` Next Generatialm Streamer Pasiiitining System
`Page I
`Dave!-spment Dacnmcnt
`1) A streamer tantra! mi positianing ggvstem capable of meeting {ha damanés at future seismie
`surveys atquiroé with Four Dimcniien ffimv Lapse) and High Dansity {High Summer mum,
`smut! streamer sepamfinm) survey wtameters.
`'ffkVfn» . f" E‘
`i. M? E *4“ 2;? £1”
`§zr:a§:aésX%§a%:»:,i»i*%”“L-:1; W
`Crwtid by ME: Smmhsm
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2005, pg. 1
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2005, pg. 1

` Next Gemzraiimt Streamer Pasitiening System
`Beveiopment Bmcumeut
`in ordarfnr the system in funcfian at its npfimnm 10 and Conny: system wit! need to work t§§§2i3I
`it is expected there wifl be stverai areas of nveriap responaihifitiez The fofiowing am: line
`Elm§hou}d.actuaiIx‘ta1<eownersixigat‘thesgeefg'2Shozxid itbeCancag:sincemzywmzldézavethe
`/ ‘
`. M
`necessary in ibrmaiicsn to zieiermine which stmamcrs or parts thereofnwd H3 be: steered, arr shenld it ha
`10 who wauid have in transform the positicms as wlcuiszed by Cosmapt ink: commands M in ‘ix
`to the steering devices.
`- Wank! Concept accept
`or wifii ghwgym 1 M";
`and translats this into a1:-mi 3: gmigai shifts? ‘
`' Although Concept smxa do an the pasitisming caicuialinns, shouleiiiwy at
`d i H4-..‘=:n;._iIxe cable. other wursis mm ’ =3 aisai
`L which%,m§sy:m ,Ai§.gr§2zJsa_M
`mtmducing a scmnd interim: unit ii wauld make 5-mm for {he DMU to issue the command; ’E'_i3§;_
`.mmu%9£%gVA va§sam:mm%$mg$ &
`‘is affine sheifand aasflx uggggtled. Perhaps, mi: on a spectra machine, smmmunicating with Data
`server, which waulci wmmmimte with fin: mv*.IU.
`Tn be ab}: :9 steer the slrearners that: needs to be a refmence 160 star: against. This rsference can fither
`be a prepiot fine, CDP mlumns, coverage infomation, mm-data etc. Fmrm the caiwiated pusitian of
`the receivcxs, a position shifi to the referent}: can be caicuiated. This shift sxmid then ‘be gxassaii tn the
`‘ID “DMU” (hats can it DMU fat the sake of convenience) which wouki suixsequmfiy zraasmea this
`shift into mmmamis that the summer devices rewgnizer, in this case, it is the DMU that news :9
`decide haw much steering m exemise in the streamers. is} éxrdet :9 bring the streamers ta the desired
`kacatiorz. This wzmid imply that the DMD wmsld am to tie: the majority cf cabin mmieiiug. fits saié
`abmae, it may be wise ta aifimd fxrocessing ta mat so spacifiliaed 531' the sheif cemputers. As even
`though we are talking eff the shelf fur the new DMU it wit! sfiil be czmsiéerabiy mm‘: expensive than :4
`mp ufthe range PC‘
`Crntéii by $931!: Rumbas:
`IOME1 5988
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2005, pg. 2
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2005, pg. 2

` Next Gene;-atian Streamer Pusitiuniug System
`Deveiopmeni Document
`1. Funciionai Requirement
`Eéefine curmn: shortwmings ofthe acoxsszic posisioning syswm with tbs aim to avoid knmvn pmbiems.
`‘ :'
`::.u will need In be mriewed by experienced field staff. Here: is me
`, a§mou§1 as dizcussed at the last meeting, it may he ‘possibie ta
`have a system gmamisd deptcyment jab, that is katclfigzrst enough remake a warkable saiutiux: firm the
`deployed units, there would have is be same minimum threshuid.
`M3/'? A pramic ca‘ reset fimciivn whiz}: in effect nulis Dr
`To ggkgj exteni «in we water forwggpwggggxggi gfggzgag
`neutralizes any prewousiy Issued insiruefmns 15:: the éiz-emner steering dsavicss is mquifeii 59 ihai during
`system crashes or ether un§arese¢:n circumstances where we are not able ta wmrmk the system through the
`main system‘ This would avoid the sireamars to be stated in certain ziirestiam withmt having canfrsi avg:
`where exaczlyiisey are. fine idea is ta have the ability to comm-I {ram fna mi! hwy, via radia. The raékia
`(mild be low power high 1“reqm::my(1km wurkabie mags}, emitted fmm {he adjaaezm tail buoy. “Skis maid
`also be used in situatims Where we had teiemetry pmbiems, The :63! issue is $0 avoid -3 angle ifwe icxse an
`Haw do we know haw the cables are actuaily moving this way we instruct it Rzspmse speed avfthe waters;
`nceds in be addresséd. Feedback fiwam positicming system nesezls to include paraxnzterg that would enabie us
`to visualize this response. Cross- and hvfine through water speefi gmameters sprifzg in mind. This is
`something that would need extensive mmhemafical mndeiing, mt ta manfiun sea triafa
`Constraints new to ba set. Theta neeak us be 3 set nfconstraint that pwvcnis the wmmiling systam :0 issue
`ccmmzmds to the steering devim that are physisaily impxmihle ta achievs. Simglzions sausesd by poor at
`ezronéfius pasitizming due 10 for ezxampk: pm): acoustic pafurmsme shmdd not result $11 when
`steering. We must be able to msnnafly oversride system steering.
`Mathematical and Dynamic model of the siremner needs in be stmiiadaml tiecidari upon.
`&.$m?*fir%$z£%~.“§ Rafi. ‘:3: ME;
`w d be capable working in _
`In rafarance to slmatxsms with 3 {ml aum-mt not bad weaker, depth Iwsgzmg and repumug is very zmpomnt
`due tn frequmcy response «sizable. Increasing the number 01" reiiahie depth sensors (mt mnimilnrs} may
`make it passibie is) made} cabie respunse res? time, making it pussibke Kc» skoat with name depth pmbiams,
`Sn r_:;sition‘i 91'in _-.::= as
`2‘ 01: has .This shmxid bea,requirementifmat in tha iaitial Mg
`system but for future develapment. Since with mare infarrnation avaiiable and heme processing mefl'mds,Mi_§__ ”
` ¢A;g__mpgg_Vme un si
`attire rwi time; This win anew for grwtar flexibility an
`3 mwmfimdm
`WWWWW_,,,W,w.M..«» .
`" 53;! surfaes pQ$_K_i?n§§g___§I!']ji
`lmpmved datenninatitm ofihe ecmelrical ralatixm
`such as fiat example the relation between {hrs RGPS 1:40:15 an t a source ea am! the
`the source. his is when: 3- xv: guns 5 to
`Mulfi wessei scenarios need to be defined such as for zxamplca t may Be unwise to txy and
`make the system transmitter pawerfizi encxugh ‘ta have em: net ii): 2 sxressxxer vessals in CLO. The Satan}
`Han fimm ELI! point in the old Digicnum system needs to be: extended, as it sfiwld be 3 requireznem is:
`have a {nu net in aid:-by-sick streamer vessei operstiifins.
`‘figzzfimiwfi A W095 $‘£37i‘3‘j‘£’m’\{‘
`Cream} by Mike Erratum
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2005, pg. 3
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2005, pg. 3

` Next Generaiirm Streamer Pnsitiuning System
`Develcspment Document
`3. Streamer Depth, Position and Lateral Birectivity Cuzatmi
`3} Smem Ovarview Descrigtian.
`To facilitate efiiciem deployment and recovery the system_
`m inimum number csféevioes axtacéseé extemaiiygu ge ::aL«§g.j'be acousties seat to
`be reiiabie 1:: highly dynmnis: simatians such as for axampie timing ‘fine-change awi
`during emergency lweakaofi.
`- Where ever possible “finding” devious shouid he targated. qgg Moduies at néapter
`sactiuas batwszn at xvithigg active semiqn}.
`« W cm possible “In Water” units 5 on
`be mndufiar such that they wiii axscegsi
`heading zmdfur acoustic season as well as pcrfcmm streamer omtztai.
`Batteries slmuki not be used as the main paws: swrees fist in water equipment, but
`are acceptafile as baxck up pawer sources.
`Systam cnmmunicatinns ‘Band Widfif’ in in watxzr devices must nut: iimit ‘:22: system
`cycle time.
`Tc miziyte risk csfeqnipmem; damage during gmiods 9?‘ equipment or ecmtrcdlcr
`faiiure a3? wits sfiould have a “fail safa“ 11: “t1e1maf" mfig.
`in waier units shmiié have 3 servizzc 1 c a at Beast 5 yams amiaxx MTBF of at least 2
`years. Routine maintenance shcxu-Ed mi he necessary.
`Ofiratingggstnm shcsuizi am be 039. An efifiae shéf harfiware slandacrsi, utifiziag
`current easiiy avaiiabie tachnsflogy.
`Communication pmmcak fum: size “In Water” units is the ccntmiier mus: be ofa
`type that dues am Emit the number ciftmiiés possible per streamer.
`Communications protocol from “In Water” units shmsid aisa be at‘ 3 type mast wows
`for interfacing into Streams: Data Teiemstry strings Wham necessary.
`Ccmmunicaiims ?ro:ocoI shmxid aisn be capabie ofsupperting itseifave: lmg
`disianoes {nominal maximum (sf 12 Km is aoasptaifie) at suflicieni bamiwidtfin to
`wow ail mm fits to ba read widxvin -a wasonable 1"gjwbd. §flaminai
`maximum at 5 seconds; W C \{'Cz;-1??‘ TTVM
`Cnmmmiicatimts in ustry standards such 3:5 ACYM ur Qifferenfiai RS422 are pcxssihte
`candidates. The Trmsmissian pmixzml simuld bmiigixai aikwaing 52:1 may
`. mtction, and cieaning offlte signs}. This again requires a higher bandwidth.
`his a requirement to be abie ta) open user interfaces fmm iocatkms csfim" than the
`insu-asmem mam, such as far ammpie the back-decknr :'emcv12vessei& We have
`stveral optiims here. If the intedxca is via spestra, it can be rim via din :6 the mixer
`vesseis‘ lit may be siiglmy mote difficult :9 get a fixily functionai FEE based intsrface
`to a remote vessal, aiihough Terminal server is was o;:!:Bon.i£ shcruid be mutrsiiame
`L‘_#__j'om any natwmk wnnacted machine.
`User interface, Nice an be ablete have the system aeiztroilw ‘Emm any TCTPIIP
`connected machine an the boat. Rédmsa {he {saved 631' smnecessaty cybax {KVM
`switch an a hrget soak)
`The swaring fimcfixmaliiy shank} inciude a number uf modes:
`even saparatim mafia -=-M?) -$3-??é§:1E ‘VD ’1A':{-
`sepmtim Igeepsng ——..>;~,
`‘:3; i>‘r"z:4ezv7
`<s.c=§v"§9M?€'n3 W. W‘
`W 2)
`depkxyment made
`fine change made
`e "wttiwlsmggeringmade
`mic made
`empiates far user definable mafia:
`y” M§T'Mi§5verage mode
`QM” sieering against preplot or vessel track mode

` 3””?
` V
`,3» ‘
`Cretmi 515' Mile: Bur-dram
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2005, pg. 4
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2005, pg. 4

` Next Geueraiitm Streamer hsitioaixng System
`Page 5
`Development Bacument
`Parameters fur maximum ailsawabls steering‘ or farm: axzzrtezi hy the uréis, new
`to be strictly fiefineé, as this can have 5 :‘I_ei1'imeata£ effect an cabie smise.
`Simiiar tn adjacent wing mxgie spexzs in depth kwping.
`fireateé by Mélw Em-mum
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2005, pg. 5
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2005, pg. 5

` Next Generation Streamer Ptmitiuniug System
`Page 6
`Deveiopment Bocument

`b} Streamer Ilegh amt ateralCon1rg!*
`Pnsifiscining can be splitin infra katerai mi venicat pwitiunixig needs.
`Fusitiaming and Strseamer comm! are we eiennenrs, which in itselfare tmatiy
`differcnt but mugt be my clxxsaly integrated.
`The system must prmaide ‘berm ammo! thanthe Basia depth keeping mpahiiitias that3hfifiyé fgujm
`are available ‘tmiay.
`- ‘Z
`The depth keapiug c-haraéteristics 22:!£11: sums spreaé must be mcnitmzd am!
`‘A mjywzifi "“
`cmxtrafled as wail as at the Inca! in water unit Bevel. Ifisiow sarxier sasciliatfazis
`throughout some ur ail streamm causefi by dam ax vesse! murvcmmt must be
`manitqred ané gtanectefi as wall.
`533$ "?"3"E‘E§
`The minimum lift fume oftiw unit must he no Seas than 3W1*¢1awten’s. ’’”"'”°:?34 gg-§z{,,.3??" 3'5’;
`sum-2 dscgreé of Iaterai centre? wili be required.
`it is iikeiy met this Wm be very
`£3 mpg; 2
`important when streamers are xowad has than 5!} meters apart.
`~ ?£)_.;;g,,
`The iargct fox miaimurn iszterai lifi sheuld be at Eeasi 15%;! Newtozfis.
`Lataraf corxtroi at a system law! must be .nmnitored as weli as at $16 iudividuai unit
`Fewer for each unit should not ‘axceeé 2.1? watts
`~ Handling and instsilatixzn :31“ Each unit sfmuld reqaire no mm’: than one g:-amen.

`Back in watezr unit shmié town a measured wing 4);‘ fin magic as weli as irmaraa!
`Cnsmi hy Mike Barulusns
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2005, pg. 6
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2005, pg. 6

` Next Gene:-atinn Streamer Pursitiening System
`Page ?'
`Devekspmem Dmmment
`c) $33am Heading’ infgmggafim
`Each “in-water” uni: should be capable afhoushng xheading sensar.
`S H
`,_.v ;.?E
`Headinr u mt rquirutine caliun
`Heading sensor infmmstion shnnld be: availzbic fmm 313 “In Water” wits it» the
`svstem ccmroliax within 3 mximmn af 1 secxmd.
` ’C__,,,,:3."¥
`,,%~£Z§l‘» mtg?» *5~*’3’fl3‘??"
`:1) Szstam Acfis Informgicm.
`Each “In Water” unit she:-aid; he capabie ufpmcessing aoaustis data ifreqcxired.
`Ali smustic ranges sailccted must be am: 20 be reportsd back ta ‘the cmxtraliar
`within a raasonabie period oftimes. momma} mg 3 seconds} “Q Lg ayfl
`Commuaiuafims Frmawl simuid not fimit the number ufacaustic sen or: passibfie
`per slzeames,
`?§f3Z.gT3 59% In-Line rangingbeiwccn accmsti: seams shunts? he posgiiirit.'
`Acousticrangm shauid ‘be accurate and repeatahie inwith
`Sound Veleciiy sensors will need in 133 insorperated into some In Wait?’ H1133 am
`mach streamer,
`'e acoustic systzm shmsifi mt sums: of exaessiw cyciastimes sin: :0 a med fer
`gaming cf rangzs. The mark £2: gating in today’s sysbems efio.-an restrits in xmacceptahfy
`high cycle-times. Especially in highly éymunic coniitima tlaa gating stars: to pkay a
`ificamrole. Ifgating must be mad than £1 shcmid be fiynamic,
`M‘ g“./""’
` ‘[3 ,1»;gig ;;;g;~“§{ ?.b£.£\.L~.:sEAC,‘{Z«
`Errata! by ‘Misc: Bvamkam
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2005, pg. 7
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2005, pg. 7

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