Ex. PGS 1023

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`Ex. PGS 1023
`Ex. PGS 1023

`Nov. 26, 1968
`Filed Nov. 6, 1967
`2 Sheets-Sheet E
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`PAut. L., Bv1..1.. t:-R c
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`Ex. PGS 1023
`Ex. PGS 1023

`United States Patent Office
`Patented Nov. 26, 1968
`Paul L. Buller and William L. Chapman, Ponca City,
`Okla., assignors to Continental Oil Company, Ponca
`City, Okla., a corporation of Delaware
`Filed Nov. 6, 1967, Ser. No. 680,752
`13 Claims. (CI. 114-235)
`Apparatus for remotely adjustable cable depth con(cid:173)
`trol wherein one or more paravanes employed to main(cid:173)
`tain a cable or seismic streamer at a predetermined depth
`are adjustable by means of a remotely energized trans(cid:173)
`mission linkage. A paravane having adjustable diving
`planes connected for positive or negative attack angles,
`and wherein a remotely generated signal transmission is
`detected at the paravane and the detected signal is em(cid:173)
`ployed to energize and to operate depth adjusting struc-
`ture which will respond to a different, predetermined
`ambient water pressure to maintain the paravane at a
`different desired depth.
`Cross reference to re1lated applications
`This invention is particularly suited for use in a para(cid:173)
`vane of the type used on a marine seismic cable, such
`paravane being the particular subject matter of the co(cid:173)
`pending application of Jimmy R. Cole and Paul L. Buller
`entitled, "Seismic Cable Depth Control Apparatus," Ser.
`No. 629,276, filed on Apr. 7, 1967, and assigned to the
`present assignee. Another closely related application is
`that of Jimmy R. Cole entitled "Remotely Controllable
`Pressure Responsive Apparatus," Ser. No. 672,341 filed 35
`on Oct. 2, 1967, and also assigned to the present as-
`provide depth keeping structure for use with paravanes
`which is relatively simple and therefore extremely relia(cid:173)
`ble in operation.
`It is also an object of the invention to pmvide ap-
`5 paratus which enables accurate and continual control of
`the operating depth of a paravane and cable.
`It is a further object of the present invention to pro(cid:173)
`vide apparatus which is remotely actuatable from a ves(cid:173)
`sel or surface position to change the Dperating depth of
`10 the paravane and cable to another different selected
`depth within a wide range of depths.
`Finally, it is an object of the present invention to pro(cid:173)
`vide remotely controllable depth adjusting structure
`which reacts quickly and ruccurately with very little
`15 power requirement.
`Other objects and advantages of the invention will be
`evident from the following detailed description when
`read in conjunction with the accompanying drawings
`which illustrate the invention.
`Brief description of the drawings
`FIG. 1 is a side view of a paravane in vertical section
`showing one form of the invention;
`FIG. 2 depicts one form of controller mechanism which
`25 may be employed in the device of FIG. 1;
`FIG. 3 is a functional block diagram illustrating the
`electrical interconnection within the paravane;
`FIG. 4 is a side view of an alternative form a paravane
`control mechanism having parts shown in partial cutaway;
`30 and
`FIG. 5 is a horizontal section taken in the plane of lines
`5-5 of FIG. 4.
`Description of the preferred embodiment
`Referring to the drawings in detail, FIG. 1 illustrates
`a paravane 10 which is rotatably connected about a cable
`12. The paravane 10 has a central, axial bore 14 through
`which the cable 12 is received, and means (not specifically
`shown) are employed to restrain paravane 10 from sliding
`40 along cable 12 without hindering its ability to rotate freely
`therearound. This allows the cable 12 or streamer to rotate
`inside Df the paravane 10 without causing the paravane 10
`itself to rotate. It is necessary that the paravane 10 main(cid:173)
`tain a normal attitude, i.e., keeping the axis of the diving
`planes horizontal or parallel to the surface of the water
`throughout all maneuvers of the towing vessel.
`The paravane 10 consists of a torpedo-like housing 16
`having an axial, cylindrical wall 18 extending there(cid:173)
`through to form the axial bore 14. The paravane 10 is
`fitted with vertical and horizontal fixed stabilizers 20
`50 which are arranged in quadrature about the after end of
`housing 16, and a pair of horizontally disposed planing
`control shafts 22 and 24 extend outward on opposite sides
`through housing 16. The shafts 22 and 24 are connected
`to respective diving planes 26 and 28 and they are rotata-
`55 ble to impart planing control in a manner which will be
`further described below.
`Various features such as the transverse framing and
`other internal structure of housing 16 are not shown, such
`being the subject matter of the aforementioned related
`60 patent applications. Similarly, the journaling and support
`of shafts 22 and 24 as well as the mounting of internal
`contml chassis would come within the skill of the art.
`Remaining void spaces within the housing 16 may be filled
`with well-known weighting or buoying materials or a
`combination of both to attain a desired buoyancy char(cid:173)
`A pressure responsive device 30 is suitably mounted
`within the cylindrical wall 18 and in a selected position to
`respond to vibratory pressure waves or such. Thus, a pair
`of energizing leads 32 may be extended down through the
`70 cable 12 for connection to a pressure transducer 34 which
`may be suitably imbedded within the cable 12. The trans-
`Background of the invention
`Field of the lnvention.-The invention relates gen(cid:173)
`erally to pressure-responsive actuating devices and, more
`particularly, but not by way of limitation, it relates to an
`improved actuating device in which the operating depth
`of the paravane is remotely adjustable.
`Description of the prior art.-The prior art includes
`various teachings directed to different types of paravanes
`which have adjustable diving plane or planes and which
`provide additional facility to enable operation at a pre(cid:173)
`determined depth when towed through the water. It is
`known to provide mechanism fm assessing the depth of
`operation of a paravane and to attempt to provide for
`automatic plane adjustment in response to such con(cid:173)
`tinuous depth assessment. Various depth control devices
`of varied effectiveness are knDwn, but none of the prior
`art proposals supplies the degree of reliability and ac(cid:173)
`curacy which has been found necessary in the marine
`seismic prospecting art.
`Summary of the invention
`The present invention contemplates a control system
`for one or more depth keeping paravanes having pres(cid:173)
`sure responsive depth control mechanisms integral there(cid:173)
`in. In a more limited aspect, the invention consists of a
`means for remote generation of a control signal which is
`detected at the paravane as a signal representing a degree
`of adjustment. The detected signal is then compared to a
`reference signal derived from ambient water pressure to
`generate a control signal which, in turn, is applied to
`bias or vary the reference setting of the depth control
`mechanism so that it functions about a new, predeter(cid:173)
`mined null point to maintain the paravane or paravanes
`at a newly selected depth.
`Therefore, it is an object of the present invention to
`Ex. PGS 1023
`Ex. PGS 1023

`ducer 34 may be a commercially available form of piezo
`electric device which ·provides a vibrational output in re(cid:173)
`sponse to energization via control leads 32. The vibration
`detector 30 may be a simiiar type of complementing elec(cid:173)
`trical device which responds to the vibrational energy to
`provide an electrical output on a lead 36 for input to an
`amplifier 38. The amplifier 38 is a standard type of A-C
`amplifier which provides an amplified replica of the input
`signal on an output lead 40.
`The voltage on output lead 40 is then conducted to
`control a power relay 42 which applies operating power to
`the system from a power supply 44. The power supply 44
`may be a conventional D-C source such as storage bat(cid:173)
`tery or such which is connected to apply power via a lead
`46 to various components of the system with return
`through ground or common as equipped. This function of
`enabling power application only upon receipt of a con(cid:173)
`trol signal on lead 40 effects a great saving in power and
`extends the life and reliability of power supply 44 accord(cid:173)
`ingly. Thus, power relay 42 can be energized to apply
`energizing power via lead 48 to energize an amplifier 50
`and a control motor 52, return being through ground or
`common in each case. A similar output lead 54 from
`power relay 42 applies power to a pressure responsive
`resistance 56.
`The pressure-responsive resistance 56 may be such as a
`commerciaiiy available type of pressure actuated potenti(cid:173)
`ometer having its wiper contact 58 connected for propor(cid:173)
`tional movement by means of a linkage 60 connected to a
`diaphragm 62 affixed in contact with the water surrounds.
`Thus, the resistance element 56 is connected between the
`power lead 54 and ground or common, and external water
`pressure exerts proportional movement through diaphragm
`62 and linkage 60 to tap off a predetermined voltage
`through wiper contact 58 for input via lead 64 to ampli(cid:173)
`fier 50. A paraiiel branch of output lead 40 from amplifier
`38 is also applied through a conventional frequency-to(cid:173)
`voltage converter 65 to an input of amplifier 50. Thus, the
`amplifier 50, a D-C amplifier or conventional form of
`differential amplifier, provides a control signal output on
`a lead 66 to energize a control winding 68 to control rota(cid:173)
`tion of motor 52, as will be further described.
`The rotational output from motor 52 is transmitted on
`a mechanical linkage 70 to operate a suitable controller
`mechanism 72. The controiier mechanism 72 then con(cid:173)
`verts the rotational input on linkage 70 to a proportional
`rotational movement of plane shafts 22 and 24 in con(cid:173)
`cert. The controiier mechanism 72 may be any of various
`controiier mechanisms which have been described in the
`aforementioned copending applications as well as in an
`additional related application entitled "Compressed Air,
`Pressure-Sensing Actuator," Ser. No. 635,861 filed on
`May 3, 1967, in the name of Chapman and assigned to
`the present assignee.
`FIG. 2 shows an exemplary form of controller mech(cid:173)
`anism 72 which will serve to provide the continual depth
`keeping function as well as to enable remotely controiiable
`adjustment of the reference operation point. Thus, a cyl(cid:173)
`inder 74 is suitably positioned within the housing 16, here
`shown as a lower portion of housing 16, and one end 76 is
`connected to communicate through a tube or hose 78 and
`through orifice SO to the external surrounds of the housing
`16. Thus, water at ambient pressure is allowed to fiii a
`chamber 82 to exert force on a piston 84 which is slidably
`moveable within cylinder 74 in sealed relationship. The
`piston 84 extends a piston shaft 86 having a coupling 88
`out through an opposite end 90 of cylinder 74; here.again,
`slidable but sealed connection is made between end wall
`90 and piston shaft 86 such that a chamber 92 may contain
`a predetermined air pressure which counteracts water pres(cid:173)
`sure within chamber 82.
`Piston shaft 86 is movably connected to a lever 94
`which, in turn, is rigidly connected to the diving plane
`shaft 22. Thus, it can be seen that pressure differentials as
`between water pressure in chamber 82 and air pressure in
`chamber 92 will cause a longitudinal movement of piston
`84 and this will then exert an angular movement of lever
`94 about the axis or shaft 22 and the diving plane 26 is
`moved accordingly. Similarly, shaft 24 and diving plane
`5 26 (FIG. 1) would be moved through an equal angular
`The air pressure within chamber 92 can be varied to
`set the reference point or desired depth about which the
`controiier mechanism 72 will tend to stabilize. This may
`10 be varied by energizing the motor 52 in one direction :or
`the other such that the appropriate rotational motion on
`linkage 70 operates a water pump 96, e.g., a conventional
`gear-type pump, to vary the pressure within the chamber
`92. That is, pump 96 communicates from the external
`15 surrounds through an orifice 98 and tube 100, and its
`other end is connected through a tube 102 in communi(cid:173)
`cation with chamber 92. The chamber 92 will contain
`some partial amount of water in accordance with initial
`calibration and then the pump 96 can be energized in one
`20 direction or the other to pump in or remove water from
`within the chamber 92 so that it increases or decreases,
`respectively, the air pressure therewithin.
`It should also be understood that the controller mechan(cid:173)
`ism disclosed in the aforementioned copending applica-
`25 tion, Ser. No. 672,341, entitled "Remotely Controiiable
`Pressure Responsive Apparatus," may also be directly
`controlled by the remote actuation apparatus of the pres(cid:173)
`ent invention. This application would allow direct motor
`control over the spring bias type of depth reference
`30 setting as used in that particular controller mechanism.
`Referring now to FIG. 3, a command signal input as
`derived from detector 30 through amplifier 38 may be
`represented as a constant frequency, A-C voltage Ep. The
`voltage Ep may be further represented as A sin (wt)
`35 wherein A is the amplitude and sin (wt) represents fre(cid:173)
`quency with w equal to the radians per second. The com(cid:173)
`mand voltage Ep is then applied to the frequency-to-volt(cid:173)
`age converter 65 to derive a D-C voltage signal having an
`amplitude representative of the particular frequency .of
`40 the A-C command voltage Ep. Thus, the D-C output volt(cid:173)
`age V is equal to amplitude A as varied in proportion to
`w, the radians per second characteristic. There is various
`well-known circuity which may be employed as the fre(cid:173)
`quency-to-voltage converter stage 65, e.g. a Schmitt
`trigger circuit operating into an integrator is one suitable
`45 form of circuit, or a series diode-capacitor network with
`hold and smooth integrating circuitry.
`A reference voltage Vp is also derived from wiper out(cid:173)
`put 58 of the pressure responsive variable resistor 56.
`The positive voltage is supplied from lead 54 across the
`50 resistance element 56 and either the voltage or the resist(cid:173)
`ai)ce may be adjusted to properly calibrate the pressure(cid:173)
`responsive resistance 56 for use as a reference element.
`The diaphragm 62 adjusts the position of wiper 58 and
`therefore the amount of reference voltage Vp which may
`55 be represented as the product (ky), k being a calibration
`constant and y ·being the actual depth variable. Thus, the
`instantaneous depth of the paravane is represented by the
`voltage V P for comparison with the command voltage V
`and a difference correction voltage is derived therefrom.
`The reference voltage V P on lead 64 and the voltage V
`on lead 55 are applied to respective inputs of power ampli(cid:173)
`fier 50, e.g. a differential amplifier, and its output on lead
`66 represents a control voltage V0 which is equal to k
`(V-Np), k being the calibration constant. This voltage
`65 difference indication, the V0 control voltage, represents
`a quantity of correction which must be introduced into
`the paravane control system in order to bring it from its
`actual operating depth to a newly selected depth as sig-
`70 nailed from the surface or remote position.
`In operation, the paravane 10 may be trailed in the
`water such that it will keep a predetermined depth due
`to the action of controller mechanism 72 (FIG. 2). An
`adjustment of the air pressure in chamber 92 will pro-
`75 vide depth adjustment since a preset air pressure will
`Ex. PGS 1023
`Ex. PGS 1023

`provide the proper amount of countering force against
`the ambient water pressure present in chamber 82 to main(cid:173)
`tain diving plane 26 and 28 in a horizontal attack angle.
`Thereafter, if for some reason the paravane 10 goes to
`a greater depth, an ipcreased water pressure is appa:rent
`in chamber 82 to move piston 84, compressing chamber
`92, the piston •shaft 86 se:rving to rotate lever 94 and diving
`plane shaft 22 to move diving planes 26 (and 28) in a
`clockwise direction. The new attack angle then serves
`to bring tl1e paravane 10 back to its proper depth.
`In the same manner, paravane 10 rising in the water
`causes a reduced pressure in water chamber 82 to allow
`piston 84 to move in the opposite direction such that
`lever 94 is turned in a manner whereby diving planes 26
`(and 28) are canted forward (counterclockwise) to cause
`paravane 10 to seek a lower depth. The paravane 10 will
`continue to travel at the present depth in self-correcting
`manner, the preset depth being the function of the pres(cid:173)
`sure within chamber 92. The continual corrective func(cid:173)
`tions take place in direct proportion to the pressure dif(cid:173)
`ferential across piston 84 between chambers 82 and 92.
`The operating depth of paravane 10 may then be
`changed by initiating a signal from the surface or such
`other remote position. This may be done by energization of
`leads 32 in cable 12 to pulse the pressure transducer 34
`into vibration at a selected, constant frequency. The se(cid:173)
`lection and range of frequency is a matter of choice, how(cid:173)
`ever, it is contemplated to employ a signal having a fre(cid:173)
`quency from 500 to 5,000 cycles per second, whereby a
`depth of 5 feet could be represented as 500 cycles per 30
`second and so on up to a depth of 100 feet as represented
`by 5,000 cycles per second. Thus, transducer 34 will pulse
`or provide a pressure output at some frequency which
`is indicative of a preset operating depth.
`The detector 30 then picks up the virbational pressure
`effects and pmvides an A-C signal for amplification in
`amplifier 38. The A-C voltage is then applied via lead 40
`to carry out its dual function. First, the A-C voltage is used
`to energize a power relay 42 ·which applies energizing
`power from power supply 44 to the output power ampli(cid:173)
`fier 50 as well as to the pressure-responsive resistance de(cid:173)
`vice 56. Second, the A-C voltage is conducted through a
`frequency-to-voltage converter 65 to derive a D-C voltage
`having an amplitude value which is indicative of the de(cid:173)
`sired new operating depth.
`The D-C voltage from frequency-to-voltage converter
`65 is applied to one input of a differential power amplifier
`50, and another D-C input on lead 64 is derived from the
`pressure-responsive resistor 56 which indicates the actual
`depth. Thus, differential amplifier 50 will provide a cor(cid:173)
`rection or control voltage output .on lead 66 which is a dif(cid:173)
`ference between the actual depth reference voltage V P and
`the new depth or command D-C voltage V.
`The control voltage V 0 output from amplifier 50 can
`then be employed to energize drive motor 52 such that it
`controls the controller mechanism 72 to drive the para(cid:173)
`vane 10 to its new depth. Thereafter, paravane 10 will
`follow or control about the new depth setting.
`Referring to FIG. 2, the motor 52 may be controlled to
`rotate in one direction or the other, depending upon the
`polarity of the control voltage V 0 , to rotate pump 96 so
`that it pumps water into the air ·chamber 92 or removes
`existing water therefrom, either function tending to vary
`the pressure in chamber 92 thereby to change the oper(cid:173)
`ating depth point. In the event that it was desired to set
`the paravane 10 to a deeper operating depth, motor 52
`and pump 96 would function to pump water into chamber
`92 to raise the pressure therein to provide counter-balance
`of increased water pressure in chamber 82 due to the
`increased depth. Similarly, in the event that the newly
`selected depth were more shallow, motor 52 and pump
`96 would function to remove water from within cham(cid:173)
`ber 92 to allow centering of piston 84 in counteraction
`of deceased pressure within chamber 82.
`Alternative structure
`FIGS. 4 and 5 illustrate a variation in the construction
`of the controller mechanism which may be employed in
`paravane 10. The electronic circuitry remains the same
`5 except that the output control voltage V 0 from amplifier
`50 is employed to control a solenoid 110 rather than an
`electric motor. In this alternative, a pair of tube-like
`passages 112 and 114 are formed along the length of
`paravane 10, preferably near the bottom and in sym-
`10 metrical disposition. The passages 112 and 114 are each
`adapted to receive respective valve gates 116 and 118 in
`sealing relationship therethrough. The gates 116 and 118
`are disposed to halfway close each of passages 112 and
`114 when in their normal positions. Gates 116 and 118
`15 are each separately controllable by such as a linear
`solenoid 110 to close one or the other passages 112 or
`The after end of passages 112 and 114 include similarly
`shaped housings 120 and 122 which contain respective
`20 water wheels 124 and 126 therein as disposed in rotatable
`relationship. The water wheel 124 is connected to an
`axle 128 and disposed relatively above the passage 112
`so that water flowing rearwardly therethrough will rotate
`gear wheel 124 and axle 128 to drive a water pump 130,
`25 e.g. a gear-type water pump, in a first rotational direction.
`The opposite gear wheel 126 is connected to drive into
`an axle 132 and is disposed relatively lower than the
`passage 114 such that an opposite rotation may be ap-
`plied to pump 130.
`Pump 130 is connected to the external surrounds via
`a tube 134, and its other or alternate opening is connected
`through a conduit 136 to the air chamber 92 of a cylinder
`74 similar to that of FIG. 2.
`The operation of paravane 10 with the alternative
`35 structure is similar to the FIG. 1 device in the quiescent
`operation or the depth keeping action which functions to
`keep the paravane 10 at a preset depth. The alternative
`structure provides a mechanism whereby the operating
`depth may be changed from a remote position. Thus,
`40 initiation of a control pressure pulse from pressure gener(cid:173)
`ator 34 and cable 12 initiates conduction of an A-C
`signal through amplifier 38 and, in the usual manner, a
`new D-C voltage on lead 55 and an actual depth voltage
`V P on lead 64 are compared to ~eri~e a control volta~e
`45 V 0 output signal on lead 66. This Signal on lead 66 IS
`then applied to control solenoid 110 to move the gates
`116 and 118 in one direction or the other such that one
`of the passages 112 or 114 will be closed. The selective
`closure of passages 112 and 114 serves to impart water
`50 power to one of the oppositely rotatable ·gear wheels 124
`or 126 and this serves to drive pump 130 either to put
`water into the air chamber 92 or to remove water there(cid:173)
`from. This variation of air pressure within chamber 92
`then determines the operating depth in the same manner
`55 as described for the FIG. 1 embodiment.
`It should be understood that transmission of depth
`change command may be effected by various means other
`than that specifically designated, i.e., transmitting means
`wherein the tow cable contains actuating wires and pres-
`60 sure transducers. For example, command actuation may
`be effected by means of magnetostrictively induced pres(cid:173)
`sure pulses traveling through the water, pressure pulses
`of predetermined frequency as employed, for example,
`in Pathometer practice. Still other forms of wireless com-
`65 mand communication may be effected such as those uti(cid:173)
`lizing selected frequencies of sonic energy, electromag(cid:173)
`netic energy, etc.
`The foregoing discloses a novel paravane control
`scheme which allows the changing of the paravane oper-
`70 ating depth from a remote location without the necessity
`for pulling in or otherwise approaching the seismic cable
`or streamer, the paravane thereafter functioning to keep
`the selected depth. That is, a depth control mechanism
`aboard the paravane will function automatically to keep
`the paravane at a preset depth, and this preset depth can
`Ex. PGS 1023
`Ex. PGS 1023

`be varied in whatever the selected increments from a
`remote location. The remote selection is conveyed by
`suitable energy transmission and detection at the para(cid:173)
`vane and the remote control device onboard the paravane
`functions with very low power consumption to change 5
`the preset depth. The paravane includes a self-contained
`power supply for energizing the onboard functions and
`such power supply may be of relatively small size yet
`long-life due to the periodic, low power requirement of
`What is claimed is:
`1. A device for remotely adjustable control of a para(cid:173)
`vane having movable diving planes, comprising:
`means for generating a vibratory pressure signal of
`predetermined frequency;
`detector means disposed in said paravane and generat(cid:173)
`ing a first electrical signal output proportional to
`said predetermined frequency in response to detec(cid:173)
`tion of said vibratory pressure signal;
`pressure responsive means disposed in said paravane 20
`and generating a second electrical signal output in
`response to the ambient water pressure;
`means receiving said first and second electrical signals
`and generating a control signal output in response
`including reference pressure
`controller mechanism
`means, said mechanism controlling said diving planes
`to maintain the paravane at a predetermined depth
`at which said reference pressure counteracts said
`ambient water pressure; and
`control means energized by said control signal to vary
`said reference pressure and said predetermined depth
`in proportion thereto.
`2. A device as set forth in claim 1 wherein said detector
`means comprises:
`piezoelectric means receiving said vibratory pressure
`signal in the environment of said paravane and pro(cid:173)
`ducing a reference output signal; and
`frequency-to-voltage converter means for receiving said
`reference signal and providing said first signal out- 40
`3. A device as set forth in claim 2 which is further
`characterized to include:
`a power source disposed in said paravane; and
`power relay means energized by said reference output 45
`signal to connect said power source for energization
`of said pressure responsive means and said means
`generating a control signal output.
`4. A device as set forth in claim 3 wherein said pres(cid:173)
`sure responsive means comprises:
`variable resistance means including a wiper output
`and being energized by said power source;
`diaphragm means disposed on said paravane for dis(cid:173)
`tortion in accordance with said ambient pressure;
`linkage means connecting said resistance means wiper
`and said diaphragm means such that said second sig-
`nal output appears at said wiper output in propor(cid:173)
`tion to the ambient pressure.
`5. A device as set forth in claim 1 wherein said control 60
`means comprises:
`motor means providing rotational output; and
`means receiving said rotational output and varying said
`reference pressure means in proportion thereto.
`6. A device as set forth in claim 1 wherein said control 65
`means 'COmprises:
`first and second tubular passages extending through
`the length of said paravane;
`pump means connected to said reference pressure means
`in said controller mechanism;
`first and second water wheels disposed in said first and
`second passages, said first water wheel being dis(cid:173)
`posed therein to impart clockwise rotation with re(cid:173)
`spect to said pump means in response to water pass(cid:173)
`ing through said first passage, said second water 7 5
`wheel being disposed in said passage to impart coun(cid:173)
`terclockwise rotation with respect to said pump means
`in response to water passing through said second
`first and se,cond shaft members connecting the rotation
`of respective first and second water wheels into said
`pump means;
`first and second gate valve means each normally dis(cid:173)
`posed to extend part way across respective first and
`second passages; and
`solenoid means controlled by said control signal to slide
`said first and second gate valve means reciprocally
`to enable water passage through one or the other of
`said first and second passages.
`7. A device as set forth in claim 5 wherein said detector
`means comprises:
`piezoelectric means receiving said vibratory pressure
`signal in the environment of said paravane and pro(cid:173)
`ducing a reference output signal; and
`frequency-to-voltage converter means for receiving said
`reference signal and providing said first signal out(cid:173)
`8. The device as set forth in claim 6 wherein said de(cid:173)
`tector means comprises:
`piezoelectric means receiving said vibratory pressure
`signal in the environment of said paravane and pro(cid:173)
`ducing a reference output signal; and
`frequency-to-voltage converter means for receiving said
`reference signal and providing said first signal out(cid:173)
`9. In combination with a depth-keeping paravane hav(cid:173)
`ing movable diving planes which are continuously respon(cid:173)
`sive to controller mechanism which maintains a prede(cid:173)
`termined depth equal to a null point in pressure differen-
`35 tial as between a reference pressure container in counter(cid:173)
`active disposition to ambient water pressure, a remote
`control depth adjustment device comprising:
`means actuated from a remote position to transmit en(cid:173)
`ergy having characteristic indi~ation representing a
`selected operating depth;
`detector means disposed on said paravane for receiv(cid:173)
`ing said transmitted energy and 'providing a first elec(cid:173)
`trical output signal indicative of said operating depth;
`pressure responsive means disposed in said paravane
`and generating a second electrical signal in response
`to the ambient water pressure;
`means receiving said first and second electrical signals
`and generating a control signal output in response
`thereto; and
`control means energized by said control signal to vary
`said reference pressure such that a newly selected
`null point in differential pressure will result thereby to
`cause said controller mechanism to maintain said
`para vane at a predetermined new depth.
`10. The depth adjustment device as set forth in claim 9
`wherein said control means comprises:
`pump means connected for reversible pumping of water
`between said reference pressure container and the
`ambient water surrounds; and
`drive means energized by said control signal to impart
`reversible pumping action to said pump means.
`11. The depth adjustment device as set forth in claim
`10 wherein said drive means comprises:
`an electrical motor energized by said control signal
`to provide reversible output rotation in response
`12. The depth adjustment device as set forth in claim
`10 wherein said drive means comprises:
`first and second rotary means for generating first and
`second opposite rotational movements in response
`to relative movement between said paravane and said
`ambient water; and
`shaft means connected to said rotary means for cou(cid:173)
`pling said first and second opposite rotational move(cid:173)
`ments to drive said pump means.
`Ex. PGS 1023
`Ex. PGS 1023

`13. The depth adjustment device as set forth in claim 12
`wherein said first and second rotary means comprise:
`first and second tubular passages extending through
`said paravane in line with ambient water flow;
`first and second gate valve means each disposed to par-
`tially cl

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