Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
` · · · · · · · · · · · · · VS.
`· · · · · · · · · · · · Petitioner,
` · · · · · · · · CROSSROADS SYSTEMS, INC.
`· · · · · · · · · · ·· Patent Owner.
` · · · · · · · · ·· Case IPR2014-01226
`· · · · · · · · · · · Patent 6,425,035
` · · · · · -----------------------------------
` · · · · · · · ·· ANDREW HOSPODOR, Ph.D.
` · · · · · · · · · ·· MARCH 26, 2015
` · · · · · -----------------------------------
`HOSPODOR, Ph.D., produced as a witness at the instance
`of the Patent Owner, and duly sworn, was taken in the
`above-styled and -numbered cause on March 26, 2015, from
`9:08 a.m. to 8:24 p.m., before Angela L. Mancuso, CSR in
`and for the State of Texas, reported by machine
`shorthand, at the law offices of Haynes and Boone, LLP,
`2505 North Plano Road, Suite 4000, Richardson, Texas
`75082, pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations,
`Notice, and the provisions stated on the record or
`attached hereto.
`(888) 667-DEPO
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` Cisco Systems et al v Crossroads Systems, Inc.
` IPR2014-01544


`Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`· · · · · · · · ·· A P P E A R A N C E S
`·· ·
`· ·
`· ·
`· · · 217 Leidesdorff Street
`· ·
`· · · San Francisco, California··94111
`· · · (415) 362-6666
`· ·
`· · ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`· ·
`· · · 2505 North Plano Road
`· · · Suite 4000
`· ·
`· · · Richardson, Texas··75082-4101
`· · · (972) 739-8663
`· ·
`· · ·
`·· ·
`· ·
`· · · 2323 Victory Avenue
`· · · Suite 700
`· ·
`· · · Dallas, Texas··75219
`· · · (214) 651-5116
`· ·
`· · ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`· ·
`· · · 1301 West 25th Street
`· ·
`· · · Suite 408
`· · · Austin, Texas··78705
`· ·
`· · · (512) 366-7308
`· · ·
`· ·
`· · ·
`·· ·
`· · · MR. JAMES H. HALL
`· ·
`· · · 20333 SH 249
`· · · Suite 600
`· ·
`· · · Houston, Texas··77070
`· · · (832) 446-2493
`· ·
`· · ·
`(888) 667-DEPO
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`Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`· ·
`· ·
`· · · 1075 Peachtree Street, N.E.
`· ·
`· · · Suite 200
`· · · Atlanta, Georgia··30309-3929
`· ·
`· · · (404) 253-6902
`· · · (On behalf of Petitioner Cisco Systems, Inc.)
`· ·
`· · · Mr. Neal Tibrewala
`· ·
`· · · Chief Technical Officer
`· · · L5 Software Group, LLC
`· ·
`· · · P.O. Box 66505
`· · · Austin, Texas··78766
`· ·
`· · · (512) 553-5370
`· · ·
`· ·
`· · · Mr. Joseph McDermott, Videographer
`· ·
`· · · Elite Video Productions
`· · · 3018 Commerce Street
`· ·
`· · · Dallas, Texas··75226
`· · · (214) 747-1952
`· ·
`· · ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
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`Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`· · · · · · · · · ·· TABLE OF CONTENTS
`· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · PAGE
`· ·
`· ·
`· ·
`·Examination by Mr. Crocker........................··7
`· ·
`·Examination by Mr. Roberts........................··288
`·· ·
`·Signature and Changes.............................··297
`·Reporter's Certificate............................··298
`· ·
`· · · · · · · · · · · MARKED EXHIBITS
`· ·
`·NUMBER/DESCRIPTION· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ··PAGE
`·· ·
`·Exhibit 2030
`· · · Dr. Andy Hospodor's bio on SSRC Web site.....· ·28
`· ·
`·Exhibit 2031
`· ·
`· · · CQ-1004, Figure 2-1 (annotated)..............· ·219
`·· ·
`· · · · · · · · · · REFERENCED EXHIBITS
`·· ·
`·Exhibit CQ-1001
`· · · Patent No: US 6,425,035 B2
`· ·
`·Exhibit CQ-1003
`· ·
`· · · Declaration of Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`· · · Under 37 C.F.R. § 1.68
`· ·
`·Exhibit CQ-1004
`· ·
`· · · CRD-5500 SCSI RAID Controller User's Manual
`·· ·
`·Exhibit CQ-1005
`· · · CRD-550 data sheet
`· ·
`·Exhibit CQ-1006
`· ·
`· · · Hewlett-Packard Journal, October 1996
`·· ·
`·Exhibit CQ-1007
`· · · FAS216/216U/236/236U
`· ·
`· · · Fast Architecture SCSI Processor Data Sheet
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
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`Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`· · · · · · · · · · · · ·· VIDEOS
`·· ·
`·BEGINNING OF VIDEO 1..............................··6
`·BEGINNING OF VIDEO 2..............................··76
`· ·
`·BEGINNING OF VIDEO 3..............................··122
`·BEGINNING OF VIDEO 4..............................··157
`· ·
`·BEGINNING OF VIDEO 5..............................··225
`·BEGINNING OF VIDEO 6..............................··288
`· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`· · · Quotation marks are used for clarity and do
`· ·
`· · · not necessarily reflect a direct quote.
`·· ·
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`Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`· · · · · · · · ·· P R O C E E D I N G S
`· · · · · · · · (March 26, 2015, 9:08 a.m.)
`· · · · · · · · THE VIDEOGRAPHER:··Now on record at
`·9:08 a.m., on March 26, 2015, for the videotaped
`·deposition of Dr. Andrew Hos -- Hospodor, in Dallas,
`·Texas, in the action entitled Cisco Systems, Inc.,
`·et al., versus Crossroads Systems, Inc.,
`·Case Number IPR2014-01226.··This is Tape Number 1.
`· · · · ·· Counsel may identify themselves at this time.
`·Afterwards the court reporter will swear in the witness.
`· · · · · · · · MR. ROBERTS:··Good morning.··Clem Roberts
`·from Durie Tangri, on behalf of Petitioner Quantum
`·Corporation and the witness.··And with me is Scott
`·Jarratt from Haynes and Boone on behalf of both
`·petitioners; Matthew Gaudet, who is not appearing in
`·this proceeding but is sitting in and observing today,
`·from the Duane Morris firm, and who represents Cisco
`·Systems; and Andy Ehmke from the Haynes and Boone firm,
`·who also represents both petitioners in these
`· · · · · · · · MR. CROCKER:··Scott Crocker here from
`·Sprinkle IP Law Group, on behalf of the patent owner.
`·And with me is John Adair, also from Sprinkle IP Law
`·Group; Neal Tibrewala, who is a consultant; and James
`·Hall from the Wong Cabello firm, also for patent owner.
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`Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`· · · · · · · · (Witness sworn by reporter.)
`· · · · · · · · · ANDREW HOSPODOR, Ph.D.,
`·having been first duly sworn, testified as follows:
`· · · · · · · · · · · · EXAMINATION
`· · · Q.· ·Would you please identify yourself for the
`· · · A.· ·My name is Andrew Hospodor.
`· · · Q.· ·Dr. Hospodor, we met before we went on the
`·record, but I'd like to reintroduce myself.··My name is
`·Scott Crocker, and I'm here on behalf of the patent
`·owner in the IPR proceeding numbered 2014-01226.
`· · · · ·· Do you understand who I am and who I
`· · · A.· ·Yes.
`· · · Q.· ·Have you ever given your deposition before?
`· · · A.· ·Yes.
`· · · Q.· ·Have you ever given your deposition before in
`·an IPR proceeding?
`· · · A.· ·No.
`· · · Q.· ·Do you understand that you're giving sworn
`·testimony here today just as you would be in a
`·deposition in a regular litigation?
`· · · A.· ·Yes.
`· · · Q.· ·And do you understand that what you and I
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`Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`·discuss today is being taken down by the court reporter
`·and that the answers you give today can be used in the
`·IPR proceeding?
`· · · A.· ·Yes.
`· · · Q.· ·Sure.··How many times have you given a
`· · · A.· ·As an expert or are you asking me in total?
`· · · Q.· ·In total.
`· · · A.· ·Four times.
`· · · Q.· ·How many of those were as an expert witness?
`· · · A.· ·One time.
`· · · Q.· ·The conversation we have will not be as formal
`·as if we were in a courtroom, but because she's taking
`·it down, there are a few things that make the proceeding
`·go by faster and make it easier on her and all of us.
`· · · · ·· Principally, if you'd wait for me to finish my
`·question before you start your answer, and I will try to
`·do the same.··I'm telling you I'm not going to be able
`·to do that and you're not going to be able to do that,
`·but if we just both strive for that, that'll be great.
`· · · · ·· And then the other thing is that the court
`·reporter can't take down nodding your head or answering
`·in a nonverbal way, so if you'd give verbal responses to
`·my questions.··And then certainly, if you don't
`·understand my question or can't answer it in a way that
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`Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`·I've asked, just ask me to repeat it or rephrase it.
`·I'd be happy to do that.
`· · · · ·· And then, I guess, the most important
`·instruction is this is not an endurance contest.··And so
`·if at any point you need to take a break, just let me
`·know, and I'm happy to do that.
`· · · · ·· Do you understand that during breaks you're
`·not allowed to talk to counsel for the petitioner about
`·the matter that you're testifying for today?
`· · · A.· ·Yes, I do.
`· · · Q.· ·Is there any reason why you cannot competently
`·testify today?
`· · · A.· ·No.
`· · · Q.· ·Did you do anything to prepare for today's
`· · · A.· ·Yes.
`· · · Q.· ·What did you do?
`· · · A.· ·I reviewed the materials, reviewed my report,
`·reviewed the materials that were noted in my report --
`·in my declaration.··I'm sorry.
`· · · Q.· ·And are those the materials that are
`·referenced in the declaration as far as what you
`·considered in rendering the opinions that you have given
`·in this matter?
`· · · A.· ·Yes.··I can open the report and read from
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`Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`·them, if you would like.
`· · · Q.· ·Certainly.··And I note that you have in front
`·of you your declaration, which I believe is Exhibit
`·Number CQ-1003.··Is that correct?
`· · · A.· ·That is the number that's at the bottom of the
`·front page, yes.
`· · · Q.· ·And is that the declaration that you prepared
`·and signed in this matter?
`· · · A.· ·Yes, it is.··It has my signature on the last
`· · · Q.· ·And so today as we refer to the copy of the
`·declaration you have in front of you, it's your
`·understanding that that's the same one that has been
`·made a part of this proceeding given that number
`·CQ-1003.··Is that correct?
`· · · A.· ·Yes.
`· · · Q.· ·Just briefly, housekeeping issue, I understand
`·that you also have in front of you a copy of the '035
`·patent.··Is that correct?
`· · · A.· ·That is correct.··I have the '035 patent that
`·is referenced as CQ-1001.
`· · · Q.· ·And so today, if we refer -- if you're
`·referring to the patent you have in front of you, it's
`·to the copy that has that exhibit number on it; is that
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`Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`· · · A.· ·Yes.
`· · · Q.· ·And then you have one last piece of paper in
`·front of you.··What is that?
`· · · A.· ·This is a table that is part of my
`·declaration, and it is found on the page marked
`·CQ-1003/18 of 132, and this is the table of claim terms
`·and claim constructions.
`· · · Q.· ·So if you refer to that document, what you're
`·referring to is the chart from page 18 of your
`·declaration, which is Exhibit CQ-1003; is that correct?
`· · · A.· ·Let's make sure that's -- yes, it's the chart
`·from page 18 of CQ-1003.
`· · · Q.· ·Before we went down that rabbit hole of
`·housekeeping issues, you were going to look at your
`·declaration to talk about the materials that you
`·reviewed in order to prepare for today's deposition.
`· · · A.· ·Yes.
`· · · Q.· ·Where are those found?
`· · · A.· ·So those materials are found on page 3 of the
`·deposition marked CQ-1003, starting with paragraph
`·number 3.
`· · · Q.· ·And did you review all of the materials listed
`·in that paragraph 3?··And, again, we're talking about in
`·order to prepare for today's deposition.
`· · · A.· ·Yes.··Let me read through this.··Yes, I have.
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`Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`· · · Q.· ·Any other documents that you reviewed in order
`·to prepare for today's deposition?
`· · · A.· ·The patent itself and this report.
`· · · Q.· ·The patent being the '035 patent, correct?
`· · · A.· ·Yes.
`· · · Q.· ·And, I guess, just during today's proceeding,
`·if we ever discuss the patent, can I get an
`·understanding that we're talking about the '035 patent?
`· · · A.· ·Yes.
`· · · Q.· ·Unless we say some other patent, right?
`· · · · ·· Did you talk to any people in order to get
`·ready for today's deposition?
`· · · A.· ·Yes.
`· · · Q.· ·Who?
`· · · A.· ·I spoke with the attorneys at HaynesBoone and
`·Durie Tangri.
`· · · Q.· ·And when did those conversations take place?
`· · · A.· ·Over the past two days.
`· · · Q.· ·Anyone other than those attorneys?
`· · · A.· ·No.
`· · · Q.· ·And any attorneys other than those that are
`·currently in this room?
`· · · A.· ·Yes.
`· · · Q.· ·Who else would it have been?
`· · · A.· ·An attorney for HaynesBoone, David McCombs.
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`Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`· · · Q.· ·Anyone else you spoke with in order to prepare
`·for today's deposition?
`· · · A.· ·No.
`· · · Q.· ·Have you ever spoken with Dr. Jeffrey Chase?
`· · · A.· ·I don't believe I have.
`· · · Q.· ·Do you know who Dr. Jeffrey Chase is?
`· · · A.· ·I've -- I've heard his name before.
`· · · Q.· ·Where did you hear his name?
`· · · A.· ·I don't recall.
`· · · Q.· ·Is it in conjunction with this matter that
`·we're here for today?
`· · · A.· ·May have been.
`· · · Q.· ·Have you ever read any documents prepared by
`·Dr. Jeffrey Chase, including like a declaration like you
`· · · A.· ·Not that I -- not that I recall.
`· · · Q.· ·Have you ever spoken with Dr. Randy Katz?
`· · · A.· ·I have.
`· · · Q.· ·On how many occasions have you spoken with
`·Dr. Katz?
`· · · A.· ·I would have to say numerous.
`· · · Q.· ·And what was -- what would be the reason that
`·you would speak with Dr. Katz?
`· · · A.· ·We're both employed by the University of
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`Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`· · · Q.· ·When is the last time you've spoken with
`·Dr. Katz?
`· · · A.· ·It was over a year ago.
`· · · Q.· ·Have you ever spoken with Dr. Katz with
`·respect to this proceeding or the '035 patent?
`· · · A.· ·No.
`· · · Q.· ·What is your opinion of Dr. Katz?
`· · · A.· ·He's a very well --
`· · · · · · · · MR. ROBERTS:··Objection; scope.
`· · · A.· ·Dr. Katz is a well-regarded computer
`· · · Q.· ·(BY MR. CROCKER)··Have you read any material
`·prepared by Dr. Katz related to either this proceeding
`·or the '035 patent?
`· · · A.· ·I have.
`· · · Q.· ·What specifically have you reviewed?
`· · · A.· ·I have reviewed the -- I think it was part of
`·a deposition or there was something that I -- that I had
`·reviewed by Dr. Katz.··I don't recall the name of it
`·right now.
`· · · Q.· ·Was it question-and-answer format?
`· · · A.· ·Yes, it was.
`· · · Q.· ·Do you know who gave that -- can we -- would
`·it be all right to refer to it as deposition testimony?
`·Or what do you want to refer to it as?
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`Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`· · · A.· ·I believe it was a deposition testimony, yes.
`· · · Q.· ·Okay.··Do you know who gave the deposition
`·transcript to you?
`· · · A.· ·It was from Haynes and Boone.
`· · · Q.· ·Do you know why you were given that?
`· · · · · · · · MR. ROBERTS:··Objection; speculation.
`· · · A.· ·No, I don't.
`· · · Q.· ·(BY MR. CROCKER)··When were you given that?
`· · · A.· ·I believe that was Monday or Tuesday this
`· · · Q.· ·What was the purpose of your reviewing it?
`· · · A.· ·I think it was to ask a question about some
`·comment that he made.
`· · · Q.· ·What was the comment he made?
`· · · A.· ·I don't recall off the top of my head.··I'd
`·have to -- there was some statement that he made.
`· · · Q.· ·About what?
`· · · A.· ·I can't recall it, to be honest.
`· · · Q.· ·It was just Monday or Tuesday of this week?
`· · · A.· ·Yes.
`· · · Q.· ·And today is Thursday?
`· · · A.· ·Yes.
`· · · Q.· ·And so --
`· · · A.· ·I've read a lot in the last -- last couple
`·days.··So if it comes back to me, I'll let you know.
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`Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`· · · Q.· ·Do you know generally what it was about?
`· · · A.· ·It was about, you know, data storage and
`· · · Q.· ·Was it about the construction of remote?
`· · · A.· ·No, I don't believe so.
`· · · · ·· So I do recall a little bit more for you --
`· · · Q.· ·Okay.
`· · · A.· ·-- about this, so I do need to amend my
`·previous answer, the materials I reviewed, because it
`·was a part of a declaration that was -- which Dr. Katz
`·had opined as to the nature of a network.
`· · · Q.· ·So in addition to the deposition transcript,
`·you also reviewed a declaration prepared by Dr. Katz?
`· · · A.· ·I think that was actually the deposition
`·transcript.··I don't believe it was -- I didn't review
`·his declaration.··I misspoke.··I reviewed his deposition
`·in which he made a statement about networks.
`· · · Q.· ·And was his statement related to your proposed
`·construction for remote?
`· · · A.· ·Let me take a look.··So my proposed
`·construction for remote was indirectly connected through
`·a storage router to enable connections to storage
`·devices at a distance greater than allowed by
`·conventional parallel network interconnect.··And so my
`·answer would be yes.
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`Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`· · · Q.· ·Do you remember what Dr. Katz's testimony was?
`· · · A.· ·I believe it had to do with his understanding
`·of a parallel network interconnect.
`· · · Q.· ·And what specifically was his understanding of
`·what a parallel network interconnect was?
`· · · A.· ·My recollection is that it was his testimony
`·that a network would be a serial interconnect rather
`·than a parallel interconnect.
`· · · Q.· ·Do you agree with his opinion?
`· · · A.· ·Not to the extent that the only networks can
`·be serial.
`· · · Q.· ·What do you mean by that?
`· · · A.· ·I mean that I don't -- I don't believe that
`·the only networks that exist in the world are serial.
`· · · Q.· ·What other kind of networks are there besides
`· · · A.· ·There could be parallel networks.
`· · · Q.· ·Such as?
`· · · A.· ·So different types of networks that are
`·parallel that I've used in the past, I've used SCSI as a
`· · · · ·· To continue answering the first part of your
`·question, networks can also be wireless.
`· · · Q.· ·And how did you use SCSI as a network?
`· · · A.· ·Would you like a specific example?
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`Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`· · · Q.· ·Certainly.
`· · · A.· ·In 1986, I worked for -- actually, before
`·that, 1983, I worked for a company called Scientific
`·Micro Systems where I deployed a system that had two
`·computers and one SCSI interface between them that
`·allowed the computers to share peripherals that were
`·networked onto the SCSI interface.
`· · · Q.· ·And what do you mean, the peripherals were
`· · · A.· ·So the peripherals were attached to the SCSI
`·interface and either or both of the machines, both the
`·computers on either side, could communicate with them
`·over a parallel network.
`· · · Q.· ·Both computers could talk to the peripheral
`·that was connected over the same SCSI bus?
`· · · A.· ·The SCSI bus in that case was being used as a
`·network so that either of the machines or both of the
`·computers could communicate with the peripherals using
`·the interface.
`· · · Q.· ·The -- and by the interface, you mean the SCSI
`·bus interface?
`· · · A.· ·The SCSI, yes.
`· · · Q.· ·And the peripherals were connected to the same
`·SCSI bus as these two computers?
`· · · A.· ·So I generally don't refer to SCSI as a bus.
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`Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`·But SCSI is an interface.··It's the Small Computer
`·Systems Interface.··But the peripherals that were
`·attached to it could communicate to either of the hosts
`·or either of the computers.
`· · · Q.· ·What were the peripherals?
`· · · A.· ·The peripherals included a disk drive, a tape
`·drive, and that's -- I think those are the primary ones
`·we used.
`· · · Q.· ·How did the computers talk with the
`· · · A.· ·So they communicated over the SCSI interface
`·using the standard SCSI -- I think it was SCSI-2
`·protocol at the time.
`· · · Q.· ·What makes that communication over that SCSI
`·interface a network?
`· · · A.· ·Well, it's using an interface, it's using a
`·protocol, it's sharing resources, and they're
`·communicating with each other.··So I think that's -- for
`·one of ordinary skill in the art, that would appear to
`·be a network.
`· · · Q.· ·Were there any materials or documents that you
`·wanted to review in order to prepare for today's
`·deposition but for whatever reason were not able to?
`· · · A.· ·I'm sorry.··I don't understand your question.
`· · · Q.· ·Was there anything that you wanted to look at
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`Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`·in order to get ready to give testimony here today but
`·for whatever reason, time or whatever, were not able to
`·get to before today?
`· · · A.· ·No, I don't believe so.
`· · · Q.· ·Were there any individuals that you wanted to
`·speak with in order to prepare for today's deposition
`·but for whatever reason were unable to?
`· · · A.· ·No.
`· · · Q.· ·Where are you currently employed?
`· · · A.· ·My employer is University of California, Santa
`· · · Q.· ·What is your position there?
`· · · A.· ·I am the executive director of the Storage
`·System Research Center.
`· · · Q.· ·Is the copy of your declaration that you have
`·in front of you -- I'm sorry.··Start that again.
`· · · · ·· Does the copy of the declaration that you have
`·in front of you contain your CV?
`· · · A.· ·Yes, it does.
`· · · Q.· ·And does that start on page 125?
`· · · A.· ·Yes, it does.
`· · · Q.· ·And is this -- this was from, I guess, summer
`·of 2014 when the declaration was executed.··Is that
`· · · A.· ·I believe it was, but I have not --
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`Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`· · · Q.· ·You can look at page 124.
`· · · A.· ·Yes.··So this -- so this would have been my CV
`·as of July 2014.
`· · · Q.· ·Are there any changes to it that should be
`·made given the fact that we're here now in March
`·of 2015?
`· · · A.· ·So you're asking me if I've updated my CV
`·since the time that this was written?
`· · · Q.· ·Certainly.
`· · · A.· ·Yes.··I believe I've had an additional patent
`·issued, and I have some additional publications.
`· · · Q.· ·What do you do as executive director of the
`·Storage System Research Center?
`· · · A.· ·So I run NSF Center at University of
`·California, Santa Cruz, and there we perform research in
`·storage systems.
`· · · Q.· ·And as the executive director, what
`·specifically do you do?
`· · · A.· ·I oversee the day-to-day operations; I work
`·with graduate students; and I work with our sponsor
`· · · Q.· ·What do you mean by sponsor companies?
`· · · A.· ·The NSF Center has sponsors in the data
`·storage industry that provide funding for the center.
`· · · Q.· ·What do you mean by NSF Center?
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`Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`· · · A.· ·NSF is the National Science Foundation.··And
`·by Center, I mean Industry/University Cooperative
`·Research Center.
`· · · Q.· ·I assume you get a salary for your work done
`·as executive director for the Center?
`· · · A.· ·Yes, I do.
`· · · Q.· ·And you mentioned that funding for the Center
`·comes from the sponsors; is that correct?
`· · · A.· ·It comes from the sponsors and also with some
`·funding from NSF.
`· · · Q.· ·Do you know what the breakdown is between
`·those two sources?
`· · · A.· ·Are you asking me how much each pay?
`· · · Q.· ·Not an amount, but just as a percentage.
`· · · A.· ·Not off the top of my head.
`· · · Q.· ·Are -- are you aware of the six companies that
`·are currently involved in litigation with Crossroads
`·with respect to the '035 patent or related patents?
`· · · · · · · · MR. ROBERTS:··Objection; scope,
`· · · A.· ·I'm only aware of three of them.
`· · · Q.· ·(BY MR. CROCKER)··And who are they?
`· · · A.· ·That would be Crossroads, Quantum, and Cisco.
`· · · Q.· ·Are you aware of litigation involving Net App?
`· · · A.· ·No, I'm not.
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`Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`· · · Q.· ·How about Huawei?
`· · · A.· ·No, I'm not.
`· · · Q.· ·Do you know who Net App is?
`· · · A.· ·Yes, I do.
`· · · Q.· ·Do you know who Huawei is?
`· · · A.· ·Yes, I do.
`· · · Q.· ·What about Dot Hill?··Are you aware of
`·litigation involving the '035 patent or related patents
`·involving Dot Hill?
`· · · · · · · · MR. ROBERTS:··I'm going to object; scope,
`·asked and answered.
`· · · A.· ·No, I'm not.
`· · · Q.· ·(BY MR. CROCKER)··Do you know who Dot Hill is?
`· · · · · · · · MR. ROBERTS:··Objection; relevance,
`· · · A.· ·Yes, I do.
`· · · Q.· ·(BY MR. CROCKER)··Are -- I knew there was one
`· · · · ·· Are you aware of litigation over the '035
`·patent or related patents involving Oracle?
`· · · · · · · · MR. ROBERTS:··Objection; scope,
`·relevance, asked and answered.
`· · · A.· ·No, I'm not.
`· · · Q.· ·(BY MR. CROCKER)··Are you aware of Oracle,
`·just in general?
`(888) 667-DEPO
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`Cisco Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Andrew Hospodor, Ph.D.
`· · · · · · · · MR. ROBERTS:··Objection; scope,
`· · · A.· ·Yes.
`· · · Q.· ·(BY MR. CROCKER)··Are any of those six
`·companies -- bei

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