`Series Editor: Professor P. G. Farrell, The University of Lancaster, UK
`Stanford University Libraries
`I, ' i I
`Coding, Communications and Broadcasting focuses on research topics in
`three important and related areas of digital communication theory and
`practice. The section on coding for error control provides the latest
`results on turbo and low-density parity check codes, iterative and low
`complexity decoding, source coding and cryptography. Coverage of
`communications systems and
`includes chapters on
`equalisation, image transmission, sequence design and synchronisation.
`Finally the section on digital broadcasting describes the exciting
`possibilities for development at transmission frequencies below 30 MHz
`and includes a review of current and future developments in digital
`video broadcasting.
`This book provides revised versions of presentations made by
`outstanding and well-known international researchers from academia
`and industry at the International Symposium on Communication Theory
`and Applications held in July 1999.
`Also in the Series:
`P. Fan & M. Darnell:
`Sequence Design for Communications Applications
`Edited by B. Honary,
`M. Darnell & P. Farrell
`Communications Coding and Signal Processing, Third
`Volume on Communication Theory and Applications
`Baldock, ertfordshire, England
`ISBN 0-86380-259-1
`9 7
`Ctlt~ u ~J
`Commu .. n. it~
`and Broadt.,lsii ng
`I rli!t't! [i!f
`Hughes, Exh. 1043, p. 1


`Series Editor:
`Professor P. G. Farrell
`University of Lancaster, UK
`Sequence Design for Communications Applications
`Pingzhi Fan and Michael Darnell
`Communications Coding and Signal Processing
`Edited by Bahram Honary, Michael Darnell and Paddy Farrell
`Coding, Communications and Broadcasting
`Edited by Paddy Farrell, Michael Darnell and Bahram Honary
`Coding, Communications and
`Edited by
`Paddy Farrell
`University of Lancaster, UK
`Michael Darnell
`University of Leeds, UK
`Bahram Honary
`University of Lancaster, UK
`Baldock, Hertfordshire, England
`Hughes, Exh. 1043, p. 2


`Coach House Cloisters, 10 Hitchin Street, Baldock, Hertfordsh1re, England, SG7 6A
`Editorial Preface
`325 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA
`Copyright © 2000, by Research Studies Press Ltd.
`1 t d · t
`All rights reserved.
`No part of this book may be reprod~ced by a~y means, nor tra~sm1tted, nor trans a e m o
`a machine language without the wntten permiSSIOn of the publisher.
`1 d SG7 6AE
`Research Studies Press Ltd.
`15/16 Coach House Cloisters, 10 Hitchin Street, Baldock, Hertfordsh1re, Eng an ,
`Taylor & Francis Inc.
`4 7 Runway Road, Suite G. Levittown, PA 19057 - 4700, USA
`Hemisphere Publication Services
`Golden Wheel Building, 41 Kallang Pudding Road #04-03, Smgapore
`John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
`Shripney Road, Bognar Regis, West Sussex, England, P022 9SA
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Coding, communications, and broadcasting I edited by Paddy Farrell , Bahram Honary,
`and Michael Darnell.
`p. em. __ (Electronic & elcctrica_l cngin~cring research studies. Commumcations
`systems, technic1ues, and appllcauons sen es ; 3)
`Includes bibliographical refe rences an d index.
`ISBN 0-86380-259-1 (alk. paper)
`1. Digital communications. 2. Coding theory. 3. broadcastmg. I. Farrell,
`Paddy . II . Honary, Bahram. III. Darnell, Michael. IV. Senes.
`TKS 103.7. C63 2000
`621 .3 82--dc21
`British Library Cataloguing in Publication Dat~ .
`A catalogue record for this book is available from the Bntlsh Library ·
`ISBN 0 86380 259 l
`Printed in Great Britain by SRP Ltd., Exeter
`It is with great pleasure that I introduce the third volume in the Series published by
`Research Studies Press on Communications Systems, Techniques and
`Applications. The aim of the series is to publish timely and authoritative texts
`featuring subjects in Communications and related areas where theory and practice
`have interacted beneficially. The third volume is an excellent example of this.
`Most chapters in the three sections of the book, on Coding and Decoding,
`Communications Techniques, and Digital Broadcasting in the LF, MF and HF
`bands, are concerned with topics which have recently advanced precisely because
`of the beneficial and close synergy between their theoretical and practical aspects.
`This third book in the Series is also the fourth in the set of books which have
`emerged from
`the International Symposia on Communications Theory and
`Applications, held regularly at Ambleside in the English Lake District. The
`Symposium held in July 1999 achieved a particularly relevant, balanced and timely
`programme, from which key presentations have been expanded and edited into this
`volume, for the benefit of all those unlucky people who were not able to attend the
`event! The Editors are to be congratulated on putting together excellent, coherent
`material which will
`inform and stimulate
`the research and development
`community. On behalf of Research Studies Press, I am delighted that it has been
`possible to include this outstanding volume in the Series.
`P.G. Farrell
`February, 2000
`Hughes, Exh. 1043, p. 3


`Gallager Codes- Recent Results
`David J. C. MacKay (mackay<Omrao. cam. ac. uk)
`Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, CB3 OHE, United Kingdom.
`In 1948, Claude Shannon posed and solved one of the fundamental
`problems of information theory. The question was whether it is possible
`to communicate reliably over noisy channels, and, if so, at what rate.
`He defined a theoretical limit, now known as the Shannon limit, up
`to which communication is possible, and beyond which communication
`is not possible. Since 1948, coding theorists have attempted to design
`error-correcting codes capable of getting close to the Shannon limit.
`In the last decade remarkable progress has been made using codes
`that are defined in terms of sparse random graphs, and which are de(cid:173)
`coded by a simple probability-based message-passing algorithm.
`This paper reviews low- density parity-check codes (Gallager codes),
`repeat-accumulate codes, and turbo codes, emphasising recent advances.
`Some previously unpublished results are then presented, describing (a)
`experiments on Gallager codes with small blocklengths; (b) a stopping
`rule for decoding of repeat-accumulate codes, which saves computer
`time and allows block decoding errors to be detected and flagged; and
`(c) the empirical power-laws obeyed by decoding times of sparse graph
`The central problem of communication theory is to construct an encoding and
`a decoding system that make it possible to communicate reliably over a noisy
`channel. The encoding system uses the source data to select a codeword
`from a set of codewords. The decoding algorithm ideally infers, given the
`output of the channel, which codeword in the code is the most likely to have
`been transmitted; for an appropriate definition of distance, this is the 'closest'
`codeword to the received signal. A good code is one in which the codewords
`are well spaced apart, so that codewords are unlikely to be confused.
`Designing a good and practical error correcting code is difficult because
`(a) it is hard to find an explicit set of well-spaced codewords; and (b) for a
`generic code, decoding, i.e., finding the closest codeword to a received signal,
`is intractable.
`However, a simple method for designing codes, first pioneered by Gallager
`(1962), has recently been rediscovered and generalized. The codes are de-
`Hughes, Exh. 1043, p. 4


`fined in terms of sparse random graphs. Because the graphs are constructed
`randomly, the codes are likely to have well- spaced codewords. And because
`the codes' constraints are defined by a sparse graph, the decoding problem
`can be solved~ almost optimally ~ by message-passing on the graph. The
`practical performance of Gallager's codes and their modern cousins is vastly
`better than the performance of the codes with which textbooks have been
`filled in the intervening years.
`2 Sparse Graph Codes
`In a sparse graph code, the nodes in the graph represent the transmitted
`bits and the constraints they satisfy. For a linear code with a codeword length
`N and rate R = K / N, the number of constraints is of order M = N - K.
`[There could be more constraints, if they happen to be redundant.) Any linear
`code can be described by a graph, but what makes a sparse graph code special
`is that each constraint involves only a small number of variables in the graph:
`the number of edges in the graph scales roughly linearly with N, rather than
`as N 2 .
`The graph defining a low-density parity-check code, or Gallager code
`(Gallager 1962; Gallager 1963; MacKay 1999), contains two types of node:
`codeword bits, and parity constraints. In a regular (j, k) Gallager code (fig(cid:173)
`ure 1a), each codeword bit is connected to j parity constraints and each
`constraint is connected to k bits. The connections in the graph are made at
`Repeat-accumulate codes (Divsalar et al. 1998) can be represented
`by a graph with four types of node (figure 1b): equality constraints G• in(cid:173)
`termediate binary variables (black circles), parity constraints G• and the
`transmitted bits (white circles). The encoder sets each group of intermediate
`bits to values read from the source. These bits are put through a fixed random
`permutation. The transmitted stream is the accumulated sum (modulo 2) of
`the permuted intermediate bits.
`In a turbo code (Berrou and Glavieux 1996), the K source bits drive two
`linear feedback shift registers, which emit parity bits (figure 1c).
`All these codes can be decoded by a local message-passing algorithm on
`the graph, the sum-product algorithm (MacKay and Neal 1996; McEliece
`et al. 1998), and, while this algorithm is not the optimal decoder, the empirical
`results are record- breaking. Figure 2 shows the performance of various sparse
`graph codes on a Gaussian channel. In figure 2(a) turbo codes with rate 1/4
`are compared with regular and irregular Gallager codes over GF(2), GF(8)
`and GF(16). In figure 2(b) the performance of repeat- accumulate codes of
`various blocklengths and rate 1/3 is shown.
`Which of the three types of sparse graph code is 'best' depends on the chosen
`rate and blocklength, the permitted encoding and decoding complexity, and
`(a) Gallager code
`(b) Repeat-accumulate code
`. - - - - - - - - - -EB - t<bl
`Z4 @ Z3 @ Z2 @ Zt @ ZQ
`; I t r- t(a)
`EB ---+- EB ---+-EB---+- EB -L-s
`(21/37)s recursive con(cid:173)
`volutional code
`( cl) Thrbo code
`Figure 1.
`Graphs of three sparse graph codes.
`(a) A rate 1/4 low-density parity- check code (Gallager code) with
`blocklength N = 16, and M = 12 constraints. Each white circle rep(cid:173)
`resents a transmitted bit. Each bit participates in j = 3 constraints,
`represented by r+l squares. Each GJ constraint forces the sum of the
`k = 4 bits to whio\ it is connected to be even.
`(b) A repeat- accumulate code with rate 1/3. Each white circle rep(cid:173)
`resents a transmitted bit. Each black circle represents an intermediate
`binary variable. Each c:J constraint forces the variables to which it is
`connected to be equal.
`(c) A turbo code with rate 1/3. (cl) The circles represent the code(cid:173)
`word bits. The two rectangles represent rate 1/2 convolutional codes
`(c2), with the systematic bits {t(a)} occupying the left half of the rect(cid:173)
`angle and the parity bits {t(b)} occupying the right half.
`Hughes, Exh. 1043, p. 5


`0.001 ~ -~ GF(2)
`'-~ GF 16) ~ \
`lrreg GF(8)
`0.4 0.6 0.8
`AS (2lnlortoo;;dl -
`te.OS L0~00'-"7L-_0.._01----0-'02--0-'03--0.L...J04
`Figure 3. (a) A regular binary Gallager code with column weight j = 4, rateR=
`0.936 and blocklength N = 4376 (K = 4094), compared with BCH codes
`and interleaved Reed-Solomon codes with similar rates, on a Gaussian
`channel. Hard- input bounded-distance decoding is assumed for the
`BCH and RS codes. Vertical axis: block error probability. Horizontal
`axis: Eb/No [Curves that are further to the left are best.] (b) A Gallager
`code over GF(16), rate 8/9, blocklength N = 3996 bits, applied to a 16-
`ary symmetric channel, and compared with interleaved RS codes with
`similar rates. Vertical axis: block error probability. Horizontal axis:
`channel symbol error probability. [Curves that are further to the right
`are best.] From MacKay and Davey (1998).
`the question of whether occasional undetected errors are acceptable (turbo
`codes and repeat- accumulate codes both typically make occasional undetected
`errors, even at high signal- to- noise ratios, because they have a small number
`of low weight codewords; Gallager codes do not typically show such an error
`Gallager codes are the most versatile; it's easy to make a competitive Gal(cid:173)
`lager code with almost any rate and blocklength, as is illustrated in figure 3.
`Figure 3(a) shows the performance of a high-rate regular binary Gallager
`code; it outperforms BCH codes and Reed-Solo~on codes on this channel.
`And figure 3(b) shows the performance of a high rate Gallager code over
`GF(l6) on a 16- ary symmetric channel: even though this channel is the sort
`of channel for which Reed- Solomon codes are intended, the Gallager code still
`manages to perform a little better than the RS code.
`The best binary Gallager codes found so far are irregular codes whose
`parity check matrices have nonuniform weight per column (Luby et al. 1998;
`Urbanke et al. 1999). The carefully constructed codes of Urbanke, Richard(cid:173)
`son and Shokrollahi outperform turbo codes at blocklengths longer than 104
`bits, with especially impressive results at 106 bits, where a rate 1/2 irregular
`Gallager code has a bit error probability of 10-6 at just 0.13 dB from capac(cid:173)
`ity, beating comparable turbo codes by more than 0.3 dB. Turbo codes can
`total -
`undetected ·· ·• · · ·
`1 N-:10000 2 N• 9999
`3 N•3000
`Figure 2. (a) Bit error probabilities for communication over a Gaussian channel at
`rate 1/4: left- right : Irregular LDPC, GF(8), transmitted blocklength
`24000 bits; JPL turbo, N = 65536 bits (dotted line); Regular LDPC,
`GF(l6) , N = 24448 bits; Irregular LDPC, GF(2), N = 64000 bits;
`Regular LDPC, GF(2), N = 40000 bits. [From Davey and MacKay
`(b) Block error probability of repeat-accumulate codes with rate
`1/3 and various blocklengths, versus Eb/N0 . The dotted lines show the
`frequency of undetected errors.
`Hughes, Exh. 1043, p. 6


`4 10 28
`GaUa~~273,82~ - -
`.. .. .. .
`low-density parity-check codes satisfying
`Figure 4. Difference-set cyclic codes -
`many redundant constraints -
`outperform equivalent Gallager codes.
`The table shows theN, M, K, distanced, and row weight k of some
`difference-set cyclic codes, highlighting the codes that have large dfN,
`small k, and large N / M. All DSC codes satisfy N constraints of weight
`k. In the comparison the Gallager code had (j, k} = (4, 13), and rate
`identical to the DSC code. Vertical axis: block error probability; hor(cid:173)
`izontal axis: Eb/No/dB. Data on DSC code performance provided by
`R. Lucas and M. Fossorier.
`also be beaten by irregular Gallager codes defined over finite fields GF(q)
`(Davey and MacKay 1998). However, these successes for Gallager codes have
`only been obtained by careful work, and it is notable how easily simple turbo
`codes and repeat-accumulate codes achieve almost as good results. The good
`performance of simple turbo codes and repeat-accumulate codes compared
`with simple Gallager codes can presumably be attributed to the use of state
`variables. It seems plausible therefore tha t the best codes will make use of
`state variables. Probably what is holding up the development of even better
`turbo codes is the need for a theory, comparable to the theory of irregular
`Gallager code design (Urbanke et al. 1999), for the construction of irregular
`graphs with state variables.
`The performance of Gallager codes can be enhanced by making a non..:_random
`code with redundant sparse constraints (Tanner 1981; Lucas et al. 1999).
`There is a difference-set cyclic code, for example, that has N = 273, and
`K = 191, but the code satisfies not M = 82 but N, i.e., 273, low-weight
`constraints (figure 4). It is impossible to make random Gallager codes that
`have anywhere near this much redundancy among their checks. The redun(cid:173)
`dant checks allow the sum-product algorithm to work substantially better,
`as shown in figure 4, in which a DSC code outperforms a comparable regular
`binary Gallager code by about 0.7 dB. The (73,45) DSC code has been im(cid:173)
`plemented on a chip by Karplus and Krit (1991) following a design of Tanner
`(1981). Product codes are another family of codes with redundant constraints.
`A=112 1-3 (33)
`IOta _ ,._
`undOtoclod -·-
`undeiOCU>d --• .. ·
`Figure 5. Performance of Gallag r codes with very small block lengths.
`(a) Rate 1/2, column weight j = 3. Dotted lines show undetected errors
`occu rt'ing for block lengths N = 96 and N = 204.
`(b) Rate 1/3, column w ight j = 4. Dotted lines show un~etect:d errors
`occurring for blocklengths N = 48 and N = 96 only. Vertical axis: block
`error probability; horizontal axis: Eb/No/dB.
`For example, the product with itself of a (n, k) = (64, 57) Hamming code sat(cid:173)
`isfying m = 7 constraints is a (N,K) = (n2 ,k2
`) = (4096, 3249) code. The
`number of independent constraints is M = 84 7, but the sum- product de ·oder
`can make use of 2nm = 896 equivalent constraints. Such codes have recently
`been named 'turbo product codes', but 1 think they should be called 'Tanner
`product codes', since they were first investigated by Tanner (1981) . P rod(cid:173)
`uct codes have the disadvantage, however, that their dist~ce does not sca~e
`well with blocklength; th distance of a product cod wxt h blocklength n 1
`built from two codes with distance d, is only cP 1 so t he ra,tio of distance to
`blocklength falls.
`An open problem is to discover codes sharing the remarkable prop.ertles
`of the di.fference-set cyclic codes but with larger blocklengths and arbitrary
`rates. I call this task the Tanner challenge, in honour of Michael Tanner,
`who recognised the importance of such codes twenty years ago.
`3 Do Gallager codes ever make undetected errors?
`I use the term 'undetected error' to denote a decoding which returns a valid
`codeword not actually equal to the transmitted codeword. In our empirical
`experience with Gallager codes of many shapes and sizes, Gallager codes do
`not make undetected errors; their only failure mode is a 'detected error', that
`is, a decoding that fails to converge to a valid codeword , so that the recipient
`is aware that the block has been mis- re eived (MacKay and Neal 1996). Of
`course, we are decoding Gallager codes at noise levels well above half the
`minimum distance of the code, so, logically, undetected errors must have non-
`Hughes, Exh. 1043, p. 7


`zero probability; nevertheless, they appear to be so rare as to be effectively
`nonexistent. Since this property is an important advantage of Gallager codes,
`we have explored empirically how far regular binary Gallager codes can be
`pushed before undetected errors show up. Figure 5 shows that undetected
`errors occur when we reduce the blocklength N to sufficiently small values -
`below 200 bits in the case of rate 1/3 codes with j = 4, and below 400 bits
`in the case of rate 1/2 codes with j = 3. The frequency of undetected errors
`appears to fall very rapidly with increasing blocklength and with increasing
`column weight j.
`4 Stopping rules for the decoding of sparse graph codes
`When we decode Gallager codes, we test the bit-by-bit best guess at each
`iteration to see if it is a valid codeword. If it is, then our decoder halts.
`Otherwise, the decoder continues, declaring a failure (a detected error) if some
`maximum number of iterations (e.g., 200 or 1000) occurs without successful
`In the turbo code and repeat-accumulate code community, a different de(cid:173)
`coding procedure is widely used. The decoding algorithm is run for a fixed
`number of iterations (irrespective of whether the decoder has actually settled
`in a consistent state at some earlier time), and performance curves are dis(cid:173)
`played as a function of the number of iterations. This practice is wasteful of
`computer time, and it blurs the distinction between undetected and detected
`errors. Undetected errors are of scientific interest because they reveal distance
`properties of a code. And in engineering practice, it would seem preferable
`for the detected errors to be labelled as erasures if practically possible -
`undetected errors are a great nuisance in many communication contexts.
`I therefore demonstrate here that it is possible to detect convergence of
`the sum-product decoder of a repeat-accumulate code, just as in the case of
`turbo codes (Frey 1998). This assertion may be found confusing if the role
`of the decoder is viewed as 'finding the most probable state of the source
`bits'. Surely any hypothesis about the K source bits is a valid hypothesis,
`so how can we detect that the decoder has finished decoding? The answer is
`that decoding should be viewed as finding the most probable state of all the
`variables in the graph, not just the source bits. Early on in the decoding, there
`will be inconsistencies among the most probable states of internal variables
`in the graph. Only when a sensible decoding has been found will there be a
`state of harmony in the network. [Note that detecting convergence doesn't
`imply that we get rid of undetected errors; undetected errors will still occur
`if the decoder converges to an incorrect codeword.]
`I used the following method to decide when to stop the decoding of a
`repeat-accumulate code.
`1. While running the sum-product algorithm up and down the
`accumulator trellis, note the most probable state at each
`time. This state sequence- if you unaccumulate it - defines
`a sequence of guesses for the source bits, with each source bit
`being guessed q times, where q is the number of repetitions
`in the RA code.
`2. When reading out the likelihoods from the trellis, and com(cid:173)
`bining the q likelihoods for each of the source bits, compute
`the most probable state of each source bit. This is the state
`that maximizes the product of the likelihoods.
`3. If all the guesses in (1) agree with the most probable state
`of the source bit found in (2) then the decoder has reached a
`valid state, so HALT. Otherwise continue.
`The cost of these extra operations is small compared to the cost of decod(cid:173)
`ing. Using this procedure, we can distinguish between undetected errors and
`detected errors in a repeat-accumulate code, as shown in the results of figure
`We can also evaluate how many iterations it takes to decode these codes,
`and quantify the potential savings from applying the above stopping rule. If,
`for example, the old-fashioned method runs all decodings for 20 iterations,
`the histogram in figure 6(b) shows that there would, for a particular code
`at 0. 75 dB, be a block error probability of about 0.8 -
`roughly 80% of the
`decodings took more than 20 iterations. Since a small but substantial number
`took more than 40 iterations, you could run the old-fashioned decoder for
`twice as long, and the block error probability would fall by a factor of ten
`or so. However, using the stop-when-it's-done decoder, you can use roughly
`the same amount of computer time and get the error probability down by a
`factor of about one hundred.
`Nothing is lost, because (if you log the stopping time in a file) you can
`always recover the old-fashioned graphs if anyone still wants them.
`5 Empirical distribution of decoding times
`We have investigated the number of iterations T of the sum-product algorithm
`required to decode Gallager codes and repeat-accumulate codes. Given one
`code and a set of channel conditions the decoding time varies randomly from
`trial to trial. We find that the histogram of decoding times follows a power
`law, P(r) ex: r-P, for larger. The power p depends on the signal to noise
`ratio and becomes smaller (so that the distribution is more heavy-tailed) as
`the signal to noise ratio decreases.
`Hughes, Exh. 1043, p. 8


`25000 r---.--r--.--...---,
`15000 -
`40 50
`, ..
`I .lh,~
`100 120 140 180 180
`0 ~~~~~~~~~~
`100 120 140 180 180
`' \
`00 70 8() 90100
`(iii. c)
`Figure 7. (a) Histogram of number of iterations for an irregular binary Gallager
`code, rate 1/2, blocklength N = 9972, at Eb/No = 1.4dB. (b) Log/log
`plot of iterations histogram showing that the tail of the distribution is
`well approximated by a power law. The straight line has slope -8.5.
`From MacKay et al. (1999).
`We have observed power laws in repeat-accumulate codes and in irregular
`and regular Gallager codes. Figures 6(ii) and (iii) show the distribution of
`decoding times of a repeat-accumulate code at two different signal-to-noise
`ratios. The power laws extend over several orders of magnitude. Figure 7
`shows the distribution of decoding times for an irregular Gallager code. The
`tail is well approximated by the power law P( T) ,....., T- 8·5 .
`It would be interesting to understand the reason for these power laws.
`Berrou, C., and Glavieux, A. (1996) Near optimum error correcting cod(cid:173)
`ing and decoding: Turbo-codes. IEEE Transactions on Communications
`44: 1261-1271.
`Davey, M. C., and MacKay, D. J. C. (1998) Low density parity check codes
`over GF( q). In Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE Information Theory Workshop.
`Divsalar, D., Jin, H., and McEliece, R.. J.
`(1998) Coding theorems for
`'turbo-like' codes. In Pmceedings of the 36th Allerton Conference on Com(cid:173)
`munication, Control, and Computing, Sept. 1998, pp. 201--210, Monticello,
`Illinois. Allerton Honse.
`(1998) Graphical Model8 for Machine Learning and Digital
`Frey, B. J.
`Communication. CarnbridgP MA.: MIT Press.
`Figure 6.
`Histograms of number of iterations to find a valid decoding for a repeat(cid:173)
`accumulate code with source block length I< = 10000 and transmitted
`block length N = 30000. (a) Block error probability versus signal to
`noise ratio for the RA code. (ii.b) x/a = 0.89, Eb/No = 0.749 dB. (ii.c)
`x/a = 0.90, Eb/No = 0.846 dB. (iii.b, iii.c): Fits of power laws to (ii.b)
`(1/r 6
`) and (ii.c) (1/r 9
`Hughes, Exh. 1043, p. 9


`Gallager, R. G. (1962) Low density parity check codes. IRE Trans. Info.
`Theory IT-8: 21-28.
`Gallager, R. G. (1963) Low Density Parity Check Codes. Number 21 in
`Research monograph series. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
`Karplus, K., and Krit, H. (1991) A semi-systolic decoder for the PDSC-73
`error-correcting code. Discrete Applied Mathematics 33: 109-128.
`Luby, M. G., Mitzenmacher, M., Shokrollahi, M. A., and Spielman, D. A.
`(1998) Improved low-density parity-check codes using irregular graphs and
`belief propagation. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on
`Information Theory (/SIT}, p. 117.
`Lucas, R., Fossorier, M., Kou, Y., and Lin, S., (1999) Iterative decoding of
`one-step majority logic decodable codes based on belief propagation. Sub(cid:173)
`MacKay, D. J. C. (1999) Good error correcting codes based on very sparse
`matrices. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 45 (2): 399-431.
`MacKay, D. J. C., and Davey, M. C., (1998) Evaluation of Gallager
`codes for short block length and high rate applications. Available from
`MacKay, D. J. C., and Neal, R. M. (1996) Near Shannon limit performance
`of low density parity check codes. Electronics Letters 32 (18): 1645-1646.
`Reprinted Electronics Letters, 33(6):457-458, March 1997.
`MacKay, D. J. C., Wilson, S. T., and Davey, M. C. (1999) Comparison of
`constructions of irregular Gallager codes. IEEE Transactions on Communi(cid:173)
`cations. In press.
`McEliece, R. J., MacKay, D. J. C., and Cheng, J.-F. (1998) Turbo decoding
`as an instance of Pearl's 'belief propagation' algorithm. IEEE Journal on
`Selected Areas in Communications 16 (2): 140-152.
`Tanner, R. M. (1981) A recursive approach to low complexity codes. IEEE
`Transactions on Information Theory 27 (5): 533-547.
`Urbanke, R., Richardson, T., and Shokrollahi, A., (1999) Design of provably
`good low density parity check codes. Submitted.
`New Applications for McEliece's
`M.C. Rodriguez-Palanquex
`Secci6n Departamental de Matematica Aplicada, Escuela Universitaria de Estadistica,
`Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Avda. Puerta de Hierro s/n, 28040 Madrid (Spain),
`L.J. Garcia-Villalba, F. Montoya-Vitini
`Departamento de Tratamiento de Ia Informacion y Codificaci6n, Instituto de Fisica
`Aplicada, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (C.S.I.C.), Serrano 144,
`28006 Madrid (Spain), E-mail: {luisj, fausto}
`A systematic study of properties of a new class of curves (the so-called
`Quasihermitian curves) and of Goppa codes obtained from them .is presented.
`Applications to McEliece's public-key cryptosystems are shown.
`Let K be a finite field of characteristic 2, K = Fq where q = 2 i .
`Quasihermitian curve defined over K is given by the affine equation
`Curves with many rational points are interesting in Coding Theory. In
`particular, Goppa geometric codes obtained from Hermitian curves have been
`extensively studied [5] [6] [7]. If j = 2}0 Quasihermitian curves iriclude
`• Hermitian curves, which have by homogeneous equation
`The maximal curves [2] obtained from the affine equation
`where m is a divisor of
`y +y =XIII
`(2 10 + 1)
`• And many new maximal curves [3], i.e., for the non-singular models of
`these curves, the number of Fq -rational points attains the Hasse-Weil
`upper bound
`Hughes, Exh. 1043, p. 10


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`Hughes, Exh. 1043, p. 11

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