United States Patent [19J
`Patent Number:
`Date of Patent:
`Jul. 14, 1998
`Inventor: Peter S. Wilens. 2331 Cheswick, Troy,
`Mich. 48084
`[21J Appl. No.: 392,280
`[22J Filed:
`Feb. 22, 1995
`Related U.S. Application Data
`[63] Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 58.074, May 4, 1993,
`Int. CI.6
`............................... G06F 15/44; A63F 9/27
`[52J U.S. CI. ........................... 473/407; 473/409; 473/131
`[58J Field of Search ..................................... 473/150-156.
`473/140-141. 407. 409; 364/410-411, 709.01-709.02.
`709.1. 709.11. 709.12; 345/123. 121. 124.
`125. 169, 173. 145. 146; 340/323 R; 273/DIG. 26.
`DIG. 28; 235/145 R. 145 A; 341122. 35;
`400/100. 486
`References Cited
`12/1987 Foster ...................................... 3451123
`5/1988 Foster ...................................... 345/123
`1lI1990 Miller ...................................... 4OOf486
`12/1990 Rudnick et aI ......................... 3641410
`4/1991 Vulcano .................................. 400/486
`6f 1992 Bonito et aI ............................ 473/407
`9/1993 Barber ..................................... 3641410
`1211993 Hermann ................................. 345/145
`3/1994 Jenkins et aI ........................... 473/407
`7/1994 Germain .................................. 364/410
`1111994 Huston et aI ........................... 473/407
`1011995 Torok ...................................... 400/486
`1111995 Boman .................................... 473/407
`Primary Examiner-Jessica Harrison
`Assistant Examiner-Mark A. Sager
`Attome)~ Agent, or Firm-Young & Basile. P.e.
`A handheld computerized golf data recording. reporting and
`advising unit. and a method for its operation. The unit itself
`is a small. comfortably handheld computerized unit with a
`generally writable display and a simplified key control panel
`to enter and retrieve data. Using the key control panel. a
`golfer can selectively retrieve a number of pre-formatted
`screens corresponding to pre-game. game-interactive and
`post-game recording and reporting of golf facts statistics and
`general golf knowledge. The pre-game screens contain data
`input fields having predetermined sets of values a user
`selects to provide information required by the game(cid:173)
`interactive and game-reporting screens and algorithms to
`process. store and report information. The information
`entered in the pre-game and game-interactive mode is auto(cid:173)
`matically stored in the memory of the unit and subsequently
`formatted into one or more statistical reports upon request
`by the user.
`37 Claims, 36 Drawing Sheets
`[_] l=] [_] [_]
`**********msg line**********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 1


`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 14, 1998
`Sheet 1 of 36
`FIG. 1
`[_] [_] [_] [_]
`**********msg line**********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 2


`u.s. Patent
`Jut 14, 1998
`Sheet 2 of 36
`FIG. 2
`Statistics Reports
`End of Game Screen
`Ilf button
`after game
`(Game Play Advice)
`(Game Play Statistics)
`Normal r Club Statistic
`Chipping - - - - - - - - - - - ,
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 3


`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 14, 1998
`Sheet 3 of 36
`FIG. 3
`Enter Game Setu Data
`Owners Initials
`Tracking Mode __ _
`N umber of Holes
`(to be played)
`Temperature __
`Transportation __
`Conditions ..... __ _
`Time __ _
`********* msg line **********,
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 4


`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 14, 1998
`Sheet 4 of 36
`FIG. 4
`Enter Course Data
`Course Number <_>
`Course Name
`Enter: Par I Yards
`1 _1_ 10 _1_
`2 _1_ 11 _1_
`3 _1_ 12 _1_
`4 _1_ 13 _1_
`5 _1_ 14 _1_
`6 _1_ 15 _1_
`7 _1_ 16 _1_
`a _1_ 17 _1_
`9 _1_ 18 _1_
`**********msg line**********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 5


`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 14, 1998
`Sheet 5 of 36
`FIG. 5
`Enter Golf Set Data
`Golf Set Number < >
`Golf Set Name
`Irons 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_
`7 _ 8_ 9_ pw_ sw_
`Woods 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_
`6_ 7_
`Other Clubs __ , __ , __
`********* msg line *********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 6


`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 14, 1998
`Sheet 6 of 36
`FIG. 6
`Enter Golf Ball Data
`Model I Compression
`1 _____ 1_
`_____ 1_
`3 _____ 1_
`4 _____ 1_
`5 _____ 1_
`_____ 1_
`_____ 1_
`_____ 1_
`_____ 1_
`********* msg line *********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 7


`'= ~ 01
`~ --...)
`rJ). =-~
`I.C oc
`~ ,:.
`~ = :-
`~ = f""f"
`~ = f""f"
`~ • 00
`~ '-
`15 ~ I
`**********msg line**********11
`114 etc
`13 (4)
`12 (5)
`11 (3)
`10 (4)
`GolfersL _] _ _ _ _ __
`ScoreCard xxx/yyy yd
`[_][_J [_] [-J
`********** msg Ii ne **********
`[-] [-] [-] [-]
`4 etc
`3 (3)x
`2 (5)x
`1 (4)x
`Golfers[_ J _ _ _ _ __
`ScoreCard xxx/yyy yd
`-.... /10
`FIG. 7
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 8


`u.s. Patent
`JuI. 14, 1998
`Sheet 8 of 36
`FIG. 8
`-+--1-- 46
`Enter Shots [hole ][yards]
`Shot Club Yards Dir
`********** msg I~********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 9


`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 14, 1998
`Sheet 9 of 36
`FIG. 9
`Enter Shots [hole] [yards]
`[_] Shot ............ <_>
`[_] Club ............... _ -~ 28
`[_] Yardage ....... _
`[_] Direction ....... _
`[_] Power ............ '---_
`[_] Ball Model ..
`[_] Shot Suriace __
`[_] Land Surface __
`********* msg line *********.
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 10


`=" ="
`~ ..,. ... = ~
`r,r.;. =-~
`'# ... \C
`~ = :-... J:::,..
`(t) =
`~ = f""I'o.
`0 •
`6 End game
`5 Rvw pregame data
`4 General advice
`3 Suggest club
`2 Rtn to back-9
`1 Play holes 1-9 ~ 26
`~ ( . '\
`r""""'msg line·········· 11-
`I I
`(and then press enter) ~14
`Enter Choice
`I I
`A. /10
`FIG. 10a
`15 ~ I
`**********msg line********** I I
`, ,
`6 End game
`5 Rvw pregame data
`4 General advice
`3 Suggest club
`2 Rtn to front-9
`1 Play holes 10-18
`(and then press enter)
`Enter Choice
`FIG. 10
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 11


`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 14, 1998
`Sheet 11 of 36
`FIG. 11
`Enter Putts [Hole] [Shot]
`Putter _ Total Putts_
`Total feet putted_
`OR enter:
`Putt 1 ... Feet
`Putt 2 ... Feet
`Putt 3 ... Feet
`Putt 4 ... Feet
`********* msg line *********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 12


`.... .......
`~ ....
`\1'1 =- ('t>
`~~ ....
`~ = =- ....
`~ = """" ~ = """"
`L! • 00
`I I ~ 26
`... 10
`18 Hazards
`17 Holes Played
`16 Game Duration
`15 Worst Part of Game
`14 Best Part of Game
`13 Where Game Worse
`12 Where Game Better
`11 Club Set Detail
`Report number
`Review Statistics
`----r '-
`1 __ 12
`~£****** msg line ********* II
`~\ T J...--....
`15 ~ I
`********* msg line *********
`10 Club Set Summary
`9 Course Score
`8 Overall Score
`7 Time-of-Day
`6 Physical Endurance
`5 Ground Condition
`4 Temperature
`3 Ball Model Number
`2 Ball Compression
`1 Set Stat Timeframe
`Report number _
`Review Statistics
`FIG. 12
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 13


`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 14, 1998
`Sheet 13 of 36
`FIG. 13
`Re art Filter
`Display statistics for:
`Range --:-:--__ --,-_
`[mm/dd/yy to mm/dd/yy]
`OR specify dates:
`hrough _1_1_
`**********msg line**********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 14


`~ -...I
`0 ....,
`~ -I-'
`~ = :-
`~ = ......
`~ ......
`~ • 00
`I··.·· .. ···msg line·········· L 12
`____ I
`I 1-14
`I I
`""' /10
`etc .....
`text line 2
`text line 1
`Problem Solution Slice
`FIG. 15
`\ ~ , -
`15 --
`l£'*******msg line**********1
`5 etc ...
`4 Top ball
`3 Hook
`2 Slice
`1 exit problem mode
`Problem number: 2
`Expert Advice
`FIG. 14
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 15


`~ 01
`~ .....:J
`~ =
`~ • 00
`~, ./
`15 ~ I
`I L-14
`I I
`**********msg line**********
`2ft HLE
`10ft ST
`25 GRN
`180 ST
`Shot Club Yards Dir
`Hole History MY21,3H
`**********msg line**********
`_ _
`_ _
`_ _
`Score History Yards xxx
`01 21 10
`9(5) 4 7 6
`8(4) 3 5
`7(3) 7 3
`6(4) 6 4
`5(4) 5 4
`4( 5) 5 7
`3(3) 3 4
`2(5) 7 5 5 _ _
`1 (4) 5 4 4 _ _
`-'" 10
`FIG. 17
`FIG. 16
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 16


`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 14, 1998
`Sheet 16 of 36
`FIG. 18
`Enter Club Club
`Club Yards Accuracy
`********* msg line *********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 17


`~ ="
`~ II
`~ = .....
`~ .....
`0 • 00
` t"""
`. -.
`1********* msg line ********* I
`25 feet
`average feet to hole is:
`In landing on green,
`15 ---
`********* msg line ********* I
`Avg Yards
`I I
`Club Displav Club 3W
`.......... /10
`__ 14
`Green 1 0%
`150+ 125 100
`**Yard to Green**
`Club Display Club 81
`FIG. 20
`FIG. 19
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 18


`=" ="
`~ Ul
`~ a
`~ >e
`... ,f;..
`""'" = ~
`("t) = """'"
`~ = """'"
`rJ1 •
`~ •
`{ ~ ,
`----r "'-
`**********msg line**********
`__ 14
`Enter Practice Shots, 3W II
`240 ST
`230 ST
`225 ST
`240 ST
`225 ST
`215 ST
`200 HOOK
`230 ST
`220 ST
`Shot Yards Dir
`....--.... \ T J ....--....
`15 --
`********* msg line *********
`etc ....
`Club Yards Accuracy
`Enter Club Club 3W
`FIG. 22
`FIG. 21
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 19


`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 14, 1998
`Sheet 19 of 36
`FIG. 23
`Enter End of Game Data
`Were all [_] Holes
`Completed? _
`If no, do you wish to
`return back to the main
`--+-+-- 49
`If no, enter reason for
`not completing all holes.
`Answer ___ _
`********* msg line *********-
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 20


`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 14, 1998
`Sheet 20 of 36
`FIG. 24
`Ball Compression Stats
`Golf Club: 2 Iron
`Compr Hits Avg Yards
`-+-1-- 64
`Golf Club: 3 I ron
`etc .....
`**********msg line**********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 21


`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 14, 1998
`Sheet 21 of 36
`FIG. 25
`Ball Model Number Stats
`Golf Club: 2 Iron
`Model Shots Avg Yards
`Golf Club: 3 Iron
`etc ...
`********** msg line **********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 22


`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 14, 1998
`Sheet 22 of 36
`FIG. 26
`Temgerature Stats
`9-Hole 9-Hole
`Temp Rounds Avg
`**********msg line**********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 23


`u.s. Patent
`Jut 14, 1998
`Sheet 23 of 36
`FIG. 27
`Ground Condition Stats
`Condition: Dry
`9-Hole Rounds: 10
`Average for 9 Holes: 48
`Condition: Normal
`9-Hole Rounds: 20
`Average for 9 Holes: 46
`Cond ition: Wet
`9-Hole Rounds: 5
`Average for 9 Holes: 52
`**********msg line**********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 24


`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 14, 1998
`Sheet 24 of 36
`FIG. 28
`Physical Endurance
`Par for Hole
`+ 1.1
`etc ...
`**********msg line**********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 25


`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 14, 1998
`Sheet 25 of 36
`FIG. 29
`6-7 am
`7-8 am
`9-10 am
`etc .....
`**********msg line**********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 26


`u.s. Patent
`J ul. 14, 1998
`Sheet 26 of 36
`FIG. 30
`Overall Score
`Score for 9 Holes:
`Average 48
`Score for 18 Holes:
`**********msg line**********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 27


`u.s. Patent
`Jut 14, 1998
`Sheet 27 of 36
`FIG. 31
`Course Score Stats
`Course PBCC
`Score - 9 Hole Rounds:
`Rounds Played 32
`Average Score
`Scores 35-40
`Scores 40-45
`Scores 45-50
`Scores 50-55
`Score - 18 Hole Rounds:
`Rounds Played 12
`Average Score
`etc ....
`**********msg line**********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 28


`u.s. Patent
`J ul. 14, 1998
`Sheet 28 of 36
`FIG. 32
`Club Set Summary Stats
`Golf Club Set {_}
`P1 P2
`Avg Puts 2.4 2.7 _
`Club Shots Avg Yards
`etc ...
`**********msg line**********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 29


`'-= ~
`rJ). ::r
`~ = :-
`~ a
`~ = ~
`~ • 'J).
`.....--.... \
`Accuracy Rating 90 1-
`On Green 5 %
`Range 200 to 240 yrds
`Avg Distance 220 yrds
`Shots Taken: 97
`********* msg line ********
`........... /10
`Golf Club: 1W
`Club Set Detail Stats
`********* msg line ******** I I
`Ball Model: TF001
`Surface: Fairway
`Power: Full
`Golf Club: 1 W
`Golf Club Set: 01
`Club Set Detail Stats +14
`(Select Search Detail)
`FIG. 34
`FIG. 33
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 30


`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 14, 1998
`Sheet 30 of 36
`FIG. 35
`Where Game Better
`Golf Club: 3 Iron
`Hits AvgYrds
`06/01/92 20
`Accu racy Rati ng
`06/02/92 15
`Accuracy Rating
`07101/92 15
`Accuracy Rating
`Golf Club: 1 Wood
`Etc ....
`*********msg line**********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 31


`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 14, 1998
`Sheet 31 of 36
`FIG. 36
`Where Game Worse
`Golf Club: 5 Iron
`Hits Avg Yrds
`06/01/92 20 160
`Accuracy Rating
`06/02/92 15 160
`Accu racy Rating
`07/01/92 15 150
`Accuracy Rating
`Golf Club: 7 Wood
`Etc ....
`*********msg line**********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 32


`u.s. Patent
`Jut 14, 1998
`Sheet 32 of 36
`FIG. 37
`Best Part of Game
`Golf Club: 3 Iron
`Average Yards: 195
`Accuracy Rating: 95
`Golf Club 1 Wood
`Average Yards: 225
`Accuracy Rating:
`Golf Club Putter
`Putts per Hole:
`Accuracy Rating: n/a
`Etc ...
`*********msg line**********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 33


`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 14, 1998
`Sheet 33 of 36
`FIG. 38
`Worst Part of Game
`Golf Club: 3 Iron
`Average Yards: 160
`Accuracy Rating: 40
`Golf Club 1 Wood
`Average Yards: 200
`Accuracy Rating: 70
`Golf Club Putter
`Putts per Hole:
`Accuracy Rating: n/a
`*******msg line*********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 34


`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 14, 1998
`Sheet 34 of 36
`FIG. 39
`Game Duration
`Holes Duration
`06/01/93 18
`2.5 hr
`06/03/93 18
`3.0 hr
`2.0 hr
`etc ......
`*********msg line*********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 35


`u.s. Patent
`Jui. 14, 1998
`Sheet 35 of 36
`FIG. 40
`Holes Played
`Date wk1 wk2 wk3 wk4
`5/93 18
`6/93 36
`7/93 18
`8/93 18 18
`etc ...
`18 18
`*********msg line**********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 36


`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 14, 1998
`Sheet 36 of 36
`FIG. 41
`Course PBCC
`06/93 Holes played: 18
`Hazard Avg per 9-Holes
`07/93 Holes played: 09
`etc ....
`*********msg line**********
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 37


`This is a continuation-in-part of application Ser.
`08/058.074 filed on May 4. 1993 now abandoned.
`The present invention is related to an apparatus and
`method for reporting and recording golf information and for 10
`providing golf advice and feedback in real time. and more
`particularly to a handheld computer unit and method for
`recording and reporting golf information.
`course data and player scores for one or more players. The
`unit displays individual score subtotals or totals for each
`golfer whose strokes are recorded during the game.
`U.S. Pat. No. 4.266.214 to Peters. Jr. discloses an elec-
`tronic game scoring device. for example for use with golf. in
`a small. portable hand-held housing. As applied to the game
`of golf. it envisions use of a prerecorded magnetic card
`containing data about a particular course to be read into the
`unit's memory before a game.
`The above prior art devices. while useful. are limited in
`the scope of their functions. and in fact are not much more
`than electronic score cards or. in the case of U.S. Pat. No.
`4.815.020. electronic pace counters with very limited sta(cid:173)
`tistical averaging functions. Their high number of keys.
`15 non-intuitive user interfaces. and small displays capable
`only of displaying limited amounts of information make
`them less than ideal.
`In golf. like in many games. there is substantial informa(cid:173)
`tion which can be traced to measure a player's progress. and
`hopefully improvement. over a period of time. Such facts
`and statistics invariably include scores. as well as less
`commonly-organized criteria such as tendencies in certain 20
`situations to score or perform in a particular manner. pre(cid:173)
`ferred playing conditions. and others depending on the sport
`or game. Players can. and often do. try to improve them(cid:173)
`selves by studying their past performances for strengths and
`Golf in particular. although not exclusively. lends itself to
`the careful study of past performance in order to improve
`one's game. This is in part due to the myriad number of
`factors which need to be taken into account to accurately
`gauge performance; e.g .. overall score. score per hole. club 30
`accuracy and yardages under different weather and ground
`conditions; performance in and out of hazards; performance
`based on ball model number and compression rating; length
`of hole; hole and total course par values; course difficulty;
`club set used; the player's tendency to slice or hook with 35
`particular clubs; etc. Most golfers will agree that the game
`of golf is complicated. subtle. and best mastered through
`diligent practice and careful study.
`To date. however. the study part of the game of golf.
`learning from past performances. has not been approached in 40
`a systematic. comprehensive manner. Most golfers until now
`have relied on intuition. memory. or rough pen and paper
`techniques. The shortcomings of these manual. intuitive
`methods have been noted by the prior art. and addressed
`with some primitive electronic or computerized devices for 45
`aiding the golfer in his game.
`U.S. Pat. No. 4.815.020 to Cormier discloses an apparatus
`and method for determining the remaining distance to the
`green and for selecting an appropriate club to use for that
`shot. This includes a portable electronic data entry and 50
`retrieval unit connected to a mechanical or electrical counter
`which measures the distance a manual golf cart's wheels
`travel over the ground between shots. The memory in the
`unit stores data representing prior performance with each
`club in the golfer's set. and the yardage along a golf course. 55
`It includes an angle measuring device for shots which do not
`travel straight toward the hole. Using trigonometric algo(cid:173)
`rithms stored in the unit's memory. the device counts off the
`distance traveled by the cart between each shot and deter(cid:173)
`mines the remaining distance to the green. The golfer can
`enter the club used and approximate distance for each shot
`in order to update the performance data stored in the
`memory. In response to an operator query. the unit will list
`one or more club performance values to help the golfer
`select a club for the next shot.
`U.S. Pat. No. 4.142.236 to Martz et al discloses an
`electronic golf scorecard which has a memory to store golf
`The present invention is a greatly improved handheld
`computer unit for recording and reporting sports
`information. for example golf information. and a method for
`entering and retrieving data. The flexibility. function and
`25 information recording and reporting methodology of the
`present invention go far beyond the limitations of the prior
`In its most basic form the inventive apparatus is a com(cid:173)
`fortably handheld. self-contained computer unit having a
`non-volatile memory. a power source. a general output
`display for selectively displaying a plurality of informational
`screens stored in the memory. and a program that determines
`logical screen and information sequence and processes the
`data entered. The unit is provided with key entry means for
`retrieving and selectively displaying various screens from
`the memory on the display. and for entering game data into
`each screen to be stored in the memory. The provision of a
`general output display. the variety of specialized screens for
`organization of data. and the handheld portability of the
`invention result in a device with nearly unlimited potential.
`Because the display of the handheld unit provides pre(cid:173)
`formatted screens in which data input fields are logically
`organized and displayed. the key entry means of the unit is
`greatly simplified. Since each screen as it appears on the
`display is already provided via the computer memory with
`a set of data fields. each with a set of values to choose from.
`a comprehensive and intuitive golfer interface is achieved
`with only a first key set for selectively choosing screens to
`be displayed; a second tab key set for selectively choosing
`a particular data field on the displayed screen; and. a third
`scroll key set for entering or altering data in that particular
`field. In effect. the golfer has only three types or sets of keys
`to operate for full control of the unit's recording and
`reporting methodology.
`In yet a further embodiment. the first key entry set
`includes two keys. one a sequential screen-changing key
`which. with each press. causes the computer to display the
`next logical screen of a series of screens. For example. when
`the unit is first turned on. a game setup screen appears. When
`60 the golfer has completed entry of all appropriate data input
`fields on that screen. pressing this sequential selection key
`takes the golfer to the next logical screen in the progression.
`for example a course data screen. At the same time. the data
`in the previously completed screen is stored in the computer
`65 memory for later retrieval and display. In this manner the
`player can cycle through a series of screens in a logical
`predetermined order for efficient data entry both before.
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 38


`during and after the golf game. In a preferred form, the user
`what was done in the game recording module. Furthermore.
`may specify the amount of data he wishes to record and
`select statistical reports are available during course play to
`subsequently report on by initially selecting one of a plu(cid:173)
`assist the user in selecting clubs. In one embodiment of the
`rality of game recording modes. In turn. this selection will
`present invention, for example, club-selection assistance
`define the order of display of subsequent pre-game and 5
`reports are provided which are based on an evaluation of the
`game-interactive screens. Generally speaking. the greater
`relationship between current game performance and extrin(cid:173)
`sic factors affecting play. such as weather, temperature, time
`the amount of detail and statistical information required by
`a user. the more information (and thus screens) he must enter
`of day, ball model/compression data. and similar relevant
`during golf play.
`Since information is recorded only once. during the 10 When the unit is turned on and the game recording
`module selected. one or more pre-game screens sequentially
`course of play while still fresh in the mind of the player. the
`information is more likely to be accurate. Moreover. the
`appear in logical order to request selection or definition of
`information need not be re-recorded after the game as may
`pre-game parameters such as the names of the players,
`be necessary with less portable, less comprehensive devices.
`information on the golf course to be played. the clubs being
`The second screen-changing key is non-sequential in 15 used. and the level of detail to be recorded by the golfer.
`operation and allows the golfer to break: out of the prede-
`When the pre-game screens have been filled in, the unit
`termined sequence of screens controlled by the sequential
`next displays one or more game-interactive screens corre-
`entry key as needed. In a preferred form the operation of this
`sponding to one of several game-interactive reporting
`non-sequential screen-changing key is screen-dependent. in
`modes, either chosen by default or by the golfer during the
`that the available choices of alternate screens will vary to 20 pre-game mode. In a particular embodiment of the invention
`logically complement the currently-displayed screen.
`the game-interactive reporting modes include a simple one
`Because a general output display is used, all available
`screen "scorecard" mode. an "easy track" mode providing
`screens are pre-formatted or "customized" to perform a
`additional detail. and a "detail track" mode in which the
`particular recording or reporting function. The flexibility or
`screen(s) is set up for recording a most-detailed set of data.
`number of specific reporting/recording functions is accord- 25
`In a preferred embodiment control is initially passed to
`ingly nearly unlimited; however. the method for inputting
`the scorecard screen after the pre-game screens have been
`data on each different screen is generally the same. facili-
`updated. regardless of the game-interactive mode selected.
`tating ease of use.
`Each game-interactive mode therefore consists of at least the
`As each screen is displayed it contains one or more data 30 scorecard screen and possibly one or more additional
`input fields. each with an associated plurality or range of
`screens. depending on the mode selected.
`data values which may be scrolled through and selected. For
`While the illustrated embodiment describes three game-
`example. on a' scorecard screen the field for a golfer's score
`interactive modes, it will be understood by those skilled in
`contains a set of values from 0 to, e.g .. 16. When the hole is
`the art that the number is dependent on the desire of the
`finished the golfer can scroll through the values in that field 35 programmer or the sport for which the unit is adapted.
`and select the number corresponding to his score for that
`Depending on the game-interactive reporting mode
`selected by the player, additional pre-game screens request-
`The method for tabbing from field to field on a particular
`ing further setup data may be displayed and the information
`screen requires only two tab keys, tab forward and tab back
`carried over into the game-interactive screen(s). Where the
`to permit the golfer to tab through each field on the screen 40 chosen level of recording detail is high, for example. the
`golfer will be prompted to enter data relating to a variety of
`from beginning to end as the game demands. Likewise, only
`two scroll keys are necessary for selecting values for a
`extrinsic factors having an effect on a golf game, such as
`chosen field, permitting the golfer to scroll up or down the
`weather conditions. temperature. wind, golf ball compres-
`range of values provided by the program. When the correct
`sion data. and the like.
`Player performance is impacted by both the player's skill
`value is chosen. the player simply tabs to the next field.
`The above-described handheld apparatus and method of
`and the extrinsic factors that may interfere with or enhance
`its operation results in a clear. easy to use system. Relative
`a player's shots during the course of a game. Player perfor-
`to the handheld apparatus and method of physical operation.
`mance includes such tracked statistics as average distance
`the screen display and sequencing methodology both
`per golf club. number of putts per hole. overall score and the
`complements the handheld unit and greatly increases its 50 like. Extrinsic factors include environmental dimensions. for
`flexibility and usefulness.
`example temperature. ground conditions. date and time. golf
`The memory of the handheld unit is provided with a
`ball compression and golf ball model number. to name a few.
`number of pre-game. game-interactive and post-game While player's skill most directly impacts game
`screens. each screen designed to fit on the generally-writable
`performance. extrinsic factors have an effect on player
`display of the handheld unit to comprehensively address a 55 performance to the extent that they interfere with or com-
`particular facet of the game. The computer unit is pro-
`pliment player's skill; for example. experienced players
`grammed to provide these in an orderly sequence which aids
`understand that shot distance with a given club will com-
`the golfer in preparing for. playing and reviewing a game of
`monly vary given different extrinsic factors such as weather
`and temperature. ground conditions. golf ball compression
`When the unit is first turned on. the player selects a game 60 and model number. or even the time of day.
`recording or statistical reporting mode or module. All infor-
`Player performance and extrinsic factor data is stored in
`mation recorded for a particular game in the game recording
`the apparatus of the present invention in such a manner as to
`mode is stored in the memory during the game, for subse-
`preserve relationShips between player performance data and
`quent statistical reporting via the statistical reporting mod-
`extrinsic factor data to provide a subsequent report to the
`ule. Statistical reporting is done automatically based upon 65 player.
`earlier entered data. and requires no calculation or additional
`Accordingly, and a further aspect of the invention and
`operation of the unit or entry of data by the player other than
`apparatus and method are provided for recording and report-
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1001, page 39


`ing player performance. selected

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