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`(10) Iotematiooal Publicatiou Number
`W O 01/17092 Al
`(19) World Iotellectual Property Orgaoizatioo
`International Bureau 録勝
`(43) Internatiooal Publicatioo Date
`8 March 2001 (08.03.2001)
`(74) Age日ts:HEDBERG, Ake et al.; Aros PatentAB, P.o.. Box
`: H02J 13/00,
`(51) Interoational Patent Classification7
`H02P9i∞, 13/00, GOIK 7/00, H02H 7/00
`1544, S・75145 Uppsala (SE).
`(21) IlIteroational Application Number: PCT/SEOOI01606
`(22) lnternational Filing Date: 23 August 2似 約 (23.08.20的)
`(25) Filiog Laoguage:
`(26) Publicatio日La日guage:
`(30) Priority Data:
`27 Aogust 1999 (27.08.1999) SE
`27 Aogost 1999 (27.08.1999) SE
`8 December 1999 (08.12.1999) SE
`σ1) Applicant (for all designated States excepL US): Ass AB
`[SElSE]; Kopparbergsvagen 2, S-721 83 V泌 teras(SE).
`(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, A M, AT, AU,
`DE, DK, D M, DZ, EE, ES, Fl, GB, GD, GE, G H, GM, HR,
`HU, ID, IL, IN, 1S, lP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR,
`LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, M G, MK, MN, M W, M X, MZ,
`No., NZ, PL, PT, Ro., RU, SD, SE, SG,S1,SK, SL, Tl, T M,
`TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, Z W
`(84) Designat吋 States(regional): ARIPO patenl (GH, G M,
`KE, LS, M W, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZVl), Eurasian
`patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, :tvID, RU, TJ, TM), European
`palent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, Fl, FR, GB, GR, IE,
`IT, LU, M C, NL, PT, SE), uAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG,
`C1,α'1, GA, GN, GW, M L, M R,問 ,SN, TD, TG).
`(72) Inventors; and
`亘亘亘::(σ75句)1凶nve側E凶Itωorsl泊'Ap仰pl“ic伺ar目附B“巾t“s ぴ仰or U.ω's 0仰ni)ω:リ): GERT民.fAR,
`Lar“s [βS1町ν'SE町);Hu肌001同e句:ga糊ta刷a訓n川6,Sふ釘-ヴ7η2226V 詰泌s蹴蜘刷b飽刷刷E創釘J'応l
`-一ii NVSVEEN, A n凶)e[N0.冷,(0.];Vassbunnveien 12, N・l388
`Borgen (Nu). GJERDE, Jan, Ove [NulNu); Nedre
`Silkestra 8, N-0375 uslo (Nu). LOF, Per・Anders
`[SElSE]; Timr色gatan84, Sゅ 16262Vlillingby (SE).
`- Wilh international search report.
`For two-letter codes and olher abbreviations, refor to the "Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes andAbbreviations" appearing at the begin-
`ning of each regular issue of lhe PCT GazetLe.
`言 言 問 Title:ELE訂 版 PuWERSUPERVISlu N
`わ-0\ (57) Abstract: The present inve附 onulilises di蹴 tm開 urementofm吋 na1critical quantities in direct connection. to interesting
`FF てp伊 附Oω伽inls隠削山si加n似 肘 附c伊 附w附 e釘rp仰m附 cessesin川 t陶he吋dωi仇陀削削n川t似 I附討巾c伊 W附 e釘ro州切恥蜘eωct州t
`. 圃 difficu叫lltωaccess,such as on high potentia1, or at rotating parts (17). The measuaments give direct infolmation about actual, now
`、 「 叫idopera凶onalmargins, concerning marginal critical quantities and in p.副icularfor quantities that is both margina1 critica1 and
`三 material cri 凶caJ. Data about available mar伊lSis transferred ω other units (32) wit 悩n the network or plant (1). The eleωc 仕肘icP伊owe釘r
`(υ10, 12, 14) in the plant (1), which enables a more efficient operation of the planl (1) or network. The me伺asUl陀芭me叩nt“sg斜I\f'刊ef向u凶3訓口he釘r
`偉n附e側wp戸at山h恥sお伽ford川d制e剖仰I怜 叫6
`b加ot白ha邸ssu叩pp伊or凶tfor Ihe op戸巴ra討副t“ionof the sy戸slωema邸swell aωs for future maintenance, modeJ building etc.
`TEMP 1010
`IPR ofU.S. Pat. Nu. 8,008,804
`W O 01/17092
`The present invention generally relates to supervision and control of electric power
`plants and electric power networks. The invention relates in particular to
`determination of actual operational margins for electric power 0同ectsor electric
`power units that are included in the electric power plant or electric power network.
`Supervision and control is used within the electric power area as designation of
`measurement value collection, remote supervision and remote control of electric
`power systems. Electric power networks constitute complex technical systems that
`often cover large geographical areas, which often lead to a need for advanced
`systems for supervision and control of these networks. There was early a need for
`introducing central control rooms, so-called control centres, from which the operators
`could form an opinion about what was happening out in the different parts of the
`electric power network. The condition in the network can be estimated by functions
`for topology handling and state estimation. During the last decades, there have
`furthermore been considerable interconnections of the regional networks to large
`interregional electric power systems, which can cover very large geographical areas.
`The development of larger and increasingly complex electric power systems has
`resulted in increasing demands on data collection, data processing and control and
`supervision of these electric power systems.
`The overall aim of the control and supervision systems is that the power system is
`utilised in an economically optimum way and that operation safety goals are fulfilled.
`The power system may be in a number of different states depending on outer
`circumstances, for instance caused by disturbances, such as production and line
`tripping. When the power system is in the normal operational state, the economical
`optimisation of the operation constitutes the main task, while aspects regarding
`delivery security has to become prioritised at aleはoremergency operation.
`W O 01/17092
`AII over the world, there is a de-regulation of the electric markets. Impo同ant
`questions for the reliability in the electric power systems of the future are the origin of
`new actors and the reduced organisational connection between production and
`transmission resources. An additional area that draws more and more attention
`among the power companies is questions around risk handling. On a de-regulated
`electric market, there are also difficulties to offer spare capacity, since normally
`unutilised capacity often costs large amounts to maintain in operationally safe
`condition. A natural consequence of the development in progress, including the de-
`regulation of electric markets, is an increased focusing on network operation and
`operational problems. The need for updated information increases with that different
`operators have to co・operatewith each other in order to get a total electric power
`system to operate satisfactorily. Since it is not always obvious that all relevant
`information is available for all pa同iesin an electric power system, new demands are
`put on the exchange of the information that is available. With the sharpened
`competition between different actors even higher demands are put to being able to
`utilise existing establishments in an optimum way.
`SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) functions constitute the basic
`pa同 in the operation management system. SCADA comprises data collection,
`supervision, control and presentation of different functions in the electric power
`system. SCADA is closely connected to the calculation functions that are paはsof
`EMS (Energy Management System) and DMS (Distribution Management System).
`EMS comprises analysis and optimisation of the production and transmission
`systems via functions for production planning, production control and power system
`analysis, while DMS constitutes corresponding functions for distribution network
`An additional interesting area is DSM (Demand-Side Management), which comprises
`energy measuring and load control, among other things with the aim to influence
`load profiles and to reduce load peaks. A relatively new area is business systems,
`concerning energy trade and customer service, so-called BMS (Business
`Management System).
`W O 01/17092
`The technical base for the hardware that is included in the SCADA and EMS
`systems can be divided into three part systems: local systems, communication
`systems and operational centre systems.
`It is the local systems that handle data collection via remote terminals, so-called
`Remote Terminal Units (RTUs), and ordering of different measures, such as for
`instance connection operations in the network. Thus, these systems constitute the
`interface to the processes in the electric power system. Since the electric power
`networks constitute geographic剖Iyvery widespread processes, good communication
`channels are required between the different units that are included in the control and
`supervision systems. Operation centre systems may be said to constitute the actual
`brain in the systems for control and supervision of electric power networks, which
`leads to that the activity at different operational centres has to be co-ordinated in that
`the computers of the operational centres communicate and co-operate in
`hierarchically formed structures. The hierarchic demand is a natural result of the
`operational organisation of the power companies and the geographically spread-out
`The main tasks for SCADA can be divided into data collection, supervision, control,
`accounting, planning and follow-up. In the part function of the SCADA system that
`handles supervision, the treatment of measurement values and indications, the
`supervision of limit values and indications and event and alarm handling are
`included. Operationallimits are supervised and passing of an operational limit result
`in an alarm in the operational centre. Different methods are used in order to indicate
`alarms and fault signals, depending on their nature and significance for the operation
`of the electric power network.
`The paはfunctionof controlling comprises manoeuvring, set point control, blocking
`and sending of control orders and limit values to local regulation equipment. The
`nominal limits concern in most cases pure electrical quantities, such as voltages,
`currents, powers and phase conditions, and are typically set after recommendations
`from the manufacturer of the units, based on the present design. These
`W O 01/17092
`recommendations are based on tests of the apparatuses and70r-tneofetical
`calculations of its prope吋ies,and margins that should assure a safe operation also at
`somewhat different operational conditions. By help of different calculation functions,
`measurement values that has not been fetched directly from the system can still be
`calculated more or less reliably with help of measurement values from the network
`by applying theoretical models for the processes.
`The basic functions that are included in EMS are constituted by the functions for
`production planning, production control, topology determination, state estimation,
`network calculation functions, safety analysis and possible practising simulators. In
`order to carry out network calculations, a good model of the electric power system is
`required, which is achieved via the functions for topology determination and state
`estimation. The module for topology determination builds up an electrical model that
`describes how the nodes and components of the electric power network are
`electric剖Iyconnected to each other. AII measurement values suffer from larger or
`smaller errors, and certain measurement values are missing due to faults in
`equipment or lack of remote terminals for data collection.
`The fast development of power semiconductors creates new possi削litiesto control
`and supervise electric power systems. An increased introduction of power
`electronics, for instance in the form of so-called FACTS components (Flexible AC
`Transmission System) can contribute to change the electric power systems from
`being substantially passive electrical networks for transmission of electric energy to
`actively controllable systems, in which power flows can be influenced by automatics
`or by measures initiated by operators in management centres.
`Sekiguchi and Masui have in the European patent application EP 0 853 367 with the
`title "Electric Power Control System" described a system for remote supervision and
`regulation, including protection functions in the form of relay protections, of an
`electric power network. The described embodiment comprises besides collection
`means for measurement values also processing and memory units, which are
`connected by a communication network. Data in the described system is handled in
`digital form and the regulation system for information collection contains a main area
`W O 01/17092
`(so-called core-area) and a communication area (so-called web-area), and program
`modules with possibilities to communication in order to control the relay protections.
`Data and status concerning different relay protections can be graphically shown at a
`screen, and new programs can be downloaded into the relay protections via the user
`interface and a communication network.
`In a related patent application EP 0 940 901, "Control system, method of protectively
`controlling electric power system and storage medium storing program code", Shirota
`et al. have developed the earlier described system for remote supervision and
`regulation to also include an accurate time marking of collected measurement data
`and a method for obtaining parameters for transmission lines. Collected
`measurement data can be time marked and are so吋edby means of an accurate time
`label received from a GPS satellite. The current parameters for impedance values of
`a transmission line can be obtained based on collected data regarding voltages and
`currents in the transmission line.
`The two patent applications describe in the first place a method to connect and co・
`ordinate protection and control equipment in an electric power network. The control
`units for protection devices and processing units, which are connected via a
`communication network, constitute important pa吋s. The described procedure is
`based on the use of conventionally available and thereby often utilised information in
`the operational data network.
`In the European patent EP 0 125 796 with the title "System and protection apparatus
`for monitoring and control of a bulk electric power delivery system", a device is
`described, which is designed for to be placed at an electric transmission line and for
`measurement of parameters associated with a power flow over the line. The device
`contains besides sensors, which for instance can measure temperature, current and
`voltage, also a radio transmitter for communication with a receiver. The device can
`be placed at a transmission line without having to make this voltage free. Data
`collected via the device on the transmission line is transmitted via radio to the
`receiver placed at earth potential, for instance in the lower part of the power-line
`pylon. The patent describes further a method for supervision of the power flow at a
`W O 01/17092
`number of transmission lines in a switching station by using a number of the above
`described devices placed at different transmission lines in the station. The receiving
`station at the ground can beside receiver and antenna also include a processing unit,
`a memory and a communication device for sending collected, and possibly
`processed, measurement data on to other units in the electric power system.
`The described device measures only parameters directly available on or at an
`electrical conductor surrounded by air. The measurements are pe斤Ormed on a
`passive component in the electric power network, a line, without intending to
`measure on an in advance determined critical point, so-called "hot spot". The system
`contains a one-way information flow from the receiving station of the measurement
`device to a supervision unit and is utilised as a pure overload protection. The
`receiving station can control several lines in the same way in the same time, by
`measurements of identical type. Examples on control of the power flow can be by
`reconnections in the network or changes of the tap-changer position for transformers
`with on-Ioad tap-changers. The control of the power flow through supervised
`transmission lines is based on data collected locally within the switching station.
`In the European patents EP 0 233 507 with the title "Transmission line sensor
`apparatus", and EP 0 231 909 with the title "RF-antenna for transmission line
`sensor", devices for information collection from high voltage conductors surrounded
`by air and their use according to above patents are described more in detail.
`A general problem with supervision of electric power networks according to prior a吋
`is that the measurement data that is used does not have any close and safe
`connection to the actually critical points in the electric power processes in an electric
`power network. Control is today to a large extent performed by means of limits based
`on more or less static models and calculations of differing accuracy.
`A problem with supervision systems according to prior art is that the control of and/or
`limits for controllable parameters are dependent on calculations and/or models of
`W O 01/17092
`differing accuracy and reliability. This in turn leads to that, in order to get a safe
`operation, one has to apply relatively large security margins in the operation of
`electric power 0同ectsand electric power plants, whereby the utilisation does not
`become absolutely optimum. Another problem with supervision systems according to
`prior a同 isthat measurements from different types of electric power 0同ectrarely are
`used together to utilise the margins in each electric power object.
`A general object with the present invention is thus to provide a supervision method
`and devices therefore, to utilise already existent resources in electric power plants
`and electric power networks more efficiently. A further object with the present
`invention is to provide a method and devices that with time enables building-up an
`experience that further can improve the understanding of complex electric power
`systems and the operation thereof. Another 0同ectis to provide methods and devices
`to be able, in an earlier stage and/or with higher security, to detect operational
`disturbances in an electric power system. A further object is to optimise the operation
`of the electric power system to minimise the impact on the environment that electric
`power systems have.
`These and further object are achieved by methods and devices according to the
`enclosed claims. In general terms, the present invention can be said to utilise direct
`measurement of marginal critical quantities in direct connection to interesting point in
`electric power processes in the different electric power 0同ects.These points are
`generally located at places difficult to access, such as at high potential in limited
`spaces, at high potential inside encapsulations with solid or liquid insulation, or at
`rotating pa同s.The marginal critical quantities have thereby to be measured at these
`places difficult to access. The measurements give direct information about actual,
`now valid operational margins concerning marginal critical quantities and in pa同icular
`quantities that are both marginal critical and material critical. Information about
`available margins is transferred to other units within the network or the plant. The
`electric power plant or electric power network can then be controlled emanating from
`such actual operational margins from several different units in the plant, which
`enables a more efficient operation of the electric power plant or the electric power
`network, and can give decision suppo吋 forextension of networks by identifying
`W O 01/17092
`bottlenecks. By the direct measurement, a fast feedback is achieved if accomplished
`operational changes do not bring about intended result. The measurements give
`furthermore new paths for detecting faults in the systems. Furthermore, databases of
`operational conditions can be built, which then can be used both as SUppO同 ofthe
`operation of the system and for future maintenance, model designing etc.
`The advantages with this is that one can, without renouncing security, utilise already
`existing margins in electric power systems. Overdimensioning and losses can be
`minimised, which also has advantages concerning the environment.
`With the deregulation of electric markets, there is a growing interest in utilising the
`network and its included components harder and harder, which sometimes is
`expressed as a request to "drive" the electric power networks and its included
`components closer and closer to their physical limitations. There is thus today an
`economical request to better utilise available transmission capacity in electric power
`networks as well as margins in components. This leads to a need for to better being
`abl恰eto determine t肋hepr陪esen川tmar匂gi川nsto st恰ab削H批tylimits for the electric power network
`and br川inginformation about the actual and prl陪esentcondition for component, such as
`for instance the temperature in the windings of an electrical machine.
`The invention and further objectives and advantages that are achieved thereby are
`best understood by reference to the description below and the enclosed drawings, in
`Fig. 1 is an embodiment of an electric power plant according to the present
`Fig. 2 is an embodiment of an electric power network according to the present
`Fig. 3 is an embodiment of an electric power network according to the present
`invention with different types of electric power units;
`Fig. 4 is an embodiment of an electric power network in several levels
`according to the present invention;
`W O 01/17092
`Fig.5a and 5b are schematic drawings and diagram showing how temperature
`margins in electric power objects can be utilised by the present invention;
`Fig.6a to 6d are schematic diagrams showing how time variations in the
`utilisation of electric power objects can be utilised by the present invention;
`Fig. 7a to 7e are schematic drawings and diagrams showing how operational
`margins in electric power plants can vary and be utilised by the present invention;
`Fig. 8a to 8e are schematic drawings and diagrams showing how operational
`margins in electric power objects can vary and be utilised in electric power plants by
`the present invention;
`Fig. 9 illustrates a communication network and associated information flows
`according to the present invention;
`Fig. 10 shows a flow diagram for a method according to a first aspect of the
`present invention; and
`Fig. 11 illustrates an electric power network presenting a so-called botlleneck.
`In the following detailed description, a number of concepts will be used. In order to
`avoid interpretations of these notions, which differs from what is intended in the
`present description, a number of these concepts will first be defined, before the
`actual description sta吋s.
`An electric oower obiec! is a device in an electric power system, which comprises a
`process or a course of events of electric/electromagnetic type. The electric power
`object is most often controllable, either internally or by external switching devices,
`and has via its controllability an influence on electrical parameters in the electric
`power system, in which the object is present. The group of electric power 0同ec胎
`comprises e.g.: electrical machines (motors and generato陪), transformers, reactors,
`capacitors and power electronics.
`An electric oower olan! is defined in the present description as a group of
`interconnected electric power 0同ects,which a陪 locatedwithin a relatively limited
`area and are operated in a co-ordinated manner and which preferably belong to the
`W O 01/17092
`same operator. The operation of the electric power plant can be influenced by the
`inherent behaviour of the objects as well as an active control by a supervision unit.
`By ~lectric oower networ1s is in the present description intended a group of electric
`power plants and single electric power objects, if any, interconnected by electrical
`lines, typically distributed over a somewhat wider geographical area than an electric
`power plant. The operation of the included components are supervised and
`controlled in a co-ordinated manner, possible also in co・operationwith superior, side-
`existing and/or subordinated electric power networks, by a supervision unit. An
`electric power network can e.g. be included as a part in a superior electric power
`Electric oower uni! is used in the following as a composed concept for electric power
`object, electric power plant and electric power network.
`The concept ~lectric oower svster!! is used in the wide sense of a general system of
`different electric power units.
`In different electric power objects in electric power systems, many of the critical and
`most interesting electric/electromagnetic courses of events takes place at "places
`difficult to access". Parameters concerning these electric/electromagnetic courses of
`events are therefore normally difficult to obtain. In prior art, one has chosen to meet
`the insecurity concerning critical parameters with ce吋aindrawn-up safety margins
`and limits, based mainly on models and calculations. The present invention is based
`on measurements, which give earlier not utilised information. By "Qlaces difficult to
`亘cc皇皇室"is in this description intended:
`at rotating pa同,
`at high potential in limited spaces, and/or
`at high potential within encapsulation with solid or liquid insulation.
`Rotating pa吋sare commonly present in electric power 0同ects,mainly in rotating
`electrical machines. To measure parameters directly at such parts has earlier not
`been considered to be applicable in practice. Measurements at high electrical
`potential, e.g. over 1 kV, or very close to such a high electrical potential, have also to
`W O 01/17092
`a large extent been avoided earlier. High voltages are present in many electric power
`o同ectsand space limitations is a common reason to why one does not peげorm
`measurements close to these. Encapsulations are often used to screen high
`potentials and constitute also sometimes an obstacle for a simple supervision of
`different parameters, in pa同icularin cases where solid or liquid insulation is present.
`Common for these places difficult to access is that measurements at these places
`demand relatively complex arrangements. In prior art one has therefore in general
`chosen to relinquish the use of such quantities, and instead chosen to trust models
`and calculations or limit values. In certain cases, one has measured certain
`quantities during testing procedures or similar in order to characterise the electric
`power 0同ects,but has earlier not really realised the benefit of continuous
`measurements during operation. This is mainly based on the difficulties to peげorm
`relevant measurements.
`The parameters that are of interest are parameters that have a direct or indirect
`connection to the operational state of the electric power objects. The parameters are
`of very differing character. Some of the parameters can be denoted as marginal
`critical quantities and some of the parameters can be denoted as material critical
`quantities, and some can be denoted as both margin and material critical quantities.
`By "marginal critical quantities" is intended quantities that are associated with some
`kind of limit. If this limit is exceeded, it will have a direct influence on the operation of
`the electric power 0同ect,relatively independent of other quantities. Thus, for these,
`direct limits can be set-up. If the limit is exceeded, a well-defined damage or
`influence on the operation is achieved more or less directly. Examples of marginal
`critical quantities are: temperature, load angle, phase angle,剖ip,current, voltage,
`frequency and torque. In current and voltage are also phase quantities associated
`thereby included. A too high temperature can over a certain limit cause a direct
`material damage. A phase angle in a synchronous machine has for instance an
`absolute limit, when the stability of the synchronous machine ceases. Practical limits
`for such quantities have of course to be set with a certain margin. Voltage can be
`denoted as a marginal critical quantity, since it has a limit associated with a
`W O 01/17092
`maximum transmission capacity. If one falls below this limit, the voltage stability in
`the network is lost.
`By"material critical auantitie~" are intended quantities, which in principle also have a
`limit. This limit can be difficult to determine, since it is dependent of so many
`surrounding parameters. These limits do often not constitute any really critical limits
`but can normally at least during a shorter period of time be exceeded without for sure
`causing a damage or operational disturbance. At longer exceedings are normally a
`gradually degradation of the material obtained, a shortening of life. Examples of
`material critical quantities are: temperature, current, paはial discharges (PD),
`vibrations, overtones, minus sequence, zero sequence, rotational speed, air-gap flux
`and speed. These quantities have often rated values or nominal values for a certain
`electric power object. It is, however, mostly possible to exceed these nominal values,
`at least for a shorter time, without causing any immediate damages on the electric
`power object. A current through a winding in a transformer that exceeds the rated
`current does not always case a damage. If the winding is cold from the beginning,
`either as a result of that the transformer earlier has been utilised sparsely, or
`because of that the temperature of the surroundings is very low, the transformer can
`withstand a temporary overcurrent without being damaged. If on the contrary the
`overcurrent is present for a certain time, the winding is probably heated up by time
`and can at a later occasion reach temperatures that are harmful for the material. The
`material critical quantities are often related to limits for the marginal critical quantities
`by more or less complex models and relations. Existing static limits for material
`critical quantities are normally set with certain, mostly relative large, safety margins.
`Vibrations constitute a rather typical material critical quantity, for which it is difficult to
`define any type of exact limit, but instead it has a degrading e仔:ecton the material
`with time. If vibrations are on during a time period, damages will eventually arise, if
`the level is su仔icientlyhigh, i.e. over a limit. It is not the level itself, but more a
`combination of level and time that gives rise to problems and damages in the case of
`material critical quantities.
`W O 01/17092
`A quantity such as temperature can according to the reasoning above be
`characterised as both marginal critical and material critical. There are values for e.g.
`polymers, which can not be exceeded without having the material going through a
`non-reversible process. At the same time, a gradual degradation of the material, i.e.
`an ageing phenomenon, can occur if the temperature is over another lower level, and
`the consequence depends in this context both on the time and the level itself.
`Current can also be placed in this double assignment, as a result of its close
`connection to the temperature.
`Of all these parameters, the temperature is the incomparably most impo吋ant,since
`all electric power objects have some so同oftemperature dependent margins.
`In Fig., 1 a typical example of an electric power plant 1 is illustrated. Two electrical
`machines 10, which in this case are similar, operate as generators, each of which
`produces a certain electrical power. The electrical machine 10