`Robert J. McEliece
`(last revision March 25, 2006)
`1. “Codes with Bounded Synchronization Delay” (with S. Golomb), JPL Space Programs
`Summary 37-23, vol. IV (1963), pp. 146–149.
`2. “Optimal Communication Nets,” JPL Space Programs Summary 37-29, vol. IV (1964),
`pp. 221–227.
`3. “Lattice Structure of Codes over Binary Asymmetric Channels,” JPL Space Programs
`Summary 37-29, vol. IV (1964), pp. 308–310.
`4. “Weights of Cyclic Codes” (with G. Solomon), J. Comb. Theory 1 (1966), pp. 459–475.
`5. “A Combinatorial Identity in Order Statistics,” JPL Space Programs Summary 37-39,
`vol. IV (1966), pp. 230–231.
`6. “Efficient Solutions of Equations for Decoding,” JPL Space Programs Summary 37-40,
`vol. IV (1966), pp. 216–218.
`7. “A Class of Two-Weight Codes,” JPL Space Programs Summary 37-41, vol. IV (1966),
`pp. 264–266.
`8. “A Generalization of Difference Sets,” Can. J. Math. 19 (1967), pp. 206–211.
`9. Linear Recurring Sequences Over Finite Fields, Ph.D. Thesis, Caltech, March
`10. “On the Number of Information Bits in Certain Cyclic Codes,” JPL Space Programs
`Summary 37-44, vol. IV (1967), pp. 291–293.
`11. “Weights of Cyclic Codes,” Proc. First Hawaii International Conference on System
`Sciences, (1968), pp. 162–165.
`12. “A Note on Reed-Solomon Codes,” JPL Space Programs Summary 37-49, vol. III
`(1968), pp. 310–311.
`13. “Capabilities of Convolutional Codes” (with Howard Rumsey Jr.), JPL Space Pro-
`grams Summary 37-50, vol. III (1968), pp. 248–251.
`14. “Cross-Correlation of Reverse Maximal-Length Shift Register Sequences” (with T.
`Dowling), JPL Space Programs Summary 37-53, vol. III (1968), pp. 192–193.
`Hughes, Exh. 1075, p. 1

`15. “Sphere-Packing in the Hamming Metric” (with Howard Rumsey Jr.), Bull. American
`Math. Soc., 75 (1969), pp. 32–34.
`16. “Factorization of Polynomials Over Finite Fields,” Math. Comp. 23 (1969), pp. 861–
`17. “Cyclic Codes and Exponential Sums,” Proc. Second Hawaii International Conference
`on System Sciences, (1969), pp. 223–225.
`18. “The Synchronization of Reed-Solomon Codes,” JPL Space Programs Summary 37-
`55, vol. III (1969), pp. 38–41.
`19. “Quadratic Forms Over Finite Fields and Second-Order Reed-Muller Codes,” JPL
`Space Programs Summary 37-58, vol. III (1969), pp. 28–33.
`20. “On the Symmetry of Good Nonlinear Codes,” IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory IT-16
`(1970), pp. 609–611.
`21. “Error-Correcting Prefixes for Establishing Word Synchronization,” JPL Space Pro-
`grams Summary 37-61, vol. III (1970), pp. 48–50.
`22. “Some Results on the Capacity of Graphs” (with R. P. Stanley and H. Taylor), JPL
`Space Programs Summary 37-61, vol. III (1970), pp. 51–54.
`23. “An Upper Bound on the Free Distance of a Tree Code” (with J. Layland), JPL Space
`Programs Summary 37-62, vol. III (1970), pp. 63–64.
`24. “On Periodic Sequences from GF(q),” J. Comb. Theory Series A, 10 (1971), pp. 80–91.
`25. “Ramsey Bounds for Graph Products” (with Paul Erd¨os and Herbert Taylor), Pac. J.
`Math. 37 (1971), pp. 45–46.
`26. “Hide and Seek, Data Storage, and Entropy” (with Edward C. Posner), Ann. Math.
`Stat. 42 (1971), pp. 1706–1716.
`27. “Theorem 6.2.2” in J. H. van Lint, Coding Theory, Springer Lecture Notes in Math-
`ematics no. 201 (1971), pp. 123–125.
`28. “A Combinatorial Packing Problem” (with L. D. Baumert et. al.), Computers in
`Algebra and Number Theory (SIAM-AMS Proceedings vol. IV, 1971), pp. 97–108.
`29. “The Limits of Minimum-Distance Decoding,” JPL Deep Space Network Progress
`Report 42– 2 (1971), pp. 29–61.
`30. “Symmetrically Decodable Codes” (with J. Savage), JPL Deep Space Network
`Progress Report 42– 2 (1971), pp. 62–64.
`Hughes, Exh. 1075, p. 2

`31. “The Problem of Synchronization of Noisy Video,” JPL Deep Space Network Progress
`Report 42– 3 (1971), pp. 105–107.
`32. “Euler Products, Cyclotomy, and Coding” (with Howard Rumsey Jr.), J. Number
`Theory 4 (1972), pp. 302–311.
`33. “Weights of Irreducible Cyclic Codes” (with L. D. Baumert), Inf. and Control 20
`(1972), pp. 158–175.
`34. “Weight Congruences for p-ary Cyclic Codes,” Discrete Math. 3 (1972), pp. 177–192.
`35. “Weights Modulo 8 in Binary Cyclic Codes,” JPL Deep Space Network Progress Re-
`port 42– 11 (1972), pp. 86–88.
`36. “On the Weight Enumerators of Quadratic Residue Codes” (with J. Mykkeltveit and
`C. Lam), JPL Deep Space Network Progress Report 42– 12 (1972), pp. 161–165.
`37. “A Note on the Griesmer Bound” (with L. D. Baumert), IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory
`IT-19 (1973), pp. 134–135.
`38. “Comment on ‘A Class of Codes for Asymmetric Channels and a Problem from the
`Additive Theory of Numbers,’ ” IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory IT-19 (1973), p. 137.
`39. “Covering Tori with Squares” (with Herbert Taylor), J. Comb. Thy. 14 (1973),
`pp. 119–124.
`40. “Hiding and Covering in a Compact Metric Space” (with Edward C. Posner), Ann.
`Stat. 1 (1973), pp. 729–739.
`41. “A Golay-Viterbi Concatenated Coding Scheme for MJS’77” (with L. Baumert), JPL
`Deep Space Network Progress Report 42– 18 (1973), pp. 76–84.
`42. “A Low-Rate Improvement on the Elias Bound” (with Lloyd R. Welch and Howard
`Rumsey Jr.), IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory IT-20 (1974), pp. 676–678.
`43. “ON DSN Antenna Scheduling” (with L. Harper and A. Odlyzko), JPL Deep Space
`Network Progress Report 42– 20 (1974), pp. 53–56.
`44. “The Ultimate Limits of Binary Coding for a Wideband Gaussian Channel” (with S.
`Butman), JPL Deep Space Network Progress Report 42– 22 (1974), pp. 78–80.
`45. “Forward Error Correction for the Ground Communications Facility” (with O.
`Adeyemi), JPL Deep Space Network Progress Report 42– 22 (1974), pp. 114–117.
`Hughes, Exh. 1075, p. 3

`46. “Irreducible Cyclic Codes and Gauss Sums,” in Combinatorics: Proceedings of
`the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at Nijenrode Castle, Breuke-
`lin, The Netherlands, 8-20 July 1974 (M. Hall Jr. and J. H. van Lint, eds.),
`Mathematical Centre, Amsterdam, 1975, pp. 185–202.
`47. “Performance of Some Block Codes on a Gaussian Channel” (with L. Baumert), Proc.
`1975 ITC Conference, pp. 189–195.
`48. “Golay-Viterbi Decoding: Results of the MVM’73 X-Band Telemetry Experiment”
`(with L. Baumert), JPL Deep Space Network Progress Report 42– 25 (1975), pp. 108–
`49. “Zeroes of Functions in Finite Abelian Group Algebras” (with P. Delsarte), Am. J.
`Math. 98 (1976), pp. 197–224.
`50. “Timesharing without Synchronization” (with A. Rubin), Proc. 1976 ITC Conference,
`pp. 16–20.
`51. “The Analysis of Structured Programs—Part I: Kirchhoff’s Equations,” JPL Deep
`Space Network Progress Report 42– 32 (1976), pp. 178–185.
`52. “Decoding with Multipliers” (with L. Baumert and G. Solomon), JPL Deep Space
`Network Progress Report 42– 34 (1976), pp. 43–46.
`53. “New Upper Bounds on the Rate of a Code via the Delsarte-MacWilliams Inequalities”
`(with E. Rodemich, H. Rumsey, L. Welch), IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory IT-23 (1977),
`pp. 57–166.
`54. “An Improved Upper Bound on the Block Coding Error Exponent for Binary Input
`Discrete Memoryless Channels” (with J. Omura), IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory IT-23
`(1977), pp. 611–612.
`55. “There Is No MacWilliams Identity for Convolutional Codes” (with J. Shearer), IEEE
`Trans. Inform. Theory IT-23 (November 1977), p. 775.
`56. “On Detection of Combined Occurrences,” Comm. ACM 20 (1977), pp. 678–679.
`57. The Theory of Information and Coding, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1977.
`58. “Multiple-Access Channels without Synchronization” (with E. C. Posner), ICC’77
`Conference Record, vol. 2, pp. 246–248.
`59. “Synchronization Strategies for RFI Channels” (with H. Van Tilborg and S. Tung),
`JPL Deep Space Network Progress Report 42– 38 (1977), pp. 103–106.
`Hughes, Exh. 1075, p. 4

`60. “An Asymptotic Analysis of a General Class of Signal Detection Algorithms” (with
`E. Rodemich), JPL Deep Space Network Progress Report 42– 39 (1977), pp. 30–35.
`61. “A Property of Euclid’s Algorithm and an Application to Pad´e Approximation” (with
`J. Shearer), J. SIAM Appl. Math. 34 (1978), pp. 611–615.
`62. “On the Inherent Intractability of Certain Coding Problems” (with E. R. Berlekamp
`and H. Van Tilborg), IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory IT-24 (1978), pp. 384–386.
`63. “The Lov´asz Bound and Some Generalizations” (with E. Rodemich and H. Rumsey),
`J. Combinatorics, Information, and System Science, 3 (1978), pp. 134–152.
`64. “Soft Decision Decoding of Block Codes” (with L. D. Baumert), Proc. 1978 ITC
`Conference, pp. 879–882. A preliminary version appeared is JPL Deep Space Network
`Progress Report 42– 47 (1978), pp. 60–64.
`65. “An Analysis of Alternate Symbol Inversion for Improved Symbol Synchronization in
`Convolutionally Coded Systems” (with L. Baumert and H. Van Tilborg), JPL Deep
`Space Network Progress Report 42– 44 (1978), pp. 90–97.
`66. “A Public-Key Cryptosystem Based on Algebraic Coding Theory,” JPL Deep Space
`Network Progress Report 42– 44 (1978), pp. 114–116.
`67. “Coding for Optical Channels” with L. D. Baumert and H. Rumsey Jr.), JPL Deep
`Space Network Progress Report 42– 49 (1978), pp. 70–77.
`68. “Symbol Synchronization in Convolutionally Coded Systems” (with L. Baumert and
`H. van Tilborg), IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory IT-25 (1979), pp. 362–365.
`69. “The Bounds of Delsarte and Lovasz, and Their Applications to Coding Theory,” in
`Algebraic Coding Theory and Applicationsz, G. Longo, ed., CISM Courses and
`Lectures No. 258, Springer-Verlag, Vienna, 1979, pp. 107–178.
`70. “Coding for the Photon Channel,” Proc. 1979 National Telecommunications Confer-
`ence, pp. 23.3.1–23.3.2.
`71. “A Note on Digital Signatures,” JPL Deep Space Network Progress Report 42– 50
`(1979), pp. 95–96.
`72. “Coding for Optical Channels with Photon-Counting” (with L. Welch), JPL Deep
`Space Network Progress Report 42– 52 (1979), pp. 61–66.
`73. “The R0–Parameter for Optical Communication Using Photon-Counting,” JPL Deep
`Space Network Progress Report 42– 53 (1979), pp. 62–65.
`Hughes, Exh. 1075, p. 5

`74. “The Practical Limits of Photon Communication” (with A. Rubin and E. Rodemich),
`JPL Deep Space Network Progress Report 42– 55 (1979), pp. 63–67.
`75. “A Probabilistic Version of Sperner’s Theorem” (with L. Baumert, E. Rodemich, and
`H. Rumsey), Ars Combinatoria, 9 (1980), pp. 91–100.
`76. “Correlation Properties of Sets of Sequences Derived from Irreducible Cyclic Codes,”
`Information and Control 45 (1980), pp. 18–25.
`77. “The Constantin-Rao Construction for Binary Asymmetric Error-Correcting Codes”
`(with E. Rodemich), Information and Control 44 (1980), pp. 187–196.
`78. “Universal Noiseless Data Compression for Markov Sources” (with M. Pursley and
`M. Wallace), Proc. 1980 Conf. Inform. Sciences and Systems (Princeton, NJ, March
`1980), pp. 164–167.
`79. “Some Combinatorial Aspects of Spread-Spectrum Communication Systems,” Proc.
`1980 NATO ASI on Multi-User Communication (Norwich, England, 1980) pp. 199–
`80. “A Note on the R0–Parameter for Discrete Memoryless Channels,” JPL TDA Progress
`Report vol. 42-60 (Sept.-Oct. 1980), pp. 96–97.
`81. “Interleaved Block Codes for the Photon Channel,” JPL TDA Progress Report vol.
`60 (Sept.-Oct. 1980), pp. 98–107.
`82. “RFI Channels,” JPL TDA Progress Report vol 42-60 (Sept.-Oct. 1980), pp. 103–106.
`83. “Multiple Access Channel Capacity Is Attainable without Synchronization” (with T.
`Cover and E. C. Posner), IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory IT-27 (1981), pp. 409–413.
`84. “Efficient Universal Noiseless Source Codes” (with L. Davisson, M. Pursley, M. Wal-
`lace), IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory IT-27 (1981), pp. 269–279.
`85. “On Sharing Secrets and Reed-Solomon Codes” (with D. V. Sarwate), Comm. ACM,
`24 (1981), pp. 583–584.
`86. “Practical Codes for Photon Communication,” IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory IT-27
`(1981), pp. 393–398.
`87. “An Inequality Arising in Information Theory” (with B. Reznick and J. Shearer),
`SIAM J. Math Analysis 12 (1981), pp. 931–934.
`88. “An Information-Theoretic Study of Communication in the Presence of Jamming”
`(with W. Stark), ICC 1981 Conference Record, pp. 45.3.1–45.3.5.
`Hughes, Exh. 1075, p. 6

`89. “Capacity of FSK in the Presence of Fading and Partial Band Jamming” (with W.
`Stark), NTC 1981 Conference Record, pp. B7.4.1–B7.4.5.
`90. “RFI Channels II,” JPL TDA Progress Report vol. 42-65 (1981), pp. 75–80.
`91. “The R0 Parameter for the Gaussian Channel,” (with E. R. Rodemich) JPL Deep
`Space Network Progress Report 42– 65 (1981), pp. 81–85.
`92. “Lifetime Analyses of Error-Control Coded Semiconductor RAM Systems” (with R.
`Goodman), Proc. IEE, vol. 129, pt. E, May 1982, pp. 81–85.
`93. “The Optimal Code Rate vs. a Partial-Band Jammer” (with W. Stark), Proceedings
`MILCOM’82, pp. 8.5.1–8.5.4.
`94. “Hamming Codes, Computer Memories, and the Birthday Surprise” (with R. M. F.
`Goodman), Proc. 20th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Comput-
`ing (1982), pp. 672–679.
`95. “A Maximum-Entropy Markov Chain” (with E. R. Rodemich), Proceedings 17th An-
`nual Conference on Information Science and Systems, (1983), pp. 245–248.
`96. “Communication in the Presence of Jamming—An Information Theoretic Approach,”
`in Secure Digital Communications, G. Longo, ed., CISM Courses and Lectures,
`vol. 279, Springer-Verlag (1983), pp. 127–166.
`97. “A Study of Optimal Abstract Jamming Strategies vs. Noncoherent MFSK” (with
`E. R. Rodemich), Proceedings MILCOM’83, pp. 1–6.
`98. “The Jamming Game,” in Research Trends in Military Communications, Proceedings
`ARO Workshop held May 1-4, 1983, pp. 116–123; USC Publication No. CSI-83-12-01.
`99. “Channels with Block Interference” (with W. Stark), IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory
`IT-30 (1984), pp. 44–53.
`100. “Node Synchronization for the Viterbi Decoder” (with G. Lorden and L. Swanson),
`IEEE Transactions Comm., vol. COM-32 (1984), pp. 524–531.
`101. “Soft-Error Correction for Increased Densities in VLSI Memories” (with K. Abdel-
`Ghaffar), Proc. 11th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture
`(Ann Arbor, Mich., 1984), pp. 248–250.
`102. “A Study of Viterbi’s Ratio-Threshold AJ Technique” (with L.-F. Chang), MIL-
`COM’84 Proceedings, pp. 182–186.
`Hughes, Exh. 1075, p. 7

`103. “Average-Case Optimized Buffered Decoders” (with E. R. Berlekamp), in The Im-
`pact of Processing Techniques on Communications, J. K. Skwirzynski, ed. (Vol.
`91E in the NATO ASI Series), Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff (1985), pp. 145–158.
`104. “An Easy-to-Implement Coding Scheme for Multifrequency PPM,” (with L. Swanson),
`JPL TDA Progress Report vol. 42-77 (Jan.-Mar. 1984), pp. 57–63.
`105. “Some Information Theoretic Saddlepoints” (with J. M. Borden and D. M. Mason),
`SIAM J. Control and Optimization, vol. 23 (1985), pp. 129–143.
`106. “The Reliability of Computer Memories,” Scientific American vol. 252, no. 1 (January
`1985), pp. 88–95.
`107. “Coding Protection for Magnetic Tapes: A Generalization of the Patel-Hong Code”
`(with M. Blaum), IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory IT-31 (Sept. 1985), pp. 690–693.
`108. “A Preliminary Analysis of the Hopfield Associative Memory” (with E. C. Posner and
`E. Rodemich), Proc. 1985 Allerton Conference, pp. 465–469.
`109. “Symbol Stream Combining in a Convolutionally Coded System,” (with F. Pollara
`and L. Swanson), JPL TDA Progress Report vol. 42-81 (Jan.-Mar. 1985), pp. 47–50.
`110. “Error and Erasure Probabilities for Galileo Uplink Code” (with J. Berner and E. C.
`Posner), JPL TDA Progress Report vol. 42-83 (July-September 1985), pp. 165–179.
`111. “The Number of Stable Points of an Infinite-Range Spin Glass” (with E. C. Posner),
`JPL TDA Progress Report vol. 42-83 (July-September 1985), pp. 209–215.
`112. “A Note on the Wideband Gaussian Broadcast Channel,” (with E. C. Posner and L.
`Swanson), JPL TDA Progress Report vol. 42-84 (Oct.-Dec. 1985), pp. 60–65.
`113. “On the Decoder Error Probability for Reed-Solomon Codes,” (with L. Swanson), JPL
`TDA Progress Report vol. 42-84 (Oct.-Dec. 1985), pp. 66–72.
`114. “An Entropy Maximization Problem Related to Optical Communication” (with E.
`Rodemich and L. Swanson), IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory IT-32 (1986), pp. 322–326.
`115. “On the Existence of Optimum Cyclic Burst Correcting Codes” (with K. Abdel-
`Ghaffar, A. Odlyzko, and H. Van Tilborg), IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory vol. IT-32
`(Nov. 1986), pp. 768–775.
`116. “On the Decoder Error Probability for Reed-Solomon Codes” (with Laif Swanson),
`IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory vol. IT-32 (Sept. 1986), pp. 701–703.
`Hughes, Exh. 1075, p. 8

`117. “An Error-Control Code with an Imbalance of Ones and Zeros to Provide a Residual
`Carrier Component” (with E. R. Berlekamp, R. J. Currie, C. K. Rushforth, and Po
`Tong), Proceedings MILCOM’86 pp. 31.1.1-31.1.4.
`118. “A Note on the Wideband Gaussian Broadcast Channel” (with L. Swanson), IEEE
`Trans. Comm. vol. COM-35 (April 1987), pp. 452–453.
`119. “The Capacity of the Hopfield Associative Memory” (with E. C. Posner, E. Rodemich,
`and S. Venkatesh), IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory vol. IT-33 (July 1987), pp. 461–482.
`Reprinted in: V. Vemuri, Ed. Artificial Neural Networks: Theoretical Concepts. Los
`Angeles: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1988.
`120. Finite Fields for Computer Scientists and Engineers. Boston: Kluwer, 1987.
`121. “Coping with Wayward 0’s and 1’s,”, pp. 85–95 in the book Memory and Stor-
`age. (I was the major contributor to this essay.) Alexandria, Va.: Time-Life Books ,
`“Understanding Computers” Series, 1987.
`122. “On the Capacity of Channels with Block Memory” (with W. Stark), IEEE Trans.
`Inform. Theory IT-34 (1988), pp. 322-324.
`123. “The R´enyi Redundancy of Generalized Huffman Codes” (with Anselm Blumer), IEEE
`Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-34 (Sept. 1988), pp. 1242–1249.
`124. “Hooray for Calculus!” (with H. Fredricksen and B. Reznick), Mathematics Magazine,
`vol. 61 (1988), p. 147.
`125. “The Ultimate Limits of Information Density” (with K. Abdel-Ghaffar), in Perfor-
`mance Limits in Communication Theory and Practice (J.K. Skwirzynski, ed.)
`vol. E142 of NATO ASI Series. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1988, pp. 267–279.
`126. “A Decision Procedure for Hofstadter’s MIU System” (with Laif Swanson), Mathe-
`matical Intelligencer vol. 10 (1988), pp. 48-49.
`127. “Finite-State Codes” (with F. Pollara and K. Abdel-Ghaffar), IEEE Trans. Inform.
`Theory, vol. IT-34 (Sept. 1988), pp. 1083–1089. (An earlier, but substantially identical,
`version of this paper appeared as “Constructions for Finite-State-Codes,” JPL TDA
`Progress Report vol. 42-90 (August 1987) pp. 42–49.
`128. “Behavior of Codes at Very Low Signal-to-Noise Ratios” (with Chi-Chao Chao and
`Laif Swanson), Proc. 1988 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory,
`p. 233.
`129. “On the Path Weight Enumerators of Convolutional Codes,” (with C.C. Chao), Proc.
`1988 Allerton Conference, pp. 1049–1058.
`Hughes, Exh. 1075, p. 9

`130. “The Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes,” JPL TDA Progress Report vol. 42-95
`(November 1988) pp. 153–167.
`131. “The Reliability of Single-Error Protected Computer Memories” (with Mario Blaum
`and Rodney Goodman), IEEE Trans. Computers vol. 37 (1988), pp. 114-119.
`132. “The Undetected Error Probability for Reed-Solomon Codes”, (with K.-M. Cheung),
`Proc. MILCOM 1988, pp. 5.7.1-5.7.5.
`133. “Two-Dimensional Burst Identification Codes and Their Use in Burst Correction”
`(with K. Abdel-Ghaffar and H. van Tilborg), IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory vol. IT-34
`(1988) pp. 494–504.
`134. “Further Results on Finite-State Codes” (with F. Pollara and K.-M. Cheung), JPL
`TDA Progress Report vol. 42-92 (Oct.-Dec. 1987), pp. 56–62.
`135. “A VLSI decomposition of the de Bruijn Graph” (with O. Collins, S. Dolinar, and F.
`Pollara), Journal of the ACM, vol. 39 (1992), pp. 931–948.
`136. Introduction to Discrete Mathematics (with R. B. Ash and C. Ash). New York:
`Random House, 1989.
`137. “Generalized DeBruijn Sequences” (with L. Popovi´c), Proc. 1989 Allerton Conference
`on Communication, Control, and Computing, pp. 346–354.
`138. “Channel Assignments in Cellular Radio” (with Kumar Sivarajan and John Ketchum),
`Proc. 1989 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, pp. 846–850.
`139. “Truncation Effects in Viterbi Decoding” (with Ivan Onyszchuk), Proc. MILCOM
`1989, pp. 29.3.1–29.3.5.
`140. “A Symbol Error Upper Bound for Rate 1/n Convolutional Codes” (with Ivan
`Onyszchuk), Proc. 1989 Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and
`Computing, pp. 334–335.
`141. “Some Easily-Analyzable Convolutional Codes” (with Sam Dolinar, Fabrizio Pol-
`lara, and Henk Van Tilborg), JPL TDA Progress Report vol.42-99 (November 1989),
`pp. 105–114. Also published in Proc. 3rd IBM Workshop on ECC, (Sept. 1989),
`pp. 102–115.
`142. “Safety in Numbers: Protecting Data Mathemagically,” Engineering and Science, vol.
`LII, no. 4, (Summer 1989), pp. 26–36.
`Hughes, Exh. 1075, p. 10

`143. “The Capacity-Cost function of a Noiseless Channel with Several Cost Constraints”
`(with L. Popovi´c), Presented at 1990 International Symposium on Information Theory.
`(ISIT 1990 Book of Abstracts, p. 16.)
`144. “Burst Error Correcting and Detecting Codes” (with K. Sivarajan and Henk
`van Tilborg), Presented at 1990 International Symposium on Information Theory.
`(ISIT 1990 Book of Abstracts, p. 153.)
`145. “More on the Behavior of Binary Block Codes at Low-Signal-to Noise Ratios” (with
`C.-C. Chao), Presented at 1990 International Symposium on Information Theory.
`(ISIT 1990 Book of Abstracts, p. 126.)
`146. “Performance of Binary Block Codes at Low Signal-to-Noise Ratios” (with C.-c. Chao,
`Eugene Rodemich, and Laif Swanson), IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory vol. IT-38 (1992)
`pp. 1677–1687.
`147. “Ob-la-di p-log-p,” IEEE Information Theory Society newsletter, June 1990, p. 6.
`148. “Dynamic Channel Assignment in Cellular Radio” (with Kumar Sivarajan and John
`Ketchum), Proc. 1990 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, pp. 631–637.
`149. “What Fathers Do.” (Letter to the Editor) New York Times Book Review, August 12,
`1990, p. 30.
`150. “Performance Limits for FDMA Cellular Telephone Systems” (with Kumar Sivarajan),
`Proc. 1990 Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, pp. 869–
`151. “A Markov Chain Model for the Burst Error Statistics of Viterbi Decoding” (with Chi-
`chao Chao), Proc. 1990 International Symposium Inform. Theory and its Applications,
`pp. 391–394.
`152. “Recent Advances in Coding for Near Error-Free Communications” (with K. M. Che-
`ung, L. Deutsch, S. Dolinar, F. Pollara, M. Shahshahani, and L. Swanson) Proc.
`Technology 2000 conference (November 27–28, 1990). NASA Conference Publication
`3109, Vol. 2, pp. 229–237
`153. “Performance Limits for Cellular Telephone Systems Defined by Hypergraphs,” (with.
`Kumar Sivarajan), Proc. Third IEE Conf. Telecommunications (Edinburgh, March
`1991), pp. 360–365
`154. “Performance Limits for Cellular Multiuser Communications Systems,” (with K.
`Sivarajan), proc. ISIT 91, p. 205.
`Hughes, Exh. 1075, p. 11

`155. “Asymptotic Performance of Fixed and Dynamic Channel Assignments in Cellular
`Radio,” (with. Kumar Sivarajan), Proc. 1991 International Symposium on Information
`Theory, p. 154.
`156. “Single Phased Burst Error Correcting Array Codes” (with R. Goodman and Mas
`Sayano), Proc. 1991 International Symposium on Information Theory, p. 195.
`157. “Some Partial Unit Memory Convolutional Codes,” (with K. Abdel-Ghaffar and G.
`Solomon), Proc. 1991 International Symposium on Information Theory, p. 196.
`158. “Some Properties of Memoryless Multiterminal Interference Channels,” (with M. Man-
`dell), Proc. 1991 International Symposium on Information Theory, p. 212.
`159. “Some Extensions of the Griesmer Bound” (with Gus Solomon) JPL TDA Progress
`Report vol. 42-105 (Jan.-Mar. 1991), pp. 41–44.
`160. “Partial Unit Memory Convolutional Codes” (with Khaled Abdel-Ghaffar and Gus-
`tave Solomon), JPL TDA Progress Report vol. 42-107 (Jul.-Sept. 1991), pp. 57–72.
`161. “Phased Burst Error Correcting Array Codes,” (with R. Goodman and M. Sayano),
`IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory IT-39 (March 1993), pp. 684–693.
`162. “Performance Limits for Channelized Cellular Telephone Systems”, (with Kumar
`Sivarajan) IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory IT-40 (January 1994), pp. 21-34.
`163. “The Analysis of Convolutional Codes via the Extended Smith Algorithm” (with Ivan
`Onyszchuk), JPL TDA Progress Report vol. 42-112 (February 1993), pp. 22–30.
`164. “The Extended Invariant Factor Algorithm with Application to the Forney Analysis of
`Convolutional Codes” (with Ivan Onyszchuk), Proc. 1993 Int. Symp. Inform. Theory,
`p. 142.
`165. “Some VLSI Decompositions of the deBruijn Graph,” with S. Dolinar and T.-M.
`Ko, pp. 189–198 in A Collection of Contributions in Honour of Jack Van Lint, P.
`J. Cameron and H. C. A. van Tilborg, eds. (Topics in Discrete Mathematics, vol. 7.
`Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1992.) Also published in Discrete Mathematics 106/107
`(1992), pp. 189–198.
`166. “VLSI Decompositions for deBruijn Graphs,” (with Sam Dolinar and Tsz-Mei Ko),
`Proc. 1992 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 1855–1858
`167. “Maximal Codeword Lengths in Huffman codes,” (with Y. S. Abu-Mostafa), Com-
`puters and Mathematics with Applications,vol. 39 (2000), pp. 129–134. (In honor of
`the 60th birthday of Professor Solomon W. Golomb.) Also JPL TDA Progress Report
`vol. 42-110 (August 1992), pp. 188–193.
`Hughes, Exh. 1075, p. 12

`168. “A Comparison of CDMA and Frequency Hopping in a Cellular Environment,” (with
`M. Mandell), Proc. First International Conference on Universal Personal Communi-
`cations (UPC ’92). Dallas: Sept. 29–Oct. 2, 1992, pp. 07.01.1–07.01.5
`169. “Heavy Traffic Performance of a Class of Channel Assignment Algorithms,” (with
`K. Sivarajan), Proc. Third International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile
`Radio Communications (PIMRC ’92). Boston: October 19–21, 1992, pp. 550–555.
`(Also published as IBM Research Report RC 18212 (79916).)
`170. “Maximizing Marginal Revenue In Generalized Blocking Service Networks,” (with K.
`Sivarajan), Proc. 1992 Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Com-
`puting, pp. 455–464.
`171. “A Comparison of CDMA and Frequency Hopping in a Cellular Environment,” (with
`M. Mandell). Proc. 1993 Int. Symp. Inform. Theory, p. 252.
`172. “Comparison of the Capacities of CDMA, FH, and FDMA Cellular Systems,” (with M.
`Izumi and M. Mandell), proc. Wireless 93 (The Fifth Annual International Conference
`on Wireless Communications), Calgary Canada, July 1993, pp. 145–154.
`173. “The General Theory of Convolutional Codes,” (with R. P. Stanley) JPL TDA
`Progress Report vol. 42-113 (May 1993), pp. 89–98.
`174. “Uncorrectable Sequences and Telecommand,” (with L. Ekroot, S. Dolinar, and L.
`Swanson JPL TDA Progress Report vol. 42-113 (May 1993), pp. 99–105.
`175. “Trace-Shortened Reed-Solomon Codes,” (with G. Solomon), pp. 32–36 in Commu-
`nications Theory and Applications II (Selected papers from the 2nd International
`Symposium on Communication Theory and Applications, Ambleside, UK, July 1993),
`B. Honary, M. Darnell, and P. Farrell, eds. c
`1994, HW Communications, Ltd. Also
`appeared in JPL TDA Progress Report vol. 42-117 (May 1994). pp. 119–127.
`176. “Why Channel Assignment Algorithms are Asymptotically Smart,” with E. R. Ro-
`demich and S. K. Deora. 1993 Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and
`Computing, September 1993, pp. 207–216.
`177. “Reed-Solomon Codes and the Exploration of the Solar System,” (with L. Swanson),
`Chapter 3 (pp. 25–40) in Reed Solomon Codes and Their Applications, S. B. Wicker
`and V. K. Bhargava (eds.). New York: IEEE Press, 1994.
`178. “Estimating the Size of Huffman Code Preambles.” (with T. H. Palmatier), JPL TDA
`Progress Report vol. 42-114 (August 1993), pp. 90–95.
`179. Obituary of Edward C. Posner, IEEE Information Theory Newsletter, vol. 43
`(Sept. 1993), pp. 1–3.
`Hughes, Exh. 1075, p. 13

`180. “Counting Minimal Generator Matrices,” (with Kim Lumbard) Proc. ISIT 1994, p. 18.
`181. “The Viterbi Decoding Complexity of Linear Block Codes,” Proc. ISIT 1994, p. 341.
`182. “Subspace Subcodes of Reed-Solomon Codes,” (with M. Hattori and W. Lin). Proc.
`ISIT 1994, p. 430.
`183. “The Trellis Complexity of Convolutional Codes” (w. W. Lin), pp. 106–132 in Com-
`munications, Coding, and Signal Processing Taunton, Somerset, England: Research
`Studies Press, 1997.
`184. “The Trellis Complexity of Convolutional Codes” (w. W. Lin), Proc. 3rd Int. Symp.
`Comm. Thy. Appl. (Ambleside, UK, June 1995), pp. 101–106.
`185. “Transfer function bounds on the performance of turbo-codes,” (w. D. Divsalar, S.
`Dolinar, and F. Pollara), JPL TDA Progress Report vol. 42-122 (May 1995), pp. 45–
`186. “On the BCJR Trellis for Linear Block Codes,” IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-
`42, no. 4 (July 1996), pp. 1072–1092.
`187. “The Permutation Trellis Complexity of Linear Block Codes” (with S. Dolinar, L.
`Ekroot, A. Kiely, and W. Lin), Proc. 32nd Annual Allerton Conf. on Communication,
`Control, and Computing, (Sept. 1994), pp. 60-74.
`188. “Trellis Decoding Complexity of Linear Block Codes,” (with A. Kiely, S. Dolinar, L.
`Ekroot, and W. Lin), IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-42, no. 6 (November 1996),
`pp. 1687–1697.
`189. “Minimal Trellises for Linear Block Codes and their Duals,” (with A. Kiely, S. Dolinar,
`L. Ekroot, and W. Lin, JPL TDA Progress Report vol. 42-121 (May 1995), pp. 148–
`190. “Trellis Complexity Bounds for Decoding Linear Block Codes,” (with A. Kiely, S.
`Dolinar, L. Ekroot, and W. Lin, JPL TDA Progress Report vol. 42-121 (May 1995),
`pp. 159–172.
`191. “Review of ‘A Collection of Contributions in Honour of Jack Van Lint’,” (book review),
`IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-40 (July 1994), p. 1303.
`192. “Asymptotic Performance Analysis of a Timid DCA Algorithm” (with S. K. Deora),
`Proc. Conf. Inform. Sciences and Systems (Baltimore, Maryland), March 1995.
`193. “Data Expansion with Huffman Codes,” (with J.-F. Cheng, M. Effros, and S. Dolinar)
`Proc. 1995 ISIT, p. 325.
`Hughes, Exh. 1075, p. 14

`194. “The Trellis Complexity of Convolutional Codes,” (with Wei Lin) IEEE Trans. Inform.
`Theory, vol. IT-42, no. 6 (November 1996), pp. 1855–1864.
`195. “Performance Limits for Blocking Multiuser Communication Networks,” (with S. K.
`Deora), Proc. 1995 IT Workshop on Information Theory, Multiple Access, and Queue-
`ing, St. Louis MO, April 1995, p. 49.
`196. “Superimposed Convolutional Codes,” (with J.-F. Cheng), Proc. 1995 Int. Symp.
`Comm. (ISCOM 95, Taipei Taiwan, December 1995.). pp. 105–110.
`197. “The Turbo Decision Algorithm,” (with E. Rodemich and J.-F. Cheng), Proc. 33rd
`1995 Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, pp. 366–381.
`198. “Subspace Subcodes of Reed-Solomon Codes,” (with M. Hattori and G. Solomon),
`IEEE Trans. Information Theory, vol. IT-44 (Sept. 1998), pp. 1861–1880.
`199. “Performance Analysis of Turbo Codes,” (with D. Divsalar, S. Dolinar, and F. Pol-
`lara), Proc. MILCOM 1995, pp. 91–96.
`200. “Asymptotic Coding Gain and Trellis Complexity,” (with W. Lin), Proc. 33rd 1995
`Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, pp. 313–322.
`201. “Unit-Memory Hamming Turbo Codes,” (with J.-F. Cheng), Proc. 1995 ISIT, p. 33.
`202. “An Inequality on Entropy,” (w. Z. Yu), Proc. 1995 ISIT, p. 329.
`203. “Information Theory.” Article to appear in Encyclopedia Americana.
`204. “The Algebraic Theory of Convolutional Codes,” Chapter 12, pp. 1065–1138 in Hand-
`book of Coding Theory, V. S. Pless and W.C. Huffman, eds. Amsterdam: Elsevier
`Science Publishers, 1998.
`205. “The Effective Free Distance of Turbo-Codes,” (w. D. Divsalar), Electronics Letters,
`vol. 32, no. 5 (29 Feb. 1996), pp. 445–446.
`206. “Hybrid Trellis Decoding of Some Convolutional Codes,” (w. Wei Lin), Proc. Prince-
`ton CISS 1996, March 1996, Princeton, pp. 572–577.
`207. “Hyperimposed Convlutional Codes,” (w. J. F. Cheng), Proc. 1996 IEEE International
`Communication Conference, Dallas, TX, pp. 979–983.
`208. “On Simplified Modelling of the Leaky Bucket,” (w. M. Jennings, J. Murphy, and Z.
`Yu), . . .
`209. Obituary of Gus Solomon, IEEE Information Theory Newsletter, vol. 46, no. 2 (June
`Hughes, Exh. 1075, p. 15

`210. “Statistical Multiplexing of Asynchronous Regulated Traffic,” (with Hui Jin and
`Zhong Yu), Proc. 1996 Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Com-
`puting, pp. 469–481.
`211. “Some High-Rate Near capacity Codecs for the Gaussian Channel,” (with J.-F.
`Cheng), Proc. 1996 Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Comput-
`ing, pp. 494–503.
`212. “Gus’s last theorem? Fast multiplication in GF (2m),” pp. 736–738 in vol. 2 of proc.
`1997 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Pro-
`213. “Turbo Decoding as an Instance of Pearl’s ‘Belief Propagation’ Algorithm,” (with
`David MacKay and J.-F. Cheng), IEEE J. Sel. Areas Comm., vol. 16, no. 2 (Feb.
`1998), pp. 140–152.
`214. “Belief Propagation in Loopy Bayesian Networks: Experimental Results,” (with G.
`Horn), Proc. 1997 International Symposium Inform.Theory, p. 232.
`215. “A G

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