`1951 Mathematics
`1953 Mathematics
`1957 Mathematics
`5/31/32, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A.
`The Johns Hopkins University
` M.A.
`Harvard University
`Ph. D. Harvard University
`Distinguished University Professor, University of Southern
`Andrew and Erna Viterbi Professor of Communications, University
`of Southern California.
`Director of Technology, Annenberg Center for Communication,
`University of Southern California.
`University Professor, University of Southern California.
`Vice Provost for Research, University of Southern California.
`President, Faculty Senate, University of Southern California.
`Professor, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, University of
`Southern California.
`Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering, University of Southern
`Deputy Section Chief, Telecommunications Research Section, Jet
`Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA.
`Research Group Supervisor, Information Processing Group, Jet
`Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA.
`Senior Research Engineer, Communications Research Group, Jet
`Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA.

`1990 (Jan.-Feb.)
`1959 (Sept.-Nov.)
`Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi, Eta Kappa Nu, Pi Delta Epsilon, Golden Key,
`American Mathematical Society (AMS), Mathematical Association of America (MAA),
`Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Institute of Electrical and Electronic
`Engineers (IEEE), American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), International
`Union of Radio Science (URSI).
`Visiting Fellow, Sackler Institute of Advanced Study, Tel Aviv
`University, Ramat Aviv, Israel.
`Visiting Professor of Applied Science, California Institute of
`Technology, Pasadena, CA.
`Fellow of the Institute of Communication Sciences,
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
`Fulbright Fellow in Mathematics, University of Oslo, Oslo,
`Elected to National Academy of Sciences (2003); Elected to National Academy of
`Engineering (1976); Fellow of the IEEE (1982); Fellow of the American Association for the
`Advancement of Science (1988); Shannon Lecturer at the 1985 International Symposium on
`Information Theory, Brighton, England; Creative Scholarship and Research Award of the
`University of Southern California (1968-69); Presidential Medallion of the University of
`Southern California (1985). U.S. Representative to meetings of the International Union of Radio
`Science (URSI). Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2003); Distinguished
`Alumnus Award, Johns Hopkins University (2002); Elected to the Board of Governors and its
`Academic Advisory Committee, of the Technion Israel Institute of Technology (2003); Medal of
`the U.S. National Security Agency (1992); Foreign Member, Russian Academy of Natural
`Sciences (1994). Lomonosov Medal, Russian Academy of Sciences (1994); Kapitsa Medal,
`Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1995); Honorary Doctorate Degrees: Dubna International
`University (1995); Hebrew Union College (1996); Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
`(2011); Awarded the Year 2000 Richard W. Hamming Gold Medal of the IEEE; Awarded the
`2012 William Procter Gold Medal of Sigma Xi; 2012 United States National Medal of Science;
`Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (2012), and Fellow of the Society for Industrial
`and Applied Mathematics (2013).

`Shift Register Sequences, Holden-Day, San Francisco, CA, 1967, revised second
`edition, Aegean Park Press, Laguna Hills, CA, 1982.
`“Random Permutations,” Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, November,
`“Permutations by Cutting and Shuffling,” SIAM Review, October, 1961.
`“On the Plausibility of the RNA Code,” NATURE, December, 1962.
`“Applications of the Numbered, Undirected Graphs,” (with G.S. Bloom), Proceedings
`of the IEEE, April, 1977.
`“A Class of Probability Distributions on the Integers,” Journal of Number Theory, May,
`“On the Classification of Balanced Binary Sequences of Period 2n-1,” IEEE
`Transactions on Information Theory, November, 1980.
`“On the Characterization of PN Sequences,” (with U. Cheng), IEEE Transactions on
`Information Theory, July, 1983.
`“Distributions of Periods and Frequencies of Runs in Random Binary Sequences,”
`Advances in Applied Math, September, 1989.
`10. “Linear Spans of Modified de Bruijn Sequences,” (with G. Mayhew), IEEE
`Transactions on Information Theory, September, 1990.
`11. Digital Communications With Space Applications, Prentice-Hall, 1969. Second edition,
`Peninsula Publishers, 1982.
`12. Polyominoes, Scribners, 1965, revised and expanded second edition, Princeton
`University Press, 1994.
`13. Basic Concepts in Information Theory and Coding (with R.A. Scholtz and R.E. Peile),
`Pelnum Publishers, 1994.
`14. Signal Design for Good Correlation for Wireless Communication, Cryptography, and
`Radar, Cambridge University Press, 2005, (with Guang Gong, University of Waterloo,
`Ontario, Canada).

`Former Postdocs:
`A. Lempel (1968-1969), T. Helleseth (1977-1978),
`T. Bu (1979-1980), T. Etzion (1985-1986),
`H. Taylor (1982-1991), H. Song (1992-1994),
`G. Gong (1996-1998), B.-N. Pei (2006-2007).
`J. Stiffler, R. Tausworthe,
`A. Waksman, W. Hurd, C. Fuzak, D. Sherman,
`H. Trachtenberg, H. Fredricksen, R. Thoene,
`M. Cohen, G. Bloom, U. Cheng, H. Taylor,
`B. Tang, G. Mayhew, G. Yovanof, N. Zhang,
`C.W. Walker, P. Gaal, H.-Y. Song, D. Rutan, Wensong
`Chu, A. Bekir, H.-K. Lee, P.-F. Lee.
`Former Ph.D. Students
`(1960 to present):
`Long-term associations:
`L.R. Welch, B. Gordon, J. Selfridge, A. Lempel,
`R. Scholtz, I.S. Reed, H. Fredricksen, A. Hales,
`J. Franklin, H. Taylor, P. Erdös.
`David V. Widder.
`Ph.D. Supervisor:
`Technology Service Corporation (Acquired by Westinghouse)
`Intelcom, Inc. (Successful IPO)
`Cyclotomics, Inc. (Acquired by Eastman-Kodak)
`Aphton Corporation (Successful IPO)
`LinCom Corporation (Acquired by TITAN Corp.)
`Illgen Simulation Technologies, Inc. (Acquired by Northrop-Grumman)
`Space Computer Corp. (Acquired by Excelis Corp.)
`Starting in 1954, a frequent consultant to major aerospace and biotech companies, defense
`contractors, computer firms, high-technology start-ups, and U.S. government agencies.

`“Checkerboards and Polyominoes”, The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 61, No.
`10, December, 1954.
`“Sets of Primes with Intermediate Density”, Mathematica Scandinavica, Vol. 3, 1955.
`“Properties of Consecutive Integers”, Nordisk Mathematisk Tidskrift, Vol. 4, 1956.
`“Combinatorial Proof of Fermat’s ‘Little’ Theorem”, The American Mathematical
`Monthly, Vol. 63, No. 10, December, 1956.
`“Comma-Free Codes” (with B. Gordon and L.R. Welch), The Canadian Journal of
`Mathematics, Vol. 10, 1958.
`“Construction and Properties of Comma-Free Codes” (with M. Delbrück and L.R.
`Welch), Biologiske Meddelelser, Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, Vol. 23,
`No. 9, 1958.
`“A Connected Topology for the Integers”, The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol.
`66, No. 8, October, 1959.
`“On the Classification of Boolean Functions”, IEEE Transactions on Information
`Theory, June, 1959.
`“On the Enumeration of Polygons” (with L.R. Welch), The American Mathematical
`Monthly, Vol. 67, No. 4, April, 1960.
`10. “The Twin Prime Constant”, The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 67, No. 8,
`October, 1960.
`11. “Radar Measurements of the Planet Venus” (with L. Malling), Journal of the British
`I.R.E., October, 1961.
`12. “A New Derivation of the Entropy Expressions”, IEEE Transactions on Information
`Theory, July, 1961.
`13. “Extraterrestrial Linguistics”, Astronautics & Aeronautics Magazine, May, 1961.
`14. “Extra-Terrestrial Linguistics”, Newsletter of the Information Theory Group of the
`IEEE, July, 1961.
`15. “Permutations by Cutting and Shuffling”, SIAM Review, October, 1961.
`16. “A Short Primer for Extraterrestrial Linguistics”, Air Force and Space Digest, July,
`17. “On the Plausibility of the RNA Code”, Nature, December, 1962.
`18. “Whither Electronics Research”, Astronautics & Aeronautics Magazine, January, 1962.

`19. “Zipf’s Law as a Tool in Strategic, Military and Economic Intelligence”, Newsletter of
`the Information Theory Group of the IEEE, March, 1962.
`20. “Beware of the Tigers”, Astronautics & Aeronautics Magazine, June, 1962.
`21. “Where to Point the Antennas”, Astronautics & Aeronautics Magazine, July, 1962.
`22. “Laying the Lunar Cable”, Astronautics & Aeronautics Magazine, August, 1962.
`23. “On the Ratio of n to π(n)”, The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 69, No. 8,
`January, 1962.
`24. “Genetic Coding”, Engineering and Science, April, 1962.
`25. “Discovery of an Hadamard Matrix of Order 92” (with M. Hall, Jr. and L.D. Baumert),
`Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, May, 1962.
`26. “An Algebraic Algorithm for the Representation Problems of the Ahmes Papyrus”, The
`American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 69, No. 8, October, 1962.
`27. “Recent Results on Comma-Free Codes” (with Baumert et al.), The Canadian Journal
`of Mathematics, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1963.
`28. “On the Sum of the Reciprocals of the Fermat Numbers and Related Irrationalities”,
`The Canadian Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1963.
`29. “The Search for Hadamard Matrices” (with L.D. Baumert), The American
`Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 70, No. 1, January, 1963.
`30. “When is Extra-Terrestrial Life Interesting?”, Engineering and Science, February,
`31. “On Certain Nonlinear Recurring Sequences”, The American Mathematical Monthly,
`Vol. 70, No. 4, April, 1963.
`32. “Distinct Elements
`in Non-Commutative Groups and Loops”, The American
`Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 70, No. 5, May, 1963.
`33. “Ferreting Signals Out of Noise”, International Science and Technology, October,
`34. “Proposalese”, Astronautics & Aeronautics Magazine, November, 1963.
`35. “Synchronization” (with J.R. Davey et al.), IEEE Transactions on Communication
`Systems, December, 1963.
`36. “Random Permutations”, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, November,
`37. “Extracting Signals from Noise”, IEEE Student Journal, September, 1964.
`38. “Time Paradoxes”, USC Engineer, March, 1964.

`39. “Influence of Data Processing on the Design and Communication of Experiments”,
`Radio Science, September, 1964.
`40. “Rook Domains, Latin Squares, Affine Planes and Error-Distributing Codes” (with
`E.C. Posner), IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, July, 1964.
`41. “Codes with Bounded Synchronization Delay” (with B. Gordon), Information and
`Control, August, 1965.
`42. “Generalized Barker Sequences” (with R.A. Scholtz), IEEE Transactions on
`Information Theory, October, 1965.
`43. “Backtrack Programming” (with L.D. Baumert), Journal of the Association of
`Computing Machinery, October, 1965.
`44. “References to Pentominoes”, Communications of the ACM, April, 1966.
`45. “The
`Information-Generating Function of a Probability Distribution”,
`Transactions on Information Theory, January, 1966.
`46. “Hypercubes of Non-Negative Integers” (with E.C. Posner), Bulletin of the American
`Mathematical Society, July, 1965.
`47. “Fat and Lean Years”, Astronautics & Aeronautics Magazine, August, 1965.
`48. “Aerospace and Urban Blight”, Astronautics & Aeronautics Magazine, September,
`49. “Employment and the Automated Society”, Astronautics & Aeronautics Magazine,
`November, 1965.
`50. “The Book-of-the-Moment Club”, Astronautics & Aeronautics Magazine, March, 1966.
`51. “The Wheel in the Middle of the Air”, Astronautics & Aeronautics Magazine, August,
`52. “The Space Program-An Historical Perspective”, Astronautics & Aeronautics
`Magazine, November, 1966.
`53. “Tiling with Polyominoes”, The Journal of Combinatorial Theory, September, 1966.
`54. “A Mathematical Investigation of Games of Take-Away”, The Journal of
`Combinatorial Theory, December, 1966.
`55. “Run-Length Encoding”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, July, 1966.
`56. “Theory of Transformation Groups of Polynomials Over GF (2) with Applications to
`Linear Shift Register Sequences”, Information Sciences, December, 1968.
`57. “On Enumerative Equivalence of Group Elements” (with A.W. Hales), The Journal of
`Combinatorial Theory, November, 1968.

`58. “Mathematical Models-Uses and Limitations”, Astronautics & Aeronautics Magazine,
`January, 1968.
`59. “Messages from Space?”, Astronautics & Aeronautics Magazine, July, 1968.
`60. “New Proof of a Classic Combinatorial Theorem”, The American Mathematical
`Monthly, Vol. 75, No. 5, May, 1968.
`61. “Aerospace Technology and Social Systems: Which Learns from Which?”,
`Astronautics & Aeronautics Magazine, December, 1969.
`62. “A General Formulation of Error Metrics”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
`May, 1969.
`63. “Unicursal Polygonal Paths and Other Graphs on Point Lattices” (with J.L. Selfridge),
`Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, Fall, 1970.
`64. “Mathematical Models- Uses and Limitations”, Simulation, Vol. 4, No. 14, April, 1970.
`65. “A Class of Probability Distributions on the Integers”, Journal of Number Theory, Vol.
`2, No. 2, May, 1970.
`66. “The Lambda Method in Prime Number Theory”, Journal of Number Theory, Vol. 2,
`No. 2, May, 1970.
`67. “Powerful Numbers”, The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 77, No. 8, October,
`68. “Wilsonian Products in Groups”, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Vol.
`76, No. 5, September, 1970.
`69. “Tiling with Sets of Polyominoes”, The Journal of Combinatorial Theory, July, 1970.
`70. “Perfect Codes in the Lee Metric, and the Packing of Polyominoes” (with L.R. Welch),
`SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 18, No. 2, January, 1970.
`71. “Mathematical Models- Uses and Limitations”, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol.
`R-20, No. 3, August, 1971.
`72. “The Stability of Counting Sequences under Stage Delays”, (with M. Cohen, S. Even
`and A. Lempel), SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 20, No. 2, March, 1971.
`73. “Some Decompositions of the Integers from 0 to pn – 1”, The American Mathematical
`Monthly, February, 1972.
`74. “On the Survival of Sequence Information in Filters”, IEEE Transactions on
`Information Theory, March, 1972.
`75. “A New Arithmetic Function of Combinatorial Significance”, Journal of Number
`Theory, Vol. 5, No. 3, June, 1973.

`76. “On Representing an Integer as the Harmonic Mean of Integers”, Mathematics
`Magazine, November-December, 1973.
`77. “The Largest Graceful Subgraph of the Complete Graph”, The American Mathematical
`Monthly, May, 1974.
`78. “A Direct Interpretation of Gandhi’s Formula”, The American Mathematical Monthly,
`August-September, 1974.
`79. “A Function-Theoretic Approach to the Study of Nonlinear Recurring Sequences”
`(with J.N. Franklin), Pacific Journal of Mathematics, February, 1975.
`80. “Formulas for the Next Prime”, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp.
`401-404, 1976.
`81. “The ‘Sales Tax’ Theorem”, Mathematics Magazine, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 187-189,
`September-October, 1976.
`82. “Properties of the Sequence 3Ÿ2n+1”, Mathematics of Computation, Vol. 30, No. 135,
`pp. 657-663, July, 1976.
`83. “Some Scenarios on Communications by the Year 2000”, Astronautics & Aeronautics
`Magazine, pp. 66-69, January, 1976.
`84. “Applications of Numbered Undirected Graphs” (with G.S. Bloom), Proceedings of the
`IEEE, Vol. 65, No. 4, pp. 562-570, April, 1977.
`85. “Integer Convolutions Over the Finite Field GF(3Ÿ2n+1)” (with I.S. Reed and T.K.
`Truong), SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, March, 1977.
`86. “Second Order Polynomial Recursions” (with A. Lempel), SIAM Journal on Applied
`Mathematics, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 587-592, December, 1977.
`87. “Cyclotomic Polynomials and Factorization Theorems”, The American Mathematical
`Monthly, Vol. 85, No. 9, pp. 734-737, November, 1978.
`88. “Sources which Maximize the Choice of a Huffman Coding Tree”, Information and
`Control, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 263-272, June, 1980.
`89. “Iterated Binomial Coefficients”, The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 87, No. 9,
`November, 1980.
`90. “The Limiting Behavior of the Z-Channel”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
`Vol. IT-66, No. 3, pp. 372, May, 1980.
`91. “On the Classification of Balanced Binary Sequences of Period 2n – 1”, IEEE
`Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT-26, No. 6, pp. 730-732, November, 1980.
`92. “On the Enumeration of Cryptograms”, Mathematics Magazine, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp.
`219-222, September, 1980.

`93. “Obtaining Specified Irreducible Polynomials Over Finite Fields”, SIAM Journal on
`Algebra and Discrete Methods, Vol. 1, No. 4, December, 1980.
`94. “Cryptographic Reflections on the Genetic Code”, Cryptologia, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 15-
`19, January, 1980.
`95. “One-Sided Operators in Rings”, Undergraduate Mathematics and Applications, Unit
`557, 1981.
`96. “Rubik’s Cube and a Model of Quark Confinement”, American Journal of Physics,
`Vol. 49, No. 11, pp. 1030-1031, November, 1981.
`97. “The Evidence for Fortune’s Conjecture”, Mathematics Magazine, Vol. 54, No. 4, pp.
`209-210, September, 1981.
`98. “Corrections of Cyclotomic Polynomials and Factorization Theorems”, The American
`Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 88, No. 5, pp. 338-339, May, 1981.
`99. “Normed Division Domains”, The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 88, No. 9, pp.
`680-686, November, 1981.
`100. “The Numerology of Periodic Decimal Expansions”, CRUX Mathematicorum, Vol. 8,
`No. 2, pp. 32-34, February, 1982.
`101. “Rubik’s Cube and Quarks”, The American Scientist, Vol. 70, May-June, 1982.
`102. “Two-Dimensional Synchronization Patterns for Minimum Ambiguity” (with H.
`Taylor), IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT-28, No. 4, pp. 600-604,
`July, 1982.
`103. “Max Delbrück- An Appreciation”, The American Scholar, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 351-
`367, Summer, 1982.
`104. “C’e l’Universo in un cubo de Rubik”, Journal: l’Astronomia, No. 26, Ottobre, 1983.
`105. “On the Characterization of PN Sequences” (with U. Cheng), IEEE Transactions on
`Information Theory, Vol. IT-29, No. 4, July, 1983.
`106. “Algebraic Constructions for Costas Arrays”, The Journal of Combinatorial Theory,
`Series A, No. 37, pp. 13-21, July, 1984.
`107. “Constructions and Properties of Costas Arrays”, (with H. Taylor), Proceedings of the
`IEEE, Vol. 72, No. 9, pp. 1143-1163, September, 1984.
`108. “For the Love of Games”, The Sciences, pp. 51-54, March-April, 1984.
`109. “The Fifteen Billiard Balls - A Case Study in Combinatorial Problem Solving”,
`Mathematics Magazine, pp. 156-160, May, 1985.
`110. “Geometric Proof that a 2x2 Determinant is the Area of a Parallelogram”, Mathematics
`Magazine, pp. 10, March, 1985.

`111. “The Invincible Primes”, The Sciences, pp. 50-57, March-April, 1985.
`112. “Tuscan Squares - A New Family of Combinatorial Designs” (with H. Taylor), Ars
`Combinatoria, Vol. 20-B, December, 1985.
`113. “Optical Disk Error Correction”, Byte Magazine, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 203-210, May,
`114. “A New Result on Comma-Free Codes of Even Wordlength” (with B. Tang and R.L.
`Graham), Canadian Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 513-526, December,
`115. “Distribution of Periods and Frequencies of Runs in Random Binary Sequences”,
`Advances in Applied Mathematics, No. 10, pp. 278-284, 1989.
`116. “Tuscan-K Squares” (with H. Taylor and T. Etzion), Advances in Applied Mathematics,
`No. 10, pp. 164-174, 1989.
`117. “Polyominoes Which Tile Rectangles”, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A,
`Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 117-124, May, 1989.
`118. “Sixty-Phase Generalized Barker Sequences” (with N. Zhang), IEEE Transactions on
`Information Theory, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 911-912, July-August, 1989.
`119. “Polygonal Path Constructions for Tuscan-K Squares” (with H. Taylor and T. Etzion),
`Ars Combinatoria, Vol. 30, pp. 97-140, December, 1990.
`120. Uniqueness of the Generalized Barker Sequence of Length 6” (with N. Zhang), IEEE
`Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT-36, No. 5, pp. 1167-1170, September,
`121. “A Limit Theorem for n-Phase Barker Sequences”, (with N. Zhang), IEEE
`Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT-36, No. 4, pp. 863-866, July, 1990.
`122. “On the Crosscorrelation of Generalized Barker Sequences” (with N. Zhang), IEEE
`Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT-36, No. 6, pp. 1479-1480, November,
`123. “Linear Spans of Modified de Bruijn Sequences” (with G. Mayhew), IEEE
`Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT-36, No. 5, pp. 1166-1167, September,
`124. “The Polynomial Model in the Study of Homometric Structures” (with G. Bloom and F.
`Hsu), Discrete Mathematics, Special Issue on Advances in Graph Labeling, 1990.
`125. “The T4 and G4 Constructions for Costas Arrays” (with H. Taylor), IEEE Transactions
`on Information Theory, Vol. IT-38, No. 4, pp. 1404-1406, July, 1992.
`126. “An Identity for ”, American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 99, No. 8, pp. 746-748,
`October, 1992.

`127. “Characterizations of Generators for Modified de Bruijn Sequences”, (with G.
`Mayhew), Advances in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 454-461, December,
`128. “Progressions in Every Two-Coloration of Zn” (with H. Taylor and H.Y. Song), Journal
`of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, Vol. 61, No. 2, pp. 211-221, November, 1992.
`129. “Periods of de Bruijn Sequences”, Advances in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 13, No. 2,
`pp. 1181-1183, May, 1992.
`130. “ A Class of Pseudonoise-Like Pulse Compression Codes” (with S. Gottesman and P.
`Grieve), IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronics Systems, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp.
`355-361, April, 1992.
`131. “Error Correcting Codes and the Genome Project”, Computers and Chemistry, Vol. 16,
`No. 2, pp. 183-186, April, 1992.
`132. “Two-Valued Sequences with Perfect Periodic Autocorrelation”, IEEE Transactions on
`Aerospace and Electronics Systems, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 383-386, April, 1992.
`133. “Nonlinear Shift Registers that Produce all Vectors of Weight ≤ t” (with R. Peile and H.
`Taylor), IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT-38, No. 3, pp. 1181-1183,
`May, 1992.
`134. “Probability, Information Theory, and Prime Number Theory”, Discrete Mathematics,
`Vol. 106/107, pp. 219-229, September 1, 1992.
`135. “Polyphase Sequences with low Autocorrelations” (with N. Zhang), IEEE Transactions
`on Information Theory, Vol. IT-39, No. 3, pp. 1085-1089, May, 1993.
`136. “On Non-Periodic Cyclic Equivalence Classes of RS Codes” (with I.S. Reed and H.Y.
`Song), IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT-39, No. 4, pp. 1431-1435,
`July, 1993.
`137. “Generalized Welch-Costas Sequences and Their Application to Vatican Arrays” (with
`H.Y. Song), Contemporary Mathematics, Vol, 168, pp. 341-351, 1994.
`138. “Some New Constructions for Simplex Codes” (with H.Y. Song), IEEE Transactions
`on Information Theory, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 504-507, March, 1994.
`139. “On N-Phase Barker Sequences” (with N. Chang), IEEE Transactions on Information
`Theory, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 1251-1253, July, 1994.
`140. “A Powerful Procedure for Proving Practical Propositions”, Mathematics Magazine,
`Vol. 67, No. 5, pp. 383, December, 1994.
`141. “On the Existence of Cyclic Hadamard Difference Sets” (with H.Y. Song), IEEE
`Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 1266-1268, July, 1994.

`142. “An Octomino of High Order” (with K.A. Dahlke and H. Taylor), Journal of
`Combinatorial Theory, Series A, pp. 157-158, Vol. 70, No. 1, April, 1995.
`143. “On the Factorization of Jevons’ Number”, Cryptologia, Vol. XX, No. 3, pp. 243-244,
`July, 1996.
`144. “On Periodicity Properties of Costas Arrays and a Conjecture on Permutation
`Polynomials” (with Moreno, O.), IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. It-42,
`No. 6, pp. 2252-2253, November, 1996.
`145. “Tiling Rectangles with Polyominoes”, Mathematical Intelligencer, pp. 38-47, Spring,
`146. “A Symmetry Criterion for Conjugacy in Finite Groups”, Mathematics Magazine, Vol.
`69, No. 5, pp. 373-375, December, 1996.
`147. “7200-phase Generalized Barker Sequences” (with N. Chang), IEEE Transactions on
`Information Theory, Vol. IT-42, No. 4, pp. 1236-1238, July, 1996.
`148. “Methanococcus Genome”, Letter published in SCIENCE, Vol. 274, No. 5289, pp. 902,
`November 8, 1996.
`149. “A Conjecture on the Existence of Cyclic Hadamard Difference Sets” (with H.Y.
`Song), Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol. 62, pp. 39-41, 1997.
`150. “Extended Sonar Sequences” (with O. Moreno and C.J. Corrada), IEEE Transactions
`on Information Theory, Vol. 43, No. 6, November, 1997.
`151. “Recent Results on Polyphase Sequences” (with M.Z. Win), IEEE Transactions on
`Information Theory, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 817-824, March, 1998.
`152. “On the Number of Permutations on n Objects with Greatest Cycle Length k” (with P.
`Gaal), Advances in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 20, pp. 98-107, 1998.
`153. “Mathematics Forty Years After Sputnik”, The American Scholar, Vol. 67, No. 2, pp.
`89-100, Spring, 1998.
`154. “Binary Pseudorandom Sequences of Period 2n – 1 with Ideal Autocorrelation” (with J.-
`S. No, G. Gong, H.-K. Lee and P. Gaal), IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
`Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 814-817, March, 1998.
`155. “The polynomial model in the Study of Counterexamples to S. Piccard’s ‘Theorem’”
`(with G. Yovanof), Ars Combinatoria, Vol. 48, April, 1998.
`156. “Binary Sequences with Two-Level Autocorrelation” (with G. Gong), IEEE
`Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 692-693, March, 1999.
`157. “Periodic Sequences with the Trinomial Property” (with G. Gong), IEEE Transactions
`on Information Theory, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 1276-1279, May, 1999.

`158. “Generating All Linear Orthomorphisms Without Repetitions”, (with Z.D. Dai and G.
`Gong), Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 205, pp. 47-55, 1999.
`159. “Hadamard Transforms of Three-Term Sequences” (with G. Gong), IEEE Transactions
`on Information Theory, Vol. 45, No. 6, pp. 2059-2060, September, 1999.
`160. “Transform Domain Analysis of DES” (with G. Gong), IEEE Transactions on
`Information Theory, Vol. 45, No. 6, pp. 2065-2073, September, 1999.
`161. “Mathematics After Forty Years of the Space Age”, Mathematical Intelligencer, Vol.
`21, No. 4, pp. 38-44, Fall, 1999.
`162. “Enumeration and Criteria for Cyclically Shift Distinct GMW Sequences” (with G.
`Gong and Z.D. Dai), IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 46, No. 2, pp.
`474-484, March, 2000.
`163. “On a Conjectured Ideal Autocorrelation Sequence and a Related Triple-Error-
`Correcting Code” (with Anchang Chan, P. Gaal, G. Gong, T. Helleseth and P.V.
`Kumar), IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 680-687,
`March, 2000.
`164. “Cyclic Inequivalence of Cascaded GMW Sequences” (with G. Gong and Z.D. Dai),
`Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 219, pp. 279-285, 2000.
`165. “Exhaustive Determination of (1023, 511, 255)-Cyclic Difference Sets” (with P. Gaal),
`Mathematics of Computation, Vol. 70, No. 233, pp. 357-366, March 1, 2000.
`166. “A Proposal for Rescaling Units”, Physics Today, pp. 12, October, 2001.
`167. “Retrospective: Communication. Claude E. Shannon (1916-2001)”, Science, pp. 455,
`20 April 2001.
`168. “Peter Swerling – Obituary”, SIAM NEWS, pp. 4, April, 2001.
`169. “A Remembrance of Peter Swerling”, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems, pp.
`24B, June, 2001.
`170. “Circular Tuscan-k Arrays from Permutation Binomials” (with Wensong Chu), Journal
`of Combinatorial Theory – Series A, pp. 195-202; appeared, January 2002.
`171. “Claude Elwood Shannon (1916-2001)” (I was editor and first author, with other
`Contributions by E.R. Berlekamp, T.M. Cover, R.G. Gallager, J.L. Massey and A.J.
`Viterbi); appeared, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp.
`8-16, January, 2002.
`172. “Circular Tuscan-k Arrays from Permutation Binomials” (with Chu, Wensong), Journal
`of Combinatorial Theory – Series A, pp. 195-202; appeared, January 2002.

`173. “The Decimation-Hadamard Transform of Two-Level Autocorrelation Sequences”
`(with Guang Gong), IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp.
`853-865, April, 2002.
`174. “Hypercube Tic-Tac-Toe” (with A.W. Hales), More Games of No Chance, R.J.
`Nowakowski, Editor, Mathematical Science Research Institute Publications, Cambridge
`University Press, 2002.
`175. “David A. Klarner – A Memorial Tribute”, Puzzlers’ Tribute, A Fest of the Mind,
`editors D. Wolfe and T. Rogers, A.K. Peters, pp. 11-13, 2002.
`176. “The Legend of Columbus”, American Scholar, Letter, Vol. 72, No. 1, pp. 158-159,
`Winter, 2003.
`177. “A Note on the Equivalence between Strict Optical Orthogonal Codes and Difference
`Triangle Sets” (with Wensong Chu), IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.
`49, No. 3, March, 2003.
`178. “A New Recursive Construction for Optical Orthogonal Codes” (with Wensong Chu),
`IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 49, No. 11, pp. 3072-3076, November,
`179. “Tiling Deficient Rectangles with Polyominoes” (with M. Ash), Mathematical
`Magazine, Vol. 77, No. 1, pp. 46-55, February, 2004.
`180. “Optimal 2-D Interleaving with Latin Rectangles” (with Weng-Qing Xu), IEEE
`Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 51, pp. 1179-1182, March, 2005.
`181. “A Recursive Construction for Regular Difference Triangle Sets” (with W. Chu and C.
`Colbourn), SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 741-748, 2005.
`182. “A New Construction for 64-QAM Golay Complementary Sequences” (with Heekwan
`Lee), IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 1663-1670, April,
`183. “On
`the Classification of Cyclic Hadamard Sequences”, IEICE Transactions
`Fundamentals, Vol. E89-A, No. 9, pp. 2247-2252, September, 2006.
`184. “Optimal Interleaving Schemes for 2-D Arrays” (with R. Mena, and W.-Q. Xu), IEEE
`Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 52, No. 9, pp. 4223-4229, September, 2006.
`185. “Ramsey’s Theorem is Sharp”, Mathematics Magazine, Vol. 79, No. 4, pp. 304-306,
`October, 2006.
`186. “Irreducible Polynomials which Divide Trinomials over GF(2)” (with Pey-Feng Lee),
`IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 768-774, February,
`187. “A Note on Low Correlation Zone Signal Sets” (with G. Gong and H.-Y. Song), IEEE
`Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 53, No. 7, pp. 2575-2581, July, 2007.

`188. “There are No Further Counterexamples to S. Piccard’s Theorem” (with Ahmed Bekir),
`IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 53, No. 8, pp. 2864-2867, August,
`189. “Optimal Interleaving Schemes for Correcting Two-Dimensional Cluster Errors” (with
`W.-Q. Xu), Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 155, pp. 1200-1212, 2007.
`190. “The Status of Costas Arrays” (with G. Gong), IEEE Transactions on Information
`Theory, Vol. 53, No. 11, pp. 4200-4265, November, 2007.
`191. “2-D Array Coloring with Many Colors” (with W.-Q. Xu), IEEE Transactions on
`Information Theory, Vol. 54, No. 9, September, 2008.
`192. “A New Construction of 16-QAM Near Complementary Sequence” (with Heekwan
`Lee), IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 55, 2009.
`193. “OCCs, Partial Relative Difference Families, and a Conjecture of Golomb” (with O.
`Moreno, R. Aurani and P.V. Kumar), IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
`194. “A New Result on Ramsey Theory”, Mathematics Magazine.
`195. “On Equivalence Relations and their Duals”, submitted to Mathematics Magazine,
`196. “A New Extension of Ramsey Theory” (with H. Taylor), submitted to the American
`Mathematical Monthly.
`197. “A New Optimal Doubly Periodic Construction for One-Target Two-Dimensional
`Arrays” (with Oscar Moreno), submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information
`198. “A New Construction of 16-QAM Golay Complementary Sequences” (with Heekwan
`Lee), submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2008.

`Convention Records, Anthologies, and Book Reviews
`Chapters in Bound Volumes (Convention R

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