Ex. PGS 1035

`3D Seismic Imaging
`Biondo L. Biondi
`Investigations in Geophysics Series No. 14
`Michael R. Cooper, series editor
`Gerry Gardner, volume editor
`Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A.
`Ex. PGS 1035

`ISBN 0-931830-46-X
`ISBN 1-56080-137-9
`Society of Exploration Geophysicists
`P. 0. Box 702740
`Tulsa, OK 74170-2740
`©2006 by Society of Exploration Geophysicists
`All rights reserved. This book or parts hereof may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from
`the publisher.
`Published 2006
`Printed in the United States of America
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Biondi, Biondo, 1959-
`3D seismic imaging I Biondo L. Biondi.
`p. em.-- (Investigations in geophysics; no. 14)
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 0-931830-46-X --ISBN 1-56080-137-9
`1. Three-dimensional imaging. 2. Seismic reflection method. I. Title. II. Title: Three dimensional seismic
`Ex. PGS 1035

`' .
`Chapter 9
`Imaging and Partial Subsurface Illumination
`In Chapter 8, we analyzed how the spatial sampling
`rate influences image quality. If data sampling is not suffi(cid:173)
`ciently dense, the seismic image may lose resolution and/or
`it may be affected by artifacts.
`Unfortunately, however, density of spatial sampling is
`not the only problem encountered with realistic 3D acquisi(cid:173)
`tion geometries. An even more common problem is irreg(cid:173)
`ularity of the spatial sampling. Often, irregular sampling in
`space is a product of practical constraints, examples of which
`include cable feathering in marine acquisition and surface
`obstacles in land acquisition. In other cases (e.g., with but(cid:173)
`ton-patch geometries), irregular sampling geometry might
`be inherent in the survey design.
`The main effect of irregular sampling geometries is
`either uneven illumination or incomplete illumination of the
`subsurface. Such partial illumination causes distortions in
`the image. In milder cases, distortions are limited to the
`image amplitudes, and they are clearly visible in depth or
`time slices. Those distortions often are called acquisition
`footprint. Figure 1 shows an example of acquisition foot(cid:173)
`prints in a migrated depth slice taken from a marine data set.
`On the right-hand side, horizontal striping is clearly visible,
`superimposed over the image of a complex turbidite sys(cid:173)
`tem with crossing channels. The horizontal striping is not
`linked to geology; it is along the direction of the sailing
`lines of the recording vessel.
`When subsurface illumination is not only uneven but is
`also incomplete, the phase of the image is distorted, and
`strong artifacts are created. At the limit, when the acquisi(cid:173)
`tion geometry has holes, the data are aliased, at least lo(cid:173)
`cally. In such cases, a distinction between the effects of
`coarse sampling (which we called aliasing in Chapter 8)
`and the effects of irregular geometries obviously is artifi(cid:173)
`cial. However, it helps to analyze such effects separately
`and to develop independent methods for alleviating the
`Either uneven or incomplete illumination can be caused
`by complexity of the velocity function in the overburden,
`as well as by irregular acquisition geometries. Imaging under
`salt edges is an example of an important task that suffers
`from partial illumination of the reflectors. The problem
`often is caused by sharp velocity-model variations that pre(cid:173)
`vent the seismic energy either from reaching the reflectors
`or from propagating back to the surface. Although the im(cid:173)
`mediate causes of partial illumination differ in the two
`cases- irregular acquisition geometry versus complex over(cid:173)
`burden -
`the final manifestation is the same: The wave(cid:173)
`field is not sampled sufficiently at depth for migration to
`image the reflectors without artifacts. The concepts and
`methods used to address the uneven-illumination problem
`are similar, regardless of its origin, and consequently I pres(cid:173)
`ent them in a unified manner.
`When illumination is uneven but without gaps, the
`image can be improved substantially by a simple normal(cid:173)
`ization of the imaging operator or, as it often is called, by
`an operator equalization. In this chapter, we introduce the
`basic concepts of operator equalizations, using a simple
`imaging operator- interpolation followed by partial stack(cid:173)
`ing -
`as a proxy for more corpplex imaging operators. In
`cases when uneven illumination of the reflectors relates
`mostly to irregular acquisition geometry and the velocity in
`the overburden is fairly simple, the DMO or AMO opera(cid:173)
`tors (Chapter 3) are normalized (Beasley and Mobley,
`1988; Canning and Gardner, 1998; Chemingui, 1999). In
`more complex situations, in which the velocity in the over(cid:173)
`burden is sufficiently complex to distort the wavefield or
`even to cause illumination gaps, normalization should be
`applied in the image domain after full prestack migration
`(Bloor et al., 1999; Rickett, 2003).
`Simple normalization of the imaging operators is not
`sufficient to remove imaging artifacts when illumination
`gaps are large. In such conditions, the data-modeling op(cid:173)
`erator- which usually is defined as the adjoint of the im(cid:173)
`aging operator- should be inverted by a regularized inver(cid:173)
`sion methodology. As is true for operator equalization, the
`methods proposed in the literature for inverting imaging
`operators can be divided. into algorithms based on partial
`prestack migration (Ronen, 1987; Ronen and Liner, 2000;
`Chemingui and Biondi, 2002) and those based on full
`prestack migration. The methods use either a Kirchhoff
`I I
`Ex. PGS 1035

`1 24
`3D Seismic Imaging
`operator (Nemeth et al., 1999; Duquet et al., 2000) or a
`wavefield-continuation operator (Prucha and Biondi, 2002;
`Kuehl and Sacchi, 2002).
`Iterative inversion is expensive, especially when a full
`prestack-migration operator is inverted. In this chapter, I
`present a noniterative method for regularizing the model
`space. It improves the quality of the reconstructed data
`without the computational cost of an iterative inversion.
`However, when there are large acquisition gaps or when the
`complexity of the overburden is responsible for incomplete
`illumination of the reflectors, expensive iterative regular(cid:173)
`ized inversion is unavoidable. At the end of this chapter, we
`discuss some potential applications of iterative inversion.
`Equalization of imaging operators
`To explore the methods used to equalize imaging op(cid:173)
`erators, I employ interpolation followed by partial stacking
`as a proxy of more complex imaging operators. As a proxy,
`interpolation has the advantage of being simple, easy to
`understand, and easy to manipulate analytically. Its analy(cid:173)
`sis will lead us to discuss fundamental issues regarding
`spatial interpolation of seismic traces and normalization, or
`equalization, of imaging operators. The lessons we learn by
`using interpolation are applicable to the equalization of
`several imaging operators.
`Stacking is the operation of averaging seismic traces
`by summation. It is an effective way to reduce the size of
`data sets and to enhance reflections while attenuating
`noise. To avoid attenuating the signal along with the noise,
`the reflections need to be coherent among the traces that
`are being stacked. To increase trace coherency, we can
`Inline midpoint (m)
`::: ·s
`Q} 4000
`"' "' 8
`apply simple normal moveout (NMO) before stacking, or a
`partial-prestack-migration operator such as DMO or AMO
`(Chapter 3).
`Global stacking of all the traces recorded at the same
`midpoint location, regardless of their offset and azimuth, is
`the most common type of stacking. Partial stacking aver(cid:173)
`ages only those traces with their offset and azimuth within
`a given range. Partial stacking is useful if we want to pre(cid:173)
`serve differences among traces when those differences are
`functions of the trace offset and azimuth and thus we must
`avoid global averaging. AVO studies are a useful applica(cid:173)
`tion of partial stacking. Partial stacking also is useful when
`simple transformations, such as NMO, are not sufficient to
`correct for the differences in time delays among traces with
`very different offsets and azimuths. Such a situation is com(cid:173)
`mon when velocity variations cause nonhyperbolic move(cid:173)
`outs in the data. Because data redundancy is low in partial
`stacking, the results of partial stacking are more likely to be
`affected by artifacts related to irregular acquisition geom(cid:173)
`etries than are the results of global stacking. Thus, in this
`section, I will focus my analysis on partial stacking, but the
`methods I present here obviously can be applied to global
`stacking operators too.
`To start our analysis, I define a simple linear model
`that links the recorded traces (at arbitrary midpoint loca(cid:173)
`tions) to the stacked volume (defined on a regular grid).
`Each data trace is the result of interpolating the stacked
`traces and is equal to the weighted sum of the neighboring
`stacked traces. The interpolation weights are functions of
`the distance between the midpoint location of the model
`trace and the midpoint location of the data trace. The sum
`of all the weights corresponding to one data trace usually is
`equal to one. Because the weights are independent of time
`along the seismic traces, for notational simplicity, we col(cid:173)
`lapse the time axis and consider each element di of the data
`space (recorded data) d and each element mj of the model
`space m (stacked volume) as representing a whole trace.
`The relationship between data and model is linear and can
`be expressed as
`di = L.j lij mj, subject to the constraint Lj lu = 1.
`In matrix notation, equation 9.1 becomes
`Figure 1 . Example of acquisition footprint in a migrated
`depth slice. The horizontal stripes are related to the acquisi(cid:173)
`tion sail lines. Notice that the stripes bend when the reflectors
`start to dip in the vicinity of the salt (xm ~ 5500 m).
`The simplest and crudest spatial interpolation is a near(cid:173)
`est-neighborhood interpolation. For example, if we have
`three model traces and four data traces and we use a simple
`nearest-neighborhood interpolator, equation 9.2 becomes
`Ex. PGS 1035

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