'UNI'E‘EE) STA TEE i}E’flifixii'i'i‘t’iEWE' ("1? {Tifliz‘viifiifi Cir?
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`JANUAR 3" '24, 293%
`" 9%ng Officer
`85' Asza‘horiay apé’t‘m
`Urfiiififf‘ Sem'eiai’y of ifimsmmr'co for Eiltdiezttuai ihrogécrty
`simi 'ifircctnr a)? the Famed Sizs‘tm Fausnt and "1‘2”22'43o3‘aéi rk {mice
`M iii,
`Microsoft Corporation
`Exhibit 1020-00001
`Microsoft Corporation


`mountainHODM.«xiManagwooos;i u 2
`‘ .
`02 ' 24 ' 2000
`m l
`1 01 276261
`To the Honorable Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks: Please record the attached original documents or copy thereof.
`Docket No.: TAN99-16
`I. Name of conveying party(ies)
`'l‘homas F.. (“orsuch
`: Name and address of receiving party(ies)
`Tantivx Communications, Inc.
`Internal Address:
`Additional nziiiic(s) ul‘cunvcyiiig partyfics) attaChcd? [] ch [X J No
`3. Nature of conveyance:
`Street Address:
`2200 Front Street. Suite 300
`[X] Assignment
`] Merger
`Security Agreement
`] Change of Name
`txecution Date:
`January 7, 2000
`Additional name(s) & address(es) attached?
`Application numbertsl or patent numberts):
`lfthis document is being filed together with a new application, the execution date ofthe application is:
`A: Patent Application Nuts)
`Di PatentNo.(x)
`6. Total number ofapplications and patents involved:
`5. Name and address of party to whom correspondence
`‘ concerning document should be mailed:
`Name: David J. Thibodeau, Jr.
`7. Total Fee (37 C.F.R. 3.41) ........................... 5 40.00
`[1 ]
`Additional numbers attached?
`1 X] No
`internal Address:
`Hamilton, Brook, Smith & Rexnolds, P.C.
`[ X]
`Authorized to charge any deficiencies or credit any
`overpayment to deposit account
`Authorized to be charged to deposit account
`Street Address:
`Two Militia Drive
`8. Deposit account number:
`C] )
`: MA
`me ____...
`-4 ‘9
`(Attach duplicate copy 0t this page ifpaying by deposit account)
`Statement and signature.
`T0 (lie bm‘l Ul'my knbwlea’ge and belief; Iliaforeguing i'rifurmuu'uii it- true and correct and any attached copy is a true copy ofllic original
`Gerald M. Bluhm
`Name of Person Signing
`fl 3’
`95,0 .35.
`Total number of pages including cover sheet, attachments, and document:
`[3 ]
`02/23/2000 NGUYEN 00000212 09400135
`01 rum
`Ono up)
`REEL: 010559 FRAME: 0980
`Microsoft Corporation
`Exhibit 1020-00002
`Microsoft Corporation


`Docket No. TAN99-16
`WHEREAS, I, Thomas E. Gorsuch, have invented a certain improvement in Dual
`Mode Subscriber Unit for Short Range, High Rate and Long Range, Lower Rate Data
`Communications , described in an application for Letters Patent of the United States, the
`specification of which:
`is being executed on even date herewith and is about to be filed in the United
`States Patent Office;
`was filed on
`September 21, 1999 as Application No. 09/400,136
`was patented under US. Patent No.
`WHEREAS, Tantivy Communications, Inc. (hereinafter "ASSIGNEE”), a corporation
`organized and existing under the laws ofthe State of Delaware and having a usual place of
`business at 2200 Front Street, Suite 300, Melbourne Florida 32901 desires to acquire an
`interest therein in accordance with agreements duly entered into with me;
`NOW, THEREFORE, to all whom it may concern be it known that for and in
`consideration of said agreements and of other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of
`which is hereby acknowledged, I have sold, assigned and transferred and by these presents do
`hereby sell, assign and transfer unto said ASSIGNEE, its successors, assigns and legal
`representatives, the entire right, title and interest in and throughout the United States of America,
`its territories and all foreign countries, in and to said invention as described in said application,
`together with the entire right, title and interest in and to said application and such Letters Patent
`as may issue thereon; said invention, application and Letters Patent to be held and enjoyed by
`said ASSIGNEE for its own use and behalf and for its successors, assigns and legal represen-
`tatives, to the full end of the term for which said Letters Patent may be granted as fully and
`entirely as the same would have been held by me had this assignment and sale not been made; I
`hereby convey all rights arising under or pursuant to any and all international agreements,
`treaties or laws relating to the protection of industrial property by filing any such applications for
`Letters Patent. I hereby acknowledge that this assignment, being ofthe entire right, title and
`interest in and to said invention, carries with it the right in ASSIGNEE to apply for and obtain
`from competent authorities in all countries of the world any and all Letters Patent by attorneys
`and agents of ASSIGNEE‘s selection and the right to procure the grant of all such Letters Patent
`to ASSIGNEE for its own name as assignee of the entire «right, title and interest therein;
`AND, I hereby further agree for myself and my executors and administrators to execute
`upon request any other lawful documents and likewise to perform any other lawful acts which
`may be deemed necessary to secure fully the aforesaid invention to said ASSIGNEE, its
`successors, assigns and legal representatives, but at its or their expense and charges, including
`the execution of applications for patents in foreign countries, and the execution of substitution,
`reissue, divisional or continuation applications and preliminary or other statements and the
`giving of testimony in any interference or other proceeding in which said invention or any
`application or patent directed thereto may be involved;
`’ REEL: 010559 FRAME: 0981
`Microsoft Corporation
`Exhibit 1020-00003
`Microsoft Corporation


`AND, 1 do hereby authorize and request the Commissioner of Patents of the United States
`to issue such Letters Patent as shall be granted upon said application or applications based
`thereon to said ASSIGNEE, its successors, assigns, and legal representatives.
`1N TESTIMONY WHEREOF, l have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the date
`set forth below.
`' /
`Inventor 3 Signature:
`‘0! lg lg!
`County of 8;: eYI } [ (i
`T homas E. Gorsuch
`Then personally appeared before me the above-named Thomas E. Gorsuch and
`acknow edged that lie/she executed the foregoing instrument as his/her free act and deed this
`day of
`,—lr9 2000
`(punt name)
`'-.."a NY COMMISSION 300811994
`EXPtFiES: February 24. 2003
`73M” mumuomnmucumum
`Notary Public
`RECORDEb: 01/24/2000
`3REEL: 010559 FRAME: 0982
`Microsoft Corporation
`Exhibit 1020-00004
`Microsoft Corporation


`€15,113}? Si ATE-fl 'iVSEE’./»§t§l€7§7?»§ EN? 0 37' ()0 MM $1 REEL
`E} nited States ’i‘aicret 3m: 'E‘a‘mdmgmr x. {Effim
`Agni? 535, 23%? E
`'E‘EHS if?) X0 €.‘§%‘.-i’v2'§"§f§i“§f T HAT ANN’ESXEE} 3559‘
`:21 TR 3.???) (70%”? Fifitiiffi THEE
`RECURQS 0‘5" ’i."§:§§f§ {)Fil‘iiii? i}??? fix {EQS'I'EJWiEfLN'E' REfiiSIQER‘éIflEi} UN
`viiANEARY 213 Eiiié'iiv
`(Issriifiing {Effimr
`By z‘aa’iima‘ity of the
`{Emisr Swmmry of Cosmmcm‘o {or imeiimztuaé ifi‘ogmr’éy
`and fiés‘ozrtm‘ of tho {J‘niimfi States 'i-‘ai'mt 21m? Triadtarséark (13333135:
`is: ' 3's'§,_.m¢;'zamm:’
`Microsoft Corporation
`Exhibit 1020-00005
`Microsoft Corporation


`fl lllllllllllllllllllll
` -—l
`Patent and Trademark Office
`E .
`Additional name(s) ofconveying party(iesl attached? DYes
`3. Nature of conveyance:
`[ESecurity Agreement
`/ ’flg y},
`[:I Change of Name
`D Other
`“WWW/”V 30' 3 00 l
`rExecution Date:
`Additional name(s) & addresslesi attached? E] Yes E No
`,4. Application number(s) or patent numberis):
`if this document is being filed together with a new application, the execution date of the application is:
`B. Patent No.(s)
`A. PatentApplication No.(s)
`L_____3.fl£_ CHER/ted 6(th Whyfing
`Additlonal numbers attached? [X] Yes D No
`5, Name and address of party to whom correspondence
`6. Total number of applications and patents involved: 8 g
`iconcerning document should be mailed:
`Internal Address: Loan Documentation HGTSU’ H I" ‘ 95
`7. Total fee (37 CFR 3.41): ._____.__.....s 3,5 '10
` K] Enc|Osed l
`El Authorized to be charged to deposit account
`Street Address: 3003 Tasman Dr.
`8. Deposit account number:
`iCitv: Santa Clara
`(Attach duplicate copv of this page if ”WEE-EL
`ZlP: 95054
`Name: Silicon Valley Bank
`State: Ca
`04/05/2002 51mm 00000014 5001535
`otfi FC:581
`3520.00 09
`'9. Statement and signature.
`To the best ofmy know/Edge and belief. the .oregoinn information is true arid correct and any attached copy is a true copy
`or the original docwnent.
`Jam}, mun
`Alarm: qr Dorenn .Qlljnlnf:
`OMB No 005‘. com lexg 4.943
`Total number 0
`omprishg cover sheet: K M
`REEL: 012506 FRAME: 0808
`Microsoft Corporation
`Exhibit 1020-00006
`To the Honorable Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks: Please record the attached original documents or copy thereof.
`it. Name of conveying party(ies):
`2. Name and address of receiving party(ies):
`Name: Silicon Valle Bank
`Internal Address: Loan Documentation -H8+56—- HAUL—)5 '
`Tat/filth) tumum'mti‘cm iw ,
`[— "l
`Street Address: 3003 Tasman Dr
`City: Santa Clara
`State: Ca
`ZIP: 95054
`Microsoft Corporation


`1 us Filing
`5‘ Patent No.
`I Issued Date
`06/27/00 ’Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation To Transmit A Wireless Protocol Across A Code
`77777 77777 7 77
`,, E,
`7 , 7,
`Division Multiple Access/CDMA) Radio7Link
`77 77
`7 \_ L7,,—}§S77U,ED,7:1-
`7776170084377 7777 777 _ :0020778/00 Adaptive Antenna For Use _l_n_ Same FregueuNehflO/KS777
`Protocoi Conversion And Bandwidth Reduction Technique Providing Multiple nB+D
`61 51 332
`lSDN Basic Rate Interface Links Over A Wireless Code Division Multiple Access
`777 __
`777 _7
`Communication System
`7 _7
`77777 __ _ 7_7 7 '77 777777 7777
`04/03/01 JighfigApparatusForCreatlng Non--Inter1ering Signals Using NonOrthogonal
`Fast Acquisition Of Traitlc Channels For A Highly Variable Data Rate Reverse Link 01
`A CDMA7Wireless Communication Sfitem
`D namic Frame Size Adustment And Selective Reect On A Multi—Link Channgl To
`' ‘
`i Y
`'Lmorove Efleciive Thro7ughput And Bit Eng, Rate _7
`777 7
`,7 flew W.
`, 7) a}, 7, _7 7 ,
`7 62397§§7_77:
`777 77_
`1770757/729/01 ilAntenna ArrayWith Housing
`__77 77_I7
`10/09/01 igggtesrzsmbol Assisted Modulation and Den-Ioduletion'InWireless Communication
`7767304219’ 77'7"
`10/19/7017 IA Method 017Use For An AdaptiveAntenhé'rn Same FréguencyNetworks
`',_ 7 Fifi/FEE"
`7 77 7 Reverse Lin7k Correlation Ftiter in Wireless Communication7SEtems 7 7
`Method for Searching Pilot Signals to Synchronize a CDMA Receiver with an
`77 09/789,47677702/20/01 __ 777 7
`7iAssociated Transmitter
`7_ 77 77
`] 7ufdUS f‘Fpm’i“?
`09/766,875 I7 01/19/071 7
`7_777/Access Channel Structure For Wireless Communication 9ystem
`7 7
`Filed US Application 7
`__ _c,_7,
`IAdaptive Antenna for Use in Wireless Communication Systems
`Filed US Application
`09/088,527 wi0601/98
`\Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation For Multiple Access Communications Using Buffer
`77in US Application
`7777 7
`777 77777UrgencyFac710r
`777 77,77777___7777 77 7
`Power Control Prol0co| For Highly Variable Data Rate Reverse Link Of A Wireless
`0797/77578'421 1709121198 777777 7_____ Communication_S_\Istem (incorporates TANQB726)7
`_77 _77
`777 7
`777_ :77Had7US763%???77
`izzzlvrgd Error Correction On Multiplexed CDMA Channels Enabling High Performance .
`Filed US Application
`7I7System_A'nd7Method For Alway's‘én Virtual connectivityln'A ereless system '
`709/288722977 04/08/997 '7” ..
`709/3071 5:83_7074/28/99_7 77
`7S7u705criber-Contrglled Registration Technigue In A CDMA_7S7ystem77777
`09/301,484 04/28/99
`Forward Error Correction Scheme For High Rate Data Exchange In A Wireless System
`Filed US Application
`! ~ .._R
`05/18/99 77
`I7Variab|e Rate Orthogonai7y CodedReverse 7L71nk Structure (incorporates TAN798 321
`77L Filed US Appligtign
`77 Floa7lng7l7E7Address7f707r Roaming Internet Connected Subscriber Units
`7f7777FiIed US Application 7
`09/384041 1 08/26/99
`Antenna Array Structure Stacked Over Printed Wring Board With Beamlorming
`Filed US Application
`7777 _7
`097/384072,708/26/99 1 77 _ 7777_
`71va Tier l_-l7i§7peed Wireless7Com7m7unicationLink”
`7 777 7
`77 777 77 :Filed_99_pflcatiofl 77
`, Filed US Application“
`0913880004 09/017/997'
`7_7 Packeting7imeout Spoofing in A Wireless Data Communicationst‘ietwork
`09/400 1367
`Dual Mode Subscriber Unit For Short Range High Rate and Long Range Lower Rate i
`Filed US Application
`.Data gommunications77
`~~i ___o
`909/447,02271|,__11/22/99 _‘
`,Varlable Rate _Coding For Foward Link
`7_ 7777
`Filed US Application 77
`09/4577§§3 712/20/99771Method And Apparatus For A Spectrally Compliant Cellular Communication System
`09/482,241 7
`IArbitration Method For High Power Transmissions InACode Division Multiple Access
`Filed USAppllcat/on
`FlF _._
`09/515487 _v 0229I00 7.
`Fast Acquisition Of Traffic Channels For A HighlyVariable Data Rate Reverse Link Or
`F7,ed US Application
`A C7D7MA Wireless _Comm7u7nication7System7
`'09/5'65079505051007" '
`Wreless77Channel AllocationIn a Base Station Prééééso'r'
`;_ Filed 037119003119117
`09/574 622
`7 Automallc7Reverse Channel Assignment {(177A7Two-Way77TDM7Communication System 7‘
`Filed US Application
`.7- 2-..].
`09/594,112'FF091WI 1"" F "
`I'TDM Multipte_xing Without rim7e751701Assiggmeni
`FIied7US Application 7
`'Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation To Transmit A Wireless ISDN Protocol Across A CO e
`Fried US Application
`7_ Division Multiple7Access7ICDMAiRa7dio Link
`09/616 589 07/14/00
`7Ad§ptive Antenna For Use In Same FrequencLNetv-vorks
`777 71 7 Filed US Application
`09/626 784
`07/27/00 :
`Mobile Assisted Session Context Maintenance Transfer To New Base Station
`Filed US ApplicatiorL
`09/630,024 !
`Efficient Network Multicast O7v7er AWireless Router
`_Fi_l79§1 US Application
`09/691071 ‘
`1019/00 '
`‘Siagsedngforward and Reverse Channel Aloelndfimlng__.
`'Reverse Link Pilotlntegrated With Block Codes
`F'ted US A
`7(incorporates TAN9906)
`I n
`Fast Acquisition 01 Traffic Channels For A Highly Variable Data Rate Reverse Link 01 '
`Filed US Application
`A CDMA Wireless Communication System _
`77 777 77 _
`7 7
`7_7 777 _77
`09/772 176
`Method and Apparatus ior DetectingRapid Changes_ln_S_lgnal Pat/17Environment 7 77_ 7
`F lied US Application7
`>6977—5200“-91729/01 " '
`Method forUsinga NorEOrthogonaFPilot Signal7with DataChannel InterferenceCancellation
`F 1le US Application 7
`.1: .. x_.u
`O9]779.251 '
`_7— ”GroundPlane7Topped Printed—Circuit MonopoleAntenna forArrayApplications
`_Fiied US Application
`'C'an‘rcshsn: theDynarTic Sandnid‘..AlIscans“ or multiple “Lav-.55 Communications
`Wed US Application
`usmg Buffer Urgency Factor _ 7
`' Meme}0.319%!anAdustInqge-__eqq..
`RaiesJDEQMA Sistem 7 _Z'; 7__Z;Ei}ed_usAppleton o
`Tmpr5ved Ground Plane Concepts for the Closely Spaced 360 degree Electronic
`Fled US A
`77Scannin7q Array
`7_77777____77 77 77
`REEL: 012506 FRAME: 0809
` _ , « ' 7.755173% PandoflFoLM_obi|e Users 77777 77 77_ Filed US Application
`09/771 252
`09/773 253 Iii/31.761“F"
`'7—')_I Inf—“m ._ "m ”I”
`01/31/9177 _7777
`issued—Filed 11.13-01 xls
`Microsoft Corporation
`Exhibit 1020-00007
`Microsoft Corporation


`US Filing
`Patent No. Ilssued Date, I Date
`09/773255717 01/31/01 77777 7
`IQueuing Far/Far Service Requests In Wreless Network
`Filed US Aflplication
`Iiggfidgrréuit End Fed Micro-Strip Stacked Dipole Antenna For Phased Array Antenna;
`Filed US Application
`oer/73364 011311017
`___7Achieving 99131100111 Via The Mobile IP Infrastiuctgre ""
`7__ Filed us ApBIIEaIion
`r(719/773, 3777 01/31/01 I
`IPrinted-Circuit Low Profile Vertical Diggie7
`7 7
`Filed US Application
`09/774,534 77011317101
`'Electronic Phase Shifter With Enhanced Phase Shilt Performance 7 _
`7Fi7led US7Application
`709/774, 545 ‘ 01/31/701
`iAdaptIv_e_Compression In An Edge Router
`‘ fled US Application
`09/775,304 I- 02/01/01
`‘ _
`IJoIntAcknoMedgement Channel OptimizationIn a Wireless Link
`Filed US Applicath77
`709/775, 305 02101/0717 7
`Maintenance Link I ncIudIngActivUSJandby Request Channels
`:777F11ed US AppIIcatiq177
`091776,3967 702/02/01
`7 77Eystem And Method To Perlor_m Directional ReScan Of An Adaptive Antenna 7 _7
`7 i __F_i|ed US Application
`09/776397 02/02/01
`_.._..r__‘_.__._‘fi_,‘_ .__. ..,- _
`Methodand Apparatus for Antenna ControI_'In a Communications Network
`Filed US7Aplecat710n
`Method 01 Adapting An Antenna Array To Reduce Adaptation Time While Increasing
`09/776556 02/02/01
`Filed US App Ication
`_ 7097/7777SSS—I 702/05/017
`___~ W77 7AppiIcaiIonSpecify Traffic Op7171mizationIn aI/WrelessEI—nk"
`77_7' : "7~ I Filed US Application“
`7itjnk-Awar7e7Transmission Control P101ocolPeriormance Enhancement
`___7 77
`77 1__ F171ed___US‘pplrcahon
`09/778,474I 02/07/701
`MinimalMaintenancel__7ini< toS7upportSynchronizationITAN99—10)_
`777___ 77fled US Appication7
`02/07/01_ '
`7Grade—OI—ServiceAnd Fairness Policy F_or Bandwidth Reservatjgn57317311371;___7_ 777_filgt7l78Ap_pchgtIflL _
`77777114151713:And System For Economical Beam Forming In A Radio Communication
`17Filed US AppIIcatIon
`09/792.410 i
`.Access Probe AcknowledgmentincludingCollision Detection 10 Avoid Oversetting
`Filed US App Ication
`Ilnitiai Power _Level
`_ 7W“7__
`09/7792,6377 02/273/071
`lQ7uaIIinngAvaIIabIe Reverse Link Coding Rates fromAccess Channel Power Setting__1 Filed_US Application 7
`ESSPZELISIIITZLPMF setting Using Effective Radiated Power Message to
`Filed US App Icahon
`. , ___- __ 42....
`757712077371);787373790132?Handotfs Through the USe 01 Mobile IP Simultantous Bindings and Filed US App ication
`,09/8202047 770372100177'
`Dy7namlc Internet content filtering by_m7eans_01 measured throughput to the__user
`— I Filed US App 163000"
`03/30/01 77777
`Elficient Handoiis using LTCPIn CellularPacket Networks 7
`1777Filed US7Appication77
`_079/826,090 _ 04/04/01 7I77
`7 Proxy Mobile Node CapabilityFor Mobile IF7 7
`77___ 7777
`I77 7_Filed USApp 170611037
`OED/8471,7995 04/24/017 I 7
`_ VI_/I7reless7_Subscriber Network Registration 7Svstem_For anngrabIe Services
`Filed US Application
`09/07475,1§3 I _04/30/01
`Il-Ii7g7h_77Gain Planar Scanned Array
`____7 Filed US Apolcation
`09/845240 1
`7:77:07;3:717:77Rite RobustAddress Slots Grouped With Traffic Slots Having Adjustabe
`Filed US Appication
`"0791045724717__ 011/9901‘77" ""7"" ""7""
`_7 §1atio7na7rxTnggeredFConienlfgllIn nieces Acgesssistefii7 "
`" 7""‘77" "7"77‘7"" "ffiIedDE/Wééhon'
`Narrowband Gain Control 01 Receiver with DigLaI PostFiltering _
`77 77 7_7_7
`F[1217171718 App Ic"atIo_n__
`7 _7
`77AdaptiveAntenna7fgr Use In Wreless Communicationgystems 7
`I Filed US Appigatign 7
`Sending Voice Over Packetized Data Network IMth Interleaved Packets And Remote
`Filed US App ication
`__End DISCard Buffering
`77Fasi_SwitchingpjfowvardLinkIn Wireless System
`77 7 7
`_7 __
`_777‘7 Filed USAppicatiort
`bate/.1825, __E/519.001.; , a
`E19112" freedom/ItemsUficfiw ____,2”, _ a
`I -, ,, E199 U§App163112";
`DEA/850,531 Y
`A DualProxy Approach to TOP Performance Improvements Over A Wireless Interiace I
`Filed US Application
`0973527590“ 05110101 ""
`7 7 "_"iPIIIIIegor’E"t_cned F91ding7__1rectional Antenna
`Filed us AppIéEIion 7
`709/859,07017777_ LIE/161717171
`Adaptlve Antenna For UseIn Wireless ComInIInIcation Sistems
`7 7
`7 I
`Filed US Application
`:709/861 2967 05/18/01
`F01da7b_le Directional Antenna
`Ened U7S77Applicatig7n77
`Non-Intrusive Detection of Enhanced Capabilities at Existing CeIIsitesIn a Wireless
`05/31/01 ,__
`Data Communication System
`Fled US Application
` 99/676,853 I 7796/06/01 7, _ ’ 7 fEiiIcientUtiIizatIon oiWIreIess Lrnks for WebbasedApplications _7 7_ 777_ 77 Filed US Apflicatioflm
`709/8798077, 77015/12/017
`Method and Apparatus/0r FrequencySelectiveBeam Forming
`7 777EI17e7<71USAppiication
`Method For Allowing Multi-User Orthogonal And NonOrthogonal Interoperability OI
`Code Channels On The Reverse Link 01A CDMA System (combined with TANGO7705)
`F' Cd U App ““0”
`7Ada7p°IveAn1enraFor Use In Same Frequency7Networks
`078/728/017 "I
`Filed U7S_Application
`09/13/01 Method of DetectIOn of Signals Using an Adaptive AntennaIn a PeerJoPeer Network09/9 52,198 Filed US Appiication
`issued-Filed 11-13-0105
`REEL: 012506 FRAME: 0310
`Microsoft Corporation
`Exhibit 1020-00008
`Microsoft Corporation


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`Microsoft Corporation
`Exhibit 1020-00009
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`Microsoft Corporation


`This Intellectual Property Security Agreement is entered into as of November 30, 2001 by
`a Delaware corporation (“Grantor”).
`Bank has agreed to make certain advances of money and to extend certain
`financial accommodation to Grantor (the “Loans”) in the amounts and manner set forth in that
`certain Loan and Security Agreement by and between Bank and Grantor dated of even date
`herewith (as the same may be amended, modified or supplemented from time to time, the “Loan
`Agreement"; capitalized terms used herein are used as defined in the Loan Agreement). Bank is
`willing to make the Loans to Grantor, but only upon the condition, among others, that Grantor
`shall grant to Bank a security interest in certain Copyrights, Trademarks and Patents to secure the
`obligations of Grantor under the Loan Agreement,
`to the terms of the Loan Agreement, Grantor has granted to Bank a
`security interest in all of Grantor's right, title and interest, whether presently existing or hereafter
`acquired, in, to and under all ofthe Collateral.
`NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby
`acknowledged, and intending to be legally bound, as collateral security for the prompt and
`complete payment when due of its obligations under the Loan Agreement, Grantor hereby
`represents, warrants, covenants and agrees as follows:
`To secure its obligations under the Loan Agreement, Grantor grants and pledges to Bank a
`security interest in all of Grantor's right, title and interest in, to and under its Intellectual Property
`Collateral (including without
`limitation those Copyrights, Patents and Trademarks listed on
`Schedules A, B and C hereto), and including without limitation all proceeds thereof (such as, by
`way of example but not by way of limitation, license royalties and proceeds of infringement
`suits). the right to sue for past, present and future infringements, all rights corresponding thereto
`the world and all
`re-issues, divisions continuations,
`renewals, extensions and
`continuations—in-part thereof.
`This security interest is granted in conjunction with the security interest granted to Bank
`under the Loan Agreement. The rights and remedies of Bank with respect to the security interest
`granted hereby are in addition to those set forth in the Loan Agreement and the other Loan
`Documents. and those which are now or hereafter available to Bank as a matter of law or equity.
`Each right. power and remedy of Bank prc‘.-'ided for herein or if‘. the Loan Agreement or any at
`the Loan Documents. or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity shall be cumulative and
`REEL: 012506 FRAME: 0812
`Microsoft Corporation
`Exhibit 1020-00010
`Microsoft Corporation


`concurrent and shall be in addition to every right, power or remedy provided for herein and the
`exercise by Bank of any one or more of the rights, powers or remedies provided for in this
`Intellectual Property Security Agreement,
`the Loan Agreement or any of the other Loan
`Documents, or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity, shall not preclude the simultaneous
`or later exercise by any person, including Bank, of any or all other rights, powers or remedies.
`the parties have cause this Intellectual Property Security
`Agreement to be duly executed by its officers thereunto duly authorized as of the first date
`written above.
`Address of Grantor:
`1450 S. Babcock Street
`Melbourne, Florida 32901
`Attn: Lisa M. Kolb, Vice President Finance
`H5) (Zn-(«w- Cc 4' CIT/0
`Address of Bank:
`515 N. Flagler Drive
`Suite 1200
`West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
`Attn: Jeffrey P. White
`[005 70_2,DOC
`l 1:29:01
`REEL: 012506 FRAME: 0813
`Microsoft Corporation
`Exhibit 1020-00011
`Microsoft Corporation


`concurrent and shall be in addition to every right, power or remedy provided for herein and the
`exercise by Bank of any one or more of the rights, powers or remedies provided for in this
`Intellectual Property Security Agreement,
`the Loan Agreement or any of the other Loan
`Documents, or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity, shall not preclude the simultaneous
`or later exercise by any person, including Bank, ofany or all other rights, powers or remedies.
`the parties have cause this Intellectual Property Security
`Agreement to be duly executed by its officers thereunto duly authorized as of the first date
`written above.
`Address of Grantor:
`1450 S. Babcock Street
`Melboume, Flurida 32901
`Attn: Lisa M. Kolb, Vice President Finance
`Address of Bank;
`515 N. Flagler Drive
`Suite 1200
`West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
`Attn: Jeffrey P. White
`105510; DOC
`I l."_".)v(]l
`REEL: 012506 FRAME: 0814
`Microsoft Corporation
`Exhibit 1020-00012
`Microsoft Corporation


`concurrent and shall be in addition to every right, power or remedy provided for herein and the
`exercise by Bank of any one or more of the rights, powers or remedies provided for in this
`Intellectual Property Security Agreement,
`the Loan Agreement or any of the other Loan
`Documents, or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity, shall not preclude the simultaneous
`or later exercise by any person, including Bank, of any or all other rights, powers or remedies.
`the parties have cause this Intellectual Property Security
`Agreement to be duly executed by its officers thereunto duly authorized as of the first date
`written above.
`Address of Grantcr:
`1450 S. Babcock Street
`Melbourne, Florida 32901
`Attn: Lisa M. Kolb, Vice President Finance
`Address of Bank:
`515 N. Flagler Drive
`West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
`Suite IZOD
`Arm: Jeffrey P. White
`- (24M 2
`Name: 1’...“ My)!»
`{human ’7‘“
`5V EL l'unm \
`L .mimuni. .iinms (l 1‘ Vanity Agreement)
`REEL: 012506 FRAME: 0815
`Microsoft Corporation
`Exhibit 1020-00013
`Microsoft Corporation


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`REEL: 012506 FRAME: 0816
`Microsoft Corporation
`Exhibit 1020-00014
`Microsoft Corporation


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`REEL: 012506 FRAME: 0817
`Microsoft Corporation
`Exhibit 1020-00015
`Microsoft Corporation


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`RECORDED: 01/22/2002
`REEL: 012506 FRAME: 0818
`Microsoft Corporation
`Exhibit 1020-00016
`Microsoft Corporation


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`Microsoft Corporation
`Exhibit 1020-00017
`Microsoft Corporation


`Atty. Docket No.
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`U.S. Dépanrnent of Commerce
`Fawn! and Tladnlnark Oflica

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