`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`3 February 2005 (03.02.2005)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2005/010611 A2
`(51) International Patent Classificati0n7:
`(21) International Application Number:
`PCT/U82004/01745 2
`(22) International Filing Date:
`2 June 2004 (02.06.2004)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`8 July 2003 (08.07.2003)
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): NIKON
`2—3 Marunouchi, 3—Chome,
`Chiyoda—ku, Tokyo 100—8331 (JP).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): HAZELTON,
`Andrew, J.
`[US/US]; 409 Phelps Road, San Carlos,
`CA 94070 (US). TAKAIWA, Hiroaki [JP/US]; Kuma—
`gaya—shi, Saitama—ken (JP).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated. for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN,
`CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI,
`GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE,
`KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD,
`MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG,
`PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SY, TJ, TM,
`TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM,
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated. for even:
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM,
`ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM),
`European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI,
`GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`(74) Agents: SU, Peggy, A. et al.; Ritter, Lang & Kaplan LLP,
`12930 Saratoga Ave., Suite Dl, Saratoga, CA 95070 (US).
`without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report
`[Continued on next page]
`559 55a
`/ 55°?
`(57) Abstract: Methods and apparatus for allowing a liquid to be substantially contained between a lens and a wafer table assembly
`G of an immersion lithography system are disclosed. According to one aspect of the present invention, an exposure apparatus includes
`c a lens and a wafer table assembly. The wafer table assembly has a top surface, and is arranged to support a wafer to be moved with
`N respect to the lens as well as at least one component. The top surface of the wafer and the top surface of the component are each at
`substantially a same height as the top surface of the wafer table assembly. An overall top surface of the wafer table assembly which
`includes the top surface of the wafer, the top surface of the wafer table assembly, and the top surface of the at least one component
`is substantially planar.
`Exhibit 1020 Page 1
`Nikon Exhibit 1020 Page 1
`WO 2005/010611 A2
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the ”Guid—
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations ” appearing at the beg in—
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
`Exhibit 1020 Page 2
`Nikon Exhibit 1020 Page 2
`WO 2005/010611
`This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No.
`60/485,868, filed July 8, 2003, which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.
`1. Field of Invention
`The present invention relates generally to semiconductor processing equipment.
`More particularly, the present invention relates to a method and an apparatus for enabling
`liquid in an immersion lithography system to effectively be contained between a surface
`of a lens and a plane that is moved relative to the lens.
`Description of the Related Art
`For precision instruments such as photolithography machines which are used in
`semiconductor processing, factors which affect the performance, e.g., accuracy, of the
`precision instrument generally must be dealt with and, insofar as possible, eliminated.
`When the performance of a precision instrument such as an immersion lithograph
`exposure system is adversely affected, products formed using the precision instrument
`may be improperly formed and, hence, function improperly.
`In an immersion lithography system, a liquid is provided between a lens and the
`surface of a wafer in order to improve the imaging performance of the lens. The use of
`liquid allows a numerical aperture associated with the lens, 1'. e. , an effective numerical
`aperture of the lens, to essentially be increased substantially without altering
`characteristics of the lens, since a liquid such as water generally has a refractive index
`that is greater than one. In general, a higher numerical aperture enables a sharper image
`to be formed on the wafer. As will be appreciated by those skilled in the art, a high
`refractive index liquid allows for a high numerical aperture of the lens since an effective
`numerical aperture of a lens system of an immersion lithography system is generally
`defined to be approximately equal to the sine of an angle of diffraction of light which
`passes through a lens and reflects off a surface multiplied by the refractive index of the
`liquid. Since the refractive index of the liquid is greater than one, the use of liquid allows
`the effective numerical aperture of the lens to be increased, thereby enabling the
`resolution associated with the lens to essentially be improved.
`Exhibit 1020 Page 3
`Nikon Exhibit 1020 Page 3
`WO 2005/010611
`Within most conventional lithography systems, air is present between a lens and a
`surface which passes under the lens, e.g., the surface of a wafer. In such systems, the
`numerical aperture associated with the lens is often in the range of approximately 0.8 to
`0.9. Increasing the numerical aperture of a lens to achieve an improved resolution is
`generally impractical, as the diameter of a lens generally must be increased, which adds
`significant difficulty to a lens manufacturing process. In addition, the numerical aperture
`of a lens in air is theoretically limited to one, and, in practice, is limited to being
`somewhat less than one. Hence, immersion lithography systems enable the effective
`numerical aperture of a lens to be increased substantially beyond what is possible with a
`lens in air.
`Fig. 1 is a diagrammatic cross—sectional representation of a portion of an
`immersion lithography apparatus. An immersion lithography apparatus 100 includes a
`lens assembly 104 which is positioned over a wafer table 112 which supports a wafer 108.
`Wafer table 112 is arranged to be scanned or otherwise moved under lens assembly 104.
`A liquid 116, which may be water in a typical application which uses approximately 193
`nanometers (nm) of radiation, is present in a gap between lens assembly 104 and wafer
`108. In order to effectively prevent liquid 1 16 from leaking out from under lens assembly
`104, i. e. , to effectively laterally contain liquid 116 between lens assembly 104 and wafer
`108, a retaining ring 120 may be positioned such that retaining ring 120 enables liquid
`116 to remain between lens assembly 104 and wafer 108, and within an area defined by
`retaining ring 120.
`While retaining ring 120 is generally effective in containing liquid 116 when lens
`assembly 104 is positioned such that a small gap between retaining ring 120 and a surface
`of wafer 108 is maintained, for a situation in which at least a part of retaining ring 120 is
`above wafer 108, liquid 116 may leak out from between lens assembly 104 and wafer
`108. By way of example, when an edge of wafer 108 is to be patterned, lens assembly
`104 may be substantially centered over the edge such that a portion of retaining ring 120
`fails to maintain the small gap under the bottom surface of retaining ring 120, and liquid
`116 is allowed to leak out from between lens assembly 104 and wafer 108. As shown in
`Fig. 2, when lens assembly 104 is positioned such that at least part of a bottom surface of
`retaining ring 120 is not in contact with wafer 108, liquid 116 may not be contained in an
`area defined by retaining ring 120 between lens assembly 104 and wafer 108.
`In an immersion lithography apparatus, a wafer table may support sensors and
`other components, e.g., a reference flat that is used to calibrate automatic focusing
`operations. Such sensors and other components generally may be positioned beneath a
`Exhibit 1020 Page 4
`Nikon Exhibit 1020 Page 4
`WO 2005/010611
`lens at some point. That is, sensors and other components associated with a wafer table
`may be occasionally positioned beneath a lens during the course of operating the lens and
`the wafer table. While the use of a retaining ring may prevent liquid from leaking out of
`a gap between a lens assembly and the top surface of the wafer, liquid may leak out from
`between the lens assembly and top surfaces of sensors and other components when the
`lens assembly is positioned over the sensors or other components.
`Fig. 3 is a block diagram representation of a wafer table which supports a sensor
`and a wafer holder that holds a wafer. A wafer table 312 supports a wafer holder 310
`which is arranged to hold a wafer (not shown), a sensor 350, and an interferometer mirror
`352. Sensor 350 may be used through a lens (not shown) with liquid (not shown)
`between the lens and sensor 350. However, liquid will often flow out of the gap between
`a lens (not shown) and sensor 350 particularly when an edge of sensor 350 is positioned
`substantially beneath a center of the lens. The effectiveness of sensor 350 may be
`compromised when sensor 350 is designed and calibrated to operate in a liquid, and there
`is insufficient liquid present between a lens (not shown) and sensor 350. Further, when
`liquid (not shown) flows out of the gap between a lens (not shown) and sensor 350, the
`liquid which flowed out of the gap is effectively lost such that when the lens is
`subsequently positioned over a wafer (not shown) supported by wafer holder 310, the
`amount of liquid between the lens and the wafer may not be sufficient to enable the
`effective numerical aperture of the lens to be as high as desired. Hence, when liquid is
`not successfully contained between a lens (not shown) and sensor 350 while sensor 350 is
`at least partially positioned under the lens, an overall lithography process which involves
`the lens and sensor 350 may be compromised.
`Therefore, what is needed is a method and an apparatus for allowing liquid to be
`maintained in a relatively small gap defined between a surface of a lens and a surface of
`substantially any sensors or components which are supported by a wafer table. That is,
`what is desired is a system which is suitable for preventing liquid which is positioned
`between a lens and substantially any surface on a wafer table which is moved under the
`lens from leaking out from between the lens and the surface.
`The present invention relates to a wafer table arrangement which is suitable for
`use in an immersion lithography system. According to one aspect of the present
`invention, an exposure apparatus includes a lens and a wafer table assembly. The wafer
`table assembly has a top surface, and is arranged to support a wafer to be moved with
`Exhibit 1020 Page 5
`Nikon Exhibit 1020 Page 5
`WO 2005/010611
`respect to the lens as well as at least one component. The top surface of the wafer and the
`top surface of the component are each at substantially a same height as the top surface of
`the wafer table assembly. An overall top surface of the wafer table assembly which
`includes the top surface of the wafer, the top surface of the wafer table assembly, and the
`top surface of the at least one component is substantially planar.
`In one embodiment, the component may be at least one of a reference flat, an
`aerial image sensor, a dose sensor, and a dose uniformity sensor. In another embodiment,
`the wafer table assembly is arranged to support a wafer holder that holds the wafer such
`that the top surface of the wafer is at substantially the same height as the top surface of
`the wafer table assembly.
`A wafer table arrangement which is configured to enable surfaces which are to
`viewed through a lens to form a relatively planar overall surface of substantially the same
`height facilitates an immersion lithography process. When substantially all elements
`carried on a wafer table have top surfaces that are substantially level with the top surface
`of the wafer table, and any gaps between the sides of the components and the sides of
`openings in the wafer table are relatively small, the overall top surface of a wafer table
`arrangement may traverse under a lens while a layer or a film of liquid is effectively
`maintained between a surface of the lens and the overall top surface. Hence, an
`immersion lithography process may be performed substantially without the integrity of
`the layer of liquid between the surface of the lens and the overall top surface of the wafer
`table arrangement being compromised by the loss of liquid from the layer of liquid
`between the surface of the lens and the overall top surface of the wafer table arrangement.
`According to another aspect of the present invention, an immersion lithography
`apparatus includes a lens which has a first surface and an associated effective numerical
`aperture. The apparatus also includes a liquid that is suitable for enhancing the effective
`numerical aperture of the lens, and a table arrangement. The table arrangement has a
`substantially flat top surface that opposes the first surface, and the liquid is arranged
`substantially between the substantially flat top surface and the first surface. The
`substantially flat top surface includes a top surface of an object to be scanned and a top
`surface of at least one sensor.
`These and other advantages of the present invention will become apparent upon
`reading the following detailed descriptions and studying the various figures of the
`Exhibit 1020 Page 6
`Nikon Exhibit 1020 Page 6
`WO 2005/010611
`The invention may best be understood by reference to the following description
`taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings in which:
`Fig. 1 is a diagrammatic cross-sectional representation of a portion of an
`immersion lithography apparatus in a first orientation.
`Fig. 2 is a diagrammatic representation cross—sectional representation of a portion
`of an immersion lithography apparatus, i. a, apparatus 100 of Fig. 1, in a second
`Fig. 3 is a block diagram representation of a wafer table which supports a sensor
`and a wafer holder that holds a wafer.
`Fig. 4 is a block diagram representation of a top View of a wafer table assembly in
`accordance With an embodiment of the present invention.
`Fig. 5 is a block diagram representation of a top View of components which are
`supported by a wafer table assembly with a substantially uniform, planar overall top
`surface in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.
`Fig. 6a is a diagrammatic cross—sectional representation of a wafer table assembly
`which has a substantially uniform, planar overall top surface in accordance with an
`embodiment of the present invention.
`Fig. 6b is a diagrammatic representation of a wafer table assembly, e. g., wafer
`table assembly 600 of Fig. 6a, with a lens assembly positioned over a wafer holder in
`accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.
`Fig. 6c is a diagrammatic representation of a wafer table assembly, e.g., wafer
`table assembly 600 of Fig. 6a, with a lens assembly positioned over a component in
`accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.
`Fig. 7 is a diagrammatic representation of a photolithography apparatus in
`accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.
`Fig. 8 is a process flow diagram which illustrates the steps associated with
`fabricating a semiconductor device in accordance with an embodiment of the present
`Fig. 9 is a process flow diagram which illustrates the steps associated with
`processing a wafer, i.e., step 1304 of Fig. 4, in accordance with an embodiment of the
`present invention.
`Fig. 10a is a diagrammatic representation of a wafer table surface plate and a
`wafer table in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.
`Exhibit 1020 Page 7
`Nikon Exhibit 1020 Page 7
`WO 2005/010611
`Fig. 10b is a diagrammatic cross-sectional representation of wafer table assembly
`Which includes a‘ wafer table and a wafer table surface plate in accordance with an
`embodiment of the present invention.
`Fig. 1 la is a diagrammatic cross-sectional representation of a wafer table and a
`wafer table surface plate with Windows in accordance With an embodiment of the present
`Fig. 11b is a diagrammatic cross—sectional representation of wafer table assembly
`which includes a wafer table and a wafer table surface plate with Windows, i.e., wafer
`table 904 and wafer table surface plate 908 of Fig. 11a, in accordance with an
`embodiment of the present invention.
`In immersion lithography systems, a wafer surface must generally be viewed
`through a lens with a layer of liquid such as a relatively thin film of liquid between the
`lens and the wafer surface. Some components such as sensors and/or reference members
`may often be viewed through the lens with a layer of liquid between the lens and the
`surfaces of the components. Maintaining the layer of liquid in a gap between the lens and
`the surface of the wafer, even when the lens is arranged to View edge portions of the
`wafer, allows the immersion lithography system to operate substantially as desired.
`Similarly, maintaining the layer of liquid in a gap between the lens and the surface of
`components such as sensors and/or reference members also facilitates the efficient
`operation of the immersion lithography system.
`By utilizing a wafer table arrangement which is configured to enable surfaces
`which are to viewed through a lens and a top surface of the wafer table arrangement to
`form a relatively planar, substantially uniform overall surface. When substantially all
`components associated with the wafer table arrangement have a surface which is
`substantially level with the top surface of a wafer and the top surface of a wafer table, and
`any gaps between the sides of the components and the sides of openings in the wafer table
`are relatively small, the overall top surface of the wafer table arrangement may traverse
`under a lens While a layer or a film of liquid is effectively maintained between a surface
`of the lens and the overall top surface. As a result, an immersion lithography process may
`be performed substantially without having the integrity of the layer of liquid, 1‘. e. , the
`layer of liquid between the surface of the lens and the overall top surface of the wafer
`table arrangement, compromised.
`Exhibit 1020 Page 8
`Nikon Exhibit 1020 Page 8
`WO 2005/010611
`A wafer table which has a substantially raised, flat top surface of a uniform height
`allows a wafer and other components, eg. , sensors, to be installed such that a flat surface
`of the wafer and flat surfaces of the components are at substantially the same level or
`height as the raised, flat top surface of the wafer table. In one embodiment, an overall
`wafer table assembly includes openings within which a wafer, or a wafer holder on which
`the wafer is supported, and sensors may be positioned. Fig. 4 is a block diagram
`representation of a top View of a wafer table assembly in accordance with an embodiment
`of the present invention. A wafer table assembly 402 includes openings 409, 452 which
`are sized to effectively house a wafer 408 and components 450, respectively, such that top
`surfaces of wafer 408 and components 450 are at substantially the same level as a top
`surface 414 of wafer table assembly 402. Typically, openings 409, 452 are sized to
`accommodate wafer 408 and components 450, respectively, such that a spacing between
`the outer edges or wafer 408 or components 450 and their respective openings 409, 452 is
`relatively small, e.g. , between approximately ten and approximately 500 micrometers.
`In general, the spacing between wafer 408, or in some cases, a wafer holder (not
`shown) and opening 409, as well as the spacing between components 450 and their
`corresponding openings 452 does not significantly affect the overall planar quality of an
`overall top surface of wafer table assembly 402. That is, an overall top surface of wafer
`table assembly 402 which includes top surface 414, the top surface of wafer 408, and the
`top surfaces of components 450 is substantially planar, with the planarity of the overall
`top surface being substantially unaffected by the presence of the small gaps between the
`sides of wafer 408 and opening 409, and the sides of components 450 and openings 452.
`Components 450 may include, but are not limited to, various sensors and
`reference marks. With reference to Fig. 5, components which are supported by a wafer
`table assembly with a substantially uniform, planar overall top surface will be described
`in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. A wafer table assembly 502
`includes a raised, substantially uniform top surface 514 in which openings 509, 552 are
`defined. Opening 509 is arranged to hold a wafer 508 which may be supported by a
`wafer holder (not shown). Openings 552 are arranged to support any number of
`components. In the described embodiment, openings 552 are arranged to support a dose
`sensor or a dose uniformity sensor 556, an aerial image sensor 558, a reference flat 560,
`and a fiducial mark 562, which each have top surfaces that are arranged to be of
`substantially the same height as top surface 514 such that an overall, substantially
`uniform, planar top surface is formed. Examples of a suitable dose sensor or dose
`uniformity sensor 556 are described in US. Patent No. 4,465,368, US. Patent No.
`Exhibit 1020 Page 9
`Nikon Exhibit 1020 Page 9
`WO 2005/010611
`6,078,380, and U.S. Patent Publication No. 2002/0061469A1, which are each
`incorporated herein by reference in their entireties. An example of an aerial image sensor
`55 8 is described in U.S. Patent Publication No. 2002/0041377Al, which is incorporated
`herein by reference in its entirety. An example of a reference fiat 560 is described in U.S.
`Patent No. 5,985,495, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, while an
`example of a fiducial mark 562 is described in U.S. Patent No. 5,243,195, which is
`incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
`It should be appreciated that openings 552 are sized to accommodate components
`such that gaps between the sides of components, as for example dose sensor or dose
`uniformity sensor 556, aerial image sensor 558, reference flat 560, and fiducial mark 562,
`and edges of openings 552 are not large enough to significantly affect the uniformity and
`planarity of the overall top surface. In other words, components are relatively tightly fit
`within openings 552.
`Dose sensor or a dose uniformity sensor 5 56, one or both of which may be
`included in openings 552, is arranged to be used to determine a strength of a light source
`associated with a lens assembly (not shown) by studying light energy at the level of the
`top surface of wafer 508. In one embodiment, only a dose uniformity sensor is typically
`included. A dose sensor generally measures absolute illumination intensity, while a dose
`uniformity sensor typically measures variations over an area. As such, dose sensor or
`does uniformity sensor 556 is positioned in the same plane as the top surface of wafer
`508. Aerial image sensor 558 is arranged to effectively measure an aerial image that is to
`be projected onto the surface of wafer 508 and, hence, exposed on photoresist. In order
`for aerial image sensor to accurately measure an aerial image, aerial image sensor 558 is
`essentially positioned at the same level or plane as the top surface of wafer 508.
`Reference fiat 560 is generally used to calibrate the automatic focus functionality
`of a lens assembly (not shown), while fiducial mark 562 is a pattern that is used to enable
`wafer 508 to be aligned with respect to the lens assembly and reticle, as will be
`understood by those skilled in the art. Both reference flat 560 and fiducial mark 562 are
`positioned in the same plane as wafer 508.
`Fig. 6a is a diagrammatic cross-sectional representation of a wafer table assembly
`which has a substantially uniform, planar overall top surface in accordance with an
`embodiment of the present invention. An overall wafer table assembly 600 includes a
`wafer table 602 which is arranged to support a wafer holder 608 that holds a wafer (not
`shown) such that a top surface of the wafer is substantially flush with an overall top
`surface 614 of wafer table assembly 600. Wafer table 602 also supports components 650,
`Exhibit1020 Page10
`Nikon Exhibit 1020 Page 10
`WO 2005/010611
`which may include sensors and reference marks, such that top surfaces of components
`650 are also substantially flush with overall top surface 614, as discussed above. In other
`words, top surfaces of components 650, wafer holder 608 when supporting a wafer (not
`shown), and wafer table 602 effectively form a substantially flat overall top surface 614
`of relatively uniform height. Wafer holder 608 and components 650 are arranged to be
`relatively tightly fit into openings defined within wafer table 602 such that a gap between
`the side of wafer holder 608 and the sides of an associated opening within wafer table
`602, as well as gaps between components 650 and the sides of associated openings within
`wafer table 602, are each relatively small, and do not have a significant effect on the
`uniformity of overall top surface 614.
`Wafer table 602 may supports additional components or elements in addition to
`wafer holder 608, a wafer (not shown), and components 650. By way of example, wafer
`table 602 may support an interferometer mirror 670. It should be appreciated that a top
`surface of interferometer mirror 602 may also be substantially level with overall top
`surface 614. Hence, in one embodiment, overall top surface 614 may include
`interferometer mirror 670.
`Overall top surface 614 enables liquid to be maintained in a gap between a lens
`assembly and overall top surface 614 when a component 650 or wafer holder 608
`traverses beneath the lens. Fig. 6b is a diagrammatic representation of a wafer table
`assembly, e.g., wafer table assembly 600 of Fig. 6a, which is arranged to scan beneath a
`lens assembly in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. A lens
`assembly 684, which is arranged to be positioned over overall top surface 614 is
`effectively separated from overall top surface 614 along a z—axis 690a by a layer of liquid
`682. The size of the immersion area covered by liquid 682 is relatively small, e.g., the
`size of the immersion area may be smaller than that of the wafer (not shown). Local fill
`methods which are used to provide the liquid of the immersion area are described in co—
`pending PCT International Patent Application No. PCT/U804/10055 (filed March 29,
`2004), co-pending PCT International Patent Application No. PCT/US04/O9994 (filed
`April 1, 2004), and co—pending PCT International Patent Application No.
`PCT/U304/ 10071 (filed April 1, 2004), which are each incorporated herein by reference
`in their entireties. Layer of liquid 682 is effectively held between overall top surface 614
`and lens assembly 684 with respect to an x—axis 69Gb and a y-axis 690C by a retaining
`ring 680, although substantially any suitable arrangement may be used to effectively hold
`layer of liquid 682 in place relative to x—axis 690b and y-axis 690c.' Retaining ring 680 is
`arranged as a ring-like structure with respect to x-axis 69% and y-axis 6900 which
`Exhibit 1020
`Page 11
`Nikon Exhibit 1020 Page 11
`WO 2005/010611
`contains liquid 682 in an area defined by the edges of retaining ring 680. That is,
`retaining ring 680 forms a ring-like shape about z—axis 690a.
`In another embodiment, retaining ring 680 may not be necessary. If the gap
`between lens assembly 684 and overall top surface 614 (or wafer surface) is relatively
`small, e.g., between approximately 0.5 mm and approximately 5 mm, layer of liquid 682
`may be effectively held between the gap with surface tension of liquid 682.
`In general, liquid 682 may be substantially any suitable liquid which fills a gap or
`a space between a surface of lens assembly 684 and overall top surface 614 within an area
`defined by retaining ring 680 that allows an effective numerical aperture of a lens
`included in lens assembly 684 to be increased for the same wavelength of light and the
`same physical size of the lens. Liquids including various oils, e. g., FomblinTM oil, may be
`suitable for use as liquid 682. In one embodiment, as for example within an overall
`system which uses approximatelyl93 nanometers (nm) of radiation, liquid 682 is water.
`However, for shorter wavelengths, liquid 682 may be an oil.
`Since overall top surface 614 is substantially flat and uniform, when lens
`assembly 684 is positioned over wafer holder 608, liquid 682 does not leak out from
`between overall top surface 614 and lens assembly 684, since retaining ring 680 remains
`in contact or in close proximity with overall top surface 614, even when lens assembly
`684 is positioned over an edge of wafer holder 608. The uniformity and planarity of
`overall top surface 614 also allows liquid 682 to remain between lens assembly 684 and
`overall top surface 614 when lens assembly 684 is oriented over a component 650, as
`shown in Fig. 6c.
`While a wafer table arrangement may include a wafer table in which openings
`have been defined to house a wafer or a wafer holder and any number of components, a
`wafer table arrangement may instead include a wafer table which has no openings to
`house a wafer or a wafer holder and any number of components and structures which may
`cooperate with the wafer table to effectively form openings in which a wafer or a wafer
`holder and any number of components may be placed. In other words, a substantially
`planar wafer table arrangement may either include openings formed within a wafer table
`as discussed above, or openings defined by a structure or structures positioned atop a
`wafer table.
`When a wafer table arrangement includes a structure that defines openings which
`may effectively house a wafer and components and provides a substantially planar top
`surface for the wafer table arrangement, the structure may generally be a plate-like
`structure within which openings are formed. With reference to Fig. 10a, a wafer table
`Page 12
`Nikon Exhibit 1020 Page 12
`WO 2005/010611
`arrangement which includes a wafer table and a wafer table surface plate will be
`described in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. A wafer table
`arrangement 700 includes a wafer table 704 and a wafer table surface plate 708, Wafer
`table 704 supports a wafer 712 and one or more components 716 which may include
`various sensors, a fiducial mark, or a reference flat. Wafer table surface plate 708, which
`may be formed from any suitable material, e.g., Teflon, includes an opening 720 within
`which wafer 712, may be positioned when wafer t