`RealD Polarizing Beamsplitter Project
`April 28, 2006.
`RealD is in the business of enabling 3D presentations in movie theatres. Their approach is to
`add 3D modulation devices to existing digital cinema projectors. These projectors are based on
`TI’s DLP technology, on the standard platforms manufactured by Christie, Barco, and NEC.
`Because the modulation approach for RealD’s system is based on polarization, the unpolarized
`output of the DLP system is inherently wasted. The purpose of this project is to design and
`manufacture an optical system which captures unwanted polarization state and puts it into a
`usable state.
`RealD envisions that this project will take place in three stages – feasibility, engineering and
`production. The purpose of this document is to define the statement of work for the feasibility
`RealD requests that ELCAN provide a cost and delivery time quote for undertaking a feasibility
`study with the following objectives.
`Study Objective:
`To define the engineering issues and feasibility of designing and manufacturing a polarizing
`beamsplitter assembly to increase the output of a DLP Cinema system using a “Z screen” active
`circular polarization rotator.
`• Can it be done?
`Is performance acceptable?
`Is it operationally practical?
`Is it affordable?
`Deliverables :
`1. Statement of design approach
`2. Expected performance parameters
`3. Statement of development risks
`4. Estimate of magnitude of engineering tasks to complete the design for manufacturing
`(time, $)
`5. Estimate of piece price in 100, 500, and 1000 quantity.
`6. Timeline for development and delivery
`7. Discussion of trade-offs between cost and performance
`RealD has a project evaluation review scheduled for June 5, and would like to have this work
`completed in time for this review.
`RealD will be available for telephone consultation, and would request a meeting to review the
`approach before the final report is written.
`Exhibit 2091-1
`Design Constraints:
`Design required:
`• Apparatus to locate close to lens output on an DLP cinema projector
`• Apparatus to work with the entire line of zoom lenses available for these projectors
`Include functionality to polarize the light into P and S
`Include steering prisms (or mirrors) to overlay the two images
`Include polarization rotator in one channel
`Include mechanical consideration for mounting a Z screen (pi cell) component at output
`• Be of a design that allows removal and re-fitting from the projector. (exact mechanics
`TBD later.)
`• Output apertures to be as close together as possible to minimize size of the part and
`minimize the differential trapezoids from the two output beams
`• Maximize the light throughput
`Characteristics of the optical output from projector:
`• Aspect ratio of projected image – 1.85:1 or 2.35:1
`• Diameter of output element of lens – 100 mm (check)
`• Horizontal cone angle maximum – 30 degrees full angle
`• Color uniformity required – visually uniform across field in white (specification?)
`• Color spectrum of projector – RGB primaries of DLP cinema (see attached)
`• Polarization efficiency required for input to pi cells – 99.9%. May use clean-up polarizers
`if necessary.
`• Target improvement in light output – 1.7 times.
`Cost target
`• $5K USD
`Includes beamsplitting optics and mechanical housing
`• 250/year quantity
`Intellectual Property
`In the event that unique IP is developed under a contract funded by RealD, RealD will require
`terms in the contract which vest ownership of the IP with RealD.
`Matt Cowan
`Chief Scientific Officer
`Exhibit 2091-2