`f' .. l
`(ISSN 0090-6778)
`Comparison of Constructions of Irregular Gallager Codes ............................ D. J. C. MacKay, S. T. Wilson, and M. C. Davey
`Data Compression
`Level-Compressed Huffman Decoding ........................................................................ K.-L. Chung and J.-G. Wu
`Digital Communications
`Maximum Ratio Transmission ................................................................................................. T. K. Y. Lo
`The Constellation-Shaping Algorithm Using Closed-Form Expressions for the Number of Ring Combinations .......... C. E. D. Sterian
`Optimum Precompensation Filters for IQ Modulation Systems ............................................... J. Tuthill and A. Cantoni
`Personal Communication Systems
`Optimal Adaptive Spectrum Utilization in Cellular Communications Systems ......................................................... .
`.................................................. M. G. Kazantzakis, P. P. Demestichas, E. C. Tzifa, and M. E. Anagnostou
`About the Asymptotic Performance of MMSE MIMO DFE for Filter-Bank Based Multicarrier Transmission ........................ .
`...................................................... _ .......... L. Vandendorpe, J. Louveaux, B. Maison, and A. Chevreuil
`Very Low Rate Trellis/Reed-Muller (TRM) Codes ............................................................. J.-P. Chaib and H. Leib
`On Decoding of Both Errors and Erasures of a Reed-Solomon Code Using an Inverse-Free Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm
`........................................................................................... J.-H. Jeng and T.-K. Truong
`The Union Bound for Turbo-Coded Modulation Systems over Fading Channels .......................... T. M. Duman and M. Salehi
`Performance Analysis of Optimum Combining with Multiple Interferers in Flat Rayleigh Fading ........................... E. Villier
`Reuse Within a Cell-Int~~-.I~_ej_ection or Multiuser Detection? .......................... C. Tidestav, M. Sternad, and A. Ahten
`Multiple Access
`Time-Varying Narrow-Band Interference Rejection in Asynchronous Multiuser DS/CDMA Systems over Frequency-Selective Fading
`Channels .............................................................................................. S. Buzzi, M. Lops, and A. M. Tutino
`Personal Communication Systems
`Lateness Probability of a Retransmission Scheme for Error Control on a Two-State Markov Channel. ......... M. Zorzi and R. R. Rao
`Spread Spectrum
`Performance Enhancement of DSSS Systems: Two-Dimensional Interference Suppression ............................................ .
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. G. Glisic, Z. B. Nikolic, D. Pokrajac, and P. A. Leppanen
`Channel Estimation for DS-CDMA Downlink with Aperiodic Spreading Codes ....................... A. J. Weiss and B. Friedlander
`Convolutionally Coded Multi carrier DS-CDMA Systems in a Multi path Fading Channel- Part I: Performance Analysis ............ .
`....................................................................................... D. N. Rowitch and L. B. Milstein
`Optimal Reception, Performance Bound, and Cutoff Rate Analysis of References-Assisted Coherent COMA Communications with
`Applications ........................................................................................................................ F. Ling
`(Contents Continued on Back Cover)
`'. ,
`f I
`I' II
`I 'i}:
`Hughes, Exh. 1023, p. 1


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`Hughes, Exh. 1023, p. 2


`Comparison of Constructions of Irregular Gallager Cod s
`David J. C. MacKay, Simon T. Wilson, Associate Member, IEEE, and Matthew C. Davey
`.0 e a. e 0.001
`ffi 0.0001
`·;:: ·a.
`~F(16) lrre~
`~ lrreg GF(8)
`Eb/No (dB)
`Abstract- The low-density parity check codes whose perfor(cid:173)
`mance is closest to the Shannon limit are "Gallager codes"
`based on irregular graphs. We compare alternative methods for
`constructing these graphs and present two results. First, we find
`a "super-Poisson" construction which gives a small improvement
`in empirical performance over a random construction. Second,
`whereas Gallager codes normally take N 2 time to encode, we
`investigate constructions of regular and irregular Gallager codes
`that allow more rapid encoding and have smaller memory re(cid:173)
`quirements in the encoder. We find that these "fast encoding"
`Gallager codes have equally good performance.
`Index Terms---Channel coding, error correction coding, Gauss(cid:173)
`ian channels, graph theory, iterative probabilistic decoding, ran(cid:173)
`dom codes.
`G ALLAGER codes [3], [4] are low-density parity check
`codes constructed at random subject to constraints on the
`weight of each row and of each column. The original regular
`Gallager codes have very sparse random parity check matrices
`with uniform weight t per column and tr per row. (We will
`also use the term "regular" for codes that have nearly uniform
`weight columns and rows-for example, codes which have
`some weight 2 columns and some weight 3 columns.) These
`codes are asymptotically good and can be practically decoded
`with Gallager's sum-product algorithm giving near Shannon
`limit performance when large block lengths are used [6]-[8].
`Regular Gallager codes have also been found to. be competitive
`codes for short block-length code-division multiple-access
`(CDMA) applications [10].
`Recent advances in the performance of Gallager codes
`are summarized in Fi~ I. The rightmost curve shows the
`performance of a regular'Oinaf)'__Gallager code with rate 1/4.
`The best known binary Gallager-codes are irregular codes
`whose parity check matrices have nonuniform weight per
`column [5]; the performance of one such code is shown by
`· the second curve from the right. The best known Gallager
`codes of all are Gallager codes defined over finite fields GF(q)
`[I], [2]. The remaining two solid curves in Fig. I show the
`performance of a regular Gallager code over GF(l6) [2] and
`Paper approved by S. B. Wicker, the Editor for Coding Theory and
`Techniques of the IEEE Communications Society. Manuscript received
`August 11, 1998; revised January 27, 1999. This paper was presented in
`part at the 1998 Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and
`Computing, Allerton House, IL, September 1998.
`The authors are with the Department of Physics, University of Cam(cid:173)
`bridge, Cambridge CB3 OHE, U.K. (e-mail:;
`Publisher Item IdentifierS 0090-6778(99)07784-3.
`Fig. I. Empirical results for Gaussian channel, rate l/4 left-right: irregular
`LDPC, GF(8) blocklength 24000 bits; JPL Turbo, blocklength 65536 bits;
`regular LDPC, GF(16), blocklength 24448 bits; irregular LDPC, GF(2),
`blocklength 64000 bits; regular LDPC, GF(2), blocklength 40000 bits.
`(Reproduced from [!].)
`an irregular code over GF(8) with bit-error probability of
`10- 4 at Eb/No = -0.05 dB [1]. In comparing this code with
`the rate 1/4 turbo-code shown by the dotted line, the following
`points should be noted. I) The transmitted blocklength of the
`irregular Gallager code is only 24 000 bits, whereas that of the
`turbo-code is 65 536 bits. 2) The errors made by the Gallager
`codes were all detected errors, whereas turbo-codes make
`undetected errors at high signal-to-noise ratio. This difference
`is not caused by a difference in the decoding algorithm: both
`codes are decoded by the sum-product algorithm [9]. Turbo(cid:173)
`codes make undetected errors because they have low-weight
`codewords. For Gallager codes, the rate of occurrence of
`undetected errors is extremely small because they have good
`distance properties (the minimum distance scales linearly with
`the blocklength) [4]. In all our experiments with Gallager
`codes of block length greater than I 000 and column weight at
`least 3, undetected errors have never occurred.
`The excellent performance of irregular Gallager codes is the
`motivation for this paper, in which we explore ways of further
`enhancing these codes.
`The irregular codes of Luby, Mitzenmacher, Shokrollahi,
`and Spielman [5] have parity check matrices with both nonuni(cid:173)
`form weight per row and nonuniform weight per column. It has
`not yet been established whether both of these non uniformities
`are desirable. In our experience with codes for noisy channels,
`performance is more sensitive to the distribution of column
`weights. In this paper, we concentrate on irregular codes with
`the weight per row as uniform as possible.
`We can define an irregular Gallager code in two steps.
`First, we select a profile that describes the desired number
`of columns of each weight and the desired number of rows of
`0090-6778/99$10.00 © 1999 IEEE
`Hughes, Exh. 1023, p. 3


`~ I
`' 'I ;:
`~ '
`,. '!
`I .
`~ -\
`<--- -- 7 -
`1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
`1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
`1 '1
`1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
`1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
`1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
`1 .2 1 .3 1.4 1.5
`Fig. 2. Upper panels: constructions of regular and irregular codes. Lower panels: performance of these codes. The construction types shown are regular,
`(3, 33), Poisson (93p), sub-Poisson (93a), super-Poisson (93x), and super-Poisson (93y). Notation for upper panels for all constructions except 93p: an integer
`represents a number of permutation matrices superposed on the surrounding square. Horizontal and vertical lines indicate the boundaries of the permutation
`blocks. Notation for the Poisson construction 93p: integers "3" and "9" represent column weights. The integer "7" represents the row weight. Lower panels
`show the performance of several random codes of each construction. Vertical axis: block error probability. Horizontal axis: Eb/No in dB. All codes have
`N = 9972 and K = M = 4986. All errors were detected errors, as is usual with Gallager codes.
`each weight. The parity check matrix of a code can be viewed
`as defining a bipartite graph with "bit" vertices corresponding
`to the columns and "check" vertices corresponding to the
`rows. Each nonzero entry in the matrix corresponds to an edge
`connecting a bit to a check. The profile specifies the degrees
`of the vertices in this graph.
`Second, we choose a construction method, that is, a pseudo(cid:173)
`random algorithm for putting edges between the vertices in a
`way that satisfies the constraints. (In the case of nonbinary
`Gallager codes, we also need tQ. choose an algorithm for
`assigning values to the nonzero entries in the matrix.)
`This paper has two parts. In the first part (Section III), we
`compare alternative construction methods for a fixed profile in
`order to find out whether the construction method matters. In
`the second part (Section IV), we examine regular and irregular
`. constructions which lend themselves to rapid encoding. One
`Hughes, Exh. 1023, p. 4


`i i
`' .
`! ~ t:
`I I
`:,~ .
`I •
`motivation for this second study is that the only drawback of
`regular Gallager codes compared to turbo-codes for CDMA
`applications appears to be their greater encoding complexity
`In the experiments presented here, we study binary codes
`with rate 1/2 and blocklength about N = 10 000. We simulate
`an additive white Gaussian noise channel in the usual way
`[2] and examine the block error probability as a function
`of the signal-to-noise ratio. The error bars we show are one
`standard deviation error bars on the estimate of the logarithm
`of the block error probability p defined. Thus, when we
`observer failures out of n trials, P± = p exp(±alog p) where
`ITlog p = J(n- r)j(rn).
`We compare the following methods.
`Poisson: The edges are placed "completely at random,"
`subject to the profile constraints and the rule that you cannot
`put two edges between one pair of vertices, which would
`correspond to a double entry in the parity check matrix. One
`way to implement a Poisson construction is to make a list of
`all the columns in the matrix, with each column appearing in
`the list a number of times equal to its weight, then make a
`similar list of all the rows in the matrix, each row appearing
`with multiplicity equal to its weight, and then map one list
`onto the other by a random permutation, taking care not to
`create duplicate entries [5].
`A variation of this construction is to require that no two
`columns in the parity check matrix have an overlap greater
`than one, i.e., forbid cycles of length 4 in the graph. (Similar
`to construction IA in [8].) A second variation requires that the
`graph have no cycles of length less than some I. (Similar to
`construction IB in [8].) This constraint can be quite hard to
`enforce if the profile includes high weight rows or columns.
`Permutations: We can build parity check matrices by su(cid:173)
`perposing random permutation matrices [4]. The convenience
`of this method depends on the profile. There are many ways of
`laying out these permutation matrices to satisfy a given pro(cid:173)
`file. We will distinguish "super-Poisson" and "sub-Poisson"
`In a super-Poisson construction, the distribution of high
`weight columns per row has greater variance than a
`Poisson distribution.
`• In a sub-Poisson construction, the distribution of high
`weight columns per row has smaller variance than a
`Poisson distribution.
`. A. Profiles and Constructions Studied in this Paper
`1) Regular Codes-3 and 33: As our baseline, we study
`regular Gallager codes with weight per column exactly t = 3
`and weight per row exactly tr = 6. We construct parity check
`matrices satisfying this profile from permutation matrices in
`two ways, labeled "3" and "33," shown diagrammatically in
`the upper panels of Fig. 2. In the figure, a square containing
`3 -
`93p ..
`93y .....
`3 -
`33 ····-
`93a --·-
`93p .
`93x -----
`93y ....•
`1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
`1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
`Fig. 3. -(a) Comparison of one representative of each of the constructions: 3
`(regular), 93p (Poisson) and 93y (super-Poisson). (b) Representatives of all
`six constructions in Fig. 2. Vertical axis: block error probability. Horizontal
`axis: Eb/No in dB.
`Profile 3
`Profile 93
`Column weight Fraction of columns Row weight Fraction
`Column weight Fraction of columns Row weight Fraction
`1 12
`an integer (for example, "3") denotes the superposition inside
`that square of that number of random permutation matrices.
`The matri~es are generated at random subject to the constraint
`that no two nonzero entries coincide.
`2) Irregular Codes-93p, 93a, 93x, and 93y: We
`the profile "93" shown in Table I. It has columns of weight
`9 and of weight 3; all rows have weight 7. Note that this
`profile only differs from the regular profile "3" in that some
`extra I' s are added to 1/12 of the columD.s. We emphasize that
`this profile has not been carefully optimized, so the results of
`this paper should not be taken as describing the best that can
`be done with irregular binary Gallager codes. We chose this
`profile because it lends itself to interesting experiments.
`We will refer to the bits that connect to nine checks as
`"elite" bits. We use four different constructions that match this
`profile, named as follows. These constructions are depicted
`diagrammatically in the upper panels of Fig. 2.
`Poisso~93p: In this construction, while most checks will
`connect to one or two elite bits, a fraction of them will connect
`to more than two elite bits, and some will connect to none.
`Sub-Poisso~93a: This construction allocates exactly one
`or two elite bits to each check.
`Super-Poisson: 93x and 93y are, respectively, moderately
`and very super-Poisson. In 93y, one third of the checks are
`connected to four elite bits, one third are connected to one,
`and one third are connected to none.
`B. Results
`1) Variability Within Each Construction: For each · con(cid:173)
`struction, we created several codes in order to assess the
`variability of performance within each ensemble. All codes
`Hughes, Exh. 1023, p. 5


`~ ,
`(a) Comparison of irregular 93y with regular 33 code. Vertical axis: median number of iterations. Horizontal: Eb/No in dB. (b) Histogram of
`Fig. 4.
`number of iterations for 93y code at Eb/ No :::: 1.4. (c) Log/log plot of iterations histogram showing that the tail of the distribution is well approximated
`by a power law. The straight line has slope -8.5. Above 50, iterations were binned into intervals of 5.
`10 20 30 40 50
`studied were of rate 1/2, with blocklength N = 4986. The
`results are shown in Fig. 2. We see no significant variability
`among the 3, 33, 93i (Poisson) or 93a (sub-Poisson) codes.
`But among the super-Poisson codes, 93x and 93y, there is
`some variability with some codes showing an error floor.
`2) Explanation of Error Floors: In both cases, the error
`floor has a simple cause. The most frequent error under these
`conditions is a reconstructed transmission which differs from
`the correct codeword in exactly three bits-the same three bits
`every time. These bits, which have weight 3 columns in the
`parity check matrix, are connected to just five checks with the
`topology shown below
`• • • • •
`. Jf2\li:
`b1ts oeeooeoo
`If the three bits shaded grey are flipped into the wrong
`state, then the syndrome vector changes sign in the fifth check
`only. The sum-product algorithm is unable to extricate itself
`from this state. As the block length of the code is increased,
`the probability of this topology's occurrence falls. It is also
`possible to modify the construction algorithm for Gallager
`codes such that cycles of length 4, like this are forbidden (as
`• • • •
`-~ b1tsoeeooo
`in construction lA of [8]). This modification is sufficient to
`prevent the topology shown in (1) from occurring. In principle,
`it is possible for a code to have a minimum distance of 4 even
`when the minimum cycle length is 6. However, for randomly
`constructed codes, the minimum distance increases linearly
`with the blocklength, for almost all codes [4].
`We discard the two codes with error floors in the subsequent
`families are
`3) Comparison of Constructions: The six
`compared with each other in Fig. 3. There are no detectable
`differences between the regular codes 3 and 33. There is a
`-K - -
`H ·B~C-+i
`Encoding procedure:
`Bits !1 ... tK are defined to be source bits.
`Bits tK+l· •• tN-M< are set in sequence, using
`the mth parity check to determine tK+m·
`Bits tN-M<+l· •. tN are set equal to:
`where t' = (It ... tN-M<J' and c-t is
`the inverse of C in modulo 2 arithmetic.
`This costs (N -Mdtr computational
`operations, where tr is the typical
`weight per row.
`c- 1 can be stored in M~ bits of mem(cid:173)
`ory. The product Bt' can be com(cid:173)
`puted in M<tr computational opera(cid:173)
`tions, and the multiplication by c-1
`takes M~ operations.
`Fig. 5. Upper panel: general form of a fast-encoding Gallager code. Hori(cid:173)
`zontal stripes indicate low-weight rows. The diagonal line is a line of l's.
`The matrices B and C are of dimension M < x ( N - AI<) and M < x M <,
`respectively. Lower panel: the fast encoding method to generate a codeword
`and its computational cost, assuming an appropriate representation of the
`sparse matrix.
`clear ranking of the other constructions, as follows:
`3 < 93a < 93p < 93x < 93y.
`Thus, we find that at least for the 93 profile, sub-Poisson
`constructions are inferior to Poisson constructions, and super(cid:173)
`Poisson constructions are significantly superior. In the case of
`93y, we see an improvement of about 0.05 dB.
`4) Decoding Times: Not only do these irregular codes out(cid:173)
`perform the regular codes, they require fewer iterations as
`illustrated in Fig. 4(a), which compares the median number of
`iterations of the irregular code 93y and the regular code 33.
`Note that 93y requires 7/6 times more operations per iteration
`due to the increased weight of the" matrix, so the total decoding
`times are similar.
`Fig. 4(b) and (c) shows that the distribution of decoding
`times is heavy tailed. At Eb/No = 1.4, the tail is well
`approximated by the power law: P( T) ""' r- 8 ·5 , where T is
`the number of iterations. At Eb/ N0 = 1.2, the distrib

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