`No. 281,043.
`' Patented July‘ '10, 1883.
`‘g m
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`/ ‘I,’
`N. PEYKRS‘ Phclwlilhognphtn Washingiom n. c
`STRYKER EXHIBIT 1013, pg. 1
`7 UNrrEn' STATES PATENT @rricn.
`SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters PatentgNo. 281,043, dated July 10, 1883.
`Application ?led May 525, 18%2. (Modeh)
`To mil’; whom it may concern:
`Be it known that I, HENRY E. FINNEY, of
`Las Vegas, in the county of San Miguel and
`Territory of New Mexico, have invented a new
`and useful Improvement in Devices for Medi
`cal Treatment of the Male Urinary ()rgans, of
`which the following is
`a full, clear, and exact,
`This invention consists in a device which is
`designed to be inserted within the penis, as a
`bougie or catheter is passed up the urethra;
`but it differs from these devices in several im-'
`p ortant particulars, an d is provided at its inner
`end with a ?exible hollow retainer, through
`which a close passage is made for carrying'off
`the urine or other discharge, and has combined
`with it means for in?ating said retainer or of
`contracting it at pleasure from the exterior,
`and for injection and other purposes.
`The obj ect of the invention is mainly to pre
`vent passage of the urine from irritating any
`diseased part of the urinary canal, and to pro
`vide for the injection therein of healing-liqui (ls.
`Reference is to be had to the accompanying
`drawings, forming part of this speci?cation, in
`which similar letters of reference indicate cor
`responding parts in all the ?gures.
`Figure 1 represents a side view of the device
`as ready for use, but prior to insertion and in
`?ation of the ?exible retainer. Fig. 2 is a view
`of a ?ow-pipe contrivance that may be used in
`connection with the device; and Fig. 3, a lon
`gitudinal section, upon a larger scale, of the
`?exible retainer and certain tubes and parts
`connected with it.
`A in the drawings is a tube of metal, gut-ta
`percha, or other suitable material, open at both
`of- its ends. Around the middle or rear por
`tion of this tube, between enlarged collars or
`heads a a. on it, is the flexible retainer B, which
`may be made of rubber or other elastic or ?exi
`ble material. A mere rubber band, made air~
`tight at the junction of its ends or edges with
`the ‘heads a a, will answer the purpose. The
`front one of these heads a a has two longitudi
`nal holes, b I), through it, establishing commu
`nication between the interior of the retainer B
`and the outside of the front portion of the tube‘
`A, or of a rubber tube, 0, ?tted thereon. The
`one of these holes b I) is closed by a valve, 0,
`opening inward within the front end of the re
`tainer, and the other of said holes-contains a
`sliding rod or other valve, (Z, having in-its rear
`end a bent passage, e, which, when the rod is
`slid outward, communicates with ‘a transverse
`hole or opening, f, in the front head a, extend
`ing through the device on its one side; but
`when said rod is pushed inward, as represent
`ed in Fig.v 3, all communication through it be
`tween the eXtcrior of the device and the in
`terior of the retainer is shut off. The inner
`end of said rod 65 is enlarged to form a stop to
`prevent the rod or valve d from being drawn
`wholly out and to bring its passage 6 in line,
`when drawn out, with the openin g_ f. Attached
`to the front end of said valve d is a silk or other
`cord, 9, for drawing it out. This cord may be
`run any desired length outside of the tube 0
`and between it and a short exterior tube, D,
`that may be made of or coated with any suita
`ble non-corrosive material. The ?exible tube
`0 is extended and connected at its outer end
`with an elastic blower or rubber air‘pump, E,
`that may be provided with tapes h h, the use
`of which will be hereinafter described. This
`blower serves to in?ate the ?exible retainer B
`with air delivered by it through the valve 0
`when the valve cl is closed, as shown in Fig. 3;
`or it may be used to inject a medicated or other
`liquid, and the valve ‘(1 afterward be drawn out
`or opened to distribute the same to the exte
`rior of the device for soothing or healing irri
`tated parts of the urethra. This, however, is
`not the primary use of the valve d.
`Instead of the elastic air-pump E, a pointed
`blower or blow-pipe, E’, having an elastic ball
`or bulb on its back end, may be used by insert
`ing the point of the blow-pipe in the outer end
`or mouth of the tube D, outside of the tube 0.
`In using the instrument, the portion of the
`device carrying the ?exible retainer B is in—
`serted within the penis far enough to reach be
`yond the most irritated part, and held in place
`by in?ating the retainer B with air. Urine
`may then be passed without irritating or com
`ing in contact with the‘ diseased parts of the
`canal ,: or medicated liquids may be injected,
`as described, inside the urethra and around or
`outside of the device. When necessary to re
`duce the expansion of the ?exible retainer 13,
`the valve (Z is drawn out by the cord 9, to es
`tablish communication between said retainer
`STRYKER EXHIBIT 1013, pg. 2
`and the exterior of the device. The escape of
`air thus produced will cause the ?exible re
`tainer B to collapse, which will permit of the
`removal of the device from out of the penis.
`The device may be used wholly as a syringe,
`and repeated charges of medicated liquid be
`introduced into the penis ‘by ‘gently pressing
`on the elastic ball or blower ~E,~Iand in some
`cases the outer tube, D, be removed from the,
`h h represent tapes, by means of which the
`device may be temporarily secured to the per,
`son of the patient.
`In some cases, Where it would be painful to
`insert the device, the blower E and tube 0 may
`be attached before introducing the device, ‘and
`then as or during the insertion of it a gentle
`pressure be exerted 011 the ball or blower E,
`which, by its inflation of the retainer B, will
`expand the urinary canal, and so reduce the
`vpain of insertion. By working the instrument
`as a syringe, after it has been removed from
`the person it may be readily cleaned, or its
`4 parts may be detached for the purpose.
`hole in the head a, in which sits the valve d, I
`may be enlarged for a portion of its length in _
`front, so that when the valvedris drawn out
`wand by the cord 9 air-may escape along said
`hole from the retainer B into ‘the tube D, in
`stead of throughthe aperture f.
`Having thus fully described my invention,
`I claim as new and desire to secure‘by Letters
`1. In a device for the passage of urine and
`for injecting medicated or other liquids there- 35
`in, the combination, witha tube open at its
`opposite ends, of a ?exible retainer applied to
`the middle, or rear portion of the exterior of
`said tube, and provided with means for in?at
`ing or collapsing it from the exterior, substan- 4o
`tially as speci?ed.
`2. The combination, of the‘ tube A, the ?exi~
`ble retainerB, and, the'valves 0 and d, essen
`tially asv described;
`3.. The-combination, with an elastic bulb, of '45
`the tubesG DvA, ?exible retainer-B, and the
`valves 0. d, substantially as. described, and for
`I the ~ purp ose» set, forth.
`L.‘ LErrENsDoRrER,
`STRYKER EXHIBIT 1013, pg. 3