`A. M. KNA'PP.
`No. 397,069.
`Patented .19.11.29, 1889.
`@M9/M5 M
`N. PETERS. Pmmunogqg'hcr, wnshingmn, DA cA
`STRYKER EXHIBIT 1014, pg. 1
`SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 397,060, dated January 29, 1889.
`Application tiled September 25, 1885. Serial No. 178,131. (No model.)
`To all '107mm it may concern:
`Be it known that I, ALBERT M. KNAPP, ot
`the city ot‘ Providence, in. the county of Provi
`dence, State of Rhode Island, have invented
`a new Syringe-Íl‘ipe, of Awhich the l’ol lowing is
`a specification.
`My invent-ion consists in an improved
`syringe-pipe, to be used in connection with a
`syringe for the purpose of making liquid ap
`plications to the internal surface of the'vagina
`and neck ot' the womb for the medical treat
`ment of those parts.
`The vagina lrests in rugœ or folds; conse
`quently unless expanded a considerable por
`tion of its surface is not reached by medicated
`liquids injected through the small. tubes now
`in general use. Through the operation of my
`improved device a degree of expansion is se~
`cured, exposing the whole vaginal surface and
`neck of the womb to the inliuence of medical
`washes, and also plugging the vaginal canal,
`thereby retaining the liquids in contact with
`the parts for a proper length ol' time?a desir
`able object in the treatment.
`In the accompanying' drawings,whieh.illus
`trate my invention, Figure l represents a side
`elevation ot` my improved device as itis when
`not in use, the expansible bulb being closed.
`Fig. 2 is a sectional view, the bulb being in the
`position assumed by it when in use. Fig. S
`is a detail view of the valve adapted to the
`end of the pipe.
`To the free extremity of a syringe (cid:173) pipe, 71„
`or tube, quite close to the end l), is attached
`an expansible thin hollow bulb, a, the oppo~
`site sides of which are fastened air~tight to said
`tube or cylinder, which passes through said
`bulb and projects slightly beyond, as at b. The
`continuation ol' the canal or bore e through
`said tube 'is partially interrupted in that por
`tion covered by said bulb and freely comuni
`nicates with the interior of the saine, as shown
`by the arrows, Fig. 2. On the end of said
`tube, and in close proximity to said bulb, a
`valve, k, is attached, which oÍlî‘ers a slight
`resistance to the passage of liquids forced
`into the opposite end, c.
`’.l‘l’irough the means
`of the obstruction secured by this valve liq
`uids injected into said tube must lill said ex
`pansible bulb to its t'ull capacity before press
`ure enough is brought to bear upon said valve
`to open the saine and give vent to the in
`jected solutions. ’l‘hc expansion of said bulb
`a can also be accomplished in the following
`manner: In the end l) ci“ the said tube, Which
`extends just beyond said bulb, tine perfora
`tions are made. These holes are so small that
`the liquids forced into said tube cannot be
`discharged vwith equal rapidity; consequently
`they are forced into and continue to expand
`said bulb so long as the syringe is in opera
`The valve 7i' in ay be used with the lin e peri'o
`rations in the pipe end, and in any event it
`acts to retard the flow of liuid through the
`pipe and to prevent its return after it has
`passed into the vaginal canal.
`Operation: Connect the syringe-pipe with(cid:173)
`the syringe and insert into the vagina so that
`the said bulb occupies a position just within
`the vaginal orifice. Operate the syringe, and
`the solutions will pass through the said tube
`into the said bulb, tilli ng the saineto its great
`est capacity, thus separating and expanding
`the walls ot' the vagina in the immediate vi
`einity. The liquids are then (cid:173)forced through
`said valve, or the said fine pcrtforations, into
`the vaginal canal. Sai d expand ed bulb plugs
`the vagina; consequently a quantity of the in
`jected solutions is retained, occupying a
`space between the surl'ace ot' said expainled
`bulb and the mouth of the womb, dilating the
`vagina to a degree equal io the diameter ot'
`said bulb beli'ore any ol" the solution is dis
`In the operation oli' the said device, owing
`to the expansion of said bulb, the instrument
`has a tendency to press inwardly against the
`womb. To prevent this, a guard is adjusted
`to said pipe between said bulb andthe point
`of connection (cid:173)with the Syri nge.
`The instrument is removed from the vagina
`by disconnecting it from the syringe. The
`natural contraction ot' the parts soon dis
`charges the contents of the said bulb, when it
`is easily displaced.
`I am aware that it is old to use a flexible
`and expansible bulb combined with a vaginal
`syringe-pipe, and I do not claim this combi
`nation, broadly.
`I claim as my invention and desire to secure
`by Letters Patent-
`l. In a vaginal syringe, and in combination,
`the cylinder h, having a passage throughout
`STRYKER EXHIBIT 1014, pg. 2
`its length :1nd opening infnA Tho vagina :it its ing` a` passage therethrough ¿md openings in
`inner 0nd i‘o i'eveive and conduct the Huid, its sides, the bulb (L, secured about Said open
`sziid v_vlimioi' having its Sides fnl-ined‘with mi ings and colnnumicniiwing directly with the
`opening, :ind nn oxpnnsihiœ hnih somn'ed (ii-
`iniei'ioll passage, (J, :ind 11h@ valve 7c., placed
`5 i'nviiy on said nyiini'icn' :111 ¿i point'` hni’wnvn its ovm: the discharge and 0i’ tho pipe, Subsfml- 15
`iiwn muis and nhnni; Suid opening', :ind hav! tiniiy ns (inscrihmi.
`ing' (lii‘vcii onnnnnnimiinn with 11h@ channel
`îfhl'nng'h ihn nyiìnih‘i', sn‘hsizniiinlly :is (le-
`2. In mnnhinnlimi, the syringrQ-pipe 71, inn“ g
`STRYKER EXHIBIT 1014, pg. 3