`FW: Christie Lenses needed for PBS project
`Michael Porter <"/o=reald/ou=first administrative group/cn=recipients/cn=mporter">
`Matt Cowan <mcowan@reald.com>
`Fri, 29 Sep 2006 13:57:50 -0700
`-----Original Message-----
`From: Michael Porter
`Sent: Fri Sep 29 13:57:29 2006
`To: Brenda Olson
`Subject: RE: Christie Lenses needed for PBS project
`The Christie guy emailed me asking how to ship. I told him Moinday delivery.
`What else is needed?
`-----Original Message-----
`From: Brenda Olson
`Sent: Fri Sep 29 12:19:47 2006
`To: Michael Porter
`Subject: RE: Christie Lenses needed for PBS project
`Hi Mike,
` I
` don't know if you know or not, but Phil spoke with Janet at Christie and was able to get her to agree to release the
`order if we pay for some of the invoices and do a partial payment to the order. Long story short, we Fedex'd them
`three checks for $5K each, so everything should be fine now.
`Brenda Olson | Staff Accountant
`100 N. Crescent Dr. Suite 120
`Beverly Hills, CA 90210
`(p) 310-385-4027 | (f) 310-385-4001 | bolson@reald.com
`From: Michael Porter
`Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 4:33 PM
`To: Brenda Olson
`Subject: FW: Christie Lenses needed for PBS project
`Please get some type of payment to them on Thursday so that they release the 2 lenses for me for shipment. This is
`critical to get these 2 lenses drop-shipped to San Diego for Lenny and Matt Cowan. Thanks.
`Exhibit 2151-1
`Mike Porter | Materials Manager
`100 N. Crescent Dr. Suite 120
`Beverly Hills, CA 90210
`(p) 310-385-4042 |(f) 310-385-4062 |(cell) 310-795-6972
`mporter@reald.com <mailto:310-795-6972mporter@reald.com> http://www.reald.com
`From: Claypool, Brian [mailto:Brian.Claypool@christiedigital.com]
`Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 4:10 PM
`To: Michael Porter
`Subject: RE: Lenses needed for PBS project
`Nothing I can do without exec intervention.
`It's a substantial amount that's outstanding and SOME kind of payment must be made.
`Otherwise, Michael or Josh will need to give Jack Kline a call.
`He can do something.
`From: Michael Porter [mailto:MPorter@reald.com]
`Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 4:03 PM
`To: Claypool, Brian
`Subject: RE: Lenses needed for PBS project
`Brenda Olson, our AP person said it was Janet Reeves who called, about an hour ago...
`Mike Porter | Materials Manager
`100 N. Crescent Dr. Suite 120
`Beverly Hills, CA 90210
`(p) 310-385-4042 |(f) 310-385-4062 |(cell) 310-795-6972
`mporter@reald.com <mailto:310-795-6972mporter@reald.com> http://www.reald.com
`From: Claypool, Brian [mailto:Brian.Claypool@christiedigital.com]
`Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 4:01 PM
`To: Michael Porter
`Subject: RE: Lenses needed for PBS project
`You sure it was Janet?
`Exhibit 2151-2
`From: Michael Porter [mailto:MPorter@reald.com]
`Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 3:34 PM
`To: Claypool, Brian
`Subject: RE: Lenses needed for PBS project
`Jason Jacobson took care of it and was planning to ship them today for Friday delivery. However, I was JUST told
`by our Accounting that Janet from your AP called saying there is an overdue invoice, I believe for some of the
`services you guys did for the Monster House roll-out, and she is HOLDING this shipment until we pay. Can you
`PLEASE have her release these 2 lenses? I will make sure that whatever is holding this past due invoice is settled
`immediately but all of our execs are in Belgium until Monday so it cannot be paid until Monday anyhow. I will
`make sure it gets handled promptly but I cannot afford to have these 2 lenses held up. Apparently, this project in
`San Diego is very critical for us and they are doing some extensive work this weekend there. Please help! Thanks.
`Mike Porter | Materials Manager
`100 N. Crescent Dr. Suite 120
`Beverly Hills, CA 90210
`(p) 310-385-4042 |(f) 310-385-4062 |(cell) 310-795-6972
`mporter@reald.com <mailto:310-795-6972mporter@reald.com> http://www.reald.com
`From: Claypool, Brian [mailto:Brian.Claypool@christiedigital.com]
`Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 3:29 PM
`To: Michael Porter
`Subject: RE: Lenses needed for PBS project
`Hi Michael,
`Anyone respond to this yet?
`...You'll need to buy these... we just don't have any to loan anymore.
`They will likely be around 4-k each, but Craig will need to have sales quote you.
`From: Michael Porter [mailto:MPorter@reald.com]
`Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 12:14 PM
`To: Schwartz, Tom; Claypool, Brian; Sholder, Craig
`Subject: Lenses needed for PBS project
`Hi guys.
`I have an urgent request. I need to get 2 lenses by 10-02-06, to the address below. This is a testing facility for Real
`D and the lenses will be there indefinitely. Can you tell me if a) can we "borrow" these lenses for an indefinite
`amount of time or b) how much to buy them? If we have to buy them, I'm hoping we can get a reduced rate
`Exhibit 2151-3
`considering the amount of business we are doing together. I was just told about this and of course, now it is very
`urgent to get them by early next week. Please let me know. Thanks.
` *
` qty 1- 1.45:1 - 1.8:1 lens for Christie projector CP-2000
`* qty 1- 1.8:1 - 2.4:1 lens for Christie projector CP-2000
`Creative Display Systems, LLC
`5909 Sea Lion Pl. Suite A
`Carlsbad, CA 92008
`Att: Jerry Carollo
`760-476-0339, ex 202
`Mike Porter | Materials Manager
`100 N. Crescent Dr. Suite 120
`Beverly Hills, CA 90210
`(p) 310-385-4042 |(f) 310-385-4062 |(cell) 310-795-6972
`mporter@reald.com <mailto:310-795-6972mporter@reald.com> http://www.reald.com
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`If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email
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`Exhibit 2151-4