` Z Handspring’s New
`Color Phone/PDA
`Work on Windows XP
`FI Make Your Old Software
` View Digital Pictures on Your TV
`ave Keystrokes
`SEPTEMBER 3, 2002 ‘
`Blackberry Exhibit 1045, pg. 1
`Blackberry v. Zipit
`Blackberry Exhibit 1045, pg. 1
`Blackberry v. Zipit
`TFIRST spooks)”
`ier than the Treo 180 (5.4 ounc
`V and 150)
`. ofstandby.
`indoors, and acceptyaihle ,in_
`V bright sunligh
`he b:1cklitkey~ .
`'2.8 by 0.8 inches (H.
`Treo 270 is based on th
`337MHz {Motorola Dragonball
`CPU"as the Treo 180 and
`also has l6_Mi3 ofRAM.
`itheffreo 270 is a ‘goo,
`and you ‘
`1 upgrade the firm-
`ware to support hjgh—rate GPRS
`service. (A CDMAVveIsio'n is ex-
`pected later this year.) I
`tion to phone service and I er
`net ‘access (via
`program), the
`vice hadadedicate‘ key to get
`, rnosliornes
`‘accessing corporate or POPS ,
`e-mail systems.
`The Treo 270~l)'uilds on the
`The Tree 2705
`color display
`an already fine
`0 includes at
`V simple ringer on/off’button. 3
`—,.mo ular charging and—USB
`are-cable, and at
`charger soyou don't have ‘
`———to carry a dockingcradle.
`ifty numbers are quickly
`accessible for speed dialing.
`and you can add new numbers
`quickly via the PDA's Outlook-
`compatible phone book.
`Better V
`The Tree 270‘
`MARGE snowu
`etc you in—
`trigued by
`the Treo
`l80, llandspring’s first
`l‘l)A/phone combo, but
`didn’t buy one because
`you wanted more usabili—‘
`ty? Thernew Handspring
`Treo 270 ($500‘street, plus
`monthly service fee) isworth
`the wait. This combo starts
`with all that’s_good about the
`original Treo~—the compact,
`lightweight design, see—through
`flip cover, speakerphone, and
`integrated keyboard—and adds
`3 color display and baeklit
`keys, and better
`battery life. All
`gs consid-
`¢ ercd,.it's our favorite'phonc/
`PDA combo.
`Handspring Tree 27()
`$500, plus 5. ‘wine fee
`Street pri
`f Requir, Microsoft Windows
`, or'XR Handspring
`9393, 650-230-5000.‘
`ng.(:‘om, Qoooo
`adds aUSB port and a in
`port for mobile presentations ‘
`with a projectnror monitor. an
`you can add a battery module
`($130) fnr'al1»day use. The 3.5-
`inch TFT screen (capable of dis—
`playing 65,000 colors) looks '
`‘ goodindoors andout.
`We are impressed to see that
`the e7'40’s power and funct
`ity are contained in a trirn,.4
`by 3.1- by 0.6:inel1(HWD)
`. device »weighing 6.5
`' ounces (the same as the
`‘ Comp-1qiI5AQ3850 Pock-
`et PC). The e740’s portable
`versatility got our attention,
`but its operation a d speed
`earned our respect.
`g '
`Toshiba Pocket PC e740
`Street price: equires:
`' Host PC running Mi
`‘, ss mater, 64MB harcldrlve space,
`Microsoft Internet Explorer~4.01 or
`later. Toshiba America information
`Systems Inc., B00867-4422,
`can installs rnemorycard iuthe
`SD slot and still have the CE Type
`II slot freeifordevices such as a
`GPS,va Bluetooth card, or a dial-
`up modem. (Note, however that
`you cannot use an IBM
`drive with the Toshibas CF slot.) .:
`Ari grpansion Pack ($100 street)
`Fast PDA with.Built W1-Fl
`he Toshiba Pocket’ Pc
`e740 ($600 street) hits
`the mark for enterprise
`and mobile professional PDA
`users. The first handheld to fca—
`ture the speedy new Intel 400-
`MHZ Xscale CPU, it’s also the
`first to have integrated Wi-Fi
`8()2.llh wireless networking,
`which supports Internet access
`within a range of 150 feet from
`an access point; Dual CF2 and 51)
`0/0) expansion slots in a still-
`sleek case completethis new
`PDA’s design.
`The 400-MHz XScalc CPU
`bumps up the processing speed
`from the Z06—MHz Intel Strong-
`ARM used in other current
`PockeL1'C models. The higher
`speed matters when running
`large files or complex graphics.
`and it's also noticeable when
`you're switching among Elpplicflr
`(ions and browsing the Internet
`with a Wi—Fi connection. Inte-
`grated 802.11b wireless network-
`ing further boosts the c740’s
`appeal. Asofoyare switchwith a
`LED status-light turns the W
`radio on and off, an ‘
`tive configtirati T
`and status
`utility makes setupa snap.
`We selected Automatic IP As— '
`signment and within seconds,’
`had connectivity with our home
`office network and awess to the’
`Internet at broadbandspeeds.
`Combining a, fast CPU with
`64MB of RAM, wireless, net-
`working, and broadband Intcr— V
`net access makes the e740 3
`great productivity tool. The
`e740 bundles the standard
`menu of Microsoft's
`Pocket PC 2002 applica;
`tions in addition to ~
`Adobe Acrobat Read-
`er for Pocket PC.
`‘V The significant V
`advantage ofinte—
`grated wireless _"
`networking is
`that the Toshiba's
`SD and CF slots re-
`main free for
`other types ofexp n-
`sion cards‘ For example, you
`The e740 features built-in Wi—Fi network»
`ing as well as CF and SD expansion slots in
`a sleek form factor. A fast processor and fine
`color screen round out the hardware.
`wwmpcmayg.-:um SEPTEMBER 3, 2002" PC IIAGAZINE
`Blackberry Exhibit 1045, pg. 2
`Blackberry v. Zipit
`Blackberry Exhibit 1045, pg. 2
`Blackberry v. Zipit