WILLIAM K. BOHANNON - 08/20/2015
`Page 1
`Patent Owner .
`Case IPR2015 - 00021
`Patent No. 7,202,843 B2
`9 : 27 A . M.
`Reported by :
`CSR 7304, RPR, CLR
`Sharp Corp. , et al. v. Surpass Tech Innovation LLC
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`WILLIAM K. BOHANNON - 08/20/2015
`Page 2
`the witness, taken on behalf of
`PETITIONERS, on Thursday, August 20, 2015,
`9:27 a.m., at 501 West Broadway, Suite 400,
`San Diego, California, before PAULA A . PYBURN,
`CSR 7304, RPR, CLR .
`90 Park Avenue
`New York, New York 10016
`(212) 336 - 8000
`alocicero@arelaw . com
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`WILLIAM K. BOHANNON - 08/20/2015
`Page 3
`8300 Gr eensboro Drive
`Suite 500
`McLean, Virginia 22102
`(571) 765 - 7708
`whelge@dbjg . com
`Ted Bendrick, Video Techn i cian
`Michael Marentic
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`WILLIAM K. BOHANNON - 08/20/2015
`Page 4
`I N D E X
`NO .
`Paper 1
`Paper 10
`Paper 22
`Exhibit 1001
`Exhibit 1005
`Exhibit 2005
`Exhibit 2006
`Petition for Inter Partes
`Review of u.s . Patent
`No. 7,202,843
`3/18/15 Patent Board
`Petitioners' Notice of
`Deposition of William K .
`U . S . Patent No. 7,202,843
`u . s. Publicat i on No .
`2004/0 1 96229
`Declaration of William K .
`The Second Declaration of
`William K. Bohannon
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`WILLIAM K. BOHANNON - 08/20/2015
`Page 5
`I N D E X (Cont ' d)
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`WILLIAM K. BOHANNON - 08/20/2015
`Page 6
`9 : 27 A. M.
`5 Videotape No . 1 in the deposition of William
`09 :27:14
`09:2 7:14
`09 :27:15
`Bohannon in the matter of "Sharp Corporation, Sharp
`09 :2 7:18
`Electronics Corporation, and Sharp Electronics
`8 Manufacturing Company of America, Incorporated v.
`09 :27:25
`09:2 7:28
`Surpass Te ch Innovation LLC, " in the U. S . Patent and
`09 :27:34
`Trademark Office before the Patent Trial and Appeal
`09 :27:38
`Board. Case number is IPR2015-00021 .
`09 :27:40
`Today ' s date is August 20th, 2015. Time on
`09: 27 :49
`the video monitor is 9 : 27 a . m.
`09:2 7:54
`The video operator today is Ted Bendrick .
`09:2 7:59
`This video deposition is taking place at
`09:28: 04
`501 West Broadway, Suite 400, San Diego, California
`92101 .
`Counsel, please voice identify yourselves,
`state whom you represent .
`MR . LO CICERO : My name is
`Anthony Lo Cicero from the firm of Amster
`Rothstein & Ebenstein . We represent the
`petitioners, who I will refer to as li the Sharp
`parties. II
`With me is my colleague, Mark Berkowitz,
`09 :28: 11
`09 :28: 13
`09 :28: 16
`09 :28: 17
`09 :28:24
`09 :28:26
`09 :28:27
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`WILLIAM K. BOHANNON - 08/20/2015
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`and our technical expert in this case,
`Mr . Michael Marentic .
`MR . HELGE : My name is Wayne Helge,
`representing Surpass Tech Innovation, and also
`defending the deponent .
`I'm from the law firm of
`Davidson Berquist Jackson & Gowdey .
`09 :28:30
`09 :28:33
`09 :28:35
`09 :28:37
`09 :28:40
`09 :28:43
`THE VIDEO TECHNICIAN : The court reporter
`09 :28:49
`today is Paula Pyburn of Document Technologies,
`Incorporate d .
`Would the reporter please swear in the
`THE REPORTER : Do you solemnl y swear the
`09 :28:50
`09 :28:53
`09 :28:54
`09 :28:57
`09 :28:57
`testimony you are about to give i n this deposition
`shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but
`the truth?
`I do .
`THE VIDEO TECHNICIAN : Please begin .
`Good morning, Mr . Bohannon.
`Good morning .
`My name is Anthony La Ci cero .
`I ' m one of
`the attorneys for Sharp, and I ' ll be taking your
`09 :28:57
`09 :29: 09
`09 :29: 09
`09 :29: 09
`09 :29:11
`09 :29:11
`09 :29:12
`09 :29: 13
`09 :29:15
`09 :29: 17
`deposition today in the nature o f cross-examination
`09 :29: 19
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`WILLIAM K. BOHANNON - 08/20/2015
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`in this proceeding .
`I know that -- I know that you have been
`09 :29:24
`09 :29:25
`deposed before, but I do want to go over a couple of
`09 :29:28
`ground rules.
`09 :29:31
`First, is there any reason that you cannot
`09 :29:31
`testify today?
`No .
`If you don ' t understand one of my questions
`09 :29:38
`or if I have spoken too fast or something I say is
`09 :29:4 0
`09 :29:33
`09 :29:34
`09 :29:42
`09 :29:4 6
`09 :29:49
`09 :29:51
`unclear, would you please ask me to c l arify or
`restate the question; so if you have answered t he
`question, we know you ' ve understood it?
`I s that
`Sure .
`Okay . And the court reporter, talented as
`09 :29:52
`she may be, can only take one of us as a time .
`So I
`09 :29:56
`ask if you ' d let me finish my question before you
`09 :29:59
`begin your answer, and, correspondingl y I
`I I 11 try to
`09 :3 0:01
`let you finish your answer before I ask my next
`09 :3 0:05
`question .
`Is that okay?
`Sure .
`Okay . The Patent Office has put out
`certain testimony guidelines that govern
`09 :3 0:07
`09 :3 0:07
`09 :3 0:08
`09 :3 0:08
`09 : 30: 11
`cross-examination in proceedings like this .
`I would
`09 :3 0:16
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`WILLIAM K. BOHANNON - 08/20/2015
`Page 9
`just like to read into the record paragraph 6 of
`09 :30:2 0
`those guidel i nes, which appear at Federal Register
`09 :30:23
`Volume 77, No . 157, Appendix D, at page 48772.
`Paragraph 6 says (as read) :
`Once the cross - e x amination of a
`witness has commenced, and until
`cross-examination of the witness has
`concluded, counsel offering the
`witness on direct examination shall
`not :
`(a) consu l t or confer with the
`witness regarding the substance of
`the witness ' s testimony already
`given or anticipated to be given,
`except for the purpose of conferring
`on whether to assert a privilege
`against testifying or how to comply
`wi th a board order ; or (b) suggest
`to the witness the manner i n which
`any question should be answered .
`09 :3 0:2 6
`09 :3 0:34
`09 :30:36
`09 :30:38
`09 :3 0:40
`09 :3 0:42
`09 :3 0:44
`09 :30:46
`09 :3 0:4 9
`09 :30:51
`09 :3 0:56
`09 :3 0:58
`09 :3 0:59
`09 :31: 01
`09 :31: 04
`09 :31 :06
`I would like to ask the court reporter to
`09 :31: 09
`please mark as Paper No . 22 a documen t which has
`already been filed in this proceeding .
`It is
`petitioner ' s notice of deposition of William K.
`Bohannon .
`(Paper 22 previously marked . )
`09 :31:11
`09 :31: 17
`09 :31:19
`09 :31:23
`09 :31:4 0
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`WILLIAM K. BOHANNON - 08/20/2015
`Page 10
`Mr . Bohannon, did you - -
`Thank you.
`Well, that notice that you have in front of
`09 :31:42
`you is simply the formal document that establishes
`09 :31:44
`that we1re going to be cross - examining you today .
`09 :31:47
`In anticipation of your cross-examination,
`09 :31:49
`09 :31:40
`09 :31:40
`09 :31:41
`09 : 31: 52
`09 :31:54
`09 :31:54
`did you do any preparation?
`Ye s .
`What preparation was that, s i r?
`I reread the documents i n - -
`that have been
`filed, the patent , the '843 patent, the Ham patent,
`09 :32: 01
`the initial petition, the initial response, the
`institution ' s response to all of that , and then
`then our subsequent response and my declaration .
`09 : 32: 11
`09 :32: 16
`Okay . And did you also review your second
`09 :32:19
`You mean my -- that describes my
`09 :32:24
`09 :32:24
`09 :32:28
`09 :32:28
`09 :32:29
`Yes .
`Yeah .
`Okay . Other than as you ' ve just described,
`09 :32:29
`did you do -- did you review anything else in
`preparation of your deposition?
`No . Sorry .
`09 :32:32
`09 :32:36
`09 :32:37
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`WI LLIAM K. BOHANNON - 08/20/2015
`Page 11
`Okay . Did you meet with anyone in advance
`09 :32:38
`of your deposition?
`I met with -- with Wayne .
`That ' s Mr . Helge .
`And hets your lawyer ; correct?
`Yes .
`Anybody else?
`We had a phone conference with the -- the
`09 :32:48
`09 :32:41
`09 :32:41
`09 :32:44
`09 :32:45
`09 :32:47
`09 :32:4 7
`09 :32:50
`09 :32:51
`09 :32:52
`09 :32 :53
`09 :32:57
`09 :32:57
`other a t torne y .
`Okay .
`Okay. Devon who, sir?
`Kevin .
`I ' m - -
`I'm sure he l s the Surpass attorney.
`09 :32:58
`Okay. Now that you mentioned attorneys, I
`09 : 33: 02
`would like to point out one thing .
`In this proceeding, 1 1m -- would not --
`09 :33: 05
`09 :33: 06
`would not be permitted to ask for the substance of
`09 :33: 10
`your discussions with any attorney because that ' s
`09 :33:13
`privileged communication, but I did ask if you did
`09 : 33: 15
`speak with an attorney. Kind of like the metadata.
`09 :33:18
`No t what you said but that you said .
`09 :33:22
`Other than your attorneys, did you confer
`09 :33 :24
`with anybody about this deposition?
`09 : 33: 26
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`WILLIAM K. BOHANNON - 08/20/2015
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`No .
`09 :33:28
`In your declaration, wh i ch we ' ll get to in
`09 :33:33
`a moment, you offered your understanding of certain
`09 :33:35
`legal concepts, such as the standard by which the --
`09 :33:39
`Sharp had to demonstrate that the '843 was invalid
`09 :33:48
`and so on .
`09 :33:52
`What was the source of your understanding
`09 :33: 53
`of those legal concepts?
`09 :33:54
`MR . HELGE : Objection . To the extent that
`09 : JJ: 56
`this ques t ion calls for the content of privileged
`communicat ion, 1 1m instructing the witness not to
`answer .
`09 :34: 03
`09 :34: 05
`09 :34: 08
`I did not intend to ask for
`the content .
`09 :34: 09
`Just from whom you got your understanding .
`09 :34:10
`Is it the case that you got your
`09 :34:12
`understanding of the governing legal concepts from
`09 : 34: 13
`your counsel?
`Yes .
`Okay . Any other source?
`No .
`Okay . Declaration. Yeah .
`09 : 34: 16
`09 : 34: 16
`09 : 34: 16
`09 :34:18
`09 :34:2 6
`Mr . Bohannon, I'm going to place in front
`09 :34:38
`of you what has been marked in this proceeding as
`09 :34:4 0
`Exhibit 2005 and ask if you can confirm that this is
`09 :34:44
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`WILLIAM K. BOHANNON - 08/20/2015
`Page 13
`the declaration that you submitted in this
`(Exhibit 2005 previously marked.)
`It looks like it.
`Okay .
`I'm also going to hand you what ' s
`09 :34 :4 9
`09 : 34: 51
`09 : 35: 13
`09 : 35 : 13
`09 :35: 15
`09 :35: 17
`been marked as Exhibit 2006 in this proceeding
`09 :3 5:19
`is entitled "The Second Declaration of William K.
`09 :35:24
`Bohannon" -- and ask if that, in fact, is the second
`09 :35:27
`declaration that you submitted in this proceeding?
`09 :35: 31
`(Exhibi t 2006 previously marked.)
`THE WITNESS: Yes, this looks like it.
`Okay . Are all of the opinions that you ' re
`offering in this case set forth i n your
`09 :35 :37
`09 :35:37
`09 :35:49
`09 :35 :50
`09 :35: 53
`09 :35 :55
`Yeah, the declaration is my opinion on this
`09 :35:56
`case .
`Okay .
`I assume you've reviewed it since
`you first submitted it; is that correct?
`Did you note any errors or other things
`that you ' d like to correct?
`I just want to say, on the second
`declaration, there ' s
`there ' s another case that
`09 :3 6:02
`09 :3 6:02
`09 :3 6:07
`09 :36 :08
`09 :3 6:08
`09 : 36: 11
`09 :3 6:14
`09 :3 6:17
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`WILLIAM K. BOHANNON - 08/20/2015
`Page 14
`I'm working on that's not listed .
`And what is that, sir?
`So you could put it at the top up here .
`It 09 :36:22
`would be Cascades Projection v . a bunch of people .
`09 :36 :25
`09 :36:20
`09 :36:21
`And they ' ve declared me as a expert in that .
`we ' ll run through it . You'll see it somewhere .
`Okay . And what kind of case is the
`Cascades case?
`Projection, projection technology .
`Is it a litigation?
`Litigation and IPR .
`Okay . Have you testified - - well, have you
`09 :36:46
`09 :36:29
`09 :36:35
`09 :36:37
`09 :36:38
`09 :36:39
`09 :36:43
`09 :36 :44
`09 :36:52
`09 :36 :55
`testified at trial before ?
`At -- you want to clarify "trial ll ?
`Sure . Have you ever testified at trial in
`09 :36:57
`a district court litigation?
`I ' ve testified in terms of deposition
`there, like -- like this one, with a video
`deposition .
`So it wasn't where I was in the
`courtroom, per se .
`Okay . Have you testified -- strike that .
`09 :36 :59
`09 :37:03
`09 :37:07
`09 :37:10
`09 : 37: 11
`09 :37 :12
`Have you been cross-examined in connection
`09 :37:19
`with an IPR proceeding before?
`No .
`Other than the Cascades case, are al l of
`09 :37:21
`09 :37:23
`09 :37:29
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`WILLIAM K. BOHANNON - 08/20/2015
`Page 15
`the - - is all your testifying experience set forth
`09 : 37: 34
`09 :37:37
`09 :37:39
`in your second declaration?
`Have -- do you know, in -- have any of your
`09 :37:41
`expert opinions ever been stricken or excluded in
`any of your prior litigations?
`No .
`Okay .
`I believe in your dec l aration you
`09 :37:52
`09 :37:55
`09 :37:56
`09 :38: 00
`offere d your understanding of what a worker skilled
`09 :38: 05
`in the art would be in this case .
`Would you please look at paragraph 8 of
`your declaration, sir .
`Do you have it, sir?
`1 ' m looking at it.
`Okay .
`Is that your understanding, in your
`09 :38:32
`view, of what a worker skilled in the art at the
`relevant time would have?
`Yes .
`Okay . And am I correct that that would be
`09 :38:40
`at least a bachelor ' s degree in electrical
`09 :38:44
`engineering, mathematics, or computer science, with
`09 :38:46
`09 :38: 16
`09 :38 :18
`09 :38:21
`09 :38:29
`09 :38:34
`09 :38:38
`09 :38:40
`two or more years of experience i n designing
`electronics and displays?
`Yes .
`Okay . Prior to reviewing the ' 843 patent,
`09 :38:53
`09 :38:49
`09 :38:51
`09 :38:53
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`WILLIAM K. BOHANNON - 08/20/2015
`Page 16
`did you have an understanding of the way in which
`liquid crystal display panels operated?
`And where did you gain that understanding,
`09 : 39: 11
`09 :39:16
`09 :39: 18
`09 :39 :19
`09 :39:21
`From e xperience working with - - with liquid
`09 :39:21
`crystal displays.
`And what kind of experience are you
`referring to, sir?
`I first started work i ng intensively with
`liquid crystal displays when I was working for a
`09 :39:26
`09 :39:28
`09 :39:30
`09 : 39: 11
`09 :39 :34
`company called Computer Accessories -- and I think
`09 :39:37
`they ' re listed back here somewhere . Computer
`14 Accessories .
`So I had knowledge of - - of display
`techno l ogy before that, of course, but in terms
`of -- of really digging it into i t was with Computer
`09 :40:01
`09 :39:42
`09 :39 :50
`09 :39: 53
`09 :39 :57
`09 :40:05
`09 :40:06
`09 :40 :08
`09 :40:09
`09 :40:11
`09 :40:21
`09 :40:21
`18 Accessories .
`How many years were you wi th Computer
`20 Accessories?
`About five years .
`Can you tell us how LCD pixe l s operate?
`Yes .
`Would you do so, please .
`Well, the pixels, you don ' t really need a
`09 :40:24
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`WILLIAM K. BOHANNON - 08/20/2015
`Page 17
`pixel to make an LCD operate, per se, because, you
`09 :4 0:2 7
`know, you have many different types of LC devices
`that -- you know, shutters and whatnot . But,
`basica l ly, you need two electrodes to -- that are
`used to energize the LC molecules .
`Beyond that, an LCD doesn ' t really emit
`light i it more -- more or less acts as a -- as a
`valve. So you have polarizers, depending upon a
`09 :4 0:30
`09 :40 :35
`09:4 0:38
`09 :4 0:41
`09 :4 0:4 4
`09 :40 :47
`09: 40 :50
`type of LCD materials . There are some LCD mat e rials
`09:4 0:54
`that don ' t use polari zers, that use a scattering
`effect and have relatively low contrast.
`09 :4 0:58
`09 :41:01
`But the types of LCDs we ' re dealing with
`09: 41 :03
`are re l atively high contrast; so there - -
`there will
`be polarizers . There will be a light source,
`backlight or projection lamp or something . Then you
`have polarizers that are on either side of the LCD
`cell .
`09 :41:19
`And the LCD cell itself is -- consists of
`09 :41:19
`two pieces of glass that have an electrode with some
`09 :41:21
`20 means of holding a charge that are then used to
`09 :41 :2 6
`to energize the LC material . On the inner surfaces
`of the glass, there ' s generally alignment layer .
`And, of course, it depends upon
`THE REPORTER : Generally a?
`MR . LO CICERO : Alignment layer .
`09 :41:36
`09 :41 :3 6
`09 :41:4 0
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`WILLIAM K. BOHANNON - 08/20/2015
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`THE WITNESS : Alignment layer .
`So it -- so
`which are used to establish
`09 :41:40
`09 :41:41
`where the -- how the LC molecules are arranged when
`09 :41:43
`they ' re in the cell.
`So you have an alignment layer on both
`09 :41:48
`09 :41:52
`sides . You have the
`the LC material there . And
`09 :41:55
`the -- and the alignment layer is set up such
`09 :41: 58
`that -- I think most these of these they ' re talking
`09 :42: 00
`about with the TFTs are TN type, twisted nematic --
`1 1m sorry .
`MR . LO CICERO: You 1 re going to have to - -
`09 :42: 03
`09 :42: 03
`09 :42: 03
`09 :42: 09
`THE REPORTER : You're going to have to slow
`down when you ' re talking technical until I get used
`09 :42:13
`to the material. Okay?
`09 :42:14
`I forget where I was .
`09 :42:14
`So the alignment layer then provides an
`anchoring point for the LC molecules, for went into
`09 :42:15
`09 :42:18
`the LC molecules, which
`which are between the two
`09 :42:22
`pieces of glass and the alignment layer .
`09 :42:25
`And that -- then that alignment layer then
`09 :42:28
`is set up to establish kind of a basic twist
`09 :42:31
`for the LC molecule, the liquid crystal molecules .
`So, in this type of technology with TFTs,
`it ' s kind of mostly twisted nematic, n-e-m-a-t-i-c,
`09 :42:34
`09 :42:39
`09 :42:43
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`WILLIAM K. BOHANNON - 08/20/2015
`Page 19
`nematic, type of LC materials .
`So it ' s like a
`90 - degree twist, more or less .
`09 :42:50
`09 :42:55
`And then when -- when that cell is turned
`09 :42:58
`off, there ' s potentially two states:
`It ' s either
`09 :43: 01
`normally white or normally black, depending upon the
`09 :43: 06
`arrangement of the alignment layer and the
`09 :43: 09
`09 :43:11
`So, if it ' s off, it can be -- light can go
`09 :43: 12
`through it or light does not go through it . But
`then, when you energi ze the electrode -- we ' re not
`even talking about pixels ; we ' re talki ng about i t
`09 :43: 17
`09 :43: 19
`09 :43:23
`could be anything. Could be one big pixel ; it could
`09 :43:26
`be a million pixels -- when you energi ze that
`that e l ectrodes, then the -- the LC molecules tend
`to untwist, and therefore change their rotation,
`09 :43:33
`09 :43:36
`change the polarization axis so that light then can
`09 :43:39
`either go through the panel, if i t was dark, or not
`09 :43:44
`go through the panel, if it was light .
`That's kind of basic how LC -- an LCD
`display works .
`09 :43:47
`09 :43:52
`09 :43:55
`09 :43:57
`And do you know how long LCDs operating in
`09 :43:57
`accordance with those principles have been around?
`Probably about a hundred years .
`LCD -- LC
`09 :44: 00
`09 :44: 02
`25 material has been around for along, l ong time . The
`09 :44: 06
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`WILLIAM K. BOHANNON - 08/20/2015
`Page 20
`properties of birefringence and how l i ght ' s rotated
`09 :44: 09
`by LC molecules have been around for a long time .
`Do you know how long LCD panels have been
`Yeah .
`LCD panels have been around for
`09 :44:14
`09 :44: 17
`09 :44:19
`09 :44:19
`quite awhile, but not really in use that much . You
`09 :44:24
`know, the -- the first LCD panels were -- were set
`up for - - for kind of - - for PCs and for simple
`09 :44:28
`09 :44:31
`displays on things, but it was probabl y about in the
`09 :44:36
`late' 80s .
`Okay . You talked about the twisting of
`09 :44:38
`09 :44:40
`12 molecu l es. And you also talked about energizing the
`09 :44:42
`LCDs so that the light can be transmitted .
`Or not transmitted
`Or not
`depending upon the initial alignment
`layer and orientation .
`09 :44:51
`09 :44:52
`09 :44:53
`09 :44:57
`I understand it, sometimes an LCD can be
`09 :44:58
`set up so that if there ' s no energy applied, then
`all the light will go through, and sometimes no
`light will go through; is that right?
`That ' s correct .
`Okay .
`Is there a term for the percentage
`of light that goes through?
`MR . HELGE : Objection . Form .
`09 :45: 02
`09 :45: 07
`09 :45:10
`09 :45: 11
`09 :45:12
`09 :45: 17
`09 :45: 18
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`Page 21
`THE WITNESS : So there ' s -- there's
`09 :45:22
`basica l ly, there ' s many different things that govern
`09 :45:25
`how much light can go through an LCD panel.
`09 :45 :28
`Basica l ly, depending upon the polarizers, if you ' re
`09 :45: 34
`just using sheet polarizers, regardless if you have
`09 :45:3 7
`the po l arization axes aligned, you ' ll - - you' l l
`09 :45:4 0
`barely get 50 percent of the light through, in the
`09 :45:44
`best of - - best of case .
`09 :45 :46
`09 :45:48
`Okay . When you said 50 percent, 50 percent
`09 :45:49
`of what?
`09 :45: 52
`Of the backlight or whatever light you ' re
`09 :45 :52
`using to shine through .
`09 :45:56
`We ' re talking about basic transmissive, not
`09 :45: 58
`reflective LCDs,
`I presume.
`09 :4 6:01
`Right. Let ' s just explain what that means.
`09 :4 6:03
`A transmissive LCD would be one that simply
`09 :4 6:05
`allows more or less light to be transmitted through
`09 :4 6:09
`itl and the reflective one is one which would allow
`09 :4 6:11
`20 more or less of the light to be reflected; right?
`09 :46 :15
`Well, I would like to say that a
`09 :4 6:18
`transmissive type is using a backlight or a lamp or
`09 :4 6:2 0
`something to act as a shutter for that . And the
`reflective type is basically going to be used in
`ambient light .
`09 :4 6:24
`09 :4 6:25
`09 :4 6:2 9
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`Okay . What type of LCDs
`that is,
`09 :46 : 30
`transmissive or reflective -- are
`are shown in
`09 :46 : 33
`the ' 843 patent?
`I don ' t think it matters .
`Okay . Are you familiar with the term
`tltransition rate lt ?
`Transition rate?
`Yes, sir .
`Would you spell that?
`Transmission . Transmission rate .
`Okay. Yeah . Transmission rate is
`the term used in the Shen '843 patent.
`09 :46 :3 7
`09: 46 : 38
`09 :46 :43
`09 :46 :45
`09 :46 :4 6
`09 :46 :4 8
`09: 46 :49
`09 :46 :50
`09 :46 :53
`09 :46 : 55
`And before you -- you encountered the Shen
`09: 47: 01
`' 843 patent, had you heard that term used before?
`09: 47 : 07
`09 :47 :1 0
`Okay. What is your understanding of how
`09: 47 :11
`the Shen patent uses the term "transmission rate ll ?
`09 :47:13
`MR . HELGE : Objection .
`Form .
`09 :47: 16
`If you have the Shen patent
`09 :47: 17
`and want to give it to me
`-- I ' ll point it out .
`Absolutely .
`Okay . Mr . Bohannon, I ' m going to place
`09 :47:21
`09: 47 :22
`09 :47 :23
`09 :47:23
`09 :47 :2 5
`09 :47 :3 0
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`before you what's been marked as Sharp Exhibit 1001 .
`09 :47:32
`It is, in fact, a copy of U . S . Patent No. 7,202,843
`09 :47:37
`of April lOth, 2007, in the name of Shen, et al .
`(Exhibit 1001 was previously
`marked . )
`Please continue, sir .
`MR . HELGE : Objection still stands .
`09 :47 :44
`09 :47:44
`09 :47:54
`09 :47:54
`09 :47:55
`09 :48 :06
`I think that Figure 2
`09 :48:23
`in Shen is probably one of the first instances
`09 :48:29
`of transmission rate
`Yes, sir .
`-- that Shen has used .
`And what is indicated on Figure 2 by
`transmission rate?
`So -- let's see .
`MR . HELGE : Objection . Form .
`THE WITNESS : So on Shen Column
`Column 1, about line 53, it says (as read) :
`Figure 2 showing a timing
`diagram of different transmission
`rates of a pixel varying in
`accordance with the frames .
`/ / /
`09 :48:32
`09 :48 :35
`09 :48:35
`09 :48: 36
`09 :48:40
`09 :48:45
`09 :48:45
`09 :48:51
`09 :48:55
`09 :48 :58
`09 :49: 02
`09 :49: 03
`09 :49:06
`09 :49: 09
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`Okay . And those different transmission
`rates are Tl and T2; is that correct?
`Well, I see that as a C2 and Cl, sir .
`THE REPORTER : Cl and C2?
`Okay .
`Cl and C2.
`I see your point .
`What is the vertical ax i s in Figure 2?
`MR . HELGE : Objection . Form.
`So the vertica l axis is
`marked "Transmission Rate . It
`09 :49:12
`09 :49:13
`09 :49: 15
`09 :49:19
`09 :49:26
`09 :49:29
`09 :49:30
`09 :49:30
`09 :49:32
`09 :49:32
`09 :49:35
`09 :49:38
`09 :49:43
`Okay . And what is the -- what is reflected
`09 :49:44
`in curve Cl and C2?
`So go back to -- so it says -- these are
`the different transmission rates of a pixel .
`Okay . What is a transmi ssion rate of a
`MR . HELGE : Objection . Form.
`09 :49:48
`09 :49:55
`09 :50:03
`09 :50:07
`09 :50:09
`09 :50:10
`It says that -- on line 55 of
`09 :50:11
`Column 1 (as read) :
`The curves Cl and C2 are
`measured when the driving circuit
`09 :50:17
`09 :50:18
`09 :50:20
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`WILLIAM K. BOHANNON - 08/20/2015
`Page 25
`changes the transmission

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