`cff‘the Enins-h Language. Fourth Edition
`I: (I) LI R "I' H E I) I T I (I) N
`Based on the Best—seIIingl-fimerr'cun Heritage‘i‘ Didional}:
` ti
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`10 9
`hiked up her socks. 4. Football To snap (the
`ball). Hi.
`‘i. A long walk. 2. An often abrupt
`increase or rise: a price hike. 3. Footbali See
`snap 9. ['9‘] —hii(’er n.
`htular-i-ous (id-lfir’e—as. dart, hT-) rad}. Bois-
`terously funny. l< Gk. hilnros, cheerfulJ —hl-
`lar’i-ouaoly adv. —hi-ler’loty a.
`Hit-daogard yon Bing-en (hi'l’dc—gard’ Von
`blog’on). 10984178. German nun, poet. and
`ill (1111) r- a. 1. A well-defined natural elevation
`smaller than a mountain. 2. A small heap. pile,
`or mound. 3. Hill The US Congress. —idiom:
`cue! the hill informal Past one‘s prime.
`0E tout] —hi|l'i-naes n. —hill’y adj.
`flora-w thll’a-re), Sir Edmund Percival. b.
`1919. New Zealand mountaineer.
`“untidy [hil’bil’e) m, pt. -iies tnfomal. A
`Person from the backwoods or a remote moun-
`min area.
`“pack (hfl’ak) Ht. A small hill. [ME hiilakj
`moside (hfl’aid') P n. The slope of a hill.
`ill-top (hfl’tdp’) I» a. The crest of a hill.
`ilt (hilt) H1. The handle of a weapon or tool.
`idiom:to the hilt To the limit; completely.
`-[< 012.] '
`lj-ton thil’tan), James. 1900-54. British
`im (him) bpron. The objective case of he. 1.
`Used as a direct or indirect object.- They chase
`in; {gave him a miss. 2. Used as the object
`Ufa preposition: This call isfor him. See Usage
`te at I‘. [< 0E]
`oa-iaoya Mountains (tfim’o—la’a,
`l’yo) A mountain system of S-central Asia
`tending about 2.414 km (1,500 mi) through
`ahrnir. N India. 3 Xizang (Tibet). Nepal,
`tkkim, and Bhutan. ~—Him'a-Ia'¥an adj.
`osell (id'm-sélf’) bpmir. 1. That one identi-
`'with him: a. Used reflexiveiy as the direct
`ndirect object of a verb or the object of a
`preposition: He cut himsey'. [3. Used for empha-
`:He himseh‘d'io‘ it. 2. His normal or healthy
`I uition'. He ’5 feeling himseh’agat'n.
`I'ld‘ (hind) bad}. Located at or forming the
`: or rear; posterior: hind iegs.
`[< OE
`' a (bind) I- n. A female red deer. [< 0E]
`e-mlth (bln’da-mith, emit), Paul. 1895—
`_ 3. German violist and composer.
`eden-burg (hin'dan-bfitg'). Paul von.
`474934. German general and politician.
`er (h'hi’dst') II- 1;. 1. To be or get in the way
`. To obstruct or delay the progress of. [c
`rim] whin’der-er n.
`lflii‘n’de) Ht. 1. A group of Indie dialects
`in N India. 2. The literary and official
`age based on these dialects. —H|n'di
`most (int-id’mcst’) also hind-er-moat
`n. 'datr—) bath. Farthest to the rear; last.
`squat-tar (hmd’kwér’ter) an.
`1. The
`of meat.
`liquar‘ters The rump of a' four-footed
`t‘ahce (hln’drans) Hi. 1. The act of hin-
`or condition of being hindered. 2. One
`ght (hmd’sit’) on. Understanding of
`after their occurrence.
`Olin’ddb) bad}. of Hinduism or the
`in. 1. An adherent of Hinduism. 2. A
`hilarious i hippie
`native of india, esp. N India.
`Hin-du-Ism (hia’dtnn—tz’am) >11. A diverse
`body of religion. philosophy. and culture native
`to India.
`Hindu Kuah (kdosh, kiish) A mountain range
`of SW Asia extending W from N Pakistan to
`NE Afghanistan.
`Hin-du natan thin'ddo-stan’, —st5n’) 1. A histor-
`ical region of India considered at various times
`to include only the upper Ganges R. plateau or
`all of N India. 2. The entire Indian subcon—
`Hin-du-ata-ni (hin’doo—sta’ne, -sta"n’e) ha. A
`group of Indic dialects that includes Urdu and
`Hindi. bad}. 01’ or relating to Hindustan or the
`Hindustani language.
`hinge (hinj) in. 1. A jointed device that allows
`the turning of a part. such as a door, on a frame.
`2. A similar structure or part. by. hinged.
`hing-ing 1. To attach by or equip with or as
`if with a hinge. 2. To be contingent on a single
`factor; depend: The safety ofrha ream hinges on '
`the wearhe r. [ME]
`left to right: strap and T-hinge models
`hint (him) in. 1. A slight indication or intima—
`tion. 2. A barely perceptible amount: just a hint
`of color. iv. 1. To make known in an indirect
`manner. 2. To give a hint. [Poss < 0E hentan,
`to grasp.) —hin1:’er n.
`hin-tar-land (hin'tcr—liind’) in. 1. The land
`adjacent to and inland from a coast. 2. A region
`remote from urban areas. [Gen]
`hip‘ (hip) Ht. 1. The part of the human body
`that projects outward over the hipbone between
`the waist and the thigh. 2. The hip joint. [< OE
`hip’ (hip) also hep {hép} badj. hip-per. hipo
`pest also hep-per; hep-pest Slang 1.
`Keeniy aware of the latest trends or develop-
`ments. 2. Cognizant; wise. 3. Very fashionable
`or stylish. [Poss of African orig] ——hip’ness
`hips (hip) Hi. The fleshy, usu. red fruit of the
`rose, used for tea. [< OE heape]
`hipobona (hip’bdn’) vn. Either of two large
`flat bones each forming one of the halves of
`the pelvis.
`hip-hop (hip’hop’) Hi. 1. A popular urban
`youth culture. closely associated with rap
`music and the style of inner-city African
`Americans. 2. Rap music. [Prob. 1-1le +HoP'.]
`hip joint I» n. The ball-and-socket joint between
`the femur and the hipbone.
`hip-pie also hip-py (hip’E) hm, pi. -pies
`Slang. A member of a social and political
`movement-advocating such practices as paci-
`fisrn, nonconfonnity in dress and behavior. and