`Serial Concatenation of Interleaved
`Codes: Performance Analysis,
`Design, and Iterative Decoding
`Sergio Benedetto, Fellow, IEEE, Dariush Divsalar, Fellow, IEEE,
`Guido Montorsi, Member, IEEE, and Fabrizio Pollara, Member, IEEE
`IN his goal to find a class of codes whose probability of error
`Manuscript received July 26, 1996; revised November 1, 1997. This work
`was supported in part by NATO under Research Grant CRG 951208. The
`work of S. Benedetto and G. Montorsi was supported by Italian National
`Research Council (CNR) under “Progetto Finalizzato Trasporti (Prometheus),”
`by MURST (Progetto 40% “Comunicazioni con Mezzi Mobili”), and by
`Qualcomm. The research described in this paper was performed in part at
`the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
`CA, under Contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
`(NASA). The material in this paper was presented in part at the IEEE Inter-
`national Symposium on Information Theory, Ulm, Germany, June 29–July 4,
`S. Benedetto and G. Montorsi are with Dipartimento di Elettronica, Politec-
`nico di Torino, Italy.
`D. Divsalar and F. Pollara are with Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena,
`CA 91109 USA.
`Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9448(98)02352-9.
`1998 IEEE
`Abstract—A serially concatenated code with interleaver consists
`of the cascade of an outer encoder, an interleaver permuting
`the outer codewords bits, and an inner encoder whose input
`words are the permuted outer codewords. The construction
`can be generalized to h cascaded encoders separated by h 1
`interleavers. We obtain upper bounds to the average maximum-
`likelihood bit error probability of serially concatenated block and
`convolutional coding schemes. Then, we derive design guidelines
`for the outer and inner encoders that maximize the interleaver
`gain and the asymptotic slope of the error probability curves.
`Finally, we propose a new, low-complexity iterative decoding al-
`gorithm. Throughout the paper, extensive comparisons with par-
`allel concatenated convolutional codes known as “turbo codes”
`are performed, showing that the new scheme can offer superior
`Index Terms— Concatenated codes, iterative decoding, serial
`concatenation, turbo codes.
`Constituent Code.
`Parallel Concatenated Convolutional Code.
`Parallel Concatenated Block Code.
`Serially Concatenated Code.
`Serially Concatenated Block Code.
`Serially Concatenated Convolutional Code.
`Maximum Likelihood.
`Input–Output Weight-Enumerating Function.
`Conditional Weight-Enumerating Function.
`Soft Input Soft Output module.
`SW-SISO Sliding Window—Soft Input Soft Output
`Log-Likelihood Ratio.
`Maximum a posteriori.
`decreased exponentially at rates less than capacity, while
`decoding complexity increased only algebraically, Forney [1]
`arrived at a solution consisting of the multilevel coding
`structure known as concatenated code. It consists of the
`cascade of an inner code and an outer code, which, in Forney’s
`approach, would be a relatively short inner code (typically,
`a convolutional code) admitting simple maximum-likelihood
`(ML) decoding, and a long high-rate algebraic nonbinary
`Reed–Solomon outer code equipped with a powerful algebraic
`error-correction algorithm, possibly using reliability informa-
`tion from the inner decoder.
`Initially motivated only by theoretical research interests,
`concatenated codes have since then evolved as a standard
`for those applications where very high coding gains are
`needed, such as (deep-) space applications and many others.
`Alternative solutions for concatenation have also been studied,
`such as using a trellis-coded modulation scheme as inner code
`[2], or concatenating two convolutional codes [3]. In the latter
`case, the inner Viterbi decoder employs a soft-output decoding
`algorithm to provide soft-input decisions to the outer Viterbi
`decoder. An interleaver was also proposed between the two
`encoders to separate bursts of errors produced by the inner
`We find then, in a “classical” concatenated coding scheme,
`the main ingredients that formed the basis for the invention
`of “turbo codes” [4], namely two, or more, constituent codes
`(CC’s) and an interleaver. The novelty of turbo codes, how-
`ever, consists of the way they use the interleaver, which is
`embedded into the code structure to form an overall concate-
`nated code with very large block length, and in the proposal of
`a parallel concatenation to achieve a higher rate for given rates
`of CC’s. The latter advantage is obtained using systematic
`CC’s and not transmitting the information bits entering the
`second encoder. In the following, we will refer to turbo codes
`as parallel concatenated convolutional codes (PCCC’s). The
`so-obtained codes have been shown to yield very high coding
`; in
`gains at bit error probabilities in the range
`particular, low bit error probabilities can be obtained at rates
`well beyond the channel cutoff rate, which had been regarded
`for long time as the “practical” capacity. Quite remarkably,
`this performance can be achieved by a relatively simple
`0018–9448/98$10.00 ª
`Hughes, Exh. 1032, p. 1
`iterative decoding technique whose computational complexity
`is comparable to that needed to decode the two CC’s.
`In this paper, we consider the serial concatenation of inter-
`leaved codes or serially concatenated codes (SCC’s), called
`SCBC or SCCC according to the nature of CC’s, that can be
`block (SCBC) or convolutional (SCCC) codes. For this class
`of codes, we obtain analytical upper bounds to the performance
`of an ML decoder, propose design guidelines leading to the
`optimal choice of CC’s that maximize the interleaver gain
`and the asymptotic code performance, and present a new
`iterative decoding algorithm yielding results close to capacity
`limits with limited decoding complexity. Preliminary results
`have appeared in [5] and [6]. Extensive comparisons with
`turbo codes of the same complexity and decoding delay are
`With this embodiment of results, we believe that SCCC can
`be considered as a valid, in some cases superior, alternative
`to turbo codes.
`In Section II, we derive analytical upper bounds to the
`bit error probability of both SCBC’s and SCCC’s, using the
`concept of “uniform interleaver” that decouples the output
`of the outer encoder from the input of the inner encoder. In
`Section III, we propose design rules for SCCC’s through an
`asymptotic approximation of the bit error probability bound
`assuming long interleavers or large signal-to-noise ratios. In
`Section III, we compare serial and parallel concatenations
`of block and convolutional codes in terms of maximum-
`likelihood analytical upper bounds. Section V is devoted to the
`presentation of a new iterative decoding algorithm and to its
`application to some significant codes. Performance comparison
`between SCCC’s and PCCC’s under suboptimum iterative
`decoding algorithms are presented in Section IV.
`A. A Union Bound to the Bit Error Probability
`and Some General Warnings
`linear block code and its Input–Output
`Consider an
`Weight Enumerating Function (IOWEF), defined as
`performance can be evaluated under the assumption that the
`all-zero codeword has been transmitted. Assume then that
`the all-zero codeword
`has been transmitted, and define
`as the event in which the
`the pairwise error event
`and generated by
`likelihood of a codeword with weight
`an information word of weight
`is higher than that of the
`all-zero codeword
`the bit error probability under
`Using the union bound,
`ML soft decoding for binary phase-shift keying (PSK) (or
`binary pulse amplitude modulation (PAM)) transmission over
`an additive white Gaussian noise channel with two-sided noise
`can be upper-bounded as
`power spectral density
`is the energy per information
`is the code rate,
`bit,1 and where we have defined the bit error multiplicity
`Expressions (3) and (4) suggest that two ways can be followed
`to improve the bit error probability performance: the first, lead-
`ing to the more traditional concept of good (and asymptotically
`good) codes, tries to increase the first, more significant weights
`in (3); the second, forming the basis of turbo codes and also
`of serially concatenated codes, aims at reducing the bit error
`multiplicities (4). To quote Forney’s 1995 Shannon lecture:
`Rather than attacking error exponents, turbo codes at-
`tack multiplicities, turning conventional wisdom on its
`A more compact, but looser, upper bound, can be obtained
`from (3) using the inequality
`which yields
`represents the number of codewords with weight
`generated by information words of weight
`. In (1), we have
`also implicitly defined the conditional weight enumerating
`function (CWEF)
`as the function that enumerates the weight distribution of
`codewords generated by information words of a given weight
`A linear block (or convolutional) code possesses the uniform
`error property [7], stating that its word and bit error probability
`From (3) and (6), we conclude that, in order to upper-bound
`the bit error probability for any linear block code, we need to
`evaluate its CWEF. As a consequence, also for concatenated
`codes with interleavers we can use (3) and (6), provided
`that we are able to compute the CWEF of the overall code
`assuming that the CWEF’s of the constituent codes (CC’s)
`are known. This has been done already for “turbo codes,”
`i.e., parallel concatenated codes, in [8]. In the following, we
`will show how to extend those results to the case of serial
`1 It must be noted that Eb=N0 is not the signal-to-noise ratio that can be
`measured in the channel, which, indeed, is lower by the factor Rc.
`Hughes, Exh. 1032, p. 2
`[10]. A successful application of the Gallager bound to
`parallel concatenated codes with interleavers has been
`described in [11], where it is shown that the new bound
`extends the validity of the union bound for some range
`of signal-to-noise ratios below the channel cutoff rate,
`typically 0.5 dB. On the other hand, those attempts would
`still be based on the hypothesis of maximum-likelihood
`decoding. Thinking of applying them to the suboptimum
`iterative decoding seems not realistic.
`• To obtain the divergence of the union bound one needs to
`compute a very large number of terms for the summation
`in the right-hand side of (3), or (6), and this was indeed
`the case for the example to which the curves of Fig. 1
`refer. In that case, however, the interleaver length
`was limited to
`. When
`becomes very large, as
`it is required to approach the channel capacity, only a
`limited number of terms in the summations (3) and (6) can
`be obtained with a reasonable computational complexity.
`As a consequence, the obtained upper bounds are still
`very accurate above the channel cutoff rate, but may
`not present the divergence at cutoff rate. In those cases,
`the reader should only consider as reliable the bit error
`probability values above the cutoff rate, or perhaps half a
`decibel below it, according to the results of [11]. A way
`to overcome this drawback, and indeed to always show
`the divergence of the union bound, has been proposed in
`[12]. It has, however, to rely on the looser bound (6).
`• The main tool used in this paper to analytically predict
`the performance and to find design rules about the main
`CC’s parameters is a union bound. We have seen, on the
`other hand, that the union bound is tight only for medium-
`high signal-to-noise ratios. One could then question the
`validity of the approach, which suffers the paradox of
`using a bound not applicable to very low signal-to-noise
`ratios in order to design coding schemes intended to work
`near channel capacity.
`We are conscious of this inconsistency, yet, for one
`hand, have simply nothing better to propose, and, on the
`other hand, we had widely verified by simulation that the
`parallel concatenated codes designed on the basis of our
`rules are indeed very good also at very low signal-to-
`noise ratios (see [13] and [14]). In the remainder of this
`paper, we will show that this heuristic validation of the
`design rules also holds for serially concatenated codes
`with interleavers.
`• The last observation concerns still another inconsistency,
`resulting from the fact that we are using bounds based on
`maximum-likelihood decoding to design codes that are
`decoded according to a different, suboptimum algorithm.
`Also in this case we invoke the heuristic validation stem-
`ming from a large number of simulations, which show
`the convergence of the simulated performance toward
`the analytical bounds. In Fig. 1, where the simulated
`points have been obtained with the suboptimum, itera-
`tive decoding algorithm, we see a nice example of this
`Fig. 1. Comparison of bit error probability curves obtained through union
`bounds and simulations for two parallel concatenated convolutional codes
`over an additive Gaussian noise channel. Also indicated is the Eb=N0 value
`corresponding to the channel cutoff rate.
`Before starting the analysis leading to the evaluation of the
`CWEF of a serially concatenated code (SCC) with interleaver,
`a warning to the readers is necessary. Both (3) and (6)
`stem from the union bound, stating that the probability of
`a union of events is less than or equal to the sum of the
`probabilities of the individual events. The union bound is
`used extensively as an upper limit to the error probabilities
`for digital transmission systems. The sums of the individual
`probabilities in the right-hand sides of (3) and (6), however, are
`not probabilities themselves, and can thus assume large values
`much greater than one. In fact, it is common knowledge in the
`field that union bounds are very close to the true probability
`in the case of maximum-likelihood decoding for medium-
`high signal-to-noise ratios, whereas they tend to diverge for
`low signal-to-noise ratios. A widely accepted rule of thumb
`is that the signal-to-noise ratio where they start to become
`unreliable is the one yielding the cutoff rate of the channel.
`The behavior of the bounds is illustrated as a typical example
`in Fig. 1, where we plot the bounds for two different rate
`parallel concatenated codes and compare them with simulation
`results obtained using the suboptimum,
`iterative decoding
`algorithm proposed to decode turbo codes. Also drawn in
`corresponding to the channel cutoff
`the figure is the
`Some general comments, partly based on Fig. 1, are appro-
`• As previously anticipated, the upper bounds based on the
`union bound diverge at a signal-to-noise ratio close to
`the channel cutoff rate. Obtaining tighter upper bounds
`capable of extending the validity interval of the union
`bounds for concatenated codes is an important, and still
`widely open, topic for research. The new bounds could be
`based on the technique successfully employed in [9] for
`convolutional codes, or on the classical Gallager bound
`Hughes, Exh. 1032, p. 3
`Fig. 2. Serially concatenated (n; k; N = mp) block code.
`B. Evaluating the Bit Error Probability Upper Bound
`for Serially Concatenated Block Codes
`We will now show how to apply the union bounds (3) and
`(6) to the case of serially concatenated codes with interleavers.
`For simplicity of the presentation, we begin considering seri-
`ally concatenated block codes (SCBC’s).
`The scheme of two serially concatenated block codes is
`shown in Fig. 2. It is composed of two cascaded CC’s, the
`with rate
`and the inner
`with rate
`, linked by an interleaver of length
`that is an integer multiple of the length
`of the outer
`codewords. The scheme works as follows: the
`bits of a
`of codewords of the outer code are written into the
`, and read in a different order
`interleaver of length
`according to the permutation performed by the interleaver. The
`bits at the output of the interleaver is then sent
`sequence of
`to the inner encoder.
`in blocks of length
`The overall SCBC is then an
`code with rate
`and we will refer to it as the
`In the following, we will derive an upper bound to the ML
`performance of the overall code
`, assuming first that
`and then extending the result to the general case. We assume
`that the outer and inner CC’s are linear, so that also the SCBC
`is linear and the uniform error property applies, i.e., the bit
`error probability can be evaluated assuming that the all-zero
`codeword has been transmitted.
`In order to apply the upper bounds (3) and (6) to the SCBC,
`we need to evaluate the CWEF of the code
`, assuming that
`we know the CWEF’s of the CC’s.
`of the
`is low, we can compute the coefficients
`(2) by letting each individual information
`word with weight
`be first encoded by the outer encoder
`and then, after the
`bits of the outer codeword have been
`permuted by the interleaver, be encoded by the inner encoder
`originating an inner codeword with a certain weight. After
`repeating this procedure for all the information words with
`, we should count the inner codewords with weight
`, and their number would be the value of
`. When
`is large, or, in the case
`, when
`is large, the
`previous operation becomes too complex, and we must resort
`to a different approach.
`The key point, here, is that we would like to obtain a
`simple relationship between the CWEF’s of the two CC’s,
`an operation that is prevented by the fact that the knowledge
`of the information word weight is not enough to obtain the
`weight of the inner codeword, which, instead, depends on the
`weight of the outer codeword and on the permutation induced
`by the interleaver.
`Fig. 3. The action of a uniform interleaver of length 4 on sequences of
`weight 2.
`As in [8] and [15], a crucial step in the analysis consists
`in replacing the actual interleaver that performs a permutation
`input bits with an abstract interleaver called uniform
`of the
`interleaver, defined as a probabilistic device that maps a given
`into all distinct
`permutations of it
`input word of weight
`(see Fig. 3).
`with equal probability
`Use of the uniform interleaver permits the computation
`of the “average” performance of the SCBC, intended as the
`expectation of the performance of SCBC’s using the same
`CC’s, taken over the set of all interleavers of a given length.
`A theorem proved in [8] guarantees the meaningfulness of the
`average performance, in the sense that there will always be, for
`each value of the signal-to-noise ratio, at least one particular
`interleaver yielding performance better than or equal to that
`of the uniform interleaver.
`Let us define the IOWEF and the CWEF of the SCBC
`. Their definition and meaning
`are the same as in (1) and (2).
`As seen, to apply the bounds (3) and (6) to the bit error
`probability we need to evaluate the CWEF of the SCBC from
`the knowledge of the CWEF’s of the outer and inner codes,
`, where the first
`which we call
`enumerates the weight distributions of the outer codewords
`generated by information words of weight
`, and the second
`enumerates the weight distributions of the inner codewords
`generated by outer codewords of weight
`To do this, we exploit the properties of the uniform inter-
`at the output
`leaver, which transforms a codeword of weight
`of the outer encoder into all its distinct
`permutations. As a
`of weight
`consequence, each codeword of the outer code
`through the action of the uniform interleaver, enters the inner
`encoder generating
`codewords of the inner code
`. Thus
`of codewords of the SCBC of weight
`the number
`associated with an information word of weight
`is given by
`From (7) we derive the expressions of the CWEF and
`IOWEF of the SCBC as
`Hughes, Exh. 1032, p. 4
`enumerates the weight distributions of the
`information words that generate codewords of the outer code
`with a given weight
`serially concatenated
`Example 1: Consider
`block code obtained by concatenating the
`Hamming code through an interleaver of
`code to a
`. The IOWEF
`the outer and inner code are
`so that
`Through (9) we then obtain
`Previous results (8) and (9) can be easily generalized to the
`more interesting case of an interleaver with length
`) of the length of the
`an integer multiple (by a factor
`outer codewords. Denoting by
`the IOWEF of the
`outer code, and similarly by
`IOWEF of the new
`inner code, it is straightforward
`to obtain
`From the IOWEF’s (7)–(10), we obtain the CWEF’s
`of the new CC’s, and, finally,
`through (8) and (9),
`the CWEF and IOWEF of the new
`Fig. 4. Analytical bounds for serially concatenated block code of Example
`2 (SCBC1 in Table I).
`Fig. 5. Serially concatenated (n; k; N ) convolutional code.
`Example 2: Consider again the CC’s of Example 1,
`linked by an interleaver of length
`, and use (2),
`(3), and (11). The so obtained upper bound to the bit error
`probability is plotted in Fig. 4 for various values of the
`. The curves show the interleaver gain, defined as the
`factor by which the bit error probability is decreased with the
`interleaver length at a given signal-to-noise ratio. Contrary to
`parallel concatenated block codes [8], the curves do not exhibit
`the interleaver gain saturation. Rather, the bit error probability
`seems to decrease regularly with
`. We will explain
`this behavior in Section III.
`C. Serially Concatenated Convolutional Codes
`The structure of a serially concatenated convolutional code
`is shown in Fig. 5. It refers to the case of two convolutional
`with rate
`, and the inner
`CC’s, the outer code
`with rate
`, joined by an interleaver of length
`bits, generating an SCCC
`with rate
`will be assumed to be an integer multiple2 of
`. We assume,
`as before, that the convolutional CC’s are linear, so that the
`SCCC is linear as well, and the uniform error property applies.
`The exact analysis of this scheme can be performed by
`appropriate modifications of that described in [8] for PCCC’s.
`It requires the use of a hypertrellis having as hyperstates pairs
`of states of outer and inner codes. The hyperstates
`are joined by a hyperbranch that consists of all pairs of paths
`2 Actually, this constraint is not necessary. We can choose in fact inner and
`outer codes of any rates Ri
`c = ki=ni and Roc = ko=no, constraining the
`interleaver to be an integer multiple of the minimum common multiple of no
`and ki, i.e., N = K mcm (no; ki). This generalization, though, leads to
`more complicated expressions and is not considered in the following.
`Hughes, Exh. 1032, p. 5
`The performance of a concatenated code with interleaver,
`for both cases of parallel and serial concatenation, depends
`on the constituent codes and on the interleaver in a strictly
`interdependent manner. The joint design of CC’s and the
`interleaver, however, is a hopeless goal, and the only way
`to achieve significantly good results seems to pass through a
`decoupled design, in which one first designs the CC’s, and then
`tailors the interleaver on their characteristics. Our approach to
`achieve this goal resides once more in the use of the uniform
`interleaver, which yields to an average optimization of the
`CC’s, followed by a customization of the actual interleaver.
`Only the first step, i.e., the design of CC’s, will be treated here.
`Consider the SCCC depicted in Fig. 5. Its performance
`can be approximated by that of the equivalent block code
`whose IOWEF labels the branch of the hypertrellis joining
`the zero states of outer- and inner-code trellises. Denoting by
`the CWEF of this equivalent block code, we can
`rewrite the upper bound (6) as3
`is the minimum weight of an input sequence
`is the
`generating an error event of the outer code, and
`minimum weight4 of the codewords of
`. By error event
`of a convolutional code, we mean a sequence diverging from
`the zero state at time zero and remerging into the zero state
`at some discrete time
`. For constituent block codes, an
`error event is simply a codeword.
`The coefficients
`of the equivalent block code can be
`obtained from (7), once the quantities
`of the
`CC’s are known. To evaluate them, consider a rate
`with memory5
`convolutional code
`and its equivalent
`block code whose codewords are all sequences
`of length
`bits of the convolutional code starting from and
`ending at the zero state. By definition, the codewords of the
`equivalent block code are concatenations of error events of
`the convolutional codes. Let
`be the weight enumerating function of sequences of the
`convolutional code that concatenate
`error events with total
`. The coefficient
`input information weight
`the number of sequences of weight
`, input weight
`, and
`number of concatenated error events
`. Its meaning is pic-
`torially clarified in Fig. 7, where it can be noticed that, by
`error events are
`“concatenated,” we mean actually that the
`3 In the following, a subscript “m” will denote “minimum,” and a subscript
`“M” will denote “maximum.”
`4 Since the input sequences of the inner code are not unconstrained
`independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) binary sequences, but, instead,
`codewords of the outer code, hm can be greater than the inner code free
`f .
`distance di
`5 By memory, we mean the maximum length of the shift registers contained
`in the encoder.
`Fig. 6. Analytical bounds for the serially concatenated convolutional code
`of Example 3 (SCCC1 of Table II).
`of the inner code and
`that join states
`with length
`of the outer code, respectively. Each hyperbranch
`is thus an equivalent SCBC labeled with an IOWEF that can
`be evaluated as explained in the previous subsection. From the
`hypertrellis, the upper bound to the bit error probability can
`be obtained through the standard transfer function technique
`employed for convolutional codes [10]. As proved in [8], when
`the length of the interleaver is significantly greater than the
`constraint lengths of the CC’s, an accurate approximation of
`the exact upper bound consists in retaining only the branch
`. In the
`of the hypertrellis joining the hyperstates
`following, we will always use this approximation.
`Example 3: Consider a rate
`SCCC formed by an
`-state convolutional code with rate
`and an inner
`-state convolutional code with rate
`, joined by a uniform
`interleaver of length
`(SCCC1 of Table II).
`Both encoders are systematic and recursive and the gener-
`ator matrices are reported in Table III, first and third rows.
`Using the previously outlined analysis, we have obtained the
`bit error probability curves shown in Fig. 6. The performance
`shows a very significant interleaver gain, i.e., lower values of
`the bit error probability for higher values of
`. The interleaver
`gain seems to behave as
`. This behavior will be explained
`in the next section.
`In the previous section, we have presented an analytical
`bounding technique to find the ML performance of SCBC’s
`and SCCC’s. For practical applications, SCCC’s are to be pre-
`ferred to SCBC’s. One reason is that a posteriori-probability
`algorithms are less complex for convolutional than for block
`codes, another is that the interleaver gain can be greater for
`convolutional CC’s, provided that they are suitably designed.
`Hence, we deal mainly with the design of SCCC’s, extending
`our conclusions to SCBC’s when appropriate.
`Before delving deeply into the analytical derivation, it is
`important to say a few words about the design methodology.
`Hughes, Exh. 1032, p. 6
`and the binomial in the denominator using the lower bound
`Fig. 7. The meaning of the coefficients Al; h; j.
`adjacent, in the sense that each one starts immediately where
`the previous ends, without any gap in between.
`much larger than the memory of the convolutional
`code, the coefficient
`of the CWEF of the equivalent block
`code can be upper-bounded by6
`, the largest number of error events concatenated in a
`and generated by a weight
`codeword of weight
`sequence, is a function of
`and that depends on the encoder,
`as we will see later.
`Let us return now to the block code equivalent to the SCCC.
`for the
`Using previous result (15) with
`outer and inner code, respectively,7 we can write
`Substituting them into (7), we obtain an upper bound to
`the value of the coefficients
`of the serially concatenated
`block code equivalent to the SCCC in the form
`is the free distance of the outer code. By free distance
`we mean the minimum Hamming weight of error events
`for convolutional CC’s, and the minimum Hamming weight
`of codewords for block CC’s.
`To proceed further, we need to replace the three binomial
`coefficients in (16). In order to obtain an upper bound to the
`right-hand side of (16), we will replace the two binomials in
`the numerator using the upper bound
`6 The upper bound is obtained neglecting the length of error events
`compared to N , and assuming that the number of ways j input sequences
`producing j error events can be arranged in a register of length N is N=p
`The ratio N=p derives from the fact that the code has rate p=n, and thus N
`bits correspond to N=p input words or, equivalently, trellis steps.
`7 In the following, superscripts “o” and “i” will refer to quantities pertaining
`to outer and inner code, respectively.
`and for
`Notice that the bounds are tight for large
`which will be seen to always happen in our case.
`Substitution of these bounds in (16) yields
`Finally, substituting (17) into (13), gives the bit error proba-
`bility bound in the form
`Using (18) as the starting point, we will obtain some im-
`portant design considerations. The bound (18) to the bit error
`probability is obtained by adding terms of the first summation
`. The coefficients of the
`with respect to the SCCC weights
`exponentials in
`depend, among other parameters, on
`. For
`, and for a given
`, the dominant coefficient of the
`is the one for which the exponent of
`exponentials in
`maximum. Define this maximum exponent as
`in general is not possible without specifying
`the CC’s. Thus we will consider two important cases, for
`which general expressions can be found.
`A. The Exponent of
`for the Minimum Weight
`, the performance of the SCC is
`For large values of
`dominated by the first term of the summation with respect to ,
`corresponding to the minimum value
`. Remembering
`that by definition,
`are the maximum number
`of concatenated error events in codewords of the inner and
`and , respectively, the following
`outer code of weights
`inequalities hold true:
`Hughes, Exh. 1032, p. 7
`of codewords of the
`is the minimum weight
`of the inner
`outer code yielding a codeword of weight
`code, and
`means “integer part of
`In most cases,8
`, and
`, and (22) becomes
`, so that
`The result (23) shows that the exponent of
`to the minimum weight of SCCC codewords is always negative
`, thus yielding an interleaver gain at high
`Substitution of the exponent
`into (18) truncated to
`yields the
`the first term of the summation with respect to
`following result, asymptotic with respect to
`where the constant
`that generate codewords
`is the set of input weights
`of the outer code with weight
`Expression (24) suggests the following conclusions.
`• For the values of
`where the SCCC per-
`formance is dominated by its free distance
`increasing the interleaver length yields a gain in perfor-
`• To increase the interleaver gain, one should choose an
`outer code with large
`• To improve the performance with
`, one should
`choose an inner- and outer-code combination such that
`is large.
`These conclusions do not depend on the structure of the
`CC’s, and thus they yield for both recursive and nonrecursive
`The curves of Fig. 4 showing the performance of the various
`SCBC’s of Example 1 with increasing interleaver length,
`however, also show a different phenomenon: for a given
`, there is a value of
`above which the bound diverges.
`In other words, there seem to be coefficients of the exponents
`, that increase with
`in , for
`To investigate this phenomenon, we will evaluate the largest
`exponent of
`, defined as
`1) Block and Nonrecursive Convolutional Inner Encoders:
`Consider the inner encoder and its impac