`Application No.: 12/543,910
`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`In re Application of:
`Gordon Bremer
`Application No.: 12/543,910
`Filing Date: August 19, 2009
`Confirmation No.: 8306
`Group Art Unit: 2611
`Examiner: Dac V Ha
`For: System and Method of Communication Via Embedded Modulation
`Mail Stop Amendment
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`In response to the Official Action dated September 1, 2010, reconsideration is
`respectfully requested in view of the amendments and/or remarks as indicated below:
`Amendments to the Specification begin on page 2 of this paper.
`Amendments to the Claims are reflected in the listing of the claims which
`begins on page 7 of this paper.
`Amendments to the Drawings begin on page 19 of this paper and include an
`attached replacement sheet.
`Remarks begin on page 20 of this paper.
`Request For Refund submitted herewith.
`Page 1 of23
`Exhibit 1309 01/23
`Application No.: 12/543,910
`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`Amendments to the Specification:
`Please replace the Summary section, which corresponds to paragraphs [0008]- [0013] of the
`specification, with the following:
`[00081 The present invention disclosed herein includes communication systems,
`devices, and methods. For example, a device may be capable of communicating according to
`a master/slave relationship in which a communication from a slave to a master occurs in
`response to a communication from the master to the slave. The device may include a
`transceiver in the role of the master for sending transmissions modulated using at least two
`tvpes of modulation methods, for example a first modulation method and a second
`modulation method. The first modulation method may be of a different type than the second
`modulation method. The transmissions may be groups of transmission sequences. A group
`may be structured with a first portion and a payload portion. First information in the first
`portion may indicate which of the first modulation method or the second modulation method
`is used for modulating second information in the payload portion. The transmissions may be
`addressed for an intended destination of the payload portion. First information in a
`transmission that includes an address for an intended destination may include a first sequence
`in the first portion that is modulated according to the first modulation method and that
`indicates an impending change from the first modulation method to the second modulation
`method. Second information in a transmission that includes an address for an intended
`destination may include a second sequence in the payload portion that is modulated according
`to the second modulation method. The second sequence may be transmitted after the first
`[0008) The J9reseH-t iHveH-tieH is geHeraUy EliTeeteEi te a system aHEi metheEl ef
`eel1Hlltl:HieatieH bet'.veeH a master traHseeiver aHEi a ]9lHrality eftribatary traHseeivers iH a
`ffil:llti]"JeiHt eel'Rffi\:l:HieatieH system iH vArieh the tribatary traHseef>.-ers ase EliffereHt ty]"Jes ef
`meElttlatieH metheEls. BreaEily stateEi, the eefl'll'l'l-l:lHieatieH system iHelaEles a master
`traHseeiver iH eel'Rffi\:l:HieatieH with a first tribatary traHseeiver aHEi a seeeHEi tribatary
`traHseeiver ever a eemrntlHieatieH meEiiHl'R. The first tribatary traHseeiver ases a ]9rim-ary
`meElttlatieH metheEl fur eel'Rl'RnnieatieH v1Rile the seeeHEi tribatary traHseeiver ases a
`seeeHEiary er embeElEieEl meEiHlatieH metheEl fur eel'Rffi\:l:HieatieH. The master traHseei-.,-er aHEi
`Page 2 of23
`Exhibit 1309 02/23
`Application No.: 12/543,910
`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`tributary transeeivers eaeh ine1ude a preeessor, mern:ory, and eontrollogie fur eontrolling
`their ope=ration. ·\!lflile the primary moffillation method is normally ttsed fur transmissions on
`the eommtl:Rieation me4itH:rl, the master traeseeiver ean eommttRieate vli-th the seeond
`tribtttary transeeiver by notifying the first tribtttary transeeiver that the primary modttlation
`method is being temporarily replaeed by the seeondary or embedded moffillatioe method.
`The master traeseeiver ean thee e~Eehange infurmatioe with the seeond tribtttary transeeiver
`'Nhile the first tribtttary traRseeiver ignores aey seeondary moffillation transmissions. In the
`meantime, the first tribtttary transeeiver eondi-tions i-tself to look fur a trailing seqttenee from
`the master transeeiv& indieatffig that eommnnieation v1ith the seeond trib1:1tary transeeiver is
`eoffi]3lete. ¥/hen the master traeseeiver transmits the trailieg seqttenee ttsing the primary
`modulation method, the first tribtttary transeei-..-er eonditions itself to look fur primary
`modulation transmissions ·.vhile the seeond trib1:1tary transeeiver eonditions itself to ignore
`primary moffillation transmissions.
`[0009] The present invention has many advantages, a few of which are delineated
`hereafter as merely examples.
`[0010] One advantage ofthe present invention is that it provides to the use of a
`plurality of modem modulation methods on the same communication medium.
`[0011] Another advantage of the present invention is that a master transceiver can
`communicate seamlessly with tributary transceivers or modems using incompatible
`modulation methods.
`[0012] Another advantage of the present invention is that a mast& and tribtttary
`transeeiver eaR ealettlate a ehannel paramet& ttsing a test signal sent ttsffig embedded
`[0013] Other features and advantages of the present invention will become apparent
`to one with skill in the art upon examination of the following drawings and detailed
`description. It is intended that all such additional features and advantages be included herein
`within the scope of the present invention.
`Please amend paragraph [0022] of the specification as follows:
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`Exhibit 1309 03/23
`Application No.: 12/543,910
`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`[0022] FIG. 8 is a ladder diagram illHstratiHg th:e eperatieH efaH alternative
`el'H-l3edimeHt ef th:e FB:HltipeiHt eeHlB'l-ttflieatieH system ef FIG. 4 is a signal diagram for an
`exemplary transmission according to an embodiment.
`Please amend paragraph [0025] of the specification as follows:
`[0025] Referring now to FIG. 2, an exemplary multipoint communication session is
`illustrated through use of a ladder diagram. This system uses polled multipoint
`communication protocol. That is, a master controls the initiation of its own transmission to
`the tribs and permits transmission from a trib only when that trib has been selected. At the
`beginning of the session, the master transceiver 24 establishes a common modulation as
`indicated by sequence 32 that is used by both the master 24 and the tribs 26a, 26b for
`communication. Once the modulation scheme is established among the moderns in the
`multipoint system, The master transceiver 24 transmits a training sequence 34 that includes
`the address of the trib that the master seeks to communicate with. In this case, the training
`sequence 34 includes the address of trib 26a. As a result, trib 26b ignores training sequence
`34. After completion of the training sequence 34, master transceiver 24 transmits data 36 to
`trib 26a followed by trailing sequence 38, which signifies the end of the communication
`session. Similarly, with reference to FIG. 8, the sequence 170 illustrates a Type A
`modulation training signal, followed by a Type A modulation data signal. Note that trib 26b
`ignores data 36 and trailing sequence 38 as it was not requested for communication during
`training sequence 34.
`Please amend paragraph [0027] of the specification as follows:
`[0027] The foregoing procedure is repeated except master transceiver identifies trib
`26b in training sequence 48. In this case, trib 26a ignores the training sequence 48 and the
`subsequent transmission of data 52 and trailing sequence 54 because it does not recognize its
`address in training sequence 48. Master transceiver 24 transmits data 52 to trib 26b followed
`by trailing sequence 54 to terminate the communication session. Similarly, with reference to
`FIG. 8, sequence 172 illustrates a Type A modulation signal, with notification of a changes to
`Type B, followed by a Type B modulation data signal. To send information back to master
`transceiver 24, trib 26b transmits training sequence 56 to establish a communication session.
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`Exhibit 1309 04/23
`Application No.: 12/543,910
`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`Master transceiver 24 is conditioned to expect data only from trib 26b because trib 26b was
`selected as part oftraining sequence 48. Trib 26b transmits data 58 to master transceiver 24
`terminated by trailing sequence 62.
`Please delete paragraphs [0042] - [0046]
`IR afl altem&tive emeeaimeRt efthe }9FeseRt iwteRtieR, em-13eaaea
`meffi:tlatiSRS 6afl ee l:lSea as a Wary' te measl:lFe ffaflSffiissieR liRe eharaeteFisties eetvteeR a
`master trltflseeiveF Bfla tFiel:ltary tFaRSeeiveF, as shev.'R iR FIG. g_ IR this em-13eaimeRt, eeth a
`masteF traflseeiveF 6<1 Bfla a tFiel:ltary traRseeiveF 66a VlSl:llEl: have the aeility te trltflsffiit USiRg
`&t least t'Ne meEll:llatieR metheas, ty}9e 2'\ Bfla ty}9e B. IR the }9FeseRt eRaHl-)"lle, the }9Fimary
`traRsmissieR ty}9e is ty}9e 2'\. Thl:ls, as she":.'R iR FIG. g, the master traRseeiveF 64 estaelishes
`ty}9e A as the }9Fimary meEll:llatieR iR seq1:1eRee 150.
`[0043] Te w.viteh frem ty}9e 2A" te ty}9e B meEll:llatieR, master traaseei-.,-eF 6<1 traRsmits
`a RetifieatieR seqMeRee 152 te the tri-B1:ttary 66a. Thl:ls, the triel:ltary 66a is Retifiea sf Bfl
`im}9eRamg ehaRge te meEll:llatieR tY}9e B. The s·;viteh te tY}9e B ffleEil:ll&tieR 681:118: ee limitea
`aeeeraiRg te a S}9eeifie time ffiterval sF fer the ee!H:ffiHRieatieR sf a }9artie1:1lar q1:1aRtity sf a&ta,
`s1:1eh as a test sigRal. After Retifymg the trie1:1tary 66a sf the ehaRge te tY}9e B ffleEil:llatieR, the
`master tFBflseeiveF 6<1, tFaRsmits a test sigaal seq1:1eRee 15<1 1:1siRg ty}9e B meEll:llatieR.
`[004 4]
`IR this emeeaimeRt, the tFieutary tFaRSeeiveF eaR eeRtaiR legis whish eRa-Bles
`the triel:ltary 66a te eale1:1l&te &t least SRe ehaRRel }9aFaffieteF fFSffi the test sigaal SeqMeRee
`15 <I 0 ChaRRel }9aFameters ty}9ieally ffielaae traRSHI:issieR liRe eharaeteFisties, Sl:leh as, feF
`exaHl-)"lle, less YeFSl:lS freql:leRey, RSR liReaF aistertieR, listeRS£ eehees, talkeF eehees, eriage
`ta}9 lee&tiSRS, iHl-)"leaaaee ffiism&tehes, Reise }9FSfile, sigaal te Reise Fffiie, gFSUfl aela,y VeFSl:lS
`freq1:1eR6)', eress talk }9FeseRee, STess taU.- ty}9e, ete. ·MereeveF, the trffi1:1tary traRseeiveF 66a
`eeula ee 6SRfigl:lFea te 6SIH:ffiHRieate a ehaRRel }9aFaffieteF eaek te the masteF tFaRSeeiveF 6<1.
`[00 4 S] After trltflsmittiRg the test sigRal seqMeRee 15 <I te the tribl:ltary traRse eiveF
`66a 1:1siRg ty}9e A meEll:llatieR te iRaieate the eRa sf the traRsmissieR usiRg ty}9e B meEll:llatieR.
`The master tFaRseeiveF 6<1 eaR theR seRa ffifeFH'latieR te the tribl:ltary traRseeiveF 66a 1:1siRg
`}9Fimary ffleal:ll&tieR ty}9e A, as shevm ey traiRiRg, Elata aRa tFailiRg seql:leRees 15g, 160 aRa
`162. Likev<'ise, the trie1:1tary traRseeiveF 66a eaa seRa iRfeFffi&tieR te the master traRseeiveF 6<1
`Page 5 of23
`Exhibit 1309 05/23
`Application No.: 12/543,910
`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`l::I:SiHg primary msdHlatisH type 1A"' as shsvlH by traiHiHg, data aad trailing seq-HeHees 1€4, 1€)€)
`aHd 1€)g_
`[00 4 b]
`IH a fl±FtheF alteFHative embs4imeHt, the masteF traHseeiveF €) 4 SF tribl::l:tary
`traaseeiveF €)€)a may ideHtify a time perisd v,rithiH 'Nhieh test sigaal seql::l:eHees may be
`traasmirted. This vrsl::l:ld elimiHate the traiHiHg aHd tFailiHg seql::l:eHees \vhieh alert the tribl::l:tary
`traaseeiveF €)€)a
`ts the begiHHiHg sf a Hew msdHlatisH methsd. The ideHtifieatisH sf the time
`perisd esl::l:ld be initiated by the masteF traaseeiveF €) 4 SF tribl::l:tary traHseeiveF €)€)a
`aHd esl::l:ld
`inell::l:de a time perisd Hsted iH the headeF sf a tFaasmissisH betweeH the tFibl::l:tary traHseeiveF
`€)€)a aad masteF traaseeiveF €)4.
`Please amend the Abstract as shown below. A clean version of the Abstract submitted on a
`separate sheet is also submitted herewith.
`A device may be capable of communicating using at least two type types of
`modulation methods. single sl::l:bseribeF line IHl::l:lti psiHt esiHIHl::I:HieatisH system is diselssed. IH
`geHeml, the fH-1±1-ti psiHt esiHIHl::I:HieatisH system eaa The device may include a fiFst transceiver
`esl::I:J3led ts a Stl:bseribeF liHe capable of acting as a master according to a master/slave
`relationship in which communication from a slave to a master occurs in response to
`communication from the master to the slave. traHsmirtiHg aad Feeeiving at least t\ys
`msdl::l:latisH methsds, eitheF sf said msdHlatisH methsds being speFable ts traHsmit a test
`sigHal, aad a seesHd traHseei-.,-eF esl::I:J3led ts said s1:1bseribeF liHe eapable sftraasmirtiHg aHd
`FeeeiviHg said at least 1:\vs medl::l:latisH methsds, the seesHd traHseei-..-eF beiHg speFable ts Feeeive
`the test sigHal aad deteFIHiHe at least sHe ehaHHel paFameteF frsm the test sigHal. A The master
`transceiver may send transmissions structured with a first portion and a payload portion. that
`eaa be 1:1sed iH vaFisl::l:s embsdimeHts sf a siHgle sl::l:bseribeF liHe IHl::l:lti psiHt esHHTll.±flieatisH
`system, aHd a tribl::l:tary traaseeiveF aFe fl±FtheF diselssed Information in the first portion may
`be modulated according to a first modulation method and indicate an impending change to a
`second modulation method, which is used for transmitting the payload portion. The
`transmissions may be addressed for an intended destination of the payload portion.
`Page 6 of23
`Exhibit 1309 06/23
`Application No.: 12/543,910
`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`This listing of claims will replace all prior versions, and listings, of claims in the application.
`Listing of Claims:
`1. (Currently Amended) A communication system device capable of communicating
`according to a master/slave relationship in which a slave communication from a slave to a
`master occurs in response to a master communication from the master to the slave, the device
`a transceiver. in the role of the master according to the master/slave relationship, for
`sending at least tFaRsmitteF eaJ9aele ef tFaRsmittiRg transmissions modulated using at least two
`tvpes of modulation methods, wherein the at least two types of modulation methods comprise
`a first modulation method and a second modulation method, wherein the second modulation
`method is of a different !Yru2 than the first modulation method, arul wherein the fH:st
`traRseeiveF is eenfigared te traRsmit transmissions comprise groups of transmission
`sequences. each group of said groups of transmission sequences structured with a first portion
`and a payload portion wherein first information in the first portion indicates at least which of
`the first modulation method and the second modulation method is used for modulating
`second information in the payload portion, wherein at least one group of transmission
`sequences is addressed for an intended destination of the payload portion, and wherein for the
`at least one group of transmission sequences:
`the first information for said at least one group of transmission sequences comprises a
`first sequence, in the first portion and modulated according to the first modulation method,
`wherein the first sequence that indicates an impending change from the first modulation
`method to the second modulation method, and
`the second information for said at least one group of transmission sequences
`comprises a second sequence, m modulated according to the second modulation method,
`wherein the second sequence is transmitted after the first tlata sequence.
`(Currently Amended) The system device of claim 1, wherein the transceiver is
`configured to transmit a third sequence after the second sequence, wherein the third sequence
`is transmitted in the first modulation method and indicates that communication from the
`master to the slave has reverted to the first modulation method.
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`Exhibit 1309 07/23
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`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`3.- 8. (Canceled)
`(Currently Amended) The system device of claim 1, wherein the tH=st transceiver is
`configured to transmit the second sequence according to a specific time interval.
`(Currently Amended) The system device of claim 1, wherein the tH=st transceiver is
`configured to transmit the second sequence according to a particular quantity of data.
`(Currently Amended) The system device of claim 1, further comprising a processor and
`a memory, wherein the memory has stored therein instructions that when executed by the
`processor cause the transceiver transmitter to transmit the first sequence and the second
`(Currently Amended) The system device of claim 11, wherein the memory has stored
`therein program code for the first modulation method and the second modulation method.
`(Currently Amended) The system device of claim 11, wherein the memory comprises
`random access memory.
`(Currently Amended) The system device of claim 11, wherein the memory comprises
`read-only memory.
`(Currently Amended) The device of claim 11, wherein the memory has stored therein
`program code for operating the transceiver in a multipoint master/slave relationship
`eoiH:ffi\:l'H:ieations protoeol.
`16.- 17. (Canceled)
`(Currently Amended) The system device of claim l H, wherein the first
`communication from the master to the slave bHFst transmission is a poll in accordance with a
`multipoint communications protoeol relationship, wherein the poll indicates that the master
`has selected the slave for transmission.
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`Exhibit 1309 08/23
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`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`20. (Currently Amended) The EleYiee efelaim 19 A communications device, comprising:
`a processor; and
`a memorv having stored therein executable instructions for execution by the
`processor, wherein the executable instructions direct transmission of a first data with a first
`modulation method followed by a second data with a second modulation method, wherein the
`first modulation method is different than the second modulation method, wherein the first
`data comprises an indication of an impending change from the first modulation method to the
`second modulation method, wherein the executable instructions direct transmission of a third
`data with the first modulation method after the second data, and wherein the third data
`indicates that communication has reverted to the first modulation method.
`21.- 26.
`(Currently Amended) The device of claim 20 +9, wherein transmission of the second
`data is according to a specific time interval.
`(Currently Amended) The Ele~liee efelaim 19, A communications device, comprising:
`a processor; and
`a memory having stored therein executable instructions for execution by the
`processor, wherein the executable instructions direct transmission of a first data with a first
`modulation method followed by a second data with a second modulation method, wherein the
`first modulation method is different than the second modulation method, wherein the first
`data comprises an indication of an impending change from the first modulation method to the
`second modulation method wherein the executable instructions direct transmission of a third
`data with the first modulation method after the second data, and wherein transmission of the
`second data is according to a particular quantity of data.
`(Currently Amended) The device of claim 20 +9, further comprising~ transmitter
`configured to transmit the first data and the second data.
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`Exhibit 1309 09/23
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`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`(Currently Amended) The device of claim 20 +9, wherein the memory has stored
`therein program code for the first modulation method and the second modulation method.
`31. (Currently Amended) The device of claim 20 +9, wherein the memory comprises
`random access memory.
`(Currently Amended) The device of claim 20 +9, wherein the memory comprises read(cid:173)
`only memory.
`(Currently Amended) The device of claim 20 +9, wherein the memory has stored
`therein program code for a multipoint communications protocol.
`34. - 36.
`(Currently Amended) A device esffifJFisffig: that transmits in accordance with a first
`modulation legiv,-method and a second modulation legte-method that is different than the
`first modulation lsgie; and method, said device comprising:
`at least one modulator;
`a transceiver that includes the at least one modulator ada-J9ted ts ttse the first
`msElttlatisH lsgie and the seesHd FBBdttlatisH lsgie, wherein the transceiver is configured to
`a first sequence, modulated in accordance with the first modulation method
`legi€-, that indicates a an impending change from the first modulation method legi€-
`the second modulation method legi€-, and
`a second sequence, in accordance with the second modulation method legi€-,
`that is transmitted at a time after fullsws the first data sequence.
`(Currently Amended) The device of claim 37, wherein the transceiver is configured to
`transmit a third sequence after the second sequence, wherein the third sequence is transmitted
`in accordance with the first modulation method legi€- and indicates that a subsequent
`communication has reverted to the first modulation method legi€-.
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`Exhibit 1309 10/23
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`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`39.-44. (Canceled)
`(Currently Amended) The device of claim 37, wherein the ffi:st transceiver is
`configured to transmit the second sequence according to a specific time interval.
`(Currently Amended) The device of claim 37, wherein the ffi:st transceiver is
`configured to transmit the second sequence according to a particular quantity of data.
`(Original) The device of claim 37, further comprising a processor and a memory,
`wherein the memory has stored therein instructions that when executed by the processor
`cause the transmitter to transmit the first sequence and the second sequence.
`(Original) The device of claim 47, wherein the memory comprises random access
`(Original) The device of claim 47, wherein the memory comprises read-only memory.
`(Original) The device of claim 47, wherein the memory has stored therein program
`code for a multipoint communications protocol.
`51.- 86.
`(Currently Amended) The eem]9ttte£ reaaa-Sle sterage meaitlffi efelaim 8€1, farther
`eeffi)9£ising A computer-readable storage medium having a computer executable instructions
`stored therein that when executed by a processor control a master transceiver, said computer
`executable instructions, comprising:
`first logic configured to transmit first information in a first modulation method for
`second logic configured to transmit a first sequence to notify of a change from said
`first modulation method to a second modulation method;
`third logic configured to transmit second information in said second modulation
`method; and
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`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`fourth logic configured to transmit a second sequence after the second information is
`transmitted, wherein the second sequence is transmitted in the first modulation method and
`indicates that communication has reverted to the first modulation method.
`88.- 93. (Canceled)
`(Currently Amended) The computer-readable storage medium of claim 87 86, wherein
`the first transceiver is configured to transmit the second sequence according to a specific time
`(Currently Amended) The eomp1:1ter readable storage medi1:1m ofelaim 8e, A
`computer-readable storage medium having a computer executable instructions stored therein
`that when executed by a processor control a master transceiver, said computer executable
`instructions, comprising:
`first logic configured to transmit first information in a first modulation method for
`second logic configured to transmit a first sequence to notify of a change from said
`first modulation method to a second modulation method;
`third logic configured to transmit second information in said second modulation
`method; and
`fourth logic configured to transmit a second sequence after the second information is
`transmitted, wherein the first transceiver is configured to transmit the second sequence
`according to a particular quantity of data.
`(Currently Amended) The computer-readable storage medium of claim 87 -1-l-, further
`comprising program code for the first modulation method and the second modulation method.
`(Currently Amended) The computer-readable storage medium of claim 87 -1-l-, further
`comprising program code for a multipoint communications protocol.
`98.- 100. (Canceled)
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`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`(New) The device of claim 1, wherein the transceiver is configured to be the master.
`(New) The device of claim 1, wherein the first information in the first portion
`indicates the first modulation method when the intended destination is a first type of receiver
`and indicates the second modulation when the intended destination is a second type of
`(New) The device of claim 102, wherein the second type ofreceiver differs from the
`first type of receiver at least by the second type of receiver being designated for transmitting
`in the second modulation method.
`(New) The device of claim 102, wherein the second type of receiver differs from the
`first type of receiver at least by the second type of receiver being operable to ignore
`transmissions intended for the first type of receiver.
`(New) The device of claim 104, wherein the intended destination ignores
`transmissions in the second modulation when the intended destination is the first type of
`(New) The device of claim 104, wherein the intended destination ignores
`transmissions in the first modulation when the intended destination is the second type of
`(New) The device of claim 104, wherein the intended destination is the first type of
`receiver and unable to demodulate the second modulation method.
`(New) The device of claim 102, wherein the transceiver is configured to receive data
`from the intended destination in the first modulation method when the intended destination is
`the first type of receiver.
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`(New) The device of claim 102, wherein the transceiver is configured to receive data
`from the intended destination in the second modulation method when the intended destination
`is the second type of receiver.
`(New) The device of claim 1, the transceiver is configured to transmit a third
`sequence, according to the first modulation method, at a time after the second sequence is
`(New) The device of claim 1, wherein the transceiver transmits data modulated
`according to either the first modulation method or the second modulation method at any
`given point in time when the transceiver is transmitting.
`(New) The device of claim 20, wherein transmission of the second data is according
`to a particular quantity of data.
`(New) The device of claim 28, wherein transmission of the second data is according
`to a specific time interval.
`(New) The device of claim 28, further comprising a transmitter configured to transmit
`the first data and the second data.
`(New) The device of claim 28, wherein the memory has stored therein program code
`for the first modulation method and the second modulation method.
`116. (New) The device of claim 28, wherein the memory comprises random access
`(New) The device of claim 28, wherein the memory comprises read-only memory.
`(New) The device of claim 28, wherein the memory has stored therein program code
`for a multipoint communications protocol.
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`Exhibit 1309 14/23
`Application No.: 12/543,910
`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`(New) The computer-readable storage medium of claim 87, wherein the first
`transceiver is configured to transmit the second sequence according to a particular quantity of
`(New) The computer-readable storage medium of claim 95, wherein the first
`transceiver is configured to transmit the second sequence according to a specific time
`(New) The computer-readable storage medium of claim 95, further comprising
`program code for the first modulation method and the second modulation method.
`(New) The computer-readable storage medium of claim 95, further comprising
`program code for a multipoint communications protocol.
`(New) A communication device capable of communicating according to a
`master/slave relationship in which a slave message from a slave to a master occurs in
`response to a master message from the master to the slave, the device comprising:
`a transceiver, in the role of the master according to the master/slave relationship,
`capable of transmitting using at least two types of modulation methods, wherein the at least
`two types of modulation methods comprise a first modulation method and a second
`modulation method, wherein the second modulation method is of a different type than the
`first modulation method, and wherein the rust transceiver is configured to transmit messages
`a first sequence, in the first modulation method, that indicates at least which of the
`first modulation method and the second modulation method is used for modulating a second
`sequence, wherein, in at least one message, the first sequence indicates an impending change
`from the first modulation method to the second modulation method, and wherein the at least
`one message is addressed for an intended destination of the second sequence, and
`the second sequence, modulated in accordance with the modulation method indicated
`by the first sequence and, in the at least one message, modulated using ffi the second
`modulation method, wherein the second sequence is transmitted after the first 6-ata sequence.
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`Exhibit 1309 15/23
`Application No.: 12/543,910
`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`124. (New) The device of claim 123, wherein the transceiver is configured to transmit a
`third sequence after the second sequence, wherein the third sequence is transmitted in the first
`modulation method and indicates that communication from the master to the slave has
`reverted to the first modulation method.
`(New) The device of claim 123, wherein the transceiver is configured to transmit the
`second sequence according to a specific time interval.
`(New) The device of claim 123, wherein the transceiver is configured to transmit the
`second sequence according to a particular quantity of data.
`(New) The device of claim 123, further comprising a processor and a memory,
`wherein the memory has stored therein instructions that when executed by the processor
`cause the transceiver to transmit the first