US 8,380,244 132
`(10) Patent No.:
`(12) United States Patent
`(45) Date of Patent:
`*Feb. 19, 2013
`U50083 80244132
`Ihomas It. (Iorsuch, Merritt Island, II
`IPR Licensing, Inc., Wilmington, DE
`(73) Assignee:
`4.625.308 A
`4-6754??? A
`“1817108) A
`11/:1986 Kim et 31.
`6f}??? géneifi et :1»
`‘me a >
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`Th1} Pam“ 15 SUbJC‘Jl ‘0 'd 10111111181 (115'
`C131 mer-
`(21) App]. No.: 12/615,098
`Draft Text for “"‘95C” Physical Layer (Revision 4), Part 1, Document
`#531-981-20814-95C, Part 1 on 3GPP2 website(jfip://
`950,9’b20par1%201.pdf. 1998),
`Nov. 9, 2009
`Prior Publication Data
`Us 2010/0202425 A1
`Aug. 12: 2010
`D t
`R l t dU.S.A H
`a a
`e a e
`. P? ca Ion
`(63) Continuation 0f application NO- 1 “326,809, filed 0“
`Jfln- ~64 2906-. 110W Pat: NO- 161649704 WhiCh is a
`COIltlnllflUOIl 0f application N0. 10/358,082, filed 011
`Feb._ 3:
`_2‘:"33.-_ 110W Pfit. N0. 7,013,162, and a
`COHUHUHUDH 01 'dPPhC'dllOfl NU- 10/341,528; filCd 0H
`Int. Cl.
`H04M 1/00
`(52) US CL """"_":""",""""‘""""" 455/553'1’ 455‘ 552']
`l‘lCId ofClaSSIhcatlon Search ............... 455/5531,
`455/552 1
`h 1 . t
`fil f
`ee app 1ca 1011
`e or comp e e searc
`11$ cry.
`References Cited
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`Primary Examiner — Barry 'I'aylor
`(74) Attorney, Agent. or Firn'z — Volpe and Koenig, RC.
`A teclnn'que for communication with a local area network
`(LAN) via a wireless connection determines Whether a first
`short-range, high-speed, wireless conmiunication path is
`available and celmeets to the LAN using a longer range, lower
`speed wireless communication path if the short-range. high-
`speed wireless communication pathis not available. 'Ihelow-
`ran ge, hi gh-speed wireless communication path is a wireless
`communication path is a wireless I ,AN connection such as an
`1IEE 802.]ll-corripliant Wireless (JAN andi the long-range,
`ow-speet w1re ess commumca ion me e is
`a ce u ar
`(fDMA-type connection. Determining Whether the first 11 {Eli
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`b 'd t
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`e can
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`e ecting a eacon
`Signal, or transmittinga probe request message and detecting
`a probe response message in response to the probe request,
`Indicatmg the presence or ava11ab111ty of the short-range,
`high-Speed Wireless communication path. Alternatively, the
`availability of short-range, high-speed wireless communica-
`tion path can be detected by simply detecting activity on it.
`44 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
`1 60)),
`802.1 ‘1
`Microsoft Corporation
`Exhibit 1001-00001
`Microsoft Corporation


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