`Collegiate? Dictionary, Eleventh Edition
`. The
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`Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
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`30th printing Quad Graphics Martinsburg, WV 712014
`high-tension 0 histamine
`nigh—ten-sion \‘hi-‘ten-ehaMady‘ : having hlnt \'hint\ n 1 : an indirect»;
`or usingahigh voltage
`suggestion 2 : CLUB 3 : a '
`high-test \-’test\ ad? : having a high oc-
`amount 0 Synonyms mg“
`lane number
`svsmzoN. mm, mm
`high—utick-et nephew: 5mm hin-Ieroland \‘hin-tar~.land\ n '
`high—toned \—'ti’md\ mi? 1 : high in so-
`gion, behind a coast 2 : a re
`curl. moral, or inteilectual quality 2
`from cities
`‘hlp \‘hip\ n : the fruit of e m
`:_ mmmovs. Pomona
`Pugh-way \'hI-.w§\ r: : a main direct. road “hip 11
`1 : the part of the
`szde beigw the waist consisting.
`highway-man \‘hifiwe-mam n : a thief
`of the pelvis and the upper thigh”
`who robs travelers on a. road
`I'll-lifk alwbyhigh-jack \'hi-.lj]::.kl\BVb =fltlo
`stopping a V:
`e 9h] adi hip-per hi
`est :
`hlshlway: 35:10.3 ‘g commggfife: flying a? or intereimeil inrgie
`airpane——IJGH— -
`tears ecu-in
`1 «ca renews: hiked; hikuing 1 in: move rhipeflb hlpptgd; mp, "93%;”
`or raise with a sudden motion 2 I to take hiobona \lhimn. “1,5,“ It:
`a long walk— hik-ern
`flaring bone that makes a -..
`use new
`mike :3 29:18 ion): walk 2 : R133.
`the pelvis in mammals
`hi-lar-l'ooue \hi-‘Ier-e-os. Eli-\acfl' :merked helsprzh: inhgiggpyo:th: wage
`by or providing boisterous merfiment — tees of rap music 2 : the ..
`hi-lan-Imuely adv my hl-Iar-l-ty \-o-te\ n mic music gm “camp“
`I1I||\'hil\n 1 :a lien. rounded elevation of
`hip-hop my
`earth _ y
`land )2 :hemlitngheap or mound (as of hi
`hug-gar: \lhjpmhrsM\
`hfili-biI-l wk: bi-16\ n, 33: dies : a. person
`$3,? “1°” mm“ ”an“ m .
`mm a as
`code area
`hlil-oek menu I! : a man hill
`“#3331213 gh‘ffiflfimw
`hlllusidgthil-usifl 21:13::mgr: of a bill be- hipped \‘hipn my : having MN
`t e oot
`road -
`hiliotop \1téip\ n : the top of a hill
`specified kind a
`hilt \'hi.1t\ :1 : a handle esp. of a sword or. ngfifigggpflwge‘gfih
`mores and advocates nonvio
`I'Ilm \‘iiim\mn, objective case aims
`long-haired unconventional
`hlmaself \him—‘seln pron : no, HIM ——
`young person
`used refiexively. for emphasis. or in ab-
`solute constructions
`hipopo \'hi-p5\ n. p! hippos”
`‘hlnd \‘hind\ n. p! binds: also hind : a fe-
`male of a common Eurasian deer
`h:g;g°;g:°me \'h:f-m1drom\u
`2him“! adj : moire dog's no legs}
`“Willie unnames.
`D -mus-es or -ml \-.m:‘\ [
`hirpmpoha-mue \.hi-pon .-
`progress 0
`: to hoid bar:
`‘hin-der \‘hifn-gafi vb
`1 : to ikmpegimthe
`nyms engraver. BLOCK. em, MED‘E 9.999%”, {melt-.0: bfl’mm
`5““ horse] ‘ a “99 this): ..
`2l'Iind-er \'hin-dar\adi : BIND
`:gimagmatlh“ WWW!
`Hinedi \'I’lin-d§\ n : a literary and official
`- payme
`language of northern India
`farthest to mm; 3mg}: “$31
`{1511:maggot \ hind-.moefl tub
`hind- uaroter-\- kwt'rr-tafl n 1 : one side W ‘ one . ° ‘5
`of tlfie back he.“ of the carcass of a ihire Vb hired; hlrolng- 1 ‘
`13:39; - 5°. :33“
`:39]. '-
`quadruped 2 91:; : the part of Elie body of
`fufiflgumgfi End the Junction of hind hire-ling Hagar—Hm n : a h"
`esp:one\v1 mercenarym._
`Emma? 2 333m"Dfifimi” "g hir-sute \‘harusiit. ‘him my
`‘hle \‘hiz\ Edi : of or relating
`: the action of hindering
`hind-sight \'hind-,sit\ u : understanding him“
`zhi? pron I one Of the was
`ofan event after it has happened
`Hindu-Arable ad: : relating to. being. or
`HIS-Danae \hsJSPfl-mfl m6
`composed of Arabic numerais
`Hin-du-ism \'hin-di_i-.i—zom\-n : a body of
`to, or being {13815011 0f La
`Ieiisious beliefs and practices native to
`168081“- lime In the U3. —-
`India — Hindu n motif
`hlss \‘hjs\ vb : to make
`hlnd wlngn :either of the posterior wings
`sound: aim 5 to express .
`of a. 4-wlnsed insect
`hissms ~—— has n
`‘I'Iinge \'him‘\ It : a jointed device on which him lit \'hi-sé-\ n :
`a. swinging part (as :1 door. gate, or lid) his! ebb:- historian.
`nge :
`I'Igo as
`:to either:
`atrium a m
`a hi
`h h's'ta'miflewmmvmgia
`by or fumish with hinges 2 : to be eon-
`that plays a meior rate in,
`. tingent on a single consideration
`firms (as hay fever)