`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`(43) International Publication Date
`13 April 2006 (13.04.2006)
`13 April 2006 (13.04.2006)
`(51) International Patent Classification: (cid:9)
`(51) International Patent Classification: (cid:9)
`HO4N 5/74
`HO4N 5/74
`(21) International Application Number:
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date: 7 October 2004 (07.10.2004)
`(22) International Filing Date: 7 October 2004 (07.10.2004)
`(25) Filing Language: (cid:9)
`(25) Filing Language: (cid:9)
`(26) Publication Language: (cid:9)
`(26) Publication Language: (cid:9)
`(71) Applicants and
`(71) Applicants and
`(72) Inventors: KIM, Dong-Yoon [KR/KR]; #501 Jinheung
`(72) Inventors: KIM, Dong-Yoon [KR/KR]; #501 Jinheung
`APT, Hongeung-Dong, Suhdaemun-Gu, Seoul 120-103
`APT, Hongeung-Dong, Suhdaemun-Gu, Seoul 120-103
`(KR). HONG, Young-Ghi [CA/CA]; 574 Plantation Gate
`(KR). HONG, Young-Ghi [CA/CA]; 574 Plantation Gate
`Newmarket, Ontario, L3X 2C2 (CA).
`Newmarket, Ontario, L3X 2C2 (CA).
`(10) International Publication Number
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2006/038744 Al
`WO 2006/038744 Al
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`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
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`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM,
`ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM),
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`GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`(74) Agent: NHAM, Ho-Hyun; #701 Kukdong Bldg. 60-1,
`(74) Agent: NHAM, Ho-Hyun; #701 Kukdong Bldg. 60-1,
`3-ga, Choongmuro, Jung-gu, Seoul 100-705 (KR).
`3-ga, Choongmuro, Jung-gu, Seoul 100-705 (KR).
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`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid-
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin-
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin-
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
`(57) Abstract: A digital image projection system and method for displaying time sequential 3-D stereoscopic images onto a screen.
`(57) Abstract: A digital image projection system and method for displaying time sequential 3-D stereoscopic images onto a screen.
`N The digital image projection system includes a single digital image projector, a projection optical system, a polarizing optical system,
`N The digital image projection system includes a single digital image projector, a projection optical system, a polarizing optical system,
`00 a shutter and a digital image-processing unit. The projection optical system includes a common optical lens group, a beam splitting
`00 a shutter and a digital image-processing unit. The projection optical system includes a common optical lens group, a beam splitting
`optical system, and two separated front optical lens groups. Light beams modulated by the spatial light modulator(s) in the single
`optical system, and two separated front optical lens groups. Light beams modulated by the spatial light modulator(s) in the single
`digital projector are split, polarized and projected through the projection optical system, the shutter, and the polarizing optical system.
`digital projector are split, polarized and projected through the projection optical system, the shutter, and the polarizing optical system.
`The digital image-processing unit includes an image playback system and a synchronization controller, a frame rate converter and a
`The digital image-processing unit includes an image playback system and a synchronization controller, a frame rate converter and a
`multiplexer, and a data processor and formatter. The digital image-processing unit processes image data at sequential stereoscopic
`multiplexer, and a data processor and formatter. The digital image-processing unit processes image data at sequential stereoscopic
`image frame rate. The data processor and formatter compensates an image location offset and/or a magnification difference between
`image frame rate. The data processor and formatter compensates an image location offset and/or a magnification difference between
`O the left-eye and right-eye images.
`O the left-eye and right-eye images.
`MasterImage 3D, Inc. and MasterImage 3D Asia, LLC - Exhibit 1003
`WO 2006/038744 (cid:9)WO 2006/038744 (cid:9)
`PCT/KR2004/002566 PCT/KR2004/002566
`1 1
`Description Description
`Technical Field Technical Field
`The present invention relates to digital image projection systems, and more par-The present invention relates to digital image projection systems, and more par-
`ticularly, to a system and method for 3-dimensional(3-D) stereoscopic projection ticularly, to a system and method for 3-dimensional(3-D) stereoscopic projection
`display using a single digital projector. display using a single digital projector.
`Background Art Background Art
`3-dimensional(3-D) Stereoscopic projection display systems are based on parallax 3-dimensional(3-D) Stereoscopic projection display systems are based on parallax
`between the left eye and the right eye, in other words, binocular disparity depth cue of between the left eye and the right eye, in other words, binocular disparity depth cue of
`human vision. In order to let the viewers feel the depth of the images projected onto a human vision. In order to let the viewers feel the depth of the images projected onto a
`screen, a single projector or multiple projectors project two slightly different images, screen, a single projector or multiple projectors project two slightly different images,
`the left eye-images and right eye-images, onto a screen. The entire 3-D stereoscopic the left eye-images and right eye-images, onto a screen. The entire 3-D stereoscopic
`projection display system enables the left eye to see only the left-eye image, and the projection display system enables the left eye to see only the left-eye image, and the
`right eye to see only the right-eye image. right eye to see only the right-eye image.
`There are several ways to implement 3-D stereoscopic images from projection There are several ways to implement 3-D stereoscopic images from projection
`displays. Anaglyphic method is very economic one to achieve the stereoscopic effect displays. Anaglyphic method is very economic one to achieve the stereoscopic effect
`and it has been used since the early 20th century. Viewers wear anaglyph eyeglasses and it has been used since the early 20th century. Viewers wear anaglyph eyeglasses
`consisting of red and blue or complementary colored glasses to view complementary consisting of red and blue or complementary colored glasses to view complementary
`colored stereoscopic images projected onto a screen from a projector. This anaglyphic colored stereoscopic images projected onto a screen from a projector. This anaglyphic
`method causes change of image colors with dark display. Moreover, the com-method causes change of image colors with dark display. Moreover, the com-
`plimentary colored glasses do not provide good stereo image selection because each plimentary colored glasses do not provide good stereo image selection because each
`color glass has the limit of color filtering between the left-eye images and the right-eye color glass has the limit of color filtering between the left-eye images and the right-eye
`images. Consequently, anaglyph stereoscopic projection system partially allows the images. Consequently, anaglyph stereoscopic projection system partially allows the
`left eye to see the right-eye images and the right eye to see the left-eye images. This is left eye to see the right-eye images and the right eye to see the left-eye images. This is
`serious cross talk problem for the stereoscopic display. Therefore, the stereoscopic serious cross talk problem for the stereoscopic display. Therefore, the stereoscopic
`image projection system, based on anaglyph glasses with the complementary colored image projection system, based on anaglyph glasses with the complementary colored
`images, is not regarded as good quality displays. images, is not regarded as good quality displays.
`FIG. 1 illustrates a conventional dual projectors displaying left-eye images 100 and FIG. 1 illustrates a conventional dual projectors displaying left-eye images 100 and
`right-eye images 101 onto a screen 102. A projector 103 projects left-eye images 100 right-eye images 101 onto a screen 102. A projector 103 projects left-eye images 100
`and a projector 104 projects right-eye images 101. Iblarizers 105 and 106 are disposed and a projector 104 projects right-eye images 101. Iblarizers 105 and 106 are disposed
`upstream of the projection lens of each projector 103 and 104 and positioned in order upstream of the projection lens of each projector 103 and 104 and positioned in order
`[1] [1]
`[2] [2]
`[3] [3]
`[4] [4]
`MasterImage 3D, Inc. and MasterImage 3D Asia, LLC - Exhibit 1003
`WO 2006/038744 (cid:9)
`WO 2006/038744 (cid:9)
`to make the light beams from one projector orthogonally polarized relative to the
`to make the light beams from one projector orthogonally polarized relative to the
`others. The light beams from the projectors are linearly or circularly polarized. In order
`others. The light beams from the projectors are linearly or circularly polarized. In order
`to get circularly polarized light, allitional quarter wave plate can be disposed
`to get circularly polarized light, allitional quarter wave plate can be disposed
`upstream of each linear polarizer 105 and 106. Viewers wear polarizing eyeglasses 107
`upstream of each linear polarizer 105 and 106. Viewers wear polarizing eyeglasses 107
`and see the stereoscopic 3-D images from a screen 102. The polarizer disposed
`and see the stereoscopic 3-D images from a screen 102. The polarizer disposed
`upstream of each projector and eyeglasses(analyzer in this system) are made of optical
`upstream of each projector and eyeglasses(analyzer in this system) are made of optical
`polarizing film, which has usually around 1,000:1 to 2,000:1 extinction ratio between
`polarizing film, which has usually around 1,000:1 to 2,000:1 extinction ratio between
`the orthogonally polarized light beams in the visible light spectrum. Therefore, the
`the orthogonally polarized light beams in the visible light spectrum. Therefore, the
`extinction ratio, the contrast ratio in other words, is around 1,000:1 to 2,000: 1 between
`extinction ratio, the contrast ratio in other words, is around 1,000:1 to 2,000: 1 between
`the left-eye images and the right-eye images. The extinction ratio is so good that there
`the left-eye images and the right-eye images. The extinction ratio is so good that there
`is virtually no visual cross talk problem between the left-eye images and right-eye
`is virtually no visual cross talk problem between the left-eye images and right-eye
`images. Consequently, this method enables the stereoscopic projection system to have
`images. Consequently, this method enables the stereoscopic projection system to have
`good left and right image selection property in order to provide viewers with good
`good left and right image selection property in order to provide viewers with good
`stereoscopic 3-D effect. The averaged light efficiency of a polarizer to produce
`stereoscopic 3-D effect. The averaged light efficiency of a polarizer to produce
`polarized light out of non-polarized visible white light is about 45 % for each
`polarized light out of non-polarized visible white light is about 45 % for each
`orthogonal polarization state. Each analyzer of eyeglasses has the transmission
`orthogonal polarization state. Each analyzer of eyeglasses has the transmission
`efficiency of 85 % for already polarized visible white light. Therefore, the total light
`efficiency of 85 % for already polarized visible white light. Therefore, the total light
`efficiency of this system for each left-eye or right-eye image, n is theoretically;
`efficiency of this system for each left-eye or right-eye image, n is theoretically;
`n = 0.45 x 0.85 = 38 %.
`n = 0.45 x 0.85 = 38 %.
`Along with high performance and good light efficiency for 3-D stereoscopic
`Along with high performance and good light efficiency for 3-D stereoscopic
`display, this dial projector method for 3-D stereoscopic display is appropriate when
`display, this dial projector method for 3-D stereoscopic display is appropriate when
`there is a need for a large audience theater or a large venue display, because of the
`there is a need for a large audience theater or a large venue display, because of the
`relatively cheap cost for each polarizing eyewear and the facts that the polarizing
`relatively cheap cost for each polarizing eyewear and the facts that the polarizing
`eyewear is lightweight, recyclable, and durable. Therefore, this typed 3-D stereoscopic
`eyewear is lightweight, recyclable, and durable. Therefore, this typed 3-D stereoscopic
`projection system is commonly used by Disney, IMAX, Cinema Ride, Six Flags, and
`projection system is commonly used by Disney, IMAX, Cinema Ride, Six Flags, and
`many others around the world. The shortcoming of this method is that the system
`many others around the world. The shortcoming of this method is that the system
`requires two projectors.
`requires two projectors.
`Because of very fast temporal refresh rate for the image frames displayed by the
`Because of very fast temporal refresh rate for the image frames displayed by the
`recent digital spatial light modulators and their supportive technologies, such as,
`recent digital spatial light modulators and their supportive technologies, such as,
`TI(Texas Instrument Inc.)'s DMD(Digital Micro-mirror Device) and DLPTm(Digital
`TI(Texas Instrument Inc.)'s DMD(Digital Micro-mirror Device) and DLPTm(Digital
`Light Processing), it is feasible to realize more than 96 Hz image frame rate which is
`Light Processing), it is feasible to realize more than 96 Hz image frame rate which is
`the minimum frame rate for the flicker-free stereoscopic displays from a single
`the minimum frame rate for the flicker-free stereoscopic displays from a single
`projector with an active eyewear. Although the standard FFS(frame per second)
`projector with an active eyewear. Although the standard FFS(frame per second)
`number for motion pictures for theaters is 24 FPS, minimum 48 FPS for each left and
`number for motion pictures for theaters is 24 FPS, minimum 48 FPS for each left and
`right image is required for non flickering images empirically if a single digital
`right image is required for non flickering images empirically if a single digital
`MasterImage 3D, Inc. and MasterImage 3D Asia, LLC - Exhibit 1003
`WO 2006/038744 (cid:9)
`WO 2006/038744 (cid:9)
`projector is used. The methods for faster refresh rate of the image displayed by DMD
`projector is used. The methods for faster refresh rate of the image displayed by DMD
`systems along with a digital image data formatter are described in U.S. Patent Ap-
`systems along with a digital image data formatter are described in U.S. Patent Ap-
`plication Publication No. U.S.2002/0021261 A1(Wemer). FIG 2 illustrates the
`plication Publication No. U.S.2002/0021261 A1(Wemer). FIG 2 illustrates the
`schematic diagram of a prior art single stereoscopic digital projector methods with the
`schematic diagram of a prior art single stereoscopic digital projector methods with the
`active eyewear. A digital image data processor and formatter, PROCESSOR/
`active eyewear. A digital image data processor and formatter, PROCESSOR/
`FORMATTER 111 processes stereoscopic image data, and switches the displayed
`FORMATTER 111 processes stereoscopic image data, and switches the displayed
`images onto the spatial light modulator(s) between the left-eye images 100 and the
`images onto the spatial light modulator(s) between the left-eye images 100 and the
`right-eye images 101 at a frame rate, more than 96 FPS and desirably about 120 FPS,
`right-eye images 101 at a frame rate, more than 96 FPS and desirably about 120 FPS,
`converted by a digital frame rate converter and multiplexer, FRC/MUX. Stereoscopic
`converted by a digital frame rate converter and multiplexer, FRC/MUX. Stereoscopic
`left-eye and right-eye images 100 and 101 are projected through a single projector 109
`left-eye and right-eye images 100 and 101 are projected through a single projector 109
`synchronized with an image playback system & synchronization controller, IFS/
`synchronized with an image playback system & synchronization controller, IFS/
`SYNCH-CON 110, and viewers see the time sequential stereoscopic images through
`SYNCH-CON 110, and viewers see the time sequential stereoscopic images through
`an active eyewear 108. The active eyewear 108 consists of two LC(Liquid Crystal)
`an active eyewear 108. The active eyewear 108 consists of two LC(Liquid Crystal)
`eyeglasses that work as electro-optical shutters driven by electromagnetic field. A
`eyeglasses that work as electro-optical shutters driven by electromagnetic field. A
`sensor attached to the active eyewear 108 receives a synchronization signal(normally,
`sensor attached to the active eyewear 108 receives a synchronization signal(normally,
`infrared signal) from IFS/SYNCH-CON 110, and switches the LC shutters on and off
`infrared signal) from IFS/SYNCH-CON 110, and switches the LC shutters on and off
`for each left and right eye. This synchronized system includes a single projector and
`for each left and right eye. This synchronized system includes a single projector and
`active eyewear enables the left eye to see only the left-eye images and vice versa. This
`active eyewear enables the left eye to see only the left-eye images and vice versa. This
`active eyewear technology is commonly called "active eyewear stereoscopic system"in
`active eyewear technology is commonly called "active eyewear stereoscopic system"in
`the industry. Among examples of stereoscopic display systems that utilize the active
`the industry. Among examples of stereoscopic display systems that utilize the active
`eyewear are those disclosed in US4,145,713(White); US4,387,396(Tanaka et al.); US
`eyewear are those disclosed in US4,145,713(White); US4,387,396(Tanaka et al.); US
`4,772, 943(Nakagawa et al.); and US5,327,269(Tilton et al.). The light transmission
`4,772, 943(Nakagawa et al.); and US5,327,269(Tilton et al.). The light transmission
`efficiency of the synchronized LC shutter glasses is about 35 %, although the
`efficiency of the synchronized LC shutter glasses is about 35 %, although the
`theoretical light efficiency, based on the duty cycle of sequential left-eye and right-eye
`theoretical light efficiency, based on the duty cycle of sequential left-eye and right-eye
`images, is 50 %, the actual light efficiency for the duty cycle is about 45 % because
`images, is 50 %, the actual light efficiency for the duty cycle is about 45 % because
`about 10 % extra blank time between the sequential left and right images is required
`about 10 % extra blank time between the sequential left and right images is required
`for ensuring good stereo image separation. Therefore, the total light efficiency for this
`for ensuring good stereo image separation. Therefore, the total light efficiency for this
`stereoscopic projection system for each left-eye and right-eye image is theoretically;
`stereoscopic projection system for each left-eye and right-eye image is theoretically;
`n = 0.45 x 0.35 = 15.8 %.
`n = 0.45 x 0.35 = 15.8 %.
`The shortcoming of this system is the cost for each active eyewear. In year 2004,
`The shortcoming of this system is the cost for each active eyewear. In year 2004,
`the usual price for the polarizing eyeglasses used in a dual projector passive
`the usual price for the polarizing eyeglasses used in a dual projector passive
`stereoscopic system is about $ 1.50 to $ 10 from off-the-shelf market. However, the
`stereoscopic system is about $ 1.50 to $ 10 from off-the-shelf market. However, the
`usual price for the active eyeglasses with synchronization electronics is normally $ 200
`usual price for the active eyeglasses with synchronization electronics is normally $ 200
`to $ 1,000 per pair depending on the size of each eyeglass, performance and quality
`to $ 1,000 per pair depending on the size of each eyeglass, performance and quality
`related to the light efficiency and image quality. And this electronic LC shutter
`related to the light efficiency and image quality. And this electronic LC shutter
`MasterImage 3D, Inc. and MasterImage 3D Asia, LLC - Exhibit 1003
`WO 2006/038744 (cid:9)
`WO 2006/038744 (cid:9)
`eyeglasses are more fragile than the simple polarizing film eyeglasses. Therefore, the
`eyeglasses are more fragile than the simple polarizing film eyeglasses. Therefore, the
`3-D stereoscopic projection system with the active eyeglasses is much less practical
`3-D stereoscopic projection system with the active eyeglasses is much less practical
`and economical choice if there is a need for a display with a large audience or high
`and economical choice if there is a need for a display with a large audience or high
`foot traffic.
`foot traffic.
`Liquid crystal polarization modulators driven by electromagnetic field have fast
`Liquid crystal polarization modulators driven by electromagnetic field have fast
`switching speed between two orthogonal polarization states. Devices and methods for
`switching speed between two orthogonal polarization states. Devices and methods for
`displaying stereoscopic 3-D image with an LC polarization modulator are known.
`displaying stereoscopic 3-D image with an LC polarization modulator are known.
`Examples of such systems include the one disclosed in US4,792,850(Lipton et al.).
`Examples of such systems include the one disclosed in US4,792,850(Lipton et al.).
`FIG 3 illustrates the schematic configuration of a conventional digital stereoscopic
`FIG 3 illustrates the schematic configuration of a conventional digital stereoscopic
`projection display system with the LC polarization modulator. A projector 112
`projection display system with the LC polarization modulator. A projector 112
`displays time sequential left-eye images and right-eye images 100 and 101 at minimum
`displays time sequential left-eye images and right-eye images 100 and 101 at minimum
`96 FPS, 48 FIB for the left-eye images and the right-eye images. The light beams from
`96 FPS, 48 FIB for the left-eye images and the right-eye images. The light beams from
`the projector 112 are non-polarized before an LC polarization modulator 113. The LC
`the projector 112 are non-polarized before an LC polarization modulator 113. The LC
`polarization modulator 113 is disposed upstream of the projection lens of a single
`polarization modulator 113 is disposed upstream of the projection lens of a single
`projector 112 and synchronized with IFS & SYNCH-CON 110 in order to display time
`projector 112 and synchronized with IFS & SYNCH-CON 110 in order to display time
`sequential stereoscopic images 100 and 101 on a screen 102. The LC polarization
`sequential stereoscopic images 100 and 101 on a screen 102. The LC polarization
`modulator 113 polarizes the light beams from the projector 112 and switches the po-
`modulator 113 polarizes the light beams from the projector 112 and switches the po-
`larization state between two orthogonal directions in accordance with the syn-
`larization state between two orthogonal directions in accordance with the syn-
`chronizing signals from IFS & SYNCH-CON 110. Therefore, the light beams
`chronizing signals from IFS & SYNCH-CON 110. Therefore, the light beams
`projected from the digital projector 112 for each left-eye and right-eye image 100 and
`projected from the digital projector 112 for each left-eye and right-eye image 100 and
`101 are polarized, and the polarization state is switched between two orthogonal po-
`101 are polarized, and the polarization state is switched between two orthogonal po-
`larization states, usually circularly left and right polarization states. Unlike the single
`larization states, usually circularly left and right polarization states. Unlike the single
`projector method with the active eyewear as described previously, multiplexing of the
`projector method with the active eyewear as described previously, multiplexing of the
`time sequential stereoscopic images is done at the projector side, so viewers can see
`time sequential stereoscopic images is done at the projector side, so viewers can see
`the stereo images wearing the conventional passive polarizing eyeglasses 107. There
`the stereo images wearing the conventional passive polarizing eyeglasses 107. There
`are two main shortcomings of this system. First, the light efficiency of this system is
`are two main shortcomings of this system. First, the light efficiency of this system is
`relatively lower than that of the other 2 methods. Light efficiency of the LC po-
`relatively lower than that of the other 2 methods. Light efficiency of the LC po-
`larization modulator is only 35 % for each eye image. As this kind of LC polarization
`larization modulator is only 35 % for each eye image. As this kind of LC polarization
`modulator is even slower than the active eyeglasses, more blank time is needed
`modulator is even slower than the active eyeglasses, more blank time is needed
`between the left and right eye image, resulting in a duty cycle efficiency of about 40
`between the left and right eye image, resulting in a duty cycle efficiency of about 40
`%. The passive polarization eyeglasses have light efficiency of 85 % for each polarized
`%. The passive polarization eyeglasses have light efficiency of 85 % for each polarized
`light. Therefore, the total light efficiency for each left and right eye of this system is
`light. Therefore, the total light efficiency for each left and right eye of this system is
`n = 0.4 x 0.35 x 0.85 = 11.9 %.
`n = 0.4 x 0.35 x 0.85 = 11.9 %.
`Second, the LC glass has very low extinction ratio between left and right po-
`Second, the LC glass has very low extinction ratio between left and right po-
`MasterImage 3D, Inc. and MasterImage 3D Asia, LLC - Exhibit 1003
`WO 2006/038744 (cid:9)
`WO 2006/038744 (cid:9)
`larization which is about 100:1. With this low extinction ratio cross talk between the
`larization which is about 100:1. With this low extinction ratio cross talk between the
`left-eye image and the right-eye image is more distinct. In addition to these main
`left-eye image and the right-eye image is more distinct. In addition to these main
`shortcomings, the LC polarization modulator may be deteriorated if it is exposed to
`shortcomings, the LC polarization modulator may be deteriorated if it is exposed to
`high intensity light flux from a projector during operation. The liquid crystal glass is
`high intensity light flux from a projector during operation. The liquid crystal glass is
`very expensive comparing to the polarizer window. Therefore, this system is not ap-
`very expensive comparing to the polarizer window. Therefore, this system is not ap-
`propriate for the high performance stereoscopic projection systems that need goal
`propriate for the high performance stereoscopic projection systems that need goal
`stereoscopic image selection, and for large venue projection systems that require high
`stereoscopic image selection, and for large venue projection systems that require high
`flux illumination light for the display.
`flux illumination light for the display.
`Disclosure of Invention
`Disclosure of Invention
`Technical Problem
`Technical Problem
`Therefore, the typed 3-D stereoscopic projection system is commonly used by
`Therefore, the typed 3-D stereoscopic projection system is commonly used by
`Disney, IMAX, Cinema Ride, Six Flags, and many others around the world. The
`Disney, IMAX, Cinema Ride, Six Flags, and many others around the world. The
`shortcoming of this method is that the system requires two projectors.
`shortcoming of this method is that the system requires two projectors.
`The 3-D stereoscopic projection system with the active eyeglasses is much less
`The 3-D stereoscopic projection system with the active eyeglasses is much less
`practical and economical choice if there is a need for a display with a large audience or
`practical and economical choice if there is a need for a display with a large audience or
`high foot traffic.
`high foot traffic.
`The system with the LC polarization mcdilator is not appropriate for the high
`The system with the LC polarization mcdilator is not appropriate for the high
`performance stereoscopic projection systems that need goal stereoscopic image
`performance stereoscopic projection systems that need goal stereoscopic image
`selection, and for large venue projection systems that require high flux illumination
`selection, and for large venue projection systems that require high flux illumination
`light for the display.
`light for the display.
`There is a need for an approach to the better economical digital stereoscopic
`There is a need for an approach to the better economical digital stereoscopic
`projection display system and methods for goal image quality and stereoscopic effect.
`projection display system and methods for goal image quality and stereoscopic effect.
`The present invention fulfills this need, and further provides related advantages and
`The present invention fulfills this need, and further provides related advantages and
`offset to the shortcomings and drawbacks of the conventional digital stereoscopic
`offset to the shortcomings and drawbacks of the conventional digital stereoscopic
`projection systems.
`projection systems.
`Technical Solution
`Technical Solution
`The present invention has been male in view of