`Patent Quality Initiative
`Mission (/about pqi/mission)
`Why Patent Quality Matters (/about pqi/why patent quality
`Team (/about pqi/team)
`FAQ (/about pqi/faq)
`What is the Patent Quality Initiative (PQI)?
`The Patent Quality Initiative is an education, information and advocacy
`organization whose goal is to improve the understanding, use and reliability of
`patents in financial services and elsewhere.
`What are PQI’s activities?
`PQI undertakes a number of strategic programs including making pertinent prior
`art more easily accessible, providing educational research and briefings on the
`patent system and evolution of technology in financial services, and filing amicus
`Patent Quality Initiative
`briefs that highlight issues critical to patent quality. Additionally, to help reduce
`impediments to innovation, PQI will petition the United States Patent and
`Trademark Office to take a second look at patents that it believes are invalid.
`Who are PQI’s members?
`The Patent Quality Initiative, under Askeladden L.L.C., is the product of thought
`leadership provided by The Clearing House Payments Company L.L.C.
`Established in 1853, The Clearing House is the oldest banking association and
`payments company in the United States. It is owned by the world’s largest
`commercial banks, which hold more than half of all U.S. deposits. The Clearing
`House Association L.L.C. is a nonpartisan advocacy organization representing—
`through regulatory comment letters, amicus briefs and white papers—the
`interests of its owner banks on a variety of important banking issues. Its affiliate,
`The Clearing House Payments Company L.L.C., provides payment, clearing and
`settlement services to its member banks and other financial institutions, clearing
`almost $2 trillion daily, which represents nearly half of the automated clearing
`house, funds transfer, and checkimage payments made in the United States.
`See The Clearing House’s web page at www.theclearinghouse.org
`How is PQI funded?
`The Clearing House Payments Company L.L.C. provided initial funding.
`Who benefits from PQI?
`PQI’s first goal is to minimize bad patents in the financial services sector,
`including those that might interrupt the speed, safety and security of banking and
`financial transactions.
`PQI also supports better patent quality for all intellectual property stakeholders,
`including consumers, businesses of all sizes, universities and inventors.
`The organization strives to help journalists, consumers and others understand
`the intellectual property issues affecting commerce.
`Why should I care?
`Patent Quality Initiative
`Enforcing overlybroad, invalid financial services related patents compromises
`the integrity of the banking system, drives up costs, and threatens consumers’
`data and financial security. Poor quality patents affect many other industries in
`similar ways.
`Terms and Conditions (/terms and conditions) | ©2015 Askeladden L.L.C. All rights
`reserved. Askeladden L.L.C. is a subsidiary of The Clearing House Payments Company