocol and the
`internal transmission protocol of node 33, in a conventional
`PBX 13 provides voice connections and its conventional
`repertoire of telephony features to telephone sets 18—19 in a
`conventional manner, independently of subsystem 11. PBX
`13 also provides the features to workstations 3849 through
`switching node 33. Hence, PBX 13 acts as a feature server
`with respect to switching node 33, which in turn acts as a
`client of PBX 13, in a client-server type of arrangement.
`Switching node 33 provides its conventional repertoire of
`connections to workstations 37—39 in conjunction with the
`features provided by PBX 13. Specifically, switching node
`33 provides the connections to workstations 37~39 that
`result from, and effect, the features being provided by PBX
`13 to workstations 37—39. These may, and generally will,
`include connections other than, or more varied than, those
`provided by PBX 13 to telephone sets 18—19, such as image,
`video, and data connections. Additionally, switching node
`33 may provide features to workstations 37—39 out of its
`feature repertoire that are additional to those provided by
`PBX 13 (e.g., video broadcasting and video-on-demand).
`Connections and features that are provided by switching
`node 33 to workstations 37—39 and that are beyond those
`provided by PBX 13 are referred to herein (from the
`telephony perspective) as enhanced services. Under the
`direction of PBX 13, PBX 13 and switching node 33
`cooperate to provide telephony (voice communications)
`connections between telephone sets 18—19 and workstations
`FIG. 2 illustrates the configuration of control processes
`and data structures in the system of FIG. 1 that are relevant
`to this discussion. These control processes and data struc—
`tures exist at the application layer (layer 7) of the 180’s 081
`model of software architecture. Control processes and data
`structures that exist at the lower levels and that support the
`application layer processes are not important hereto and are
`of conventional design; hence, they are not shown. The
`control processes and data structures or PBX 13 are stored
`in memory 15, and central processor 14 executes the control
`processes out of memory 15 and makes use of the data
`structures in memory 15 during execution. Similarly, the
`control processes of switching node 33 are stored in node
`memory 35 from where they are executed by node processor
`34, and control processes or workstations 37—39