
`Ex. PGS 1072
`EX. PGS 1072


`; "Geoscientists and Engineers
`Offshore Surveying .for
`EX. PGS 1072


`Manual of
`Offshore Surveying for
`Geoscientists and
`London • We inheim • N ew York • To kyo • M elbourne • M adras


`Published by Chapman & Hall, 2—6 Boundary Row, London SE1 8HN, UK
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`First edition 1997
`© 1997 Chapman & Hall
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`ISBN 0 412 80550 2
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`List 4
`2 TnH*
`2 Datl
`3 Acc
`4 Intr
`5 Kali


`£ (*,•-*) v"i 2
`f = l
`- 1)
`°* f(n
`The last of the statistical terms we need to look at is covariance. If two randan variables x
`and y have expectations £ and vy respectively, then the covariance of x and y is defined as
`oxy = E { (x - %) (y - y) }
`Translating this from expectations to samples, we get
`£ ( x r X ) ( y r p )
`i = l
`avl, = ——T
`' V
`( n - 1 )
`Covariance is a term used extensively in least squares and Kalman filtering, and we shall
`investigate its uses later.
`Absolute accuracy
`General discussion
`Marine seismic survey positioning specifications are very often issued as a disjointed series
`of figures such as:
`• Argo
`• Feather
`• Shot interval
`• Compasses
`+/- 10 m
`+/- 5 m
`< 10 deg
`25 m+/-1.5 m
`< 1 degree from mean of all compasses


`iriables x
`we shall
`ted series
`Absolute accuracy
`Acoustics range
`+/- 2m
`What we really should be doing is specifying the survey in terms of the quantities we
`require. If we position the vessel to better than 10 m and the compasses are less than a degree from
`their mean value, what does that do to our receiver group positions? If the acoustic ranges are better
`than 2m what does that mean in terms of our source position? To say that we require the Argo
`tolerance to be better than 10m is really quite nonsensical. What we have to do is define a foolproof
`method so that we can ensure that, providing our specifications are met, our common mid point
`positions will have the required accuracy.
`Consider Figure 3.3 :
`Figure 3.3 Two-bearing fix.
`The arrowed lines represent two bearings from stations A and B. They intersect at point P,
`which is the position of the vessel. We therefore need just two lines of position (LOPs) to define a
`two-coordinate position in terms of eastings and northings or latitude and longitude or x and y. But
`nobody would accept that position because if one of the bearings is incorrect, then so too is the
`position. Now we add a third bearing from station C. as in Figure 3.4 :
`Figure 3.4 Three-bearing fix.


`Now the point F is not so easily defined; the obvious choice is to place it inside the triangle
`created by the three LOPs, but suppose the three bearings contained a systematic error which, if
`compensated for, shifted all three LOPs to the left? The result is that the position of the vessel is
`shifted to X, a point which is outside the original triangle. The answer here would be to model for
`the unknown systematic error — something which is done quite regularly for radio positioning
`ranges containing an unknown systematic scale error due to propagation.
`We can summarize the above by saying that although the position of the vessel is not known
`so precisely when we increase the number of bearings, there is a very good chance that if one or
`more of the bearings are in error the effect of the vessel's position will be less catastrophic, thereby
`increasing the accuracy.
`The rule is that to solve for n unknowns we need at least n observations. If we have more
`than n observations, we have redundancy.
`We can propagate this rule throughout the spread, ensuring that there is redundancy in
`finding all the parameters we want to know about, including the vessel position, the source
`positions, the streamer shapes, the tailbuoy positions and the receiver group positions.
`* Specification 1 —ensure that there are redundant observations for every facet of the entire
`We must also be careful not to go to the other extreme and provide over-redundancy in the
`system, because the computing time required to adjust a particular network increases as the square
`of the number of observations: in other words if we look at the vessel position on its own, the
`difference in computing time between using ten ranges and using three ranges is 100/9 or 11 times
`as long. Not to mention the increase in cost, which probably rises at the same proportional rate.
`Bin size and accuracy
`The only value in positioning the ship accurately is so that we can propagate that accuracy
`through our various in-spread systems. If we could somehow find absolute positioning points on the
`sources and streamers, the position of the vessel would become irrelevant. This is becoming a
`reality with the advent of shock-mounted DGPS and RGPS receivers on the sources and streamer
`Let us suppose that we are conducting a 3D survey in which the bin size is to be 50m long
`and 25m wide. How should we determine the accuracy of the common mid-points so that we can be
`confident of them falling in the right bins? We need to go back to our theory of standard deviations.
`Figure 3.5 shows the probability density function. The curve is a normal distribution,
`and it can be shown that for any population this curve will result. Its equation is
`the c
`if we


`ie triangle
`which, if
`s vessel is
`model for
`lot known
`. if one or
`c, thereby
`lave more
`adancy in
`lie so urce
`the entire
`ncy in the
`the square
`own. the
`r 11 times
`; accuracy
`nts on the
`coming a
`I streamer
`50m long
`we can be
`Absolute accuracy
`Figure 3.5 Probability density function.
`where a is the standard deviation and n is the total number of observations. The shaded area under
`the curve in Figure 3.5 is the area lying between -a and +a. We can use equation (3.12) to
`evaluate the area under the curve for various limits - see Table 3.2:
`Table 3.2 Area under the normal curve for various standard deviations
`-CT to +C7
`-2CT to +2CT
`-3CT to +3CT
`Now the percentage area under the curve given in column 2 of Table 3.2 is the percentage
`probability that any deviation is between the corresponding limits.
`Going back to our problem of how to specify the accuracy required for a bin width of 25 m.
`if we set the required standard deviation of a common mid point (CMP) to be 6.25 m we will be
`68.3% sure that all CMP's fall within ±6.25m, 95.4% fall within ±12.5m, and 99.7% fall within
`±18.75m. Only 0.3% will fall outside the limits of ±18.75m. We specified a bin width of 25m, so


`we can be 95.4% certain of CMPs falling in the right bin. This can be generalized into another
`• Specification 2 — the standard deviation of all common mid points should be 0.25 x nom­
`inal bin width.
`A basic assumption here is that the bin width is the overriding parameter, since the receiver
`groups cannot move so much in the inline direction. In the case of a bottom cable survey both bin
`width and bin length must be considered equally.
`Theoretically it should then be the contractor's task to demonstrate that he is achieving the
`desired standard deviation for the CMPs, but in practice this is all but impossible given the current
`state of available software. We shall show later in the book that when we compute a solution for a
`position we end up with a variance — covariance matrix that looks like this:
`where oE2 is the variance in the Eastings direction,
`CTn2 is the variance in the Northings direction,
`and OEN = oNE is the covariance of both parameters.
`The matrix in equation (3.13) gives us the standard deviation in the eastings and northings
`axes, but we can use the matrix further to give us the maximum and minimum axes of the resultant
`error ellipse.
`Note that we may wish to show the ellipse with axes of 2.5amax and 2.5CTmin t o guarantee to
`95% that the true position was within the ellipse.
`When surveyors refer to error ellipses they mean these ellipses derived from the variance-
`covariance matrix associated with the resultant position. We must be careful to note what scale
`factor (if any) has been applied to the ellipses.
`The navigation software on board the seismic vessel will be capable of giving an error


`Relative accuracy
`ellipse for the vessel position, and very often for the individual nodes of the in-spread network, but
`seldom for the sources, receiver groups and CMPs themselves. This is because the acoustic, laser,
`compass and tailbuoy elements are individually computed, and the task of propagating errors
`through the system to the sources and groups is quite complex and cumbersome. If the software
`gives an integrated solution then the source, group and midpoint ellipses can be derived very easily.
`Figure 3.6 Error ellipse.
`Relative accuracy
`In-spread accuracy
`In Section 3.3.2 we concluded that rarely would the navigation system be capable of
`producing absolute error ellipses for the CMPs so that we could ascertain the likelihood of any
`CMP falling in the correct bin.
`It is now well accepted that for a 3D survey the conventional use of layback and offset
`measurements to determine the source and front receiver group positions is inadequate; such
`positions are determined using a network of acoustic and/or laser range and bearing measurements.
`to another
`.25 x nom-
`he receiver
`;y both bin
`hieving the
`the current
`lution for a
`ind northings
`the resultant
`i guarantee to
`the variance-
`ie what scale
`mg an error

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