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`Notes from the DigitalLife
`Submitted by Ed Hardy on Sunday,
`September 30, 2007
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`The DigitalLife conference is going on now at the Javits Center in
`New York. I was there a couple days ago, along with several other
`member of the TechnologyGuide team.
`Quite a few mobile products were on display, and I want to share
`some pictures and images from this show.
`Palm, Sprint, and the Centro
`The most significant news to come out of
`this show is Palm's and Sprint's
`announcement of the Centro. I've already
`extensively covered this upcoming
`smartphone, including a first thoughts
`preview, but I thought you might be
`interested in seeing a little bit of what
`Sprint and Palm did during the unveiling.
`Bowman and Coligan
`Palm has a area devoted to demonstrating
`with Centros
`this device. This is called the "Centro
`(view large image)
`Lounge". But, if like me you were there
`before the official unveiling of this smartphone, it was just called
`the " Lounge", as you can see in this picture.
`The official announcement was handled by Ed Coligan, CEO of
`ZIPIT EX. 2077, pg. 1
`Notes from the DigitalLife Conference
`Page 4 of 6
`Zipit Wireless Messenger 2
`Palm, and Danny Bowman, VP of customer equipment for Sprint.
`Both men emphasized the consumer-oriented features of this
`model, and Coligan said he expects it to appeal to the large group
`of people who own feature phones but are ready to move up to
`something more functional.
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`The Zipit Z2 is a small device that
`focuses on one feature: Instant
`Messaging. It was designed to allow teenagers to send all the IMs they want without
`tying up the family computer. It lets users exchange messages with their friends with
`AOL/AIM, Yahoo, and MSN accounts over a Wi-Fi connection.
`It does a little bit more than just IM. It plays MP3s stored on a miniSD card or streamed
`from Internet radio station. You can also view photos and slideshows, but that's about it.
`There's no way to exchange emails with it, or access the Web.
`Zipit Z2
`(view large image)
`In my brief testing, this gizmo does what it does pretty well. My favorite feature is that it
`lumps all your friends' accounts in together and lets you chat with them simultaneously,
`no matter which service they are using. You don't, for example, have to switch clients to
`chat with someone on AIM and Yahoo at the same time.
`Single-purpose devices are always controversial, but this gadget's developer has done of good job of keeping the
`price down: $150.
`The Zipit Wireless Messenger 2 will be available to the public on October 1. You can learn more at
`Nokia's N Series
`DigitalLife is a show mostly devoted to consumer technology, and so Nokia's booth is
`dedicated to its N Series smartphones.
`This company introduced a version of the N95 with support for the 3G frequencies used in
`N. America at this conference, and this device was, of course, on display and on sale. (Read
`more in this article.)
`I also saw a demonstration of the new version of SlingPlayer Mobile for Symbian/S60 that
`had just been launched that day. This application gives Slingbox owners the ability to watch
`and control their home TV from their smartphone.
`SlingPlayer Mobile
`on a Nokia N95
`(view large image)
`This was my first opportunity to see the Nokia N76, and I was
`impressed by its design. I really like clamshells, and I like them
`even more when they are as thin and sleek as this one.
`HP has a large presence at DigitalLife, and its last generation of iPAQs were on display.
`Unfortunately, the company isn't showing off the upcoming models. Admittedly, many
`of these are targeted at enterprise users, but this would have been a good opportunity to
`show off the iPAQ 110, a handheld that I predict will do well with consumers.
`Windows Mobile
`ZIPIT EX. 2077, pg. 2
`Notes from the DigitalLife Conference
`Page 5 of 6
`Microsoft also has a large booth, and has a number of Windows Mobile devices on
`display, many of which were created by HTC, including the Touch.
`Nokia N76
`(view large image)
`The one that most caught my eye is the HTC Vox though, and I spent quite a bit of time with this smartphone. I
`expect to put my first thoughts of this device together into an article in the very near future.
`Related Articles
`(cid:122) Sprint and Palm Formally Announce the Centro
`(cid:122) SlingPlayer Mobile for Symbian/S60 Now Available
`(cid:122) HP Announces Five New iPAQs
`Buying Choices for the Nokia N76 - red (Unlocked)
`Dell Small Business | $449.99
`CompUSA | $499.99
`TigerDirect.com | $419.99
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`ZIPIT EX. 2077, pg. 3