`Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2015 8:08 AM
`To: 'Oliver, Justin'; '#AskeladdenIPR'
`Cc: 'Sean McGhie'
`Subject: RE: Petition Real Party of Interest Question [IWOV-FCHS_WS.FID7489794]
`Thanks. I’ll make sure I include this response as an exhibit in my petition responses as I noted that I
`would do.
`I appreciate your clarifying your position as I have attempted to clarify mine – so that a decision can be
`made by the PTAB based on as clear of a record and facts as is possible at this stage.
`We’ll have the PTAB resolve this discrepancy based on the information I could find and based on the
`information/evidence that you were willing to present. If you believe (based on your considerable legal
`knowledge in this area) that other evidence/law/facts are appropriate for the PTAB to consider even if
`expressed questions in its regard were not asked, please provide it (anything I receive by Friday January
`16, 2015 - I will include as exhibits in my preliminary responses, which will be filed soon) so that the
`PTAB can make their decision based on the best possible evidence/facts with the minimum amount of
`needless expenditure of Judicial time and resources.
`Very Truly Yours,
`- Brian