§s A0 120 Rev 2/99
`Mail Stop 8
`Director of the US. Patent & Trademark Office
`P.0. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`In Compliance with 35 § 290 and/or 15 U,S.C. § 1116 you are hereby advised that a court action has been
`filed in the us. District Court
`on the following
`X Patents or D Trademarks:
`(1 CA 94612
`Oakland Division 1301Cla St. Suite 4008 Oaklan
`CV 13-04034 DMR
`mamas _
` mm, m——
`5 8 059/ 0/5
`In the above—entitled case, the following decision has been rendered orjudgement issued:
`Richard W. Wieking
`Valerie Kyono
`August 30, 2013
`Copy l—Upon initiation of action, mail this copy to Commissioner Copy 3—Upon termination of action, mail this copy to Commissioner
`Copy Z—Upon filing document adding patent(s), mail this copy to Commissioner Copy 4——Case file copy
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 1
`In the above—entitled case, the following patent(s) have been included:
`[J Amendment

`1 85/9 923 _—
`D Answer
`[:1 Cross Bill
`D Other Pleading
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 1


`Case5:13-cv-04034-DMR Documentl Filed08l29/l3 Page9 of 15
`enjoined by this Court.
`On information and belief, LGE’s infringement has been, and continues to be,
`willful, wanton, and deliberate, without license or excuse and with fiill knowledge of the ‘825
`(Infringement of the ’770 Patent)
`Cypress incorporates and realleges the allegations of the preceding paragraphs as
`though set forth in full herein.
`Cypress has not licensed or otherwise authorized LGE to make, use, offer for sale,
`sell, or import into the United States any products that embody the inventions of the ’770 patent.
`LGE has directly infringed and continues to directly infringe the ’770 patent by
`making, using, importing, offering for sale or selling the LGE Infringing USB Products in the
`United States.
`LGE has had actual knowledge of the ’770 patent since at least April 1, 2011.
`LGE has indirectly infringed and continues to indirectly infringe the ’770 patent
`by inducing end-users to infringe the ’770 patent by using the LGE Infringing USB Products.
`LGE intentionally took action that induced end-users to infringe the ’7 70 patent by marketing,
`selling, and supporting the infringing devices. On information and belief, at least one LGE end
`customer or distributor has directly infringed the ’770 patent by acting as instructed by LGE. For
`example, LGE supplies end customers and distributors of the LGE Infringing USB Products with
`user manuals and other information that instruct downstream users how to operate the LGE
`Infringing USB Products, with knowledge that use in accordance with such instructions infringes
`the ’770 patent. As detailed by the user manuals and other information supplied by LGE, the
`LGE Infringing USB Products infringe multiple Cypress patents. Sale or use of the LGE
`Infringing USB Products by end customers or distributors in accordance with LGE’s instructions
`constitutes direct infringement of the ’770 patent. LGE had awareness of the ’770 patent and
`knew, or was willfully blind to the fact, that its actions would cause direct infringement by end—
`LGE has indirectly infringed and continues to indirectly infringe the ’770 patent
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 2
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 2


`Case5:13-cv-04034-DMR Documentl Filed08/29/13 Page10 of 15
`by contributing to direct infringement by end-users who use the LGE Infringing USB Products.
`LGE supplied a component whose use by downstream users is infringing; the component is not a
`common component suitable for non-infringing use; and LGE supplied the component with the
`knowledge of the ‘770 patent and knowledge that the component was especially made or adapted
`for use in an infringing manner.
`LGE’s actions are in violation of one or more of the provisions of 35 U.S.C. § 271.
`Cypress has been damaged and irreparably injured by LGE’s infringing activities
`and will continue to be so damaged and irreparably injured unless LGE’s infringing activities are
`enjoined by this Court.
`On information and belief, LGE’s infringement has been, and continues to be,
`willful, wanton, and deliberate, without license or excuse and with full knowledge of the ‘770
`(Infringement of the ’497 Patent)
`Cypress incorporates and realleges the allegations of the preceding paragraphs as
`though set forth in full herein.
`Cypress has not licensed or otherwise authorized LGE to make, use, offer for sale,
`sell, or import into the United States any products that embody the inventions of the ’497 patent.
`LGE has directly infringed and continues to directly infringe the ’497 patent by
`making, using, importing, offering for sale or selling the LGE Infringing Touchscreen Products in
`the United States.
`LGE has had actual knowledge of the ’497 patent since at least August 25, 2011.
`LGE has had actual knowledge of the published application that finally issued as
`the ‘497 patent since at least July 12, 2011.
`LGE has indirectly infringed and continues to indirectly infringe the ’497 patent
`by inducing end-users to infringe the ’497 patent by using the LGE Infringing Touchscreen
`Products. LGE intentionally took action that induced end-users to infringe the ’497 patent by
`marketing, selling, and supporting the infringing devices. On information and belief, at least one
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 3
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 3


`Case5:13-cv-04034-DMR Documentl Filed08/29/13 Pagell of 15
`LGE end customer or distributor has directly infringed the ’497 patent by acting asinstructed by
`LGE. For example, LGE supplies end customers and distributors of the LGE Infringing
`Touchscreen Products with user manuals and other information that instruct downstream users
`how to operate the LGE Infringing Touchscreen Products, with knowledge that use in accordance
`with such instructions infringes the ’497 patent. As detailed by the user manuals and other
`information supplied by LGE, the LGE Infringing Touchscreen Products infringe multiple
`Cypress patents. Sale or use of the LGE Infringing Touchscreen Products by end customers or
`distributors in accordance with LGE’s instructions constitutes direct infringement of the ’497
`patent. LGE had awareness of the ’497 patent and knew, or was willfully blind to the fact, that its
`actions would cause direct infringement by end-users.
`LGE has indirectly infringed and continues to indirectly infringe the ’497 patent
`by contributing to direct infringement by end-users who use the LGE Infringing Touchscreen
`Products. LGE supplied a component whose use by downstream users is infringing; the
`component is not a common component suitable for non-infringing use; and LGE supplied the
`component with the knowledge of the ‘497 patent and knowledge that the component was
`especially made or adapted for use in an infringing manner.
`LGE’s actions are in Violation of one or more of the provisions of 35 U.S.C. § 271.
`Cypress has been damaged and irreparably injured by LGE’s infringing activities
`and will continue to be so damaged and irreparably injured unless LGE’s infringing activities are
`enjoined by this Court.
`Cypress is entitled to damages based on the provisional rights granted under 35
`U.S.C. § 154 (d).
`On information and belief, LGE’s infringement has been, and continues to be,
`willful, wanton, and deliberate, without license or excuse and with full knowledge of the ‘497
`(Infringement of the ’015 Patent)
`Cypress incorporates and realleges the allegations of the preceding paragraphs as
`though set forth in full herein.
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 4
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 4


`Case5:13-cv-04034—DMR Documentl Filed08/29I13 Page12 of 15
`Cypress has not licensed or otherwise authorized LGE to make, use, offer for sale,
`sell, or import into the United States any products that embody the inventions of the ’015 patent.
`LGE has directly infringed and continues to directly infringe the ’015 patent by
`making, using, importing, offering for sale or selling the LGE Infringing Touchscreen Products in
`the United States.
`LGE has had actual knowledge of the ’015 patent since at least March 7, 2012.
`LGE has had actual knowledge of the published application that finally issued as
`the ‘015 patent since at least July 12, 2011.
`LGE has indirectly infringed and continues to indirectly infringe the ’015 patent
`by inducing end-users to infringe the ’015 patent by using the LGE Infringing Touchscreen
`Products. LGE intentionally took action that induced end-users to infringe the ’015 patent by
`marketing, selling, and supporting the infringing devices. On information and belief, at least one
`LGE end customer or distributor has directly infringed the ’01 5 patent by acting as instructed by
`LGE. For example, LGE supplies end customers and distributors of the LGE Infringing
`Touchscreen Products with user manuals and other information that instruct downstream users
`how to operate the LGE Infringing Touchscreen Products, with knowledge that use in accordance
`with such instructions infringes the ’015 patent. As detailed by the user manuals and other
`information supplied by LGE, the LGE Infringing Touchscreen Products infringe multiple
`Cypress patents. Sale or use of the LGE Infringing Touchscreen Products by end customers or
`distributors in accordance with LGE’s instructions constitutes direct infringement of the ’015
`patent. LGE had awareness of the ’015 patent and knew, or was willfiJlIy blind to the fact, that its
`actions would cause direct infringement by end-users.
`LGE has indirectly infringed and continues to indirectly infringe the ’015 patent
`by contributing to direct infringement by end-users who use the LGE Infringing Touchscreen
`Products. LGE supplied a component whose use by downstream users is infringing; the
`component is not a common component suitable for non-infringing use; and LGE supplied the
`component with the knowledge of the ‘015 patent and knowledge that the component was
`especially made or adapted for use in an infringing manner.
`1 1
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 5
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 5


`Case5:13-cv-O4034-DMR Documentl Filed08/29/13 Pagel3 of 15
`LGE’s actions are in violation of one or more of the provisions of 35 U.S.C. § 271.
`Cypress has been damaged and irreparably injured by LGE’s infringing activities '
`and will continue to be so damaged and in‘eparably injured unless LGE’s infringing activities are
`enjoined by this Court.
`Cypress is entitled to damages based on the provisional rights granted under 35
`U.S.C. § 154 (d).
`On information and belief, LGE’s infringement has been, and continues to be,
`willful, wanton, and deliberate, without license or excuse and with full knowledge of the ‘015
`(Infringement of the ’973 Patent)
`Cypress incorporates and realleges the allegations of the preceding paragraphs as
`though set forth in full herein.
`Cypress has not licensed or otherwise authorized LGE to make, use, offer for sale,
`sell, or import into the United States any products that embody the inventions of the ’973 patent.
`LGE has directly infringed and continues to directly infringe the ’973 patent by
`making, using, importing, offering for sale or selling the LGE Infringing Touchscreen Products in
`the United States.
`LGE has had actual knowledge of the ’973 patent since at least August 29, 2013.
`LGE has indirectly infringed and continues to indirectly infringe the ’973 patent
`by inducing end-users to infringe the ’97 3 patent by using the LGE Infringing Touchscreen
`Products. LGE intentionally took action that induced end-users to infringe the ’973 patent by
`marketing, selling, and supporting the infringing devices.
`[On information and belief, at least one
`LGE end customer or distributor has directly infringed the ’973 patent by acting as instructed by
`LGE. For example, LGE supplies end customers and distributors of the LGE Infringing
`Touchscreen Products with user manuals and other information that instruct downstream users
`how to’ operate the LGE Infringing Touchscreen Products, with knowledge that use in accordance
`with such instructions infringes the ’973 patent. As detailed by the user manuals and other
`information supplied by LGE, the LGE Infringing Touchscreen Products infringe multiple
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 6
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 6


`Case5:13-cv-O4034-DMR Documentl Filed08/29l13 Page14 of 15
`Cypress patents. Sale or use of the LGE Infringing Touchscreen Products by end customers or
`distributors in accordance with LGE’s instructions constitutes direct infringement of the ’973
`patent. LGE had awareness of the ’973 patent and knew, or was willfiilly blind to the fact, that its
`actions would cause direct infringement by end-users.
`LGE has indirectly infringed and continues to indirectly infringe the ’973 patent
`by contributing to direct infringement by end-users who use the LGE Infringing Touchscreen
`Products. LGE supplied a component whose use by downstream users is infringing; the
`component is not a common component suitable for non—infringing use; and LGE supplied the
`component with the knowledge of the ’973 patent and knowledge that the component was
`especially made or adapted for use in an infringing manner.
`LGE’s actions are in violation of one or more of the provisions of 35 U.S.C. ‘§ 271.
`Cypress has been damaged and irreparably injured by LGE’S infringing activities
`and will continue to be so damaged and irreparably injured unless LGE’s infringing activities are
`enjoined by this Court.
`On information and belief, LGE’s infringement has been, and continues to be,
`willful, wanton, and deliberate, without license or excuse and with full knowledge of the ’973
`WHEREFORE, Cypress requests that this Court grant the following relief:
`Enter judgment that the LGE Infringing USB Products infringe the ’ 103, ’825, and
`’770 patents and the LGE Infringing Touchscreen Products infringe the ’497, ’015, and ’973
`Enter an order permanently enjoining LGE and its officers, directors, agents,
`servants, employees, attorneys, licensees, successors, assigns, and customers, and those in active
`concert or participation with any of them, from making, using, offering to sell, or selling in the
`United States or importing into the United States any devices that infringe any claim of the
`Asserted Patents;
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 7
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 7


`Case5:13-cv-04034-DMR Documentl Filed08l29/13 PagelS of 15
`Award Cypress its damages, including lost profits, resulting from LGE’s
`infringement in an amount to be determined at trial, pursuant to 35 U.S.C. §§ 154 and 284;
`Find this to be an exceptional case pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 285;
`Award Cypress prejudgment interest and post-judgment interest on its damages
`and award Cypress its costs;
`Perform an accounting of LGE’s infringing sales not presented at trial and award
`Cypress additional damages from any such infringing sales; and
`Award Cypress its costs and attorneys’ fees and such other and further relief as the
`Court deems just and appropriate.
`Pursuant to Rule 38(b) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Cypress hereby demands
`trial by jury on all issues raised by the Complaint.
`Dated: August 29, 2013
`Respectfully submitted,
`/5/ Michael J. Malecek
`Michael J. Malecek
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 8
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 8


`Case5:13-cv-O4034-DMR Documentl Filed08/29/13 Pagel of 15
`Michael J. Maleeek (State Bar No. 171034)
`Email address:
`Marisa Armanino Williams (State Bar No. 264907)
`Email address:
`Robert S. Magee (State Bar No. 271443)
`Email address:
`Two Palo Alto Square, Suite 400
`3000 El Camino Real
`Palo Alto, California 94306
`Telephone: (650) 319-4500
`(650) 319-4700
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`Case No.
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 9
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 9


`Case5213-cv-04034-DMR Documentl Filed08l29/13 Page2 of 15
`Plaintiff Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (“Cypress” or “Plaintiff”) alleges:
`Cypress is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of
`Delaware with its principal place of business located at 198 Champion Court, San Jose,
`California. Cypress is a supplier of high—performance, mixed-signal, programmable solutions that
`provide customers with rapid time-to-market and exceptional system value. Cypress’s
`innovations are used in a wide variety of consumer electronics, such as networking and
`telecommunication equipment, touchscreen devices, mobile handsets, video and imaging devices,
`as well as in military communication devices.
`On information and belief, Defendant LG Electronics, Inc. (“LGE Inc”) is a
`corporation organized and existing under the laws of Korea with a principal place of business at
`20, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-Gu, Seoul 150-721, Korea.
`On information and belief, Defendant LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc. (“LGE USA”)
`is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware with a principal
`place of business at 1000 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632.
`On information and belief, Defendant LG Electronics Mobilecomrn U.S.A., Inc.
`(“LGE Mobilecomm”) is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of
`California with a principal place of business at 10225 Willow Creek Road, San Diego, California
`92 1 3 1 .
`As further described below, LGE Inc, LGE U.S.A., and LGE Mobilecomm
`(collectively, “LGE”) manufacture and sell mobile phones and other products that infringe
`multiple Cypress patents.
`This action arises under the patent laws of the United States, 35 U.S.C. § 100, et
`seq. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and
`1 33 8(a).
`This Court has personal jurisdiction over LGE and venue is proper in the Northern
`District of California pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b) and (c) and § 1400(b). LGE maintains
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 10
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 10


`Case5:13-cv-04034-DMR Documentl Filed08/29/13 Page3 of 15
`offices in this District, transacts business involving infringing products within this District, and
`offers infringing products for sale in this District. On information and belief, LGE derives
`significant revenue from the sale of infringing products distributed and used within this District,
`and/or expects or should reasonably expect its actions to have consequences within this District,
`and derives substantial revenue from interstate and international commerce.
`This is an Intellectual Property Action to be assigned on a district-wide basis
`pursuant to Civil Local Rule 3-2(c).
`For over thirty years, Cypress has been a pioneer and market innovator in
`semiconductor technology. Cypress products include the PSoC® l, PSoC® 3, PSoC® 4, and
`PSoC® 5 programmable system—on-chip families, and Cypress is the world leader in capacitive
`user interface solutions including CapSense® touch sensing, TrueTouch® touchscreens, and
`trackpad solutions for notebook PCs and peripherals. Cypress is also the world leader in
`universal serial bus (“USB”) controllers, which enhance connectivity and performance in a wide
`range of consumer and industrial products. Cypress is also the world leader in static random
`access memory (“SRAM”) and nonvolatile RAM memories.
`To develop its industry-leading products, Cypress has made extensive and
`continuous investments in research and development (“R&D”). Cypress’s R&D efforts have
`been essential to its success as a supplier of semiconductor solutions. Cypress’s R&D
`organization works closely with its manufacturing facilities, suppliers and customers to improve
`semiconductor designs and lower manufacturing costs.
`1 1.
`To protect these critical R&D efforts, Cypress places a high value on its
`intellectual property. Cypress has applied for and received over 2000 patents worldwide in a
`variety of semiconductor-related technologies, and has more than 800 pending US. and foreign
`patent applications. Cypress has over 250 issued US. patents and over 200 pending US. patent
`applications directed towards USB and touchscreen technology.
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 11
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 11


`Case5:13-cv-04034-DMR Documentl Filed08l29l13 Page4 of 15
`To protect the interests of Cypress's customers, who benefit from Cypress's
`leading-edge technology and rely upon Cypress's proprietary solutions to compete in the
`marketplace, Cypress cannot allow unauthorized use of its intellectual property.
`On January 4, 2000, the United States Patent and Trademark Office duly and
`legally issued United States Patent No. 6,012,103 (“the ’ 103 patent”), entitled “Bus Interface
`System and Method,” to Cypress. Cypress owns the ’ 103 patent by assignment. A true and
`correct copy of the ’ 103 patent is attached as Exhibit A to this Complaint.
`On June 19, 2001, the United States Patent and Trademark Office duly and legally
`issued United States Patent No. 6,249,825 (“the ’825 patent”), entitled “Universal Serial Bus
`Interface System and Method,” to Cypress. Cypress owns the ’825 patent by assignment. A true
`and correct copy of the ’825 patent is attached as Exhibit B to this Complaint.
`On December 10, 2002, the United States Patent and Trademark Office duly and
`legally issued United States Patent No. 6,493,770 (“the ’770 patent”), entitled “System for
`Reconfiguring a Peripheral Device by Downloading Information from a Host and Electronically
`Simulating a Physical Disconnection and Reconnection to Reconfigure the Device,” to Cypress.
`Cypress owns the ’770 patent by assignment. A true and correct copy of the ’770 patent is
`attached as Exhibit C to this Complaint.
`On August 23, 2011, the United States Patent and Trademark Office duly and
`legally issued United States Patent No. 8,004,497 (“the ’497 patent”), entitled “Two-Pin
`Buttons,” to Cypress. Cypress owns the ’497 patent by assignment. A true and correct copy of
`the ’497 patent is attached as Exhibit D to this Complaint.
`On November 15, 2011, the United States Patent and Trademark Office duly and
`legally issued United States Patent No. 8,059,015 (“the ’015 patent”), entitled “Capacitance
`Sensing Matrix for Keyboard Architecture,” to Cypress. Cypress owns the ’01 5 patent by
`assignment. A true and correct copy of the ’015 patent is attached as Exhibit E to this Complaint.
`On August 27, 2013, the United States Patent and Trademark Office duly and
`legally issued United States Patent No. 8,519,973 (“the ’973 patent”), entitled “Apparatus and
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 12
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 12


`Case5213-cv-04034-DMR Documentl Filed08l29l13 Pages of 15
`Methods for Detecting a Conductive Object at a Location,” to Cypress. Cypress owns the ’973
`patent by assignment. A true and correct copy of the ’973 patent is attached as Exhibit F to this
`The ’ 103 patent, ’825 patent, and ’770 patent will be referred to below as the
`“Cypress USB Patents.” The ’497 patent, ’01 5 patent, and ’973 patent will be referred to below
`as the “Cypress Touchscreen Patents” (and together with the USB Patents, the “Asserted
`The products manufactured, imported and sold by LGE that infringe one or more
`claims of the Cypress USB Patents include, but are not limited to, the Fathom V8750 mobile
`phone and associated software, firmware, and peripheral. components, as well as other LGE
`mobile phones and products, and associated software, firmware, and peripheral components that
`incorporate the same or similar USB features, functionality, and/or architecture (collectively, the
`“LGE Infringing USB Products”). The identification of products and parts in this Complaint is
`by way of example only, and on information and belief, the exemplary products and parts
`identified in this Complaint are representative of all LGE products and parts with reasonably
`similar features, functionality and/or architecture, whether discontinued, current or future.
`The products manufactured, imported and sold by LGE that infringe one or more
`claims of the Cypress Touchscreen patents include, but are not limited to, the Optimus S LS670
`mobile phone and associated software, firmware, and peripheral components, as well as other
`LGE mobile phones and products, and associated software, firmware, and peripheral components
`that incorporate the same or similar touchscreen features, functionality, and/or architecture
`(collectively, the “LGE Infringing Touchscreen Products”), The identification of products and
`parts in this Complaint is by way of example only, and on information and belief, the exemplary
`products and parts identified in this Complaint are representative of all LGE products and parts
`with reasonably similar features, functionality and/or architecture, whether discontinued, current
`or future.
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 13
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 13


`CaseS:13-cv-04034—DMR Documentl Filed08/29/13 Page6 of 15
`The LGE Infringing USB Products and LGE Infringing Touchscreen Products
`(collectively, the “LGE Infringing Products”) have no substantial non-infringing use.
`According to LGE’s website and other publicly available documents, and on
`information and belief, the LGE Infringing Products are sold to distributors and end customers in
`the United States. These distributors and end customers are supplied with user manuals and other
`information that instruct downstream users how to operate the LGE Infringing Products, and LGE
`provides these instructions while knowing since at least 2011 that the LGE Infringing Products
`infringe multiple Cypress patents, including one or more of the Asserted Patents. Sale or use of
`the LGE Infringing Products in accordance with LGE’s instructions on how to operate these
`devices constitutes direct infringement of the Asserted Patents.
`LGE is aware that the LGE Infringing Products infringe the Asserted Patents. In
`an effort to resolve LGE’s infringement without resorting to litigation, Cypress made LGE aware
`of the Cypress USB Patents in April 2011 and the Cypress Touchscreen Patents in July 2011, and
`on multiple subsequent occasions. LGE ultimately refused to participate in any further licensing
`negotiations and, on information and belief, continued infringing the Asserted Patents.
`(Infringement of the ’103 Patent)
`Cypress incorporates and realleges the allegations of the preceding paragraphs as
`though set forth in filll herein.
`Cypress has not licensed or otherwise authorized LGE to make, use, offer for sale,
`sell, or import into the United States any products that embody the inventions of the ’103 patent.
`LGE has directly infringed and continues to directly infringe the ’ 103 patent by
`making, using, importing, offering for sale or selling the LGE Infringing USB Products in the
`United States.
`LGE has had actual knowledge of the ’ 103 patent since at least April 1, 2011.
`LGE has indirectly infringed and continues to indirectly infringe the ’ 103 patent
`by inducing end-users to infringe the ’ 103 patent by using the LGE Infringing USB Products.
`LGE intentionally took action that induced end-users to infringe the ’ 103 patent by marketing,
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 14
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 14


`Case5213-cv-04034-DMR Documentl Filed08l29l13 Page? of 15
`selling, and supporting the infringing devices. On information and belief, at least one LGE end
`customer or distributor has directly infringed the ’ 103 patent by acting as instructed by LGE. For
`example, LGE supplies end customers and distributors of the LGE Infringing USB Products with
`user manuals and other information that instruct downstream users how to operate the LGE
`Infringing USB Products, with knowledge that use in accordance with such instructions infringes
`the ’ 103 patent. As detailed by the user manuals and other information supplied by LGE, the
`LGE Infringing USB Products infringe multiple Cypress patents. Sale or use of the LGE
`Infringing USB Products by end customers or distributors in accordance with LGE’s instructions
`constitutes direct infringement of the ’103 patent. LGE had awareness of the ’ 103 patent and
`knew, or was willfully blind to the fact, that its actions would cause direct infringement by end-
`LGE has indirectly infringed and continues to indirectly infringe the ’ 103 patent
`by contributing to direct infringement by end-users who use the LGE Infringing USB Products.
`LGE supplied a component whose use by downstream users is infringing; the component is not a
`common component suitable for non—infringing use; and LGE supplied the component with the
`knowledge of the ’ 103 patent and knowledge that the component was especially made or adapted
`for use in an infringing manner.
`LGE’s actions are in violation of one or more of the provisions of 35 U.S.C. § 271.
`Cypress has been damaged and irreparably injured by LGE’s infringing activities
`and will continue to be so damaged and irreparably injured unless LGE’s infringing activities are
`enjoined by this Court.
`On information and belief, LGE’s infringement has been, and continues to be,
`willful, wanton, and deliberate, without license or excuse and with full knowledge of the ’ 103
`(Infringement of the ’825 Patent)
`Cypress incorporates and realleges the allegations of the preceding paragraphs as
`though set forth in full herein.
`Cypress has not licensed or otherwise authorized LGE to make, use, offer for sale,
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 15
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1010, pg. 15


`CaseS:13-cv-O4034-DMR Documentl Filed08l29/13 Page8 of 15
`sell, or import into the United States any products that embody the inventions of the ’825 patent.
`LGE has directly infringed and continues to directly infringe the ’825 patent by

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