`PATENT: 7,894,837
`TRIAL NO.: IPR2014-01506
`I, Jodi L. Gregory, declare as follows:
`I am over the age of 21, and I have personal knowledge of the facts
`contained herein unless otherwise indicated.
`I am the founder and President of Access Information Services, Inc.,
`which provides customized business research and analyses.
`I have been employed
`there since 1988. My duties include research and analysis, and I conduct
`workshops on Internet research.
`I am regularly engaged by a wide variety of
`companies to conduct research regarding the availability of scientific literature.
`2014, Access Information Services merged with Seek Information Services, an
`intellectual property research firm.
`From 1989 to 1994, I was also Manager of the Information &
`Analysis Center with UES Inc., a research, development, and technology creation
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 1
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`and transfer company. My work duties there included creating and managing a
`centralized information resource center, managing research on over 200 companies
`and their competitors, and acquiring online databases, end—user tools, collection
`development systems, and database management systems.
`I have served on the Association of Independent Information
`Professionals‘ Board of Directors, and I have held the positions of President—Elect
`and President of the Association.
`A true and correct copy of my Curriculum Vitae is attached hereto as
`Exhibit 1.
`I have been asked to provide an opinion regarding the authenticity of
`the “Dana Internet Solutions Guide” — Exhibit 1037 of cases 1PR20 14-01 506 and
`Additionally, I have been asked to provide an opinion regarding the
`public accessibility of the “Intemet Solutions” software discussed in the “Dana
`Internet Solutions Guide.”
`For the reasons detailed below, based on my research in this matter, it
`is my opinion that Exhibit I037 is authentic and the “Internet Solutions” software
`discussed in the “Dana Internet Solutions Guide” was publicly accessible prior to
`December 24, 2003.
`“Dana Internet Solutions Guide” — Exhibit 1037 of Cases
`IPR2014-01506 and IPR20l4-01507:
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 2
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`The Wayback Machine is an archive of information obtained from the
`World Wide Web that is created and maintained by the Internet Archive, a non-
`profit organization. Beginning in 1996, the Internet Archive began capturing and
`archiving web pages on the Internet. A user can input a desired webpage URL into
`the Wayback Machine’s search query interface and be provided with links to
`archived versions of the desired webpage captured on specific dates. A date code is
`embedded in each link; this is a list of numbers in the middle of the link and takes
`the format of “yyyymmddhhmmss” (i.e., year, month, day, hour, minute, second).
`In my experience, the Internet Archive’s time/date stamp is a reliable indicator that
`the document was publically posted such that it was accessible to interested
`Attached as Exhibit A is a true and accurate copy of an Internet
`Archive capture of the following website:
`http://alphasmartcom/support/cat_user_guides_html_ The Internet Archive link for
`the above website is as follows:
`ser_guides.html. Accordingly, as evidenced by Exhibit A’s time/date stamp, a link
`to the Dana Internet Solutions Guide was publically available to the interested
`public by at least February 5, 2004.
`l 1.
`Attached as Exhibit B is a true and accurate copy of an Internet
`Archive capture timeline of the following website:
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 3
`Blackberry v. Zipit

` Accordingly, as
`evidenced by Exhibit B’s date stamps, a copy to the Dana Internet Solutions Guide
`was publically available to the interested public by at least June 9, 2004.
`“http2//’ link provides a
`true and accurate copy of the Dana Internet Solutions Guide (attached as Exhibit
`C), which appears to be identical to the copy of the Dana Internet Solutions Guide
`as produced as Exhibit 1037 in cases IPRZOI4-01506 and IPR2()l4-01507. I see no
`differences between the true and accurate copy of the archived Dana Internet
`Solutions Guide available on the
`“’ link (Exhibit C
`to this declaration) and the copy of the Dana Internet Solutions Guide submitted as
`Exhibit 1037' in cases IPR2014-01506 and IPRZOI4-01507.
`The “Internet Solutions” Software Discussed in the “Dana
`Internet Solutions Guide” — Exhibit 1037 of Cases IPR2014-01506
`and IPR20l4-01507:
`Attached as Exhibit D is a true and accurate copy of an Internet
`Archive capture of the following website:
`http://www_alphasmart_co1n/company/press/pr2003_8.htrnl. The Internet Archive
`link for the above website is as follows:
`y/press/pr2003_8.html. Accordingly, as evidenced by Exhibit D’s time/date stamp,
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 4
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`a link to the “AlphaSmart Announces Availability of Dana Wireless” press release
`was publically available to the interested public by at least October 15, 2003.
`As evidenced by the AlphaSmart Announces Availability of Dana
`Wireless” press release, the Dana Wireless device included the “Internet Solutions
`15. Attached as Exhibit E is a true and accurate copy of an lntemet
`Archive capture of the following website:
` The Internet Archive link for
`the above website is as follows:
`https://web_archiveorg/web/2003 l 2 l 7 l 73033/http ://alphasmaltcom/support/cat_u
`ser_guides.html. Accordingly, as evidenced by Exhibit E’s time/date stamp, a link
`to the “Dana Wireless Guide” was publically available to the interested public by
`at least December 17, 2003. The “Dana Wireless Guide” link is hyperlinked to the
`following website: http://www.alphasmart_comfpdf/dana_wirelesspdf
`Attached as Exhibit F is a true and accurate copy of an Internet
`Archive capture timeline of the
`URL discussed above. Accordingly, as evidenced by Exhibit F’s date stamps, a
`copy to the Wireless Guide was publically available to the interested public by at
`least September 16, 2003.
`Attached as Exhibit G is a true and accurate copy of the Dana
`Wireless Guide from the http://www.alphasmart.corn/pdf/dana_wireless.pdf URL
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 5
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`discussed above. As evidenced by the Dana Wireless Guide, the Dana Wireless
`device includes the “Dana Internet Solutions Pack.”
`Therefore, based on my research in this matter, it is my opinion that
`the “Internet Solutions” software discussed in the “Dana Internet Solutions Guide”
`was publicly accessible prior to December 24, 2003.
`19. While I am being compensated on behalf of the Petitioner for my
`services in this matter, I have no interest in the proceedings to which this
`declaration pertains.
`I hereby declare that all statements made herein of my own
`knowledge are true and that all statements made on information and belief are
`believed to be true; and fiarther that these statements were made with the
`knowledge that Wlllflll false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine
`or imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code
`and that such willful false statements may jeopardize the results of these
`I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States
`of America that the foregoing is true and correct.
`Executedon September29th, 2015.
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 6
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 7
`Blackberry v. Zipit
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 7
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`Appendix A
`Jodi L. Gregory
`fgrcgortg at seck1'i1fo.coriz
`937-234-4475 (office)
`PO Box 291784
`Kettering, Ohio 45429
`Independent information professional with expertise in providing information services to businesses specializing in
`intellectual property research, competitive intelligence and intelligence monitoring.
`(1988 — Present)
`Access Information Services, Inc., Dayton, Ohio
`President and founder of Access Information Services offering customized research and analysis to business
`Columnist for Cyberskeptic's Guide to Internet Research
`Developed ”The Radar Screen" providing daily, narrowly focused news briefings specific to the needs and
`particular interests of executive management, monitoring over 300 news stories each day for inclusion in
`Radar Screen product.
`Regularly conduct instructional workshops on state—of—the—art web research.
`Provided consulting for corporate Intranets and taxonomy development by working closely with client's
`information technology departments.
`Profiled in the book Super Searchers Make it on their Own published by Information Today.
`Featured in the August 2001 issue of The Scientist.
`Clients are proprietary but consist of no less than 4 Fortune 100 companies in the medical device,
`consumer products, IT, healthcare and publishing industry verticals and law firms in the intellectual
`property arena.
`(1989 — 1994)
`UES Inc, Beavercreek, Ohio
`A world—class research, development, and technology creation and transfer company.
`Manager, Information 8: Analysis Group
`I Created and managed a centralized information resource center at UES, under contract to the U.S. Air
`Managed research on over 200 companies and their competitors who were critical to the Air Force's
`supply depots. Content was accessible to Air Force personnel in a custom database.
`Responsible for the acquisition of online databases, end—user tools, collection development and
`database management systems.
`Managed an 8 person research and analysis team and was responsible for a yearly operating budget of
`approximately $1,000,000.
`Spearheaded the creation of theASKUES division, a fee—based service serving the information needs of
`the Dayton community.
`Led the quality improvement efforts by co-developing process maps for all the critical functions resulting
`in the award of additional military contracts.
`(1983 — 1987}
`LEXIS-NEXIS, Dayton, Ohio
`A 51.3 billion electronic information publisher and content provider for the legal, financial, government, news and
`business industries.
`Account Development Executive
`Responsible for the development and growth of Nexis & Medis accounts through a consultative selling
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 8
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`I Conducted Lexis-Nexis training sessions, both public and private, and was a source of customer and
`competitive product support for Lexis-Nexis clientele.
`Responsible for competitive product evaluation and distribution of information to Medis sales team.
`Customer Service Representative
`Responsible for responding to client requests for assistance in searching Lexis-Nexis online databases
`and troubleshooting operations and telecommunications issues.
`Led legal research and product training sessions for both LEXIS-NEXIS customers and employees.
`Maintained a database for internal training on medical and healthcare search strategies.
`Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton, Ohio
`Quaiity Assurance Analyst
`Responsible for reviewing inpatient medical records for conformity with physician diagnoses and
`Sinclair Community College, Dayton, Ohio
`A leading accredited community college.
`Adjunct Faculty
`Taught courses in using the internet and online databases to do research for academic courses, and in
`medical terminology.
`Successfully led students to a 98% passage rate and maintained consistently high approval ratings.
`Sinclair Community College, Dayton, Ohio
`Associate degree, Health Information Management
`Passed exam to receive Accredited Health Information Management Technician designation
`Capital University, Columbus, Ohio
`Completed courses toward B.S. in Information Technology.
`Association of Independent Information Professionals (1997 — present)
`President 2006-2007
`President-Elect, 2004-2005
`Served on Board of Directors, 1998-2000
`Speaker— 2005 Online London
`Speaker — 2001 Teaming Up for CI with Amelia Kassel.
`Speaker — 2000 Building a Useful CI Foundation Using the Web and Standard Information Sources
`Special Libraries Association {1990—present).
`Speaker— 2000 Secrets of the Super Searchers with Reva Basch
`Special Libraries Association
`Presented Technology Tips at the Cincinnati Chapter Meeting — 2010
`Women in Business Networking
`Facilitator for the 2011 Entrepreneur’s Discussion Group
`Medical Library Association
`Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals
`Association of Independent Information Professionals
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 9
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 10
`Blackberry v. Zipit
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 10
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`M 1 g R N 9 ;
`A . ¢ ,. H I
`Alphasmart, Inc... Alphasm art User Guides
`6Au O2-12Dec0B
`User Guides
`If you dunit find answerg to Your
`questions on these pages, call
`Alphafimart Customer Service at
`530-528-?2UU, 5:00am - 5:00pm
`Pacific Time, or email us at:
`The following User Guides are in PDF format. E
`o Getting Started with Dana
`0 Dana Wireless Setup Guide
`0 Dana Internet Solutions Pack Guide
`Alphasmart 3000
`o Aighasmart 3000 User's Guide
`0 Aighasmart 3000 User's Guide Addendum
`- Aighasmart 3000 Teacher's Guide
`0 AighaBeam for Mac
`0 AiQhaBeam for PC
`0 Get Utility for Mac
`0 Get Utility for PC
`0 Aighasmart Manager
`0 Turbo Transfer Mac Only)
`Alphasmart 3000 Smart Applets
`- Aighaguiz User Guide
`0 Keywords SmartAQglet User Guide
`0 InsQiration® Outliner Smar‘cAQ_Qlet User Guide
`0 Co:Writer SmartAppiet User Guide (Don Johnston, Inc.)
`Alphasmart 2000
`0 Aighasmart 2000
`Alphasmart Pro
`0 Aighasmart Pro
`A|phaSmart Original
`0 Aighasmart goriginal model)
`Get the latest versions of
`Alphasmart software!
`Don't miss out...
`Subscribe to the AlphaSmart
`https zllweb. phasm art.comlsupport/cat_user_gui des. htm I
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 11
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`Alphasmart, In-3., Alphasm art User Guides
`hfips:// t/'cat_user_guides.htm|
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 12
`Blackberry v. Zipit
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 12
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 13
`Blackberry v. Zipit
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 13
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`Internet Archive Wayback Machine
`Saved 5 times between June 9, 2004 and May 10, 2006.
`PLEASE DONATE TODAY. Your generosity preserves knowledge for future generations. Thank you.
`2003 - 2005
`This calendar View maps the number of times
`was crawled by the Wayback Machine, not how many times the site was actually updated. More info in the FA: ;.
`*/http://www.a||nter netSo| uii onsGui de.pdf
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 14
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`Internet Archive Wayback Machine
`Tlw Wa;.-bark Mnrl\i:u- Is an iuiluaiu-r oI't]u- Ink-rm-I An-hirr, as _-;m(r)[_1) null-pmfit,
`lmalmng rulignal |fl:r:u'_\ nnun-mm 5il<-.a.'|ml oE]u'r(11Jlurul nrllfiarlrnn (hgiml Iunu.
`OtIm'_u1'o1'e:'ls includeflpm I.ihrar\' E: zI1':'|n's'r—n org.
`Your use of I119 \Ua_vback l'~1:u‘11'u1e is sutgert lo the l1|te1'‘u'c*h:\'e's I :|;,|:J§ 2] L'§§_.
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 15
`Blackberry v. Zipit
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 15
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 16
`Blackberry v. Zipit
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 16
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`Dana Internet
`Solutions Guide
`AIp|1c|Smurt, Inc.
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 17
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`Alphusmart Sales and Technical Support
`US.: For technical questions or problems, please contact:
`Phone: (530) 528-7200
`For the latest support information please check
`To purchase AlphaSmart products, see our online store at:
` or call ( 838) 274-0680.
`For general information or sales questions, please call:
`(888) 2740680 or email
`UK and Europe: For users in the UK and Europe please call
`+44 (0) 870 120 0718 For Technical Support and product inquiries, or
`Mark/Space Mail Support: See www.marl<!faq for answers to
`common questions or contact support at support@marl(
`VeriChat Support: Contact support at
`Nothing in this manual may be reproduced in any manner, either wholly or in part,
`for any purpose whatsoever without written permission from Alphasrnart, Inc.
`Be sure to make backup copies of all important data on other media to protect
`against data loss. Important: Please read the End User Software License Agreement
`with this product before using the accompanying software progran1(s}. Using any
`part of the software indicates that you accept the terms of the End User Software
`License Agreement.
`Alpha5mart is a registered trademark and Dana Wireless. Danaweb, Dana by
`Alphasrnart and Alphasmart 3000 are trademarks ofAlphaSmart,1nc. Macintosh is
`a registered trademark of Apple Computer,
`Inc. Palm Powered and the Palm
`Powered logo are trademarks of Palmfiource, Inc.
`is a trademark of
`l‘I)Aapps lne. Mark/Space Mail is a trademarks of Marldfipaee, Inc. Third-party
`products and brand names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their
`respective owners. Copyright 2003, Alphasrnart, Inc. All rights reserved.
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 18
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`Chapter I - Installing Dana Internet Solutions Pack
`Installing Dana Internet Solutions Pack on a PC . .
`. .
`. .
`Installing Dana Internet Solutions Pack on a Macintosh .
`. .
`Chapter 2 - Danaweb
`. .
`. .
`. .
`Visiting a web page .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`Changing a web page View.
`. .
`. .
`Using the History command .
`. .
`. .
`Using Bookmarks .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`Changing Browser Settings.
`. .
`. .
`. .
`Proxy Settings .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`Downloading files from the Internet .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`Getting files from an FTP server .
`Transferring text from :1 web page to Memo Pad
`. .
`and AlphaWord .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`Saving a web page as an HTML fiie for offline viewing .
`Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`Chapter 3 - MarklSpace Mail
`Setting up Mark/Space Mail .
`Using M-arl<fSpace Mail .
`. .
`Chapter 4 - VeriChat
`Setting up VeriChat .
`Using VeriChat .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`Chapter 5 - Wireless Hotsync
`. .
`. .
`. . . . . . . . .
`. .
`Setting up Wireless Hotsync . .
`. . . . . . .
`Preparing your computer for a Wireless HotSync operation .
`Preparing Dana Wireless for a Wireiess HotSync operation . .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. . 1
`. . 2
`. 5
`. 8
`. 9
`. 10
`. 15
`. 16
`. 17
`. "17
`. 19
`. 22
`. 23
`. 27
`. 35
`. .
`. .
`. .47
`. 53
`. .
`. .
`. .59
`. 59
`. 61
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 19
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 20
`Blackberry v. Zipit
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 20
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`Installing Dana In|'erneI'
`Solutions Pack
`The Dana Internet Solutions Pack includes:
`0 DanaWeb"“" — a wide screen web browser
`Mark/Space Mail” — an email program
`VeriChat"'“ - an instant messaging program (60-day free trial}
`WiStat — a diagnostic tool that provides status information about
`your Wi-Fi connection
`This book will cover the installation and functionality of Dat1a\X/Eb,
`Mark/Space Mail, and VeriCh-at. It assumes you have already setup
`your Dana” Wireless to connect to a wireless network. For more
`information on setting up a wireiess connection or WiStat refer to the
`Dam: Wireless Setup Guide.
`Installing Dana Internet Solutions Pack on
`a PC
`Important: The version of Palm Desi: top Software that
`comes with Dana must be instaifed before frrstaiiirzg the
`Internet Srflntiorrs Pack. For more information on
`installing Pafm Desktop Software see the Getting Started
`wirfa Dana garide.
`Insert the Internet Solutions Pack CD-ROM into the CD-ROM
`. When the window showing the CD'S contents opens, double—click
`on setup.exe.
`Dana Internet Solutions Guide
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 21
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`Note: If a window showing the CD '5 contents does
`not appear. click the Windows Start button, choose
`Run, enter D:\setup.exe, and then click OK. If
`necessary, replace D: with the drive letter assigned to
`your CD-ROM drive.
`. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation.
`. The Internet Solutions Pack program files have now been
`transferred to your hard drive, but you must still perform a
`Hot5ync operation to install them on Dana.
`. Connect Dana to your computer with the USB cable.
`. Press function—sync (hold down the function and sync keys
`simultaneously on Dana).
`If the Users dialog box appears, select the user name you
`selected when you installed the Internet Solutions Pack.
`. Wait for a message on Dana indicating that the process is complete
`before disconnecting Dana from the USB cable.
`Installing Dana Internet Solutions Pack
`on a Macintosh
`Important: The version of Palm Desktop Software
`that comes with Dana must be installed and a
`HotSync operation must be performed before
`instaliing the Internet Solutions Pack. For more
`information on installing Palm Desktop Software or
`performing a HotSync operation, see the Getting
`Started with Dana guide.
`Insert the Internet Solutions Pack CD-ROM into the CD—ROM
`2. Double-click the Internet Solutions Pack CD icon.
`3. Doublerclick the Internet Solutions Installer icon.
`Installing Dana Internet Solutions Pack
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 22
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation.
`. The Internet Solutions Pack program files have now been
`transferred to your hard drive, but you must still perform a
`I-lotSync operation to instail them on Dana.
`. Connect Dana to your computer with the USB cable.
`. Press functiotrsync (hold down the function and sync keys
`simultaneously on Dana}.
`If the Users dialog box appears, select the user name you selected
`when you installed the Internet Solutions Pack.
`. Wait for a message on Dana indicating that the process is complete
`before disconnecting Dana from the USB cable.
`Dana Internet Solutions Guide
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 23
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`Installing Dana lnlernel Solutions Pack
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 24
`Blackberry v. Zipit
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 24
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`Dana\X/eb provides full access to the Internet from your Wireless Dana.
`Dan aWeb includes many of the features of a standard PC or Macintosh
`browser including: support of images and tables, saving and offline
`viewing of web pages, downloading and saving certain files and
`programs types (including Palm 05 applications (.prc files}, Palm 05
`database files Lpdb), and Palm Web clipping applications {.pqa)),
`downloading files from an FTP server, and creating and editing
`bookmarks. DanaWeb also gives you the choice of viewing streamlined
`PDA—ready versions of web pages (when provided by the content
`providers), or the full versions complete with layout and graphics. The
`default is for Danaweb to load PDA-ready versions when available,
`since they generally load faster.
`Visiting cl web page
`1. Press the apps key repeatedly until you see All in the top right
`corner of the Applications Launcher.
`2. Tap the DanaWeb ic011.D°““w°°
`Note: There is at 255-character limit for URLs and a
`40-character limit for web page names in Dam: Web.
`Dana Internet Solutions Guide
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 25
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`3. Tap the address bar, type the web address you want to visit, and
`Tap the Go button or rap Visit Web.
`Tclp iiwe address bar or map Visi
`DnuW'eb .jj1s§a mmm
`Web to go to a websile 7
`Tap here To change
`browser settings
`Tap here 10 View previously
`fished. websfles
`Tu? hate '0 creme or
`edli bookmarks
`Tip: You can change the default homepage to the web
`page of your choice. For more information see
`“Changing Browser Settings” on page 15 .
`if you tapped Visit Web or the Visit Web icon, type in the web
`address you want to visit, then tap OK.
`Viiit \'i'ehsite
`TH‘-'3 i"' Web °dd'e55
`Top G buhon or seie-:1
`from the pick iisi Io odd
`to the web address
`To keep web Page
`in memory for
`amine browsin
`leave box chec ed
`E (ache-,,,i,,,,,ge
`Select l1p:// From the
`puck hat to download
`Files from an FTP server
`5. Danaweb connects and downloads the web page. Danaweb
`uses the connection you setup in Network Preferences. For
`information on setting up a connection see the Dam: Wireless
`Setup Guide.
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 26
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`Navigation Bar icons
`The Navigation Bar on the top right of the screen, has seven icons for
`quickly accessing browser commands. Most of these commands can
`also be accessed from the menus.
`Signal Strength - bar
`indicales power of
`Wi-1’-i signal
`Browser Activity - spins
`when browser is down-
`loading web page
`Visil Web
`Rehesh _ reload Forward ‘ go
`Ewen. page
`toward one
`Slop - slop
`page from
`Magnifying gloss -
`zoom views
`Home - go lo
`Buckwmd A go
`back one page
`Sometimes a warning icon (exclamation point) may appear to the left
`of the Navigation Bar.
`fl lTl|:l@~:'l¢r+'&i3
`Warning — Top to display
`warning ITlES5UgE
`Tapping on the icon will bring up a warning message explaining the
`problem DanaWeb has encountered. The problem could be formatting
`Danaweb cannot display (such as advanced cascading style sheets(CSS)
`which are not supported by Danawebj, or javascript if it is turned off
`in Browser Settings (the default is for _[avaScript to be turned off).
`Ihis page contains
`enhanced web content
`sum as (55, which is not
`supported It}; Danawe b.
`Dana Internet Solutions Guide
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 27
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`Navigation Keys
`The keyboards F1 to F8 keys also provide a shortcut to some
`browser commands. These commands can also be accessed from
`the menus.
`Visil Web
`Changing a web page view
`There are three different ways to view web pages in Danaweb.
`Actual View displays a web page at actual size with the full layout
`of the page. Wrapping View discards iayout formatting and wraps
`all content along the left margin to minimize horizontal scrolling.
`Miniature View shrinks the web page, so you can see much of the
`page layout at a glance while still being able to read some of the
`icon on the Navigation bar and
`. Tap the Magnifying Glass
`select a view, or press the F6 key to cycle through Actual,
`Wrapping, and Miniature Views.
`. In Miniature View, tap any portion of the page to switch that
`part of the page to Actual View. The area to be shown in Actual
`View is indicated by a blackened area when tapping.
`Tip: For quick er web page navigation display the
`page in Miniature View. scroll to the part of the page
`you wish to view, and then tap the screen to switch to
`Actual View.
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 28
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`Web page in Actual View.
`Top the Magnifying glass icon or
`press ihe F6 key to swi h viewsj
`URL: Mlp.5,’_w_wII.nbhg_s_[n_aruom.’prod||rlsf_dqnaJ1!!!
`! ill‘!
`Dumlbr filphuiu-an is u lruzultarnunwtu the Iuplup. n (ambit-:5
`notebook compuur.
`"‘ 05. the wurld-standard hunrfiuzld uperumg
`Flndue push Palm” os funikr by inducing a full-size keybountar
`Youmn type er enter dutauslng the keyboard orby wrmngwih :
`n I
`Web page in Wrapping View.
`URL: MIDI/wwI\1|DM‘!5rn¢l.tofl\."Df0|1utls/d¢|\1J3!Ir
`um‘: Iruly amnmle
`Dunc by mphnsman IS a truealtematiue to me h4ntop.Il combines the womubnin,» on handhelawiththe ergonnmitbenefvts ofu
`notebook cmilputel.
`I nu [nuns P¢frn'“¢S. lhc wwlhtcnsqrd bvnfleld opqrdlnq 7)-stern qwmq ywav:|i1|oEn9r¢IhanlD.WU Pirn upplisallom
`a we pu:n PuIm"' OS furmerby nmmunrsq a fdf-1 I! kc)-imam anua screen wt‘: 35 time: war than me tynncalmanuhelu ween
`You mn typq or gnu! dalwusirqtheltqf bvqrdor gy wiuuq wt: ma Uanuirykl: dlflfll)‘ onto aha mean Vlrluqlly qll Pan"
`npplllflllnns u.-ommpaunleu-.mOana anamun, arueflfly In lake Mmnlaqt nfvhe wide saw.
`Web page in Miniature View.
`um: Mtp:NWwI.ulpmarrnIl.camrpmdu(ts/dauI_aIIer (E
`:13 Al 3
`mum Rvurrl mm mm-um
`Tap a part of ihe page to swirc
`il Io Actual View
`Using the History command
`The History command is a convenient way to access sites you have
`previously visited without retyping their URL. It displays 21 list of
`Dunn Internet Solutions Guide
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 29
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`recently visited websites in reverse chronological order,
`highlighting the most recently visited site.
`1. Press the F3 key or select “History " under the Records menu.
`2. To return to a website, tap its URL, and then tap Go. If you
`visited the website during the current session, the cached web
`page will be displayed. If this is a new session, Danaweb will
`download a fresh copy of the page.
`imp. .
`Top 0 URL to select it and
`then top the Go button.
`'/fwww cl husrnar.L=.9.m../.s!.Ii=p.c!t.
`To dame 0 URL lap it
`and then tap the Delete
`. To delete a URL, tap it and then tap the Delete button. To
`delete all URLs, tap the Del All button.
`Using Bookmarks
`Bookmarks let you add favorite web pages to a list so you can have
`quick and easy access to them later. As your list of bookmarks
`grows, you can keep it organized by creating folders. You might
`want to organize your pages by topic. For example, you could
`create a folder named Garden for storing information about plants
`and gardening articles.
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1038, pg. 30
`Blackberry v. Zipit

`Adding a bookmark
`1. Go to the web page you want to create a bookmark for. Press
`cmd-A or select “Add to Bookmarks” under the Record menu.
`Tap here Io enter
`a new name
`Fldd Bookmark
`fi|phcISmorI, lm:_, Support
`Tap here In enter cl
`"W °'“'e“ ml
`Others: V org
`Top the pick list to assign
`the bookmark lo a
`The bookmark name defaults to the title of the web page. If you
`want to change th

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