`TTA Preposal I System Description
`Draft 0.0
`Mar. 25, 1998
`"ITA SC? WG4 (R'I'I‘ Study Group)
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1 01 0
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1 01 0
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`'I‘TA Propusal Descriptions
`- 1 -‘
`1. INTRODUCTION..-.......... ................5
`List 0f Contents
`2. KEY FEATURES ...............................................................................................................m............. 5
`TSTDCI‘NE 5mm Tamsmmvaasm).
`Time Switched Transmission Diversity.....
`Switching Methoduiogy..................
` ......................... 9
`chula: Switching--."
`........................ 10
`Scrambling Switching ............
`Pilot signal generation....
`Fm FORWARD Pom Camel...
`EEC rate sci-action... .....
`Spreading length change
`Qum-Ommomr. can; SPREADWG»
`Generation onuasi~0rrhogonai Function..................
`Usage quua‘si-Ortlmgonai functtbn.................
`. .. n .u a. u "1 . .n...—--u.n~- an" n u n mu. 0- a nu. - .-
`.... 1'7
`IntraFrequsncy Handover.....
`............ ....... .27
`InmrFrequency Handaver......
`_ 2.6.2
`SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PROPOSAL..............numm...........................................24
`NewarkLayer........ .............24
`Link Layer..
` n... u dud-calitlmM-uc
`R-RAC subIayer.......... .....mm...............................
` nun-nu bu u..m..mu«n~-u
`R-MAC sublayer ................
`Logical Channels..............................._...
`Phfiiml Layer... ......................
`Mapping ofrhe Logical Channels so tile Physicai Gunner's"...
`Forward Link Physical Layer Characteristics
`Onhogonai Mofinlatien
`Quasieomoganal Modulation...
`Transmit Divarsity
`Ram Matching......................-.
`Forward Error Carnelian ......
`1' .. .u nootttu u...“ - .
`Fast Power Control
` ‘ . .. .n . .._. “flu"...
`Frame Length“ .
`Forward Link Modulation and Codmg
`RF Chennai Bandwidths..
`Chip Ratcs
`_ .
`Forward Pilot Chafing}.
`Forward Sync Channel..-
`Forward Paging Channel
`Forward Traffic Channel .....
`Physical Structure...
`Data rates
`Ferward Error Correction
`ifltcricaving and rims scrambling...
`chctition and puncturing
`Forward Signaling Channci
`................. 1.3
`- 33 _
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1 01 0
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`TIA Proposal Descriptions
`- 2 -
`Forward crmr correction ...............
`Inmrleaving and dam scrambling...
`chclition and puncturing ....................
`Reversequk Physical Layer Characteristics
`Data Rates.
`. .
`Convnlulional Encoding and Inner Inmrleavin3”
`RS Encoding and Outer Interimving
`Orthogonal Waist: Spreading ...............
`Orthogonal Complex QPSK......
`Dirac: Sequence Spreading...............................................................
`memd Filtcring
`Reverse Link Power Comm}.
`Frame Lengths.......
`Reverse Link Modzdm'on and Coding"........................
`RF Gianna} Bandwidth .......................
`... . u." unununfl 44
`Chip Ram...
`Reverse Pilot Chasm}-......
`Rcvm: Acct-:55 Chm!
`Reverse Trafic Channel
`Dam Rates-..--.” ......
`Fonmrd error corn-cation
`Interlsaving ....
`chciiiion and puncturing”.-.
`I-li nu. no "we...“
`Reverse Signaling Channci
`Dam Rum .... .. ..SD
`Fax-ward amr mutation .
`.._................... 51
`Intuita'ving. -..-..umufl
`Repetition and puncmring...
`........ 52
`Packct Mode. ,,
`3.3. 2
`4. TECHNOLOGIES UNDER CONSIDERATION .....m....................................-...........................53
`..... 53
`Ce!!! Configuranon............................................................................................
`Pilot and Trafiic ChanneiStructure
`Ce?! Search Pracaciure .............................
`PERFORMANCE EVALUATiON ............................................................--,.......................m..... 59
`Last: LEVEL SIMULmoN.-................-......... 59
`Sfmulation {conditions and results
`Simulation conditions and results in reversa 1m}:
`...... 59
`Simufation conditions and rhsults infbrward link..."
`................................ 61
`7. CONCLUSIONS.................... ......u...............................................................61
`_ Q4 _
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1 01 0
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`T'I‘A Proposal Descriptions
`.. 3 '
`List of Figures
`Figure 2l~1 Five Channel Structure of OCQPSK... .. 6
`Figure 2.1—2 Performance of OCQPSK1n full Signaling.
`............ 7
`Figure 2.2.1-1 Traffic and Signaiing Channel Transmitter wiih Tune Snatched Transmission
`Figure—1 TSTD User Data Timmg(2 Antenns, Regular Smtchmg)...
`....Figure—1 TSTD User Data ‘I‘irning(2 Antenna, Scrambling Switching)"............. 10
`Figure2.2.2-1 Pilot Channel Transmitter will: Orthogonal Code Transmission"Divinity“.....
`Figure 2.4-1 Flow of Selectable EEC rate and chip rate for Traffic Channe1..
`.... 14
`Figure 2.4.1-1 New FEC allocation procedure when call initiation '
`Figure 2.4.1-2 FEC rate change procedure during a cell
`Figure 25.1-1 00F generation“........
`.......................................... 15
`Figure 2.5.1-2 Masking functions for 512 Iength00F".......................................... 16
`Figure 2.5.13 Masking functions for 256 length QOF.................
`Figure 25.1—4 Masking functions for 128 length QOF.......................
`Figure 2.5.1—5 Masking functions for 64 length QflFwnmw...
`Figure 2.5.2-1 Quasi-Orthogonal Function Spreading...
`Figure 2.6.2-1 Half-length Transmission Timing.
`Figure 2.7.1 Cell Configuration ..........................
`Figure 2.7-2 TWO Piiot Scheme .............................
`Figure 2.7-3 Channel Structure...
`. .
`Figure 2.7-4 Frame Formal...“ ............
`Figure 2.7-3 Flowchart of the cell search 2113911111111...
`...... ..........................23
`Figure 3.14 Signal Protocol Architecture ofTM. Preposa].1....................... 24
`Figure Pilot, Sync, and Paging Channelsin forward link...
`Figure 3.2..2.61.11 Traffic Channel1:: forward link for high data transmission............................... 33
`Figure 3 ..22.61.1-2 Traffic Channelin forward link for voice and low dala transmission................ 34
`Figure 1-3 Traffic Channel'1n forward link...
`......... 35
`Table Modulation parameters for Traffic Channelfor1.2.5MHz syste
`Pigure Signaling Channel“111 forward link..
`Figure Data Rate Mapping to System Chip Rates:In ReverseLink:
`Figure Reverse Pilot Channel Structure....... ...
`Figure Reverse Access Channel Structure....
`Figure 3 .325-1 Reverse Traffic Channel Structure... .. .
`Figure 3-3.2.61 Reverse Signaling Channel Structure:
`Figure 4.41-1 Cell Configuration with Group and Cell-speczfie Code Mloealion..............
`Figure 4.4.2-2 Configuration of Pilot UQ—channel Code Generator...
`Figure 4.4.3—1 Flowchart of Cell Search Algorithm Based on the 110 Multiplexed Code Assrgm'nent
`Figure 4.4.32 Group Code Acqmsmon Scheme of PiloiI-channel..........
`Figure 4.43-3 Cell-specific Code Acquisition Scheme of Pilot Q~channel...58
`_ 95 ‘
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1 01 0
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`List of Tables
`Table 2.4-1 Selectable FEC me for Traffic Channel"
`Table 2.51 Correlation value bemoan QOF and Walsh funcllon (N.D“notdefined).............
`Table. 2.62‘1 Half-longlh Transmission Support and Relative. Modulation Symbol Energy .....
`Table 3.1.44 Structure of lhc Forward and Reverse Physical Chamois .....................................
`Table 3.15-1 Struclure. of the Forward and Reverse Physical Channels
`. .
`Table 3..22.4—1 Modulation paramctm for Sync Channel... ................
`Table Modulation paramotors for Paging Channel.......
`Table Modulation parametezs for Traffic Channel for SMHZ system"........................... 36
`Table»3‘ Modulation parameters for Traffic Channel for 201MHz system...
`.. ...37
`Table The modulation parameters for Access Cit-lame!.. 45
`Tablo Tho modulation parameters for LZSMHZ ............................
`Table The modulation parameters for SWIzWolce sawiw).............
`Table The modulation parameters for SMHZ (Data sowine) ....................................... 47
`Tabla The modulation paramctcrs for 20312132 ........................... 48
`Table. 33.2 6.1-1 Thu: modulation pammctcrs for Rcvcrsc Signaliog Channel............................. 51
`Table 5.1.1-1 Simulation conditions for 5333 system.59
`_ 98 -
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1 01 0
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`'I‘TA Proposal Descriptions
`‘ 5 '
`This document describes a maltiband CDMA system of bandwidth 1.2515120Wconespoading chip
`rates of 0.9216] 3.6864114.7456 Mops) called ’ITA Proposal 1 for IMF-2000. This proposal is designed to
`basically meet the minimum requirement issued in lTU—R TG 81‘1. Moreover, to meet the general service
`requirements and operating environments for INTI-£000 and to support the demand oathe various
`requirements such as multimedia trafiiqvoiee, data” video). interactive, high rate data trammission in
`IMF—2090, more sophisticated logical and physical channel structures have been considered.
`Synchronous mode between base stations has been fundamentally made to reduce the system complexity-
`aud to make the soft handover scheme convenient. However, asynchronous mode: has been optionally
`considered under the limit of not loosing the system performance when the system is used. as the
`synchronous mode. Key characteristics of the system are as follows:
`the multiband of
`To enhance the Spectrum efficiency in the mom-layered cell architecture,
`0.921%.68641'143455 Mops system is proposed.
`Synchronous system between base stations and optional asynchronous mode
`Pilot Channel aided _coherent scheme which makes the variable rate services with DTX
`(discontinuous transmission) possible
`QFSK data/QBSK spreading in forward link to have double number ofWaish code
`_ To enhance the power efiicieooy in reverse link, BPSK dataJOCQPSK (orthogonal complex
`Spreading) is used.
`Variable Spreading factor (VSF) and multioode scheme for high data rate.
`Outhand dedicated signaling channel in both links using signaling activity.
`00F (quasi orthogonal function) to provide the signaling channel classification in forward link.
`Time switching transmission diversity (TSTD) in forward link.
`Selectable FEC in both linlt to increase the system performance in worse environment.
`LCRHz fast forward power control using power control bits for the reverse power control as power
`8M1 itbps variable CS-ACELP is used.
`The followings are the organization of this document. Chapter 2 is devoted to the system description in
`which key features, channel layering structure, forward link: physical channel structure, and reverse link
`channel structure are presented. Some additional techniques such as interference cancellation and smart
`antenna are mentioned in Chapter'B. Performance evaluation is described in Chapter 4 and conclusions are
`made in Chapter 5.
`2. Key Features
`2.1 OCQPSKlOrthogonal Complex QPSK.)
`OCQPSK (Orthogonal Complex QPSK) is a modulation method that reduces the peak-to-average power
`ratio of the TTA proposal I reverse link signal. Since the peak-lo—average power ratio is directly related to
`the cost and efficiency of the power amplifier (PA), this is a very important issue for the hand-held
`terminal. Generally speaking, Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) signals requires a strict linearity of
`power amplifiers. Main features of IM‘T-ZQOO system include high data rate service that is achievable by
`employing mold—code, or variable spreading factor. Multi code based modulation usually increases the
`peak—ro-average power ratio, which in turn increases the non-linearity level and adjacent channel power by
`high frequency characteristic.
`Figure 2.14 ShDWS the structure of 5 channel OCQPSK. For 3-chanoel case, one traffic channel is used to
`guarantee the transmission of up to lZSKbps in SMHa system. For the transmission of up to 384Kbps in
`SMHZ system, 2 more traffic channels are assigned. Orthogonal complex signal Wu+jW, serves as a
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1 01 0
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`’ITA Proposai Descriptions
`' 6 '
`rotator in complex space which avoids zero crossing by limiting : 90° rotation. W9 and W1 represent
`Walsh 0 code and Walsh 1 code respectively. After this rotation, the complex signal is spread by a single
`pseudo—noise (PN) code. The. rotatitm of the input complex signai significantly reduces the peak-to-
`avcragt: power ratio. The improvement in the peak—to-averagc power ratio of the transmitted waveform is
`Show in Figure 2. i-2. The potential advantages with the DCQPSK are:
`i The OCQPSK. provides significant bcncfits of induced linearity rcquiremcms of the PA.
`U The complexity is very minimal since only one PN soda is used.
`Pilot —%
` Trafiic 2 —-———»®._J
`Traffic 3 —*
`Figure 2.1-1 Five Channel Structure of OCQPSK
`- 93 -
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1 01 0
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`'ITA Proposal Descriptions
`Simulation Condition :
`3 channel case :: Pile! : ~4dB Signaiingz CldB, Traffic : 0:18
`4 channel case :: Pilot: vlédB Signaiing:»12dB, Traffic : (MB
`5 channel case :: Pilot : ~16dB Signaiing: 42:13, Traffic : OdB
`Peakffi‘werage (dB)
`Figure 2.1—2 Performance of GCQBSK in full signaling
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1 01 0
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`T131 Proposal Descriptions
`” 8 u
`2.2 TSTDCITime Switched Transmit Diversity)
`To improve the demodulation performance for the forward link, “ETA synchronous EMT-2000 base station
`adopts transmission diversity scheme in the forward link transmission- Adopting the transmission diversity
`means that more than one transmission antenna might be used for the forward link signal transmission.
`Because of the orthogonal property in the forward link, the transmission diversity scheme that is adopted
`should keep tho orthogonal transmission property. To keep the orthogonaiity, the transmitted signal from each
`antenna should be orthogonal to each other. To achieve this orthogonality, 'I'I‘A synchronous MTJODO base
`station transmits the modulated signal through transmission antennas with time switching and noneoverlapping
`2.2.1 Time Switched Transmission Diversity
`Time switched transmission diversity {'I‘STD) which is orthogonal due to time separation is used for Trafiic
`and Signaling Channel (except for Pilot Channel). It is implemented by transmitting signals offomard link
`channels for the some user by time switching PN spread bits into two (or more) data streams. These scrambled
`bit Streams are transmitted through two (or more) separate antennas.
`The Walsh spread sequences are masked by a quadrature pseodmnoise (PM) sequence, which is the same for
`all the users of the some sectors. After EN masking, the modulated signal
`is tie-multiplexed into multiple
`signal stream with period of M times of Walsh code length and transmitted to each antenna. Thus,
`orthogonality is maintained between the two output streams due to the time separation between the signaI
`streams. By splitting the modulated signal into two or more separate data streams, the effective number of
`spreading codes per user is the same as the case without transmission diversity.
`Assuming that without transmission diversity, Walsh code Wk of length 2'" is assigned for a certain data rate,
`With time switched transmission diversity, the scrambled bit stream is split into two using time switching, so
`the scrambled bit rate of each antenna is samé of the original rate. Thus length of Walsh code Wk is not
`The block diagram of the forward link Traffic and Signaling Channel with transmission diversity is given in
`Figure 2.2.1-1.
`98-4 .3
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`'I'I‘A Preposa! Descriptions
`- 9 -
`Figure 2.2.1-1 Traffic and Signaling Channel Transmitter with Time Switched
`Transmissiou Diversity
` Switching Methodology
`The scrambled hits are time separated with period ofM times of Walsh code length for transmission diversity
`and transmitted to each antenna. In this case, the switching methodologies of regular and scrambling switching
`are possible implementation of TS’I’D. The selection of switching methodology is determined by switching
`controller. The switching methodology for Signaling Channel. (Sync and Paging Channel) must be same in all
`BS. But for Traffic Channel, it's not necessary.
` Regular Switching
`The regular switching methodology split the scrambled bits to switching frame with period of M times of
`Walsh code length, then transmit the switching from: to each antenna sequentially, In Figure,
`conceptual drawing of the regular switching transmission is shown for 2 antennas transmission example’ Due
`to the synchronous operation of ETA synchronous MAT-2000 system, all the mobile stations and base stations
`can detect the appropriate time: slot for modulation and demodulation.
`~ 101 —
`1 1
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1 01 0
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`T'I‘A Proposal Descriptions
`“ 1° ‘
`T: Antenna #2
`Tx Antenna #1
`Figure TSTD User Data. Timingm Antenna, Regular Switching)
`221.13. Scrambling Snitching
`A5 same as rogular switching, the: scrambling switching methodology split the scrambled hits to switching
`frame: with period ofM times of Walsh code length. But transmission ofeaoh switching frame to each antenna
`is selected pro-defined way, so that additional scrambling effect is obtained. According to the negotiation
`process between the base station and the mobile station, the switching pattern is lmown to the mobile station
`and can be demodulatcd. In Figure., conceptual drawing of the scrambling switching is shown for
`the Mo antennas transmission cxamplc.
`'I‘x Antenna #2
`Tx Antenna #1
`Figure 2.2.1-1.2~1 TSTD Use: Data Timing(2 Antenna, Scrambling Switching)
`2.2.2 Pilot signal generation. -
`To achieve the coherent demodulation with the transmission diversity, pilot signal should be transmittad along
`each transmission antenna.
`For the Pilot Channel of 'TTA Synchronous ZMTQDOD system forward link, orthogonal code transmission
`diversity (OTB) loosed. The formation of the pilot signal is shown in Figure 2.2.2—1 for the 2 antennas
`transmission diversity example. It is implemented by transmitting signals of forward link channels for tho same
`user by splitting coded bits into two (or more) data streams. These codcd bit streams are transmitted through
`two (or more) separate antennas after being spread by different Walsh codes orthogonal to each other for each
`antenna The Spread sequenccs are scrambled by a quadrature pseudo-noise (PM) sequence, which is the some
`for all the users of the some sectors. Thus, orthogonality is maintained betwaen the two output streams, and
`~ 102 -
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`TI‘A Proposal Descriptions
`- 11 -
`hence same-cell interference is eliminated in flat fading channels. By spiitting the coded data intn we or more.
`sepaxate data streams, the effective number of spreading codes per user is the same as the case without OTD.
`T: Mm:
`Figure 2,933.1 Pilot. Channel fiansmifiter with Orthogonal Code Trannniissinn Diversity
`In the case of two transmission antennas, one preferred method of assigning Walsh codes to diffamn: antennas
`is as follows. Assuming that without transmission diversity, Walsh code Wk of Tcngth 2'“ is assigned Em a
`certain data rate, wilh transmission diversity, the coded bit stream is split into two and the coded bit rate of
`each antenna is reduced in half of the originai rate. As a result, each of the bit streams is spread by Walsh
`00ch of length 2"“. We can simply construct two such codes from Wk by forming {Wt Wk} and [Wk 4W}-
`A block diagram of such an Piiot Channel transmiuer is given in Figure 2.2.24. The length of Wk is defined
`in this section as the Walsh coda Icnglh.
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`'ITA Prepasal Descriptions
`_ 12 a
`23 Fast Forward Power Controi
`To meet the requirement of the system pnrfumancc, the base station transmit power is adjusted by the: {inward
`link power control. The mobile simian should estimate the received powcr control bit that is seni for the
`reverse link power CDBiTOi. To guarantee the pnwer estimation zicxmracgri the power of the power control bits is
`adjusied by increasing their amplitude level or their time duration. According to simulation results, their
`power level has bcen detmnincd as 3 dB higher than the 9.6 Kbps voice traffic. Accordingly, the mobile
`station generaics the power comm] command through the reversa link.
`FEC rate can be changed to provide more gain to MS under bad channel environment, larger path lass, severe
`larger TX power. For cxamplc, suppose mat BS and MS cemmunicatc with a
`convoimionai code as a error wanting cad: a: call initiation. If they hm: a bad chafing} environment, BS
`order to change the error car-ranting cocic rate, so, they camunicaic with a 1144319. convolutional coda. Then,
`the, length of Walsh code for 5ignal spreading varies according to th: encoder rate. The selectable EEC rate
`and the varied Walsh code lcrigth for fundamental andvsupplemental channel is Shawn in Table 2.44. and
`Figura 2.4-1 for 3.6864 Maps spreading case.
`Table 2.4-1 Selectable FEC rate for Traffic Channel
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`'ITA Pmposal Descriptions
`- 13 «-
`Data rate (bps)
`Transmission sym‘rate
`for I or Q ch. {SpS}
`Chip rate
`Figure 2.4-1 Flow of Selectable FEC rate and chip rate for Traffic Channel
`2.4. 1 PEG rate selection
`FEC rate change Can be initialed by BS or MS request and BS can change FEC rate according to Ihe forward
`channel power. New FEC rate allocation procedum when call inhimion is shown in Figure 2.4.1-1, and FEC
`rate. change. procedute during a call is shown in Figure 2.4.1-2.
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`ITA Proposal Descriptions
`- 14 -
`Origination Messagemew MOB_P_REV)
`BS ACK ordeufPaging Channel)
`Chennai assignment Messagcfl’aging Channel) FEC rate and Walsh code: number are directed
`tint: -
`Figuxe 2.4.1-1 New FEC alienation procedm-e when call initiatinn
`Service Request Message (New Service Configuration)
`Service Response Message
`Service Connact Message:
`Service Connect Completion Message
`Figure 2.4.1—2 FEG rate change procedure timing 3. call
`Spreading length change
`When the FEC rate Changes, We must change the: spreading; length of Walsh code (for the voice Channel) or
`onhognnal cad: (for the high rate channel} because of maintenance for chip rate. Then, New Walsh code
`allocated for new FEC rate should be selected to avoid orthogcnal less from correlation with Walsh codes in
`use. ‘I‘ha spreading length is shown in Figure 2.4-}. together With FEC rate.
`2.5 Quasi-Orthoganal Code Spreading
`Multiplying a Waish function by a Specific masking function generates a Quasiflnhogonai Function (00F).
`Quasi-Onhngona! Function Set (QUE-'3} is a group of the, Quasi-Orthogonal Functions generated by a same
`masking function. Then: an: at least three masking functions and QOFSS for Walsh function of 2" iength. For
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`DEF_SPH_0000391 1
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`TI‘A Proposal Descriptinns
`- 15 -
`there exist 6 masking funclinns and six of QOFSs exist. The correlation
`Walsh f‘unctien length of 255,
`prnpcrties of 00F are as follows.
`0 Within each QOFS, orthogonal pmpeny among the Q0135 is preserved as among the Walsh function.
`Bem'ecn {he OOPS draw from different QOFSS, quasi-orthogonal progeny is satisfied for the full~1€ngth
`eorrclationr The currelation value is 16 or —16 for 256vchip QOFs.
`The correlation values belwacn the 00F and the Walsh fundinn are shown in Table 2.5-1 for GOP
`length nf up to 512.
`Table 2.5—1 Correlation mine between QDF and Walsh function (NJ) : not defined)
`Walsh Function Len h
`77777 "Ml-5-
`—o,+;-15-+/-8_0,+1-3 —+H,,,7—77770, +14
`2.5.1 Generatinn of Quasiworthngnnal Function
`The 00F generation is shown in Figure 2.5.1-1, and the following masking functiuns for each length is
`described in Figure 2.5.1-2 through Figure 2.5.16, respectively. The masking functions are designed to satisfy
`the correlation properties given in 0.
`F; :1 xN row vector
`Where WzlalxN Walsh matrix,
`Figure 2.5.1-1 QO'F general-inn
`Fl = 77b4b477774hb438873313447878bbbb7877b44b83774b4b7?784444788744hb78
`?7b4b4777‘74 bb48887‘bb447878bbbb7 87 7b44b8 8774b4b7 7784444788744131378
`F; = 7edddbe81 ?244d7cd418?Xbd428e18d4d4677142bd8867d47eb2db17582413271:
`Tc4ddbe817244d7edtl 1871bd4286 1 8:14:14 c?7142bd 81:67:14 76b 26b178824b27c
`F; = 417214d87dh1 281beb274172d7c47db1b 17de4d 78db668 141b28h1 7dZ7eb Sdbc
`d17214‘d8?db1281 beb274 172d7847db1b1 'z’dedd 781:} bch 1 4 1b28b17d27cb8dbn
`F; = 144cc44lb114b6e44eebbce4144e.1bbe8d287d27d73dd87dd78d2782?2d77d2?
`144120441131 14bec44¢cbbec4l44elbbSBd287627d?3dd87dd78d273272d77d27
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`TI‘A Proposal Descriptions
`‘ 16 '
`F5 = 438b7b4?1dded1adb88474b7€dd ldcld 122edeld477b74b71ddnle12438b84b8
`488b7b471dded1 tdh38474b76dd Idem 122edeld477b34b?1dd62812488b84b8
`Pa = 1db?3‘bdcd17b47121d488b21237bb8 1228M7ed1d4874ded17bb8£d1db77421
`1db78 bdcd 17b47121d438b212e7bb812237b476d1&4874ded17bb88d1db77421
`Figure 2.5.1-2 Masking functions for 512 length QOF
`F; = 77b4h477774hb48887hb447878bbbb’?B77b4db88774b4b'i7784444783744bb73
`F: = 7c4ddb6817244d‘kd41871bd428:13d4d42??142decc7d47cb2db17s824b27c
`F3 = 417214d/87db123lbcb274172d7u47db1b17dndd78dbed8141b28b17d27¢b36be
`R: = 14445644“114m4deebbee414431bbe8d287d27di'8dd87dd78d213272d77d21
`F5 = 488b7b471dded1odb88474b75ddIdeld122weld477b74b71dde2€12438b84b8 '
`H; = ldb'Tdecdlm’llZld¢88b21267bb8122e7b47cd16437dded17bb8$d1db77421
`Figure: 2.5.1-3 Masking functions for 256 length QDF '
`F: = 17dbhd7168db427117dbbd71c8dbé27l
`F; = 72324cbcbeb17d7272824cbabeb17d72
`F3 = 2dnc87bb8744d2gc2dce37bb8744d2ce
`Figure 2.5.1-4 Masking functions for 128 length QOF
`F; c: 17dbbd7168db4271
`F2 ; 738244:bcbcb17d72
`F3 = 2dce87b58744d2c¢
`Figure 2.5.145 Masking functions for 64 langth QOF
`2.5.2 Usage of Quasi—Ouhogonal Function
`The 00F is used as a spreading sequencer The spreading process with the C20? is same as that with the. Walsh
`functinn, which is shown in Figure 2.5.24». The GOP is used for Signaling (Shanna! spreading code in the
`forward link, With the QOFs spreading, the number of availahlc code channels is increased to N*(M+1),
`Where N is m: number of code channels.with the Walsh function and M is the number of QOFS.‘ With the
`increased number of code channels, the user drdicated signaling channel can be assigned to morn mobile
`stations in the packet mode.
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`TI‘A Proposal Descriptions
`- 17 -
`Walsh function
`‘ Quasi-Orthogonal function mask {fl}
`Coded bit {K bps)
`Spread hit {K x N bps)
`figure 2.5.24. Quasi-Orthogonal Function Spreading
`2.6 Handover
`2.6.1 Iothrequency Handover
`2.6.2 InterFrequency Handover
`The proposed system may employ halfileogth transmission to enhance inteEfrequency handofi capability for
`voice service. This provides more efficient inter-frequency handoff to the proposed system with minimal
`per-romance loss.
`In forward link, the transmission length of Traffic Channel frame is shortened by half in order for mobile
`station to search other fiequeneies with a single RF receiver during the other half frame interval. Figure 2.6.2-
`1 illustrates half-length transmission and nouns! transmission. Shortened period shall include at least one
`,Sequence of repeated modulation symbols. For the frame that has less than two repeated sequences, the full
`rate frame in forward link, rate limitation may be used. Perfonnanoe reduction caused by reduced repetition is
`compensated by inmeasing modulation symbol energy. For half-length transmission frame. modulation symbol
`energy is transmitted with energy not less than two times modulation symbol energy without hair—length
`transmission. Relative modulation symbol energy to that of full rate frame is shown in Table 2.6.2—1.
`Femoral Signaling Channel is not transmitted during the non~transmissioo interval generated by haif—lengih
`Successive haif-length transmission may be used for the duration. of intensive frequency scanning. Each
`starting position of transmitted modulation symbols during successive transmission limitation is alternately
`changed to the front part or the rear part of each frame as shown in Figure 2.6.24. This allows minimizing
`guard time overhead for frequency switching.
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1010
`‘I'I‘A Proposal Descriptions
`« 18 -
`1 Frame
`(1 0 ms}
`Half Frame '
`figure 2.6.2-1 Half-length Transmission Timing
`Table 2.6.2~1 Half-length Transmission Support and Relative Modulation Symbol Energy
`2.7 Inter-cell Asynchronous Mode
`When the system operates in inter-coll asynchronous mods, a certain num‘bcr of coils constitute a (Holster [Figu
`re 2.7—1) and the Pilot Channel consists of Clustor Pilot Channel and Cell l’ilol Channel.
`Cluster Pilot Ghana! and Col] Pilot Channel an: ttansmittcd at all times by the base station on each active
`Forward CDMA Channel. The Cluster and Cali Piiot signais are time aligned because these signals an:
`transmitted simultaneousiy‘ in a coil (Figaro 2.7-2}.
`These two Piiot Channels are unmodulated sproad spactrum signals (Figure 23—3) that is used for timing and
`phase information by the mobile station operating within the coverage area of the base station. The Pilot is
`shared between ail mobiles in the cell and is used to obtain fast acquisition of new multipaths and channcl
`estimation (phase and multipath strength).
`Each of the