
`Ex. PGS 1030
`EX. PGS 1030


`United States Patent [19J
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`4,967,400 10/1990 Woods ...................................... 367/21
`5,058,080 10/1991 Siems eta!. .............................. 367/79
`5/1997 Mastin eta!. ............................. 367/15
`Inventor: Loring C. Chien, Katy, Tex.
`[73] Assignee: Syntron, Inc., Houston, Tex.
`[21] Appl. No.: 09/044,740
`Mar. 19, 1998
`Int. Cl.7
`....................................................... GOlV l/22
`U.S. Cl . ................................ 367/21; 367176; 181/110
`Field of Search .................................. 367/15, 16, 76,
`367/21, 79, 78, 18, 20, 80; 340/854.1; 181!110,
`References Cited
`Primary Examiner-Christine Oda
`Assistant Examiner-Anthony Jolly
`AttorneJ\ Agent, or Firm--Gunn & Associates, P.C.
`A technique and a system provide control and monitoring of
`devices external to a marine seismic streamer by segmenting
`the conductor to which the external devices are coupled. The
`module which connects sections of the seismic data telem(cid:173)
`etry cable is modified to include a switch. The switch is
`controlled by a command signal on the seismic data telem(cid:173)
`etry cable to segment the twisted pair bus into a plurality of
`dedicated busses, each dedicated to a subset of the external
`devices, such as one or two such devices. In this way, the
`external devices can be communicated with in parallel,
`rather than in series as in conventional systems.
`4,709,355 11/1987 Woods eta!. ............................. 367/16
`18 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
`Ex. PGS 1031
`Ex. PGS 1030


`\J'J. •
`Ex. PGS 1031
`Ex. PGS 1030


`\J'J. •
`Ex. PGS 1031
`Ex. PGS 1030


`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 3 of 4
`4t{ ---+----+--------1:
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`Ex. PGS 1031
`Ex. PGS 1030


`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 4 of 4
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`Ex. PGS 1031
`Ex. PGS 1030


`The present invention relates generally to the field of
`marine seismic acquisition systems and, more particularly,
`to the control and monitoring of devices as.5ociated with or
`coupled to a marine seismic streamer, including cable
`levelers, heading indicators, and acoustic echo-locating
`positioning equipment.
`In marine seismic exploration, a vessel tows acoustic
`sources and one or more hydrophones arrayed in a streamer.
`Various heading sensors are also included, generally within
`or associated with one or more cable levelers. Each of the
`devices is connected to but external to the streamer through
`a magnetic coil type coupling, which allows free rotation of
`the external devices and waterproof connections.
`The streamer, along with strength members, hydrophones,
`couplings, and other components, includes a high data rate
`conductor for carrying seismic and telemetry data. This high
`data rate conductor is generally connected in lengths of 25
`about 150 meters by a series of modules, which among other
`functions ensures the amplitude and fidelity of the data. The
`streamer also includes a low data rate communications
`conductor, referred to herein as a tv.risted pair bus, for
`command and control of the various external devices. A5
`used herein, the twisted pair bus may also be referred to as
`the control conductor. Magnetic coils for communicating
`with external devices are connected directly to this bus.
`The modules previously referred to serve as repeaters and
`amplifiers for the high data rate seismic and telemetry data
`being carried by the high data rate conductor. The twisted
`pair bus also passes through each of the modules, but in
`known systems the twisted pair bus has no connections to
`any other components within each module through which it
`This system of streamer high and low speed data conduc(cid:173)
`tors has proved effective in conducting seismic surveys but
`it suffers a number of drawbacks. For example, since the
`twisted pair bus is one long continuous conductor from the
`vessel to the end of the streamer, external devices coupled to
`the streamer must be communicated with in series. This
`significantly slows the process of querying and commanding
`the external devices. Also, if one of the external devices
`develops a fault, such as a short circuit, then the entire
`external communications system is generally out of com(cid:173)
`mission and the streamer must be retrieved to isolate the
`fault, and then fault isolation can be a tedious undertaking.
`The long, relatively low speed communications lines in
`the streamer, due to their length, limit the data bandwidth. 55
`Furthermore, as a signal is conducted along this communi(cid:173)
`cation channel, which is often thousands of meters long,
`signal strength decreases. The length of the twisted pair bus
`also has a direct, detrimental effect of the useful life of the
`charge of batteries in some of the external devices, because 60
`they must put out a high power signal in order to be able to
`communicate from the very end of the streamer.
`Sea water in-leakage is also an all too common problem
`with seismic streamers as they are towed behind a vessel.
`Minor damage to the skin around the streamer components
`may develop leaks which permit sea water to invade the
`streamer when it is towed at depth. Even a minor electrical
`ground in a portion of the twisted pair bus will ground the
`entire length of the bus, since the bus is one continuous
`conductor in known systems. This characteristic also makes
`it very difficult to pinpoint the location of such a fault in the
`s streamer for diagnostics and repair.
`Thus, there remains a need for a way to isolate each of the
`external devices connected to a streamer so that each can he
`queried and commanded in parallel, and so that a fault in an
`external device can be isolated from the rest of the streamer.
`The present invention addresses these and other draw(cid:173)
`backs of the prior art by providing a technique and a system
`15 to segment the conductor to which the external devices are
`coupled. The module which connects sections of the seismic
`data telemetry cable is modified to include a switch. The
`switch is controlled by a command signal on the seismic data
`telemetry cable and, on loss of power, the switch fails to a
`20 position for operation in the conventional mode. In other
`words, on a loss of power, the switch provides a default
`position to permit continued standard operation of the sys-
`Upon a command to operate in an enhanced mode, the
`switch is positioned so that the external device control
`conductor is segmented into a series of dedicated busses,
`each bus dedicated to a specific module. A modem is
`provided in each module to serialize data to the external
`devices and to multiplex data into parallel (i.e., byte) form
`30 for communication over the module's high speed data links
`to the vessel or other receiver.
`In this way, all of the external devices coupled to the
`streamer can be addressed and heard in parallel, rather than
`each in turn. This system also provides the capability of
`35 isolating faults within the streamer. Further, the enhanced
`capabilities can be exploited for systems with the data
`handling capability, while continuing to operate with sys(cid:173)
`tems of the conventional form. The present invention is
`applicable to seismic cables in general, including land-
`40 based, ocean bottom, and streamer cables, but is preferably
`adapted for marine seismic streamers.
`These and other features of the present invention will be
`apparent to those of skill in the art from a review of the
`following detailed description along with the accompanying
`45 drawings.
`FIG. 1 depicts a sea-going water craft tov.ring a marine
`so seismic system.
`FIG. 2 provides additional details of a prior art seismic
`FIG. 3 is a simplified schematic drawing of a prior art
`module within the seismic streamer.
`FIG. 4A is a schematic drawing of an improved module
`of the present invention, operating in the conventional mode.
`FIG. 4B is a schematic drawing of an improved module
`of the present invention, operating in an enhanced mode.
`The system depicted in FIG. 1 is a data acquisition and
`control system 10 designed for marine seismic operations.
`65 The system's modular design provides the user with an
`integrated control and position system that can be custom(cid:173)
`ized to meet the particular needs of each survey. The system
`Ex. PGS 1031
`Ex. PGS 1030


`comprises a shipboard controller 14 aboard a vessel16 and
`in-water remote units 12.
`The in-water remote units 12 include air gun arrays 18,
`which may be of many well known types. Accompanying
`each gun array 18 is a set of gun acoustic units 20 and 5
`associated tow fish acoustic units 22 deployed below. The
`system also includes a tail buoy 24 and an associated tow
`fish acoustic unit 26 at the end of each streamer 30, for
`The system may also include a tow buoy 28 and either a 10
`gun acoustics unit or a surface mount unit. The gun acoustics
`unit provides precise location of the seismic energy source
`relative to a fixed reference point, while the surface mount
`acoustic unit is used in locations where the use of streamer(cid:173)
`mounted remote units would be impractical.
`Spaced along each streamer is a plurality of depth control
`devices 32, commonly referred to a birds. A depth control
`device 32 may also include a float tube 34 attached to it.
`As used in this disclosure, each of the devices along the
`streamers which require communication with the boat
`through the streamer are referred to collectively as external
`devices. Each of the external devices is coupled to the
`streamer by a know11 electromagnetic coil arrangement to
`control and monitoring.
`Also spaced along each streamer is a set of modules 36.
`The modules provide coupling for high data rate transmis(cid:173)
`sion of seismic data and telemetry accumulated by the
`appropriate external devices. The modules also serve as
`mechanical support for relatively low data rate conductors 30
`for control and monitoring of other appropriate external
`devices, although the low data rate conductors in known
`systems do not communicate with other components within
`the modules. In the present invention, however, the low data
`rate conductors are connected through switches within the 35
`modules 36, as shown and described below.
`FlG. 2 depicts a known seismic streamer communication
`system. The vessel or boat 40 controls both the seismic
`acquisition streamer electronics and the external devices.
`Each of the external devices terminates independently into
`one or more systems for communication with the boat 40.
`Seismic data telemetry 42 has no signal connections to the
`external device system twisted pair signal bus 44. Modules
`46 are located at intervals alone the cable for seismic
`acquisition surveys.
`One such know11 module 46 is shown in great detail in
`FIG. 3. The seismic data telemetry lines 42 provide
`bi-directional communication to a command/data repeater
`50 within the module. The module 46 also includes internal
`devices 52 and 54 for internal operation of the module.
`Particularly noteworthy in connections to the module 46 is
`the fact that the twisted pair bus 44 passes straight through
`the module 46 with no internal connections within the
`As shm~m in FIGS. 2 and 3, communications coils 47 pass
`signals from the twisted pair bus 44 to a corresponding coil
`49 that are part of an external device 48. In a conventional
`streamer cable, 20-60 modules may be positioned every 150
`meters apart, for example. The cable sections that contain
`the seismic data telemetry wires 42 and the twisted pair bus 60
`44 and coil47 are provided with connectors (not shown) and
`are modular for easy maintenance.
`The communications channels on the twisted pair bus 44
`commonly use modulation schemes such as frequency shift
`keying (FSK) in known systems. Carrier frequencies are in 65
`the range of 27 KHz. Alternatively, these communications
`channels may use phase shift keying (PSK) with similar
`frequencies and bandwidths. In known systems, as shown in
`FIGS. 2 and 3, the bandwidth is significantly limited because
`of the continuous length of the twisted pair bus 44.
`Each external device 48 is attached to the streamer cable
`by means of a rotating collar (not shovv11) which allows the
`device to S\vivel around the circumference of the cable but
`keep the device internal coil 49 positioned properly relative
`to the cable internal coil 47. Thus, each external device 48
`communicates with the streamer cable by electromagnetic
`coupling between the coils 47 and 49.
`As shown in FIGS. 4A and 4B, the present invention thus
`provides communication between the twisted pair bus 44
`and the seismic data telemetry 42 v.rithin an improved
`module 60. The module 60 is adapted to be installed in
`15 existing systems, to save on retrofit costs, while providing
`enhanced operating capability as the system to which it is
`attached is upgraded. This permits usage of currently
`installed equipment, such as the same sections of streamer
`cable, birds, and other external devices, which provides an
`20 advantage to those upgrading seismic exploration systems.
`A relay 62 provides two modes of operation. A first mode
`of operation, shown in FIG. 4A, is referred to as normal or
`standard mode since, in this mode, the improved module 60
`operates in the same mode as module 46, with the twisted
`25 pair bus 44 passing through the module 60 with no com(cid:173)
`munication with the other circuits in the module. Upon loss
`of power, the relay 62 fails to the position depicted in FIG.
`In the enhanced mode, shown in FIG. 4B, the relay 62 is
`switched and the signal on the twisted pair bus 44 is fed into
`a modem 64. In this mode of operation, other modifications
`to the electronics on the vessel for controlling, receiving,
`and transmitting data are required in order to handle the
`alternate data paths in the normal and enhanced modes of
`operation. The modifications are described below, in greater
`The relay 62 is controlled by a command module 66. If the
`command module 66loses power or receives "off'' logic, the
`40 relay 62 is also non-energized (i.e., normal mode). This is
`accomplished by selecting a relay with the normally closed
`contacts used for normal mode, and power for the relay is
`taken from circuit power.
`In addition, the command module 66 interprets signals
`45 coming from the vessel 40 (See FIG. 2). If the signal to
`operate in the enhanced mode is sent from the vessel, then
`the relay 62 is energized. Likewise, a command to operate
`in the normal mode causes the relay to be non-energized.
`The advantage to this is that power loss, or the seismic
`50 telemetry system not being available or malfunctioning, will
`not fully disable the external device system, since the
`external devices are normally battery equipped. The external
`device system can operate in a conventional manner with
`conventional equipment until such time as the cable is again
`55 powered and commands sent to operate in the enhanced
`In FIG. 4B, the relay 62 is shown energized and thus the
`module 60 is in the enhanced mode. Now in the enhanced
`mode, each segment of the twisted pair bus between mod(cid:173)
`ules 60 is isolated from all other similar segments of the
`twisted pair. Now each module 60 has a relatively short,
`dedicated bus coupling the module 60 with a dedicated
`external device 48. Operation of the streamer cable is more
`reliable in this mode, since the any fault such as a short in
`any one segment of the cable will not effect any other such
`segment. Fault isolation along the streamer is also much
`easier in this mode.
`Ex. PGS 1031
`Ex. PGS 1030


`Each module 60 now assumes responsibility for relaying
`communications to and from the external devices 48 located
`on its local segment of the twisted pair bus 44. Because the
`module 60 has high speed communications optimized for
`large amounts of data (typically 14 megabits per second),
`sending single bytes at the rates required by the external
`devices 48 (2400 bits per second) can be handled as sub(cid:173)
`channels. Each byte of data sent by the vessel to a particular
`external device is sent to all modules 60 over the seismic
`data telemetry line 42. Each module simultaneously receives 10
`the data in its command module 66, sends it to a module
`status/control unit 68, which in turn sends the data to a
`Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UAR1) 70.
`In general, the UART 70 receives a byte of data from an
`input/output (IIO) bus such as the module status/control unit 15
`68 at computer or system clock speed, then at a much slower
`speed it sends a start bit, a number of bits of data, and a stop
`bit to the switch via the modem 64. UARTs are well known
`in the art, such as an Intel 16550, and may also be found
`embedded in a microprocessor or implemented in the firm(cid:173)
`ware of a microprocessor. The serial output of the UART is
`set to the 2400 bits per second of the external device 48 and
`sent to the modem 64. The modem takes the serial data and
`drives the twisted pair in the preferred modulation scheme.
`This scheme may be FSK as described above.
`The external device 48 receives this data in a conventional
`manner. Upon receiving a recognized message in the form of
`a sequence of bytes, the external device can be commanded
`to carry out a specified function or send back data.
`Specifically, these devices are addressable so that broadcast
`messages can address a single device on any bus.
`For data flow in the other direction, data sent from the
`external device 48 is received by the modem 64, converted
`to a digital serial data stream, and decoded to bytes by the
`UART 70. The UART 70 receives data one bit at a time until
`the entire byte is assembled. It then generates an interrupt to
`the seismic data telemetry portion of the system so the
`system will read the new data from the UART. The byte is
`communicated to the local data transmitter unit 72 via the
`module status/control unit 68. The local data transmitter unit
`72 is then responsible for embedding the 2400 baud data into
`the 14-megabit per second stream to the vessel via a data
`unit 74.
`Since data packets are identifiable as to which module 60
`originated them (so that the seismic data can be correctly
`mapped), the data corresponding to external devices 48 may
`also be inferred.
`The concept that there are multiple parallel paths back to
`a recorder in the 20-60 modules of the system allows 50
`external devices to communicate back to the vessel in
`parallel, a significant improvement over existing systems.
`By broadcasting a global message. i.e., one addressed to all
`devices, all devices can be made to transmit back simulta(cid:173)
`neously or in groups. For example, one may have one bird
`and one compass associated with each module local bus, i.e.,
`a segment of the twisted pair bus 44. In a typical system of
`40 modules, a group of 40 birds can first be interrogated as
`to depth, then a group of 40 compasses can be interrogated
`as to heading. In a conventional system, this would take 80 60
`separate commands to interrogate to 80 devices and wait for
`80 replies in sequence due to the shared nature of the long
`bus 44 of FIGS. 2 and 3.
`The above description describes the basic operation of the
`preferred form to the invention. The present invention is also
`adaptable to different lengths of cable, distance between
`modules, and lengths of the short bus, for greater flexibility
`of an entire streamer system. In place of a conventional
`seismic data bus, a fiber optic or other telemetry means with
`greater band width may be used, since a large number of
`external devices may be transmitted to and/or received from
`in parallel. Also, with a properly implemented multiplexing
`scheme or different modulation schemes, different bit rates
`for seismic telemetry and external device communication
`telemetry may be used.
`As new external devices are developed, the present inven(cid:173)
`tion provides the capability to incorporate the new devel(cid:173)
`opments into existing streamers having this invention
`installed. Different modules having alternate embodiments
`may be included which allow introduction of auxiliary data
`to be transmitted between the vessel different types of
`external device.
`By segmenting the twisted pair bus into small lengths, it
`becomes feasible to couple external devices directly to the
`bus, rather than through coils as in the current state of the art.
`This invention is also applicable to seismic cable telemetry
`20 systems other than marine, such as land and/or ocean bottom
`cables. Furthermore, cable data other than seismic may be
`handled where low speed auxiliary data may be added to an
`existing high speed data stream.
`As previously mentioned, certain modifications to the
`controller aboard the vessel or elsewhere are required to
`accommodate this invention. In the current state of seismic
`arts, systems generally employ multiple streamers (i.e. up to
`16) and bird lines sometimes go to gun strings. Bird manu-
`30 facturers such as Syntron, Digicourse generally furnish
`"controllers" aboard the vessel which are computers
`equipped with multiple modem ports, one port for each
`streamer/bird line that the controller may communicate with.
`A modem port consists of a modem and UART which, for
`35 outbound commands from the computer to the external
`devices, serialize and encode the data as previously
`described. For inbound data, the data is decoded,
`deserialized, and communicated to the CPU of the control(cid:173)
`ler. The CPU responds to user commands and forwards
`40 specific setup commands to the external devices.
`Periodically, the CPU sends query commands to the external
`devices and receives data in reply from the devices indicat(cid:173)
`ing heading, depth, wing angle, and acoustic transit times.
`The data is processed and forwarded to navigation systems
`45 and logging devices. There is also a local screen display on
`the vessel, generally graphical with selectable views to
`report this information.
`Known seismic recorders issue commands and receive
`data from individual streamers. The data is serial but trans(cid:173)
`mitted at much higher data rates than the data on bird lines.
`Therefore, the commands and data must be repeated at
`intervals along the streamer such as intervals between mod(cid:173)
`ules. The recorder receives a complex set of serialized data,
`consisting of preamble, data, source address, error checking
`55 information, as well as module information such as internal
`temperature, pressure, power supply voltage and current,
`and serial number. Frequently, this information is sent in a
`multiplexed format where the data may span a period of
`In the present invention, bytes to and from external
`devices just become another piece of information multi(cid:173)
`plexed into the complex stream of data already being sent to
`and received from the modules. The logic circuits and
`processors contained \vithin the recorder process the incom-
`65 ing streamer complex data stream and extract the various
`parts and direct them to the correct destination. In practice,
`one may buffer an entire message (a combination of, for
`Ex. PGS 1031
`Ex. PGS 1030


`example, 4 to 32 bytes from an external device) from each
`module into temporary memory. Then, the completed mes(cid:173)
`sage can be forwarded to the controller via a network link
`(i.e. ethernet lOBase-T) for processing of content. This
`requires the controller to accept ethernet input and the input s
`to be substituted for the modem port output. Likewise, by
`sending outbound commands to the recorder, the recorder
`would embed these commands into the outgoing streamer
`command signal. Both the modem ports and the ethernet
`connection may be retained to facilitate using either normal 10
`mode or enhanced mode, respectively. The detection of
`ethernet data or modem data is handled automatically in this
`A part of the recorder rna y also be programmed to process
`external device data and display the data on the screens
`normally used for streamer information, thus replacing the
`controller. The recorder forwards data to navigation and
`logging systems, and periodically sources the query com(cid:173)
`The principles, preferred embodiment, and mode of 20
`operation of the present invention have been described in the
`foregoing specification. This invention is not to be construed
`as limited to the particular forms disclosed, since these are
`regarded as illustrative rather than restrictive. Moreover,
`variations and changes may be made by those skilled in the 25
`art without departing from the spirit of the invention.
`I claim:
`1. A system to control and monitor external devices
`external to a seismic cable behind a vessel and wherein each
`of the devices is connected to the cable through an associ- 30
`ated magnetic coil coupling, the system comprising:
`a. a plurality of seismic data telemetry conductors, each of
`the plurality of seismic data telemetry conductors com(cid:173)
`i. a command line outbound from the vessel, and
`ii. a data transmission line inbound toward the vessel;
`b. a plurality of modules, with one of the plurality of
`modules between each of the plurality of data telemetry
`c. a plurality of control conductors, each control conduc(cid:173)
`tor providing control to one of a plurality of devices
`external to the sei5mic cable, wherein each of the
`plurality of control conductors is coupled to an asso(cid:173)
`ciated module; and
`d. a switch in each of the plurality of modules to selec(cid:173)
`tively connect one of the plurality of control conductors
`to an associated data telemetry conductor.
`2. The system of claim 1, wherein the switch in each of
`the plurality of modules receives operational power from an so
`associated control conductor.
`3. The system of claim 2, wherein the switch in an
`unpowered condition connects control conductors in series.
`4. The system of claim 1, wherein the seismic cable is a
`marine seismic streamer.
`5. The system of claim 1, further comprising a modem
`selectively coupleable between a control conductor and a
`seismic data telemetry conductor by a switch.
`6. The system of claim 5, further comprising a command
`unit in each module.
`7. The system of claim 6, wherein the command unit
`operates to control the position of the switch.
`8. The system of claim 6, further comprising a module
`status/control unit coupled to the command unit to receive
`communications from the command unit directed to an 65
`external device.
`9. The system of claim 8, further comprising an asyn(cid:173)
`chronous receiver/transmitter coupled between the module
`status/control unit and the modem to manipulate data con(cid:173)
`figuration between one of the plurality of seismic data
`telemetry conductors and an external device.
`10. The system of claim 1, wherein the switch is further
`adapted to selectively connect control conductors in series.
`11. The system of claim 1, further comprising an electro(cid:173)
`magnetic coil coupled to each of the plurality control
`conductors to communicate with each of the external
`12. A method of controlling an external device external to
`a seismic cable, the external device connected to the cable
`15 through an associated magnetic coil coupling, the cable
`having a seismic data telemetry cable and a control conduc(cid:173)
`tor in communication with the seismic data telemetry cable,
`comprising the steps of:
`a. selectively and reversibly segmenting the control con(cid:173)
`ductor to isolate the external device from all other
`external devices external to and electrically coupled to
`the seismic cable; and
`b. sending a command signal to the external device
`through the seismic data telemetry cable.
`13. The method of claim 12, further comprising the steps
`a. receiving the command signal from the seismic data
`telemetry cable into an asynchronous receiver trans(cid:173)
`mitter in byte form;
`b. configuring the byte form command signal into a serial
`form signal; and
`c. transmitting the serial form signal to an external device
`through a modem.
`14. The method of claim 12, further comprising the steps
`a. receiving a communication signal from an external
`device in serial form;
`b. configuring the serial form signal into byte form; and
`c. transmitting the byte form signal to the seismic data
`telemetry cable.
`15. The method of claim 12, further comprising the step
`45 of selectively and reversibly connecting the segmented
`control conductor in series.
`16. A system for controlling a device external to a seismic
`cable having a seismic data telemetry cable and a control
`conductor in communication with the seismic data telemetry
`cable, the system comprising:
`a. a segmented control conductor which isolates the
`device from other devices external to and electrically
`coupled to the seismic cable; and
`b. means for conducting a command signal to the external
`device from the seismic data telemetry cable.
`17. The system of claim 16 wherein the means for
`conducting a command signal further provides means for
`conducting data from the external device to the seismic data
`telemetry cable.
`18. The system of claim 16 wherein the means for
`conducting a command signal to the external device com(cid:173)
`prises a modem and a universal asynchronous receiver/
`transmitter between the seismic data telemetry cable and the
`external device.
`* * * * *
`Ex. PGS 1031
`Ex. PGS 1030

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