`United States Patent
`Doherty et al.
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,165,927 B2
`Jan. 23, 2007
`('75) Inventors: Brian J- Dohertys Weston’ MA (Us);
`Thomas R_ Mariano Londonderry NH
`(Us), Robert P Sullivan Wilmington
`(73) Assignee: Brooks Automation, Inc., Chelmsford,
`MA (US)
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 195 days.
`(21) Appl. No.2 10/393,526
`(22) Flledi
`Mar- 20: 2003
`P bl
`ri0r u ication ata
`Us 2003/0235486 A1
`Dec. 25, 2003
`Related US. Application Data
`(60) 30231831211 11313111561222? go'lfcggézlg?g’ ?ggggg 896;
`?léd on in? 19 2002 pp
`(51) Int Cl
`(2006 01)
`HO'IL 1/00
`G06F ]9/00
`414/331 02
`(52) U 5 Cl
`"" """ """""" " 414631 in
`F: I'd
`“Sufi/23111 0 2621;; 1
`1 333 4 17’
`?l f '
`1 '
`ee app lcanon e or Comp ete Seam lstory'
`References Cited
`7/1984 Flint et a1. ................ .. 414/404
`4,457,661 A
`9/1985 Southworth et a1. ..
`.. 414/217
`4,540,326 A
`2/1987 Fenn ........................ .. 414/348
`4,642,017 A
`5/1987 Elliott ...................... .. 422/113
`4,668,484 A
`7/1987 Southworth et a1. ..
`4,682,927 A
`9/1987 Sicard et a1. ....... ..
`4,697,239 A
`4,775,281 A 10/1988 Prentakls ........... ..
`4,776,744 A 10/1988 Stonestreet et a1.
`4,816,116 A
`3/1989 Davis et a1. ........ ..
`4,886,412 A 12/1989 Wooding et a1. .......... .. 414/416
`4,903,610 A
`2/1990 Matsumoto et a1. ...... .. 104/118
`3825401 A1 * 1/1990
`Primary Examiner4Charles A. Fox
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or F irmiWeingarten, Schurgin,
`Gagnebin & Lebovici LLP; Richard Pickreign
`An Automated Material Handling System (AMHS) that
`alloWs an overhead hoist transport vehicle to load/ unload
`parts directly to/from storage units included in the system.
`The AMHS includes an overhead hoist transport subsystem
`and a vertical carousel stocker having a plurality of storage
`bins. The subsystem includes an overhead hoist transport
`vehicle traveling along a suspended track de?ning a prede
`termined route. The route passes over the stocker, Which
`alloWs the vehicle to access parts directly from one of the
`storage bins. The selected bin is positioned at the top ofthe
`stocker underneath the track. Next, the vehicle is moved
`along the track to a position above the selected bin. The hoist
`is then lowered parallel to the longitudinal axis of the stocker
`toWard the selected bin. Finally, the hoist is operated to pick
`parts directly from the bin, or to place parts in the bin.
`4,311,427 A
`l/l982 Coad et a1. ............... .. 414/217
`37 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
`Daifuku Exhibit 1001, Page 1 of 15


`US 7,165,927 B2
`Page 2
`4,979,360 A 12/1990 K911919911 er a1-
`5,064,337 A 11/1991 Asakawa er a1
`5,324,155 A
`6/1994 G90dWiI1 er a1- -
`5,417,537 A
`5/1995 Mlller ............ ..
`5615988 A
`4/ 1997 wiesler er a1- -
`5,647,718 A
`7/1997 W1esler et a1.
`5,741,109 A
`4/1998 Wiesler er a1- -
`5751581 A
`5/1998 Tau er a1- ---- -
`------- -- 57/281
`5,836,662 A * 11/1998 Robey ...... ..
`5,893,795 A
`4/1999 Perlov er a1- -
`5,947,802 A
`9/1999 Zhang et a1~
`5,980,183 A 11/1999 Fosnight
`5,993,148 A 11/1999 Brown ..... ..
`.. 395/80
`6,002,840 A 12/1999 Hofmeister
`6,035,245 A
`3/2000 Conboy et a1.
`.. 414/222.01
`6,050,768 A
`4/2000 Iwasaki et a1.
`.. 414/331.02
`6,068,437 A *
`5/2000 Boje e131. .....
`6,078,845 A
`6/2000 Friedman
`6,086,457 A
`7/2000 Perlov et a1. ............... .. 451/41
`8/2000 Kawano et a1. ........... .. 104/139
`6,095,054 A
`6,129,496 A 10/2000 Iwasaki et a1. .
`6,303,398 B1
`10/2001 Goerigk ..................... .. 438/14
`6,308,818 B1
`10/2001 Bonora 61211. ......... .. 198/465.1
`6,315,512 B1
`11/2001 Tabrizi 61211. ..
`6,356,804 B1
`3/2002 Conboy et a1‘ ___________ u 700/228
`6,361,422 B1
`3/2002 Ettinger et a1. ........... .. 451/339
`6,364,593 B1
`4/2002 Hofmeister et 31‘
`6,453,574 B1
`9/2002 Chen ......................... .. 33/645
`6,519,502 B1
`2/2003 C1130 ........................ .. 700/213
`6,748,282 131*
`6/2004 Lin __________ u
`u 700/95
`2001/0014268 A1
`8/2001 Bryson, 11161111. ...... .. 414/217
`2002/0025244 A1
`2/2002 Kim ......................... .. 414/217
`2002/0197136 Al* 12/2002 Huang et a1. ............. .. 414/217
`1063056 A2 12/2000
`* cited by examiner
`Daifuku Exhibit 1001, Page 2 of 15


`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 23, 2007
`Sheet 1 0f 7
`US 7,165,927 B2
`FIG. 1 ---Prior Art
`Daifuku Exhibit 1001, Page 3 of 15


`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 23, 2007
`Sheet 2 0f 7
`US 7,165,927 B2
`Daifuku Exhibit 1001, Page 4 of 15


`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 23, 2007
`Sheet 3 0f 7
`US 7,165,927 B2
`FIG. 3
`Daifuku Exhibit 1001, Page 5 of 15


`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 23, 2007
`Sheet 4 0f 7
`US 7,165,927 B2
`J w 63
`Daifuku Exhibit 1001, Page 6 of 15


`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 23, 2007
`Sheet 5 0f 7
`US 7,165,927 B2
`any 4/
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`am UN,“
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`Daifuku Exhibit 1001, Page 7 of 15


`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 23, 2007
`Sheet 6 0f 7
`US 7,165,927 B2
`'4 J
`.1! ______________ __ Pl
`_‘ ____________________ __
`FIG. 6
`Daifuku Exhibit 1001, Page 8 of 15


`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 23, 2007
`Sheet 7 0f 7
`US 7,165,927 B2
`Position selected carousel storage A902
`bin to allow access by overhead hoist
`Move overhead hoist transport
`vehicle to position adjacent the
`selected storage bin
`Extend and lower overhead hoist to
`allow hoist gripper to contact FOUP A906
`Operate hoist gripper to pick FOUP A 908
`directly from selected storage bin
`Raise and retract hoist to move FOUP A910
`within overhead transport vehicle
`Transport FOUP to workstation! A912
`processing machine
`FIG. 7
`Daifuku Exhibit 1001, Page 9 of 15


`US 7,165 ,927 B2
`This application claims priority of US. Provisional Patent
`Application No. 60/389,993 ?led Jun. 19, 2002 entitled
`OVERHEAD HOISTS, and US. Provisional Patent Appli
`cation No. 60/417,993 ?led Oct. 11, 2002 entitled OFFSET
`The present invention relates generally to automated
`material handling systems, and more speci?cally to an
`automated material handling system that alloWs an overhead
`hoist to access Work-in-process (WIP) parts directly from a
`WIP storage unit to increase the ef?ciency of the overall
`material handling system.
`Automated material handling systems are knoWn that
`employ WIP storage units and overhead hoists to store and
`transport WIP parts betWeen various Workstations and/or
`processing machines in a product manufacturing environ
`ment. For example, such an Automated Material Handling
`System (AMHS) is commonly employed in the manufac
`turing of Integrated Circuit (IC) chips. A typical process for
`fabricating an IC chip comprises various steps including
`deposition, cleaning, ion implantation, etching, and passi
`vation steps. Further, each of these steps in the IC chip
`fabrication process is usually performed by a different
`processing machine such as a chemical vapor deposition
`chamber, an ion implantation chamber, or an etcher. Accord
`ingly, the WIP parts, e.g., semiconductor Wafers, are typi
`cally transported betWeen the different Workstations and/or
`processing machines multiple times to perform the various
`process steps required for fabricating the IC chips.
`A conventional AMHS for manufacturing IC chips com
`prises a plurality of WIP storage units (also knoWn as
`“stockers”) for storing the semiconductor Wafers, and one or
`more overhead hoist transport vehicles for transporting the
`Wafers betWeen the various Workstations and processing
`machines on the IC chip manufacturing ?oor. The semicon
`ductor Wafers stored in the WIP stockers are typically loaded
`into cassette pods such as Front Opening Uni?ed Pods
`(FOUPs), Which are subsequently transferred to an overhead
`transport vehicle con?gured to travel on a suspended track.
`In the conventional AMHS, each stocker is typically pro
`vided With a plurality of active input/output ports that Work
`in conjunction With an internal robotic arm (Which may
`provide up to three or more axes of movement) for loading
`and unloading the FOUPs to/from the stocker. The FOUPs
`are picked and placed from/to the input/output ports by the
`overhead hoist vehicle.
`One drawback of the conventional AMHS is that the
`ef?ciency of the overall system is limited by the time
`required for the robotic arm to access the FOUPs at the WIP
`stocker’s active input/output ports. Because of the generally
`delicate nature of the semiconductor Wafers, strict limits are
`normally imposed on the acceleration rate of the robotic
`arm. For this reason, a minimum amount of time is typically
`required for moving the FOUPs to and from the stocker’s
`input/output ports. This minimum move time generally
`determines the stocker throughput, Which dictates the num
`ber of stockers needed to support the desired IC chip
`production level and thus the total cost of the AMHS.
`Although the material handling e?iciency of the AMHS
`might be improved by increasing the number of active
`input/output ports on each stocker and by alloWing the
`overhead transport vehicle to access multiple input/output
`ports simultaneously, providing additional input/output
`ports can signi?cantly increase the cost of the stocker.
`In addition, the combination of a three or more axis
`internal robot in the stocker With several input/output ports,
`each having li3 axes of motion, means that a typical stocker
`may have betWeen 5 and 16 axes of motion. This is a very
`complex, loW reliability, and costly solution for storing
`It Would therefore be desirable to have an automated
`material handling system that provides enhanced material
`handling ef?ciency While overcoming the drawbacks of
`conventional automated material handling systems.
`In accordance With the present invention, a highly e?i
`cient Automated Material Handling System (AMHS) is
`provided that alloWs an overhead hoist to load and unload
`Work-In-Process (WIP) parts directly to/from one or more
`WIP storage units included in the system.
`In one embodiment, the improved AMHS comprises an
`overhead hoist transport subsystem and at least one vertical
`carousel WIP storage unit (“stocker”) including a plurality
`of storage bins. The overhead hoist transport subsystem
`includes at least one overhead hoist transport vehicle con
`?gured to travel along a suspended track de?ning at least one
`predetermined route. The predetermined route passes over
`the vertical carousel stocker, Which is con?gured to alloW
`the overhead hoist to access one or more WIP parts directly
`from a selected one of the carousel storage bins. In this ?rst
`embodiment, the selected carousel storage bin containing
`the desired WIP lot(s) is positioned at the top of the vertical
`carousel stocker substantially directly underneath the sus
`pended track. Next, the overhead hoist transport vehicle is
`moved along the suspended track to a position substantially
`directly above the selected carousel storage bin. The over
`head hoist is then loWered toWard the selected storage bin.
`Finally, the overhead hoist is operated to pick the desired
`WIP lot directly from the carousel storage bin, or to place
`one or more WIP lots in the carousel storage bin.
`In a second embodiment, the predetermined route de?ned
`by the suspended track passes parallel to the vertical carou
`sel WIP stocker, Which is con?gured to alloW the overhead
`hoist to access one or more WIP parts directly from one of
`the carousel storage bins. The AMHS further includes an
`extraction mechanism, Which Works in conjunction With the
`vertical carousel stocker to suitably position the selected
`carousel storage bin containing the desired WIP lot(s) rela
`tive to the track. For example, the extraction mechanism
`may be con?gured to move the selected carousel storage bin
`(e.g., a movable shelf) along a single servo-controlled axis
`Daifuku Exhibit 1001, Page 10 of 15


`US 7,165 ,927 B2
`from a ?rst position adjacent the track to a second position
`substantially directly underneath the track. In the second
`embodiment, the overhead transport vehicle is moved along
`the track to a position substantially directly above the second
`position. Next, the overhead hoist is loWered toWard the
`second position. In an alternative embodiment, the selected
`carousel storage bin comprises a shelf positioned alongside
`the track, and the overhead hoist is mounted to a translating
`stage for picking and placing one or more WIP lots to the
`shelf at the side of the overhead transport vehicle. Finally,
`the overhead hoist is operated to pick the desired WIP lot
`directly from the selected storage bin, or to place one or
`more WIP lots in the selected storage bin.
`By con?guring the AMHS to alloW the overhead hoist to
`directly load and unload WIP parts to/from the carousel
`storage bins from a position above the respective storage
`bin, more ef?cient AMHS operation can be achieved.
`Other features, functions, and aspects of the invention Will
`be evident from the Detailed Description of the Invention
`that folloWs.
`The invention Will be more fully understood With refer
`ence to the folloWing Detailed Description of the Invention
`in conjunction With the draWings of Which:
`FIG. 1 is a perspective vieW of a conventional automated
`material handling system;
`FIG. 2 is block diagram of a ?rst embodiment of an
`automated material handling system according to the present
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram of a second embodiment of the
`automated material handling system of FIG. 2;
`FIG. 4 is a block diagram of a third embodiment of the
`automated material handling system of FIG. 2;
`FIGS. 5ai5b are block diagrams of a translating hoist
`vehicle accessing ?xed storage positions according to the
`present invention;
`FIG. 6 is a block diagram of the translating hoist vehicle
`of FIGS. 5ai5b accessing material on a conveyer; and
`FIG. 7 is a How diagram of a method of operating the
`automated material handling system of FIG. 2.
`US. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/389,993 ?led
`Jun. 19, 2002 entitled AUTOMATED MATERIAL HAN
`visional Patent Application No. 60/417,993 ?led Oct. 11,
`HOIST PLATFORM are incorporated herein by reference.
`An Automated Material Handling System (AMHS) is
`disclosed that can load and unload Work-In-Process (WIP)
`parts to/from a WIP storage unit With increased ef?ciency.
`The presently disclosed AMHS achieves such increased
`material handling ef?ciency by alloWing top-loading/un
`loading of storage bins in a vertical carousel WIP storage
`unit by an overhead hoist positioned above the respective
`storage bin.
`FIG. 1 depicts a conventional AMHS 100, Which may be
`employed to automatically store and transport WIP parts
`betWeen various Workstations and/ or processing machines in
`a product manufacturing environment, e. g., a clean environ
`ment for manufacturing Integrated Circuit (IC) chips. As
`shoWn in FIG. 1, the conventional AMHS 100 comprises a
`WIP storage unit (“stocker”) 102 and an overhead hoist
`transport subsystem 104. The WIP stocker 102 includes
`input and output ports 111*112, and the overhead hoist
`transport subsystem 104 includes a suspended track 108 and
`a plurality of overhead hoist transport vehicles 105*106
`con?gured to travel on the track 108. In a typical mode of
`operation, the WIP parts are transported in a cassette pod 110
`such as a Front Opening Uni?ed Pod (FOUP). The ?rst
`overhead transport vehicle 105 travels along the track 108
`and stops at a position suitable for unloading the FOUP 110
`into the input port 111 or for loading another FOUP from the
`output port 112 of the stocker 102. Further, the second
`overhead transport vehicle 106 Waits on the track 108 until
`the ?rst overhead transport vehicle 105 ?nishes unloading/
`loading the FOUP and moves out of the Way.
`In the conventional AMHS 100, FOUPs are unloaded
`from the overhead hoist into the input port 111, loaded from
`the output port 112 into the overhead hoist, or otherWise
`accessed from Within the stocker 102 by a robotic arm 107,
`Which may provide up to three or more axes of movement.
`Further, the minimum amount of time required to access the
`FOUPs from the stocker 102 generally determines the
`stocker throughput, Which dictates the number of stockers
`needed to support the desired production level. Accordingly,
`complex movements of the multi-axis robotic arm 107 for
`accessing the FOUPs may cause the minimum move time to
`increase, thereby increasing both the number of stockers
`needed in the AMHS 100 and the overall cost of the material
`handling system.
`FIG. 2 depicts an illustrative embodiment of an Auto
`mated Material Handling System (AMHS) 200, in accor
`dance With the present invention. In the illustrated embodi
`ment, the AMHS 200 comprises an overhead hoist transport
`subsystem 204, and at least one vertical carousel WIP
`storage unit (“stocker”) 202 including a plurality of storage
`bins such as a carousel storage bin 203. The vertical carousel
`WIP stocker 202 is con?gured to alloW an overhead hoist in
`the overhead hoist transport subsystem 204 to access WIP
`parts directly from a selected one of the carousel storage
`It is noted that like the conventional AMHS 100 (see FIG.
`1), the AMHS 200 of FIG. 2 may be employed in a clean
`environment for manufacturing IC chips such as a 200 mm
`or 300 mm FAB plant, or any other suitable product manu
`facturing environment. As shoWn in FIG. 2, the IC chip
`manufacturing environment includes ?rst and second ?oors
`220 and 226, and a ceiling 214. The ?rst ?oor 220 typically
`comprises a waffle slab made of reinforced concrete, and the
`second ?oor 226 comprises a raised ?oor located above the
`Wal?e slab 220. The vertical carousel stocker 202 is posi
`tioned on the Wal?e slab 220. Further, Workstations and/or
`processing machines (not shoWn) con?gured to perform
`various process steps for fabricating the IC chips are posi
`tioned on the raised ?oor 226, Which is typically covered
`With an electrically nonconductive material and designed to
`meet speci?c loading and seismic requirements. For
`example, the raised ?oor 226 may be located a distance 228
`(about 0.6 m) above the waffle slab 220 and a distance 224
`(greater than or equal to about 4.15 m) beloW the ceiling
`In the presently disclosed embodiment, the vertical car
`ousel stocker 202 includes a housing 252, and ?rst and
`second pulleys 250*251 and a belt 254 disposed Within the
`housing 252. As shoWn in FIG. 2, the carousel storage bins
`Daifuku Exhibit 1001, Page 11 of 15


`US 7,165 ,927 B2
`(e.g., the storage bin 203) are coupled to the belt 254 at
`various spaced locations along the belt, and the belt 254 is
`looped betWeen the ?rst and second pulleys 250*251 to
`alloW the storage bins to be rotatably positioned along the
`belt path by driving one of the pulleys 250*251. For
`example, the vertical carousel stocker 202 may have a height
`218 (about 3.85 m). The top of the vertical carousel stocker
`202 may therefore be a distance 216 (about 3.25 m) above
`the raised ?oor 226.
`As described above, the vertical carousel stocker 202 is
`con?gured to alloW an overhead hoist to access WIP parts,
`e.g., semiconductor Wafers, directly from one of the carousel
`storage bins. In the illustrated embodiment, the portion of
`the stocker housing 252 near the ceiling 214 is at least
`partially open to alloW top-loading/unloading of the selected
`carousel storage bin. Further, each carousel storage bin
`comprises a ?xed shelf, and the semiconductor Wafers are
`loaded into cassette pods such as a Front Opening Uni?ed
`Pod (FOUP) 210 disposed on the shelf 203. For example,
`each FOUP 210 may hold one or more semiconductor Wafer
`lots, thereby alloWing the overhead hoist to access multiple
`Wafer lots in a single carousel storage bin simultaneously.
`The overhead hoist transport subsystem 204 includes a
`suspended track 208 and at least one overhead hoist trans
`port vehicle 205 con?gured for traveling on the track 208.
`The suspended track 208 de?nes at least one predetermined
`route passing over the vertical carousel stocker 202, thereby
`alloWing the overhead transport vehicle 205 to access a
`FOUP directly from one of the carousel storage bins posi
`tioned approximately at the top of the stocker 202. For
`example, the overhead transport vehicle 205 may extend a
`distance 222 (about 0.9 m) from the ceiling 214.
`In an illustrative mode of operation, the selected carousel
`storage bin, e.g., the storage bin 203 containing the FOUP
`210, is positioned approximately at the top of the vertical
`carousel stocker 202 underneath the track 208. The overhead
`transport vehicle 205 is then moved along the track 208 to
`a position substantially directly above the storage bin 203.
`Next, the overhead hoist is loWered from the overhead
`transport vehicle 205 through the opening in the stocker
`housing 252 toWard the storage bin 203. For example, the
`overhead hoist may be loWered in a direction parallel to the
`longitudinal axis L1, of the stocker. The overhead hoist is
`then operated to pick the FOUP 210 directly from the
`storage bin 203 for subsequent transport to a Workstation or
`processing machine on the IC chip manufacturing ?oor. It is
`understood that the overhead hoist may alternatively be
`operated to place a FOUP in the carousel storage bin 203.
`FIG. 3 depicts an alternative embodiment 300 of the
`AMHS 200 (see FIG. 2). As shoWn in FIG. 3, the AMHS 300
`comprises an overhead hoist transport system 304, and at
`least one vertical carousel WIP stocker 302 including a
`plurality of storage bins such as a slide-mounted storage bin
`332. Like the vertical carousel stocker 202, the vertical
`carousel stocker 302 is con?gured to alloW an overhead
`hoist in the overhead hoist transport system 304 to access
`WIP parts, e.g., semiconductor Wafers, directly from a
`selected one of the carousel storage bins.
`Speci?cally, the AMHS 300 may be employed in an IC
`chip manufacturing environment including a ceiling 314, a
`waffle slab 320, and a raised ?oor 326 located above the
`waffle slab 320. As shoWn in FIG. 3, the vertical carousel
`stocker 302 is positioned on the waffle slab 320. For
`example, the raised ?oor 326 may be located a distance 328
`(about 0.6 m) above the waffle slab 320 and a distance 324
`(greater than about 5.4 m) beloW the ceiling 314. Further, the
`vertical carousel stocker 302 includes a housing 352, and
`?rst and second pulleys 350*351 and a belt 354 disposed
`Within the housing 352. The carousel storage bins (e.g., the
`slide-mounted storage bin 332) are coupleable to the belt
`354 at various spaced locations along the belt, and the belt
`354 is looped betWeen the ?rst and second pulleys 350*351
`to alloW the storage bins to be rotatably positioned along the
`belt path by driving one of the pulleys 350*351. For
`example, the vertical carousel stocker 302 may have a height
`318 (about 6 m).
`As described above, the vertical carousel stocker 302 is
`con?gured to alloW an overhead hoist to access the semi
`conductor Wafers directly from one of the carousel storage
`bins. In the illustrated embodiment, at least one side of the
`housing 352 is at least partially open to alloW the selected
`carousel storage bin to be extracted from Within the housing
`352, and to alloW subsequent top-loading/unloading of the
`selected storage bin by the overhead hoist. Speci?cally, the
`AMHS 300 further includes at least one extraction mecha
`nism 330, Which Works to extract the semiconductor Wafers
`from Within the stocker 302, and to suitably position the
`material relative to a suspended track 308 included in the
`overhead hoist transport subsystem 304. It is noted that each
`storage bin may comprise either a movable or ?xed shelf.
`Further, the semiconductor Wafers are loaded into cassette
`pods such as a FOUP 310 disposed on the shelf 332.
`The overhead hoist transport subsystem 304 includes the
`suspended track 308 and at least one overhead hoist trans
`port vehicle 305 con?gured to travel on the track 308. The
`track 308 de?nes at least one predetermined route passing
`parallel to the vertical carousel stocker 302, thereby alloW
`ing the overhead transport vehicle 305 to access a FOUP
`directly from a selected one of the slide-mounted storage
`In an illustrative mode of operation, the selected slide
`mounted storage bin, e. g., the storage bin 332 containing the
`FOUP 310, is positioned to alloW the extraction mechanism
`330 to extract the storage bin 332 from Within the stocker
`302 and to position the storage bin 332 directly underneath
`the track 308. It is noted that the extraction mechanism 330
`may be incorporated into the stocker 302 and con?gured to
`move the storage bin 332 along a single servo-controlled
`axis 398. The overhead transport vehicle 305 is then moved
`along the track 308 to a position directly above the extracted
`storage bin 332. Next, the overhead hoist is loWered from the
`overhead transport vehicle 305 toWard the storage bin 332,
`e.g., in a direction parallel to the longitudinal axis L2 of the
`stocker. The overhead hoist is then operated to pick the
`FOUP 310 directly from the storage bin 332 for subsequent
`transport to a Workstation or processing machine on the IC
`chip manufacturing ?oor. It is appreciated that the overhead
`hoist may alternatively be operated to place a FOUP in the
`carousel storage bin 332.
`FIG. 4 depicts a detailed embodiment 400 of the AMHS
`300 (see FIG. 3). In the illustrated embodiment, the AMHS
`400 comprises an overhead hoist transport system 404 and
`a vertical carousel stocker 402. The overhead hoist transport
`system 404 includes a suspended track 408 and an overhead
`hoist transport vehicle 405 con?gured for traveling on the
`track 408. For example, the overhead transport vehicle 405
`may extend a distance 436 (about 0.9 m) from the track 408.
`The vertical carousel stocker 402 includes a plurality of
`carousel storage bins such as a storage bin 432 disposed
`Within the stocker housing. For example, the storage bin 432
`may be a distance 438 (about 2.6 m) above the raised IC chip
`manufacturing ?oor.
`As described above, a FOUP 410 is extracted from Within
`the stocker housing to alloW subsequent top-loading/unload
`Daifuku Exhibit 1001, Page 12 of 15


`US 7,165 ,927 B2
`ing of the selected storage bin. The overhead transport
`vehicle 405 further includes an overhead hoist 431 having a
`gripper con?gured to top-load/unload the FOUP 410 to/ from
`the storage bin 432. In the preferred embodiment, the hoist
`gripper 430 is mounted on a translating stage to alloW the
`overhead hoist to pick/place a cassette pod to either side of
`the overhead transport vehicle 405.
`FIGS. 5ai5b depict a translating hoist vehicle subsystem
`704 accessing ?xed storage positions. In the illustrated
`embodiment, the translating hoist vehicle subsystem 704
`includes a suspended track 708, and an overhead hoist
`transport vehicle 705 con?gured to travel on the track. The
`overhead transport vehicle 705 is con?gured to pick/place a
`FOUP 710 to a ?xed storage position 732. For example, the
`overhead transport vehicle 705 may extend a distance 736
`(about 0.9 m) beloW the ceiling 714, and the storage position
`732 may be disposed a distance 738 (about 2.6 m) above the
`raised IC chip manufacturing ?oor. Further, the ceiling 714
`may be a distance 790 (about 3.66 m) above the raised ?oor.
`The overhead transport vehicle 705 is con?gured to pick
`(and place) the FOUP 710 to a position located directly
`beloW the suspended track 708. To that end, the overhead
`hoist vehicle 705 includes a hoist gripper 731 mounted to a
`translating stage and con?gured to extend from the vehicle
`705, pick up the FOUP 710, and retract back to the vehicle
`705, thereby moving the FOUP 710 Within the overhead
`transport vehicle 705 (see FIG. 5b). In the preferred embodi
`ment, the translating stage is con?gured to alloW the over
`head hoist to pick/place a cassette pod to either side of the
`overhead transport vehicle 705. Once the FOUP 710 is held
`by the hoist gripper 730, the overhead transport vehicle 705
`transports it to a Workstation or processing machine on the
`IC chip manufacturing ?oor.
`FIG. 6 depicts a translating hoist vehicle system 800
`accessing material either stored or moving on a conveyer
`895. Speci?cally, an overhead hoist transport subsystem 804
`is employed to directly pick or place a FOUP 810 to the
`overhead rail-based conveyer 895. In the illustrated embodi
`ment, the overhead hoist transport subsystem 804 includes a
`suspended track 808 and an overhead hoist transport vehicle
`805 con?gured to travel on the track 808. For example, the
`overhead transport vehicle 805 may extend a distance 836
`(about 0.9 m) beloW the track 808 and be disposed a distance
`892 (about 0.35 m) above the rail-based conveyer 895.
`Further, the overhead rail 898 may be a distance 838 (about
`2.6 m) above the raised IC manufacturing ?oor. It should be
`understood that the rail 898 extends in a direction perpen
`dicular to the plane of the draWing. The translating hoist
`vehicle system 800 further includes a process tool load port
`The overhead transport vehicle 805 may be employed to
`perform top-loading/unloading of the rail-based conveyer
`895. To that end, the overhead transport vehicle 805 includes
`an overhead hoist 831 having a hoist gripper 835, Which is
`mounted to a translating stage 833 con?gured to alloW both
`horizontal and vertical motion, as indicated by the direc
`tional arroWs 870 and 871, respectively. In an illustrative
`mode of operation, the rail-based conveyer 895 is moved so
`that the FOUP 810 is positioned directly underneath the
`overhead hoist 831. The hoist gripper 835 is then loWered
`via the translating stage 833 toWard the FOUP 810, and
`operated to pick the FOUP 810 directly from the conveyer
`895. Next, the hoist gripper 835 carrying the FOUP 810 is
`raised and retracted via the translating stage 833, thereby
`moving the FOUP 810 Within the overhead transport vehicle
`805. The transport vehicle 805 then transports the FOUP 810
`to a Workstation or processing machine on the IC chip
`manufacturing ?oor.
`A method of operating the presently disclosed automated
`material handling system is illustrated by reference to FIG.
`7. As depicted in step 902, a selected storage bin containing
`a FOUP is positioned Within a vertical carousel stocker to
`alloW access by an overhead hoist. For example, the selected
`carousel storage bin may be positioned at the top or at the
`side of the vertical carousel stocker (see FIGS. 2*3). Next,

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