` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` Case IPR2015-00059
` Patent 7,916,781 B2
` M. JEFFERSON, Administrative Patent Judges
` Washington, D.C.
` Friday, September 4, 2015
` 3:00 p.m.
`Job No.: 91796
`Pages: 1 - 23
`Reported By: Victoria L. Wilson, RMR, CRR
`3 4

`Conference Call
`Conducted on September 4, 2015
`J. PERRY, and TREVOR M. JEFFERSON, Administrative
`Patent Judges, reported from the offices of:
` 1700 K Street, NW
` Fifth Floor
` Washington, DC 20006
` (202) 973-8800
` Pursuant to notice, before Victoria L. Wilson,
`Registered Merit Reporter, Certified Realtime
`Reporter, Notary Public in and for the District of
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`4 5 6

`Conference Call
`Conducted on September 4, 2015
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` G. HOPKINS GUY, ESQUIRE (by phone)
` Building One
` 1001 Page Mill Road
` Suite 200
` Palo Alto, CA 94304
` (650) 739-7500
` 701 Fifth Avenue
` Suite 5100
` Seattle, WA 98104
` (206) 883-2529
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Conference Call
`Conducted on September 4, 2015
` A P P E A R A N C E S C O N T I N U E D
` 650 Page Mill Road
` Palo Alto, CA 94304
` (650) 354-4154
` 1700 K Street, NW
` Fifth Floor
` Washington, DC 20006-3817
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`8 9

`Conference Call
`Conducted on September 4, 2015
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` JUDGE PERRY: This is Judge Perry. I'm
`convening a conference call on IPR2015-00059, Hughes
`versus Cal Tech.
` Who do we have on the line for petitioner?
` MR. WILLIAMS: For petitioner, this is Eliot
`Williams and Hopkins Guy of Baker Botts.
` JUDGE PERRY: Okay. And who do we have on
`for patent owner?
` MR. ROSATO: Good morning, your Honor. For
`patent owner, this is Mike Rosato, and I have with me
`Matthew Argenti and Rick Torczon. And we should have
`a court reporter on the line, as well.
` MR. TORCZON: We do.
` JUDGE PERRY: Okay. Since you have a court
`reporter on the line, please file a transcript as an
` MR. ROSATO: We will do so, your Honor.
` JUDGE PERRY: Okay. Petitioner, you
`requested the call. Why don't you begin and tell us
`the purpose of the call.
` MR. WILLIAMS: Certainly. Your Honor, thank
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on September 4, 2015
`you for making yourself available this afternoon
`before this long weekend.
` JUDGE PERRY: Let me interrupt you. I
`forgot to mention that we also have on the line the
`rest of the panel, Judges Deshpande and Jefferson.
`They're calling from different locations than I am, so
`I want to invite them to please feel free to chime in
`and interrupt whenever they -- they are so moved.
` Please -- please continue now. Thank you.
` MR. WILLIAMS: Sure. Thank you. And this
`is, again, Eliot Williams for the petitioner.
` So the reason for requesting the call is
`petitioner would like to file a motion for some
`additional discovery and which would require, also,
`the issuance of a subpoena because we would like to
`take discovery from two or three non-parties who are
`authors of the primary prior art reference that is at
`issue in the proceeding.
` So that reference is the Divsalar reference.
`It was presented at the Allerton conference which --
`the proceedings of which were subsequently published
`in a printed publication.
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on September 4, 2015
` The patent owner has continued to dispute
`the publication date of that reference, and, so, in
`view of that, we think it's important to seek the
`additional discovery of the authors of that reference.
` So our intention would be to file a motion
`for a very carefully tailored document request and
`deposition of the authors, seeking documents about the
`preparation, submission, presentation, and publication
`of the reference, and, so, seeking any documents
`relating to those issues, as well as the deposition of
`the three witnesses on that topic.
` Just by way of background, we understand
`that -- the three authors are Divsalar, Jin, and
`McEliece. We understand that Mr. Jin is not
`affiliated -- all three were at one point, or still
`are, affiliated with Cal Tech, except Mr. Jin is no
`longer affiliated with California Tech, so, upon
`further consideration, I think what we would propose
`to do is to not seek a subpoena or discovery from
`Mr. Jin but, instead, would seek to take discovery
`from the other two authors, Mr. Divsalar and
`Mr. McEliece.
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on September 4, 2015
` One of those, Mr. McEliece, is an inventor
`on the patent in suit here -- on the patent challenge
`here, the '781 patent, and both Mr. McEliece and
`Mr. Divsalar are affiliated with Cal Tech. So that --
`that's the request.
` JUDGE PERRY: Before I go to patent owner,
`aren't we a bit far downstream to be seeking discovery
`on this issue?
` MR. WILLIAMS: Well, I don't -- I don't
`think so, your Honor. We did submit, of course, a
`declaration from a librarian authenticating the
`document and establishing a publication date with the
`petition. The board had institute based on that
`declaration, so we're somewhat surprised that the
`patent owner continues in their response to challenge
`the publication date, especially given that, you know,
`the publication is by one of the inventors and -- of
`the patent here.
` But certainly time still remains in the case
`before petitioner's reply is due, and so our -- the
`request would be to take that discovery in time to
`have it ready for our reply brief.
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on September 4, 2015
` JUDGE PERRY: Okay. Let me hear from the
`patent owner then.
` MR. ROSATO: Thank you, your Honor. So I
`mean a couple points here. I completely agree that
`this is -- this is very late in the proceeding and,
`you know, establishing that a -- a reference is a
`printed publication and available for review is really
`a threshold showing that should be set forth in its
`entirety in the petition, and here we are in the reply
`stage and we're facing an extraordinary request that
`the petitioner would like to embark on a discovery
`campaign to make that threshold showing that the
`reference they're submitting is a printed publication.
` This is very late in the process. I haven't
`heard why this is necessary. The standard for -- for
`this type of discovery is in the interest of justice,
`and I'm not hearing the explanation for that.
` What I did hear, however, is an explanation
`that -- that this reference was, according to the
`petitioner, presented at the conference and then
`subsequently published. And that's an important point
`of distinction because that's exactly what is set
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on September 4, 2015
`forth in our patent owner response, and that's
`important for a couple reasons.
` One is because the board did institute on
`the basis that the publication occurred at the
`conference, which just is not the case. And as
`Mr. Williams explained, they did, in fact, submit the
`declaration of the librarian in an attempt to identify
`the publication date.
` Now, the problem with that is we, as we
`pointed out in our briefing, both at the preliminary
`response and the patent owner response, there are
`deficiencies with that testimony, such that it is
`insufficient to establish the publication date or
`establish its reference as a printed publication as
`they have asserted.
` We sought to depose that witness. We
`requested cross-examination in a timely manner. And
`the petitioner refused to produce the witness. Now,
`the -- they may try to explain the circumstances
`surrounding that. We were not really provided with
`those circumstances other than being told that if we
`want that witness, we have to subpoena the witness.
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on September 4, 2015
` JUDGE PERRY: Let me interrupt you and --
`just a moment and get back to the petitioner.
` Petitioner, let me hear from you as to why
`your request is in the interest of justice at this
`point and why you did not make -- I presume it's the
`librarian witness available for cross-examination by
`the patent owner.
` MR. WILLIAMS: Sure. So let me address the
`second thing first, if I might. So we don't,
`unfortunately, control the librarian who gave us the
`declaration. She's an employee of a library, of the
`university library. We did -- we did request the
`declaration through the library's general counsel
`office and got the declaration that's submitted with
`our petition.
` When the patent owner requested her
`deposition, we reached out again through that office
`and was told that they were unwilling to appear
`voluntarily but would appear if subpoenaed. We
`informed patent owner of that fact and agreed to
`cooperate with them in subpoenaing the witness and
`making her available for the deposition but, for
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on September 4, 2015
`whatever reason, the patent owner elected not to do
`that. So that's -- that's the answer to, I think, the
`question of the librarian.
` As to why the request is in the interest of
`justice, I mean I could walk through the Garmin
`Factors in particular, but I think the main reason
`it's in the interest of justice is because the
`knowledge of, you know, the facts surrounding the
`publication of this reference are uniquely in the
`possession of -- of Cal Tech, the patent owner here.
`This is a prior art reference that one of the
`inventors is the author of and --
` JUDGE PERRY: Pardon me, counsel. Isn't
`petitioner -- doesn't petitioner have the burden of
`establishing that a document is a publication
`available for use in an IPR?
` MR. WILLIAMS: Yes. We agree that we do
`have the burden to show that a publication -- that the
`document is a publication and, you know, we
`attempted -- we attempted to do that and we think we
`did do that with our petition by getting a declaration
`from a librarian who has the document in their
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Conference Call
`Conducted on September 4, 2015
`possession with a publication date that was testified
`to in a declaration.
` You know, the problem that we face, as
`petitioner, is that there is no subpoena power at the
`institution phase prior to filing the petition. So,
`you know, we believe we complied with our burden and,
`you know, the board in the institution decision did
`find that the evidence we submitted showed a
`reasonable likelihood that that document was a
` So now that there has been institution and
`the patent owner has in their response recently
`continued to dispute the publication date, we believe
`discovery -- you know, a very narrowly tailored and
`limited discovery here of, you know, the author of the
`document at issue would be in the interest of justice
`to establish that, in fact, you know, the document was
`a publication, a printed publication.
` JUDGE PERRY: Okay. You said there were two
`of these three potential witnesses who are still with
`the patent owner; is that correct?
` MR. WILLIAMS: Yeah. So that -- I can tell
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on September 4, 2015
`you what our understanding is. Robert McEliece is
`both an inventor on the '781 patent and is a named
`author on the document, and we understand he -- he is
`still affiliated with Cal Tech, although I've recently
`heard that he might either be retiring or experiencing
`health issues. So I'm happy to hear from counsel for
`patent owner on that question.
` The other --
` JUDGE PERRY: Let me interrupt you. So
`before -- before you came to us, did you engage in any
`discussions with counsel for the patent owner to see
`if you could take this discovery by agreement?
` MR. WILLIAMS: So I reached out to patent
`owner when I asked to set up the call and asked if
`they would, you know, represent these parties or
`accept subpoenas. They didn't respond to that
`question and, instead, just provided us with the time
`when they would be available for the call.
` MR. WILLIAMS: So, I think in terms of the
`other Garmin Factors, I mean clearly -- you know, the
`witnesses who we're seeking to take discovery of are
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on September 4, 2015
`uniquely in the control of patent owner. They're
`likely to be the witnesses most knowledgeable about
`the publication of this document since they're the
`authors of it.
` We're not seeking anything like litigation
`positions or contentions of law here, we're really
`just trying to get at the core facts that relate to
`publication of the document.
` As I said, we've exhausted what we think are
`the other means that are available to us to prove this
`up without the ability to subpoena the authors.
` JUDGE PERRY: What other means were those?
` MR. WILLIAMS: The means were attempting to
`find librarians who could authenticate the document
` JUDGE PERRY: You mean librarians other than
`the one whom you put declaration testimony in from?
` MR. WILLIAMS: Right. In the course of
`preparing the petition, we did attempt to find other
`librarians to provide a declaration voluntarily and
`were not successful.
` JUDGE PERRY: Uh-huh.
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on September 4, 2015
` MR. WILLIAMS: We think that the issues here
`are very narrow. We think that the discovery will be
`simple to understand and, you know, we, obviously,
`would be willing to limit the time of the deposition
`to a reasonable amount of time; one or two hours with
`the witness should be more than sufficient.
` JUDGE PERRY: All right. Let me now hear
`from the patent owner. Are -- patent owner's counsel,
`are you willing to make available at least the two
`potential witnesses that are still with Cal Tech?
` MR. ROSATO: I'm -- I would have to confer
`with our client. We would have to explore that issue
`first, but I can tell you, your Honor, counsel did
`correctly note that one of the witnesses is having
`health concerns. And they know this because in the
`course of litigation, they have gone through
`depositions with all of these witnesses. Dr. Divsalar
`has been deposed twice in the context of litigation.
` And, you know, if we're going to return to
`the Garmin Factors, one of them is undue burdensome
`nature of the request. And, you know, I would return
`to the fact that petitioner had a witness that they
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on September 4, 2015
`relied on. They had means to address this on their
`own. It's their witness.
` It's not our responsibility to go chase
`witnesses down and subpoena and compel their
`testimony. There was no cooperation on that issue.
`So this is -- seems to be, you know, just added burden
`and running up costs and expense, you know, on -- on
`Cal Tech, a university entity here, when it's all
`completely unnecessary.
` This is -- there's a reason why the statute
`limits IPRs to printed publications and not public use
`type invalidity attacks. And petitioner is
`essentially trying to advance a public use case and
`fit that round peg into a square hole, which is
`precisely why they can't find a librarian in the
`country to back up their petition.
` So we think this is all belated, untimely.
`They have other means, if they wanted to produce her,
`they just have not, and they've already had their
`opportunity to depose these witnesses and did so
`multiple times. So I'm just not seeing this as being
`a sensible or a fair request.
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on September 4, 2015
` JUDGE PERRY: I believe Judge Jefferson has
`a question he'd like to ask.
` JUDGE JEFFERSON: Petitioner, this is Judge
`Jefferson. Is it your position that you are not able
`to subpoena the Texas librarian by -- by yourselves on
`behalf of petitioner?
` MR. WILLIAMS: So -- so I guess what I would
`say is we're only aware of this issue coming up in one
`other PTAB case. It was Marvelle versus Intellectual
`Ventures, which was IPR2014-00553. Very similar
`facts. Petitioner did have a declaration of a
`librarian. The librarian refused to cooperate
`voluntarily for the deposition, and the patent owner
`then subpoenaed the librarian and was, therefore, made
`available for deposition. So that's what we
`understood the procedures to be on these facts.
` Could we have subpoenaed her or requested
`leave from the board to subpoena her? I think the
`answer is yes, but, again, we already have her direct
`testimony by declaration, which does establish a
`publication date of this document that's, you know,
`well within the critical time period.
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on September 4, 2015
` So the request was to cross-examine the
`witness, presumably to attack some aspect of her
`testimony, and that was something that the patent
`owner apparently wanted to do, and so we -- we told
`them we would certainly not oppose the request and
`would cooperate with them in seeking the subpoena, but
`no such request was forthcoming.
` And if I could just respond to the issue of
`the prior depositions of Mr. Divsalar. So, I think
`that's a reference to the district court litigation.
`There is a protective order in place in that
` I'm not -- this is Eliot Williams again. I
`am not -- I've not appeared in that district court
`litigation. I'm not able to review documents that
`were covered by the protective order, including the
`deposition of Dr. Divsalar. I don't know what he was
`deposed about. I don't know if he gave testimony on
`this topic. And I assume he did not. If he did give
`deposition testimony on that topic and patent owner is
`in possession of it, then I would certainly like to
`see a copy of it.
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on September 4, 2015
` JUDGE PERRY: Okay. Thank you. Anything
`further from patent owner?
` MR. ROSATO: Yeah. Just going back to the
`standard here, your Honor, in the interest of justice,
`you know, what I heard petitioner say is they think
`that their case, as it stands, is sufficient. If
`that's the case, why do we need additional discovery?
`So if they think their case is sufficient as it
`stands, then we shouldn't even be having this
`conversation because there is no way in which the
`interest-of-justice standard has been met here. It's
`an unnecessary thing according to that description.
` If, on the other hand, it is necessary, it's
`only necessary because the petitioner's case, as it
`stands today, is facially defective. We think that is
`the case, as a matter of fact, but we don't think it's
`something that can be rectified by a late stage
`discovery campaign. In fact, the appropriate action
`at this point, in our view, would be a termination of
`the proceeding and vacating the decision instituting
` JUDGE PERRY: Okay. Thank you very much.
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on September 4, 2015
` I think what we're going to do, we're not
`going to decide this at the -- the ultimate issue on
`the phone today, but what we would like to have is a
`motion from the petitioner within the next three days
`and then a response from the patent owner within five
`business days after that, at three business days, and
`we will then make a decision on that motion as to
`whether or not to allow further discovery at this
` In your -- in your motion, petitioner,
`please address the interest-of-justice standard and --
`and discuss precisely why this discovery is necessary,
`and be mindful of how targeted it should be.
` Anything further from patent owner?
` MR. ROSATO: No, your Honor. Thank you.
` JUDGE PERRY: Petitioner?
` MR. WILLIAMS: No, your Honor. Thank you.
` JUDGE PERRY: Okay. That concludes the
`call. Thank you very much for your participation.
` MR. ROSATO: Thank you.
` (Off the record at 3:20 p.m.)
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on September 4, 2015
` I, Victoria L. Wilson, Registered Merit
`Reporter and Certified Realtime Reporter, Notary
`Public with and for the District of Columbia, do
`hereby certify:
` That I am the officer before whom the
`foregoing proceedings were taken, do hereby certify
`that the foregoing transcript is a true and correct
`record of the proceedings; and that said proceedings
`were taken by me stenographically and thereafter
`reduced to typewriting under my direction.
` I further certify that both the petitioner
`and patent owner were represented by counsel at these
` I further certify that the proceedings
`occurred via telephone at the offices of Wilson,
`Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati, 1700 K Street, NW, Fifth
`Floor, Washington, DC, on Friday, September 4, 2015,
`commencing at 3:00 p.m. to 3:20 p.m.
` I further certify that I am not related to
`any of the parties to this action by blood or
`marriage, I am not employed by or an attorney to any
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on September 4, 2015
`of the parties to this action, and that I am in no way
`interested, financially or otherwise, in the outcome
`of this matter.
`IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this
`5th day of September, 2015.
`My commission expires January 31, 2019.
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`7 8 9

`Conference CallConference Call
`Conducted on September 4, 2015Conducted on September 4, 2015
`1:2 8:13 10:3 13:7
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`11:14 12:21 13:2
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`5:10,18,22 8:10 9:3
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`11:9 14:5
`3:7 4:5
`6:13 7:5 21:4,7,10
`N 3
`:1 4:1,1,1 5:1
`9:15 20:13,14 21:12
`5:5,13,16 6:4
`15:5 16:16,18 19:10,12
`M 1
`:15 2:2
`6:1 11:22
`20:16 23:3
`4:3 5:12
`7:14,22 8:1,3 14:1
`9:4 12:5 14:21 15:16
`15:10,12,13 17:1,18
`5:2,2,8,15,19 6:3 8:6
`9:1 11:1 12:13 13:19
`14:9,19 15:12,16,22
`16:7 18:1,1,3,3 20:1
`20:22 21:16,18
`1:15 2:3 6:5
`9:16 11:4 12:5,7 13:16
`K 1
`:14 2:1,7 4:11 22:17
`1:14 2:1
`8:16 9:6 12:8,19 13:3,6
`13:7,14,15,17 14:15
`14:21 16:3,15,19,21
`17:6,7 18:21 19:17,18
`L 1
`:22 2:15 22:2 23:10
`9:5,14 20:17
`8:11 10:7 11:6,10 12:3
`12:22 17:15 18:5,12
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`9:16 11:4 12:4

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