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`verb pro·cess
`Definition of process
`transitive verb
`2. 1 a : to proceed against by law : prosecuteb (1) : to take out a summons against (2) : to serve a summons on
`3. 2 a : to subject to a special process or treatment (as in the course of manufacture or film development)b (1) : to subject to or handle through an established usually
`routine set of procedures <process insurance claims> (2) : to integrate sensory information received so that an action or response is generated <the brain processes
`visual images relayed from the retina> (3) : to subject to examination or analysis <computers process data>c : to work (hair) into a conk
`First Known Use of process
`Rhymes with process
`adjective pro·cess
`Definition of process
`1. 1 : treated or made by a special process especially when involving synthesis or artificial modification
`2. 2 : made by or used in a mechanical or photomechanical duplicating process
`3. 3 : of or involving illusory effects usually introduced during processing of the film
`First Known Use of process
`verb pro·cess \pr(cid:1317)-(cid:1942)ses\
`Definition of process
`chiefly British
`intransitive verb
`2. : to move in a procession